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- #
- # Copyright (C) 2009 Oracle Corporation
- #
- # This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
- # available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software;
- # you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
- # General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
- # Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
- # VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
- # hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
- #
- import sys,os
- import traceback
- # To set Python bitness on OSX use 'export VERSIONER_PYTHON_PREFER_32_BIT=yes'
- VboxBinDir = os.environ.get("VBOX_PROGRAM_PATH", None)
- VboxSdkDir = os.environ.get("VBOX_SDK_PATH", None)
- if VboxBinDir is None:
- # Will be set by the installer
- VboxBinDir = "%VBOX_INSTALL_PATH%"
- if VboxSdkDir is None:
- # Will be set by the installer
- VboxSdkDir = "%VBOX_SDK_PATH%"
- os.environ["VBOX_PROGRAM_PATH"] = VboxBinDir
- os.environ["VBOX_SDK_PATH"] = VboxSdkDir
- sys.path.append(VboxBinDir)
- from VirtualBox_constants import VirtualBoxReflectionInfo
- class PerfCollector:
- """ This class provides a wrapper over IPerformanceCollector in order to
- get more 'pythonic' interface.
- To begin collection of metrics use setup() method.
- To get collected data use query() method.
- It is possible to disable metric collection without changing collection
- parameters with disable() method. The enable() method resumes metric
- collection.
- """
- def __init__(self, mgr, vbox):
- """ Initializes the instance.
- """
- self.mgr = mgr
- self.isMscom = (mgr.type == 'MSCOM')
- self.collector = vbox.performanceCollector
- def setup(self, names, objects, period, nsamples):
- """ Discards all previously collected values for the specified
- metrics, sets the period of collection and the number of retained
- samples, enables collection.
- """
- self.collector.setupMetrics(names, objects, period, nsamples)
- def enable(self, names, objects):
- """ Resumes metric collection for the specified metrics.
- """
- self.collector.enableMetrics(names, objects)
- def disable(self, names, objects):
- """ Suspends metric collection for the specified metrics.
- """
- self.collector.disableMetrics(names, objects)
- def query(self, names, objects):
- """ Retrieves collected metric values as well as some auxiliary
- information. Returns an array of dictionaries, one dictionary per
- metric. Each dictionary contains the following entries:
- 'name': metric name
- 'object': managed object this metric associated with
- 'unit': unit of measurement
- 'scale': divide 'values' by this number to get float numbers
- 'values': collected data
- 'values_as_string': pre-processed values ready for 'print' statement
- """
- # Get around the problem with input arrays returned in output
- # parameters (see #3953) for MSCOM.
- if self.isMscom:
- (values, names, objects, names_out, objects_out, units, scales, sequence_numbers,
- indices, lengths) = self.collector.queryMetricsData(names, objects)
- else:
- (values, names_out, objects_out, units, scales, sequence_numbers,
- indices, lengths) = self.collector.queryMetricsData(names, objects)
- out = []
- for i in xrange(0, len(names_out)):
- scale = int(scales[i])
- if scale != 1:
- fmt = '%.2f%s'
- else:
- fmt = '%d %s'
- out.append({
- 'name':str(names_out[i]),
- 'object':str(objects_out[i]),
- 'unit':str(units[i]),
- 'scale':scale,
- 'values':[int(values[j]) for j in xrange(int(indices[i]), int(indices[i])+int(lengths[i]))],
- 'values_as_string':'['+', '.join([fmt % (int(values[j])/scale, units[i]) for j in xrange(int(indices[i]), int(indices[i])+int(lengths[i]))])+']'
- })
- return out
- def ComifyName(name):
- return name[0].capitalize()+name[1:]
- _COMForward = { 'getattr' : None,
- 'setattr' : None}
- def CustomGetAttr(self, attr):
- # fastpath
- if self.__class__.__dict__.get(attr) != None:
- return self.__class__.__dict__.get(attr)
- # try case-insensitivity workaround for class attributes (COM methods)
- for k in self.__class__.__dict__.keys():
- if k.lower() == attr.lower():
- self.__class__.__dict__[attr] = self.__class__.__dict__[k]
- return getattr(self, k)
- try:
- return _COMForward['getattr'](self,ComifyName(attr))
- except AttributeError:
- return _COMForward['getattr'](self,attr)
- def CustomSetAttr(self, attr, value):
- try:
- return _COMForward['setattr'](self, ComifyName(attr), value)
- except AttributeError:
- return _COMForward['setattr'](self, attr, value)
- class PlatformMSCOM:
