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- # Source Generated with Decompyle++
- # File: in.pyo (Python 2.7)
- import string
- try:
- from cPickle import dumps, loads
- except ImportError:
- from pickle import dumps, loads
- import re
- import warnings
- __all__ = [
- 'CookieError',
- 'BaseCookie',
- 'SimpleCookie',
- 'SerialCookie',
- 'SmartCookie',
- 'Cookie']
- _nulljoin = ''.join
- _semispacejoin = '; '.join
- _spacejoin = ' '.join
- class CookieError(Exception):
- pass
- _LegalChars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "!#$%&'*+-.^_`|~"
- _Translator = {
- '\x00': '\\000',
- '\x01': '\\001',
- '\x02': '\\002',
- '\x03': '\\003',
- '\x04': '\\004',
- '\x05': '\\005',
- '\x06': '\\006',
- '\x07': '\\007',
- '\x08': '\\010',
- '\t': '\\011',
- '\n': '\\012',
- '\x0b': '\\013',
- '\x0c': '\\014',
- '\r': '\\015',
- '\x0e': '\\016',
- '\x0f': '\\017',
- '\x10': '\\020',
- '\x11': '\\021',
- '\x12': '\\022',
- '\x13': '\\023',
- '\x14': '\\024',
- '\x15': '\\025',
- '\x16': '\\026',
- '\x17': '\\027',
- '\x18': '\\030',
- '\x19': '\\031',
- '\x1a': '\\032',
- '\x1b': '\\033',
- '\x1c': '\\034',
- '\x1d': '\\035',
- '\x1e': '\\036',
- '\x1f': '\\037',
- '"': '\\"',
- '\\': '\\\\',
- '\x7f': '\\177',
- '\x80': '\\200',
- '\x81': '\\201',
- '\x82': '\\202',
- '\x83': '\\203',
- '\x84': '\\204',
- '\x85': '\\205',
- '\x86': '\\206',
- '\x87': '\\207',
- '\x88': '\\210',
- '\x89': '\\211',
- '\x8a': '\\212',
- '\x8b': '\\213',
- '\x8c': '\\214',
- '\x8d': '\\215',
- '\x8e': '\\216',
- '\x8f': '\\217',
- '\x90': '\\220',
- '\x91': '\\221',
- '\x92': '\\222',
- '\x93': '\\223',
- '\x94': '\\224',
- '\x95': '\\225',
- '\x96': '\\226',
- '\x97': '\\227',
- '\x98': '\\230',
- '\x99': '\\231',
- '\x9a': '\\232',
- '\x9b': '\\233',
- '\x9c': '\\234',
- '\x9d': '\\235',
- '\x9e': '\\236',
- '\x9f': '\\237',
- '\xa0': '\\240',
- '\xa1': '\\241',
- '\xa2': '\\242',
- '\xa3': '\\243',
- '\xa4': '\\244',
- '\xa5': '\\245',
- '\xa6': '\\246',
- '\xa7': '\\247',
- '\xa8': '\\250',
- '\xa9': '\\251',
- '\xaa': '\\252',
- '\xab': '\\253',
- '\xac': '\\254',
- '\xad': '\\255',
- '\xae': '\\256',
- '\xaf': '\\257',
- '\xb0': '\\260',
- '\xb1': '\\261',
- '\xb2': '\\262',
- '\xb3': '\\263',
- '\xb4': '\\264',
- '\xb5': '\\265',
- '\xb6': '\\266',
- '\xb7': '\\267',
- '\xb8': '\\270',
- '\xb9': '\\271',
- '\xba': '\\272',
- '\xbb': '\\273',
- '\xbc': '\\274',
- '\xbd': '\\275',
- '\xbe': '\\276',
- '\xbf': '\\277',
- '\xc0': '\\300',
- '\xc1': '\\301',
- '\xc2': '\\302',
- '\xc3': '\\303',
- '\xc4': '\\304',
- '\xc5': '\\305',
- '\xc6': '\\306',
- '\xc7': '\\307',
- '\xc8': '\\310',
- '\xc9': '\\311',
- '\xca': '\\312',
- '\xcb': '\\313',
- '\xcc': '\\314',
- '\xcd': '\\315',
- '\xce': '\\316',
- '\xcf': '\\317',
- '\xd0': '\\320',
- '\xd1': '\\321',
- '\xd2': '\\322',
- '\xd3': '\\323',
- '\xd4': '\\324',
- '\xd5': '\\325',
- '\xd6': '\\326',
- '\xd7': '\\327',
- '\xd8': '\\330',
- '\xd9': '\\331',
- '\xda': '\\332',
- '\xdb': '\\333',
- '\xdc': '\\334',
- '\xdd': '\\335',
- '\xde': '\\336',
- '\xdf': '\\337',
- '\xe0': '\\340',
- '\xe1': '\\341',
- '\xe2': '\\342',
- '\xe3': '\\343',
- '\xe4': '\\344',
- '\xe5': '\\345',
- '\xe6': '\\346',
- '\xe7': '\\347',
- '\xe8': '\\350',
- '\xe9': '\\351',
- '\xea': '\\352',
- '\xeb': '\\353',
- '\xec': '\\354',
- '\xed': '\\355',
- '\xee': '\\356',
- '\xef': '\\357',
- '\xf0': '\\360',
- '\xf1': '\\361',
- '\xf2': '\\362',
- '\xf3': '\\363',
- '\xf4': '\\364',
- '\xf5': '\\365',
