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- """distutils.command.config
- Implements the Distutils 'config' command, a (mostly) empty command class
- that exists mainly to be sub-classed by specific module distributions and
- applications. The idea is that while every "config" command is different,
- at least they're all named the same, and users always see "config" in the
- list of standard commands. Also, this is a good place to put common
- configure-like tasks: "try to compile this C code", or "figure out where
- this header file lives".
- """
- # This module should be kept compatible with Python 2.1.
- __revision__ = "$Id: config.py 37828 2004-11-10 22:23:15Z loewis $"
- import sys, os, string, re
- from types import *
- from distutils.core import Command
- from distutils.errors import DistutilsExecError
- from distutils.sysconfig import customize_compiler
- from distutils import log
- LANG_EXT = {'c': '.c',
- 'c++': '.cxx'}
- class config (Command):
- description = "prepare to build"
- user_options = [
- ('compiler=', None,
- "specify the compiler type"),
- ('cc=', None,
- "specify the compiler executable"),
- ('include-dirs=', 'I',
- "list of directories to search for header files"),
- ('define=', 'D',
- "C preprocessor macros to define"),
- ('undef=', 'U',
- "C preprocessor macros to undefine"),
- ('libraries=', 'l',
- "external C libraries to link with"),
- ('library-dirs=', 'L',
- "directories to search for external C libraries"),
- ('noisy', None,
- "show every action (compile, link, run, ...) taken"),
- ('dump-source', None,
- "dump generated source files before attempting to compile them"),
- ]
- # The three standard command methods: since the "config" command
- # does nothing by default, these are empty.
- def initialize_options (self):
- self.compiler = None
- self.cc = None
- self.include_dirs = None
- #self.define = None
- #self.undef = None
- self.libraries = None
- self.library_dirs = None
- # maximal output for now
- self.noisy = 1
- self.dump_source = 1
- # list of temporary files generated along-the-way that we have
- # to clean at some point
- self.temp_files = []
- def finalize_options (self):
- if self.include_dirs is None:
- self.include_dirs = self.distribution.include_dirs or []
- elif type(self.include_dirs) is StringType:
- self.include_dirs = string.split(self.include_dirs, os.pathsep)
- if self.libraries is None:
- self.libraries = []
- elif type(self.libraries) is StringType:
- self.libraries = [self.libraries]
- if self.library_dirs is None:
- self.library_dirs = []
- elif type(self.library_dirs) is StringType:
- self.library_dirs = string.split(self.library_dirs, os.pathsep)
- def run (self):
- pass
- # Utility methods for actual "config" commands. The interfaces are
- # loosely based on Autoconf macros of similar names. Sub-classes
- # may use these freely.
- def _check_compiler (self):
- """Check that 'self.compiler' really is a CCompiler object;
- if not, make it one.
- """
- # We do this late, and only on-demand, because this is an expensive
- # import.
- from distutils.ccompiler import CCompiler, new_compiler
- if not isinstance(self.compiler, CCompiler):
- self.compiler = new_compiler(compiler=self.compiler,
- dry_run=self.dry_run, force=1)
- customize_compiler(self.compiler)
- if self.include_dirs:
- self.compiler.set_include_dirs(self.include_dirs)
- if self.libraries:
- self.compiler.set_libraries(self.libraries)
- if self.library_dirs:
- self.compiler.set_library_dirs(self.library_dirs)
- def _gen_temp_sourcefile (self, body, headers, lang):
- filename = "_configtest" + LANG_EXT[lang]
- file = open(filename, "w")
- if headers:
- for header in headers:
- file.write("#include <%s>\n" % header)
- file.write("\n")
- file.write(body)
- if body[-1] != "\n":
- file.write("\n")
- file.close()
- return filename
- def _preprocess (self, body, headers, include_dirs, lang):
- src = self._gen_temp_sourcefile(body, headers, lang)
- out = "_configtest.i"
- self.temp_files.extend([src, out])
- self.compiler.preprocess(src, out, include_dirs=include_dirs)
- return (src, out)
- def _compile (self, body, headers, include_dirs, lang):
- src = self._gen_temp_sourcefile(body, headers, lang)
- if self.dump_source:
- dump_file(src, "compiling '%s':" % src)
- (obj,) = self.compiler.object_filenames([src])
- self.temp_files.extend([src, obj])
- self.compiler.compile([src], include_dirs=include_dirs)
- return (src, obj)
- def _link (self, body,
- headers, include_dirs,
- libraries, library_dirs, lang):
- (src, obj) = self._compile(body, headers, include_dirs, lang)
- prog = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(src))[0]
- self.compiler.link_executable([obj], prog,
- libraries=libraries,
- library_dirs=library_dirs,
- target_lang=lang)
- if self.compiler.exe_extension is not None:
- prog = prog + self.compiler.exe_extension
- self.temp_files.append(prog)
- return (src, obj, prog)
- def _clean (self, *filenames):
- if not filenames:
- filenames = self.temp_files
- self.temp_files = []
- log.info("removing: %s", string.join(filenames))
- for filename in filenames:
- try:
- os.remove(filename)
- except OSError:
- pass
- # XXX these ignore the dry-run flag: what to do, what to do? even if
- # you want a dry-run build, you still need some sort of configuration
- # info. My inclination is to make it up to the real config command to
- # consult 'dry_run', and assume a default (minimal) configuration if
- # true. The problem with trying to do it here is that you'd have to
- # return either true or false from all the 'try' methods, neither of
- # which is correct.
