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- #!/usr/bin/env python
- __license__ = 'GPL v3'
- __copyright__ = '2008, Kovid Goyal <kovid at kovidgoyal.net>'
- '''
- nytimes.com
- '''
- import re, string, time
- from calibre import entity_to_unicode, strftime
- from datetime import timedelta, date
- from calibre.web.feeds.recipes import BasicNewsRecipe
- from calibre.ebooks.BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup, Tag, BeautifulStoneSoup
- class NYTimes(BasicNewsRecipe):
- # set headlinesOnly to True for the headlines-only version. If True, webEdition is ignored.
- headlinesOnly = True
- # set webEdition to True for the Web edition of the newspaper. Set oldest_article to the
- # number of days old an article can be for inclusion. If oldest_article = 0 all articles
- # will be included. Note: oldest_article is ignored if webEdition = False
- webEdition = False
- oldest_article = 7
- # includeSections: List of sections to include. If empty, all sections found will be included.
- # Otherwise, only the sections named will be included. For example,
- #
- # includeSections = ['Politics','Sports']
- #
- # would cause only the Politics and Sports sections to be included.
- includeSections = [] # by default, all sections included
- # excludeSections: List of sections to exclude. If empty, all sections found will be included.
- # Otherwise, the sections named will be excluded. For example,
- #
- # excludeSections = ['Politics','Sports']
- #
- # would cause the Politics and Sports sections to be excluded. This parameter can be used
- # in conjuction with includeSections although in most cases using one or the other, but
- # not both, is sufficient.
- excludeSections = []
- # one_picture_per_article specifies that calibre should only use the first image
- # from an article (if one exists). If one_picture_per_article = True, the image
- # will be moved to a location between the headline and the byline.
- # If one_picture_per_article = False, all images from the article will be included
- # and shown in their original location.
- one_picture_per_article = False
- # The maximum number of articles that will be downloaded
- max_articles_per_feed = 100
- # Whether to omit duplicates of articles (typically arsing when articles are indexed in
- # more than one section). If True, only the first occurance will be downloaded.
- filterDuplicates = True
- # Sections to collect for the Web edition.
- # Delete any you don't want, or use includeSections or excludeSections
- web_sections = [(u'World',u'world'),
- (u'U.S.',u'national'),
- (u'Politics',u'politics'),
- (u'New York',u'nyregion'),
- (u'Business','business'),
- (u'Technology',u'technology'),
- (u'Sports',u'sports'),
- (u'Science',u'science'),
- (u'Health',u'health'),
- (u'Opinion',u'opinion'),
- (u'Arts',u'arts'),
- (u'Books',u'books'),
- (u'Movies',u'movies'),
- (u'Music',u'arts/music'),
- (u'Television',u'arts/television'),
- (u'Style',u'style'),
- (u'Dining & Wine',u'dining'),
- (u'Fashion & Style',u'fashion'),
- (u'Home & Garden',u'garden'),
- (u'Travel',u'travel'),
- ('Education',u'education'),
- ('Multimedia',u'multimedia'),
- (u'Obituaries',u'obituaries'),
- (u'Sunday Magazine',u'magazine'),
- (u'Week in Review',u'weekinreview')]
- if headlinesOnly:
- title='New York Times Headlines'
- description = 'Headlines from the New York Times. Needs a subscription from http://www.nytimes.com'
- needs_subscription = 'optional'
- elif webEdition:
- title='New York Times (Web)'
- description = 'New York Times on the Web'
- needs_subscription = True
- else:
- title='New York Times'
- description = 'Today\'s New York Times'
- needs_subscription = True
- month_list = ['january','february','march','april','may','june','july','august','september','october','november','december']
- def decode_us_date(self,datestr):
- udate = datestr.strip().lower().split()
- try:
- m = self.month_list.index(udate[0])+1
