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- # Source Generated with Decompyle++
- # File: in.pyo (Python 2.7)
- import os
- import sys
- import tempfile
- from warnings import filterwarnings, catch_warnings
- with catch_warnings():
- if sys.py3kwarning:
- filterwarnings('ignore', '.*rfc822 has been removed', DeprecationWarning)
- import rfc822
- from warnings import warnpy3k
- warnpy3k('in 3.x, mimetools has been removed in favor of the email package', stacklevel = 2)
- __all__ = [
- 'Message',
- 'choose_boundary',
- 'encode',
- 'decode',
- 'copyliteral',
- 'copybinary']
- class Message(rfc822.Message):
- def __init__(self, fp, seekable = 1):
- rfc822.Message.__init__(self, fp, seekable)
- self.encodingheader = self.getheader('content-transfer-encoding')
- self.typeheader = self.getheader('content-type')
- self.parsetype()
- self.parseplist()
- def parsetype(self):
- str = self.typeheader
- if str is None:
- str = 'text/plain'
- if ';' in str:
- i = str.index(';')
- self.plisttext = str[i:]
- str = str[:i]
- else:
- self.plisttext = ''
- fields = str.split('/')
- for i in range(len(fields)):
- fields[i] = fields[i].strip().lower()
- self.type = '/'.join(fields)
- self.maintype = fields[0]
- self.subtype = '/'.join(fields[1:])
- def parseplist(self):
- str = self.plisttext
- self.plist = []
- while str[:1] == ';':
- str = str[1:]
- if ';' in str:
- end = str.index(';')
- else:
- end = len(str)
- f = str[:end]
- if '=' in f:
- i = f.index('=')
- f = f[:i].strip().lower() + '=' + f[i + 1:].strip()
- self.plist.append(f.strip())
- str = str[end:]
- def getplist(self):
- return self.plist
- def getparam(self, name):
- name = name.lower() + '='
- n = len(name)
- for p in self.plist:
- if p[:n] == name:
- return rfc822.unquote(p[n:])
- def getparamnames(self):
- result = []
- for p in self.plist:
- i = p.find('=')
- if i >= 0:
- result.append(p[:i].lower())
- continue
- return result
- def getencoding(self):
- if self.encodingheader is None:
- return '7bit'
- return None.encodingheader.lower()
- def gettype(self):
- return self.type
- def getmaintype(self):
- return self.maintype
- def getsubtype(self):
- return self.subtype
- try:
- import thread
- except ImportError:
- import dummy_thread as thread
- _counter_lock = thread.allocate_lock()
- del thread
- _counter = 0
- def _get_next_counter():
- global _counter
- _counter_lock.acquire()
- _counter += 1
- result = _counter
- _counter_lock.release()
- return result
- _prefix = None
- def choose_boundary():
- global _prefix
- import time
- if _prefix is None:
- import socket
- try:
- hostid = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
- except socket.gaierror:
- hostid = ''
- try:
- uid = repr(os.getuid())
- except AttributeError:
- uid = '1'
- try:
- pid = repr(os.getpid())
- except AttributeError:
- pid = '1'
- _prefix = hostid + '.' + uid + '.' + pid
- return '%s.%.3f.%d' % (_prefix, time.time(), _get_next_counter())
- def decode(input, output, encoding):
- if encoding == 'base64':
- import base64
- return base64.decode(input, output)
- if None == 'quoted-printable':
- import quopri
- return quopri.decode(input, output)
- if None in ('uuencode', 'x-uuencode', 'uue', 'x-uue'):
- import uu
- return uu.decode(input, output)
- if None in ('7bit', '8bit'):
- return output.write(input.read())
- if None in decodetab:
- pipethrough(input, decodetab[encoding], output)
- else:
- raise ValueError, 'unknown Content-Transfer-Encoding: %s' % encoding
- def encode(input, output, encoding):
- if encoding == 'base64':
- import base64
- return base64.encode(input, output)
- if None == 'quoted-printable':
- import quopri
- return quopri.encode(input, output, 0)
- if None in ('uuencode', 'x-uuencode', 'uue', 'x-uue'):
- import uu
- return uu.encode(input, output)
- if None in ('7bit', '8bit'):
- return output.write(input.read())
- if None in encodetab:
- pipethrough(input, encodetab[encoding], output)
- else:
- raise ValueError, 'unknown Content-Transfer-Encoding: %s' % encoding
- uudecode_pipe = '(\nTEMP=/tmp/@uu.$$\nsed "s%^begin [0-7][0-7]* .*%begin 600 $TEMP%" | uudecode\ncat $TEMP\nrm $TEMP\n)'
- decodetab = {
- 'uuencode': uudecode_pipe,
- 'x-uuencode': uudecode_pipe,
- 'uue': uudecode_pipe,
- 'x-uue': uudecode_pipe,
- 'quoted-printable': 'mmencode -u -q',
- 'base64': 'mmencode -u -b' }
- encodetab = {
- 'x-uuencode': 'uuencode tempfile',
- 'uuencode': 'uuencode tempfile',
- 'x-uue': 'uuencode tempfile',
- 'uue': 'uuencode tempfile',
- 'quoted-printable': 'mmencode -q',
- 'base64': 'mmencode -b' }
- def pipeto(input, command):
- pipe = os.popen(command, 'w')
- copyliteral(input, pipe)
- pipe.close()
- def pipethrough(input, command, output):
- (fd, tempname) = tempfile.mkstemp()
- temp = os.fdopen(fd, 'w')
- copyliteral(input, temp)
- temp.close()
- pipe = os.popen(command + ' <' + tempname, 'r')
- copybinary(pipe, output)
- pipe.close()
- os.unlink(tempname)
- def copyliteral(input, output):
- while None:
- line = input.readline()
- if not line:
- break
- continue
- return None
- def copybinary(input, output):
- BUFSIZE = 8192
- while None:
- line = input.read(BUFSIZE)
- if not line:
- break
- continue
- return None