home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- # Source Generated with Decompyle++
- # File: in.pyo (Python 2.7)
- import sys
- import win32gui
- import win32con
- import struct
- import array
- import commctrl
- import pywintypes
- if win32gui.UNICODE:
- def _make_text_buffer(text):
- if not isinstance(text, unicode):
- raise TypeError('MENUITEMINFO text must be unicode')
- data = (text + '\x00').encode('unicode-internal')
- return array.array('b', data)
- else:
- def _make_text_buffer(text):
- if isinstance(text, unicode):
- text = text.encode('mbcs')
- return array.array('b', text + '\x00')
- def _make_empty_text_buffer(cch):
- return _make_text_buffer('\x00' * cch)
- if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
- def _make_memory(ob):
- return str(buffer(ob))
- def _make_bytes(sval):
- return sval
- else:
- def _make_memory(ob):
- return bytes(memoryview(ob))
- def _make_bytes(sval):
- return sval.encode('ascii')
- def UnpackWMNOTIFY(lparam):
- format = 'iii'
- buf = win32gui.PyGetMemory(lparam, struct.calcsize(format))
- (hwndFrom, idFrom, code) = struct.unpack(format, buf)
- return (hwndFrom, idFrom, code)
- _menuiteminfo_fmt = '5i5PiP'
- def PackMENUITEMINFO(fType = None, fState = None, wID = None, hSubMenu = None, hbmpChecked = None, hbmpUnchecked = None, dwItemData = None, text = None, hbmpItem = None, dwTypeData = None):
- extras = []
- if dwTypeData is not None:
- import warnings
- warnings.warn('PackMENUITEMINFO: please use dwItemData instead of dwTypeData')
- if dwItemData is None:
- if not dwTypeData:
- pass
- dwItemData = 0
- fMask = 0
- if fType is None:
- fType = 0
- else:
- fMask |= win32con.MIIM_FTYPE
- if fState is None:
- fState = 0
- else:
- fMask |= win32con.MIIM_STATE
- if wID is None:
- wID = 0
- else:
- fMask |= win32con.MIIM_ID
- if hSubMenu is None:
- hSubMenu = 0
- else:
- fMask |= win32con.MIIM_SUBMENU
- if hbmpChecked is None:
- hbmpChecked = hbmpUnchecked = 0
- else:
- fMask |= win32con.MIIM_CHECKMARKS
- if dwItemData is None:
- dwItemData = 0
- else:
- fMask |= win32con.MIIM_DATA
- if hbmpItem is None:
- hbmpItem = 0
- else:
- fMask |= win32con.MIIM_BITMAP
- if text is not None:
- fMask |= win32con.MIIM_STRING
- str_buf = _make_text_buffer(text)
- cch = len(text)
- lptext = str_buf.buffer_info()[0]
- extras.append(str_buf)
- else:
- lptext = 0
- cch = 0
- item = struct.pack(_menuiteminfo_fmt, struct.calcsize(_menuiteminfo_fmt), fMask, fType, fState, wID, long(hSubMenu), long(hbmpChecked), long(hbmpUnchecked), dwItemData, lptext, cch, long(hbmpItem))
- return (array.array('b', item), extras)
- def UnpackMENUITEMINFO(s):
- (cb, fMask, fType, fState, wID, hSubMenu, hbmpChecked, hbmpUnchecked, dwItemData, lptext, cch, hbmpItem) = struct.unpack(_menuiteminfo_fmt, s)
- if fMask & win32con.MIIM_FTYPE == 0:
- fType = None
- if fMask & win32con.MIIM_STATE == 0:
- fState = None
- if fMask & win32con.MIIM_ID == 0:
- wID = None
- if fMask & win32con.MIIM_SUBMENU == 0:
- hSubMenu = None
- if fMask & win32con.MIIM_CHECKMARKS == 0:
- hbmpChecked = None
- hbmpUnchecked = None
- if fMask & win32con.MIIM_DATA == 0:
- dwItemData = None
- if fMask & win32con.MIIM_BITMAP == 0:
- hbmpItem = None
- if fMask & win32con.MIIM_STRING:
- text = win32gui.PyGetString(lptext, cch)
- else:
- text = None
- return (fType, fState, wID, hSubMenu, hbmpChecked, hbmpUnchecked, dwItemData, text, hbmpItem)
- def EmptyMENUITEMINFO(mask = None, text_buf_size = 512):
- extra = []
- if mask is None:
- mask = win32con.MIIM_BITMAP | win32con.MIIM_CHECKMARKS | win32con.MIIM_DATA | win32con.MIIM_FTYPE | win32con.MIIM_ID | win32con.MIIM_STATE | win32con.MIIM_STRING | win32con.MIIM_SUBMENU
