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Text File | 2010-05-29 | 74.8 KB | 2,272 lines |
- '''"Executable documentation" for the pickle module.
- Extensive comments about the pickle protocols and pickle-machine opcodes
- can be found here. Some functions meant for external use:
- genops(pickle)
- Generate all the opcodes in a pickle, as (opcode, arg, position) triples.
- dis(pickle, out=None, memo=None, indentlevel=4)
- Print a symbolic disassembly of a pickle.
- '''
- __all__ = ['dis', 'genops', 'optimize']
- # Other ideas:
- #
- # - A pickle verifier: read a pickle and check it exhaustively for
- # well-formedness. dis() does a lot of this already.
- #
- # - A protocol identifier: examine a pickle and return its protocol number
- # (== the highest .proto attr value among all the opcodes in the pickle).
- # dis() already prints this info at the end.
- #
- # - A pickle optimizer: for example, tuple-building code is sometimes more
- # elaborate than necessary, catering for the possibility that the tuple
- # is recursive. Or lots of times a PUT is generated that's never accessed
- # by a later GET.
- """
- "A pickle" is a program for a virtual pickle machine (PM, but more accurately
- called an unpickling machine). It's a sequence of opcodes, interpreted by the
- PM, building an arbitrarily complex Python object.
- For the most part, the PM is very simple: there are no looping, testing, or
- conditional instructions, no arithmetic and no function calls. Opcodes are
- executed once each, from first to last, until a STOP opcode is reached.
- The PM has two data areas, "the stack" and "the memo".
- Many opcodes push Python objects onto the stack; e.g., INT pushes a Python
- integer object on the stack, whose value is gotten from a decimal string
- literal immediately following the INT opcode in the pickle bytestream. Other
- opcodes take Python objects off the stack. The result of unpickling is
- whatever object is left on the stack when the final STOP opcode is executed.
- The memo is simply an array of objects, or it can be implemented as a dict
- mapping little integers to objects. The memo serves as the PM's "long term
- memory", and the little integers indexing the memo are akin to variable
- names. Some opcodes pop a stack object into the memo at a given index,
- and others push a memo object at a given index onto the stack again.
- At heart, that's all the PM has. Subtleties arise for these reasons:
- + Object identity. Objects can be arbitrarily complex, and subobjects
- may be shared (for example, the list [a, a] refers to the same object a
- twice). It can be vital that unpickling recreate an isomorphic object
- graph, faithfully reproducing sharing.
- + Recursive objects. For example, after "L = []; L.append(L)", L is a
- list, and L[0] is the same list. This is related to the object identity
- point, and some sequences of pickle opcodes are subtle in order to
- get the right result in all cases.
- + Things pickle doesn't know everything about. Examples of things pickle
- does know everything about are Python's builtin scalar and container
- types, like ints and tuples. They generally have opcodes dedicated to
- them. For things like module references and instances of user-defined
- classes, pickle's knowledge is limited. Historically, many enhancements
- have been made to the pickle protocol in order to do a better (faster,
- and/or more compact) job on those.
- + Backward compatibility and micro-optimization. As explained below,
- pickle opcodes never go away, not even when better ways to do a thing
- get invented. The repertoire of the PM just keeps growing over time.
- For example, protocol 0 had two opcodes for building Python integers (INT
- and LONG), protocol 1 added three more for more-efficient pickling of short
- integers, and protocol 2 added two more for more-efficient pickling of
- long integers (before protocol 2, the only ways to pickle a Python long
- took time quadratic in the number of digits, for both pickling and
- unpickling). "Opcode bloat" isn't so much a subtlety as a source of
- wearying complication.
- Pickle protocols:
- For compatibility, the meaning of a pickle opcode never changes. Instead new
- pickle opcodes get added, and each version's unpickler can handle all the
- pickle opcodes in all protocol versions to date. So old pickles continue to
- be readable forever. The pickler can generally be told to restrict itself to
- the subset of opcodes available under previous protocol versions too, so that
- users can create pickles under the current version readable by older
- versions. However, a pickle does not contain its version number embedded
- within it. If an older unpickler tries to read a pickle using a later
- protocol, the result is most likely an exception due to seeing an unknown (in
- the older unpickler) opcode.
- The original pickle used what's now called "protocol 0", and what was called
- "text mode" before Python 2.3. The entire pickle bytestream is made up of
- printable 7-bit ASCII characters, plus the newline character, in protocol 0.
- That's why it was called text mode. Protocol 0 is small and elegant, but
- sometimes painfully inefficient.
- The second major set of additions is now called "protocol 1", and was called
- "binary mode" before Python 2.3. This added many opcodes with arguments
- consisting of arbitrary bytes, including NUL bytes and unprintable "high bit"
- bytes. Binary mode pickles can be substantially smaller than equivalent
- text mode pickles, and sometimes faster too; e.g., BININT represents a 4-byte
- int as 4 bytes following the opcode, which is cheaper to unpickle than the
- (perhaps) 11-character decimal string attached to INT. Protocol 1 also added
- a number of opcodes that operate on many stack elements at once (like APPENDS
- and SETITEMS), and "shortcut" opcodes (like EMPTY_DICT and EMPTY_TUPLE).
- The third major set of additions came in Python 2.3, and is called "protocol
- 2". This added:
- - A better way to pickle instances of new-style classes (NEWOBJ).
- - A way for a pickle to identify its protocol (PROTO).
- - Time- and space- efficient pickling of long ints (LONG{1,4}).
- - Shortcuts for small tuples (TUPLE{1,2,3}}.
- - Dedicated opcodes for bools (NEWTRUE, NEWFALSE).
- - The "extension registry", a vector of popular objects that can be pushed
- efficiently by index (EXT{1,2,4}). This is akin to the memo and GET, but
- the registry contents are predefined (there's nothing akin to the memo's
- PUT).
- Another independent change with Python 2.3 is the abandonment of any
- pretense that it might be safe to load pickles received from untrusted
- parties -- no sufficient security analysis has been done to guarantee
- this and there isn't a use case that warrants the expense of such an
- analysis.
- To this end, all tests for __safe_for_unpickling__ or for
- copy_reg.safe_constructors are removed from the unpickling code.
- References to these variables in the descriptions below are to be seen
- as describing unpickling in Python 2.2 and before.
- """
- # Meta-rule: Descriptions are stored in instances of descriptor objects,
- # with plain constructors. No meta-language is defined from which
- # descriptors could be constructed. If you want, e.g., XML, write a little
- # program to generate XML from the objects.
- ##############################################################################
- # Some pickle opcodes have an argument, following the opcode in the
- # bytestream. An argument is of a specific type, described by an instance
- # of ArgumentDescriptor. These are not to be confused with arguments taken
- # off the stack -- ArgumentDescriptor applies only to arguments embedded in
- # the opcode stream, immediately following an opcode.
- # Represents the number of bytes consumed by an argument delimited by the
- # next newline character.
- # Represents the number of bytes consumed by a two-argument opcode where
- # the first argument gives the number of bytes in the second argument.
- TAKEN_FROM_ARGUMENT1 = -2 # num bytes is 1-byte unsigned int
- TAKEN_FROM_ARGUMENT4 = -3 # num bytes is 4-byte signed little-endian int
- class ArgumentDescriptor(object):
- __slots__ = (
- # name of descriptor record, also a module global name; a string
- 'name',
- # length of argument, in bytes; an int; UP_TO_NEWLINE and
- # TAKEN_FROM_ARGUMENT{1,4} are negative values for variable-length
- # cases
- 'n',
- # a function taking a file-like object, reading this kind of argument
- # from the object at the current position, advancing the current
- # position by n bytes, and returning the value of the argument
- 'reader',
- # human-readable docs for this arg descriptor; a string
- 'doc',
- )
- def __init__(self, name, n, reader, doc):
- assert isinstance(name, str)
- self.name = name
- assert isinstance(n, int) and (n >= 0 or
- n in (UP_TO_NEWLINE,
- self.n = n
- self.reader = reader
- assert isinstance(doc, str)
- self.doc = doc
- from struct import unpack as _unpack
- def read_uint1(f):
- r"""
- >>> import StringIO
- >>> read_uint1(StringIO.StringIO('\xff'))
- 255
- """
- data = f.read(1)
- if data:
- return ord(data)
- raise ValueError("not enough data in stream to read uint1")
- uint1 = ArgumentDescriptor(
- name='uint1',
- n=1,
- reader=read_uint1,
- doc="One-byte unsigned integer.")
