home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* COLUMNS */
- var cmap = ['title', 'authors', 'rating', 'date', 'series'];
- var column_titles = {
- 'title' : 'Title',
- 'authors' : 'Author(s)',
- 'rating' : 'Rating',
- 'date' : 'Date',
- 'tags' : 'Tags',
- 'series' : 'Series'
- };
- String.prototype.format = function() {
- var pattern = /\{\d+\}/g;
- var args = arguments;
- return this.replace(pattern, function(capture){ return args[capture.match(/\d+/)]; });
- }
- var last_search = '';
- var last_sort = null;
- var last_sort_order = null;
- var last_start = 0;
- var last_num = 20;
- var total = 0;
- var current_library_request = null;
- ////////////////////////////// GET BOOK LIST //////////////////////////////
- var LIBRARY_FETCH_TIMEOUT = 5*60000; // milliseconds
- function create_table_headers() {
- var thead = $('table#book_list thead tr');
- var titles = '';
- for (i = 0; i < cmap.length; i++) {
- titles += '<td>{0} <span class="sort_indicator" id="{1}_sort">Γåæ</span></td>'
- .format(column_titles[cmap[i]], cmap[i]);
- }
- thead.html(titles);
- }
- function format_url(format, id, title) {
- return url_prefix + '/get/'+format.toLowerCase() + '/'+encodeURIComponent(title) + '_' + id+'.'+format.toLowerCase();
- }
- function render_book(book) {
- // Render title cell
- var title = '<i>{0}</i>'.format(book.attr("title")) + '<br /><span class="subtitle">';
- var id = book.attr("id");
- var comments = $.trim(book.text()).replace(/\n\n/, '<br/>');
- var formats = new Array();
- var size = (parseFloat(book.attr('size'))/(1024*1024)).toFixed(1);
- var tags = book.attr('tags')
- formats = book.attr("formats").split(",");
- if (formats.length > 0) {
- for (i=0; i < formats.length; i++) {
- title += '<a title="Download in '+formats[i]+' format" class="format" href="'+format_url(formats[i], id, book.attr("safe_title"))+'">'+formats[i]+'</a>, ';
- }
- title = title.slice(0, title.length-2);
- title += ' ({0} MB) '.format(size);
- }
- title += '<span class="tagdata_short" style="display:all">'
- if (tags) {
- t = tags.split(':&:', 2);
- m = parseInt(t[0]);
- tall = t[1].split(',');
- t = t[1].split(',', m);
- if (tall.length > m) t[m] = '...'
- title += 'Tags=[{0}] '.format(t.join(','));
- }
- custcols = book.attr("custcols").split(',')
- for ( i = 0; i < custcols.length; i++) {
- if (custcols[i].length > 0) {
- vals = book.attr(custcols[i]).split(':#:', 2);
- if (vals[0].indexOf('#T#') == 0) { //startswith
- vals[0] = vals[0].substr(3, vals[0].length)
- t = vals[1].split(':&:', 2);
- m = parseInt(t[0]);
- t = t[1].split(',', m);
- if (t.length == m) t[m] = '...';
- vals[1] = t.join(',');
- }
- title += '{0}=[{1}] '.format(vals[0], vals[1]);
- }
- }
- title += '</span>'
- title += '<span class="tagdata_long" style="display:none">'
- if (tags) {
- t = tags.split(':&:', 2);
- title += 'Tags=[{0}] '.format(t[1]);
- }
- custcols = book.attr("custcols").split(',')
- for ( i = 0; i < custcols.length; i++) {
- if (custcols[i].length > 0) {
- vals = book.attr(custcols[i]).split(':#:', 2);
- if (vals[0].indexOf('#T#') == 0) { //startswith
- vals[0] = vals[0].substr(3, vals[0].length)
- vals[1] = (vals[1].split(':&:', 2))[1];
- }
- title += '{0}=[{1}] '.format(vals[0], vals[1]);
- }
- }
- title += '</span>'
- title += '<img style="display:none" alt="" src="{1}/get/cover/{0}" /></span>'.format(id, url_prefix);
- title += '<div class="comments">{0}</div>'.format(comments)
- // Render authors cell
- var _authors = new Array();
- var authors = '';
- _authors = book.attr('authors').split('|');
- for (i = 0; i < _authors.length; i++) {
- authors += jQuery.trim(_authors[i]).replace(/ /g, ' ')+'<br />';