- if mask & win32con.MIIM_STRING:
- text_buffer = _make_empty_text_buffer(text_buf_size)
- extra.append(text_buffer)
- (text_addr, _) = text_buffer.buffer_info()
- else:
- text_addr = text_buf_size = 0
- buf = struct.pack(_menuiteminfo_fmt, struct.calcsize(_menuiteminfo_fmt), mask, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, text_addr, text_buf_size, 0)
- return (array.array('b', buf), extra)
- _menuinfo_fmt = 'iiiiPiP'
- def PackMENUINFO(dwStyle = None, cyMax = None, hbrBack = None, dwContextHelpID = None, dwMenuData = None, fMask = 0):
- if dwStyle is None:
- dwStyle = 0
- else:
- fMask |= win32con.MIM_STYLE
- if cyMax is None:
- cyMax = 0
- else:
- fMask |= win32con.MIM_MAXHEIGHT
- if hbrBack is None:
- hbrBack = 0
- else:
- fMask |= win32con.MIM_BACKGROUND
- if dwContextHelpID is None:
- dwContextHelpID = 0
- else:
- fMask |= win32con.MIM_HELPID
- if dwMenuData is None:
- dwMenuData = 0
- else:
- fMask |= win32con.MIM_MENUDATA
- item = struct.pack(_menuinfo_fmt, struct.calcsize(_menuinfo_fmt), fMask, dwStyle, cyMax, hbrBack, dwContextHelpID, dwMenuData)
- return array.array('b', item)
- def UnpackMENUINFO(s):
- (cb, fMask, dwStyle, cyMax, hbrBack, dwContextHelpID, dwMenuData) = struct.unpack(_menuinfo_fmt, s)
- if fMask & win32con.MIM_STYLE == 0:
- dwStyle = None
- if fMask & win32con.MIM_MAXHEIGHT == 0:
- cyMax = None
- if fMask & win32con.MIM_BACKGROUND == 0:
- hbrBack = None
- if fMask & win32con.MIM_HELPID == 0:
- dwContextHelpID = None
- if fMask & win32con.MIM_MENUDATA == 0:
- dwMenuData = None
- return (dwStyle, cyMax, hbrBack, dwContextHelpID, dwMenuData)
- def EmptyMENUINFO(mask = None):
- if mask is None:
- mask = win32con.MIM_STYLE | win32con.MIM_MAXHEIGHT | win32con.MIM_BACKGROUND | win32con.MIM_HELPID | win32con.MIM_MENUDATA
- buf = struct.pack(_menuinfo_fmt, struct.calcsize(_menuinfo_fmt), mask, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- return array.array('b', buf)
- def _GetMaskAndVal(val, default, mask, flag):
- if val is None:
- return (mask, default)
- if None is not None:
- mask |= flag
- return (mask, val)
- def PackTVINSERTSTRUCT(parent, insertAfter, tvitem):
- (tvitem_buf, extra) = PackTVITEM(*tvitem)
- tvitem_buf = tvitem_buf.tostring()
- format = 'ii%ds' % len(tvitem_buf)
- return (struct.pack(format, parent, insertAfter, tvitem_buf), extra)
- def PackTVITEM(hitem, state, stateMask, text, image, selimage, citems, param):
- extra = []
- mask = 0
- (mask, hitem) = _GetMaskAndVal(hitem, 0, mask, commctrl.TVIF_HANDLE)
- (mask, state) = _GetMaskAndVal(state, 0, mask, commctrl.TVIF_STATE)
- if not mask & commctrl.TVIF_STATE:
- stateMask = 0
- (mask, text) = _GetMaskAndVal(text, None, mask, commctrl.TVIF_TEXT)
- (mask, image) = _GetMaskAndVal(image, 0, mask, commctrl.TVIF_IMAGE)
- (mask, selimage) = _GetMaskAndVal(selimage, 0, mask, commctrl.TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE)
- (mask, citems) = _GetMaskAndVal(citems, 0, mask, commctrl.TVIF_CHILDREN)
- (mask, param) = _GetMaskAndVal(param, 0, mask, commctrl.TVIF_PARAM)
- if text is None:
- text_addr = text_len = 0
- else:
- text_buffer = _make_text_buffer(text)
- text_len = len(text)
- extra.append(text_buffer)
- (text_addr, _) = text_buffer.buffer_info()
- format = 'iiiiiiiiii'
- buf = struct.pack(format, mask, hitem, state, stateMask, text_addr, text_len, image, selimage, citems, param)
- return (array.array('b', buf), extra)
- def EmptyTVITEM(hitem, mask = None, text_buf_size = 512):
- extra = []
- if mask is None:
