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- """Module symbol-table generator"""
- from compiler import ast
- from compiler.consts import SC_LOCAL, SC_GLOBAL, SC_FREE, SC_CELL, SC_UNKNOWN
- from compiler.misc import mangle
- import types
- import sys
- MANGLE_LEN = 256
- class Scope:
- # XXX how much information do I need about each name?
- def __init__(self, name, module, klass=None):
- self.name = name
- self.module = module
- self.defs = {}
- self.uses = {}
- self.globals = {}
- self.params = {}
- self.frees = {}
- self.cells = {}
- self.children = []
- # nested is true if the class could contain free variables,
- # i.e. if it is nested within another function.
- self.nested = None
- self.generator = None
- self.klass = None
- if klass is not None:
- for i in range(len(klass)):
- if klass[i] != '_':
- self.klass = klass[i:]
- break
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<%s: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.name)
- def mangle(self, name):
- if self.klass is None:
- return name
- return mangle(name, self.klass)
- def add_def(self, name):
- self.defs[self.mangle(name)] = 1
- def add_use(self, name):
- self.uses[self.mangle(name)] = 1
- def add_global(self, name):
- name = self.mangle(name)
- if name in self.uses or name in self.defs:
- pass # XXX warn about global following def/use
- if name in self.params:
- raise SyntaxError, "%s in %s is global and parameter" % \
- (name, self.name)
- self.globals[name] = 1
- self.module.add_def(name)
- def add_param(self, name):
- name = self.mangle(name)
- self.defs[name] = 1
- self.params[name] = 1
- def get_names(self):
- d = {}
- d.update(self.defs)
- d.update(self.uses)
- d.update(self.globals)
- return d.keys()
- def add_child(self, child):
- self.children.append(child)
- def get_children(self):
- return self.children
- def DEBUG(self):
- print >> sys.stderr, self.name, self.nested and "nested" or ""
- print >> sys.stderr, "\tglobals: ", self.globals
- print >> sys.stderr, "\tcells: ", self.cells
- print >> sys.stderr, "\tdefs: ", self.defs
- print >> sys.stderr, "\tuses: ", self.uses
- print >> sys.stderr, "\tfrees:", self.frees
- def check_name(self, name):
- """Return scope of name.
- The scope of a name could be LOCAL, GLOBAL, FREE, or CELL.
- """
- if name in self.globals:
- return SC_GLOBAL
- if name in self.cells:
- return SC_CELL
- if name in self.defs:
- return SC_LOCAL
- if self.nested and (name in self.frees or name in self.uses):
- return SC_FREE
- if self.nested:
- return SC_UNKNOWN
- else:
- return SC_GLOBAL
- def get_free_vars(self):
- if not self.nested:
- return ()
- free = {}
- free.update(self.frees)
- for name in self.uses.keys():
- if name not in self.defs and name not in self.globals:
- free[name] = 1
- return free.keys()
- def handle_children(self):
- for child in self.children:
- frees = child.get_free_vars()
- globals = self.add_frees(frees)
- for name in globals:
- child.force_global(name)
- def force_global(self, name):
- """Force name to be global in scope.
- Some child of the current node had a free reference to name.
- When the child was processed, it was labelled a free
- variable. Now that all its enclosing scope have been
- processed, the name is known to be a global or builtin. So
- walk back down the child chain and set the name to be global
- rather than free.
- Be careful to stop if a child does not think the name is
- free.
- """
- self.globals[name] = 1
- if name in self.frees:
- del self.frees[name]
- for child in self.children:
- if child.check_name(name) == SC_FREE:
- child.force_global(name)
- def add_frees(self, names):
- """Process list of free vars from nested scope.
- Returns a list of names that are either 1) declared global in the
- parent or 2) undefined in a top-level parent. In either case,
- the nested scope should treat them as globals.
