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871 lines
/* Stanton SCS.3m MIDI controller script v1.04 */
/* Copyright (C) 2010, Sean M. Pappalardo */
/* but feel free to tweak this to your heart's content! */
/* For Mixxx version 1.8.x */
function StantonSCS3m() {}
// See http://mixxx.org/wiki/doku.php/stanton_scs.3m_mixxx_user_guide for details
// ---------- Other global variables ----------
StantonSCS3m.debug = false; // Enable/disable debugging messages to the console
StantonSCS3m.id = ""; // The ID for the particular device being controlled for use in debugging, set at init time
StantonSCS3m.channel = 0; // MIDI channel the device is on
StantonSCS3m.sysex = [0xF0, 0x00, 0x01, 0x60]; // Preamble for all SysEx messages for this device
StantonSCS3m.modifier = { }; // Modifier buttons (allowing alternate controls) defined on-the-fly if needed
StantonSCS3m.mode_store = { "[Channel1]":"fx", "[Channel2]":"fx", "Master":"alt" }; // Set to opposite default on both
// Signals to (dis)connect by mode: Group, Key, Function name
StantonSCS3m.modeSignals = {"fx":[ ["[Flanger]", "lfoDepth", "StantonSCS3m.FXDepthLEDs"],
["[Flanger]", "lfoDelay", "StantonSCS3m.FXDelayLEDs"],
["[Flanger]", "lfoPeriod", "StantonSCS3m.FXPeriodLEDs"] ],
"eq":[ ["CurrentChannel", "filterLow", "StantonSCS3m.EQLowLEDs"],
["CurrentChannel", "filterMid", "StantonSCS3m.EQMidLEDs"],
["CurrentChannel", "filterHigh", "StantonSCS3m.EQHighLEDs"] ],
"none":[] // To avoid an error on forced mode changes
StantonSCS3m.masterSignals = { "main":[ ["CurrentChannel", "rate", "StantonSCS3m.pitchLEDs"],
["CurrentChannel", "volume", "StantonSCS3m.volumeLEDs"],
["CurrentChannel", "VuMeter", "StantonSCS3m.Vu"] ],
"alt":[ ["[Master]","VuMeterL","StantonSCS3m.VuL"],
["[Master]","volume","StantonSCS3m.masterVolumeLEDsR"] ]
StantonSCS3m.masterSliders = { "slider":[ 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x06, 0x03, 0x05, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A ],
"main": [ 0x71, 0x71, 0x70, 0x70, 0x70, 0x70, 0x70, 0x70, 0x70, 0x70, 0x70 ],
"alt": [ 0x70, 0x70, 0x70, 0x70, 0x70, 0x70, 0x70, 0x70, 0x71, 0x71, 0x70 ]
}; // 0x70 = absolute, 0x71 = relative
// ---------- Functions ----------
StantonSCS3m.init = function (id) {
StantonSCS3m.id = id; // Store the ID of this device for later use
// Set the device to flat mode
midi.sendSysexMsg(StantonSCS3m.sysex.concat([0x15, 0x01, 0xF7]),7);
var CC = 0xB0 + StantonSCS3m.channel;
var No = 0x90 + StantonSCS3m.channel;
// midi.sendShortMsg(CC,0x7B,0x00); // Extinguish all LEDs
// Connect cross-fader LEDs & light them
// Connect master signals
// Hack: Have to register a down press first to get LEDs to light correctly
StantonSCS3m.Master(StantonSCS3m.channel, 0x0E, 0, 0x90+StantonSCS3m.channel);
StantonSCS3m.Master(StantonSCS3m.channel, 0x0E, 0, 0x80+StantonSCS3m.channel);
// Force change to EQ mode on both sides
// Hack: Have to force FX mode first to get LEDs to light correctly
StantonSCS3m.FXL(StantonSCS3m.channel, 0x0C, 0, 0x80+StantonSCS3m.channel);
StantonSCS3m.FXR(StantonSCS3m.channel, 0x0D, 0, 0x80+StantonSCS3m.channel);
// ----
StantonSCS3m.EQL(StantonSCS3m.channel, 0x0C, 0, 0x80+StantonSCS3m.channel);
StantonSCS3m.EQR(StantonSCS3m.channel, 0x0D, 0, 0x80+StantonSCS3m.channel);
print ("Stanton SCS.3m: \""+StantonSCS3m.id+"\" on MIDI channel "+(StantonSCS3m.channel+1)+" initialized.");
StantonSCS3m.shutdown = function () {
var CC = 0xB0 + StantonSCS3m.channel;
