<param name="report" type="boolean" _gui-text="Report this triangle's properties"></param>
<page name="Help" _gui-text="Help">
<_param name="instructions" type="description" xml:space="preserve">This extension draws constructions about a triangle defined by the first 3 nodes of a selected path. You may select one of preset objects or create your own ones.
All units are the Inkscape's pixel unit. Angles are all in radians.
You can specify a point by trilinear coordinates or by a triangle centre function.
Enter as functions of the side length or angles.
Trilinear elements should be separated by a colon: ':'.
Side lengths are represented as 's_a', 's_b' and 's_c'.
Angles corresponding to these are 'a_a', 'a_b', and 'a_c'.
You can also use the semi-perimeter and area of the triangle as constants. Write 'area' or 'semiperim' for these.
Also available are the inverse trigonometric functions:
sec(x); csc(x); cot(x)
You can specify the radius of a circle around a custom point using a formula, which may also contain the side lengths, angles, etc. You can also plot the isogonal and isotomic conjugate of the point. Be aware that this may cause a divide-by-zero error for certain points.