101 Setup cannot continue on this computer configuration. Contact your application vendor for assistance.
102 This program requires Windows Installer version 3.1 or later.\n\nDo you want to visit the Windows Installer update page now?
103 A downloaded file required for setup is corrupted. Setup cannot continue.\n\nThis indicates the setup package is corrupted or the web server is having problems.
104 An error occurred while downloading the setup package.\n\nCheck your network connection and restart Setup.
105 Setup could not start the application.
106 Failed to load the setup configuration.
107 User interface could not be rendered correctly.
108 This program requires Windows XP SP2 or later.
109 Setup could not restart the computer. Restart the computer manually, and Setup will resume.
110 Setup encountered an installation error and will rollback.
111 Setup encountered an unexpected error:\n\n%s\n\nSee the log file at %s for more information.
112 Setup encountered an error during uninstallation and will close.
200 Do you really want to close Setup?
201 Do you really want to uninstall this product?
202 \n\nDetailed error message:
203 Setup
204 Setup - Error
205 Setup - Usage
206 /? - Display this usage message.\n/lang:<TLA> - Install the specified language pack. Language is specified as a\nthree letter abbreviation (e.g. ENU, DEU, JPN, ...). Only one\nlanguage is supported. Specifying /lang:ENU skips any language pack installation.\n/passive - Never block on user input. Short form: /qb\n/norestart - Never schedule a restart. Returns exit code 3010 when a restart is required.\n/quiet - Hide all UI. Short form: /q\n/progress <pipe-name> - Specify a pipe through which events are raised; used for building custom UI.\n/uninstall <product-code> - Uninstall the specified product. Same as: /remove
207 Uninstalling component %u of %u...
208 Please wait while Setup removes the components. This might take several minutes.
209 This operation requires administrative rights on the computer.\nContact your system administrator for assistance.
210 This action is only valid for products that are currently installed.
211 Do you want to remove the entry from the list of installed programs?
300 Setup completed successfully but a restart is required.\n\nChoose Yes to restart now or No if you want to manually restart later.