- # XXX need access to the header search path and maybe default macros.
- def try_cpp (self, body=None, headers=None, include_dirs=None, lang="c"):
- """Construct a source file from 'body' (a string containing lines
- of C/C++ code) and 'headers' (a list of header files to include)
- and run it through the preprocessor. Return true if the
- preprocessor succeeded, false if there were any errors.
- ('body' probably isn't of much use, but what the heck.)
- """
- from distutils.ccompiler import CompileError
- self._check_compiler()
- ok = 1
- try:
- self._preprocess(body, headers, include_dirs, lang)
- except CompileError:
- ok = 0
- self._clean()
- return ok
- def search_cpp (self, pattern, body=None,
- headers=None, include_dirs=None, lang="c"):
- """Construct a source file (just like 'try_cpp()'), run it through
- the preprocessor, and return true if any line of the output matches
- 'pattern'. 'pattern' should either be a compiled regex object or a
- string containing a regex. If both 'body' and 'headers' are None,
- preprocesses an empty file -- which can be useful to determine the
- symbols the preprocessor and compiler set by default.
- """
- self._check_compiler()
- (src, out) = self._preprocess(body, headers, include_dirs, lang)
- if type(pattern) is StringType:
- pattern = re.compile(pattern)
- file = open(out)
- match = 0
- while 1:
- line = file.readline()
- if line == '':
- break
- if pattern.search(line):
- match = 1
- break
- file.close()
- self._clean()
- return match
- def try_compile (self, body, headers=None, include_dirs=None, lang="c"):
- """Try to compile a source file built from 'body' and 'headers'.
- Return true on success, false otherwise.
- """
- from distutils.ccompiler import CompileError
- self._check_compiler()
- try:
- self._compile(body, headers, include_dirs, lang)
- ok = 1
- except CompileError:
- ok = 0
- log.info(ok and "success!" or "failure.")
- self._clean()
- return ok
- def try_link (self, body,
- headers=None, include_dirs=None,
- libraries=None, library_dirs=None,
- lang="c"):
- """Try to compile and link a source file, built from 'body' and
- 'headers', to executable form. Return true on success, false
- otherwise.
- """
- from distutils.ccompiler import CompileError, LinkError
- self._check_compiler()
- try:
- self._link(body, headers, include_dirs,
- libraries, library_dirs, lang)
- ok = 1
- except (CompileError, LinkError):
- ok = 0
- log.info(ok and "success!" or "failure.")
- self._clean()
- return ok
- def try_run (self, body,
- headers=None, include_dirs=None,
- libraries=None, library_dirs=None,
- lang="c"):
- """Try to compile, link to an executable, and run a program
- built from 'body' and 'headers'. Return true on success, false
- otherwise.
- """
- from distutils.ccompiler import CompileError, LinkError
- self._check_compiler()
- try:
- src, obj, exe = self._link(body, headers, include_dirs,
- libraries, library_dirs, lang)
- self.spawn([exe])
- ok = 1
- except (CompileError, LinkError, DistutilsExecError):
- ok = 0
- log.info(ok and "success!" or "failure.")
- self._clean()
- return ok
- # -- High-level methods --------------------------------------------
- # (these are the ones that are actually likely to be useful
- # when implementing a real-world config command!)
- def check_func (self, func,
- headers=None, include_dirs=None,
- libraries=None, library_dirs=None,
- decl=0, call=0):
- """Determine if function 'func' is available by constructing a
- source file that refers to 'func', and compiles and links it.
- If everything succeeds, returns true; otherwise returns false.
- The constructed source file starts out by including the header
- files listed in 'headers'. If 'decl' is true, it then declares
- 'func' (as "int func()"); you probably shouldn't supply 'headers'
- and set 'decl' true in the same call, or you might get errors about
- a conflicting declarations for 'func'. Finally, the constructed
- 'main()' function either references 'func' or (if 'call' is true)
- calls it. 'libraries' and 'library_dirs' are used when
- linking.
- """
- self._check_compiler()
- body = []
- if decl:
- body.append("int %s ();" % func)
- body.append("int main () {")
- if call:
- body.append(" %s();" % func)
- else:
- body.append(" %s;" % func)
- body.append("}")
- body = string.join(body, "\n") + "\n"
- return self.try_link(body, headers, include_dirs,
- libraries, library_dirs)
- # check_func ()
- def check_lib (self, library, library_dirs=None,
- headers=None, include_dirs=None, other_libraries=[]):
- """Determine if 'library' is available to be linked against,
- without actually checking that any particular symbols are provided
- by it. 'headers' will be used in constructing the source file to
- be compiled, but the only effect of this is to check if all the
- header files listed are available. Any libraries listed in
- 'other_libraries' will be included in the link, in case 'library'
- has symbols that depend on other libraries.
- """
- self._check_compiler()
- return self.try_link("int main (void) { }",
- headers, include_dirs,
- [library]+other_libraries, library_dirs)
- def check_header (self, header, include_dirs=None,
- library_dirs=None, lang="c"):
- """Determine if the system header file named by 'header_file'
- exists and can be found by the preprocessor; return true if so,
- false otherwise.
- """
- return self.try_cpp(body="/* No body */", headers=[header],
- include_dirs=include_dirs)
- # class config
- def dump_file (filename, head=None):
- if head is None:
- print filename + ":"
- else:
- print head
- file = open(filename)
- sys.stdout.write(file.read())
- file.close()