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- from calibre.web.feeds.news import BasicNewsRecipe
- from calibre.ebooks.BeautifulSoup import Tag
- from calibre.ptempfile import PersistentTemporaryFile
- class MotherJonesRecipe(BasicNewsRecipe):
- __license__ = 'GPL v3'
- __author__ = 'kwetal'
- language = 'en'
- version = 1
- title = u'Mother Jones'
- publisher = u'Mother Jones'
- category = u'News, Investigative journalism'
- description = u'Independent investigative, political, and social justice reporting. Takes no prisoners, cleaves to no dogma, and tells it like it is.'
- oldest_article = 14
- max_articles_per_feed = 100
- use_embedded_content = False
- remove_empty_feeds = True
- no_stylesheets = True
- remove_javascript = True
- simultaneous_downloads = 3
- keep_only_tags = []
- keep_only_tags.append(dict(name = 'h1'))
- keep_only_tags.append(dict(name = 'div', attrs = {'class': 'dek'}))
- keep_only_tags.append(dict(name = 'p', attrs = {'class': 'submitted'}))
- keep_only_tags.append(dict(name = 'div', attrs = {'class': 'print-content'}))
- #keep_only_tags.append(dict(name = '', attrs = {'': ''}))
- remove_tags = []
- remove_tags.append(dict(name = 'base'))
- #remove_tags.append(dict(name = '', attrs = {'': ''}))
- remove_attributes = ['style']
- # feeds from http://motherjones.com/about/rss
- feeds = []
- feeds.append((u'Latest News', u'http://feeds.feedburner.com/motherjones/main?format=xml'))
- feeds.append((u'Politics & Current Affairs', u'http://motherjones.com/rss/sections/Politics/feed&format=xml'))
- feeds.append((u'Environment & Health', u'http://motherjones.com/rss/sections/Environment/feed'))
- feeds.append((u'Media & Culture', u'http://motherjones.com/rss/sections/Media/feed'))
- feeds.append((u'Blog: Kevin Drum', u'http://motherjones.com/rss/blogs/Kevin+Drum/feed'))
- feeds.append((u'Blog: MoJo Blog', u'http://motherjones.com/rss/blogs/mojo/feed'))
- feeds.append((u'Blog: Blue Marble', u'http://motherjones.com/rss/blogs/Blue+Marble/feed'))
- feeds.append((u'Blog: The Riff', u'http://motherjones.com/rss/blogs/Riff/feed'))
- ##feeds.append((u'', u''))
- extra_css = '''
- body{font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica,geneva,sans-serif;}
- img {float: left; margin-right: 0.5em;}
- div.dek {font-style: italic;}
- p.submitted {font-size: x-small; color: #696969;}
- div.mj_support {font-size: x-small; color: #0666666; border: 1px solid black; padding: 0.5em}
- a, a[href] {text-decoration: none; color: blue;}
- '''
- conversion_options = {'comments': description, 'tags': category, 'language': 'en',
- 'publisher': publisher}
- temp_files = []
- articles_are_obfuscated = True
- def get_obfuscated_article(self, url):
- '''
- The print version is sort of hard to get. I think they look at the referer header, and if
- it is not right they serve the original. This method works around that.
- '''
- br = self.get_browser()
- br.open(url)
- response = br.follow_link(url_regex = r'/print/[0-9]+', nr = 0)
- html = response.read()
- self.temp_files.append(PersistentTemporaryFile('_motherjones.html'))
- self.temp_files[-1].write(html)
- self.temp_files[-1].close()
- return self.temp_files[-1].name
- def get_article_url(self, article):
- '''
- Some of the feeds are served by feedburner (grr). Then the workaround to get their
- print version doesn't work anymore. This method provides a workaround.
- '''
- if hasattr(article, 'feedburner_origlink'):
- return article.feedburner_origlink
- else:
- return article.link
- def preprocess_html(self, soup):
- for img in soup.findAll('img', attrs = {'src': True}):
- if not img['src'].startswith('http://'):
- img['src'] = 'http://motherjones.com' + img['src']
- div = Tag(soup, 'div', [('class', 'mj_support')])
- div.append('''Your tax-deductible gifts help keep Mother Jones independent and uncompromised.
- To make a contribution, visit MotherJones.com or call 877-GIV-MOJO.
- ''')
- soup.body.append(div)
- return soup