- except:
- return date.today()
- d = int(udate[1])
- y = int(udate[2])
- try:
- d = date(y,m,d)
- except:
- d = date.today
- return d
- earliest_date = date.today() - timedelta(days=oldest_article)
- __author__ = 'GRiker/Kovid Goyal/Nick Redding'
- language = 'en'
- requires_version = (0, 7, 5)
- timefmt = ''
- masthead_url = 'http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/misc/nytlogo379x64.gif'
- cover_margins = (18,18,'grey99')
- remove_tags_before = dict(id='article')
- remove_tags_after = dict(id='article')
- remove_tags = [dict(attrs={'class':[
- 'articleFooter',
- 'articleTools',
- 'columnGroup doubleRule',
- 'columnGroup singleRule',
- 'columnGroup last',
- 'columnGroup last',
- 'doubleRule',
- 'dottedLine',
- 'entry-meta',
- 'entry-response module',
- 'icon enlargeThis',
- 'leftNavTabs',
- 'metaFootnote',
- 'module box nav',
- 'nextArticleLink',
- 'nextArticleLink clearfix',
- 'post-tools',
- 'relatedSearchesModule',
- 'side_tool',
- 'singleAd',
- re.compile('^subNavigation'),
- re.compile('^leaderboard'),
- re.compile('^module'),
- ]}),
- dict(id=[
- 'adxLeaderboard',
- 'adxSponLink',
- 'archive',
- 'articleExtras',
- 'articleInline',
- 'blog_sidebar',
- 'businessSearchBar',
- 'cCol',
- 'entertainmentSearchBar',
- 'footer',
- 'header',
- 'header_search',
- 'inlineBox',
- 'login',
- 'masthead',
- 'masthead-nav',
- 'memberTools',
- 'navigation',
- 'portfolioInline',
- 'readerReviews',
- 'readerReviewsCount',
- 'relatedArticles',
- 'relatedTopics',
- 'respond',
- 'side_search',
- 'side_index',
- 'side_tool',
- 'toolsRight',
- ]),
- dict(name=['script', 'noscript', 'style','form','hr'])]
- no_stylesheets = True
- extra_css = '''
- .articleHeadline { text-align: left; margin-top:0.5em; margin-bottom:0.25em; }
- .credit { text-align: right; font-size: small; line-height:1em; margin-top:5px; margin-left:0; margin-right:0; margin-bottom: 0; }
- .byline { text-align: left; font-size: small; line-height:1em; margin-top:10px; margin-left:0; margin-right:0; margin-bottom: 0; }
- .dateline { text-align: left; font-size: small; line-height:1em;margin-top:5px; margin-left:0; margin-right:0; margin-bottom: 0; }
- .kicker { font-size: small; line-height:1em;margin-top:5px; margin-left:0; margin-right:0; margin-bottom: 0; }
- .timestamp { text-align: left; font-size: small; }
- .caption { font-size: small; font-style:italic; line-height:1em; margin-top:5px; margin-left:0; margin-right:0; margin-bottom: 0; }
- a:link {text-decoration: none; }
- .articleBody { }
- .authorId {text-align: left; }
- .image {text-align: center;}
- .source {text-align: left; }'''
- articles = {}
- key = None
- ans = []
- url_list = []
- def filter_ans(self, ans) :
- total_article_count = 0
- idx = 0
- idx_max = len(ans)-1
- while idx <= idx_max:
- if self.includeSections != []:
- if ans[idx][0] not in self.includeSections:
- print "SECTION NOT INCLUDED: ",ans[idx][0]
- del ans[idx]
- idx_max = idx_max-1
- continue
- if ans[idx][0] in self.excludeSections:
- print "SECTION EXCLUDED: ",ans[idx][0]
- del ans[idx]
- idx_max = idx_max-1
- continue
- if self.verbose:
- self.log("Section %s: %d articles" % (ans[idx][0], len(ans[idx][1])) )
- for article in ans[idx][1]:
- total_article_count += 1
- if self.verbose:
- self.log("\t%-40.40s... \t%-60.60s..." % (article['title'].encode('cp1252','replace'),
- article['url'].encode('cp1252','replace')))
- idx = idx+1
- self.log( "Queued %d articles" % total_article_count )
- return ans
- def exclude_url(self,url):
- if not url.startswith("http"):
- return True
- if not url.endswith(".html"):
- return True
- if 'nytimes.com' not in url:
- return True
- if 'podcast' in url:
- return True
- if '/video/' in url:
- return True
- if '/slideshow/' in url:
- return True
- if '/magazine/index' in url:
- return True
- if '/interactive/' in url:
- return True
- if '/reference/' in url:
- return True
- if '/premium/' in url:
- return True