- '\xf6': '\\366',
- '\xf7': '\\367',
- '\xf8': '\\370',
- '\xf9': '\\371',
- '\xfa': '\\372',
- '\xfb': '\\373',
- '\xfc': '\\374',
- '\xfd': '\\375',
- '\xfe': '\\376',
- '\xff': '\\377' }
- _idmap = ''.join((lambda .0: pass)(xrange(256)))
- def _quote(str, LegalChars = _LegalChars, idmap = _idmap, translate = string.translate):
- if '' == translate(str, idmap, LegalChars):
- return str
- return None + _nulljoin(map(_Translator.get, str, str)) + '"'
- _OctalPatt = re.compile('\\\\[0-3][0-7][0-7]')
- _QuotePatt = re.compile('[\\\\].')
- def _unquote(str):
- if len(str) < 2:
- return str
- if None[0] != '"' or str[-1] != '"':
- return str
- str = None[1:-1]
- i = 0
- n = len(str)
- res = []
- while i <= i:
- pass
- 0
- if i < n:
- Omatch = _OctalPatt.search(str, i)
- Qmatch = _QuotePatt.search(str, i)
- if not Omatch and not Qmatch:
- res.append(str[i:])
- break
- j = k = -1
- if Omatch:
- j = Omatch.start(0)
- if Qmatch:
- k = Qmatch.start(0)
- if Qmatch:
- if not Omatch or k < j:
- res.append(str[i:k])
- res.append(str[k + 1])
- i = k + 2
- continue
- res.append(str[i:j])
- res.append(chr(int(str[j + 1:j + 4], 8)))
- i = j + 4
- return _nulljoin(res)
- _weekdayname = [
- 'Mon',
- 'Tue',
- 'Wed',
- 'Thu',
- 'Fri',
- 'Sat',
- 'Sun']
- _monthname = [
- None,
- 'Jan',
- 'Feb',
- 'Mar',
- 'Apr',
- 'May',
- 'Jun',
- 'Jul',
- 'Aug',
- 'Sep',
- 'Oct',
- 'Nov',
- 'Dec']
- def _getdate(future = 0, weekdayname = _weekdayname, monthname = _monthname):
- gmtime = gmtime
- time = time
- import time
- now = time()
- (year, month, day, hh, mm, ss, wd, y, z) = gmtime(now + future)
- return '%s, %02d-%3s-%4d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT' % (weekdayname[wd], day, monthname[month], year, hh, mm, ss)
- class Morsel(dict):
- _reserved = {
- 'expires': 'expires',
- 'path': 'Path',
- 'comment': 'Comment',
- 'domain': 'Domain',
- 'max-age': 'Max-Age',
- 'secure': 'secure',
- 'httponly': 'httponly',
- 'version': 'Version' }
- def __init__(self):
- self.key = None
- self.value = None
- self.coded_value = None
- for K in self._reserved:
- dict.__setitem__(self, K, '')
- def __setitem__(self, K, V):
- K = K.lower()
- if K not in self._reserved:
- raise CookieError('Invalid Attribute %s' % K)
- dict.__setitem__(self, K, V)
- def isReservedKey(self, K):
- return K.lower() in self._reserved
- def set(self, key, val, coded_val, LegalChars = _LegalChars, idmap = _idmap, translate = string.translate):
- if key.lower() in self._reserved:
- raise CookieError('Attempt to set a reserved key: %s' % key)
- if '' != translate(key, idmap, LegalChars):
- raise CookieError('Illegal key value: %s' % key)
- self.key = key
- self.value = val
- self.coded_value = coded_val
- def output(self, attrs = None, header = 'Set-Cookie:'):
- return '%s %s' % (header, self.OutputString(attrs))
- __str__ = output
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<%s: %s=%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.key, repr(self.value))
- def js_output(self, attrs = None):
- return '\n <script type="text/javascript">\n <!-- begin hiding\n document.cookie = "%s";\n // end hiding -->\n </script>\n ' % (self.OutputString(attrs).replace('"', '\\"'),)
- def OutputString(self, attrs = None):
- result = []
- RA = result.append
- RA('%s=%s' % (self.key, self.coded_value))
- if attrs is None:
- attrs = self._reserved
- items = self.items()
- items.sort()
- for K, V in items:
- if V == '':
- continue
- if K not in attrs:
- continue
