home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- # Source Generated with Decompyle++
- # File: in.pyo (Python 2.7)
- import os
- import warnings
- from stat import *
- import genericpath
- from genericpath import *
- __all__ = [
- 'normcase',
- 'isabs',
- 'join',
- 'splitdrive',
- 'split',
- 'splitext',
- 'basename',
- 'dirname',
- 'commonprefix',
- 'getsize',
- 'getmtime',
- 'getatime',
- 'getctime',
- 'islink',
- 'exists',
- 'lexists',
- 'isdir',
- 'isfile',
- 'walk',
- 'expanduser',
- 'expandvars',
- 'normpath',
- 'abspath',
- 'curdir',
- 'pardir',
- 'sep',
- 'pathsep',
- 'defpath',
- 'altsep',
- 'extsep',
- 'devnull',
- 'realpath',
- 'supports_unicode_filenames']
- curdir = ':'
- pardir = '::'
- extsep = '.'
- sep = ':'
- pathsep = '\n'
- defpath = ':'
- altsep = None
- devnull = 'Dev:Null'
- def normcase(path):
- return path.lower()
- def isabs(s):
- if ':' in s:
- pass
- return s[0] != ':'
- def join(s, *p):
- path = s
- for t in p:
- if not s or isabs(t):
- path = t
- continue
- if t[:1] == ':':
- t = t[1:]
- if ':' not in path:
- path = ':' + path
- if path[-1:] != ':':
- path = path + ':'
- path = path + t
- return path
- def split(s):
- if ':' not in s:
- return ('', s)
- colon = None
- for i in range(len(s)):
- if s[i] == ':':
- colon = i + 1
- continue
- path = s[:colon - 1]
- file = s[colon:]
- if path and ':' not in path:
- path = path + ':'
- return (path, file)
- def splitext(p):
- return genericpath._splitext(p, sep, altsep, extsep)
- splitext.__doc__ = genericpath._splitext.__doc__
- def splitdrive(p):
- return ('', p)
- def dirname(s):
- return split(s)[0]
- def basename(s):
- return split(s)[1]
- def ismount(s):
- if not isabs(s):
- return False
- components = None(s)
- if len(components) == 2:
- pass
- return components[1] == ''
- def islink(s):
- try:
- import Carbon.File as Carbon
- return Carbon.File.ResolveAliasFile(s, 0)[2]
- except:
- return False
- def lexists(path):
- try:
- st = os.lstat(path)
- except os.error:
- return False
- return True
- def expandvars(path):
- return path
- def expanduser(path):
- return path
- class norm_error(Exception):
- pass
- def normpath(s):
- if ':' not in s:
- return ':' + s
- comps = None.split(':')
- i = 1
- while i < len(comps) - 1:
- if comps[i] == '' and comps[i - 1] != '':
- if i > 1:
- del comps[i - 1:i + 1]
- i = i - 1
- else:
- raise norm_error, 'Cannot use :: immediately after volume name'
- i = i + 1
- s = ':'.join(comps)
- if s[-1] == ':' and len(comps) > 2 and s != ':' * len(s):
- s = s[:-1]
- return s
- def walk(top, func, arg):
- warnings.warnpy3k('In 3.x, os.path.walk is removed in favor of os.walk.', stacklevel = 2)
- try:
- names = os.listdir(top)
- except os.error:
- return None
- func(arg, top, names)
- for name in names:
- name = join(top, name)
- if isdir(name) and not islink(name):
- walk(name, func, arg)
- continue
- def abspath(path):
- if not isabs(path):
- if isinstance(path, unicode):
- cwd = os.getcwdu()
- else:
- cwd = os.getcwd()
- path = join(cwd, path)
- return normpath(path)
- def realpath(path):
- path = abspath(path)
- try:
- import Carbon.File as Carbon
- except ImportError:
- return path
- if not path:
- return path
- components = None.split(':')
- path = components[0] + ':'
- for c in components[1:]:
- path = join(path, c)
- try:
- path = Carbon.File.FSResolveAliasFile(path, 1)[0].as_pathname()
- continue
- except Carbon.File.Error:
- continue
- return path
- supports_unicode_filenames = True