- def read_uint2(f):
- r"""
- >>> import StringIO
- >>> read_uint2(StringIO.StringIO('\xff\x00'))
- 255
- >>> read_uint2(StringIO.StringIO('\xff\xff'))
- 65535
- """
- data = f.read(2)
- if len(data) == 2:
- return _unpack("<H", data)[0]
- raise ValueError("not enough data in stream to read uint2")
- uint2 = ArgumentDescriptor(
- name='uint2',
- n=2,
- reader=read_uint2,
- doc="Two-byte unsigned integer, little-endian.")
- def read_int4(f):
- r"""
- >>> import StringIO
- >>> read_int4(StringIO.StringIO('\xff\x00\x00\x00'))
- 255
- >>> read_int4(StringIO.StringIO('\x00\x00\x00\x80')) == -(2**31)
- True
- """
- data = f.read(4)
- if len(data) == 4:
- return _unpack("<i", data)[0]
- raise ValueError("not enough data in stream to read int4")
- int4 = ArgumentDescriptor(
- name='int4',
- n=4,
- reader=read_int4,
- doc="Four-byte signed integer, little-endian, 2's complement.")
- def read_stringnl(f, decode=True, stripquotes=True):
- r"""
- >>> import StringIO
- >>> read_stringnl(StringIO.StringIO("'abcd'\nefg\n"))
- 'abcd'
- >>> read_stringnl(StringIO.StringIO("\n"))
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- ValueError: no string quotes around ''
- >>> read_stringnl(StringIO.StringIO("\n"), stripquotes=False)
- ''
- >>> read_stringnl(StringIO.StringIO("''\n"))
- ''
- >>> read_stringnl(StringIO.StringIO('"abcd"'))
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- ValueError: no newline found when trying to read stringnl
- Embedded escapes are undone in the result.
- >>> read_stringnl(StringIO.StringIO(r"'a\n\\b\x00c\td'" + "\n'e'"))
- 'a\n\\b\x00c\td'
- """
- data = f.readline()
- if not data.endswith('\n'):
- raise ValueError("no newline found when trying to read stringnl")
- data = data[:-1] # lose the newline
- if stripquotes:
- for q in "'\"":
- if data.startswith(q):
- if not data.endswith(q):
- raise ValueError("strinq quote %r not found at both "
- "ends of %r" % (q, data))
- data = data[1:-1]
- break
- else:
- raise ValueError("no string quotes around %r" % data)
- # I'm not sure when 'string_escape' was added to the std codecs; it's
- # crazy not to use it if it's there.
- if decode:
- data = data.decode('string_escape')
- return data
- stringnl = ArgumentDescriptor(
- name='stringnl',
- reader=read_stringnl,
- doc="""A newline-terminated string.
- This is a repr-style string, with embedded escapes, and
- bracketing quotes.
- """)
- def read_stringnl_noescape(f):
- return read_stringnl(f, decode=False, stripquotes=False)
- stringnl_noescape = ArgumentDescriptor(
- name='stringnl_noescape',
- reader=read_stringnl_noescape,
- doc="""A newline-terminated string.
- This is a str-style string, without embedded escapes,
- or bracketing quotes. It should consist solely of
- printable ASCII characters.
- """)
- def read_stringnl_noescape_pair(f):
- r"""
- >>> import StringIO
- >>> read_stringnl_noescape_pair(StringIO.StringIO("Queue\nEmpty\njunk"))
- 'Queue Empty'
- """
- return "%s %s" % (read_stringnl_noescape(f), read_stringnl_noescape(f))
- stringnl_noescape_pair = ArgumentDescriptor(
- name='stringnl_noescape_pair',
- reader=read_stringnl_noescape_pair,
- doc="""A pair of newline-terminated strings.
- These are str-style strings, without embedded
- escapes, or bracketing quotes. They should
- consist solely of printable ASCII characters.
- The pair is returned as a single string, with
- a single blank separating the two strings.
- """)
- def read_string4(f):
- r"""
- >>> import StringIO
- >>> read_string4(StringIO.StringIO("\x00\x00\x00\x00abc"))
- ''
- >>> read_string4(StringIO.StringIO("\x03\x00\x00\x00abcdef"))
- 'abc'
- >>> read_string4(StringIO.StringIO("\x00\x00\x00\x03abcdef"))
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- ValueError: expected 50331648 bytes in a string4, but only 6 remain
- """
- n = read_int4(f)
- if n < 0:
- raise ValueError("string4 byte count < 0: %d" % n)
- data = f.read(n)
- if len(data) == n:
- return data
- raise ValueError("expected %d bytes in a string4, but only %d remain" %
- (n, len(data)))
- string4 = ArgumentDescriptor(
- name="string4",
- reader=read_string4,
- doc="""A counted string.
- The first argument is a 4-byte little-endian signed int giving
- the number of bytes in the string, and the second argument is
- that many bytes.
- """)
- def read_string1(f):
- r"""
- >>> import StringIO
- >>> read_string1(StringIO.StringIO("\x00"))
- ''
- >>> read_string1(StringIO.StringIO("\x03abcdef"))
- 'abc'
- """
- n = read_uint1(f)
- assert n >= 0
- data = f.read(n)
- if len(data) == n:
- return data
- raise ValueError("expected %d bytes in a string1, but only %d remain" %
- (n, len(data)))
- string1 = ArgumentDescriptor(
- name="string1",
- reader=read_string1,
- doc="""A counted string.
- The first argument is a 1-byte unsigned int giving the number
- of bytes in the string, and the second argument is that many
- bytes.
- """)
- def read_unicodestringnl(f):
- r"""
- >>> import StringIO
- >>> read_unicodestringnl(StringIO.StringIO("abc\uabcd\njunk"))
- u'abc\uabcd'
- """
- data = f.readline()
- if not data.endswith('\n'):
- raise ValueError("no newline found when trying to read "
- "unicodestringnl")
- data = data[:-1] # lose the newline
- return unicode(data, 'raw-unicode-escape')
- unicodestringnl = ArgumentDescriptor(
- name='unicodestringnl',
- reader=read_unicodestringnl,
- doc="""A newline-terminated Unicode string.
- This is raw-unicode-escape encoded, so consists of
- printable ASCII characters, and may contain embedded
- escape sequences.
- """)
- def read_unicodestring4(f):
- r"""
- >>> import StringIO
- >>> s = u'abcd\uabcd'
- >>> enc = s.encode('utf-8')
- >>> enc
- 'abcd\xea\xaf\x8d'
- >>> n = chr(len(enc)) + chr(0) * 3 # little-endian 4-byte length
- >>> t = read_unicodestring4(StringIO.StringIO(n + enc + 'junk'))
- >>> s == t
- True
- >>> read_unicodestring4(StringIO.StringIO(n + enc[:-1]))
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- ValueError: expected 7 bytes in a unicodestring4, but only 6 remain
- """
- n = read_int4(f)
- if n < 0:
- raise ValueError("unicodestring4 byte count < 0: %d" % n)
- data = f.read(n)
- if len(data) == n:
- return unicode(data, 'utf-8')
- raise ValueError("expected %d bytes in a unicodestring4, but only %d "
- "remain" % (n, len(data)))
- unicodestring4 = ArgumentDescriptor(
- name="unicodestring4",
- reader=read_unicodestring4,
- doc="""A counted Unicode string.
- The first argument is a 4-byte little-endian signed int
- giving the number of bytes in the string, and the second
- argument-- the UTF-8 encoding of the Unicode string --
- contains that many bytes.
- """)
- def read_decimalnl_short(f):
- r"""
- >>> import StringIO
- >>> read_decimalnl_short(StringIO.StringIO("1234\n56"))
- 1234
- >>> read_decimalnl_short(StringIO.StringIO("1234L\n56"))
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- ValueError: trailing 'L' not allowed in '1234L'
- """
- s = read_stringnl(f, decode=False, stripquotes=False)
- if s.endswith("L"):
- raise ValueError("trailing 'L' not allowed in %r" % s)
- # It's not necessarily true that the result fits in a Python short int:
- # the pickle may have been written on a 64-bit box. There's also a hack
- # for True and False here.
