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- #
- # The Python Imaging Library.
- # $Id: TiffImagePlugin.py 2803 2006-07-31 19:18:57Z fredrik $
- #
- # TIFF file handling
- #
- # TIFF is a flexible, if somewhat aged, image file format originally
- # defined by Aldus. Although TIFF supports a wide variety of pixel
- # layouts and compression methods, the name doesn't really stand for
- # "thousands of incompatible file formats," it just feels that way.
- #
- # To read TIFF data from a stream, the stream must be seekable. For
- # progressive decoding, make sure to use TIFF files where the tag
- # directory is placed first in the file.
- #
- # History:
- # 1995-09-01 fl Created
- # 1996-05-04 fl Handle JPEGTABLES tag
- # 1996-05-18 fl Fixed COLORMAP support
- # 1997-01-05 fl Fixed PREDICTOR support
- # 1997-08-27 fl Added support for rational tags (from Perry Stoll)
- # 1998-01-10 fl Fixed seek/tell (from Jan Blom)
- # 1998-07-15 fl Use private names for internal variables
- # 1999-06-13 fl Rewritten for PIL 1.0 (1.0)
- # 2000-10-11 fl Additional fixes for Python 2.0 (1.1)
- # 2001-04-17 fl Fixed rewind support (seek to frame 0) (1.2)
- # 2001-05-12 fl Added write support for more tags (from Greg Couch) (1.3)
- # 2001-12-18 fl Added workaround for broken Matrox library
- # 2002-01-18 fl Don't mess up if photometric tag is missing (D. Alan Stewart)
- # 2003-05-19 fl Check FILLORDER tag
- # 2003-09-26 fl Added RGBa support
- # 2004-02-24 fl Added DPI support; fixed rational write support
- # 2005-02-07 fl Added workaround for broken Corel Draw 10 files
- # 2006-01-09 fl Added support for float/double tags (from Russell Nelson)
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1997-2006 by Secret Labs AB. All rights reserved.
- # Copyright (c) 1995-1997 by Fredrik Lundh
- #
- # See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
- #
- __version__ = "1.3.5"
- import Image, ImageFile
- import ImagePalette
- import array, string, sys
- try:
- if sys.byteorder == "little":
- byteorder = "II"
- else:
- byteorder = "MM"
- except AttributeError:
- if ord(array.array("i",[1]).tostring()[0]):
- byteorder = "II"
- else:
- byteorder = "MM"
- #
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Read TIFF files
- def il16(c,o=0):
- return ord(c[o]) + (ord(c[o+1])<<8)
- def il32(c,o=0):
- return ord(c[o]) + (ord(c[o+1])<<8) + (ord(c[o+2])<<16) + (ord(c[o+3])<<24)
- def ol16(i):
- return chr(i&255) + chr(i>>8&255)
- def ol32(i):
