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- # Source Generated with Decompyle++
- # File: in.pyo (Python 2.7)
- import sys
- import os
- import time
- import marshal
- from optparse import OptionParser
- __all__ = [
- 'run',
- 'runctx',
- 'help',
- 'Profile']
- def run(statement, filename = None, sort = -1):
- prof = Profile()
- try:
- prof = prof.run(statement)
- except SystemExit:
- pass
- if filename is not None:
- prof.dump_stats(filename)
- else:
- return prof.print_stats(sort)
- def runctx(statement, globals, locals, filename = None, sort = -1):
- prof = Profile()
- try:
- prof = prof.runctx(statement, globals, locals)
- except SystemExit:
- pass
- if filename is not None:
- prof.dump_stats(filename)
- else:
- return prof.print_stats(sort)
- def help():
- print 'Documentation for the profile module can be found '
- print "in the Python Library Reference, section 'The Python Profiler'."
- if hasattr(os, 'times'):
- def _get_time_times(timer = os.times):
- t = timer()
- return t[0] + t[1]
- _has_res = 0
- try:
- import resource
- resgetrusage = lambda : resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)
- def _get_time_resource(timer = resgetrusage):
- t = timer()
- return t[0] + t[1]
- _has_res = 1
- except ImportError:
- pass
- class Profile:
- bias = 0
- def __init__(self, timer = None, bias = None):
- self.timings = { }
- self.cur = None
- self.cmd = ''
- self.c_func_name = ''
- if bias is None:
- bias = self.bias
- self.bias = bias
- if not timer:
- if _has_res:
- self.timer = resgetrusage
- self.dispatcher = self.trace_dispatch
- self.get_time = _get_time_resource
- elif hasattr(time, 'clock'):
- self.timer = self.get_time = time.clock
- self.dispatcher = self.trace_dispatch_i
- elif hasattr(os, 'times'):
- self.timer = os.times
- self.dispatcher = self.trace_dispatch
- self.get_time = _get_time_times
- else:
- self.timer = self.get_time = time.time
- self.dispatcher = self.trace_dispatch_i
- else:
- self.timer = timer
- t = self.timer()
- try:
- length = len(t)
- except TypeError:
- self.get_time = timer
- self.dispatcher = self.trace_dispatch_i
- if length == 2:
- self.dispatcher = self.trace_dispatch
- else:
- self.dispatcher = self.trace_dispatch_l
- def get_time_timer(timer = timer, sum = sum):
- return sum(timer())
- self.get_time = get_time_timer
- self.t = self.get_time()
- self.simulate_call('profiler')
- def trace_dispatch(self, frame, event, arg):
- timer = self.timer
- t = timer()
- t = t[0] + t[1] - self.t - self.bias
- if event == 'c_call':
- self.c_func_name = arg.__name__
- if self.dispatch[event](self, frame, t):
- t = timer()
- self.t = t[0] + t[1]
- else:
- r = timer()
- self.t = r[0] + r[1] - t
- def trace_dispatch_i(self, frame, event, arg):
- timer = self.timer
- t = timer() - self.t - self.bias
- if event == 'c_call':
- self.c_func_name = arg.__name__
- if self.dispatch[event](self, frame, t):
- self.t = timer()
- else:
- self.t = timer() - t
- def trace_dispatch_mac(self, frame, event, arg):
- timer = self.timer
- t = timer() / 60 - self.t - self.bias
- if event == 'c_call':
- self.c_func_name = arg.__name__
- if self.dispatch[event](self, frame, t):
- self.t = timer() / 60
- else:
- self.t = timer() / 60 - t
- def trace_dispatch_l(self, frame, event, arg):
- get_time = self.get_time
- t = get_time() - self.t - self.bias
- if event == 'c_call':
- self.c_func_name = arg.__name__
- if self.dispatch[event](self, frame, t):
- self.t = get_time()
- else:
- self.t = get_time() - t
- def trace_dispatch_exception(self, frame, t):
- (rpt, rit, ret, rfn, rframe, rcur) = self.cur
- if rframe is not frame and rcur:
- return self.trace_dispatch_return(rframe, t)
- self.cur = (None, rit + t, ret, rfn, rframe, rcur)
- return 1
- def trace_dispatch_call(self, frame, t):
- if self.cur and frame.f_back is not self.cur[-2]:
- (rpt, rit, ret, rfn, rframe, rcur) = self.cur
- if not isinstance(rframe, Profile.fake_frame):
- self.trace_dispatch_return(rframe, 0)
- fcode = frame.f_code
- fn = (fcode.co_filename, fcode.co_firstlineno, fcode.co_name)
- self.cur = (t, 0, 0, fn, frame, self.cur)
- timings = self.timings
- if fn in timings:
- (cc, ns, tt, ct, callers) = timings[fn]
- timings[fn] = (cc, ns + 1, tt, ct, callers)
- else:
- timings[fn] = (0, 0, 0, 0, { })
- return 1
- def trace_dispatch_c_call(self, frame, t):
- fn = ('', 0, self.c_func_name)
- self.cur = (t, 0, 0, fn, frame, self.cur)
- timings = self.timings
- if fn in timings:
- (cc, ns, tt, ct, callers) = timings[fn]
- timings[fn] = (cc, ns + 1, tt, ct, callers)
- else:
- timings[fn] = (0, 0, 0, 0, { })
- return 1
- def trace_dispatch_return(self, frame, t):
- if frame is not self.cur[-2]:
- self.trace_dispatch_return(self.cur[-2], 0)
- (rpt, rit, ret, rfn, frame, rcur) = self.cur
- rit = rit + t
- frame_total = rit + ret
- (ppt, pit, pet, pfn, pframe, pcur) = rcur