- if s == "00":
- return False
- elif s == "01":
- return True
- try:
- return int(s)
- except OverflowError:
- return long(s)
- def read_decimalnl_long(f):
- r"""
- >>> import StringIO
- >>> read_decimalnl_long(StringIO.StringIO("1234\n56"))
- Traceback (most recent call last):
- ...
- ValueError: trailing 'L' required in '1234'
- Someday the trailing 'L' will probably go away from this output.
- >>> read_decimalnl_long(StringIO.StringIO("1234L\n56"))
- 1234L
- >>> read_decimalnl_long(StringIO.StringIO("123456789012345678901234L\n6"))
- 123456789012345678901234L
- """
- s = read_stringnl(f, decode=False, stripquotes=False)
- if not s.endswith("L"):
- raise ValueError("trailing 'L' required in %r" % s)
- return long(s)
- decimalnl_short = ArgumentDescriptor(
- name='decimalnl_short',
- reader=read_decimalnl_short,
- doc="""A newline-terminated decimal integer literal.
- This never has a trailing 'L', and the integer fit
- in a short Python int on the box where the pickle
- was written -- but there's no guarantee it will fit
- in a short Python int on the box where the pickle
- is read.
- """)
- decimalnl_long = ArgumentDescriptor(
- name='decimalnl_long',
- reader=read_decimalnl_long,
- doc="""A newline-terminated decimal integer literal.
- This has a trailing 'L', and can represent integers
- of any size.
- """)
- def read_floatnl(f):
- r"""
- >>> import StringIO
- >>> read_floatnl(StringIO.StringIO("-1.25\n6"))
- -1.25
- """
- s = read_stringnl(f, decode=False, stripquotes=False)
- return float(s)
- floatnl = ArgumentDescriptor(
- name='floatnl',
- reader=read_floatnl,
- doc="""A newline-terminated decimal floating literal.
- In general this requires 17 significant digits for roundtrip
- identity, and pickling then unpickling infinities, NaNs, and
- minus zero doesn't work across boxes, or on some boxes even
- on itself (e.g., Windows can't read the strings it produces
- for infinities or NaNs).
- """)
- def read_float8(f):
- r"""
- >>> import StringIO, struct
- >>> raw = struct.pack(">d", -1.25)
- >>> raw
- '\xbf\xf4\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
- >>> read_float8(StringIO.StringIO(raw + "\n"))
- -1.25
- """
- data = f.read(8)
- if len(data) == 8:
- return _unpack(">d", data)[0]
- raise ValueError("not enough data in stream to read float8")
- float8 = ArgumentDescriptor(
- name='float8',
- n=8,
- reader=read_float8,
- doc="""An 8-byte binary representation of a float, big-endian.
- The format is unique to Python, and shared with the struct
- module (format string '>d') "in theory" (the struct and cPickle
- implementations don't share the code -- they should). It's
- strongly related to the IEEE-754 double format, and, in normal
- cases, is in fact identical to the big-endian 754 double format.
- On other boxes the dynamic range is limited to that of a 754
- double, and "add a half and chop" rounding is used to reduce
- the precision to 53 bits. However, even on a 754 box,
- infinities, NaNs, and minus zero may not be handled correctly
- (may not survive roundtrip pickling intact).
- """)
- # Protocol 2 formats
- from pickle import decode_long
- def read_long1(f):
- r"""
- >>> import StringIO
- >>> read_long1(StringIO.StringIO("\x00"))
- 0L
- >>> read_long1(StringIO.StringIO("\x02\xff\x00"))
- 255L
- >>> read_long1(StringIO.StringIO("\x02\xff\x7f"))
- 32767L
- >>> read_long1(StringIO.StringIO("\x02\x00\xff"))
- -256L
- >>> read_long1(StringIO.StringIO("\x02\x00\x80"))
- -32768L
- """
- n = read_uint1(f)
- data = f.read(n)
- if len(data) != n:
- raise ValueError("not enough data in stream to read long1")
- return decode_long(data)
- long1 = ArgumentDescriptor(
- name="long1",
- reader=read_long1,
- doc="""A binary long, little-endian, using 1-byte size.
- This first reads one byte as an unsigned size, then reads that
- many bytes and interprets them as a little-endian 2's-complement long.
- If the size is 0, that's taken as a shortcut for the long 0L.
- """)
- def read_long4(f):
- r"""
- >>> import StringIO
- >>> read_long4(StringIO.StringIO("\x02\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00"))
- 255L
- >>> read_long4(StringIO.StringIO("\x02\x00\x00\x00\xff\x7f"))
- 32767L
- >>> read_long4(StringIO.StringIO("\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff"))
- -256L
- >>> read_long4(StringIO.StringIO("\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x80"))
- -32768L
- >>> read_long1(StringIO.StringIO("\x00\x00\x00\x00"))
- 0L
- """
- n = read_int4(f)
- if n < 0:
- raise ValueError("long4 byte count < 0: %d" % n)
- data = f.read(n)
- if len(data) != n:
- raise ValueError("not enough data in stream to read long4")
- return decode_long(data)
- long4 = ArgumentDescriptor(
- name="long4",
- reader=read_long4,
- doc="""A binary representation of a long, little-endian.
- This first reads four bytes as a signed size (but requires the
- size to be >= 0), then reads that many bytes and interprets them
- as a little-endian 2's-complement long. If the size is 0, that's taken
- as a shortcut for the long 0L, although LONG1 should really be used
- then instead (and in any case where # of bytes < 256).
- """)
- ##############################################################################
- # Object descriptors. The stack used by the pickle machine holds objects,
- # and in the stack_before and stack_after attributes of OpcodeInfo
- # descriptors we need names to describe the various types of objects that can
- # appear on the stack.
- class StackObject(object):
- __slots__ = (
- # name of descriptor record, for info only
- 'name',
- # type of object, or tuple of type objects (meaning the object can
- # be of any type in the tuple)
- 'obtype',
- # human-readable docs for this kind of stack object; a string
- 'doc',
- )
- def __init__(self, name, obtype, doc):
- assert isinstance(name, str)
- self.name = name
- assert isinstance(obtype, type) or isinstance(obtype, tuple)
- if isinstance(obtype, tuple):
- for contained in obtype:
- assert isinstance(contained, type)
- self.obtype = obtype
- assert isinstance(doc, str)
- self.doc = doc
- def __repr__(self):
- return self.name
- pyint = StackObject(
- name='int',
- obtype=int,
- doc="A short (as opposed to long) Python integer object.")
- pylong = StackObject(
- name='long',
- obtype=long,
- doc="A long (as opposed to short) Python integer object.")
- pyinteger_or_bool = StackObject(
- name='int_or_bool',
- obtype=(int, long, bool),
- doc="A Python integer object (short or long), or "
- "a Python bool.")
- pybool = StackObject(
- name='bool',
- obtype=(bool,),
- doc="A Python bool object.")
- pyfloat = StackObject(
- name='float',
- obtype=float,
- doc="A Python float object.")
- pystring = StackObject(
- name='str',
- obtype=str,
- doc="A Python string object.")
- pyunicode = StackObject(
- name='unicode',
- obtype=unicode,
- doc="A Python Unicode string object.")
- pynone = StackObject(
- name="None",
- obtype=type(None),
- doc="The Python None object.")
- pytuple = StackObject(
- name="tuple",
- obtype=tuple,
- doc="A Python tuple object.")
- pylist = StackObject(
- name="list",
- obtype=list,
- doc="A Python list object.")
- pydict = StackObject(
- name="dict",
- obtype=dict,
- doc="A Python dict object.")
- anyobject = StackObject(
- name='any',
- obtype=object,
- doc="Any kind of object whatsoever.")
- markobject = StackObject(
- name="mark",
- obtype=StackObject,
- doc="""'The mark' is a unique object.
- Opcodes that operate on a variable number of objects
- generally don't embed the count of objects in the opcode,
- or pull it off the stack. Instead the MARK opcode is used
- to push a special marker object on the stack, and then
- some other opcodes grab all the objects from the top of
- the stack down to (but not including) the topmost marker
- object.
- """)
- stackslice = StackObject(
- name="stackslice",
- obtype=StackObject,
- doc="""An object representing a contiguous slice of the stack.
- This is used in conjuction with markobject, to represent all
- of the stack following the topmost markobject. For example,
- the POP_MARK opcode changes the stack from
- [..., markobject, stackslice]
- to
- [...]
- No matter how many object are on the stack after the topmost
- markobject, POP_MARK gets rid of all of them (including the
- topmost markobject too).
