home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- # Source Generated with Decompyle++
- # File: in.pyo (Python 2.7)
- import sys
- import os
- import time
- import marshal
- import re
- from functools import cmp_to_key
- __all__ = [
- 'Stats']
- class Stats:
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
- self.stream = sys.stdout
- if 'stream' in kwds:
- self.stream = kwds['stream']
- del kwds['stream']
- if kwds:
- keys = kwds.keys()
- keys.sort()
- extras = ', '.join([ '%s=%s' % (k, kwds[k]) for k in keys ])
- raise ValueError, 'unrecognized keyword args: %s' % extras
- if not len(args):
- arg = None
- else:
- arg = args[0]
- args = args[1:]
- self.init(arg)
- self.add(*args)
- def init(self, arg):
- self.all_callees = None
- self.files = []
- self.fcn_list = None
- self.total_tt = 0
- self.total_calls = 0
- self.prim_calls = 0
- self.max_name_len = 0
- self.top_level = { }
- self.stats = { }
- self.sort_arg_dict = { }
- self.load_stats(arg)
- trouble = 1
- try:
- self.get_top_level_stats()
- trouble = 0
- finally:
- if trouble:
- print >>self.stream, 'Invalid timing data',
- if self.files:
- print >>self.stream, self.files[-1],
- print >>self.stream
- def load_stats(self, arg):
- if not arg:
- self.stats = { }
- elif isinstance(arg, basestring):
- f = open(arg, 'rb')
- self.stats = marshal.load(f)
- f.close()
- try:
- file_stats = os.stat(arg)
- arg = time.ctime(file_stats.st_mtime) + ' ' + arg
- except:
- pass
- self.files = [
- arg]
- elif hasattr(arg, 'create_stats'):
- arg.create_stats()
- self.stats = arg.stats
- arg.stats = { }
- if not self.stats:
- raise TypeError, "Cannot create or construct a %r object from '%r''" % (self.__class__, arg)
- def get_top_level_stats(self):
- for cc, nc, tt, ct, callers in self.stats.items():
- self.total_calls += nc
- self.prim_calls += cc
- self.total_tt += tt
- if ('jprofile', 0, 'profiler') in callers:
- self.top_level[func] = None
- if len(func_std_string(func)) > self.max_name_len:
- self.max_name_len = len(func_std_string(func))
- continue
- def add(self, *arg_list):
- if not arg_list:
- return self
- if None(arg_list) > 1:
- self.add(*arg_list[1:])
- other = arg_list[0]
- if type(self) != type(other) or self.__class__ != other.__class__:
- other = Stats(other)
- self.files += other.files
- self.total_calls += other.total_calls
- self.prim_calls += other.prim_calls
- self.total_tt += other.total_tt
- for func in other.top_level:
- self.top_level[func] = None
- if self.max_name_len < other.max_name_len:
- self.max_name_len = other.max_name_len
- self.fcn_list = None
- for func, stat in other.stats.iteritems():
- self.stats[func] = add_func_stats(old_func_stat, stat)
- return self
- def dump_stats(self, filename):
- f = file(filename, 'wb')
- try:
- marshal.dump(self.stats, f)
- finally:
- f.close()
- sort_arg_dict_default = {
- 'calls': (((1, -1),), 'call count'),
- 'cumulative': (((3, -1),), 'cumulative time'),
- 'file': (((4, 1),), 'file name'),
- 'line': (((5, 1),), 'line number'),
- 'module': (((4, 1),), 'file name'),
- 'name': (((6, 1),), 'function name'),
- 'nfl': (((6, 1), (4, 1), (5, 1)), 'name/file/line'),
- 'pcalls': (((0, -1),), 'call count'),
- 'stdname': (((7, 1),), 'standard name'),
- 'time': (((2, -1),), 'internal time') }
- def get_sort_arg_defs(self):
- if not self.sort_arg_dict:
- self.sort_arg_dict = dict = { }
- bad_list = { }
- for word, tup in self.sort_arg_dict_default.iteritems():
- fragment = word
- while fragment:
- if not fragment:
- break
- if fragment in dict:
- bad_list[fragment] = 0
- break
- dict[fragment] = tup
- fragment = fragment[:-1]
- for word in bad_list:
- del dict[word]
- return self.sort_arg_dict
- def sort_stats(self, *field):
- if not field:
- self.fcn_list = 0
- return self
- if None(field) == 1 and isinstance(field[0], (int, long)):
- field = [
- {
- -1: 'stdname',
- 0: 'calls',
- 1: 'time',
- 2: 'cumulative' }[field[0]]]
- sort_arg_defs = self.get_sort_arg_defs()
- sort_tuple = ()