- # Class to fake access to constants in style of foo.bar.boo
- class ConstantFake:
- def __init__(self, parent, name):
- self.__dict__['_parent'] = parent
- self.__dict__['_name'] = name
- self.__dict__['_consts'] = {}
- try:
- self.__dict__['_depth']=parent.__dict__['_depth']+1
- except:
- self.__dict__['_depth']=0
- if self.__dict__['_depth'] > 4:
- raise AttributeError
- def __getattr__(self, attr):
- import win32com
- from win32com.client import constants
- if attr.startswith("__"):
- raise AttributeError
- consts = self.__dict__['_consts']
- fake = consts.get(attr, None)
- if fake != None:
- return fake
- try:
- name = self.__dict__['_name']
- parent = self.__dict__['_parent']
- while parent != None:
- if parent._name is not None:
- name = parent._name+'_'+name
- parent = parent._parent
- if name is not None:
- name += "_" + attr
- else:
- name = attr
- return win32com.client.constants.__getattr__(name)
- except AttributeError,e:
- fake = PlatformMSCOM.ConstantFake(self, attr)
- consts[attr] = fake
- return fake
- class InterfacesWrapper:
- def __init__(self):
- self.__dict__['_rootFake'] = PlatformMSCOM.ConstantFake(None, None)
- def __getattr__(self, a):
- import win32com
- from win32com.client import constants
- if a.startswith("__"):
- raise AttributeError
- try:
- return win32com.client.constants.__getattr__(a)
- except AttributeError,e:
- return self.__dict__['_rootFake'].__getattr__(a)
- VBOX_TLB_GUID = '{46137EEC-703B-4FE5-AFD4-7C9BBBBA0259}'
- def __init__(self, params):
- from win32com import universal
- from win32com.client import gencache, DispatchBaseClass
- from win32com.client import constants, getevents
- import win32com
- import pythoncom
- import win32api
- from win32con import DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS
- from win32api import GetCurrentThread,GetCurrentThreadId,DuplicateHandle,GetCurrentProcess
- import threading
- pid = GetCurrentProcess()
- self.tid = GetCurrentThreadId()
- handle = DuplicateHandle(pid, GetCurrentThread(), pid, 0, 0, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)
- self.handles = []
- self.handles.append(handle)
- _COMForward['getattr'] = DispatchBaseClass.__dict__['__getattr__']
- DispatchBaseClass.__dict__['__getattr__'] = CustomGetAttr
- _COMForward['setattr'] = DispatchBaseClass.__dict__['__setattr__']
- DispatchBaseClass.__dict__['__setattr__'] = CustomSetAttr
- win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch('VirtualBox.Session')
- win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch('VirtualBox.VirtualBox')
- self.oIntCv = threading.Condition()
- self.fInterrupted = False;
- def getSessionObject(self, vbox):
- import win32com
- from win32com.client import Dispatch
- return win32com.client.Dispatch("VirtualBox.Session")
- def getVirtualBox(self):
- import win32com
- from win32com.client import Dispatch
- return win32com.client.Dispatch("VirtualBox.VirtualBox")
- def getType(self):
- return 'MSCOM'
- def getRemote(self):
- return False
- def getArray(self, obj, field):
- return obj.__getattr__(field)
- def initPerThread(self):
- import pythoncom
- pythoncom.CoInitializeEx(0)
- def deinitPerThread(self):
- import pythoncom
- pythoncom.CoUninitialize()
- def createListener(self, impl, arg):
- d = {}
- d['BaseClass'] = impl
- d['arg'] = arg
- d['tlb_guid'] = PlatformMSCOM.VBOX_TLB_GUID
- str = ""
- str += "import win32com.server.util\n"
- str += "import pythoncom\n"
- str += "class ListenerImpl(BaseClass):\n"
- str += " _com_interfaces_ = ['IEventListener']\n"
- str += " _typelib_guid_ = tlb_guid\n"
- str += " _typelib_version_ = 1, 0\n"
- str += " _reg_clsctx_ = pythoncom.CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER\n"
- # Maybe we'd better implement Dynamic invoke policy, to be more flexible here
- str += " _reg_policy_spec_ = 'win32com.server.policy.EventHandlerPolicy'\n"
- # capitalized version of listener method
- str += " HandleEvent=BaseClass.handleEvent\n"
- str += " def __init__(self): BaseClass.__init__(self, arg)\n"
- str += "result = win32com.server.util.wrap(ListenerImpl())\n"
- exec (str,d,d)
- return d['result']
- def waitForEvents(self, timeout):
- from win32api import GetCurrentThreadId
- from win32event import INFINITE
- from win32event import MsgWaitForMultipleObjects, \
- from pythoncom import PumpWaitingMessages
- import types
- if not isinstance(timeout, types.IntType):
- raise TypeError("The timeout argument is not an integer")
- if (self.tid != GetCurrentThreadId()):
- raise Exception("wait for events from the same thread you inited!")