- if K == 'expires' and type(V) == type(1):
- RA('%s=%s' % (self._reserved[K], _getdate(V)))
- continue
- if K == 'max-age' and type(V) == type(1):
- RA('%s=%d' % (self._reserved[K], V))
- continue
- if K == 'secure':
- RA(str(self._reserved[K]))
- continue
- if K == 'httponly':
- RA(str(self._reserved[K]))
- continue
- RA('%s=%s' % (self._reserved[K], V))
- return _semispacejoin(result)
- _LegalCharsPatt = "[\\w\\d!#%&'~_`><@,:/\\$\\*\\+\\-\\.\\^\\|\\)\\(\\?\\}\\{\\=]"
- _CookiePattern = re.compile('(?x)(?P<key>' + _LegalCharsPatt + '+?)\\s*=\\s*(?P<val>"(?:[^\\\\"]|\\\\.)*"|\\w{3},\\s[\\w\\d-]{9,11}\\s[\\d:]{8}\\sGMT|' + _LegalCharsPatt + '*)\\s*;?')
- class BaseCookie(dict):
- def value_decode(self, val):
- return (val, val)
- def value_encode(self, val):
- strval = str(val)
- return (strval, strval)
- def __init__(self, input = None):
- if input:
- self.load(input)
- def __set(self, key, real_value, coded_value):
- M = self.get(key, Morsel())
- M.set(key, real_value, coded_value)
- dict.__setitem__(self, key, M)
- def __setitem__(self, key, value):
- (rval, cval) = self.value_encode(value)
- self._BaseCookie__set(key, rval, cval)
- def output(self, attrs = None, header = 'Set-Cookie:', sep = '\r\n'):
- result = []
- items = self.items()
- items.sort()
- for K, V in items:
- result.append(V.output(attrs, header))
- return sep.join(result)
- __str__ = output
- def __repr__(self):
- L = []
- items = self.items()
- items.sort()
- for K, V in items:
- L.append('%s=%s' % (K, repr(V.value)))
- return '<%s: %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, _spacejoin(L))
- def js_output(self, attrs = None):
- result = []
- items = self.items()
- items.sort()
- for K, V in items:
- result.append(V.js_output(attrs))
- return _nulljoin(result)
- def load(self, rawdata):
- if type(rawdata) == type(''):
- self._BaseCookie__ParseString(rawdata)
- else:
- for k, v in rawdata.items():
- self[k] = v
- def __ParseString(self, str, patt = _CookiePattern):
- i = 0
- n = len(str)
- M = None
- while i <= i:
- pass
- 0
- if i < n:
- match = patt.search(str, i)
- if not match:
- break
- K = match.group('key')
- V = match.group('val')
- i = match.end(0)
- if K[0] == '$' or M:
- M[K[1:]] = V
- if K.lower() in Morsel._reserved or M:
- M[K] = _unquote(V)
- (rval, cval) = self.value_decode(V)
- self._BaseCookie__set(K, rval, cval)
- M = self[K]
- class SimpleCookie(BaseCookie):
- def value_decode(self, val):
- return (_unquote(val), val)
- def value_encode(self, val):
- strval = str(val)
- return (strval, _quote(strval))
- class SerialCookie(BaseCookie):
- def __init__(self, input = None):
- warnings.warn('SerialCookie class is insecure; do not use it', DeprecationWarning)
- BaseCookie.__init__(self, input)
- def value_decode(self, val):
- return (loads(_unquote(val)), val)
- def value_encode(self, val):
- return (val, _quote(dumps(val)))
- class SmartCookie(BaseCookie):
- def __init__(self, input = None):
- warnings.warn('Cookie/SmartCookie class is insecure; do not use it', DeprecationWarning)
- BaseCookie.__init__(self, input)
- def value_decode(self, val):
- strval = _unquote(val)
- try:
- return (loads(strval), val)
- except:
- return (strval, val)
- def value_encode(self, val):
- if type(val) == type(''):
- return (val, _quote(val))
- return (None, _quote(dumps(val)))
- Cookie = SmartCookie
- def _test():
- import doctest
- import Cookie
- return doctest.testmod(Cookie)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- _test()