var No = 0x90 + StantonSCS3m.channel;
midi.sendShortMsg(CC,0x7B,0x00); // Extinguish all LEDs
midi.sendShortMsg(No,0x69,0x01); // Light the Stanton LED so you know it's still on
print ("Stanton SCS.3m: \""+StantonSCS3m.id+"\" on MIDI channel "+(StantonSCS3m.channel+1)+" shut down.");
// (Dis)connects the appropriate Mixxx control signals to/from functions based on what mode the controller section is in
StantonSCS3m.connectModeSignals = function (midiChannel, side, disconnect) {
var deck = StantonSCS3m.SideToDeck(side);
var signalList = StantonSCS3m.modeSignals[StantonSCS3m.mode_store["[Channel"+deck+"]"]];
for (i=0; i<signalList.length; i++) {
var group = signalList[i][0];
var calledFunction = signalList[i][2]+side;
if (group=="CurrentChannel") group = "[Channel"+deck+"]";
// If disconnecting signals, darken the LEDs on the controls
if (disconnect) {
var CC = 0xB0 + midiChannel;
switch (side) {
case "L":
midi.sendShortMsg(CC,0x02,0x00); // S3 LEDs off
midi.sendShortMsg(CC,0x04,0x00); // S4 LEDs off
midi.sendShortMsg(CC,0x06,0x00); // S5 LEDs off
case "R":
midi.sendShortMsg(CC,0x03,0x00); // S6 LEDs off
midi.sendShortMsg(CC,0x05,0x00); // S7 LEDs off
midi.sendShortMsg(CC,0x07,0x00); // S8 LEDs off
// (Dis)connects the appropriate Mixxx Master control signals to/from functions
StantonSCS3m.connectMasterSignals = function (midiChannel, disconnect) {
var signalList = StantonSCS3m.masterSignals[StantonSCS3m.mode_store["Master"]];
for (i=0; i<signalList.length; i++) {
var group = signalList[i][0];
var calledFunction = signalList[i][2];
if (group=="CurrentChannel") {
var sides = ["L","R"];
var side, deck;
for (j=0; j<2; j++) {
switch (side) {
case "L":
deck=1; break;
case "R":
deck=2; break;
group = "[Channel"+deck+"]";
calledFunction = signalList[i][2]+side;
else StantonSCS3m.doConnectSignal(group,signalList[i][1],calledFunction,disconnect);
// If disconnecting signals, darken the LEDs on the controls
if (disconnect) {
var CC = 0xB0 + midiChannel;
midi.sendShortMsg(CC,0x00,0x00); // S1 LEDs off
midi.sendShortMsg(CC,0x08,0x00); // S9 LEDs off
midi.sendShortMsg(CC,0x0C,0x00); // V1 LEDs off
midi.sendShortMsg(CC,0x01,0x00); // S2 LEDs off
midi.sendShortMsg(CC,0x09,0x00); // S10 LEDs off
midi.sendShortMsg(CC,0x0D,0x00); // V2 LEDs off
StantonSCS3m.doConnectSignal = function (group, key, calledFunction, disconnect) {
// If connecting a signal, cause it to fire (by setting it to the same value) to update the LEDs
// if (!disconnect) engine.trigger(group,key); // Commented because there's no sense in wasting queue length
// Alternate method:
if (!disconnect) {
var command = calledFunction+"("+engine.getValue(group,key)+")";
// if (StantonSCS3m.debug) print("Stanton SCS.3m: command="+command);
if (StantonSCS3m.debug) {
if (disconnect) print("Stanton SCS.3m: "+group+","+key+" disconnected from "+calledFunction);
else print("Stanton SCS.3m: "+group+","+key+" connected to "+calledFunction);
StantonSCS3m.SideToDeck = function (side) { // For future n-deck support
var deck;
switch (side) {
case "L":
deck=1; break;
case "R":
deck=2; break;
return deck;
StantonSCS3m.sliderMode = function (control,value) {
// FIXME: This is a hack, present due to the fact that the SCS.3m
// wasn't designed to have its slider modes changed quickly on-the-fly
// It needs about 10ms between slider change commands
// 10ms pause - TODO: This needs a timer in 1.8
var date = new Date();
var curDate = null;
