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- # Source Generated with Decompyle++
- # File: in.pyo (Python 2.7)
- import warnings
- warnings.warn('The posixfile module is deprecated; fcntl.lockf() provides better locking', DeprecationWarning, 2)
- class _posixfile_:
- states = [
- 'open',
- 'closed']
- def __repr__(self):
- file = self._file_
- return "<%s posixfile '%s', mode '%s' at %s>" % (self.states[file.closed], file.name, file.mode, hex(id(self))[2:])
- def open(self, name, mode = 'r', bufsize = -1):
- import __builtin__
- return self.fileopen(__builtin__.open(name, mode, bufsize))
- def fileopen(self, file):
- import types
- if repr(type(file)) != "<type 'file'>":
- raise TypeError, 'posixfile.fileopen() arg must be file object'
- self._file_ = file
- for maybemethod in dir(file):
- if not maybemethod.startswith('_'):
- attr = getattr(file, maybemethod)
- if isinstance(attr, types.BuiltinMethodType):
- setattr(self, maybemethod, attr)
- return self
- def file(self):
- return self._file_
- def dup(self):
- import posix
- if not hasattr(posix, 'fdopen'):
- raise AttributeError, 'dup() method unavailable'
- return posix.fdopen(posix.dup(self._file_.fileno()), self._file_.mode)
- def dup2(self, fd):
- import posix
- if not hasattr(posix, 'fdopen'):
- raise AttributeError, 'dup() method unavailable'
- posix.dup2(self._file_.fileno(), fd)
- return posix.fdopen(fd, self._file_.mode)
- def flags(self, *which):
- import fcntl
- import os
- if which:
- if len(which) > 1:
- raise TypeError, 'Too many arguments'
- which = which[0]
- else:
- which = '?'
- l_flags = 0
- if 'n' in which:
- l_flags = l_flags | os.O_NDELAY
- if 'a' in which:
- l_flags = l_flags | os.O_APPEND
- if 's' in which:
- l_flags = l_flags | os.O_SYNC
- file = self._file_
- if '=' not in which:
- cur_fl = fcntl.fcntl(file.fileno(), fcntl.F_GETFL, 0)
- if '!' in which:
- l_flags = cur_fl & ~l_flags
- else:
- l_flags = cur_fl | l_flags
- l_flags = fcntl.fcntl(file.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFL, l_flags)
- if 'c' in which:
- arg = '!' not in which
- l_flags = fcntl.fcntl(file.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFD, arg)
- if '?' in which:
- which = ''
- l_flags = fcntl.fcntl(file.fileno(), fcntl.F_GETFL, 0)
- if os.O_APPEND & l_flags:
- which = which + 'a'
- if fcntl.fcntl(file.fileno(), fcntl.F_GETFD, 0) & 1:
- which = which + 'c'
- if os.O_NDELAY & l_flags:
- which = which + 'n'
- if os.O_SYNC & l_flags:
- which = which + 's'
- return which
- def lock(self, how, *args):
- import struct
- import fcntl
- if 'w' in how:
- l_type = fcntl.F_WRLCK
- elif 'r' in how:
- l_type = fcntl.F_RDLCK
- elif 'u' in how:
- l_type = fcntl.F_UNLCK
- else:
- raise TypeError, 'no type of lock specified'
- if None in how:
- cmd = fcntl.F_SETLKW
- elif '?' in how:
- cmd = fcntl.F_GETLK
- else:
- cmd = fcntl.F_SETLK
- l_whence = 0
- l_start = 0
- l_len = 0
- if len(args) == 1:
- l_len = args[0]
- elif len(args) == 2:
- (l_len, l_start) = args
- elif len(args) == 3:
- (l_len, l_start, l_whence) = args
- elif len(args) > 3:
- raise TypeError, 'too many arguments'
- import sys
- import os
- if sys.platform in ('netbsd1', 'openbsd2', 'freebsd2', 'freebsd3', 'freebsd4', 'freebsd5', 'freebsd6', 'freebsd7', 'freebsd8', 'bsdos2', 'bsdos3', 'bsdos4'):
- flock = struct.pack('lxxxxlxxxxlhh', l_start, l_len, os.getpid(), l_type, l_whence)
- elif sys.platform in ('aix3', 'aix4'):
- flock = struct.pack('hhlllii', l_type, l_whence, l_start, l_len, 0, 0, 0)
- else:
- flock = struct.pack('hhllhh', l_type, l_whence, l_start, l_len, 0, 0)
- flock = fcntl.fcntl(self._file_.fileno(), cmd, flock)
- if '?' in how:
- if sys.platform in ('netbsd1', 'openbsd2', 'freebsd2', 'freebsd3', 'freebsd4', 'freebsd5', 'bsdos2', 'bsdos3', 'bsdos4'):
- (l_start, l_len, l_pid, l_type, l_whence) = struct.unpack('lxxxxlxxxxlhh', flock)
- elif sys.platform in ('aix3', 'aix4'):
- (l_type, l_whence, l_start, l_len, l_sysid, l_pid, l_vfs) = struct.unpack('hhlllii', flock)
- elif sys.platform == 'linux2':
- (l_type, l_whence, l_start, l_len, l_pid, l_sysid) = struct.unpack('hhllhh', flock)
- else:
- (l_type, l_whence, l_start, l_len, l_sysid, l_pid) = struct.unpack('hhllhh', flock)
- if l_type != fcntl.F_UNLCK:
- if l_type == fcntl.F_RDLCK:
- return ('r', l_len, l_start, l_whence, l_pid)
- return (None, l_len, l_start, l_whence, l_pid)
- def open(name, mode = 'r', bufsize = -1):
- return _posixfile_().open(name, mode, bufsize)
- def fileopen(file):
- return _posixfile_().fileopen(file)
- SEEK_SET = 0
- SEEK_CUR = 1
- SEEK_END = 2