- self.sort_type = ''
- connector = ''
- for word in field:
- sort_tuple = sort_tuple + sort_arg_defs[word][0]
- self.sort_type += connector + sort_arg_defs[word][1]
- connector = ', '
- stats_list = []
- for cc, nc, tt, ct, callers in self.stats.iteritems():
- stats_list.append((cc, nc, tt, ct) + func + (func_std_string(func), func))
- stats_list.sort(key = cmp_to_key(TupleComp(sort_tuple).compare))
- self.fcn_list = fcn_list = []
- for tuple in stats_list:
- fcn_list.append(tuple[-1])
- return self
- def reverse_order(self):
- if self.fcn_list:
- self.fcn_list.reverse()
- return self
- def strip_dirs(self):
- oldstats = self.stats
- self.stats = newstats = { }
- max_name_len = 0
- for cc, nc, tt, ct, callers in oldstats.iteritems():
- newfunc = func_strip_path(func)
- if len(func_std_string(newfunc)) > max_name_len:
- max_name_len = len(func_std_string(newfunc))
- newcallers = { }
- for func2, caller in callers.iteritems():
- newcallers[func_strip_path(func2)] = caller
- if newfunc in newstats:
- newstats[newfunc] = add_func_stats(newstats[newfunc], (cc, nc, tt, ct, newcallers))
- continue
- newstats[newfunc] = (cc, nc, tt, ct, newcallers)
- old_top = self.top_level
- self.top_level = new_top = { }
- for func in old_top:
- new_top[func_strip_path(func)] = None
- self.max_name_len = max_name_len
- self.fcn_list = None
- self.all_callees = None
- return self
- def calc_callees(self):
- if self.all_callees:
- return None
- self.all_callees = None
- all_callees = None
- for cc, nc, tt, ct, callers in self.stats.iteritems():
- if func not in all_callees:
- all_callees[func] = { }
- for func2, caller in callers.iteritems():
- if func2 not in all_callees:
- all_callees[func2] = { }
- all_callees[func2][func] = caller
- def eval_print_amount(self, sel, list, msg):
- new_list = list
- if isinstance(sel, basestring):
- try:
- rex = re.compile(sel)
- except re.error:
- msg += ' <Invalid regular expression %r>\n' % sel
- return (new_list, msg)
- new_list = []
- for func in list:
- if rex.search(func_std_string(func)):
- new_list.append(func)
- continue
- count = len(list)
- if isinstance(sel, float):
- if sel <= sel:
- pass
- elif sel < 1:
- count = int(count * sel + 0.5)
- new_list = list[:count]
- elif isinstance(sel, (int, long)):
- if sel <= sel:
- pass
- elif sel < count:
- count = sel
- new_list = list[:count]
- if len(list) != len(new_list):
- msg += ' List reduced from %r to %r due to restriction <%r>\n' % (len(list), len(new_list), sel)
- return (new_list, msg)
- def get_print_list(self, sel_list):
- width = self.max_name_len
- if self.fcn_list:
- stat_list = self.fcn_list[:]
- msg = ' Ordered by: ' + self.sort_type + '\n'
- else:
- stat_list = self.stats.keys()
- msg = ' Random listing order was used\n'
- for selection in sel_list:
- (stat_list, msg) = self.eval_print_amount(selection, stat_list, msg)
- count = len(stat_list)
- if not stat_list:
- return (0, stat_list)
- print >>None.stream, msg
- if count < len(self.stats):
- width = 0
- for func in stat_list:
- if len(func_std_string(func)) > width:
- width = len(func_std_string(func))
- continue
- return (width + 2, stat_list)
- def print_stats(self, *amount):
- for filename in self.files:
- print >>self.stream, filename
- if self.files:
- print >>self.stream
- indent = ' '
- for func in self.top_level:
- print >>self.stream, indent, func_get_function_name(func)
- print >>self.stream, indent, self.total_calls, 'function calls',
- if self.total_calls != self.prim_calls:
- print >>self.stream, '(%d primitive calls)' % self.prim_calls,
- print >>self.stream, 'in %.3f seconds' % self.total_tt
- print >>self.stream
- (width, list) = self.get_print_list(amount)
- if list:
- self.print_title()
- for func in list:
- self.print_line(func)
- print >>self.stream
- print >>self.stream
- return self
- def print_callees(self, *amount):
- (width, list) = self.get_print_list(amount)
- if list:
- self.calc_callees()
- self.print_call_heading(width, 'called...')