- return False
- def fixChars(self,string):
- # Replace lsquo (\x91)
- fixed = re.sub("\x91","ΓÇÿ",string)
- # Replace rsquo (\x92)
- fixed = re.sub("\x92","ΓÇÖ",fixed)
- # Replace ldquo (\x93)
- fixed = re.sub("\x93","ΓÇ£",fixed)
- # Replace rdquo (\x94)
- fixed = re.sub("\x94","ΓÇ¥",fixed)
- # Replace ndash (\x96)
- fixed = re.sub("\x96","ΓÇô",fixed)
- # Replace mdash (\x97)
- fixed = re.sub("\x97","ΓÇö",fixed)
- return fixed
- def get_browser(self):
- br = BasicNewsRecipe.get_browser()
- if self.username is not None and self.password is not None:
- br.open('http://www.nytimes.com/auth/login')
- br.form = br.forms().next()
- br['userid'] = self.username
- br['password'] = self.password
- raw = br.submit().read()
- if 'Please try again' in raw:
- raise Exception('Your username and password are incorrect')
- return br
- def skip_ad_pages(self, soup):
- # Skip ad pages served before actual article
- skip_tag = soup.find(True, {'name':'skip'})
- if skip_tag is not None:
- self.log.warn("Found forwarding link: %s" % skip_tag.parent['href'])
- url = 'http://www.nytimes.com' + re.sub(r'\?.*', '', skip_tag.parent['href'])
- url += '?pagewanted=all'
- self.log.warn("Skipping ad to article at '%s'" % url)
- return self.index_to_soup(url, raw=True)
- def get_cover_url(self):
- cover = None
- st = time.localtime()
- year = str(st.tm_year)
- month = "%.2d" % st.tm_mon
- day = "%.2d" % st.tm_mday
- cover = 'http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/' + year + '/' + month +'/' + day +'/nytfrontpage/scan.jpg'
- br = BasicNewsRecipe.get_browser()
- try:
- br.open(cover)
- except:
- self.log("\nCover unavailable")
- cover = None
- return cover
- def short_title(self):
- return self.title
- def index_to_soup(self, url_or_raw, raw=False):
- '''
- OVERRIDE of class method
- deals with various page encodings between index and articles
- '''
- def get_the_soup(docEncoding, url_or_raw, raw=False) :
- if re.match(r'\w+://', url_or_raw):
- f = self.browser.open(url_or_raw)
- _raw = f.read()
- f.close()
- if not _raw:
- raise RuntimeError('Could not fetch index from %s'%url_or_raw)
- else:
- _raw = url_or_raw
- if raw:
- return _raw
- if not isinstance(_raw, unicode) and self.encoding:
- _raw = _raw.decode(docEncoding, 'replace')
- massage = list(BeautifulSoup.MARKUP_MASSAGE)
- massage.append((re.compile(r'&(\S+?);'), lambda match: entity_to_unicode(match, encoding=self.encoding)))
- return BeautifulSoup(_raw, markupMassage=massage)
- # Entry point
- soup = get_the_soup( self.encoding, url_or_raw )
- contentType = soup.find(True,attrs={'http-equiv':'Content-Type'})
- docEncoding = str(contentType)[str(contentType).find('charset=') + len('charset='):str(contentType).rfind('"')]
- if docEncoding == '' :
- docEncoding = self.encoding
- if self.verbose > 2:
- self.log( " document encoding: '%s'" % docEncoding)
- if docEncoding != self.encoding :
- soup = get_the_soup(docEncoding, url_or_raw)
- return soup
- def massageNCXText(self, description):
- # Kindle TOC descriptions won't render certain characters
- if description:
- massaged = unicode(BeautifulStoneSoup(description, convertEntities=BeautifulStoneSoup.HTML_ENTITIES))
- # Replace '&' with '&'
- massaged = re.sub("&","&", massaged)
- return self.fixChars(massaged)
- else:
- return description
- def feed_title(self,div):
- return ''.join(div.findAll(text=True, recursive=True)).strip()
- def handle_article(self,div):
- thumbnail = div.find('div','thumbnail')
- if thumbnail:
- thumbnail.extract()
- a = div.find('a', href=True)
- if not a:
- return
- url = re.sub(r'\?.*', '', a['href'])
- if self.exclude_url(url):
- return
- url += '?pagewanted=all'
- if self.filterDuplicates:
- if url in self.url_list:
- return
- self.url_list.append(url)
- title = self.tag_to_string(a, use_alt=True).strip()
- description = ''
- pubdate = strftime('%a, %d %b')
- summary = div.find(True, attrs={'class':'summary'})