- return chr(i&255) + chr(i>>8&255) + chr(i>>16&255) + chr(i>>24&255)
- def ib16(c,o=0):
- return ord(c[o+1]) + (ord(c[o])<<8)
- def ib32(c,o=0):
- return ord(c[o+3]) + (ord(c[o+2])<<8) + (ord(c[o+1])<<16) + (ord(c[o])<<24)
- # a few tag names, just to make the code below a bit more readable
- SOFTWARE = 305
- DATE_TIME = 306
- ARTIST = 315
- COLORMAP = 320
- COPYRIGHT = 33432
- IPTC_NAA_CHUNK = 33723 # newsphoto properties
- PHOTOSHOP_CHUNK = 34377 # photoshop properties
- # Compression => pil compression name
- 1: "raw",
- 2: "tiff_ccitt",
- 3: "group3",
- 4: "group4",
- 5: "tiff_lzw",
- 6: "tiff_jpeg", # obsolete
- 7: "jpeg",
- 32771: "tiff_raw_16", # 16-bit padding
- 32773: "packbits"
- }
- # (PhotoInterpretation, SampleFormat, FillOrder, BitsPerSample,
- # ExtraSamples) => mode, rawmode
- (0, 1, 1, (1,), ()): ("1", "1;I"),
- (0, 1, 2, (1,), ()): ("1", "1;IR"),
- (0, 1, 1, (8,), ()): ("L", "L;I"),
- (0, 1, 2, (8,), ()): ("L", "L;IR"),
- (1, 1, 1, (1,), ()): ("1", "1"),
- (1, 1, 2, (1,), ()): ("1", "1;R"),
- (1, 1, 1, (8,), ()): ("L", "L"),
- (1, 1, 1, (8,8), (2,)): ("LA", "LA"),
- (1, 1, 2, (8,), ()): ("L", "L;R"),
- (1, 1, 1, (16,), ()): ("I;16", "I;16"),
- (1, 2, 1, (16,), ()): ("I;16S", "I;16S"),
- (1, 2, 1, (32,), ()): ("I", "I;32S"),
- (1, 3, 1, (32,), ()): ("F", "F;32F"),
- (2, 1, 1, (8,8,8), ()): ("RGB", "RGB"),
- (2, 1, 2, (8,8,8), ()): ("RGB", "RGB;R"),
- (2, 1, 1, (8,8,8,8), (0,)): ("RGBX", "RGBX"),
- (2, 1, 1, (8,8,8,8), (1,)): ("RGBA", "RGBa"),
- (2, 1, 1, (8,8,8,8), (2,)): ("RGBA", "RGBA"),
- (2, 1, 1, (8,8,8,8), (999,)): ("RGBA", "RGBA"), # corel draw 10
- (3, 1, 1, (1,), ()): ("P", "P;1"),
- (3, 1, 2, (1,), ()): ("P", "P;1R"),
- (3, 1, 1, (2,), ()): ("P", "P;2"),
- (3, 1, 2, (2,), ()): ("P", "P;2R"),
- (3, 1, 1, (4,), ()): ("P", "P;4"),
- (3, 1, 2, (4,), ()): ("P", "P;4R"),
- (3, 1, 1, (8,), ()): ("P", "P"),
- (3, 1, 1, (8,8), (2,)): ("PA", "PA"),
- (3, 1, 2, (8,), ()): ("P", "P;R"),
- (5, 1, 1, (8,8,8,8), ()): ("CMYK", "CMYK"),
- (6, 1, 1, (8,8,8), ()): ("YCbCr", "YCbCr"),
- (8, 1, 1, (8,8,8), ()): ("LAB", "LAB"),
- }
- PREFIXES = ["MM\000\052", "II\052\000", "II\xBC\000"]
- def _accept(prefix):
- return prefix[:4] in PREFIXES
- ##
- # Wrapper for TIFF IFDs.
- class ImageFileDirectory:
- # represents a TIFF tag directory. to speed things up,
- # we don't decode tags unless they're asked for.
- def __init__(self, prefix="II"):
- self.prefix = prefix[:2]
- if self.prefix == "MM":
- self.i16, self.i32 = ib16, ib32
- # FIXME: save doesn't yet support big-endian mode...