- for func in list:
- if func in self.all_callees:
- self.print_call_line(width, func, self.all_callees[func])
- continue
- self.print_call_line(width, func, { })
- print >>self.stream
- print >>self.stream
- return self
- def print_callers(self, *amount):
- (width, list) = self.get_print_list(amount)
- if list:
- self.print_call_heading(width, 'was called by...')
- for func in list:
- (cc, nc, tt, ct, callers) = self.stats[func]
- self.print_call_line(width, func, callers, '<-')
- print >>self.stream
- print >>self.stream
- return self
- def print_call_heading(self, name_size, column_title):
- print >>self.stream, 'Function '.ljust(name_size) + column_title
- subheader = False
- for cc, nc, tt, ct, callers in self.stats.itervalues():
- if callers:
- value = callers.itervalues().next()
- subheader = isinstance(value, tuple)
- break
- continue
- if subheader:
- print >>self.stream, ' ' * name_size + ' ncalls tottime cumtime'
- def print_call_line(self, name_size, source, call_dict, arrow = '->'):
- print >>self.stream, func_std_string(source).ljust(name_size) + arrow,
- if not call_dict:
- print >>self.stream
- return None
- clist = None.keys()
- clist.sort()
- indent = ''
- for func in clist:
- name = func_std_string(func)
- value = call_dict[func]
- if isinstance(value, tuple):
- (nc, cc, tt, ct) = value
- if nc != cc:
- substats = '%d/%d' % (nc, cc)
- else:
- substats = '%d' % (nc,)
- substats = '%s %s %s %s' % (substats.rjust(7 + 2 * len(indent)), f8(tt), f8(ct), name)
- left_width = name_size + 1
- else:
- substats = '%s(%r) %s' % (name, value, f8(self.stats[func][3]))
- left_width = name_size + 3
- print >>self.stream, indent * left_width + substats
- indent = ' '
- def print_title(self):
- print >>self.stream, ' ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall',
- print >>self.stream, 'filename:lineno(function)'
- def print_line(self, func):
- (cc, nc, tt, ct, callers) = self.stats[func]
- c = str(nc)
- if nc != cc:
- c = c + '/' + str(cc)
- print >>self.stream, c.rjust(9),
- print >>self.stream, f8(tt),
- if nc == 0:
- print >>self.stream, ' ',
- else:
- print >>self.stream, f8(float(tt) / nc),
- print >>self.stream, f8(ct),
- if cc == 0:
- print >>self.stream, ' ',
- else:
- print >>self.stream, f8(float(ct) / cc),
- print >>self.stream, func_std_string(func)
- class TupleComp:
- def __init__(self, comp_select_list):
- self.comp_select_list = comp_select_list
- def compare(self, left, right):
- for index, direction in self.comp_select_list:
- l = left[index]
- r = right[index]
- if l < r:
- return -direction
- if None > r:
- return direction
- return 0
- def func_strip_path(func_name):
- (filename, line, name) = func_name
- return (os.path.basename(filename), line, name)
- def func_get_function_name(func):
- return func[2]
- def func_std_string(func_name):
- if func_name[:2] == ('~', 0):
- name = func_name[2]
- if name.startswith('<') and name.endswith('>'):
- return '{%s}' % name[1:-1]
- return None
- return '%s:%d(%s)' % func_name
- def add_func_stats(target, source):
- (cc, nc, tt, ct, callers) = source
- (t_cc, t_nc, t_tt, t_ct, t_callers) = target
- return (cc + t_cc, nc + t_nc, tt + t_tt, ct + t_ct, add_callers(t_callers, callers))
- def add_callers(target, source):
- new_callers = { }
- for func, caller in target.iteritems():
- new_callers[func] = caller
- for func, caller in source.iteritems():
- if func in new_callers:
- if isinstance(caller, tuple):
- new_callers[func] = tuple([ i[0] + i[1] for i in zip(caller, new_callers[func]) ])
- else:
- new_callers[func] += caller
- new_callers[func] = caller
- return new_callers
- def count_calls(callers):
- nc = 0
- for calls in callers.itervalues():
- nc += calls
- return nc
- def f8(x):
- return '%8.3f' % x
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- import cmd
- try:
- import readline
- except ImportError:
- pass
- class ProfileBrowser(cmd.Cmd):
- def __init__(self, profile = None):
- cmd.Cmd.__init__(self)
- self.prompt = '% '
- self.stats = None
- self.stream = sys.stdout
- if profile is not None:
- self.do_read(profile)
- def generic(self, fn, line):
- args = line.split()
- processed = []
- for term in args:
- try:
- processed.append(int(term))
- except ValueError:
- pass
- try:
- frac = float(term)
- if frac > 1 or frac < 0:
- print >>self.stream, 'Fraction argument must be in [0, 1]'
- continue
- processed.append(frac)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- processed.append(term)
- if self.stats:
- getattr(self.stats, fn)(*processed)
- else:
- print >>self.stream, 'No statistics object is loaded.'
