home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- # Source Generated with Decompyle++
- # File: in.pyo (Python 2.7)
- import sys
- import os
- import errno
- import getopt
- import time
- import socket
- import asyncore
- import asynchat
- __all__ = [
- 'SMTPServer',
- 'DebuggingServer',
- 'PureProxy',
- 'MailmanProxy']
- program = sys.argv[0]
- __version__ = 'Python SMTP proxy version 0.2'
- class Devnull:
- def write(self, msg):
- pass
- def flush(self):
- pass
- DEBUGSTREAM = Devnull()
- NEWLINE = '\n'
- def usage(code, msg = ''):
- print >>sys.stderr, __doc__ % globals()
- if msg:
- print >>sys.stderr, msg
- sys.exit(code)
- class SMTPChannel(asynchat.async_chat):
- DATA = 1
- def __init__(self, server, conn, addr):
- asynchat.async_chat.__init__(self, conn)
- self._SMTPChannel__server = server
- self._SMTPChannel__conn = conn
- self._SMTPChannel__addr = addr
- self._SMTPChannel__line = []
- self._SMTPChannel__state = self.COMMAND
- self._SMTPChannel__greeting = 0
- self._SMTPChannel__mailfrom = None
- self._SMTPChannel__rcpttos = []
- self._SMTPChannel__data = ''
- self._SMTPChannel__fqdn = socket.getfqdn()
- try:
- self._SMTPChannel__peer = conn.getpeername()
- except socket.error:
- err = None
- self.close()
- if err[0] != errno.ENOTCONN:
- raise
- return None
- print >>DEBUGSTREAM, 'Peer:', repr(self._SMTPChannel__peer)
- self.push('220 %s %s' % (self._SMTPChannel__fqdn, __version__))
- self.set_terminator('\r\n')
- def push(self, msg):
- asynchat.async_chat.push(self, msg + '\r\n')
- def collect_incoming_data(self, data):
- self._SMTPChannel__line.append(data)
- def found_terminator(self):
- line = EMPTYSTRING.join(self._SMTPChannel__line)
- print >>DEBUGSTREAM, 'Data:', repr(line)
- self._SMTPChannel__line = []
- if self._SMTPChannel__state == self.COMMAND:
- if not line:
- self.push('500 Error: bad syntax')
- return None
- method = None
- i = line.find(' ')
- if i < 0:
- command = line.upper()
- arg = None
- else:
- command = line[:i].upper()
- arg = line[i + 1:].strip()
- method = getattr(self, 'smtp_' + command, None)
- if not method:
- self.push('502 Error: command "%s" not implemented' % command)
- return None
- None(arg)
- return None
- if None._SMTPChannel__state != self.DATA:
- self.push('451 Internal confusion')
- return None
- data = None
- for text in line.split('\r\n'):
- if text and text[0] == '.':
- data.append(text[1:])
- continue
- data.append(text)
- self._SMTPChannel__data = NEWLINE.join(data)
- status = self._SMTPChannel__server.process_message(self._SMTPChannel__peer, self._SMTPChannel__mailfrom, self._SMTPChannel__rcpttos, self._SMTPChannel__data)
- self._SMTPChannel__rcpttos = []
- self._SMTPChannel__mailfrom = None
- self._SMTPChannel__state = self.COMMAND
- self.set_terminator('\r\n')
- if not status:
- self.push('250 Ok')
- else:
- self.push(status)
- def smtp_HELO(self, arg):
- if not arg:
- self.push('501 Syntax: HELO hostname')
- return None
- if None._SMTPChannel__greeting:
- self.push('503 Duplicate HELO/EHLO')
- else:
- self._SMTPChannel__greeting = arg
- self.push('250 %s' % self._SMTPChannel__fqdn)
- def smtp_NOOP(self, arg):
- if arg:
- self.push('501 Syntax: NOOP')
- else:
- self.push('250 Ok')
- def smtp_QUIT(self, arg):
- self.push('221 Bye')
- self.close_when_done()
- def __getaddr(self, keyword, arg):
- address = None
- keylen = len(keyword)
- if arg[:keylen].upper() == keyword:
- address = arg[keylen:].strip()
- if not address:
- pass
- elif address[0] == '<' and address[-1] == '>' and address != '<>':
- address = address[1:-1]
- return address
- def smtp_MAIL(self, arg):
- print >>DEBUGSTREAM, '===> MAIL', arg
- address = self._SMTPChannel__getaddr('FROM:', arg) if arg else None
- if not address:
- self.push('501 Syntax: MAIL FROM:<address>')