- elif self.prefix == "II":
- self.i16, self.i32 = il16, il32
- self.o16, self.o32 = ol16, ol32
- else:
- raise SyntaxError("not a TIFF IFD")
- self.reset()
- def reset(self):
- self.tags = {}
- self.tagdata = {}
- self.next = None
- # dictionary API (sort of)
- def keys(self):
- return self.tagdata.keys() + self.tags.keys()
- def items(self):
- items = self.tags.items()
- for tag in self.tagdata.keys():
- items.append((tag, self[tag]))
- return items
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self.tagdata) + len(self.tags)
- def __getitem__(self, tag):
- try:
- return self.tags[tag]
- except KeyError:
- type, data = self.tagdata[tag] # unpack on the fly
- size, handler = self.load_dispatch[type]
- self.tags[tag] = data = handler(self, data)
- del self.tagdata[tag]
- return data
- def get(self, tag, default=None):
- try:
- return self[tag]
- except KeyError:
- return default
- def getscalar(self, tag, default=None):
- try:
- value = self[tag]
- if len(value) != 1:
- if tag == SAMPLEFORMAT:
- # work around broken (?) matrox library
- # (from Ted Wright, via Bob Klimek)
- raise KeyError # use default
- raise ValueError, "not a scalar"
- return value[0]
- except KeyError:
- if default is None:
- raise
- return default
- def has_key(self, tag):
- return self.tags.has_key(tag) or self.tagdata.has_key(tag)
- def __setitem__(self, tag, value):
- if type(value) is not type(()):
- value = (value,)
- self.tags[tag] = value
- # load primitives
- load_dispatch = {}
- def load_byte(self, data):
- l = []
- for i in range(len(data)):
- l.append(ord(data[i]))
- return tuple(l)
- load_dispatch[1] = (1, load_byte)
- def load_string(self, data):
- if data[-1:] == '\0':
- data = data[:-1]
- return data
- load_dispatch[2] = (1, load_string)
- def load_short(self, data):
- l = []
- for i in range(0, len(data), 2):
- l.append(self.i16(data, i))
- return tuple(l)
- load_dispatch[3] = (2, load_short)
- def load_long(self, data):
- l = []
- for i in range(0, len(data), 4):
- l.append(self.i32(data, i))
- return tuple(l)
- load_dispatch[4] = (4, load_long)
- def load_rational(self, data):
- l = []
- for i in range(0, len(data), 8):
- l.append((self.i32(data, i), self.i32(data, i+4)))
- return tuple(l)
- load_dispatch[5] = (8, load_rational)
- def load_float(self, data):
- a = array.array("f", data)
- if self.prefix != byteorder:
- a.byteswap()
- return tuple(a)
- load_dispatch[11] = (4, load_float)
- def load_double(self, data):
- a = array.array("d", data)
- if self.prefix != byteorder:
- a.byteswap()
- return tuple(a)
- load_dispatch[12] = (8, load_double)
- def load_undefined(self, data):
- # Untyped data
- return data
- load_dispatch[7] = (1, load_undefined)
- def load(self, fp):
- # load tag dictionary
- self.reset()
- i16 = self.i16
- i32 = self.i32
- for i in range(i16(fp.read(2))):
- ifd = fp.read(12)
- tag, typ = i16(ifd), i16(ifd, 2)
- if Image.DEBUG:
- import TiffTags
- tagname = TiffTags.TAGS.get(tag, "unknown")
- typname = TiffTags.TYPES.get(typ, "unknown")
- print "tag: %s (%d)" % (tagname, tag),
- print "- type: %s (%d)" % (typname, typ),
- try:
- dispatch = self.load_dispatch[typ]
- except KeyError:
- if Image.DEBUG:
- print "- unsupported type", typ
- continue # ignore unsupported type
- size, handler = dispatch
- size = size * i32(ifd, 4)
- # Get and expand tag value
- if size > 4:
- here = fp.tell()
- fp.seek(i32(ifd, 8))
- data = ImageFile._safe_read(fp, size)
- fp.seek(here)
- else:
- data = ifd[8:8+size]
- if len(data) != size:
- raise IOError, "not enough data"
