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- from calibre.web.feeds.news import BasicNewsRecipe
- from datetime import datetime, timedelta
- from calibre.ebooks.BeautifulSoup import Tag,BeautifulSoup
- from calibre.utils.magick import Image, PixelWand
- from urllib2 import Request, urlopen, URLError
- class Estadao(BasicNewsRecipe):
- THUMBALIZR_API = '' # ---->Get your at http://www.thumbalizr.com/ and put here
- LANGUAGE = 'pt_br'
- language = 'pt'
- LANGHTM = 'pt-br'
- ENCODING = 'utf'
- ENCHTM = 'utf-8'
- directionhtm = 'ltr'
- requires_version = (0,7,47)
- news = True
- title = u'Estad\xe3o'
- __author__ = 'Euler Alves'
- description = u'Brazilian news from Estad\xe3o'
- publisher = u'Estad\xe3o'
- category = 'news, rss'
- oldest_article = 4
- max_articles_per_feed = 100
- summary_length = 1000
- remove_javascript = True
- no_stylesheets = True
- use_embedded_content = False
- remove_empty_feeds = True
- timefmt = ' [%d %b %Y (%a)]'
- hoje = datetime.now()-timedelta(days=2)
- pubdate = hoje.strftime('%a, %d %b')
- if hoje.hour<10:
- hoje = hoje-timedelta(days=1)
- CAPA = 'http://www.estadao.com.br/estadaodehoje/'+hoje.strftime('%Y%m%d')+'/img/capadodia.jpg'
- SCREENSHOT = 'http://estadao.com.br/'
- cover_margins = (0,0,'white')
- masthead_url = 'http://www.estadao.com.br/estadao/novo/img/logo.png'
- keep_only_tags = [dict(name='div', attrs={'class':['bb-md-noticia','corpo']})]
- remove_tags = [
- dict(name='div',
- attrs={'id':[
- 'bb-md-noticia-tabs'
- ]})
- ,dict(name='div',
- attrs={'class':[
- 'tags'
- ,'discussion'
- ,'bb-gg adsense_container'
- ]})
- ,dict(name='a')
- ,dict(name='iframe')
- ,dict(name='link')
- ,dict(name='script')
- ]
- feeds = [
- (u'\xDAltimas Not\xEDcias', u'http://www.estadao.com.br/rss/ultimas.xml')
- ,(u'Manchetes', u'http://www.estadao.com.br/rss/manchetes.xml')
- ,(u'Brasil', u'http://www.estadao.com.br/rss/brasil.xml')
- ,(u'Internacional', u'http://www.estadao.com.br/rss/internacional.xml')
- ,(u'Cinema', u'http://blogs.estadao.com.br/cinema/feed/')
- ,(u'Planeta', u'http://www.estadao.com.br/rss/planeta.xml')
- ,(u'Ci\xEAncia', u'http://www.estadao.com.br/rss/ciencia.xml')
- ,(u'Sa\xFAde', u'http://www.estadao.com.br/rss/saude.xml')
- ,(u'Pol\xEDtica', u'http://www.estadao.com.br/rss/politica.xml')
- ]
- conversion_options = {
- 'title' : title
- ,'comments' : description
- ,'publisher' : publisher
- ,'tags' : category
- ,'language' : LANGUAGE
- ,'linearize_tables': True
- }
- def preprocess_html(self, soup):
- for item in soup.findAll(style=True):
- del item['style']
- if not soup.find(attrs={'http-equiv':'Content-Language'}):
- meta0 = Tag(soup,'meta',[("http-equiv","Content-Language"),("content",self.LANGHTM)])
- soup.head.insert(0,meta0)
- if not soup.find(attrs={'http-equiv':'Content-Type'}):
- meta1 = Tag(soup,'meta',[("http-equiv","Content-Type"),("content","text/html; charset="+self.ENCHTM)])
- soup.head.insert(0,meta1)
- return soup
- def postprocess_html(self, soup, first):
- #process all the images. assumes that the new html has the correct path
- for tag in soup.findAll(lambda tag: tag.name.lower()=='img' and tag.has_key('src')):
- iurl = tag['src']
- img = Image()
- img.open(iurl)
- width, height = img.size
- print 'img is: ', iurl, 'width is: ', width, 'height is: ', height
- if img < 0:
- raise RuntimeError('Out of memory')
- pw = PixelWand()
- if( width > height and width > 590) :
- print 'Rotate image'
- img.rotate(pw, -90)
- img.save(iurl)
- return soup
- def get_cover_url(self):
- cover_url = self.CAPA
- pedido = Request(self.CAPA)
- pedido.add_header('User-agent','Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; '+self.LANGHTM+'; userid='+self.THUMBALIZR_API+') Calibre/0.8.47 (like Gecko)')
- pedido.add_header('Accept-Charset',self.ENCHTM)
- pedido.add_header('Referer',self.SCREENSHOT)
- try:
- resposta = urlopen(pedido)
- soup = BeautifulSoup(resposta)
- cover_item = soup.find('body')
- if cover_item:
- cover_url='http://api.thumbalizr.com/?api_key='+self.THUMBALIZR_API+'&url='+self.SCREENSHOT+'&width=600&quality=90'
- return cover_url
- except URLError:
- cover_url='http://api.thumbalizr.com/?api_key='+self.THUMBALIZR_API+'&url='+self.SCREENSHOT+'&width=600&quality=90'
- return cover_url