do { curDate = new Date(); }
while(curDate-date < 10);
// ------------------- Surface Controls -----------------------
StantonSCS3m.Deck = function (channel, control, value, status) {
if (StantonSCS3m.modifier["Master"]) return; // Ignore if MASTER is held down
var decks = { 0x10:1, 0x0F:2 };
var deck = decks[control];
var sides = { 0x10:"L", 0x0F:"R" };
var side = sides[control];
var volsliders = { 0x10:0x08, 0x0F:0x09 };
var volslider = volsliders[control];
var byte1 = 0x90 + channel;
if ((status & 0xF0) == 0x90) { // If button down
midi.sendShortMsg(byte1,control,3); // Light up C/D too
StantonSCS3m.modifier["Deck"+side] = true;
// Use the sliders for other functions, so disconnect previous ones
StantonSCS3m.doConnectSignal("[Channel"+deck+"]", "volume", "StantonSCS3m.volumeLEDs"+side, true);
StantonSCS3m.doConnectSignal("[Channel"+deck+"]", "volume", "StantonSCS3m.volumeLEDs"+side, true);
// Connect new ones
StantonSCS3m.doConnectSignal("[Channel"+deck+"]", "pregain", "StantonSCS3m.gainLEDs"+side);
StantonSCS3m.doConnectSignal("[Channel"+deck+"]", "playposition", "StantonSCS3m.needleDropLEDs");
// Change the slider mode - 0x70 = absolute, 0x71 = relative
StantonSCS3m.sliderMode(volslider,0x71); // Relative gain control
StantonSCS3m.sliderMode(0,0x7F); // End of sequence
// Use the mode buttons for other functions
// so connect applicable signals
else {
// Disconnect special signals
StantonSCS3m.doConnectSignal("[Channel"+deck+"]", "pregain", "StantonSCS3m.gainLEDs"+side, true);
StantonSCS3m.doConnectSignal("[Channel"+deck+"]", "playposition", "StantonSCS3m.needleDropLEDs", true);
// Reconnect original ones & trigger
StantonSCS3m.doConnectSignal("[Channel"+deck+"]", "volume", "StantonSCS3m.volumeLEDs"+side);
// Change the slider mode - 0x70 = absolute, 0x71 = relative
StantonSCS3m.sliderMode(volslider,0x70); // Absolute volume control
StantonSCS3m.sliderMode(0,0x7F); // End of sequence
// Restore the button LEDs
var fx = { "L":0x0A, "R":0x0B };
var eq = { "L":0x0C, "R":0x0D };
var currentMode = StantonSCS3m.mode_store["[Channel"+deck+"]"];
StantonSCS3m.modifier["Deck"+side] = false;
switch (currentMode) {
case "fx": StantonSCS3m.modeButton(channel, fx[side], 0x80+channel, "fx", side); break;
case "eq": StantonSCS3m.modeButton(channel, eq[side], 0x80+channel, "eq", side); break;
midi.sendShortMsg(byte1,control,1); // Light just A/B
StantonSCS3m.Master = function (channel, control, value, status) {
var byte1 = 0x90 + channel;
if ((status & 0xF0) == 0x90) { // If button down
midi.sendShortMsg(byte1,control,2); // Make it red
StantonSCS3m.modifier["Master"] = true;
StantonSCS3m.connectMasterSignals(channel,true); // Disconnect previous signals
StantonSCS3m.connectMasterSignals(channel); // Connect new ones
else {
StantonSCS3m.connectMasterSignals(channel,true); // Disconnect previous signals
StantonSCS3m.connectMasterSignals(channel); // Connect new ones
StantonSCS3m.modifier["Master"] = false;
midi.sendShortMsg(byte1,control,1); // Make it blue
// Set the sliders to abs/rel mode as needed
var sliderList = StantonSCS3m.masterSliders["slider"];
var sliderValues = StantonSCS3m.masterSliders[StantonSCS3m.mode_store["Master"]];
for (i=0; i<sliderList.length; i++) {
// print("Stanton SCS.3m: slider number="+sliderList[i]+", value="+sliderValues[i]);
StantonSCS3m.sliderMode(0,0x7F); // End of sequence
StantonSCS3m.PitchL = function (channel, control, value, status) {
