home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- # Source Generated with Decompyle++
- # File: in.pyo (Python 2.7)
- from win32api import BeginUpdateResource, UpdateResource, EndUpdateResource
- import os
- import struct
- import glob
- import optparse
- VS_FFI_SIGNATURE = -17890115
- VOS_NT_WINDOWS32 = 262148
- null_byte = '\x00'.encode('ascii')
- def file_flags(debug):
- if debug:
- return 3
- def file_type(is_dll):
- if is_dll:
- return 2
- def VS_FIXEDFILEINFO(maj, min, sub, build, debug = 0, is_dll = 1):
- return struct.pack('lllllllllllll', VS_FFI_SIGNATURE, VS_FFI_STRUCVERSION, maj << 16 | min, sub << 16 | build, maj << 16 | min, sub << 16 | build, VS_FFI_FILEFLAGSMASK, file_flags(debug), VOS_NT_WINDOWS32, file_type(is_dll), 0, 0, 0)
- def nullterm(s):
- return (unicode(s) + u'\x00').encode('unicode-internal')
- def pad32(s, extra = 2):
- l = 4 - (len(s) + extra & 3)
- if l < 4:
- return s + null_byte * l
- def addlen(s):
- return struct.pack('h', len(s) + 2) + s
- def String(key, value):
- key = nullterm(key)
- value = nullterm(value)
- result = struct.pack('hh', len(value) / 2, 1)
- result = result + key
- result = pad32(result) + value
- return addlen(result)
- def StringTable(key, data):
- key = nullterm(key)
- result = struct.pack('hh', 0, 1)
- result = result + key
- for k, v in data.iteritems():
- result = result + String(k, v)
- result = pad32(result)
- return addlen(result)
- def StringFileInfo(data):
- result = struct.pack('hh', 0, 1)
- result = result + nullterm('StringFileInfo')
- result = pad32(result) + StringTable('040904E4', data)
- return addlen(result)
- def Var(key, value):
- result = struct.pack('hh', len(value), 0)
- result = result + nullterm(key)
- result = pad32(result) + value
- return addlen(result)
- def VarFileInfo(data):
- result = struct.pack('hh', 0, 1)
- result = result + nullterm('VarFileInfo')
- result = pad32(result)
- for k, v in data.iteritems():
- result = result + Var(k, v)
- return addlen(result)
- def VS_VERSION_INFO(maj, min, sub, build, sdata, vdata, debug = 0, is_dll = 1):
- ffi = VS_FIXEDFILEINFO(maj, min, sub, build, debug, is_dll)
- result = struct.pack('hh', len(ffi), 0)
- result = result + nullterm('VS_VERSION_INFO')
- result = pad32(result) + ffi
- result = pad32(result) + StringFileInfo(sdata) + VarFileInfo(vdata)
- return addlen(result)
- def stamp(pathname, options):
- try:
- f = open(pathname, 'a+b')
- f.close()
- except IOError:
- why = None
- print 'WARNING: File %s could not be opened - %s' % (pathname, why)
- ver = options.version
- try:
- bits = [ int(i) for i in ver.split('.') ]
- (vmaj, vmin, vsub, vbuild) = bits
- except (IndexError, TypeError, ValueError):
- raise ValueError('--version must be a.b.c.d (all integers) - got %r' % ver)
- ifn = options.internal_name
- if not ifn:
- ifn = os.path.basename(pathname)
- ofn = options.original_filename
- if not ofn:
- ofn = os.path.basename(pathname)
- sdata = {
- 'Comments': options.comments,
- 'CompanyName': options.company,
- 'FileDescription': options.description,
- 'FileVersion': ver,
- 'InternalName': ifn,
- 'LegalCopyright': options.copyright,
- 'LegalTrademarks': options.trademarks,
- 'OriginalFilename': ofn,
- 'ProductName': options.product,
- 'ProductVersion': ver }
- vdata = {
- 'Translation': struct.pack('hh', 1033, 1252) }
- is_dll = options.dll
- if is_dll is None:
- is_dll = os.path.splitext(pathname)[1].lower() in '.dll .pyd'.split()
- is_debug = options.debug
- if is_debug is None:
- is_debug = os.path.splitext(pathname)[0].lower().endswith('_d')
- for k, v in sdata.items():
- if v is None:
- sdata[k] = ''
- continue
- vs = VS_VERSION_INFO(vmaj, vmin, vsub, vbuild, sdata, vdata, is_debug, is_dll)
- h = BeginUpdateResource(pathname, 0)
- UpdateResource(h, 16, 1, vs)
- EndUpdateResource(h, 0)
- if options.verbose:
- print 'Stamped:', pathname
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- parser = optparse.OptionParser('%prog [options] filespec ...', description = __doc__)
- parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', action = 'store_false', dest = 'verbose', default = True, help = "don't print status messages to stdout")
- parser.add_option('', '--version', default = '', help = 'The version number as m.n.s.b')
- parser.add_option('', '--dll', help = 'Stamp the file as a DLL. Default is to look at the\n file extension for .dll or .pyd.')
- parser.add_option('', '--debug', help = 'Stamp the file as a debug binary.')
- parser.add_option('', '--product', help = 'The product name to embed.')
- parser.add_option('', '--company', help = 'The company name to embed.')
- parser.add_option('', '--trademarks', help = 'The trademark string to embed.')
- parser.add_option('', '--comments', help = 'The comments string to embed.')
- parser.add_option('', '--copyright', help = 'The copyright message string to embed.')
- parser.add_option('', '--description', metavar = 'DESC', help = 'The description to embed.')
- parser.add_option('', '--internal-name', metavar = 'NAME', help = 'The internal filename to embed. If not specified\n the base filename is used.')
- parser.add_option('', '--original-filename', help = 'The original filename to embed. If not specified\n the base filename is used.')
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
- if not args:
- parser.error('You must supply a file to stamp. Use --help for details.')
- for g in args:
- for f in glob.glob(g):
- stamp(f, options)