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- """
- Aliases for functions which may be accelerated by Scipy.
- Scipy_ can be built to use accelerated or otherwise improved libraries
- for FFTs, linear algebra, and special functions. This module allows
- developers to transparently support these accelerated functions when
- scipy is available but still support users who have only installed
- Numpy.
- .. _Scipy : http://www.scipy.org
- """
- # This module should be used for functions both in numpy and scipy if
- # you want to use the numpy version if available but the scipy version
- # otherwise.
- # Usage --- from numpy.dual import fft, inv
- __all__ = ['fft','ifft','fftn','ifftn','fft2','ifft2',
- 'norm','inv','svd','solve','det','eig','eigvals',
- 'eigh','eigvalsh','lstsq', 'pinv','cholesky','i0']
- import numpy.linalg as linpkg
- import numpy.fft as fftpkg
- from numpy.lib import i0
- import sys
- fft = fftpkg.fft
- ifft = fftpkg.ifft
- fftn = fftpkg.fftn
- ifftn = fftpkg.ifftn
- fft2 = fftpkg.fft2
- ifft2 = fftpkg.ifft2
- norm = linpkg.norm
- inv = linpkg.inv
- svd = linpkg.svd
- solve = linpkg.solve
- det = linpkg.det
- eig = linpkg.eig
- eigvals = linpkg.eigvals
- eigh = linpkg.eigh
- eigvalsh = linpkg.eigvalsh
- lstsq = linpkg.lstsq
- pinv = linpkg.pinv
- cholesky = linpkg.cholesky
- _restore_dict = {}
- def register_func(name, func):
- if name not in __all__:
- raise ValueError, "%s not a dual function." % name
- f = sys._getframe(0).f_globals
- _restore_dict[name] = f[name]
- f[name] = func
- def restore_func(name):
- if name not in __all__:
- raise ValueError, "%s not a dual function." % name
- try:
- val = _restore_dict[name]
- except KeyError:
- return
- else:
- sys._getframe(0).f_globals[name] = val
- def restore_all():
- for name in _restore_dict.keys():
- restore_func(name)