var deck = StantonSCS3m.SideToDeck("L");
var currentMode = StantonSCS3m.mode_store["[Channel"+deck+"]"];
// If the current mode button is held down, reset the control to center
if (StantonSCS3m.modifier[currentMode+"L"]) {
switch (StantonSCS3m.mode_store["Master"]) {
case "main": engine.setValue("[Channel"+deck+"]","rate",0); break;
case "alt": engine.setValue("[Master]","headMix",0); break;
else switch (StantonSCS3m.mode_store["Master"]) {
case "main": StantonSCS3m.PitchRel(1,value,"L"); break;
case "alt": engine.setValue("[Master]","headMix",(value-64)/64); break;
StantonSCS3m.PitchR = function (channel, control, value, status) {
var deck = StantonSCS3m.SideToDeck("R");
var currentMode = StantonSCS3m.mode_store["[Channel"+deck+"]"];
// If the current mode button is held down, reset the control to center
if (StantonSCS3m.modifier[currentMode+"R"]) {
switch (StantonSCS3m.mode_store["Master"]) {
case "main": engine.setValue("[Channel"+deck+"]","rate",0); break;
case "alt": engine.setValue("[Master]","balance",0); break;
else switch (StantonSCS3m.mode_store["Master"]) {
case "main": StantonSCS3m.PitchRel(2,value,"R"); break;
case "alt": engine.setValue("[Master]","balance",(value-64)/64); break;
StantonSCS3m.PitchRel = function (deck, value, side) {
var currentValue = engine.getValue("[Channel"+deck+"]","rate");
var newValue;
if (StantonSCS3m.modifier["Deck"+side])
newValue = currentValue+(value-64)/1024; // Fine pitch adjust
else newValue = currentValue+(value-64)/256;
if (newValue<-1) newValue=-1.0;
if (newValue>1) newValue=1.0;
StantonSCS3m.PitchLbL = function (channel, control, value, status) {
StantonSCS3m.PitchLbR = function (channel, control, value, status) {
StantonSCS3m.PitchRbL = function (channel, control, value, status) {
StantonSCS3m.PitchRbR = function (channel, control, value, status) {
StantonSCS3m.PitchBendButton = function (status, side, comp) {
// Skip if Master button is held or fine-tuning the pitch
if (StantonSCS3m.modifier["Master"] || StantonSCS3m.modifier["Deck"+side]) return;
var deck = StantonSCS3m.SideToDeck(side);
if (engine.getValue("[Channel"+deck+"]","rate_dir") == comp) { // Go in the appropriate direction
if ((status & 0xF0) == 0x90) // If button down
else {
if ((status & 0xF0) == 0x90) // If button down
// Multi-function sliders
// Function select buttons
StantonSCS3m.FXL = function (channel, control, value, status) {
StantonSCS3m.modeButton(channel, control, status, "fx", "L");
StantonSCS3m.FXR = function (channel, control, value, status) {
StantonSCS3m.modeButton(channel, control, status, "fx", "R");
StantonSCS3m.EQL = function (channel, control, value, status) {
StantonSCS3m.modeButton(channel, control, status, "eq", "L");
StantonSCS3m.EQR = function (channel, control, value, status) {
StantonSCS3m.modeButton(channel, control, status, "eq", "R");
// Actual sliders
StantonSCS3m.TripleL1 = function (channel, control, value, status) {
StantonSCS3m.Triple1(channel, control, value, status, "L");
StantonSCS3m.TripleL2 = function (channel, control, value, status) {
StantonSCS3m.Triple2(channel, control, value, status, "L");
StantonSCS3m.TripleL3 = function (channel, control, value, status) {
StantonSCS3m.Triple3(channel, control, value, status, "L");
StantonSCS3m.TripleR1 = function (channel, control, value, status) {
StantonSCS3m.Triple1(channel, control, value, status, "R");
StantonSCS3m.TripleR2 = function (channel, control, value, status) {