- """)
- ##############################################################################
- # Descriptors for pickle opcodes.
- class OpcodeInfo(object):
- __slots__ = (
- # symbolic name of opcode; a string
- 'name',
- # the code used in a bytestream to represent the opcode; a
- # one-character string
- 'code',
- # If the opcode has an argument embedded in the byte string, an
- # instance of ArgumentDescriptor specifying its type. Note that
- # arg.reader(s) can be used to read and decode the argument from
- # the bytestream s, and arg.doc documents the format of the raw
- # argument bytes. If the opcode doesn't have an argument embedded
- # in the bytestream, arg should be None.
- 'arg',
- # what the stack looks like before this opcode runs; a list
- 'stack_before',
- # what the stack looks like after this opcode runs; a list
- 'stack_after',
- # the protocol number in which this opcode was introduced; an int
- 'proto',
- # human-readable docs for this opcode; a string
- 'doc',
- )
- def __init__(self, name, code, arg,
- stack_before, stack_after, proto, doc):
- assert isinstance(name, str)
- self.name = name
- assert isinstance(code, str)
- assert len(code) == 1
- self.code = code
- assert arg is None or isinstance(arg, ArgumentDescriptor)
- self.arg = arg
- assert isinstance(stack_before, list)
- for x in stack_before:
- assert isinstance(x, StackObject)
- self.stack_before = stack_before
- assert isinstance(stack_after, list)
- for x in stack_after:
- assert isinstance(x, StackObject)
- self.stack_after = stack_after
- assert isinstance(proto, int) and 0 <= proto <= 2
- self.proto = proto
- assert isinstance(doc, str)
- self.doc = doc
- I = OpcodeInfo
- opcodes = [
- # Ways to spell integers.
- I(name='INT',
- code='I',
- arg=decimalnl_short,
- stack_before=[],
- stack_after=[pyinteger_or_bool],
- proto=0,
- doc="""Push an integer or bool.
- The argument is a newline-terminated decimal literal string.
- The intent may have been that this always fit in a short Python int,
- but INT can be generated in pickles written on a 64-bit box that
- require a Python long on a 32-bit box. The difference between this
- and LONG then is that INT skips a trailing 'L', and produces a short
- int whenever possible.
- Another difference is due to that, when bool was introduced as a
- distinct type in 2.3, builtin names True and False were also added to
- 2.2.2, mapping to ints 1 and 0. For compatibility in both directions,
- True gets pickled as INT + "I01\\n", and False as INT + "I00\\n".
- Leading zeroes are never produced for a genuine integer. The 2.3
- (and later) unpicklers special-case these and return bool instead;
- earlier unpicklers ignore the leading "0" and return the int.
- """),
- I(name='BININT',
- code='J',
- arg=int4,
- stack_before=[],
- stack_after=[pyint],
- proto=1,
- doc="""Push a four-byte signed integer.
- This handles the full range of Python (short) integers on a 32-bit
- box, directly as binary bytes (1 for the opcode and 4 for the integer).
- If the integer is non-negative and fits in 1 or 2 bytes, pickling via
- BININT1 or BININT2 saves space.
- """),
- I(name='BININT1',
- code='K',
- arg=uint1,
- stack_before=[],
- stack_after=[pyint],
- proto=1,
- doc="""Push a one-byte unsigned integer.
- This is a space optimization for pickling very small non-negative ints,
- in range(256).
- """),
- I(name='BININT2',
- code='M',
- arg=uint2,
- stack_before=[],
- stack_after=[pyint],
- proto=1,
- doc="""Push a two-byte unsigned integer.
- This is a space optimization for pickling small positive ints, in
- range(256, 2**16). Integers in range(256) can also be pickled via
- BININT2, but BININT1 instead saves a byte.
- """),
- I(name='LONG',
- code='L',
- arg=decimalnl_long,
- stack_before=[],
- stack_after=[pylong],
- proto=0,
- doc="""Push a long integer.
- The same as INT, except that the literal ends with 'L', and always
- unpickles to a Python long. There doesn't seem a real purpose to the
- trailing 'L'.
- Note that LONG takes time quadratic in the number of digits when
- unpickling (this is simply due to the nature of decimal->binary
- conversion). Proto 2 added linear-time (in C; still quadratic-time
- in Python) LONG1 and LONG4 opcodes.
- """),
- I(name="LONG1",
- code='\x8a',
- arg=long1,
- stack_before=[],
- stack_after=[pylong],
- proto=2,
- doc="""Long integer using one-byte length.
- A more efficient encoding of a Python long; the long1 encoding
- says it all."""),
- I(name="LONG4",
- code='\x8b',
- arg=long4,
- stack_before=[],
- stack_after=[pylong],
- proto=2,
- doc="""Long integer using found-byte length.
- A more efficient encoding of a Python long; the long4 encoding
- says it all."""),
- # Ways to spell strings (8-bit, not Unicode).
- I(name='STRING',
- code='S',
- arg=stringnl,
- stack_before=[],
- stack_after=[pystring],
- proto=0,
- doc="""Push a Python string object.
- The argument is a repr-style string, with bracketing quote characters,
- and perhaps embedded escapes. The argument extends until the next
- newline character.
- """),
- I(name='BINSTRING',
- code='T',
- arg=string4,
- stack_before=[],
- stack_after=[pystring],
- proto=1,
- doc="""Push a Python string object.
- There are two arguments: the first is a 4-byte little-endian signed int
- giving the number of bytes in the string, and the second is that many
- bytes, which are taken literally as the string content.
- """),
- code='U',
- arg=string1,
- stack_before=[],
- stack_after=[pystring],
- proto=1,
- doc="""Push a Python string object.
- There are two arguments: the first is a 1-byte unsigned int giving
- the number of bytes in the string, and the second is that many bytes,
- which are taken literally as the string content.
- """),
- # Ways to spell None.
- I(name='NONE',
- code='N',
- arg=None,
- stack_before=[],
- stack_after=[pynone],
- proto=0,
- doc="Push None on the stack."),
- # Ways to spell bools, starting with proto 2. See INT for how this was
- # done before proto 2.
- I(name='NEWTRUE',
- code='\x88',
- arg=None,
- stack_before=[],
- stack_after=[pybool],
- proto=2,
- doc="""True.
- Push True onto the stack."""),
- I(name='NEWFALSE',
- code='\x89',
- arg=None,
- stack_before=[],
- stack_after=[pybool],
- proto=2,
- doc="""True.
- Push False onto the stack."""),
- # Ways to spell Unicode strings.
- I(name='UNICODE',
- code='V',
- arg=unicodestringnl,
- stack_before=[],
- stack_after=[pyunicode],
- proto=0, # this may be pure-text, but it's a later addition
- doc="""Push a Python Unicode string object.
- The argument is a raw-unicode-escape encoding of a Unicode string,
- and so may contain embedded escape sequences. The argument extends
- until the next newline character.
- """),
- I(name='BINUNICODE',
- code='X',
- arg=unicodestring4,
- stack_before=[],
- stack_after=[pyunicode],
- proto=1,
- doc="""Push a Python Unicode string object.
- There are two arguments: the first is a 4-byte little-endian signed int
- giving the number of bytes in the string. The second is that many
- bytes, and is the UTF-8 encoding of the Unicode string.
- """),
- # Ways to spell floats.
- I(name='FLOAT',
- code='F',
- arg=floatnl,
- stack_before=[],
- stack_after=[pyfloat],
- proto=0,
- doc="""Newline-terminated decimal float literal.
- The argument is repr(a_float), and in general requires 17 significant
- digits for roundtrip conversion to be an identity (this is so for
- IEEE-754 double precision values, which is what Python float maps to
- on most boxes).
- In general, FLOAT cannot be used to transport infinities, NaNs, or
- minus zero across boxes (or even on a single box, if the platform C
- library can't read the strings it produces for such things -- Windows
- is like that), but may do less damage than BINFLOAT on boxes with
- greater precision or dynamic range than IEEE-754 double.
- """),
- I(name='BINFLOAT',
- code='G',
- arg=float8,
- stack_before=[],
- stack_after=[pyfloat],
- proto=1,
- doc="""Float stored in binary form, with 8 bytes of data.
- This generally requires less than half the space of FLOAT encoding.
