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- # Source Generated with Decompyle++
- # File: in.pyo (Python 2.7)
- __revision__ = '$Id: textwrap.py 74912 2009-09-18 16:19:56Z georg.brandl $'
- import string
- import re
- __all__ = [
- 'TextWrapper',
- 'wrap',
- 'fill',
- 'dedent']
- _whitespace = '\t\n\x0b\x0c\r '
- class TextWrapper:
- whitespace_trans = string.maketrans(_whitespace, ' ' * len(_whitespace))
- unicode_whitespace_trans = { }
- uspace = ord(u' ')
- for x in map(ord, _whitespace):
- unicode_whitespace_trans[x] = uspace
- wordsep_re = re.compile('(\\s+|[^\\s\\w]*\\w+[^0-9\\W]-(?=\\w+[^0-9\\W])|(?<=[\\w\\!\\"\\\'\\&\\.\\,\\?])-{2,}(?=\\w))')
- wordsep_simple_re = re.compile('(\\s+)')
- sentence_end_re = re.compile('[%s][\\.\\!\\?][\\"\\\']?\\Z' % string.lowercase)
- def __init__(self, width = 70, initial_indent = '', subsequent_indent = '', expand_tabs = True, replace_whitespace = True, fix_sentence_endings = False, break_long_words = True, drop_whitespace = True, break_on_hyphens = True):
- self.width = width
- self.initial_indent = initial_indent
- self.subsequent_indent = subsequent_indent
- self.expand_tabs = expand_tabs
- self.replace_whitespace = replace_whitespace
- self.fix_sentence_endings = fix_sentence_endings
- self.break_long_words = break_long_words
- self.drop_whitespace = drop_whitespace
- self.break_on_hyphens = break_on_hyphens
- self.wordsep_re_uni = re.compile(self.wordsep_re.pattern, re.U)
- self.wordsep_simple_re_uni = re.compile(self.wordsep_simple_re.pattern, re.U)
- def _munge_whitespace(self, text):
- if self.expand_tabs:
- text = text.expandtabs()
- if self.replace_whitespace:
- if isinstance(text, str):
- text = text.translate(self.whitespace_trans)
- elif isinstance(text, unicode):
- text = text.translate(self.unicode_whitespace_trans)
- return text
- def _split(self, text):
- if isinstance(text, unicode):
- if self.break_on_hyphens:
- pat = self.wordsep_re_uni
- else:
- pat = self.wordsep_simple_re_uni
- elif self.break_on_hyphens:
- pat = self.wordsep_re
- else:
- pat = self.wordsep_simple_re
- chunks = pat.split(text)
- chunks = filter(None, chunks)
- return chunks
- def _fix_sentence_endings(self, chunks):
- i = 0
- patsearch = self.sentence_end_re.search
- while i < len(chunks) - 1:
- if chunks[i + 1] == ' ' and patsearch(chunks[i]):
- chunks[i + 1] = ' '
- i += 2
- continue
- i += 1
- def _handle_long_word(self, reversed_chunks, cur_line, cur_len, width):
- if width < 1:
- space_left = 1
- else:
- space_left = width - cur_len
- if self.break_long_words:
- cur_line.append(reversed_chunks[-1][:space_left])
- reversed_chunks[-1] = reversed_chunks[-1][space_left:]
- elif not cur_line:
- cur_line.append(reversed_chunks.pop())
- def _wrap_chunks(self, chunks):
- lines = []
- if self.width <= 0:
- raise ValueError('invalid width %r (must be > 0)' % self.width)
- chunks.reverse()
- while chunks:
- cur_line = []
- cur_len = 0
- if lines:
- indent = self.subsequent_indent
- else:
- indent = self.initial_indent
- width = self.width - len(indent)
- if self.drop_whitespace and chunks[-1].strip() == '' and lines:
- del chunks[-1]
- while chunks:
- l = len(chunks[-1])
- if cur_len + l <= width:
- cur_line.append(chunks.pop())
- cur_len += l
- continue
- break
- if chunks and len(chunks[-1]) > width:
- self._handle_long_word(chunks, cur_line, cur_len, width)
- if self.drop_whitespace and cur_line and cur_line[-1].strip() == '':
- del cur_line[-1]
- if cur_line:
- lines.append(indent + ''.join(cur_line))
- continue
- return lines
- def wrap(self, text):
- text = self._munge_whitespace(text)
- chunks = self._split(text)
- if self.fix_sentence_endings:
- self._fix_sentence_endings(chunks)
- return self._wrap_chunks(chunks)
- def fill(self, text):
- return '\n'.join(self.wrap(text))
- def wrap(text, width = 70, **kwargs):
- w = TextWrapper(width = width, **kwargs)
- return w.wrap(text)
- def fill(text, width = 70, **kwargs):
- w = TextWrapper(width = width, **kwargs)
- return w.fill(text)
- _whitespace_only_re = re.compile('^[ \t]+$', re.MULTILINE)
- _leading_whitespace_re = re.compile('(^[ \t]*)(?:[^ \t\n])', re.MULTILINE)
- def dedent(text):
- margin = None
- text = _whitespace_only_re.sub('', text)
- indents = _leading_whitespace_re.findall(text)
- for indent in indents:
- if margin is None:
- margin = indent
- continue
- if indent.startswith(margin):
- continue
- if margin.startswith(indent):
- margin = indent
- continue
- margin = ''
- if 0 and margin:
- for line in text.split('\n'):
- pass
- if margin:
- text = re.sub('(?m)^' + margin, '', text)
- return text
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- print dedent('Hello there.\n This is indented.')