- if timeout < 0: cMsTimeout = INFINITE
- else: cMsTimeout = timeout
- rc = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(self.handles, 0, cMsTimeout, QS_ALLINPUT)
- if rc >= WAIT_OBJECT_0 and rc < WAIT_OBJECT_0+len(self.handles):
- # is it possible?
- rc = 2;
- elif rc==WAIT_OBJECT_0 + len(self.handles):
- # Waiting messages
- PumpWaitingMessages()
- rc = 0;
- else:
- # Timeout
- rc = 1;
- # check for interruption
- self.oIntCv.acquire()
- if self.fInterrupted:
- self.fInterrupted = False
- rc = 1;
- self.oIntCv.release()
- return rc;
- def interruptWaitEvents(self):
- """
- Basically a python implementation of EventQueue::postEvent().
- The magic value must be in sync with the C++ implementation or this
- won't work.
- Note that because of this method we cannot easily make use of a
- non-visible Window to handle the message like we would like to do.
- """
- from win32api import PostThreadMessage
- from win32con import WM_USER
- self.oIntCv.acquire()
- self.fInterrupted = True
- self.oIntCv.release()
- try:
- PostThreadMessage(self.tid, WM_USER, None, 0xf241b819)
- except:
- return False;
- return True;
- def deinit(self):
- import pythoncom
- from win32file import CloseHandle
- for h in self.handles:
- if h is not None:
- CloseHandle(h)
- self.handles = None
- pythoncom.CoUninitialize()
- pass
- def queryInterface(self, obj, klazzName):
- from win32com.client import CastTo
- return CastTo(obj, klazzName)
- class PlatformXPCOM:
- def __init__(self, params):
- sys.path.append(VboxSdkDir+'/bindings/xpcom/python/')
- import xpcom.vboxxpcom
- import xpcom
- import xpcom.components
- def getSessionObject(self, vbox):
- import xpcom.components
- return xpcom.components.classes["@virtualbox.org/Session;1"].createInstance()
- def getVirtualBox(self):
- import xpcom.components
- return xpcom.components.classes["@virtualbox.org/VirtualBox;1"].createInstance()
- def getType(self):
- return 'XPCOM'
- def getRemote(self):
- return False
- def getArray(self, obj, field):
- return obj.__getattr__('get'+ComifyName(field))()
- def initPerThread(self):
- import xpcom
- xpcom._xpcom.AttachThread()
- def deinitPerThread(self):
- import xpcom
- xpcom._xpcom.DetachThread()
- def createListener(self, impl, arg):
- d = {}
- d['BaseClass'] = impl
- d['arg'] = arg
- str = ""
- str += "import xpcom.components\n"
- str += "class ListenerImpl(BaseClass):\n"
- str += " _com_interfaces_ = xpcom.components.interfaces.IEventListener\n"
- str += " def __init__(self): BaseClass.__init__(self, arg)\n"
- str += "result = ListenerImpl()\n"
- exec (str,d,d)
- return d['result']
- def waitForEvents(self, timeout):
- import xpcom
- return xpcom._xpcom.WaitForEvents(timeout)
- def interruptWaitEvents(self):
- import xpcom
- return xpcom._xpcom.InterruptWait()
- def deinit(self):
- import xpcom
- xpcom._xpcom.DeinitCOM()
- def queryInterface(self, obj, klazzName):
- import xpcom.components
- return obj.queryInterface(getattr(xpcom.components.interfaces, klazzName))
- class PlatformWEBSERVICE:
- def __init__(self, params):
- sys.path.append(os.path.join(VboxSdkDir,'bindings', 'webservice', 'python', 'lib'))
- #import VirtualBox_services
- import VirtualBox_wrappers
- from VirtualBox_wrappers import IWebsessionManager2
- if params is not None:
- self.user = params.get("user", "")
- self.password = params.get("password", "")
- self.url = params.get("url", "")
- else:
- self.user = ""
- self.password = ""
- self.url = None
- self.vbox = None
- def getSessionObject(self, vbox):
- return self.wsmgr.getSessionObject(vbox)
- def getVirtualBox(self):
- return self.connect(self.url, self.user, self.password)
- def connect(self, url, user, passwd):
- if self.vbox is not None:
- self.disconnect()
- from VirtualBox_wrappers import IWebsessionManager2
- if url is None:
- url = ""
- self.url = url
- if user is None:
- user = ""
- self.user = user
- if passwd is None:
- passwd = ""
- self.password = passwd
- self.wsmgr = IWebsessionManager2(self.url)
- self.vbox = self.wsmgr.logon(self.user, self.password)