- self.tagdata[tag] = typ, data
- if Image.DEBUG:
- print "- value: <table: %d bytes>" % size
- else:
- print "- value:", self[tag]
- self.next = i32(fp.read(4))
- # save primitives
- def save(self, fp):
- o16 = self.o16
- o32 = self.o32
- fp.write(o16(len(self.tags)))
- # always write in ascending tag order
- tags = self.tags.items()
- tags.sort()
- directory = []
- append = directory.append
- offset = fp.tell() + len(self.tags) * 12 + 4
- stripoffsets = None
- # pass 1: convert tags to binary format
- for tag, value in tags:
- if Image.DEBUG:
- import TiffTags
- tagname = TiffTags.TAGS.get(tag, "unknown")
- print "save: %s (%d)" % (tagname, tag),
- print "- value:", value
- if type(value[0]) is type(""):
- # string data
- typ = 2
- data = value = string.join(value, "\0") + "\0"
- else:
- # integer data
- if tag == STRIPOFFSETS:
- stripoffsets = len(directory)
- typ = 4 # to avoid catch-22
- # identify rational data fields
- typ = 5
- else:
- typ = 3
- for v in value:
- if v >= 65536:
- typ = 4
- if typ == 3:
- data = string.join(map(o16, value), "")
- else:
- data = string.join(map(o32, value), "")
- # figure out if data fits into the directory
- if len(data) == 4:
- append((tag, typ, len(value), data, ""))
- elif len(data) < 4:
- append((tag, typ, len(value), data + (4-len(data))*"\0", ""))
- else:
- count = len(value)
- if typ == 5:
- count = count / 2 # adjust for rational data field
- append((tag, typ, count, o32(offset), data))
- offset = offset + len(data)
- if offset & 1:
- offset = offset + 1 # word padding
- # update strip offset data to point beyond auxiliary data
- if stripoffsets is not None:
- tag, typ, count, value, data = directory[stripoffsets]
- assert not data, "multistrip support not yet implemented"
- value = o32(self.i32(value) + offset)
- directory[stripoffsets] = tag, typ, count, value, data
- # pass 2: write directory to file
- for tag, typ, count, value, data in directory:
- if Image.DEBUG > 1:
- print tag, typ, count, repr(value), repr(data)
- fp.write(o16(tag) + o16(typ) + o32(count) + value)
- fp.write("\0\0\0\0") # end of directory
- # pass 3: write auxiliary data to file
- for tag, typ, count, value, data in directory:
- fp.write(data)
- if len(data) & 1:
- fp.write("\0")
- return offset
- ##
- # Image plugin for TIFF files.
- class TiffImageFile(ImageFile.ImageFile):
- format = "TIFF"
- format_description = "Adobe TIFF"
- def _open(self):
- "Open the first image in a TIFF file"
- # Header
- ifh = self.fp.read(8)
- if ifh[:4] not in PREFIXES:
- raise SyntaxError, "not a TIFF file"
- # image file directory (tag dictionary)
- self.tag = self.ifd = ImageFileDirectory(ifh[:2])
- # setup frame pointers
- self.__first = self.__next = self.ifd.i32(ifh, 4)
- self.__frame = -1
- self.__fp = self.fp
- # and load the first frame
- self._seek(0)
- def seek(self, frame):
- "Select a given frame as current image"
- if frame < 0:
- frame = 0
- self._seek(frame)
- def tell(self):
- "Return the current frame number"
- return self._tell()
- def _seek(self, frame):
- self.fp = self.__fp
- if frame < self.__frame:
- # rewind file
- self.__frame = -1
- self.__next = self.__first
- while self.__frame < frame:
- if not self.__next:
- raise EOFError, "no more images in TIFF file"
- self.fp.seek(self.__next)
- self.tag.load(self.fp)
- self.__next = self.tag.next
- self.__frame = self.__frame + 1
- self._setup()
- def _tell(self):
- return self.__frame
- def _decoder(self, rawmode, layer):
- "Setup decoder contexts"
- args = None
- if rawmode == "RGB" and self._planar_configuration == 2:
