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- #
- # Module to allow connection and socket objects to be transferred
- # between processes
- #
- # multiprocessing/reduction.py
- #
- # Copyright (c) 2006-2008, R Oudkerk --- see COPYING.txt
- #
- __all__ = []
- import os
- import sys
- import socket
- import threading
- import _multiprocessing
- from multiprocessing import current_process
- from multiprocessing.forking import Popen, duplicate, close, ForkingPickler
- from multiprocessing.util import register_after_fork, debug, sub_debug
- from multiprocessing.connection import Client, Listener
- #
- #
- #
- if not(sys.platform == 'win32' or hasattr(_multiprocessing, 'recvfd')):
- raise ImportError('pickling of connections not supported')
- #
- # Platform specific definitions
- #
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- import _subprocess
- from ._multiprocessing import win32
- def send_handle(conn, handle, destination_pid):
- process_handle = win32.OpenProcess(
- win32.PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, False, destination_pid
- )
- try:
- new_handle = duplicate(handle, process_handle)
- conn.send(new_handle)
- finally:
- close(process_handle)
- def recv_handle(conn):
- return conn.recv()
- else:
- def send_handle(conn, handle, destination_pid):
- _multiprocessing.sendfd(conn.fileno(), handle)
- def recv_handle(conn):
- return _multiprocessing.recvfd(conn.fileno())
- #
- # Support for a per-process server thread which caches pickled handles
- #
- _cache = set()
- def _reset(obj):
- global _lock, _listener, _cache
- for h in _cache:
- close(h)
- _cache.clear()
- _lock = threading.Lock()
- _listener = None
- _reset(None)
- register_after_fork(_reset, _reset)
- def _get_listener():
- global _listener
- if _listener is None:
- _lock.acquire()
- try:
- if _listener is None:
- debug('starting listener and thread for sending handles')
- _listener = Listener(authkey=current_process().authkey)
- t = threading.Thread(target=_serve)
- t.daemon = True
- t.start()
- finally:
- _lock.release()
- return _listener
- def _serve():
- from .util import is_exiting, sub_warning
- while 1:
- try:
- conn = _listener.accept()
- handle_wanted, destination_pid = conn.recv()
- _cache.remove(handle_wanted)
- send_handle(conn, handle_wanted, destination_pid)
- close(handle_wanted)
- conn.close()
- except:
- if not is_exiting():
- import traceback
- sub_warning(
- 'thread for sharing handles raised exception :\n' +
- '-'*79 + '\n' + traceback.format_exc() + '-'*79
- )
- #
- # Functions to be used for pickling/unpickling objects with handles
- #
- def reduce_handle(handle):
- if Popen.thread_is_spawning():
- return (None, Popen.duplicate_for_child(handle), True)
- dup_handle = duplicate(handle)
- _cache.add(dup_handle)
- sub_debug('reducing handle %d', handle)
- return (_get_listener().address, dup_handle, False)
- def rebuild_handle(pickled_data):
- address, handle, inherited = pickled_data
- if inherited:
- return handle
- sub_debug('rebuilding handle %d', handle)
- conn = Client(address, authkey=current_process().authkey)
- conn.send((handle, os.getpid()))
- new_handle = recv_handle(conn)
- conn.close()
- return new_handle
- #
- # Register `_multiprocessing.Connection` with `ForkingPickler`
- #
- def reduce_connection(conn):
- rh = reduce_handle(conn.fileno())
- return rebuild_connection, (rh, conn.readable, conn.writable)
- def rebuild_connection(reduced_handle, readable, writable):
- handle = rebuild_handle(reduced_handle)
- return _multiprocessing.Connection(
- handle, readable=readable, writable=writable
- )
- ForkingPickler.register(_multiprocessing.Connection, reduce_connection)
- #
- # Register `socket.socket` with `ForkingPickler`
- #
- def fromfd(fd, family, type_, proto=0):
- s = socket.fromfd(fd, family, type_, proto)
- if s.__class__ is not socket.socket:
- s = socket.socket(_sock=s)
- return s
- def reduce_socket(s):
- reduced_handle = reduce_handle(s.fileno())
- return rebuild_socket, (reduced_handle, s.family, s.type, s.proto)
- def rebuild_socket(reduced_handle, family, type_, proto):
- fd = rebuild_handle(reduced_handle)
- _sock = fromfd(fd, family, type_, proto)
- close(fd)
- return _sock
- ForkingPickler.register(socket.socket, reduce_socket)
- #
- # Register `_multiprocessing.PipeConnection` with `ForkingPickler`
- #
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- def reduce_pipe_connection(conn):
- rh = reduce_handle(conn.fileno())
- return rebuild_pipe_connection, (rh, conn.readable, conn.writable)
- def rebuild_pipe_connection(reduced_handle, readable, writable):
- handle = rebuild_handle(reduced_handle)
- return _multiprocessing.PipeConnection(
- handle, readable=readable, writable=writable
- )
- ForkingPickler.register(_multiprocessing.PipeConnection, reduce_pipe_connection)