- return None
- if None._SMTPChannel__mailfrom:
- self.push('503 Error: nested MAIL command')
- return None
- self._SMTPChannel__mailfrom = None
- print >>DEBUGSTREAM, 'sender:', self._SMTPChannel__mailfrom
- self.push('250 Ok')
- def smtp_RCPT(self, arg):
- print >>DEBUGSTREAM, '===> RCPT', arg
- if not self._SMTPChannel__mailfrom:
- self.push('503 Error: need MAIL command')
- return None
- address = self._SMTPChannel__getaddr('TO:', arg) if None else None
- if not address:
- self.push('501 Syntax: RCPT TO: <address>')
- return None
- None._SMTPChannel__rcpttos.append(address)
- print >>DEBUGSTREAM, 'recips:', self._SMTPChannel__rcpttos
- self.push('250 Ok')
- def smtp_RSET(self, arg):
- if arg:
- self.push('501 Syntax: RSET')
- return None
- self._SMTPChannel__mailfrom = None
- self._SMTPChannel__rcpttos = []
- self._SMTPChannel__data = ''
- self._SMTPChannel__state = self.COMMAND
- self.push('250 Ok')
- def smtp_DATA(self, arg):
- if not self._SMTPChannel__rcpttos:
- self.push('503 Error: need RCPT command')
- return None
- if None:
- self.push('501 Syntax: DATA')
- return None
- self._SMTPChannel__state = None.DATA
- self.set_terminator('\r\n.\r\n')
- self.push('354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>')
- class SMTPServer(asyncore.dispatcher):
- def __init__(self, localaddr, remoteaddr):
- self._localaddr = localaddr
- self._remoteaddr = remoteaddr
- asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self)
- try:
- self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- self.set_reuse_addr()
- self.bind(localaddr)
- self.listen(5)
- except:
- self.close()
- raise
- print >>DEBUGSTREAM, '%s started at %s\n\tLocal addr: %s\n\tRemote addr:%s' % (self.__class__.__name__, time.ctime(time.time()), localaddr, remoteaddr)
- def handle_accept(self):
- pair = self.accept()
- if pair is not None:
- (conn, addr) = pair
- print >>DEBUGSTREAM, 'Incoming connection from %s' % repr(addr)
- channel = SMTPChannel(self, conn, addr)
- def process_message(self, peer, mailfrom, rcpttos, data):
- raise NotImplementedError
- class DebuggingServer(SMTPServer):
- def process_message(self, peer, mailfrom, rcpttos, data):
- inheaders = 1
- lines = data.split('\n')
- print '---------- MESSAGE FOLLOWS ----------'
- for line in lines:
- if inheaders and not line:
- print 'X-Peer:', peer[0]
- inheaders = 0
- print line
- print '------------ END MESSAGE ------------'
- class PureProxy(SMTPServer):
- def process_message(self, peer, mailfrom, rcpttos, data):
- lines = data.split('\n')
- i = 0
- for line in lines:
- if not line:
- break
- i += 1
- lines.insert(i, 'X-Peer: %s' % peer[0])
- data = NEWLINE.join(lines)
- refused = self._deliver(mailfrom, rcpttos, data)
- print >>DEBUGSTREAM, 'we got some refusals:', refused
- def _deliver(self, mailfrom, rcpttos, data):
- import smtplib
- refused = { }
- try:
- s = smtplib.SMTP()
- s.connect(self._remoteaddr[0], self._remoteaddr[1])
- try:
- refused = s.sendmail(mailfrom, rcpttos, data)
- finally:
- s.quit()
- except smtplib.SMTPRecipientsRefused:
- e = None
- print >>DEBUGSTREAM, 'got SMTPRecipientsRefused'
- refused = e.recipients
- except (socket.error, smtplib.SMTPException):
- e = None
- print >>DEBUGSTREAM, 'got', e.__class__
- errcode = getattr(e, 'smtp_code', -1)
- errmsg = getattr(e, 'smtp_error', 'ignore')
- for r in rcpttos:
- refused[r] = (errcode, errmsg)
- return refused
- class MailmanProxy(PureProxy):
- def process_message(self, peer, mailfrom, rcpttos, data):
- StringIO = StringIO
- import cStringIO
- Utils = Utils
- import Mailman
- Message = Message
- import Mailman
- MailList = MailList
- import Mailman
- listnames = []
- for rcpt in rcpttos:
- local = rcpt.lower().split('@')[0]
- parts = local.split('-')
