// See http://mixxx.org/wiki/doku.php/stanton_SCS.1m_mixxx_user_guide for details
// The below values vary with latency and are preset for 10ms. For 2ms, use 0.8, 0.8 and 1.5.
StantonSCS1m.scratchKnob = { "slippage":0.2, // Slipperiness of the virtual slipmat when scratching with the select knob (higher=slower response, 0<n<1)
"sensitivity":0.5, // How much the audio moves for a given knob arc (higher=faster response, 0<n<1)
"stoppedMultiplier":2.2 }; // Correction for when the deck is stopped (set higher for higher latencies)
// ---------- Other global variables ----------
StantonSCS1m.debug = false; // Enable/disable debugging messages to the console
StantonSCS1m.faderStart = true; // Allows decks to start when their channel or cross fader is opened (toggleable with the top button)
StantonSCS1m.id = ""; // The ID for the particular device being controlled for use in debugging, set at init time
StantonSCS1m.channel = 0; // MIDI channel the device is on
StantonSCS1m.swVersion = "1.9"; // Mixxx version for display
StantonSCS1m.sysex = [0xF0, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02]; // Preamble for all SysEx messages for this device
StantonSCS1m.modifier = { }; // Modifier buttons (allowing alternate controls) defined on-the-fly if needed
StantonSCS1m.selectKnobMode = "browse"; // Current mode for the gray select knob
StantonSCS1m.inSetup = false; // Flag for if the device is in setup mode
StantonSCS1m.revtime = 1.8; // Time in seconds for the virtual record to spin once. Used for calculating the position LEDs (1.8 for 33 1/3 RPM)
StantonSCS1m.trackDuration = [0,0]; // Duration of the song on each deck (used for vinyl LEDs)
StantonSCS1m.lastLight = [-1,-1]; // Last circle LED values
StantonSCS1m.lastTime = ["-99:99","-99:99"]; // Last time remaining values
StantonSCS1m.lastColor = [0,0]; // Last color of display flash
StantonSCS1m.displayFlash = [-1,-1]; // Temp storage for display flash timeouts
StantonSCS1m.lastCrossFader = 0; // Last value of the cross fader
StantonSCS1m.lastFader = [0,0]; // Last value of each channel fader
StantonSCS1m.scratchDeck = 1; // Current deck being scratched with the select knob
StantonSCS1m.hotCueDeck = 1; // Current hot cue page