- rawmode = rawmode[layer]
- compression = self._compression
- if compression == "raw":
- args = (rawmode, 0, 1)
- elif compression == "jpeg":
- args = rawmode, ""
- if self.tag.has_key(JPEGTABLES):
- # Hack to handle abbreviated JPEG headers
- self.tile_prefix = self.tag[JPEGTABLES]
- elif compression == "packbits":
- args = rawmode
- elif compression == "tiff_lzw":
- args = rawmode
- if self.tag.has_key(317):
- # Section 14: Differencing Predictor
- self.decoderconfig = (self.tag[PREDICTOR][0],)
- return args
- def _setup(self):
- "Setup this image object based on current tags"
- if self.tag.has_key(0xBC01):
- raise IOError, "Windows Media Photo files not yet supported"
- getscalar = self.tag.getscalar
- # extract relevant tags
- self._compression = COMPRESSION_INFO[getscalar(COMPRESSION, 1)]
- self._planar_configuration = getscalar(PLANAR_CONFIGURATION, 1)
- # photometric is a required tag, but not everyone is reading
- # the specification
- photo = getscalar(PHOTOMETRIC_INTERPRETATION, 0)
- fillorder = getscalar(FILLORDER, 1)
- if Image.DEBUG:
- print "*** Summary ***"
- print "- compression:", self._compression
- print "- photometric_interpretation:", photo
- print "- planar_configuration:", self._planar_configuration
- print "- fill_order:", fillorder
- # size
- xsize = getscalar(IMAGEWIDTH)
- ysize = getscalar(IMAGELENGTH)
- self.size = xsize, ysize
- if Image.DEBUG:
- print "- size:", self.size
- format = getscalar(SAMPLEFORMAT, 1)
- # mode: check photometric interpretation and bits per pixel
- key = (
- photo, format, fillorder,
- self.tag.get(BITSPERSAMPLE, (1,)),
- self.tag.get(EXTRASAMPLES, ())
- )
- if Image.DEBUG:
- print "format key:", key
- try:
- self.mode, rawmode = OPEN_INFO[key]
- except KeyError:
- if Image.DEBUG:
- print "- unsupported format"
- raise SyntaxError, "unknown pixel mode"
- if Image.DEBUG:
- print "- raw mode:", rawmode
- print "- pil mode:", self.mode
- self.info["compression"] = self._compression
- xdpi = getscalar(X_RESOLUTION, (1, 1))
- ydpi = getscalar(Y_RESOLUTION, (1, 1))
- if xdpi and ydpi and getscalar(RESOLUTION_UNIT, 1) == 1:
- xdpi = xdpi[0] / (xdpi[1] or 1)
- ydpi = ydpi[0] / (ydpi[1] or 1)
- self.info["dpi"] = xdpi, ydpi
- # build tile descriptors
- x = y = l = 0
- self.tile = []
- if self.tag.has_key(STRIPOFFSETS):
- # striped image
- h = getscalar(ROWSPERSTRIP, ysize)
- w = self.size[0]
- a = None
- for o in self.tag[STRIPOFFSETS]:
- if not a:
- a = self._decoder(rawmode, l)
- self.tile.append(
- (self._compression,
- (0, min(y, ysize), w, min(y+h, ysize)),
- o, a))
- y = y + h
- if y >= self.size[1]:
- x = y = 0
- l = l + 1
- a = None
- elif self.tag.has_key(324):
- # tiled image
- w = getscalar(322)
- h = getscalar(323)
- a = None
- for o in self.tag[324]:
- if not a:
- a = self._decoder(rawmode, l)
- # FIXME: this doesn't work if the image size
- # is not a multiple of the tile size...
- self.tile.append(
- (self._compression,
- (x, y, x+w, y+h),
- o, a))
- x = x + w
- if x >= self.size[0]:
- x, y = 0, y + h
- if y >= self.size[1]:
- x = y = 0
- l = l + 1
- a = None
- else:
- if Image.DEBUG:
- print "- unsupported data organization"
- raise SyntaxError("unknown data organization")
- # fixup palette descriptor
- if self.mode == "P":
- palette = map(lambda a: chr(a / 256), self.tag[COLORMAP])
- self.palette = ImagePalette.raw("RGB;L", string.join(palette, ""))
- #
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Write TIFF files
- # little endian is default