- if len(parts) > 2:
- continue
- listname = parts[0]
- if len(parts) == 2:
- command = parts[1]
- else:
- command = ''
- if not Utils.list_exists(listname) or command not in ('', 'admin', 'owner', 'request', 'join', 'leave'):
- continue
- listnames.append((rcpt, listname, command))
- for rcpt, listname, command in listnames:
- rcpttos.remove(rcpt)
- print >>DEBUGSTREAM, 'forwarding recips:', ' '.join(rcpttos)
- if rcpttos:
- refused = self._deliver(mailfrom, rcpttos, data)
- print >>DEBUGSTREAM, 'we got refusals:', refused
- mlists = { }
- s = StringIO(data)
- msg = Message.Message(s)
- if not msg.getheader('from'):
- msg['From'] = mailfrom
- if not msg.getheader('date'):
- msg['Date'] = time.ctime(time.time())
- for rcpt, listname, command in listnames:
- print >>DEBUGSTREAM, 'sending message to', rcpt
- mlist = mlists.get(listname)
- if not mlist:
- mlist = MailList.MailList(listname, lock = 0)
- mlists[listname] = mlist
- if command == '':
- msg.Enqueue(mlist, tolist = 1)
- continue
- if command == 'admin':
- msg.Enqueue(mlist, toadmin = 1)
- continue
- if command == 'owner':
- msg.Enqueue(mlist, toowner = 1)
- continue
- if command == 'request':
- msg.Enqueue(mlist, torequest = 1)
- continue
- if command in ('join', 'leave') or command == 'join':
- msg['Subject'] = 'subscribe'
- else:
- msg['Subject'] = 'unsubscribe'
- msg.Enqueue(mlist, torequest = 1)
- class Options:
- setuid = 1
- classname = 'PureProxy'
- def parseargs():
- try:
- (opts, args) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'nVhc:d', [
- 'class=',
- 'nosetuid',
- 'version',
- 'help',
- 'debug'])
- except getopt.error:
- e = None
- usage(1, e)
- options = Options()
- for opt, arg in opts:
- if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
- usage(0)
- continue
- if opt in ('-V', '--version'):
- print >>sys.stderr, __version__
- sys.exit(0)
- continue
- if opt in ('-n', '--nosetuid'):
- options.setuid = 0
- continue
- if opt in ('-c', '--class'):
- options.classname = arg
- continue
- if opt in ('-d', '--debug'):
- DEBUGSTREAM = sys.stderr
- continue
- if len(args) < 1:
- localspec = 'localhost:8025'
- remotespec = 'localhost:25'
- elif len(args) < 2:
- localspec = args[0]
- remotespec = 'localhost:25'
- elif len(args) < 3:
- localspec = args[0]
- remotespec = args[1]
- else:
- usage(1, 'Invalid arguments: %s' % COMMASPACE.join(args))
- i = localspec.find(':')
- if i < 0:
- usage(1, 'Bad local spec: %s' % localspec)
- options.localhost = localspec[:i]
- try:
- options.localport = int(localspec[i + 1:])
- except ValueError:
- usage(1, 'Bad local port: %s' % localspec)
- i = remotespec.find(':')
- if i < 0:
- usage(1, 'Bad remote spec: %s' % remotespec)
- options.remotehost = remotespec[:i]
- try:
- options.remoteport = int(remotespec[i + 1:])
- except ValueError:
- usage(1, 'Bad remote port: %s' % remotespec)
- return options
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- options = parseargs()
- if options.setuid:
- try:
- import pwd
- except ImportError:
- print >>sys.stderr, 'Cannot import module "pwd"; try running with -n option.'
- sys.exit(1)
- nobody = pwd.getpwnam('nobody')[2]
- try:
- os.setuid(nobody)
- except OSError:
- e = None
- if e.errno != errno.EPERM:
- raise
- print >>sys.stderr, 'Cannot setuid "nobody"; try running with -n option.'
- sys.exit(1)
- classname = options.classname
- if '.' in classname:
- lastdot = classname.rfind('.')
- mod = __import__(classname[:lastdot], globals(), locals(), [
- ''])
- classname = classname[lastdot + 1:]
- else:
- import __main__ as mod
- class_ = getattr(mod, classname)
- proxy = class_((options.localhost, options.localport), (options.remotehost, options.remoteport))
- try:
- asyncore.loop()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- pass