Chip 2011 November
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212 lines
function IonDiscoverDJ () {}
IonDiscoverDJ.leds = {
"[Channel1] sync":0x40,
"[Channel1] rev":0x33,
"[Channel1] cue":0x3B,
"[Channel1] play":0x4A,
"[Channel2] sync":0x47,
"[Channel2] rev":0x3C,
"[Channel2] cue":0x42,
"[Channel2] play":0x4C
IonDiscoverDJ.debug = true;
IonDiscoverDJ.ledOn = 0x7F;
IonDiscoverDJ.ledOff = 0x00;
IonDiscoverDJ.scratchMode = false;
IonDiscoverDJ.pitchDial1 = false;
IonDiscoverDJ.pitchDial2 = false;
IonDiscoverDJ.init = function (id) { // called when the MIDI device is opened & set up
print ("Ion Discover DJ id: \""+id+"\" initialized.");
var timeToWait = 20;
for (var LED in IonDiscoverDJ.leds ) {
IonDiscoverDJ.sendMidi(0x80, IonDiscoverDJ.leds[LED], IonDiscoverDJ.ledOff, timeToWait);
timeToWait += 5;
for (var LED in IonDiscoverDJ.leds ) {
IonDiscoverDJ.sendMidi(0x90, IonDiscoverDJ.leds[LED], IonDiscoverDJ.ledOn, timeToWait);
timeToWait += 5;
timeToWait += 1000;
for (var LED in IonDiscoverDJ.leds ) {
IonDiscoverDJ.sendMidi(0x80, IonDiscoverDJ.leds[LED], IonDiscoverDJ.ledOff, timeToWait);
timeToWait += 5;
IonDiscoverDJ.sendMidi = function(status, control, value, timeToWait) {
if(timeToWait == 0) {
midi.sendShortMsg(status, control, value);
} else {
engine.beginTimer(timeToWait, "midi.sendShortMsg(" + status + ", " + control + ", " + value + ")", true);
IonDiscoverDJ.Deck = function (deckNumber, group) {
this.deckNumber = deckNumber;
this.group = group;
this.shiftMode = false;
this.scratching = false;
this.Buttons = [];
IonDiscoverDJ.Deck.prototype.jogMove = function(jogValue) {
if(this.shiftMode) {
var newRate = engine.getValue(this.group, "rate") + (jogValue/3000);
engine.setValue(this.group, "rate", newRate);
} else if(this.scratching) {
engine.scratchTick(this.deckNumber, jogValue);
} else {
jogValue = jogValue * 10;
engine.setValue(this.group,"jog", jogValue);
IonDiscoverDJ.Decks = {"Left":new IonDiscoverDJ.Deck(1,"[Channel1]"), "Right":new IonDiscoverDJ.Deck(2,"[Channel2]")};
IonDiscoverDJ.GroupToDeck = {"[Channel1]":"Left", "[Channel2]":"Right"};
IonDiscoverDJ.GetDeck = function(group) {
try {
return IonDiscoverDJ.Decks[IonDiscoverDJ.GroupToDeck[group]];
} catch(ex) {
return null;
IonDiscoverDJ.getControl = function (io, channel, name) {
// Accept channel in form 'N' or '[ChannelN]'
channel = channel.replace(/\[Channel(\d)\]/, "$1");
for (control in IonDiscoverDJ.controls.inputs) {
if (IonDiscoverDJ.controls.inputs[control].channel == channel &&
IonDiscoverDJ.controls.inputs[control].name == name
) return IonDiscoverDJ.controls.inputs[control];
print ("IonDiscoverDJ.getControl: Control not found: io=" + io + ": channel=" + channel + ": name=" + name);
IonDiscoverDJ.shutdown = function() {
IonDiscoverDJ.toggle_scratch_mode_on = function (control, value, status) {
IonDiscoverDJ.scratchMode = true;
midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, IonDiscoverDJ.leds["scratch"] , IonDiscoverDJ.ledOn);
IonDiscoverDJ.toggle_scratch_mode_off = function (control, value, status) {
IonDiscoverDJ.scratchMode = false;
midi.sendShortMsg(0x80, IonDiscoverDJ.leds["scratch"] , IonDiscoverDJ.ledOff);
IonDiscoverDJ.play = function (control, value, status) {
// Only send events when play is pushed, not when it comes back up.