- if summary:
- description = self.tag_to_string(summary, use_alt=False)
- author = ''
- authorAttribution = div.find(True, attrs={'class':'byline'})
- if authorAttribution:
- author = self.tag_to_string(authorAttribution, use_alt=False)
- else:
- authorAttribution = div.find(True, attrs={'class':'byline'})
- if authorAttribution:
- author = self.tag_to_string(authorAttribution, use_alt=False)
- feed = self.key if self.key is not None else 'Uncategorized'
- if not self.articles.has_key(feed):
- self.ans.append(feed)
- self.articles[feed] = []
- self.articles[feed].append(
- dict(title=title, url=url, date=pubdate,
- description=description, author=author,
- content=''))
- def parse_web_edition(self):
- for (sec_title,index_url) in self.web_sections:
- if self.includeSections != []:
- if sec_title not in self.includeSections:
- print "SECTION NOT INCLUDED: ",sec_title
- continue
- if sec_title in self.excludeSections:
- print "SECTION EXCLUDED: ",sec_title
- continue
- print 'Index URL: '+'http://www.nytimes.com/pages/'+index_url+'/index.html'
- soup = self.index_to_soup('http://www.nytimes.com/pages/'+index_url+'/index.html')
- self.key = sec_title
- # Find each article
- for div in soup.findAll(True,
- attrs={'class':['section-headline', 'story', 'story headline','sectionHeader','headlinesOnly multiline flush']}):
- if div['class'] in ['story', 'story headline'] :
- self.handle_article(div)
- elif div['class'] == 'headlinesOnly multiline flush':
- for lidiv in div.findAll('li'):
- self.handle_article(lidiv)
- self.ans = [(k, self.articles[k]) for k in self.ans if self.articles.has_key(k)]
- return self.filter_ans(self.ans)
- def parse_todays_index(self):
- soup = self.index_to_soup('http://www.nytimes.com/pages/todayspaper/index.html')
- skipping = False
- # Find each article
- for div in soup.findAll(True,
- attrs={'class':['section-headline', 'story', 'story headline','sectionHeader','headlinesOnly multiline flush']}):
- if div['class'] in ['section-headline','sectionHeader']:
- self.key = string.capwords(self.feed_title(div))
- self.key = self.key.replace('Op-ed','Op-Ed')
- self.key = self.key.replace('U.s.','U.S.')
- self.key = self.key.replace('N.y.','N.Y.')
- skipping = False
- if self.includeSections != []:
- if self.key not in self.includeSections:
- print "SECTION NOT INCLUDED: ",self.key
- skipping = True
- if self.key in self.excludeSections:
- print "SECTION EXCLUDED: ",self.key
- skipping = True
- elif div['class'] in ['story', 'story headline'] :
- if not skipping:
- self.handle_article(div)
- elif div['class'] == 'headlinesOnly multiline flush':
- for lidiv in div.findAll('li'):
- if not skipping:
- self.handle_article(lidiv)
- self.ans = [(k, self.articles[k]) for k in self.ans if self.articles.has_key(k)]
- return self.filter_ans(self.ans)
- def parse_headline_index(self):
- soup = self.index_to_soup('http://www.nytimes.com/pages/todaysheadlines/')
- # Fetch the content table
- content_table = soup.find('table',{'id':'content'})
- if content_table is None:
- return None
- # Within this table are <td id=".*Column.*"> entries, each containing one or more h6 tags which represent sections
- for td_col in content_table.findAll('td', {'id' : re.compile('Column')}):
- for div_sec in td_col.findAll('div',recursive=False):
- for h6_sec_name in div_sec.findAll('h6',{'style' : re.compile('text-transform: *uppercase')}):
- section_name = self.tag_to_string(h6_sec_name,use_alt=False)
- section_name = re.sub(r'^ *$','',section_name)
- if section_name == '':
- continue
- if self.includeSections != []:
- if section_name not in self.includeSections:
- print "SECTION NOT INCLUDED: ",section_name
- continue
- if section_name in self.excludeSections:
- print "SECTION EXCLUDED: ",section_name
- continue
- section_name=string.capwords(section_name)
- section_name = section_name.replace('Op-ed','Op-Ed')
- section_name = section_name.replace('U.s.','U.S.')