StantonSCS3m.Triple2(channel, control, value, status, "R");
StantonSCS3m.TripleR3 = function (channel, control, value, status) {
StantonSCS3m.Triple3(channel, control, value, status, "R");
// Work functions
StantonSCS3m.Triple1 = function (channel, control, value, status, side) {
var deck = StantonSCS3m.SideToDeck(side);
var currentMode = StantonSCS3m.mode_store["[Channel"+deck+"]"];
// If mode button is held down, reset the control to center
if (StantonSCS3m.modifier[currentMode+side]) {
switch (currentMode) {
case "fx": engine.setValue("[Flanger]","lfoDepth",0.5); break;
case "eq": engine.setValue("[Channel"+deck+"]","filterLow",1); break;
else switch (currentMode) {
case "fx": script.absoluteSlider("[Flanger]","lfoDepth",value,0,1); break;
case "eq": engine.setValue("[Channel"+deck+"]","filterLow",script.absoluteNonLin(value,0,1,4)); break;
StantonSCS3m.Triple2 = function (channel, control, value, status, side) {
var deck = StantonSCS3m.SideToDeck(side);
var currentMode = StantonSCS3m.mode_store["[Channel"+deck+"]"];
// If mode button is held down, reset the control to center
if (StantonSCS3m.modifier[currentMode+side]) {
switch (currentMode) {
case "fx": engine.setValue("[Flanger]","lfoDelay",4950); break; // reset the control to center
case "eq": engine.setValue("[Channel"+deck+"]","filterMid",1); break; // reset the control to center
else switch (currentMode) {
case "fx": script.absoluteSlider("[Flanger]","lfoDelay",value,50,10000); break;
case "eq": engine.setValue("[Channel"+deck+"]","filterMid",script.absoluteNonLin(value,0,1,4)); break;
StantonSCS3m.Triple3 = function (channel, control, value, status, side) {
var deck = StantonSCS3m.SideToDeck(side);
var currentMode = StantonSCS3m.mode_store["[Channel"+deck+"]"];
// If mode button is held down, reset the control to center
if (StantonSCS3m.modifier[currentMode+side]) {
switch (currentMode) {
case "fx": engine.setValue("[Flanger]","lfoPeriod",1025000); break;
case "eq": engine.setValue("[Channel"+deck+"]","filterHigh",1); break;
else switch (currentMode) {
case "fx": script.absoluteSlider("[Flanger]","lfoPeriod",value,50000,2000000); break;
case "eq": engine.setValue("[Channel"+deck+"]","filterHigh",script.absoluteNonLin(value,0,1,4)); break;
StantonSCS3m.modeButton = function (channel, control, status, modeName, side) {
var deck = StantonSCS3m.SideToDeck(side);
var currentMode = StantonSCS3m.mode_store["[Channel"+deck+"]"];
var byte1 = 0x90 + channel;
if ((status & 0xF0) == 0x90) { // If button down
// If the deck change button for the side in question is held down,
// do special functions
if (StantonSCS3m.modifier["Deck"+side]) {
switch (modeName) {
case "fx": engine.setValue("[Channel"+deck+"]","flanger",!engine.getValue("[Channel"+deck+"]","flanger")); break;
case "eq": engine.setValue("[Channel"+deck+"]","beatsync",1); break;
midi.sendShortMsg(byte1,control,0x03); // Make button purple
StantonSCS3m.modifier[modeName+side]=true; // Set mode modifier flag
if (currentMode == modeName) {
StantonSCS3m.modifier["time"+modeName+side] = new Date(); // Store the current time in milliseconds
else StantonSCS3m.modifier["time"+modeName+side] = 0.0;
// If button up
// If the deck change button for the side in question is held down,
// do special functions
if (StantonSCS3m.modifier["Deck"+side]) {
switch (modeName) {
case "eq": engine.setValue("[Channel"+deck+"]","beatsync",0); break;
StantonSCS3m.modifier[currentMode+side] = StantonSCS3m.modifier[modeName+side] = 0; // Clear mode modifier flags