- """
- child_globals = []
- for name in names:
- sc = self.check_name(name)
- if self.nested:
- if sc == SC_UNKNOWN or sc == SC_FREE \
- or isinstance(self, ClassScope):
- self.frees[name] = 1
- elif sc == SC_GLOBAL:
- child_globals.append(name)
- elif isinstance(self, FunctionScope) and sc == SC_LOCAL:
- self.cells[name] = 1
- elif sc != SC_CELL:
- child_globals.append(name)
- else:
- if sc == SC_LOCAL:
- self.cells[name] = 1
- elif sc != SC_CELL:
- child_globals.append(name)
- return child_globals
- def get_cell_vars(self):
- return self.cells.keys()
- class ModuleScope(Scope):
- __super_init = Scope.__init__
- def __init__(self):
- self.__super_init("global", self)
- class FunctionScope(Scope):
- pass
- class GenExprScope(Scope):
- __super_init = Scope.__init__
- __counter = 1
- def __init__(self, module, klass=None):
- i = self.__counter
- self.__counter += 1
- self.__super_init("generator expression<%d>"%i, module, klass)
- self.add_param('.0')
- def get_names(self):
- keys = Scope.get_names(self)
- return keys
- class LambdaScope(FunctionScope):
- __super_init = Scope.__init__
- __counter = 1
- def __init__(self, module, klass=None):
- i = self.__counter
- self.__counter += 1
- self.__super_init("lambda.%d" % i, module, klass)
- class ClassScope(Scope):
- __super_init = Scope.__init__
- def __init__(self, name, module):
- self.__super_init(name, module, name)
- class SymbolVisitor:
- def __init__(self):
- self.scopes = {}
- self.klass = None
- # node that define new scopes
- def visitModule(self, node):
- scope = self.module = self.scopes[node] = ModuleScope()
- self.visit(node.node, scope)
- visitExpression = visitModule
- def visitFunction(self, node, parent):
- if node.decorators:
- self.visit(node.decorators, parent)
- parent.add_def(node.name)
- for n in node.defaults:
- self.visit(n, parent)
- scope = FunctionScope(node.name, self.module, self.klass)
- if parent.nested or isinstance(parent, FunctionScope):
- scope.nested = 1
- self.scopes[node] = scope
- self._do_args(scope, node.argnames)
- self.visit(node.code, scope)
- self.handle_free_vars(scope, parent)
- def visitGenExpr(self, node, parent):
- scope = GenExprScope(self.module, self.klass);
- if parent.nested or isinstance(parent, FunctionScope) \
- or isinstance(parent, GenExprScope):
- scope.nested = 1
- self.scopes[node] = scope
- self.visit(node.code, scope)
- self.handle_free_vars(scope, parent)
- def visitGenExprInner(self, node, scope):
- for genfor in node.quals:
- self.visit(genfor, scope)
- self.visit(node.expr, scope)
- def visitGenExprFor(self, node, scope):
- self.visit(node.assign, scope, 1)
- self.visit(node.iter, scope)
- for if_ in node.ifs:
- self.visit(if_, scope)
- def visitGenExprIf(self, node, scope):
- self.visit(node.test, scope)
- def visitLambda(self, node, parent, assign=0):
- # Lambda is an expression, so it could appear in an expression
- # context where assign is passed. The transformer should catch
- # any code that has a lambda on the left-hand side.
- assert not assign
- for n in node.defaults:
- self.visit(n, parent)
- scope = LambdaScope(self.module, self.klass)
- if parent.nested or isinstance(parent, FunctionScope):
- scope.nested = 1
- self.scopes[node] = scope
- self._do_args(scope, node.argnames)
- self.visit(node.code, scope)
- self.handle_free_vars(scope, parent)
- def _do_args(self, scope, args):
- for name in args:
- if type(name) == types.TupleType:
- self._do_args(scope, name)
- else:
- scope.add_param(name)
- def handle_free_vars(self, scope, parent):
- parent.add_child(scope)
- scope.handle_children()
- def visitClass(self, node, parent):
- parent.add_def(node.name)
- for n in node.bases:
- self.visit(n, parent)
- scope = ClassScope(node.name, self.module)
- if parent.nested or isinstance(parent, FunctionScope):
- scope.nested = 1
- if node.doc is not None:
- scope.add_def('__doc__')
- scope.add_def('__module__')
- self.scopes[node] = scope
- prev = self.klass
- self.klass = node.name
- self.visit(node.code, scope)
- self.klass = prev
- self.handle_free_vars(scope, parent)
- # name can be a def or a use
- # XXX a few calls and nodes expect a third "assign" arg that is
- # true if the name is being used as an assignment. only
- # expressions contained within statements may have the assign arg.