- mask = commctrl.TVIF_HANDLE | commctrl.TVIF_STATE | commctrl.TVIF_TEXT | commctrl.TVIF_IMAGE | commctrl.TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE | commctrl.TVIF_CHILDREN | commctrl.TVIF_PARAM
- if mask & commctrl.TVIF_TEXT:
- text_buffer = _make_empty_text_buffer(text_buf_size)
- extra.append(text_buffer)
- (text_addr, _) = text_buffer.buffer_info()
- else:
- text_addr = text_buf_size = 0
- format = 'iiiiiiiiii'
- buf = struct.pack(format, mask, hitem, 0, 0, text_addr, text_buf_size, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- return (array.array('b', buf), extra)
- def UnpackTVITEM(buffer):
- (item_mask, item_hItem, item_state, item_stateMask, item_textptr, item_cchText, item_image, item_selimage, item_cChildren, item_param) = struct.unpack('10i', buffer)
- if not item_mask & commctrl.TVIF_TEXT:
- item_textptr = None
- item_cchText = None
- if not item_mask & commctrl.TVIF_CHILDREN:
- item_cChildren = None
- if not item_mask & commctrl.TVIF_IMAGE:
- item_image = None
- if not item_mask & commctrl.TVIF_PARAM:
- item_param = None
- if not item_mask & commctrl.TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE:
- item_selimage = None
- if not item_mask & commctrl.TVIF_STATE:
- item_state = None
- item_stateMask = None
- if item_textptr:
- text = win32gui.PyGetString(item_textptr)
- else:
- text = None
- return (item_hItem, item_state, item_stateMask, text, item_image, item_selimage, item_cChildren, item_param)
- def UnpackTVNOTIFY(lparam):
- format = 'iiii40s40s'
- buf = win32gui.PyGetMemory(lparam, struct.calcsize(format))
- (hwndFrom, id, code, action, buf_old, buf_new) = struct.unpack(format, buf)
- item_old = UnpackTVITEM(buf_old)
- item_new = UnpackTVITEM(buf_new)
- return (hwndFrom, id, code, action, item_old, item_new)
- def UnpackTVDISPINFO(lparam):
- format = 'iii40s'
- buf = win32gui.PyGetMemory(lparam, struct.calcsize(format))
- (hwndFrom, id, code, buf_item) = struct.unpack(format, buf)
- item = UnpackTVITEM(buf_item)
- return (hwndFrom, id, code, item)
- def PackLVITEM(item = None, subItem = None, state = None, stateMask = None, text = None, image = None, param = None, indent = None):
- extra = []
- mask = 0
- if item is None:
- item = 0
- if subItem is None:
- subItem = 0
- if state is None:
- state = 0
- stateMask = 0
- else:
- mask |= commctrl.LVIF_STATE
- if stateMask is None:
- stateMask = state
- if image is None:
- image = 0
- else:
- mask |= commctrl.LVIF_IMAGE
- if param is None:
- param = 0
- else:
- mask |= commctrl.LVIF_PARAM
- if indent is None:
- indent = 0
- else:
- mask |= commctrl.LVIF_INDENT
- if text is None:
- text_addr = text_len = 0
- else:
- mask |= commctrl.LVIF_TEXT
- text_buffer = _make_text_buffer(text)
- text_len = len(text)
- extra.append(text_buffer)
- (text_addr, _) = text_buffer.buffer_info()
- format = 'iiiiiiiiii'
- buf = struct.pack(format, mask, item, subItem, state, stateMask, text_addr, text_len, image, param, indent)
- return (array.array('b', buf), extra)
- def UnpackLVITEM(buffer):
- (item_mask, item_item, item_subItem, item_state, item_stateMask, item_textptr, item_cchText, item_image, item_param, item_indent) = struct.unpack('10i', buffer)
- if not item_mask & commctrl.LVIF_TEXT:
- item_textptr = None
- item_cchText = None
- if not item_mask & commctrl.LVIF_IMAGE:
- item_image = None
- if not item_mask & commctrl.LVIF_PARAM:
- item_param = None
- if not item_mask & commctrl.LVIF_INDENT:
- item_indent = None
- if not item_mask & commctrl.LVIF_STATE:
- item_state = None
- item_stateMask = None
- if item_textptr:
- text = win32gui.PyGetString(item_textptr)
- else:
- text = None
- return (item_item, item_subItem, item_state, item_stateMask, text, item_image, item_param, item_indent)