- In general, BINFLOAT cannot be used to transport infinities, NaNs, or
- minus zero, raises an exception if the exponent exceeds the range of
- an IEEE-754 double, and retains no more than 53 bits of precision (if
- there are more than that, "add a half and chop" rounding is used to
- cut it back to 53 significant bits).
- """),
- # Ways to build lists.
- I(name='EMPTY_LIST',
- code=']',
- arg=None,
- stack_before=[],
- stack_after=[pylist],
- proto=1,
- doc="Push an empty list."),
- I(name='APPEND',
- code='a',
- arg=None,
- stack_before=[pylist, anyobject],
- stack_after=[pylist],
- proto=0,
- doc="""Append an object to a list.
- Stack before: ... pylist anyobject
- Stack after: ... pylist+[anyobject]
- although pylist is really extended in-place.
- """),
- I(name='APPENDS',
- code='e',
- arg=None,
- stack_before=[pylist, markobject, stackslice],
- stack_after=[pylist],
- proto=1,
- doc="""Extend a list by a slice of stack objects.
- Stack before: ... pylist markobject stackslice
- Stack after: ... pylist+stackslice
- although pylist is really extended in-place.
- """),
- I(name='LIST',
- code='l',
- arg=None,
- stack_before=[markobject, stackslice],
- stack_after=[pylist],
- proto=0,
- doc="""Build a list out of the topmost stack slice, after markobject.
- All the stack entries following the topmost markobject are placed into
- a single Python list, which single list object replaces all of the
- stack from the topmost markobject onward. For example,
- Stack before: ... markobject 1 2 3 'abc'
- Stack after: ... [1, 2, 3, 'abc']
- """),
- # Ways to build tuples.
- I(name='EMPTY_TUPLE',
- code=')',
- arg=None,
- stack_before=[],
- stack_after=[pytuple],
- proto=1,
- doc="Push an empty tuple."),
- I(name='TUPLE',
- code='t',
- arg=None,
- stack_before=[markobject, stackslice],
- stack_after=[pytuple],
- proto=0,
- doc="""Build a tuple out of the topmost stack slice, after markobject.
- All the stack entries following the topmost markobject are placed into
- a single Python tuple, which single tuple object replaces all of the
- stack from the topmost markobject onward. For example,
- Stack before: ... markobject 1 2 3 'abc'
- Stack after: ... (1, 2, 3, 'abc')
- """),
- I(name='TUPLE1',
- code='\x85',
- arg=None,
- stack_before=[anyobject],
- stack_after=[pytuple],
- proto=2,
- doc="""One-tuple.
- This code pops one value off the stack and pushes a tuple of
- length 1 whose one item is that value back onto it. IOW:
- stack[-1] = tuple(stack[-1:])
- """),
- I(name='TUPLE2',
- code='\x86',
- arg=None,
- stack_before=[anyobject, anyobject],
- stack_after=[pytuple],
- proto=2,
- doc="""One-tuple.
- This code pops two values off the stack and pushes a tuple
- of length 2 whose items are those values back onto it. IOW:
- stack[-2:] = [tuple(stack[-2:])]
- """),
- I(name='TUPLE3',
- code='\x87',
- arg=None,
- stack_before=[anyobject, anyobject, anyobject],
- stack_after=[pytuple],
- proto=2,
- doc="""One-tuple.
- This code pops three values off the stack and pushes a tuple
- of length 3 whose items are those values back onto it. IOW:
- stack[-3:] = [tuple(stack[-3:])]
- """),
- # Ways to build dicts.
- I(name='EMPTY_DICT',
- code='}',
- arg=None,
- stack_before=[],
- stack_after=[pydict],
- proto=1,
- doc="Push an empty dict."),
- I(name='DICT',
- code='d',
- arg=None,
- stack_before=[markobject, stackslice],
- stack_after=[pydict],
- proto=0,
- doc="""Build a dict out of the topmost stack slice, after markobject.
- All the stack entries following the topmost markobject are placed into
- a single Python dict, which single dict object replaces all of the
- stack from the topmost markobject onward. The stack slice alternates
- key, value, key, value, .... For example,
- Stack before: ... markobject 1 2 3 'abc'
- Stack after: ... {1: 2, 3: 'abc'}
- """),
- I(name='SETITEM',
- code='s',
- arg=None,
- stack_before=[pydict, anyobject, anyobject],
- stack_after=[pydict],
- proto=0,
- doc="""Add a key+value pair to an existing dict.
- Stack before: ... pydict key value
- Stack after: ... pydict
- where pydict has been modified via pydict[key] = value.
- """),
- I(name='SETITEMS',
- code='u',
- arg=None,
- stack_before=[pydict, markobject, stackslice],
- stack_after=[pydict],
- proto=1,
- doc="""Add an arbitrary number of key+value pairs to an existing dict.
- The slice of the stack following the topmost markobject is taken as
- an alternating sequence of keys and values, added to the dict
- immediately under the topmost markobject. Everything at and after the
- topmost markobject is popped, leaving the mutated dict at the top
- of the stack.
- Stack before: ... pydict markobject key_1 value_1 ... key_n value_n
- Stack after: ... pydict
- where pydict has been modified via pydict[key_i] = value_i for i in
- 1, 2, ..., n, and in that order.
- """),
- # Stack manipulation.
- I(name='POP',
- code='0',
- arg=None,
- stack_before=[anyobject],
- stack_after=[],
- proto=0,
- doc="Discard the top stack item, shrinking the stack by one item."),
- I(name='DUP',
- code='2',
- arg=None,
- stack_before=[anyobject],
- stack_after=[anyobject, anyobject],
- proto=0,
- doc="Push the top stack item onto the stack again, duplicating it."),
- I(name='MARK',
- code='(',
- arg=None,
- stack_before=[],
- stack_after=[markobject],
- proto=0,
- doc="""Push markobject onto the stack.
- markobject is a unique object, used by other opcodes to identify a
- region of the stack containing a variable number of objects for them
- to work on. See markobject.doc for more detail.
- """),
- I(name='POP_MARK',
- code='1',
- arg=None,
- stack_before=[markobject, stackslice],
- stack_after=[],
- proto=1,
- doc="""Pop all the stack objects at and above the topmost markobject.
- When an opcode using a variable number of stack objects is done,
- POP_MARK is used to remove those objects, and to remove the markobject
- that delimited their starting position on the stack.
- """),
- # Memo manipulation. There are really only two operations (get and put),
- # each in all-text, "short binary", and "long binary" flavors.
- I(name='GET',
- code='g',
- arg=decimalnl_short,
- stack_before=[],
- stack_after=[anyobject],
- proto=0,
- doc="""Read an object from the memo and push it on the stack.
- The index of the memo object to push is given by the newline-teriminated
- decimal string following. BINGET and LONG_BINGET are space-optimized
- versions.
- """),
- I(name='BINGET',
- code='h',
- arg=uint1,
- stack_before=[],
- stack_after=[anyobject],
- proto=1,
- doc="""Read an object from the memo and push it on the stack.
- The index of the memo object to push is given by the 1-byte unsigned
- integer following.
- """),
- I(name='LONG_BINGET',
- code='j',
- arg=int4,
- stack_before=[],
- stack_after=[anyobject],
- proto=1,
- doc="""Read an object from the memo and push it on the stack.
- The index of the memo object to push is given by the 4-byte signed
- little-endian integer following.
- """),
- I(name='PUT',
- code='p',
- arg=decimalnl_short,
- stack_before=[],
- stack_after=[],
- proto=0,
- doc="""Store the stack top into the memo. The stack is not popped.
- The index of the memo location to write into is given by the newline-
- terminated decimal string following. BINPUT and LONG_BINPUT are
- space-optimized versions.
- """),
- I(name='BINPUT',
- code='q',
- arg=uint1,
- stack_before=[],
- stack_after=[],
- proto=1,
- doc="""Store the stack top into the memo. The stack is not popped.
- The index of the memo location to write into is given by the 1-byte
- unsigned integer following.
- """),
- I(name='LONG_BINPUT',
- code='r',
- arg=int4,
- stack_before=[],
- stack_after=[],
- proto=1,
- doc="""Store the stack top into the memo. The stack is not popped.
- The index of the memo location to write into is given by the 4-byte
- signed little-endian integer following.
- """),
- # Access the extension registry (predefined objects). Akin to the GET
- # family.
- I(name='EXT1',
- code='\x82',
- arg=uint1,
- stack_before=[],
- stack_after=[anyobject],
- proto=2,
- doc="""Extension code.