- section_name = section_name.replace('N.y.','N.Y.')
- pubdate = strftime('%a, %d %b')
- search_div = div_sec
- for next_tag in h6_sec_name.findNextSiblings(True):
- if next_tag.__class__.__name__ == 'Tag':
- if next_tag.name == 'div':
- search_div = next_tag
- break
- # Get the articles
- for h3_item in search_div.findAll('h3'):
- byline = h3_item.h6
- if byline is not None:
- author = self.tag_to_string(byline,usa_alt=False)
- else:
- author = ''
- a = h3_item.find('a', href=True)
- if not a:
- continue
- url = re.sub(r'\?.*', '', a['href'])
- if self.exclude_url(url):
- continue
- url += '?pagewanted=all'
- if self.filterDuplicates:
- if url in self.url_list:
- continue
- self.url_list.append(url)
- title = self.tag_to_string(a, use_alt=True).strip()
- desc = h3_item.find('p')
- if desc is not None:
- description = self.tag_to_string(desc,use_alt=False)
- else:
- description = ''
- if not self.articles.has_key(section_name):
- self.ans.append(section_name)
- self.articles[section_name] = []
- self.articles[section_name].append(dict(title=title, url=url, date=pubdate, description=description, author=author, content=''))
- self.ans = [(k, self.articles[k]) for k in self.ans if self.articles.has_key(k)]
- return self.filter_ans(self.ans)
- def parse_index(self):
- if self.headlinesOnly:
- return self.parse_headline_index()
- elif self.webEdition:
- return self.parse_web_edition()
- else:
- return self.parse_todays_index()
- def strip_anchors(self,soup):
- paras = soup.findAll(True)
- for para in paras:
- aTags = para.findAll('a')
- for a in aTags:
- if a.img is None:
- a.replaceWith(a.renderContents().decode('cp1252','replace'))
- return soup
- def preprocess_html(self, soup):
- if self.webEdition & (self.oldest_article>0):
- date_tag = soup.find(True,attrs={'class': ['dateline','date']})
- if date_tag:
- date_str = self.tag_to_string(date_tag,use_alt=False)
- date_str = date_str.replace('Published:','')
- date_items = date_str.split(',')
- try:
- datestring = date_items[0]+' '+date_items[1]
- article_date = self.decode_us_date(datestring)
- except:
- article_date = date.today()
- if article_date < self.earliest_date:
- self.log("Skipping article dated %s" % date_str)
- return None
- kicker_tag = soup.find(attrs={'class':'kicker'})
- if kicker_tag: # remove Op_Ed author head shots
- tagline = self.tag_to_string(kicker_tag)
- if tagline=='Op-Ed Columnist':
- img_div = soup.find('div','inlineImage module')
- if img_div:
- img_div.extract()
- return self.strip_anchors(soup)
- def postprocess_html(self,soup, True):
- try:
- if self.one_picture_per_article:
- # Remove all images after first
- largeImg = soup.find(True, {'class':'articleSpanImage'})
- inlineImgs = soup.findAll(True, {'class':'inlineImage module'})
- if largeImg:
- for inlineImg in inlineImgs:
- inlineImg.extract()
- else:
- if inlineImgs:
- firstImg = inlineImgs[0]
- for inlineImg in inlineImgs[1:]:
- inlineImg.extract()
- # Move firstImg before article body
- cgFirst = soup.find(True, {'class':re.compile('columnGroup *first')})
- if cgFirst:
- # Strip all sibling NavigableStrings: noise
- navstrings = cgFirst.findAll(text=True, recursive=False)
- [ns.extract() for ns in navstrings]
- headline_found = False
- tag = cgFirst.find(True)
- insertLoc = 0
- while True:
- insertLoc += 1
- if hasattr(tag,'class') and tag['class'] == 'articleHeadline':
- headline_found = True
- break
- tag = tag.nextSibling
- if not tag:
- headline_found = False