- return 0
- def generic_help(self):
- print >>self.stream, 'Arguments may be:'
- print >>self.stream, '* An integer maximum number of entries to print.'
- print >>self.stream, '* A decimal fractional number between 0 and 1, controlling'
- print >>self.stream, ' what fraction of selected entries to print.'
- print >>self.stream, '* A regular expression; only entries with function names'
- print >>self.stream, ' that match it are printed.'
- def do_add(self, line):
- if self.stats:
- self.stats.add(line)
- else:
- print >>self.stream, 'No statistics object is loaded.'
- return 0
- def help_add(self):
- print >>self.stream, 'Add profile info from given file to current statistics object.'
- def do_callees(self, line):
- return self.generic('print_callees', line)
- def help_callees(self):
- print >>self.stream, 'Print callees statistics from the current stat object.'
- self.generic_help()
- def do_callers(self, line):
- return self.generic('print_callers', line)
- def help_callers(self):
- print >>self.stream, 'Print callers statistics from the current stat object.'
- self.generic_help()
- def do_EOF(self, line):
- print >>self.stream, ''
- return 1
- def help_EOF(self):
- print >>self.stream, 'Leave the profile brower.'
- def do_quit(self, line):
- return 1
- def help_quit(self):
- print >>self.stream, 'Leave the profile brower.'
- def do_read(self, line):
- if line:
- try:
- self.stats = Stats(line)
- except IOError:
- args = None
- print >>self.stream, args[1]
- return None
- except Exception:
- err = None
- print >>self.stream, err.__class__.__name__ + ':', err
- return None
- else:
- self.prompt = line + '% '
- except:
- if len(self.prompt) > 2:
- line = self.prompt[:-2]
- self.do_read(line)
- else:
- print >>self.stream, 'No statistics object is current -- cannot reload.'
- return 0
- def help_read(self):
- print >>self.stream, 'Read in profile data from a specified file.'
- print >>self.stream, 'Without argument, reload the current file.'
- def do_reverse(self, line):
- if self.stats:
- self.stats.reverse_order()
- else:
- print >>self.stream, 'No statistics object is loaded.'
- return 0
- def help_reverse(self):
- print >>self.stream, 'Reverse the sort order of the profiling report.'
- def do_sort(self, line):
- if not self.stats:
- print >>self.stream, 'No statistics object is loaded.'
- return None
- abbrevs = None.stats.get_sort_arg_defs()
- if line and (all,)((lambda .0: pass)(line.split())):
- self.stats.sort_stats(*line.split())
- else:
- print >>self.stream, 'Valid sort keys (unique prefixes are accepted):'
- for key, value in Stats.sort_arg_dict_default.iteritems():
- print >>self.stream, '%s -- %s' % (key, value[1])
- return 0
- def help_sort(self):
- print >>self.stream, 'Sort profile data according to specified keys.'
- print >>self.stream, "(Typing `sort' without arguments lists valid keys.)"
- def complete_sort(self, text, *args):
- return [ a for a in Stats.sort_arg_dict_default if a.startswith(text) ]
- def do_stats(self, line):
- return self.generic('print_stats', line)
- def help_stats(self):
- print >>self.stream, 'Print statistics from the current stat object.'
- self.generic_help()
- def do_strip(self, line):
- if self.stats:
- self.stats.strip_dirs()
- else:
- print >>self.stream, 'No statistics object is loaded.'
- def help_strip(self):
- print >>self.stream, 'Strip leading path information from filenames in the report.'
- def help_help(self):
- print >>self.stream, 'Show help for a given command.'
- def postcmd(self, stop, line):
- if stop:
- return stop
- import sys
- if len(sys.argv) > 1:
- initprofile = sys.argv[1]
- else:
- initprofile = None
- try:
- browser = ProfileBrowser(initprofile)
- print >>browser.stream, 'Welcome to the profile statistics browser.'
- browser.cmdloop()
- print >>browser.stream, 'Goodbye.'
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- pass