- }
- if (authors) { authors = authors.slice(0, authors.length-6); }
- // Render rating cell
- var _rating = parseFloat(book.attr('rating'))/2.;
- var rating = '';
- for (i = 0; i < _rating; i++) { rating += '★'}
- // Render date cell
- var _date = Date.parseExact(book.attr('timestamp'), 'yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss');
- var date = _date.toString('d MMM yyyy').replace(/ /g, ' ');
- // Render series cell
- var series = book.attr("series")
- if (series) {
- series += ' [{0}]'.format(book.attr('series_index'));
- }
- var cells = {
- 'title' : title,
- 'authors' : authors,
- 'rating' : rating,
- 'date' : date,
- 'series' : series
- };
- var row = '';
- for (i = 0; i < cmap.length; i++) {
- row += '<td class="{0}">{1}</td>'.format(cmap[i], cells[cmap[i]]);
- }
- return '<tr id="{0}">{1}</tr>'.format(id, row);
- }
- function fetch_library_books(start, num, timeout, sort, order, search) {
- // null, 0, false are False
- data = {"start":start+'', "num":num+''};
- if (sort) { data["sort"] = sort; }
- if (search) { data["search"] = search; }
- if (order) { data['order'] = order; }
- last_num = num;
- last_start = start;
- last_search = search;
- last_sort = sort;
- last_sort_order = order;
- if (current_library_request != null) {
- current_library_request.abort();
- current_library_request = null;
- }
- $('#cover_pane').css('visibility', 'hidden');
- $('#loading').css('visibility', 'visible');
- current_library_request = $.ajax({
- type: "GET",
- url: "xml",
- data: data,
- cache: false,
- timeout: timeout, //milliseconds
- dataType: "xml",
- error : function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
- alert('Error: '+textStatus+'\n\n'+errorThrown);
- },
- success : function(xml, textStatus) {
- var library = $(xml).find('library');
- total = parseInt(library.attr('total'));
- var num = parseInt(library.attr('num'));
- var start = parseInt(library.attr('start'));
- update_count_bar(start, num, total);
- var display = '';
- library.find('book').each( function() {
- var book = $(this);
- var row = render_book(book);
- display += row+'\n\n';
- });
- $("#book_list tbody").html(display);
- $("#book_list tbody tr").bind('mouseenter', function() {
- var row = $(this);
- $('#book_list tbody tr:even').css('background-color', '#eeeeee');
- $('#book_list tbody tr:odd').css('background-color', 'white');
- row.css('background-color', "#fff2a8");
- row.bind('mouseleave', function(){
- row.css('background-color', "white");
- $('#book_list tbody tr:even').css('background-color', '#eeeeee');
- row.unbind('mouseleave');
- });
- });
- $("#book_list tbody tr").click(function(){
- var row = $(this);
- var cover = row.find('img').attr('src');
- var collapsed = row.find('.comments').css('display') == 'none';
- $("#book_list tbody tr * .comments").css('display', 'none');
- $("#book_list tbody tr * .tagdata_short").css('display', 'inherit');
- $("#book_list tbody tr * .tagdata_long").css('display', 'none');
- $('#cover_pane').css('visibility', 'hidden');
- if (collapsed) {
- row.find('.comments').css('display', 'inherit');
- $('#cover_pane img').attr('src', cover);
- $('#cover_pane').css('visibility', 'visible');
- row.find(".tagdata_short").css('display', 'none');
- row.find(".tagdata_long").css('display', 'inherit');
- }
- });
- layout();
- $('#book_list tbody tr:even').css('background-color', '#eeeeee');
- },
- complete : function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) {
- current_library_request = null;
- document.getElementById('main').scrollTop = 0;
- $('#loading').css('visibility', 'hidden');
- }
- });
- }