- This code and the similar EXT2 and EXT4 allow using a registry
- of popular objects that are pickled by name, typically classes.
- It is envisioned that through a global negotiation and
- registration process, third parties can set up a mapping between
- ints and object names.
- In order to guarantee pickle interchangeability, the extension
- code registry ought to be global, although a range of codes may
- be reserved for private use.
- EXT1 has a 1-byte integer argument. This is used to index into the
- extension registry, and the object at that index is pushed on the stack.
- """),
- I(name='EXT2',
- code='\x83',
- arg=uint2,
- stack_before=[],
- stack_after=[anyobject],
- proto=2,
- doc="""Extension code.
- See EXT1. EXT2 has a two-byte integer argument.
- """),
- I(name='EXT4',
- code='\x84',
- arg=int4,
- stack_before=[],
- stack_after=[anyobject],
- proto=2,
- doc="""Extension code.
- See EXT1. EXT4 has a four-byte integer argument.
- """),
- # Push a class object, or module function, on the stack, via its module
- # and name.
- I(name='GLOBAL',
- code='c',
- arg=stringnl_noescape_pair,
- stack_before=[],
- stack_after=[anyobject],
- proto=0,
- doc="""Push a global object (module.attr) on the stack.
- Two newline-terminated strings follow the GLOBAL opcode. The first is
- taken as a module name, and the second as a class name. The class
- object module.class is pushed on the stack. More accurately, the
- object returned by self.find_class(module, class) is pushed on the
- stack, so unpickling subclasses can override this form of lookup.
- """),
- # Ways to build objects of classes pickle doesn't know about directly
- # (user-defined classes). I despair of documenting this accurately
- # and comprehensibly -- you really have to read the pickle code to
- # find all the special cases.
- I(name='REDUCE',
- code='R',
- arg=None,
- stack_before=[anyobject, anyobject],
- stack_after=[anyobject],
- proto=0,
- doc="""Push an object built from a callable and an argument tuple.
- The opcode is named to remind of the __reduce__() method.
- Stack before: ... callable pytuple
- Stack after: ... callable(*pytuple)
- The callable and the argument tuple are the first two items returned
- by a __reduce__ method. Applying the callable to the argtuple is
- supposed to reproduce the original object, or at least get it started.
- If the __reduce__ method returns a 3-tuple, the last component is an
- argument to be passed to the object's __setstate__, and then the REDUCE
- opcode is followed by code to create setstate's argument, and then a
- BUILD opcode to apply __setstate__ to that argument.
- If type(callable) is not ClassType, REDUCE complains unless the
- callable has been registered with the copy_reg module's
- safe_constructors dict, or the callable has a magic
- '__safe_for_unpickling__' attribute with a true value. I'm not sure
- why it does this, but I've sure seen this complaint often enough when
- I didn't want to <wink>.
- """),
- I(name='BUILD',
- code='b',
- arg=None,
- stack_before=[anyobject, anyobject],
- stack_after=[anyobject],
- proto=0,
- doc="""Finish building an object, via __setstate__ or dict update.
- Stack before: ... anyobject argument
- Stack after: ... anyobject
- where anyobject may have been mutated, as follows:
- If the object has a __setstate__ method,
- anyobject.__setstate__(argument)
- is called.
- Else the argument must be a dict, the object must have a __dict__, and
- the object is updated via
- anyobject.__dict__.update(argument)
- This may raise RuntimeError in restricted execution mode (which
- disallows access to __dict__ directly); in that case, the object
- is updated instead via
- for k, v in argument.items():
- anyobject[k] = v
- """),
- I(name='INST',
- code='i',
- arg=stringnl_noescape_pair,
- stack_before=[markobject, stackslice],
- stack_after=[anyobject],
- proto=0,
- doc="""Build a class instance.
- This is the protocol 0 version of protocol 1's OBJ opcode.
- INST is followed by two newline-terminated strings, giving a
- module and class name, just as for the GLOBAL opcode (and see
- GLOBAL for more details about that). self.find_class(module, name)
- is used to get a class object.
- In addition, all the objects on the stack following the topmost
- markobject are gathered into a tuple and popped (along with the
- topmost markobject), just as for the TUPLE opcode.
- Now it gets complicated. If all of these are true:
- + The argtuple is empty (markobject was at the top of the stack
- at the start).
- + It's an old-style class object (the type of the class object is
- ClassType).
- + The class object does not have a __getinitargs__ attribute.
- then we want to create an old-style class instance without invoking
- its __init__() method (pickle has waffled on this over the years; not
- calling __init__() is current wisdom). In this case, an instance of
- an old-style dummy class is created, and then we try to rebind its
- __class__ attribute to the desired class object. If this succeeds,
- the new instance object is pushed on the stack, and we're done. In
- restricted execution mode it can fail (assignment to __class__ is
- disallowed), and I'm not really sure what happens then -- it looks
- like the code ends up calling the class object's __init__ anyway,
- via falling into the next case.
- Else (the argtuple is not empty, it's not an old-style class object,
- or the class object does have a __getinitargs__ attribute), the code
- first insists that the class object have a __safe_for_unpickling__
- attribute. Unlike as for the __safe_for_unpickling__ check in REDUCE,
- it doesn't matter whether this attribute has a true or false value, it
- only matters whether it exists (XXX this is a bug; cPickle
- requires the attribute to be true). If __safe_for_unpickling__
- doesn't exist, UnpicklingError is raised.
- Else (the class object does have a __safe_for_unpickling__ attr),
- the class object obtained from INST's arguments is applied to the
- argtuple obtained from the stack, and the resulting instance object
- is pushed on the stack.
- NOTE: checks for __safe_for_unpickling__ went away in Python 2.3.
- """),
- I(name='OBJ',
- code='o',
- arg=None,
- stack_before=[markobject, anyobject, stackslice],
- stack_after=[anyobject],
- proto=1,
- doc="""Build a class instance.
- This is the protocol 1 version of protocol 0's INST opcode, and is
- very much like it. The major difference is that the class object
- is taken off the stack, allowing it to be retrieved from the memo
- repeatedly if several instances of the same class are created. This
- can be much more efficient (in both time and space) than repeatedly
- embedding the module and class names in INST opcodes.
- Unlike INST, OBJ takes no arguments from the opcode stream. Instead
- the class object is taken off the stack, immediately above the
- topmost markobject:
- Stack before: ... markobject classobject stackslice
- Stack after: ... new_instance_object
- As for INST, the remainder of the stack above the markobject is
- gathered into an argument tuple, and then the logic seems identical,
- except that no __safe_for_unpickling__ check is done (XXX this is
- a bug; cPickle does test __safe_for_unpickling__). See INST for
- the gory details.
- NOTE: In Python 2.3, INST and OBJ are identical except for how they
- get the class object. That was always the intent; the implementations
- had diverged for accidental reasons.
- """),
- I(name='NEWOBJ',
- code='\x81',
- arg=None,
- stack_before=[anyobject, anyobject],
- stack_after=[anyobject],
- proto=2,
- doc="""Build an object instance.
- The stack before should be thought of as containing a class
- object followed by an argument tuple (the tuple being the stack
- top). Call these cls and args. They are popped off the stack,
- and the value returned by cls.__new__(cls, *args) is pushed back
- onto the stack.
- """),
- # Machine control.
- I(name='PROTO',
- code='\x80',
- arg=uint1,
- stack_before=[],
- stack_after=[],
- proto=2,
- doc="""Protocol version indicator.
- For protocol 2 and above, a pickle must start with this opcode.
- The argument is the protocol version, an int in range(2, 256).
- """),
- I(name='STOP',
- code='.',
- arg=None,
- stack_before=[anyobject],
- stack_after=[],
- proto=0,
- doc="""Stop the unpickling machine.
- Every pickle ends with this opcode. The object at the top of the stack
- is popped, and that's the result of unpickling. The stack should be
- empty then.
- """),
- # Ways to deal with persistent IDs.
- I(name='PERSID',
- code='P',
- arg=stringnl_noescape,
- stack_before=[],
- stack_after=[anyobject],
- proto=0,
- doc="""Push an object identified by a persistent ID.
- The pickle module doesn't define what a persistent ID means. PERSID's
- argument is a newline-terminated str-style (no embedded escapes, no
- bracketing quote characters) string, which *is* "the persistent ID".