- break
- if headline_found:
- cgFirst.insert(insertLoc,firstImg)
- else:
- self.log(">>> No class:'columnGroup first' found <<<")
- except:
- self.log("ERROR: One picture per article in postprocess_html")
- try:
- # Change captions to italic
- for caption in soup.findAll(True, {'class':'caption'}) :
- if caption and len(caption) > 0:
- cTag = Tag(soup, "p", [("class", "caption")])
- c = self.fixChars(self.tag_to_string(caption,use_alt=False)).strip()
- mp_off = c.find("More Photos")
- if mp_off >= 0:
- c = c[:mp_off]
- cTag.insert(0, c)
- caption.replaceWith(cTag)
- except:
- self.log("ERROR: Problem in change captions to italic")
- try:
- # Change <nyt_headline> to <h2>
- h1 = soup.find('h1')
- if h1:
- headline = h1.find("nyt_headline")
- if headline:
- tag = Tag(soup, "h2")
- tag['class'] = "headline"
- tag.insert(0, self.fixChars(headline.contents[0]))
- h1.replaceWith(tag)
- else:
- # Blog entry - replace headline, remove <hr> tags
- headline = soup.find('title')
- if headline:
- tag = Tag(soup, "h2")
- tag['class'] = "headline"
- tag.insert(0, self.fixChars(headline.contents[0]))
- soup.insert(0, tag)
- hrs = soup.findAll('hr')
- for hr in hrs:
- hr.extract()
- except:
- self.log("ERROR: Problem in Change <nyt_headline> to <h2>")
- try:
- # Change <h1> to <h3> - used in editorial blogs
- masthead = soup.find("h1")
- if masthead:
- # Nuke the href
- if masthead.a:
- del(masthead.a['href'])
- tag = Tag(soup, "h3")
- tag.insert(0, self.fixChars(masthead.contents[0]))
- masthead.replaceWith(tag)
- except:
- self.log("ERROR: Problem in Change <h1> to <h3> - used in editorial blogs")
- try:
- # Change <span class="bold"> to <b>
- for subhead in soup.findAll(True, {'class':'bold'}) :
- if subhead.contents:
- bTag = Tag(soup, "b")
- bTag.insert(0, subhead.contents[0])
- subhead.replaceWith(bTag)
- except:
- self.log("ERROR: Problem in Change <h1> to <h3> - used in editorial blogs")
- try:
- divTag = soup.find('div',attrs={'id':'articleBody'})
- if divTag:
- divTag['class'] = divTag['id']
- except:
- self.log("ERROR: Problem in soup.find(div,attrs={id:articleBody})")
- try:
- # Add class="authorId" to <div> so we can format with CSS
- divTag = soup.find('div',attrs={'id':'authorId'})
- if divTag and divTag.contents[0]:
- tag = Tag(soup, "p")
- tag['class'] = "authorId"
- tag.insert(0, self.fixChars(self.tag_to_string(divTag.contents[0],
- use_alt=False)))
- divTag.replaceWith(tag)
- except:
- self.log("ERROR: Problem in Add class=authorId to <div> so we can format with CSS")
- return soup
- def populate_article_metadata(self, article, soup, first):
- shortparagraph = ""
- try:
- if len(article.text_summary.strip()) == 0:
- articlebodies = soup.findAll('div',attrs={'class':'articleBody'})
- if articlebodies:
- for articlebody in articlebodies:
- if articlebody:
- paras = articlebody.findAll('p')
- for p in paras:
- refparagraph = self.massageNCXText(self.tag_to_string(p,use_alt=False)).strip()
- #account for blank paragraphs and short paragraphs by appending them to longer ones
- if len(refparagraph) > 0:
- if len(refparagraph) > 70: #approximately one line of text
- article.summary = article.text_summary = shortparagraph + refparagraph
- return
- else:
- shortparagraph = refparagraph + " "
- if shortparagraph.strip().find(" ") == -1 and not shortparagraph.strip().endswith(":"):
- shortparagraph = shortparagraph + "- "
- except:
- self.log("Error creating article descriptions")
- return