// group = IonDiscoverDJ.getGroup(control);
// if (engine.getValue(group, "duration") == 0) { if (value) print("No song on " + group); return; };
//midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, IonDiscoverDJ.leds[IonDiscoverDJ.getGroup(control) + " play"], IonDiscoverDJ.ledOn);
// midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, IonDiscoverDJ.leds["[Channel1] play"], IonDiscoverDJ.ledOn);
// engine.setValue(group,"play", !engine.getValue(group,"play"));
// if (engine.getValue(group, "play") == 0) midi.sendShortMsg(0x80, IonDiscoverDJ.leds[group + " play"], IonDiscoverDJ.ledOFF);
IonDiscoverDJ.jog_touch = function (channel, control, value, status, group) {
var deck = IonDiscoverDJ.GetDeck(group);
if(value) {
if(IonDiscoverDJ.scratchMode) {
engine.scratchEnable(deck.deckNumber, 128, 45, 1.0/8, (1.0/8)/32);
deck.scratching = true;
} else {
deck.scratching = false;
IonDiscoverDJ.jog_wheel = function (channel, control, value, status, group) {
// 7F > 40: CCW Slow > Fast - 127 > 64
// 01 > 3F: CW Slow > Fast - 0 > 63
var jogValue = value >=0x40 ? value - 0x80 : value; // -64 to +63, - = CCW, + = CW
IonDiscoverDJ.reversek = function (channel, control, value, status, group) {
var deck = IonDiscoverDJ.GetDeck(group);
deck.shiftMode = (value == 0x7F); //If button down on, else off
IonDiscoverDJ.volCh1Up = function (group, control, value, status) {
engine.setValue("[Channel1]","pregain", engine.getValue("[Channel1]", "pregain") + 0.1);
IonDiscoverDJ.volCh1Down = function (group, control, value, status) {
engine.setValue("[Channel1]","pregain", engine.getValue("[Channel1]", "pregain") - 0.1);
IonDiscoverDJ.volCh2Up = function (group, control, value, status) {
engine.setValue("[Channel2]","pregain", engine.getValue("[Channel2]", "pregain") + 0.1);
IonDiscoverDJ.volCh2Down = function (group, control, value, status) {
engine.setValue("[Channel2]","pregain", engine.getValue("[Channel2]", "pregain") - 0.1);
IonDiscoverDJ.pflCh1On = function (group, control, value, status) {
if(engine.getValue("[Channel1]", "pfl")){
engine.setValue("[Channel1]","pfl", false);
midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, IonDiscoverDJ.leds["[Channel1] cue"], IonDiscoverDJ.ledOff);}
else {
engine.setValue("[Channel1]","pfl", true);
midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, IonDiscoverDJ.leds["[Channel1] cue"], IonDiscoverDJ.ledOn);}
IonDiscoverDJ.pflCh1Off = function (group, control, value, status) {}
IonDiscoverDJ.pflCh2On = function (group, control, value, status) {
if(engine.getValue("[Channel2]", "pfl")){
engine.setValue("[Channel2]","pfl", false);
midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, IonDiscoverDJ.leds["[Channel2] cue"], IonDiscoverDJ.ledOff);}
else {
engine.setValue("[Channel2]","pfl", true);
midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, IonDiscoverDJ.leds["[Channel2] cue"], IonDiscoverDJ.ledOn);}
IonDiscoverDJ.pflCh2Off = function (group, control, value, status) {}
IonDiscoverDJ.LoadSelectedTrackCh1 = function (group, control, value, status)
//midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, IonDiscoverDJ.leds["[Channel1] play"], IonDiscoverDJ.ledOn);
engine.setValue("[Channel1]","LoadSelectedTrack", true);
//engine.setValue("[Channel1]","play", true);
//midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, IonDiscoverDJ.leds["[Channel1] play"], IonDiscoverDJ.ledOff);
//midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, IonDiscoverDJ.leds["[Channel1] sync"], IonDiscoverDJ.ledOn);
//engine.setValue("[Channel1]","beatsync", true);
//midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, IonDiscoverDJ.leds["[Channel1] sync"], IonDiscoverDJ.ledOff);
IonDiscoverDJ.LoadSelectedTrackCh2 = function (group, control, value, status)
//midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, IonDiscoverDJ.leds["[Channel2] play"], IonDiscoverDJ.ledOn);
engine.setValue("[Channel2]","LoadSelectedTrack", true);
//engine.setValue("[Channel2]","play", true);
//midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, IonDiscoverDJ.leds["[Channel2] play"], IonDiscoverDJ.ledOff);
//midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, IonDiscoverDJ.leds["[Channel2] sync"], IonDiscoverDJ.ledOn);
//engine.setValue("[Channel2]","beatsync", true);
//midi.sendShortMsg(0x90, IonDiscoverDJ.leds["[Channel2] sync"], IonDiscoverDJ.ledOff);