- if not self.vbox.handle:
- raise Exception("cannot connect to '"+self.url+"' as '"+self.user+"'")
- return self.vbox
- def disconnect(self):
- if self.vbox is not None and self.wsmgr is not None:
- self.wsmgr.logoff(self.vbox)
- self.vbox = None
- self.wsmgr = None
- def getType(self):
- return 'WEBSERVICE'
- def getRemote(self):
- return True
- def getArray(self, obj, field):
- return obj.__getattr__(field)
- def initPerThread(self):
- pass
- def deinitPerThread(self):
- pass
- def createListener(self, impl, arg):
- raise Exception("no active listeners for webservices")
- def waitForEvents(self, timeout):
- # Webservices cannot do that yet
- return 2;
- def interruptWaitEvents(self, timeout):
- # Webservices cannot do that yet
- return False;
- def deinit(self):
- try:
- disconnect()
- except:
- pass
- def queryInterface(self, obj, klazzName):
- d = {}
- d['obj'] = obj
- str = ""
- str += "from VirtualBox_wrappers import "+klazzName+"\n"
- str += "result = "+klazzName+"(obj.mgr,obj.handle)\n"
- # wrong, need to test if class indeed implements this interface
- exec (str,d,d)
- return d['result']
- class SessionManager:
- def __init__(self, mgr):
- self.mgr = mgr
- def getSessionObject(self, vbox):
- return self.mgr.platform.getSessionObject(vbox)
- class VirtualBoxManager:
- def __init__(self, style, platparams):
- if style is None:
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- style = "MSCOM"
- else:
- style = "XPCOM"
- exec "self.platform = Platform"+style+"(platparams)"
- # for webservices, enums are symbolic
- self.constants = VirtualBoxReflectionInfo(style == "WEBSERVICE")
- self.type = self.platform.getType()
- self.remote = self.platform.getRemote()
- self.style = style
- self.mgr = SessionManager(self)
- try:
- self.vbox = self.platform.getVirtualBox()
- except NameError,ne:
- print "Installation problem: check that appropriate libs in place"
- traceback.print_exc()
- raise ne
- except Exception,e:
- print "init exception: ",e
- traceback.print_exc()
- if self.remote:
- self.vbox = None
- else:
- raise e
- def getArray(self, obj, field):
- return self.platform.getArray(obj, field)
- def getVirtualBox(self):
- return self.platform.getVirtualBox()
- def __del__(self):
- self.deinit()
- def deinit(self):
- if hasattr(self, "vbox"):
- del self.vbox
- self.vbox = None
- if hasattr(self, "platform"):
- self.platform.deinit()
- self.platform = None
- def initPerThread(self):
- self.platform.initPerThread()
- def openMachineSession(self, mach, permitSharing = True):
- session = self.mgr.getSessionObject(self.vbox)
- if permitSharing:
- type = self.constants.LockType_Shared
- else:
- type = self.constants.LockType_Write
- mach.lockMachine(session, type)
- return session
- def closeMachineSession(self, session):
- if session is not None:
- session.unlockMachine()
- def deinitPerThread(self):
- self.platform.deinitPerThread()
- def createListener(self, impl, arg = None):
- return self.platform.createListener(impl, arg)
- def waitForEvents(self, timeout):
- """
- Wait for events to arrive and process them.
- The timeout is in milliseconds. A negative value means waiting for
- ever, while 0 does not wait at all.
- Returns 0 if events was processed.
- Returns 1 if timed out or interrupted in some way.
- Returns 2 on error (like not supported for web services).
- Raises an exception if the calling thread is not the main thread (the one
- that initialized VirtualBoxManager) or if the time isn't an integer.
- """
- return self.platform.waitForEvents(timeout)
- def interruptWaitEvents(self):
- """
- Interrupt a waitForEvents call.
- This is normally called from a worker thread.
- Returns True on success, False on failure.
- """
- return self.platform.interruptWaitEvents()
- def getPerfCollector(self, vbox):
- return PerfCollector(self, vbox)
- def getBinDir(self):
- global VboxBinDir
- return VboxBinDir
- def getSdkDir(self):
- global VboxSdkDir
- return VboxSdkDir
- def queryInterface(self, obj, klazzName):
- return self.platform.queryInterface(obj, klazzName)