- self.cur = (ppt, pit + rpt, pet + frame_total, pfn, pframe, pcur)
- timings = self.timings
- (cc, ns, tt, ct, callers) = timings[rfn]
- if not ns:
- ct = ct + frame_total
- cc = cc + 1
- if pfn in callers:
- callers[pfn] = callers[pfn] + 1
- else:
- callers[pfn] = 1
- timings[rfn] = (cc, ns - 1, tt + rit, ct, callers)
- return 1
- dispatch = {
- 'call': trace_dispatch_call,
- 'exception': trace_dispatch_exception,
- 'return': trace_dispatch_return,
- 'c_call': trace_dispatch_c_call,
- 'c_exception': trace_dispatch_return,
- 'c_return': trace_dispatch_return }
- def set_cmd(self, cmd):
- if self.cur[-1]:
- return None
- self.cmd = None
- self.simulate_call(cmd)
- class fake_code:
- def __init__(self, filename, line, name):
- self.co_filename = filename
- self.co_line = line
- self.co_name = name
- self.co_firstlineno = 0
- def __repr__(self):
- return repr((self.co_filename, self.co_line, self.co_name))
- class fake_frame:
- def __init__(self, code, prior):
- self.f_code = code
- self.f_back = prior
- def simulate_call(self, name):
- code = self.fake_code('profile', 0, name)
- if self.cur:
- pframe = self.cur[-2]
- else:
- pframe = None
- frame = self.fake_frame(code, pframe)
- self.dispatch['call'](self, frame, 0)
- def simulate_cmd_complete(self):
- get_time = self.get_time
- t = get_time() - self.t
- while self.cur[-1]:
- self.dispatch['return'](self, self.cur[-2], t)
- t = 0
- self.t = get_time() - t
- def print_stats(self, sort = -1):
- import pstats
- pstats.Stats(self).strip_dirs().sort_stats(sort).print_stats()
- def dump_stats(self, file):
- f = open(file, 'wb')
- self.create_stats()
- marshal.dump(self.stats, f)
- f.close()
- def create_stats(self):
- self.simulate_cmd_complete()
- self.snapshot_stats()
- def snapshot_stats(self):
- self.stats = { }
- for cc, ns, tt, ct, callers in self.timings.iteritems():
- callers = callers.copy()
- nc = 0
- for callcnt in callers.itervalues():
- nc += callcnt
- self.stats[func] = (cc, nc, tt, ct, callers)
- def run(self, cmd):
- import __main__
- dict = __main__.__dict__
- return self.runctx(cmd, dict, dict)
- def runctx(self, cmd, globals, locals):
- self.set_cmd(cmd)
- sys.setprofile(self.dispatcher)
- try:
- exec cmd in globals, locals
- finally:
- sys.setprofile(None)
- return self
- def runcall(self, func, *args, **kw):
- self.set_cmd(repr(func))
- sys.setprofile(self.dispatcher)
- try:
- return func(*args, **kw)
- finally:
- sys.setprofile(None)
- def calibrate(self, m, verbose = 0):
- if self.__class__ is not Profile:
- raise TypeError('Subclasses must override .calibrate().')
- saved_bias = self.bias
- self.bias = 0
- try:
- return self._calibrate_inner(m, verbose)
- finally:
- self.bias = saved_bias
- def _calibrate_inner(self, m, verbose):
- get_time = self.get_time
- def f1(n):
- for i in range(n):
- x = 1
- def f(m, f1 = f1):
- for i in range(m):
- f1(100)
- f(m)
- t0 = get_time()
- f(m)
- t1 = get_time()
- elapsed_noprofile = t1 - t0
- if verbose:
- print 'elapsed time without profiling =', elapsed_noprofile
- p = Profile()
- t0 = get_time()
- p.runctx('f(m)', globals(), locals())
- t1 = get_time()
- elapsed_profile = t1 - t0
- if verbose:
- print 'elapsed time with profiling =', elapsed_profile
- total_calls = 0
- reported_time = 0
- for filename, line, funcname in p.timings.items():
- (cc, ns, tt, ct, callers) = None
- if funcname in ('f', 'f1'):
- total_calls += cc
- reported_time += tt
- continue
- if verbose:
- print "'CPU seconds' profiler reported =", reported_time
- print 'total # calls =', total_calls
- if total_calls != m + 1:
- raise ValueError('internal error: total calls = %d' % total_calls)
- mean = (reported_time - elapsed_noprofile) / 2 / total_calls
- if verbose:
- print 'mean stopwatch overhead per profile event =', mean
- return mean
- def Stats(*args):
- print 'Report generating functions are in the "pstats" module\x07'
- def main():
- usage = 'profile.py [-o output_file_path] [-s sort] scriptfile [arg] ...'
- parser = OptionParser(usage = usage)
- parser.allow_interspersed_args = False
- parser.add_option('-o', '--outfile', dest = 'outfile', help = 'Save stats to <outfile>', default = None)
- parser.add_option('-s', '--sort', dest = 'sort', help = 'Sort order when printing to stdout, based on pstats.Stats class', default = -1)
- if not sys.argv[1:]:
- parser.print_usage()
- sys.exit(2)
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
- sys.argv[:] = args
- if len(args) > 0:
- progname = args[0]
- sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(progname))
- with open(progname, 'rb') as fp:
- code = compile(fp.read(), progname, 'exec')
- globs = {
- '__file__': progname,
- '__name__': '__main__',
- '__package__': None }
- runctx(code, globs, None, options.outfile, options.sort)
- else:
- parser.print_usage()
- return parser
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()