- The unpickler passes this string to self.persistent_load(). Whatever
- object that returns is pushed on the stack. There is no implementation
- of persistent_load() in Python's unpickler: it must be supplied by an
- unpickler subclass.
- """),
- I(name='BINPERSID',
- code='Q',
- arg=None,
- stack_before=[anyobject],
- stack_after=[anyobject],
- proto=1,
- doc="""Push an object identified by a persistent ID.
- Like PERSID, except the persistent ID is popped off the stack (instead
- of being a string embedded in the opcode bytestream). The persistent
- ID is passed to self.persistent_load(), and whatever object that
- returns is pushed on the stack. See PERSID for more detail.
- """),
- ]
- del I
- # Verify uniqueness of .name and .code members.
- name2i = {}
- code2i = {}
- for i, d in enumerate(opcodes):
- if d.name in name2i:
- raise ValueError("repeated name %r at indices %d and %d" %
- (d.name, name2i[d.name], i))
- if d.code in code2i:
- raise ValueError("repeated code %r at indices %d and %d" %
- (d.code, code2i[d.code], i))
- name2i[d.name] = i
- code2i[d.code] = i
- del name2i, code2i, i, d
- ##############################################################################
- # Build a code2op dict, mapping opcode characters to OpcodeInfo records.
- # Also ensure we've got the same stuff as pickle.py, although the
- # introspection here is dicey.
- code2op = {}
- for d in opcodes:
- code2op[d.code] = d
- del d
- def assure_pickle_consistency(verbose=False):
- import pickle, re
- copy = code2op.copy()
- for name in pickle.__all__:
- if not re.match("[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+$", name):
- if verbose:
- print "skipping %r: it doesn't look like an opcode name" % name
- continue
- picklecode = getattr(pickle, name)
- if not isinstance(picklecode, str) or len(picklecode) != 1:
- if verbose:
- print ("skipping %r: value %r doesn't look like a pickle "
- "code" % (name, picklecode))
- continue
- if picklecode in copy:
- if verbose:
- print "checking name %r w/ code %r for consistency" % (
- name, picklecode)
- d = copy[picklecode]
- if d.name != name:
- raise ValueError("for pickle code %r, pickle.py uses name %r "
- "but we're using name %r" % (picklecode,
- name,
- d.name))
- # Forget this one. Any left over in copy at the end are a problem
- # of a different kind.
- del copy[picklecode]
- else:
- raise ValueError("pickle.py appears to have a pickle opcode with "
- "name %r and code %r, but we don't" %
- (name, picklecode))
- if copy:
- msg = ["we appear to have pickle opcodes that pickle.py doesn't have:"]
- for code, d in copy.items():
- msg.append(" name %r with code %r" % (d.name, code))
- raise ValueError("\n".join(msg))
- assure_pickle_consistency()
- del assure_pickle_consistency
- ##############################################################################
- # A pickle opcode generator.
- def genops(pickle):
- """Generate all the opcodes in a pickle.
- 'pickle' is a file-like object, or string, containing the pickle.
- Each opcode in the pickle is generated, from the current pickle position,
- stopping after a STOP opcode is delivered. A triple is generated for
- each opcode:
- opcode, arg, pos
- opcode is an OpcodeInfo record, describing the current opcode.
- If the opcode has an argument embedded in the pickle, arg is its decoded
- value, as a Python object. If the opcode doesn't have an argument, arg
- is None.
- If the pickle has a tell() method, pos was the value of pickle.tell()
- before reading the current opcode. If the pickle is a string object,
- it's wrapped in a StringIO object, and the latter's tell() result is
- used. Else (the pickle doesn't have a tell(), and it's not obvious how
- to query its current position) pos is None.
- """
- import cStringIO as StringIO
- if isinstance(pickle, str):
- pickle = StringIO.StringIO(pickle)
- if hasattr(pickle, "tell"):
- getpos = pickle.tell
- else:
- getpos = lambda: None
- while True:
- pos = getpos()
- code = pickle.read(1)
- opcode = code2op.get(code)
- if opcode is None:
- if code == "":
- raise ValueError("pickle exhausted before seeing STOP")
- else:
- raise ValueError("at position %s, opcode %r unknown" % (
- pos is None and "<unknown>" or pos,
- code))
- if opcode.arg is None:
- arg = None
- else:
- arg = opcode.arg.reader(pickle)
- yield opcode, arg, pos
- if code == '.':
- assert opcode.name == 'STOP'
- break
- ##############################################################################
- # A pickle optimizer.
- def optimize(p):
- 'Optimize a pickle string by removing unused PUT opcodes'
- gets = set() # set of args used by a GET opcode
- puts = [] # (arg, startpos, stoppos) for the PUT opcodes
- prevpos = None # set to pos if previous opcode was a PUT
- for opcode, arg, pos in genops(p):
- if prevpos is not None:
- puts.append((prevarg, prevpos, pos))
- prevpos = None
- if 'PUT' in opcode.name:
- prevarg, prevpos = arg, pos
- elif 'GET' in opcode.name:
- gets.add(arg)
- # Copy the pickle string except for PUTS without a corresponding GET
- s = []
- i = 0
- for arg, start, stop in puts:
- j = stop if (arg in gets) else start
- s.append(p[i:j])
- i = stop
- s.append(p[i:])
- return ''.join(s)
- ##############################################################################
- # A symbolic pickle disassembler.
- def dis(pickle, out=None, memo=None, indentlevel=4):
- """Produce a symbolic disassembly of a pickle.
- 'pickle' is a file-like object, or string, containing a (at least one)
- pickle. The pickle is disassembled from the current position, through
- the first STOP opcode encountered.
- Optional arg 'out' is a file-like object to which the disassembly is
- printed. It defaults to sys.stdout.
- Optional arg 'memo' is a Python dict, used as the pickle's memo. It
- may be mutated by dis(), if the pickle contains PUT or BINPUT opcodes.
- Passing the same memo object to another dis() call then allows disassembly
- to proceed across multiple pickles that were all created by the same
- pickler with the same memo. Ordinarily you don't need to worry about this.
- Optional arg indentlevel is the number of blanks by which to indent
- a new MARK level. It defaults to 4.
- In addition to printing the disassembly, some sanity checks are made:
- + All embedded opcode arguments "make sense".
- + Explicit and implicit pop operations have enough items on the stack.
- + When an opcode implicitly refers to a markobject, a markobject is
- actually on the stack.
- + A memo entry isn't referenced before it's defined.
- + The markobject isn't stored in the memo.
- + A memo entry isn't redefined.
- """
- # Most of the hair here is for sanity checks, but most of it is needed
- # anyway to detect when a protocol 0 POP takes a MARK off the stack
- # (which in turn is needed to indent MARK blocks correctly).
- stack = [] # crude emulation of unpickler stack
- if memo is None:
- memo = {} # crude emulation of unpicker memo
- maxproto = -1 # max protocol number seen
- markstack = [] # bytecode positions of MARK opcodes
- indentchunk = ' ' * indentlevel
- errormsg = None
- for opcode, arg, pos in genops(pickle):
- if pos is not None:
- print >> out, "%5d:" % pos,
- line = "%-4s %s%s" % (repr(opcode.code)[1:-1],
- indentchunk * len(markstack),
- opcode.name)
- maxproto = max(maxproto, opcode.proto)
- before = opcode.stack_before # don't mutate
- after = opcode.stack_after # don't mutate
- numtopop = len(before)
- # See whether a MARK should be popped.
- markmsg = None
- if markobject in before or (opcode.name == "POP" and
- stack and
- stack[-1] is markobject):
- assert markobject not in after
- if __debug__:
- if markobject in before:
- assert before[-1] is stackslice
- if markstack:
- markpos = markstack.pop()
- if markpos is None:
- markmsg = "(MARK at unknown opcode offset)"
- else:
- markmsg = "(MARK at %d)" % markpos
- # Pop everything at and after the topmost markobject.
- while stack[-1] is not markobject:
- stack.pop()
- stack.pop()
- # Stop later code from popping too much.
- try:
- numtopop = before.index(markobject)
- except ValueError:
- assert opcode.name == "POP"
- numtopop = 0
- else:
- errormsg = markmsg = "no MARK exists on stack"
- # Check for correct memo usage.