- def visitName(self, node, scope, assign=0):
- if assign:
- scope.add_def(node.name)
- else:
- scope.add_use(node.name)
- # operations that bind new names
- def visitFor(self, node, scope):
- self.visit(node.assign, scope, 1)
- self.visit(node.list, scope)
- self.visit(node.body, scope)
- if node.else_:
- self.visit(node.else_, scope)
- def visitFrom(self, node, scope):
- for name, asname in node.names:
- if name == "*":
- continue
- scope.add_def(asname or name)
- def visitImport(self, node, scope):
- for name, asname in node.names:
- i = name.find(".")
- if i > -1:
- name = name[:i]
- scope.add_def(asname or name)
- def visitGlobal(self, node, scope):
- for name in node.names:
- scope.add_global(name)
- def visitAssign(self, node, scope):
- """Propagate assignment flag down to child nodes.
- The Assign node doesn't itself contains the variables being
- assigned to. Instead, the children in node.nodes are visited
- with the assign flag set to true. When the names occur in
- those nodes, they are marked as defs.
- Some names that occur in an assignment target are not bound by
- the assignment, e.g. a name occurring inside a slice. The
- visitor handles these nodes specially; they do not propagate
- the assign flag to their children.
- """
- for n in node.nodes:
- self.visit(n, scope, 1)
- self.visit(node.expr, scope)
- def visitAssName(self, node, scope, assign=1):
- scope.add_def(node.name)
- def visitAssAttr(self, node, scope, assign=0):
- self.visit(node.expr, scope, 0)
- def visitSubscript(self, node, scope, assign=0):
- self.visit(node.expr, scope, 0)
- for n in node.subs:
- self.visit(n, scope, 0)
- def visitSlice(self, node, scope, assign=0):
- self.visit(node.expr, scope, 0)
- if node.lower:
- self.visit(node.lower, scope, 0)
- if node.upper:
- self.visit(node.upper, scope, 0)
- def visitAugAssign(self, node, scope):
- # If the LHS is a name, then this counts as assignment.
- # Otherwise, it's just use.
- self.visit(node.node, scope)
- if isinstance(node.node, ast.Name):
- self.visit(node.node, scope, 1) # XXX worry about this
- self.visit(node.expr, scope)
- # prune if statements if tests are false
- _const_types = types.StringType, types.IntType, types.FloatType
- def visitIf(self, node, scope):
- for test, body in node.tests:
- if isinstance(test, ast.Const):
- if type(test.value) in self._const_types:
- if not test.value:
- continue
- self.visit(test, scope)
- self.visit(body, scope)
- if node.else_:
- self.visit(node.else_, scope)
- # a yield statement signals a generator
- def visitYield(self, node, scope):
- scope.generator = 1
- self.visit(node.value, scope)
- def list_eq(l1, l2):
- return sorted(l1) == sorted(l2)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- import sys
- from compiler import parseFile, walk
- import symtable
- def get_names(syms):
- return [s for s in [s.get_name() for s in syms.get_symbols()]
- if not (s.startswith('_[') or s.startswith('.'))]
- for file in sys.argv[1:]:
- print file
- f = open(file)
- buf = f.read()
- f.close()
- syms = symtable.symtable(buf, file, "exec")
- mod_names = get_names(syms)
- tree = parseFile(file)
- s = SymbolVisitor()
- walk(tree, s)
- # compare module-level symbols
- names2 = s.scopes[tree].get_names()
- if not list_eq(mod_names, names2):
- print
- print "oops", file
- print sorted(mod_names)
- print sorted(names2)
- sys.exit(-1)
- d = {}
- d.update(s.scopes)
- del d[tree]
- scopes = d.values()
- del d
- for s in syms.get_symbols():
- if s.is_namespace():
- l = [sc for sc in scopes
- if sc.name == s.get_name()]
- if len(l) > 1:
- print "skipping", s.get_name()
- else:
- if not list_eq(get_names(s.get_namespace()),
- l[0].get_names()):
- print s.get_name()
- print sorted(get_names(s.get_namespace()))
- print sorted(l[0].get_names())
- sys.exit(-1)