switch (side) { // Make both mode buttons blue on that side
case "L":
case "R":
// If trying to switch to the same mode, or the same physical button was held down for over 1/3 of a second, stay in the current mode
if (currentMode == modeName || (StantonSCS3m.modifier["time"+modeName+side] != 0.0 &&
((new Date() - StantonSCS3m.modifier["time"+modeName+side])>300))) {
switch (currentMode.charAt(currentMode.length-1)) { // Return the button to its original color
case "2": midi.sendShortMsg(byte1,control,0x03); break; // Make button purple
case "3": midi.sendShortMsg(byte1,control,0x00); break; // Make button black
default: midi.sendShortMsg(byte1,control,0x02); break; // Make button red
// Re-trigger signals
var signalList = StantonSCS3m.modeSignals[StantonSCS3m.mode_store["[Channel"+deck+"]"]];
for (i=0; i<signalList.length; i++) {
var group = signalList[i][0];
var calledFunction = signalList[i][2]+side;
if (group=="CurrentChannel") group = "[Channel"+deck+"]";
if (StantonSCS3m.debug) print("Stanton SCS.3m: Switching to "+modeName.toUpperCase()+" mode on the "+side+" side");
switch (modeName.charAt(modeName.length-1)) { // Set the button to its new color
case "2": midi.sendShortMsg(byte1,control,0x03); break; // Make button purple
case "3": midi.sendShortMsg(byte1,control,0x00); break; // Make button black
default: midi.sendShortMsg(byte1,control,0x02); break; // Make button red
StantonSCS3m.connectModeSignals(channel,side,true); // Disconnect previous ones
StantonSCS3m.mode_store["[Channel"+deck+"]"] = modeName;
StantonSCS3m.connectModeSignals(channel,side); // Connect new ones
StantonSCS3m.VolumeL = function (channel, control, value, status) {
var deck = StantonSCS3m.SideToDeck("L");
switch (StantonSCS3m.mode_store["Master"]) {
case "main":
if (StantonSCS3m.modifier["DeckL"]) { // Adjust gain
var newValue = engine.getValue("[Channel"+deck+"]","pregain")+(value-64)/128;
if (newValue<0.0) newValue=0.0;
if (newValue>4.0) newValue=4.0;
else engine.setValue("[Channel"+deck+"]","volume",value/127);
case "alt":
var newValue = engine.getValue("[Master]","headVolume")+(value-64)/128;
if (newValue<0.0) newValue=0.0;
if (newValue>5.0) newValue=5.0;
StantonSCS3m.VolumeR = function (channel, control, value, status) {
var deck = StantonSCS3m.SideToDeck("R");
switch (StantonSCS3m.mode_store["Master"]) {
case "main":
if (StantonSCS3m.modifier["DeckR"]) { // Adjust gain
var newValue = engine.getValue("[Channel"+deck+"]","pregain")+(value-64)/128;
if (newValue<0.0) newValue=0.0;
if (newValue>4.0) newValue=4.0;
else engine.setValue("[Channel"+deck+"]","volume",value/127);
case "alt":
var newValue = engine.getValue("[Master]","volume")+(value-64)/128;
if (newValue<0.0) newValue=0.0;
if (newValue>5.0) newValue=5.0;
StantonSCS3m.crossfader = function (channel, control, value) {
var deck;
// Needle dropping a la Numark's "Strip Search"
if (StantonSCS3m.modifier["DeckL"]) deck = StantonSCS3m.SideToDeck("L");
if (StantonSCS3m.modifier["DeckR"]) deck = StantonSCS3m.SideToDeck("R");
if (deck) {
// Otherwise regular cross-fader
StantonSCS3m.cueL = function (channel, control, value, status) {
StantonSCS3m.cueR = function (channel, control, value, status) {
StantonSCS3m.cue = function (status, side) {
var deck = StantonSCS3m.SideToDeck(side);
if ((status & 0xF0) == 0x90) { // If button down
StantonSCS3m.modifier["cue"+side] = true; // Set button modifier flag