- def UnpackLVDISPINFO(lparam):
- format = 'iii40s'
- buf = win32gui.PyGetMemory(lparam, struct.calcsize(format))
- (hwndFrom, id, code, buf_item) = struct.unpack(format, buf)
- item = UnpackLVITEM(buf_item)
- return (hwndFrom, id, code, item)
- def UnpackLVNOTIFY(lparam):
- format = '3i8i'
- buf = win32gui.PyGetMemory(lparam, struct.calcsize(format))
- (hwndFrom, id, code, item, subitem, newstate, oldstate, changed, pt_x, pt_y, lparam) = struct.unpack(format, buf)
- return (hwndFrom, id, code, item, subitem, newstate, oldstate, changed, (pt_x, pt_y), lparam)
- def EmptyLVITEM(item, subitem, mask = None, text_buf_size = 512):
- extra = []
- if mask is None:
- mask = commctrl.LVIF_IMAGE | commctrl.LVIF_INDENT | commctrl.LVIF_TEXT | commctrl.LVIF_PARAM | commctrl.LVIF_STATE
- if mask & commctrl.LVIF_TEXT:
- text_buffer = _make_empty_text_buffer(text_buf_size)
- extra.append(text_buffer)
- (text_addr, _) = text_buffer.buffer_info()
- else:
- text_addr = text_buf_size = 0
- format = 'iiiiiiiiii'
- buf = struct.pack(format, mask, item, subitem, 0, 0, text_addr, text_buf_size, 0, 0, 0)
- return (array.array('b', buf), extra)
- def PackLVCOLUMN(fmt = None, cx = None, text = None, subItem = None, image = None, order = None):
- extra = []
- mask = 0
- (mask, fmt) = _GetMaskAndVal(fmt, 0, mask, commctrl.LVCF_FMT)
- (mask, cx) = _GetMaskAndVal(cx, 0, mask, commctrl.LVCF_WIDTH)
- (mask, text) = _GetMaskAndVal(text, None, mask, commctrl.LVCF_TEXT)
- (mask, subItem) = _GetMaskAndVal(subItem, 0, mask, commctrl.LVCF_SUBITEM)
- (mask, image) = _GetMaskAndVal(image, 0, mask, commctrl.LVCF_IMAGE)
- (mask, order) = _GetMaskAndVal(order, 0, mask, commctrl.LVCF_ORDER)
- if text is None:
- text_addr = text_len = 0
- else:
- text_buffer = _make_text_buffer(text)
- extra.append(text_buffer)
- (text_addr, _) = text_buffer.buffer_info()
- text_len = len(text)
- format = 'iiiiiiii'
- buf = struct.pack(format, mask, fmt, cx, text_addr, text_len, subItem, image, order)
- return (array.array('b', buf), extra)
- def UnpackLVCOLUMN(lparam):
- format = 'iiiiiiii'
- (mask, fmt, cx, text_addr, text_size, subItem, image, order) = struct.unpack(format, lparam)
- if not mask & commctrl.LVCF_FMT:
- fmt = None
- if not mask & commctrl.LVCF_WIDTH:
- cx = None
- if not mask & commctrl.LVCF_TEXT:
- text_addr = None
- text_size = None
- if not mask & commctrl.LVCF_SUBITEM:
- subItem = None
- if not mask & commctrl.LVCF_IMAGE:
- image = None
- if not mask & commctrl.LVCF_ORDER:
- order = None
- if text_addr:
- text = win32gui.PyGetString(text_addr)
- else:
- text = None
- return (fmt, cx, text, subItem, image, order)
- def EmptyLVCOLUMN(mask = None, text_buf_size = 512):
- extra = []
- if mask is None:
- mask = commctrl.LVCF_FMT | commctrl.LVCF_WIDTH | commctrl.LVCF_TEXT | commctrl.LVCF_SUBITEM | commctrl.LVCF_IMAGE | commctrl.LVCF_ORDER
- if mask & commctrl.LVCF_TEXT:
- text_buffer = _make_empty_text_buffer(text_buf_size)
- extra.append(text_buffer)
- (text_addr, _) = text_buffer.buffer_info()
- else:
- text_addr = text_buf_size = 0
- format = 'iiiiiiii'
- buf = struct.pack(format, mask, 0, 0, text_addr, text_buf_size, 0, 0, 0)
- return (array.array('b', buf), extra)
- def PackLVHITTEST(pt):
- format = 'iiiii'
- buf = struct.pack(format, pt[0], pt[1], 0, 0, 0)
- return (array.array('b', buf), None)
- def UnpackLVHITTEST(buf):
- format = 'iiiii'
- (x, y, flags, item, subitem) = struct.unpack(format, buf)
- return ((x, y), flags, item, subitem)
- def PackHDITEM(cxy = None, text = None, hbm = None, fmt = None, param = None, image = None, order = None):