- ////////////////////////////// COUNT BAR //////////////////////////////
- function update_count_bar(start, num, total) {
- var cb = $('#count_bar');
- cb.find('#count').html('Books {0} to {1} of {2}'.format(start+1, start+num, total));
- var left = cb.find('#left');
- left.css('opacity', (start <= 0) ? 0.3 : 1);
- var right = cb.find('#right');
- right.css('opacity', (start + num >= total) ? 0.3 : 1);
- }
- function setup_count_bar() {
- $('#count_bar * img:eq(0)').click(function(){
- if (last_start > 0) {
- fetch_library_books(0, last_num, LIBRARY_FETCH_TIMEOUT, last_sort, last_sort_order, last_search);
- }
- });
- $('#count_bar * img:eq(1)').click(function(){
- if (last_start > 0) {
- var new_start = last_start - last_num;
- if (new_start < 0) {
- new_start = 0;
- }
- fetch_library_books(new_start, last_num, LIBRARY_FETCH_TIMEOUT, last_sort, last_sort_order, last_search);
- }
- });
- $('#count_bar * img:eq(2)').click(function(){
- if (last_start + last_num < total) {
- var new_start = last_start + last_num;
- fetch_library_books(new_start, last_num, LIBRARY_FETCH_TIMEOUT, last_sort, last_sort_order, last_search);
- }
- });
- $('#count_bar * img:eq(3)').click(function(){
- if (total - last_num > 0) {
- fetch_library_books(total - last_num, last_num, LIBRARY_FETCH_TIMEOUT, last_sort, last_sort_order, last_search);
- }
- });
- }
- ////////////////////////////// SEARCH /////////////////////////////////////////
- function search() {
- var search = $.trim($('#search_box * #s').val());
- fetch_library_books(0, last_num, LIBRARY_FETCH_TIMEOUT,
- last_sort, last_sort_order, search);
- }
- /////////////////////////// SORTING /////////////////////////////////////
- function setup_sorting() {
- $('table#book_list thead tr td').mouseover(function() {
- this.style.backgroundColor = "#fff2a8";
- });
- $('table#book_list thead tr td').mouseout(function() {
- this.style.backgroundColor = "transparent";
- });
- for (i = 0; i < cmap.length; i++) {
- $('table#book_list span#{0}_sort'.format(cmap[i])).parent().click(function() {
- var sort_indicator = $($(this).find('span'));
- var cell = $(sort_indicator.parent());
- var id = sort_indicator.attr("id");
- var col = id.slice(0, id.indexOf("_"));
- var order = 'ascending';
- var html = 'Γåæ';
- if (sort_indicator.html() == 'Γåæ') {
- order = 'descending'; html = 'Γåô';
- }
- sort_indicator.html(html);
- $('#book_list * .sort_indicator').css('visibility', 'hidden');
- sort_indicator.css('visibility', 'visible');
- fetch_library_books(last_start, last_num, LIBRARY_FETCH_TIMEOUT, col, order, last_search);
- });
- }
- }
- ///////////////////////// STARTUP ////////////////////////////////////////
- function layout() {
- var main = $('#main'); var cb = $('#count_bar');
- main.css('height', ($(window).height() - main.offset().top - 20)+'px')
- main.css('width', ($(window).width() - main.offset().left - 15)+'px')
- cb.css('right', '20px');
- cb.css('top', (main.offset().top - cb.height()-5)+'px');
- $('#loading').css('height', ($(window).height()-20)+'px');
- $('#loading').css('width', ($(window).width()-20)+'px');
- var cover = $('#cover_pane');
- var title = $('#book_list thead tr td')
- cover.css('width', (main.width()-title.offset().left - title.width()-15)+'px')
- cover.css('height', main.height()+'px')
- cover.css('left', (title.offset().left+title.width())+'px');
- cover.css('top', main.offset().top+'px');
- }
- $(function() {
- // document is ready
- create_table_headers();
- // Setup widgets
- setup_sorting();
- setup_count_bar();
- $('#search_box * #s').val('');
- $(window).resize(layout);
- $($('#book_list * span#date_sort').parent()).click();
- });