else {
StantonSCS3m.modifier["cue"+side] = false;
if (!StantonSCS3m.modifier["play"+side]) engine.setValue("[Channel"+deck+"]","cue_default",0);
StantonSCS3m.playL = function (channel, control, value, status) {
StantonSCS3m.playR = function (channel, control, value, status) {
StantonSCS3m.play = function (status, side) {
var deck = StantonSCS3m.SideToDeck(side);
if ((status & 0xF0) == 0x90) { // If button down
if (StantonSCS3m.modifier["cue"+side]) engine.setValue("[Channel"+deck+"]","play",1);
else {
var currentlyPlaying = engine.getValue("[Channel"+deck+"]","play");
if (currentlyPlaying && engine.getValue("[Channel"+deck+"]","cue_default")==1) engine.setValue("[Channel"+deck+"]","cue_default",0);
engine.setValue("[Channel"+deck+"]","play", !currentlyPlaying);
// ------------------- Slot Functions -----------------------
StantonSCS3m.crossfaderLEDs = function (value) {
var add = StantonSCS3m.BoostCut(11, value, -1, 0, 1, 5, 5);
var byte1 = 0xB0 + StantonSCS3m.channel;
StantonSCS3m.needleDropLEDs = function (value) {
var add = StantonSCS3m.Peak(10,value,0,1);
var byte1 = 0xB0 + StantonSCS3m.channel;
StantonSCS3m.buttonLED = function (value, note, on, off) {
var byte1 = 0x90 + StantonSCS3m.channel;
if (value>0) midi.sendShortMsg(byte1,note,on);
else midi.sendShortMsg(byte1,note,off);
StantonSCS3m.EQLButtonLED = function(value) {
StantonSCS3m.buttonLED(value, 0x0C, 0x02, 0x00);
StantonSCS3m.EQRButtonLED = function(value) {
StantonSCS3m.buttonLED(value, 0x0D, 0x02, 0x00);
StantonSCS3m.FXLButtonLED = function(value) {
StantonSCS3m.buttonLED(value, 0x0A, 0x02, 0x00);
StantonSCS3m.FXRButtonLED = function(value) {
StantonSCS3m.buttonLED(value, 0x0B, 0x02, 0x00);
StantonSCS3m.EQLowLEDsL = function (value) {
StantonSCS3m.EQLowLEDsR = function (value) {
StantonSCS3m.EQLowLEDs = function (value, side) {
var add = StantonSCS3m.BoostCut(7,value, 0, 1, 4, 3, 3);
var byte1 = 0xB0 + StantonSCS3m.channel;
switch (side) {
case "L": midi.sendShortMsg(byte1,0x02,0x15+add); break;
case "R": midi.sendShortMsg(byte1,0x03,0x15+add); break;
StantonSCS3m.EQMidLEDsL = function (value) {
StantonSCS3m.EQMidLEDsR = function (value) {
StantonSCS3m.EQMidLEDs = function (value, side) {
var add = StantonSCS3m.BoostCut(7,value, 0, 1, 4, 3, 3);
var byte1 = 0xB0 + StantonSCS3m.channel;
switch (side) {
case "L": midi.sendShortMsg(byte1,0x04,0x15+add); break;
case "R": midi.sendShortMsg(byte1,0x05,0x15+add); break;
StantonSCS3m.EQHighLEDsL = function (value) {
StantonSCS3m.EQHighLEDsR = function (value) {
StantonSCS3m.EQHighLEDs = function (value, side) {
var add = StantonSCS3m.BoostCut(7,value, 0, 1, 4, 3, 3);
var byte1 = 0xB0 + StantonSCS3m.channel;
switch (side) {
case "L": midi.sendShortMsg(byte1,0x06,0x15+add); break;
case "R": midi.sendShortMsg(byte1,0x07,0x15+add); break;
StantonSCS3m.FXDepthLEDsL = function (value) {
StantonSCS3m.FXDepthLEDsR = function (value) {
StantonSCS3m.FXDepthLEDs = function (value, side) {
var add = StantonSCS3m.Peak(7,value,0,1);
var byte1 = 0xB0 + StantonSCS3m.channel;
switch (side) {
case "L": midi.sendShortMsg(byte1,0x02,0x28+add); break;
case "R": midi.sendShortMsg(byte1,0x03,0x28+add); break;
StantonSCS3m.FXDelayLEDsL = function (value) {
StantonSCS3m.FXDelayLEDsR = function (value) {
StantonSCS3m.FXDelayLEDs = function (value, side) {
var add = StantonSCS3m.Peak(7,value,50,10000);
var byte1 = 0xB0 + StantonSCS3m.channel;
switch (side) {
case "L": midi.sendShortMsg(byte1,0x04,0x28+add); break;