- extra = []
- mask = 0
- (mask, cxy) = _GetMaskAndVal(cxy, 0, mask, commctrl.HDI_HEIGHT)
- (mask, text) = _GetMaskAndVal(text, None, mask, commctrl.LVCF_TEXT)
- (mask, hbm) = _GetMaskAndVal(hbm, 0, mask, commctrl.HDI_BITMAP)
- (mask, fmt) = _GetMaskAndVal(fmt, 0, mask, commctrl.HDI_FORMAT)
- (mask, param) = _GetMaskAndVal(param, 0, mask, commctrl.HDI_LPARAM)
- (mask, image) = _GetMaskAndVal(image, 0, mask, commctrl.HDI_IMAGE)
- (mask, order) = _GetMaskAndVal(order, 0, mask, commctrl.HDI_ORDER)
- if text is None:
- text_addr = text_len = 0
- else:
- text_buffer = _make_text_buffer(text)
- extra.append(text_buffer)
- (text_addr, _) = text_buffer.buffer_info()
- text_len = len(text)
- format = 'iiiiiiiiiii'
- buf = struct.pack(format, mask, cxy, text_addr, hbm, text_len, fmt, param, image, order, 0, 0)
- return (array.array('b', buf), extra)
- def PackDEV_BROADCAST(devicetype, rest_fmt, rest_data, extra_data = _make_bytes('')):
- extra_data += _make_bytes('\x00' * (4 - len(extra_data) % 4))
- format = 'iii' + rest_fmt
- full_size = struct.calcsize(format) + len(extra_data)
- data = (full_size, devicetype, 0) + rest_data
- return struct.pack(format, *data) + extra_data
- def PackDEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE(handle, hdevnotify = 0, guid = _make_bytes('\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'), name_offset = 0, data = _make_bytes('\x00')):
- return PackDEV_BROADCAST(win32con.DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE, 'PP16sl', (long(handle), long(hdevnotify), _make_memory(guid), name_offset), data)
- def PackDEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME(unitmask, flags):
- return PackDEV_BROADCAST(win32con.DBT_DEVTYP_VOLUME, 'II', (unitmask, flags))
- def PackDEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE(classguid, name = ''):
- if win32gui.UNICODE:
- if not isinstance(name, unicode):
- raise TypeError('Must provide unicode for the name')
- name = name.encode('unicode-internal')
- elif isinstance(name, unicode):
- name = name.encode('mbcs')
- rest_fmt = '16s%ds' % len(name)
- rest_data = (_make_memory(pywintypes.IID(classguid)), name)
- return PackDEV_BROADCAST(win32con.DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE, rest_fmt, rest_data)
- def __init__(self, devicetype, **kw):
- self.devicetype = devicetype
- self.__dict__.update(kw)
- def __str__(self):
- return 'DEV_BROADCAST_INFO:' + str(self.__dict__)
- def UnpackDEV_BROADCAST(lparam):
- if lparam == 0:
- return None
- hdr_format = None
- hdr_size = struct.calcsize(hdr_format)
- hdr_buf = win32gui.PyGetMemory(lparam, hdr_size)
- (size, devtype, reserved) = struct.unpack('iii', hdr_buf)
- buf = win32gui.PyGetMemory(lparam, size)
- extra = x = { }
- if devtype == win32con.DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE:
- fmt = hdr_format + 'PP16sl'
- (_, _, _, x['handle'], x['hdevnotify'], guid_bytes, x['nameoffset']) = struct.unpack(fmt, buf[:struct.calcsize(fmt)])
- x['eventguid'] = pywintypes.IID(guid_bytes, True)
- elif devtype == win32con.DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE:
- fmt = hdr_format + '16s'
- (_, _, _, guid_bytes) = struct.unpack(fmt, buf[:struct.calcsize(fmt)])
- x['classguid'] = pywintypes.IID(guid_bytes, True)
- x['name'] = win32gui.PyGetString(lparam + struct.calcsize(fmt))
- elif devtype == win32con.DBT_DEVTYP_VOLUME:
- fmt = hdr_format + 'II'
- (_, _, _, x['unitmask'], x['flags']) = struct.unpack(fmt, buf[:struct.calcsize(fmt)])
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError('unknown device type %d' % (devtype,))
- return None(devtype, **extra)