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- <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
- <head>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
- <link rel="schema.DC" href="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" />
- <link rel="schema.DCTERMS" href="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" />
- <title>${print ', '.join(meta.creators()),}$ - ${print meta.titles().next(); meta.titles().close()}$</title>
- ${for item in meta:}$
- <meta ${print 'name="DC.'+item['name']+'"',}$ ${print 'content="'+item['value']+'"',}$ />
- ${:endfor}$
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- <body>
- <div class="calibreMeta">
- <div class="calibreMetaTitle">
- ${pos1=1}$
- ${for title in meta.titles():}$
- ${if pos1:}$
- <h1>
- <a href="${tocUrl}$">${print title}$</a>
- </h1>
- ${:else:}$
- <div class="calibreMetaSubtitle">${print title}$</div>
- ${:endif}$
- ${pos1=0}$
- ${:endfor}$
- </div>
- <div class="calibreMetaAuthor">
- ${print ', '.join(meta.creators()),}$
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="calibreMain">
- <div class="calibreEbookContent">
- ${if has_toc:}$
- <div class="calibreTocIndex">
- <h2>${print _('Table of contents'),}$</h2>
- ${toc}$
- </div>
- ${:else:}$
- <h2>${print _('No table of contents present'),}$</h2>
- <div><strong><a href="${nextLink}$">${print _('begin to read'),}$</a></strong></div>
- ${:endif}$
- </div>
- <div class="calibreEbNav">
- ${if nextLink:}$
- <a href="${nextLink}$" class="calibreANext">${print _('next page'),}$</a>
- ${:endif}$
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