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- #
- # The Python Imaging Library.
- # $Id: ImageChops.py 2134 2004-10-06 08:55:20Z fredrik $
- #
- # standard channel operations
- #
- # History:
- # 1996-03-24 fl Created
- # 1996-08-13 fl Added logical operations (for "1" images)
- # 2000-10-12 fl Added offset method (from Image.py)
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1997-2000 by Secret Labs AB
- # Copyright (c) 1996-2000 by Fredrik Lundh
- #
- # See the README file for information on usage and redistribution.
- #
- import Image
- ##
- # The <b>ImageChops</b> module contains a number of arithmetical image
- # operations, called <i>channel operations</i> ("chops"). These can be
- # used for various purposes, including special effects, image
- # compositions, algorithmic painting, and more.
- # <p>
- # At this time, channel operations are only implemented for 8-bit
- # images (e.g. "L" and "RGB").
- # <p>
- # Most channel operations take one or two image arguments and returns
- # a new image. Unless otherwise noted, the result of a channel
- # operation is always clipped to the range 0 to MAX (which is 255 for
- # all modes supported by the operations in this module).
- ##
- ##
- # Return an image with the same size as the given image, but filled
- # with the given pixel value.
- #
- # @param image Reference image.
- # @param value Pixel value.
- # @return An image object.
- def constant(image, value):
- "Fill a channel with a given grey level"
- return Image.new("L", image.size, value)
- ##
- # Copy image.
- #
- # @param image Source image.
- # @return A copy of the source image.
- def duplicate(image):
- "Create a copy of a channel"
- return image.copy()
- ##
- # Inverts an image
- # (MAX - image).
- #
- # @param image Source image.
- # @return An image object.
- def invert(image):
- "Invert a channel"
- image.load()
- return image._new(image.im.chop_invert())
- ##
- # Compare images, and return lighter pixel value
- # (max(image1, image2)).
- # <p>
- # Compares the two images, pixel by pixel, and returns a new image
- # containing the lighter values.
- #
- # @param image1 First image.
- # @param image1 Second image.
- # @return An image object.
- def lighter(image1, image2):
- "Select the lighter pixels from each image"
- image1.load()
- image2.load()
- return image1._new(image1.im.chop_lighter(image2.im))
- ##
- # Compare images, and return darker pixel value
- # (min(image1, image2)).
- # <p>
- # Compares the two images, pixel by pixel, and returns a new image
- # containing the darker values.
- #
- # @param image1 First image.
- # @param image1 Second image.
- # @return An image object.
- def darker(image1, image2):
- "Select the darker pixels from each image"
- image1.load()
- image2.load()
- return image1._new(image1.im.chop_darker(image2.im))
- ##
- # Calculate absolute difference
- # (abs(image1 - image2)).
- # <p>
- # Returns the absolute value of the difference between the two images.
- #
- # @param image1 First image.
- # @param image1 Second image.
- # @return An image object.
- def difference(image1, image2):
- "Subtract one image from another"
- image1.load()
- image2.load()
- return image1._new(image1.im.chop_difference(image2.im))
- ##
- # Superimpose positive images
- # (image1 * image2 / MAX).
- # <p>
- # Superimposes two images on top of each other. If you multiply an
- # image with a solid black image, the result is black. If you multiply
- # with a solid white image, the image is unaffected.
- #
- # @param image1 First image.
- # @param image1 Second image.
- # @return An image object.
- def multiply(image1, image2):
- "Superimpose two positive images"
- image1.load()
- image2.load()
- return image1._new(image1.im.chop_multiply(image2.im))
- ##
- # Superimpose negative images
- # (MAX - ((MAX - image1) * (MAX - image2) / MAX)).
- # <p>
- # Superimposes two inverted images on top of each other.
- #
- # @param image1 First image.
- # @param image1 Second image.
- # @return An image object.
- def screen(image1, image2):
- "Superimpose two negative images"
- image1.load()
- image2.load()
- return image1._new(image1.im.chop_screen(image2.im))
- ##
- # Add images
- # ((image1 + image2) / scale + offset).
- # <p>
- # Adds two images, dividing the result by scale and adding the
- # offset. If omitted, scale defaults to 1.0, and offset to 0.0.
- #
- # @param image1 First image.
- # @param image1 Second image.
- # @return An image object.
- def add(image1, image2, scale=1.0, offset=0):
- "Add two images"
- image1.load()
- image2.load()
- return image1._new(image1.im.chop_add(image2.im, scale, offset))
- ##
- # Subtract images
- # ((image1 - image2) / scale + offset).
- # <p>
- # Subtracts two images, dividing the result by scale and adding the
- # offset. If omitted, scale defaults to 1.0, and offset to 0.0.
- #
- # @param image1 First image.
- # @param image1 Second image.
- # @return An image object.
- def subtract(image1, image2, scale=1.0, offset=0):
- "Subtract two images"
- image1.load()
- image2.load()
- return image1._new(image1.im.chop_subtract(image2.im, scale, offset))
- ##
- # Add images without clipping
- # ((image1 + image2) % MAX).
- # <p>
- # Adds two images, without clipping the result.
- #
- # @param image1 First image.
- # @param image1 Second image.
- # @return An image object.
- def add_modulo(image1, image2):
- "Add two images without clipping"
- image1.load()
- image2.load()
- return image1._new(image1.im.chop_add_modulo(image2.im))
- ##
- # Subtract images without clipping
- # ((image1 - image2) % MAX).
- # <p>
- # Subtracts two images, without clipping the result.
- #
- # @param image1 First image.
- # @param image1 Second image.
- # @return An image object.
- def subtract_modulo(image1, image2):
- "Subtract two images without clipping"
- image1.load()
- image2.load()
- return image1._new(image1.im.chop_subtract_modulo(image2.im))
- ##
- # Logical AND
- # (image1 and image2).
- def logical_and(image1, image2):
- "Logical and between two images"
- image1.load()
- image2.load()
- return image1._new(image1.im.chop_and(image2.im))
- ##
- # Logical OR
- # (image1 or image2).
- def logical_or(image1, image2):
- "Logical or between two images"
- image1.load()
- image2.load()
- return image1._new(image1.im.chop_or(image2.im))
- ##
- # Logical XOR
- # (image1 xor image2).
- def logical_xor(image1, image2):
- "Logical xor between two images"
- image1.load()
- image2.load()
- return image1._new(image1.im.chop_xor(image2.im))
- ##
- # Blend images using constant transparency weight.
- # <p>
- # Same as the <b>blend</b> function in the <b>Image</b> module.
- def blend(image1, image2, alpha):
- "Blend two images using a constant transparency weight"
- return Image.blend(image1, image2, alpha)
- ##
- # Create composite using transparency mask.
- # <p>
- # Same as the <b>composite</b> function in the <b>Image</b> module.
- def composite(image1, image2, mask):
- "Create composite image by blending images using a transparency mask"
- return Image.composite(image1, image2, mask)
- ##
- # Offset image data.
- # <p>
- # Returns a copy of the image where data has been offset by the given
- # distances. Data wraps around the edges. If yoffset is omitted, it
- # is assumed to be equal to xoffset.
- #
- # @param image Source image.
- # @param xoffset The horizontal distance.
- # @param yoffset The vertical distance. If omitted, both
- # distances are set to the same value.
- # @return An Image object.
- def offset(image, xoffset, yoffset=None):
- "Offset image in horizontal and/or vertical direction"
- if yoffset is None:
- yoffset = xoffset
- image.load()
- return image._new(image.im.offset(xoffset, yoffset))