- if opcode.name in ("PUT", "BINPUT", "LONG_BINPUT"):
- assert arg is not None
- if arg in memo:
- errormsg = "memo key %r already defined" % arg
- elif not stack:
- errormsg = "stack is empty -- can't store into memo"
- elif stack[-1] is markobject:
- errormsg = "can't store markobject in the memo"
- else:
- memo[arg] = stack[-1]
- elif opcode.name in ("GET", "BINGET", "LONG_BINGET"):
- if arg in memo:
- assert len(after) == 1
- after = [memo[arg]] # for better stack emulation
- else:
- errormsg = "memo key %r has never been stored into" % arg
- if arg is not None or markmsg:
- # make a mild effort to align arguments
- line += ' ' * (10 - len(opcode.name))
- if arg is not None:
- line += ' ' + repr(arg)
- if markmsg:
- line += ' ' + markmsg
- print >> out, line
- if errormsg:
- # Note that we delayed complaining until the offending opcode
- # was printed.
- raise ValueError(errormsg)
- # Emulate the stack effects.
- if len(stack) < numtopop:
- raise ValueError("tries to pop %d items from stack with "
- "only %d items" % (numtopop, len(stack)))
- if numtopop:
- del stack[-numtopop:]
- if markobject in after:
- assert markobject not in before
- markstack.append(pos)
- stack.extend(after)
- print >> out, "highest protocol among opcodes =", maxproto
- if stack:
- raise ValueError("stack not empty after STOP: %r" % stack)
- # For use in the doctest, simply as an example of a class to pickle.
- class _Example:
- def __init__(self, value):
- self.value = value
- _dis_test = r"""
- >>> import pickle
- >>> x = [1, 2, (3, 4), {'abc': u"def"}]
- >>> pkl = pickle.dumps(x, 0)
- >>> dis(pkl)
- 0: ( MARK
- 1: l LIST (MARK at 0)
- 2: p PUT 0
- 5: I INT 1
- 8: a APPEND
- 9: I INT 2
- 12: a APPEND
- 13: ( MARK
- 14: I INT 3
- 17: I INT 4
- 20: t TUPLE (MARK at 13)
- 21: p PUT 1
- 24: a APPEND
- 25: ( MARK
- 26: d DICT (MARK at 25)
- 27: p PUT 2
- 30: S STRING 'abc'
- 37: p PUT 3
- 40: V UNICODE u'def'
- 45: p PUT 4
- 48: s SETITEM
- 49: a APPEND
- 50: . STOP
- highest protocol among opcodes = 0
- Try again with a "binary" pickle.
- >>> pkl = pickle.dumps(x, 1)
- >>> dis(pkl)
- 1: q BINPUT 0
- 3: ( MARK
- 4: K BININT1 1
- 6: K BININT1 2
- 8: ( MARK
- 9: K BININT1 3
- 11: K BININT1 4
- 13: t TUPLE (MARK at 8)
- 14: q BINPUT 1
- 16: } EMPTY_DICT
- 17: q BINPUT 2
- 24: q BINPUT 3
- 26: X BINUNICODE u'def'
- 34: q BINPUT 4
- 36: s SETITEM
- 37: e APPENDS (MARK at 3)
- 38: . STOP
- highest protocol among opcodes = 1
- Exercise the INST/OBJ/BUILD family.
- >>> import pickletools
- >>> dis(pickle.dumps(pickletools.dis, 0))
- 0: c GLOBAL 'pickletools dis'
- 17: p PUT 0
- 20: . STOP
- highest protocol among opcodes = 0
- >>> from pickletools import _Example
- >>> x = [_Example(42)] * 2
- >>> dis(pickle.dumps(x, 0))
- 0: ( MARK
- 1: l LIST (MARK at 0)
- 2: p PUT 0
- 5: ( MARK
- 6: i INST 'pickletools _Example' (MARK at 5)
- 28: p PUT 1
- 31: ( MARK
- 32: d DICT (MARK at 31)
- 33: p PUT 2
- 36: S STRING 'value'
- 45: p PUT 3
- 48: I INT 42
- 52: s SETITEM
- 53: b BUILD
- 54: a APPEND
- 55: g GET 1
- 58: a APPEND
- 59: . STOP
- highest protocol among opcodes = 0
- >>> dis(pickle.dumps(x, 1))
- 1: q BINPUT 0
- 3: ( MARK
- 4: ( MARK
- 5: c GLOBAL 'pickletools _Example'
- 27: q BINPUT 1
- 29: o OBJ (MARK at 4)
- 30: q BINPUT 2
- 32: } EMPTY_DICT
- 33: q BINPUT 3
- 35: U SHORT_BINSTRING 'value'
- 42: q BINPUT 4
- 44: K BININT1 42
- 46: s SETITEM
- 47: b BUILD
- 48: h BINGET 2
- 50: e APPENDS (MARK at 3)
- 51: . STOP
- highest protocol among opcodes = 1
- Try "the canonical" recursive-object test.
- >>> L = []
- >>> T = L,
- >>> L.append(T)
- >>> L[0] is T
- True
- >>> T[0] is L
- True
- >>> L[0][0] is L
- True
- >>> T[0][0] is T
- True
- >>> dis(pickle.dumps(L, 0))
- 0: ( MARK
- 1: l LIST (MARK at 0)
- 2: p PUT 0
- 5: ( MARK
- 6: g GET 0
- 9: t TUPLE (MARK at 5)
- 10: p PUT 1
- 13: a APPEND
- 14: . STOP
- highest protocol among opcodes = 0
- >>> dis(pickle.dumps(L, 1))
- 1: q BINPUT 0
- 3: ( MARK
- 4: h BINGET 0
- 6: t TUPLE (MARK at 3)
- 7: q BINPUT 1
- 9: a APPEND
- 10: . STOP
- highest protocol among opcodes = 1
- Note that, in the protocol 0 pickle of the recursive tuple, the disassembler
- has to emulate the stack in order to realize that the POP opcode at 16 gets
- rid of the MARK at 0.
- >>> dis(pickle.dumps(T, 0))
- 0: ( MARK
- 1: ( MARK
- 2: l LIST (MARK at 1)
- 3: p PUT 0
- 6: ( MARK
- 7: g GET 0
- 10: t TUPLE (MARK at 6)
- 11: p PUT 1
- 14: a APPEND
- 15: 0 POP
- 16: 0 POP (MARK at 0)
- 17: g GET 1
- 20: . STOP
- highest protocol among opcodes = 0
- >>> dis(pickle.dumps(T, 1))
- 0: ( MARK
- 2: q BINPUT 0
- 4: ( MARK
- 5: h BINGET 0
- 7: t TUPLE (MARK at 4)
- 8: q BINPUT 1
- 10: a APPEND
- 11: 1 POP_MARK (MARK at 0)
- 12: h BINGET 1
- 14: . STOP
- highest protocol among opcodes = 1
- Try protocol 2.
- >>> dis(pickle.dumps(L, 2))
- 0: \x80 PROTO 2
- 3: q BINPUT 0
- 5: h BINGET 0
- 7: \x85 TUPLE1
- 8: q BINPUT 1
- 10: a APPEND
- 11: . STOP
- highest protocol among opcodes = 2
- >>> dis(pickle.dumps(T, 2))
- 0: \x80 PROTO 2
- 3: q BINPUT 0
- 5: h BINGET 0
- 7: \x85 TUPLE1
- 8: q BINPUT 1
- 10: a APPEND
- 11: 0 POP
- 12: h BINGET 1
- 14: . STOP
- highest protocol among opcodes = 2
- """
- _memo_test = r"""
- >>> import pickle
- >>> from StringIO import StringIO
- >>> f = StringIO()
- >>> p = pickle.Pickler(f, 2)
- >>> x = [1, 2, 3]
- >>> p.dump(x)
- >>> p.dump(x)
- >>> f.seek(0)
- >>> memo = {}
- >>> dis(f, memo=memo)
- 0: \x80 PROTO 2
- 3: q BINPUT 0
- 5: ( MARK
- 6: K BININT1 1
- 8: K BININT1 2
- 10: K BININT1 3
- 12: e APPENDS (MARK at 5)
- 13: . STOP
- highest protocol among opcodes = 2
- >>> dis(f, memo=memo)
- 14: \x80 PROTO 2
- 16: h BINGET 0
- 18: . STOP
- highest protocol among opcodes = 2
- """
- __test__ = {'disassembler_test': _dis_test,
- 'disassembler_memo_test': _memo_test,
- }
- def _test():
- import doctest
- return doctest.testmod()
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- _test()