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- # Source Generated with Decompyle++
- # File: in.pyo (Python 2.7)
- from warnings import warnpy3k
- warnpy3k('the stringold module has been removed in Python 3.0', stacklevel = 2)
- del warnpy3k
- whitespace = ' \t\n\r\x0b\x0c'
- lowercase = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
- letters = lowercase + uppercase
- digits = '0123456789'
- hexdigits = digits + 'abcdef' + 'ABCDEF'
- octdigits = '01234567'
- _idmap = ''
- for i in range(256):
- _idmap = _idmap + chr(i)
- del i
- index_error = ValueError
- atoi_error = ValueError
- atof_error = ValueError
- atol_error = ValueError
- def lower(s):
- return s.lower()
- def upper(s):
- return s.upper()
- def swapcase(s):
- return s.swapcase()
- def strip(s):
- return s.strip()
- def lstrip(s):
- return s.lstrip()
- def rstrip(s):
- return s.rstrip()
- def split(s, sep = None, maxsplit = 0):
- return s.split(sep, maxsplit)
- splitfields = split
- def join(words, sep = ' '):
- return sep.join(words)
- joinfields = join
- _apply = apply
- def index(s, *args):
- return _apply(s.index, args)
- def rindex(s, *args):
- return _apply(s.rindex, args)
- def count(s, *args):
- return _apply(s.count, args)
- def find(s, *args):
- return _apply(s.find, args)
- def rfind(s, *args):
- return _apply(s.rfind, args)
- _float = float
- _int = int
- _long = long
- _StringType = type('')
- def atof(s):
- if type(s) == _StringType:
- return _float(s)
- raise None('argument 1: expected string, %s found' % type(s).__name__)
- def atoi(*args):
- try:
- s = args[0]
- except IndexError:
- raise TypeError('function requires at least 1 argument: %d given' % len(args))
- if type(s) == _StringType:
- return _apply(_int, args)
- raise None('argument 1: expected string, %s found' % type(s).__name__)
- def atol(*args):
- try:
- s = args[0]
- except IndexError:
- raise TypeError('function requires at least 1 argument: %d given' % len(args))
- if type(s) == _StringType:
- return _apply(_long, args)
- raise None('argument 1: expected string, %s found' % type(s).__name__)
- def ljust(s, width):
- n = width - len(s)
- if n <= 0:
- return s
- return None + ' ' * n
- def rjust(s, width):
- n = width - len(s)
- if n <= 0:
- return s
- return None * n + s
- def center(s, width):
- n = width - len(s)
- if n <= 0:
- return s
- half = None / 2
- if n % 2 and width % 2:
- half = half + 1
- return ' ' * half + s + ' ' * (n - half)
- def zfill(x, width):
- if type(x) == type(''):
- s = x
- else:
- s = repr(x)
- n = len(s)
- if n >= width:
- return s
- sign = None
- if s[0] in ('-', '+'):
- sign = s[0]
- s = s[1:]
- return sign + '0' * (width - n) + s
- def expandtabs(s, tabsize = 8):
- res = line = ''
- for c in s:
- if c == '\t':
- c = ' ' * (tabsize - len(line) % tabsize)
- line = line + c
- if c == '\n':
- res = res + line
- line = ''
- continue
- return res + line
- def translate(s, table, deletions = ''):
- return s.translate(table, deletions)
- def capitalize(s):
- return s.capitalize()
- def capwords(s, sep = None):
- if not sep:
- pass
- return join(map(capitalize, s.split(sep)), ' ')
- _idmapL = None
- def maketrans(fromstr, tostr):
- global _idmapL
- if len(fromstr) != len(tostr):
- raise ValueError, 'maketrans arguments must have same length'
- if not _idmapL:
- _idmapL = list(_idmap)
- L = _idmapL[:]
- fromstr = map(ord, fromstr)
- for i in range(len(fromstr)):
- L[fromstr[i]] = tostr[i]
- return join(L, '')
- def replace(s, old, new, maxsplit = 0):
- return s.replace(old, new, maxsplit)
- try:
- ''.upper
- except AttributeError:
- from stringold import *
- try:
- from strop import maketrans, lowercase, uppercase, whitespace
- letters = lowercase + uppercase
- except ImportError:
- pass