case "R": midi.sendShortMsg(byte1,0x05,0x28+add); break;
StantonSCS3m.FXPeriodLEDsL = function (value) {
StantonSCS3m.FXPeriodLEDsR = function (value) {
StantonSCS3m.FXPeriodLEDs = function (value, side) {
var add = StantonSCS3m.Peak(7,value,50000,2000000);
var byte1 = 0xB0 + StantonSCS3m.channel;
switch (side) {
case "L": midi.sendShortMsg(byte1,0x06,0x28+add); break;
case "R": midi.sendShortMsg(byte1,0x07,0x28+add); break;
StantonSCS3m.pitchLEDsL = function (value) {
StantonSCS3m.pitchLEDsR = function (value) {
StantonSCS3m.pitchLEDs = function (value, side) {
var add = StantonSCS3m.BoostCut(7, value, -1, 0, 1, 3, 3);
var byte1 = 0xB0 + StantonSCS3m.channel;
switch (side) {
case "L": midi.sendShortMsg(byte1,0x00,0x15+add); break;
case "R": midi.sendShortMsg(byte1,0x01,0x15+add); break;
StantonSCS3m.gainLEDsL = function (value) {
StantonSCS3m.gainLEDsR = function (value) {
StantonSCS3m.gainLEDs = function (value, CC) {
var add = StantonSCS3m.BoostCut(7, value, 0.0, 1.0, 4.0, 3, 3);
midi.sendShortMsg(0xB0 + StantonSCS3m.channel,CC,0x15+add);
StantonSCS3m.volumeLEDsL = function (value) {
StantonSCS3m.volumeLEDsR = function (value) {
StantonSCS3m.VuL = function (value) {
StantonSCS3m.VuR = function (value) {
StantonSCS3m.volumeLEDs = function (value, CC) {
var add = StantonSCS3m.Peak(7, value, 0, 1);
midi.sendShortMsg(0xB0 + StantonSCS3m.channel,CC,0x28+add);
StantonSCS3m.masterVolumeLEDsL = function (value) {
StantonSCS3m.masterVolumeLEDsR = function (value) {
StantonSCS3m.masterVolumeLEDs = function (value, CC) {
var add = StantonSCS3m.BoostCut(7, value, 0.0, 1.0, 5.0, 3, 3);
var byte1 = 0xB0 + StantonSCS3m.channel;
StantonSCS3m.BoostCut = function (numberLights, value, low, mid, high, lowMidSteps, midHighSteps) {
var LEDs = 0;
var lowMidInterval = (mid-low)/(lowMidSteps*2); // Half the actual interval so the LEDs light in the middle of the interval
var midHighInterval = (high-mid)/(midHighSteps*2); // Half the actual interval so the LEDs light in the middle of the interval
if (value>low) LEDs++;
if (value>low+lowMidInterval) LEDs++;
if (value>low+lowMidInterval*3) LEDs++;
if (numberLights>=9 && value>low+lowMidInterval*5) LEDs++;
if (numberLights>=11 && value>low+lowMidInterval*7) LEDs++;
if (value>mid+midHighInterval) LEDs++;
if (value>mid+midHighInterval*3) LEDs++;
if (numberLights>=9 && value>mid+midHighInterval*5) LEDs++;
if (numberLights>=11 && value>mid+midHighInterval*7) LEDs++;
if (value>=high) LEDs++;
return LEDs;
StantonSCS3m.Peak = function (numberLights, value, low, high) {
var LEDs = 0;
var halfInterval = (high-low)/((numberLights-1)*2); // Half the actual interval so the LEDs light in the middle of the interval
if (value>low) LEDs++;
if (value>low+halfInterval) LEDs++;
if (value>low+halfInterval*3) LEDs++;
if (value>low+halfInterval*5) LEDs++;
if (value>low+halfInterval*7) LEDs++;
if (value>low+halfInterval*9) LEDs++;
if (numberLights>=8 && value>low+halfInterval*11) LEDs++;
if (numberLights>=9 && value>low+halfInterval*13) LEDs++;
if (numberLights>=10 && value>low+halfInterval*15) LEDs++;
if (numberLights>=11 && value>low+halfInterval*17) LEDs++;
if (value>=high) LEDs++;
return LEDs;
Possibly add:
- (Deck + Play = Reverse?)
- Reset Master & head vols?
- Rework slider mode changes to use presets or timers
- Don't use the hardware buttons for pitch bending. Switch the sliders to absolute mode & use the formula from the SCS.3d script.