- # mode => rawmode, photometrics, sampleformat, bitspersample, extra
- "1": ("1", 1, 1, (1,), None),
- "L": ("L", 1, 1, (8,), None),
- "LA": ("LA", 1, 1, (8,8), 2),
- "P": ("P", 3, 1, (8,), None),
- "PA": ("PA", 3, 1, (8,8), 2),
- "I": ("I;32S", 1, 2, (32,), None),
- "I;16": ("I;16", 1, 1, (16,), None),
- "I;16S": ("I;16S", 1, 2, (16,), None),
- "F": ("F;32F", 1, 3, (32,), None),
- "RGB": ("RGB", 2, 1, (8,8,8), None),
- "RGBX": ("RGBX", 2, 1, (8,8,8,8), 0),
- "RGBA": ("RGBA", 2, 1, (8,8,8,8), 2),
- "CMYK": ("CMYK", 5, 1, (8,8,8,8), None),
- "YCbCr": ("YCbCr", 6, 1, (8,8,8), None),
- "LAB": ("LAB", 8, 1, (8,8,8), None),
- }
- def _cvt_res(value):
- # convert value to TIFF rational number -- (numerator, denominator)
- if type(value) in (type([]), type(())):
- assert(len(value) % 2 == 0)
- return value
- if type(value) == type(1):
- return (value, 1)
- value = float(value)
- return (int(value * 65536), 65536)
- def _save(im, fp, filename):
- try:
- rawmode, photo, format, bits, extra = SAVE_INFO[im.mode]
- except KeyError:
- raise IOError, "cannot write mode %s as TIFF" % im.mode
- ifd = ImageFileDirectory()
- # tiff header (write via IFD to get everything right)
- fp.write(ifd.prefix + ifd.o16(42) + ifd.o32(8))
- ifd[IMAGEWIDTH] = im.size[0]
- ifd[IMAGELENGTH] = im.size[1]
- # additions written by Greg Couch, gregc@cgl.ucsf.edu
- # inspired by image-sig posting from Kevin Cazabon, kcazabon@home.com
- if hasattr(im, 'tag'):
- # preserve tags from original TIFF image file
- if im.tag.tagdata.has_key(key):
- ifd[key] = im.tag.tagdata.get(key)
- if im.encoderinfo.has_key("description"):
- ifd[IMAGEDESCRIPTION] = im.encoderinfo["description"]
- if im.encoderinfo.has_key("resolution"):
- = _cvt_res(im.encoderinfo["resolution"])
- if im.encoderinfo.has_key("x resolution"):
- ifd[X_RESOLUTION] = _cvt_res(im.encoderinfo["x resolution"])
- if im.encoderinfo.has_key("y resolution"):
- ifd[Y_RESOLUTION] = _cvt_res(im.encoderinfo["y resolution"])
- if im.encoderinfo.has_key("resolution unit"):
- unit = im.encoderinfo["resolution unit"]
- if unit == "inch":
- elif unit == "cm" or unit == "centimeter":
- else:
- if im.encoderinfo.has_key("software"):
- ifd[SOFTWARE] = im.encoderinfo["software"]
- if im.encoderinfo.has_key("date time"):
- ifd[DATE_TIME] = im.encoderinfo["date time"]
- if im.encoderinfo.has_key("artist"):
- ifd[ARTIST] = im.encoderinfo["artist"]
- if im.encoderinfo.has_key("copyright"):
- ifd[COPYRIGHT] = im.encoderinfo["copyright"]
- dpi = im.encoderinfo.get("dpi")
- if dpi:
- ifd[X_RESOLUTION] = _cvt_res(dpi[0])
- ifd[Y_RESOLUTION] = _cvt_res(dpi[1])
- if bits != (1,):
- ifd[BITSPERSAMPLE] = bits
- if len(bits) != 1:
- ifd[SAMPLESPERPIXEL] = len(bits)
- if extra is not None:
- ifd[EXTRASAMPLES] = extra
- if format != 1:
- ifd[SAMPLEFORMAT] = format
- if im.mode == "P":
- lut = im.im.getpalette("RGB", "RGB;L")
- ifd[COLORMAP] = tuple(map(lambda v: ord(v) * 256, lut))
- # data orientation
- stride = len(bits) * ((im.size[0]*bits[0]+7)/8)
- ifd[ROWSPERSTRIP] = im.size[1]
- ifd[STRIPBYTECOUNTS] = stride * im.size[1]
- ifd[STRIPOFFSETS] = 0 # this is adjusted by IFD writer
- ifd[COMPRESSION] = 1 # no compression
- offset = ifd.save(fp)
- ImageFile._save(im, fp, [
- ("raw", (0,0)+im.size, offset, (rawmode, stride, 1))
- ])
- #
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Register
- Image.register_open("TIFF", TiffImageFile, _accept)
- Image.register_save("TIFF", _save)
- Image.register_extension("TIFF", ".tif")
- Image.register_extension("TIFF", ".tiff")
- Image.register_mime("TIFF", "image/tiff")