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Text File | 2009-10-29 | 191.7 KB | 4,394 lines
%***************************************************************************% % % % Copyright (C) 1991-1998 Daniel Sleator and Davy Temperley % % See file "README" for information about commercial use of this system % % % %***************************************************************************% % _ORGANIZATION OF THE DICTIONARY_ % % I. NOUNS % II. PRONOUNS % III. DETERMINERS % IV. NUMERICAL EXPRESSIONS % V. VERBS % A. Auxiliaries; B. Common verb types; C. complex intransitive verbs; % D. complex intransitive verbs; E. complex verbs taking [obj] + % [complement]; F. idiomatic verbs % VI. PREPOSITIONS % VII. TIME AND PLACE EXPRESSIONS % VIII. QUESTION-WORDS AND CONJUNCTIONS % IX. ADJECTIVES % X. COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES % XI. ADVERBS % A. Mainly adjectival; B. Mainly post-verbal; C. Post-verbal/pre-verbal; % D. Post-verbal/pre-verbal/openers; E. Post-verbal/openers; % F. Pre-verbal/openers % XII. MISCELLANEOUS WORDS AND PUNCTUATION % % NEW LINKS INVENTED BY MIKE ROSS % Ct and Cta are used with comparatives so that 'than' links to the relative clause % John is bigger than Dave is. % John wants more cookies than Dave wants. % % Rw is used similarly to Ct, Cta, and Rn to link question words to the relative clauses % that follow them. % For auxillary verbs, replaced "{Q-}" with "(Rw- or Q-}". % For nouns and others, replaced "B#m+" with "(Rw+ & B#m+)" (for any #) % For who,what,which,whom, replaced "B#" with "(R+ & B#+)" (for any #) % % NOUNS % The marker-entity is used to identify identity names. % The marker-common-entity is used to identify all common nouns % and adjectives that might appear in entity names: % e.g. "Great Southern Federal Bank and Railroad" or "Aluminum Bahrain" <marker-entity>: XXXENTITY+; <marker-common-entity>: XXXGIVEN+; <CLAUSE>: {({@COd-} & C-) or ({@CO-} & (Wd- & {CC+})) or [Rn-]}; <S-CLAUSE>: {({@COd-} & C-) or ({@CO-} & (Wd- & {CC+}))}; <CLAUSE-E>: {({@COd-} & C-) or ({@CO-} & (Wd- or {CC+})) or Re-}; <noun-main-x>: (S+ & <CLAUSE>) or SI- or J- or O- or ({[B*j+]} & Xd- & (Xc+ or [[[()]]]) & MX-) or [[[()]]]; <noun-main-s>: (Ss+ & <CLAUSE>) or SIs- or Js- or Os- or ({[Bsj+]} & Xd- & (Xc+ or [[[()]]]) & MX-) or [[[()]]]; <noun-main-p>: (Sp+ & <CLAUSE>) or SIp- or Jp- or Op- or ({[Bpj+]} & Xd- & (Xc+ or [[[()]]]) & MX-) or [[[()]]]; <noun-main-m>: (Ss+ & <CLAUSE>) or SIs- or Jp- or Os- or ({[Bsj+]} & Xd- & (Xc+ or [[[()]]]) & MX-) or [[[()]]]; <noun-main-h>: (Ss*b+ & <CLAUSE>) or SIs*b- or Js- or Os- or ({[B*j+]} & Xd- & (Xc+ or [[[()]]]) & MX-) or [[[()]]]; <noun-main2-x>: J- or O- or ({[B*j+]} & Xd- & (Xc+ or [[[()]]]) & MX-) or [[[()]]]; <noun-main2-s>: Js- or Os- or ({[Bsj+]} & Xd- & (Xc+ or [[[()]]]) & MX-) or [[[()]]]; % Xd- or [[()]] allows parsing of "I have no idea what that is." % without requiring comma after "idea" <noun-main2-s-no-punc>: Js- or Os- or ({[Bsj+]} & (Xd- or [[()]]) & (Xc+ or [[[()]]]) & MX-) or [[[()]]]; <noun-main2-p>: Jp- or Op- or ({[Bpj+]} & Xd- & (Xc+ or [[[()]]]) & MX-) or [[[()]]]; <noun-main2-m>: Jp- or Os- or ({[Bsj+]} & Xd- & (Xc+ or [[[()]]]) & MX-) or [[[()]]]; <noun-sub-x>: {@M+} & {R+ & B+ & {[[@M+]]}} & {@MX+}; <noun-sub-s>: {@M+} & {R+ & Bs+ & {[[@M+]]}} & {@MXs+}; <noun-sub-p>: {@M+} & {R+ & Bp+ & {[[@M+]]}} & {@MXp+}; % Just pure singular entities, no mass nouns % The CAPITALIZED-WORDS rule is triggered by regex matching, and % applies to all capitalized words that are not otherwise found in % the dictionary. CAPITALIZED-WORDS NAME <entity-singular>: {NM+} & ({G-} & {[MG+]} & (({DG- or [[GN-]] or [[{@A-} & {D-}]]} & (({@MX+} & (JG- or <noun-main-s>)) or YS+)) or AN+ or G+)); % Capitalized wrds that seem to be plural (by ending with an s, etc) PL-CAPITALIZED-WORDS: {NM+} & {G-} & {[MG+]} & (({DG- or [[GN-]] or [[{@A-} & {Dmc-}]]} & (({@MX+} & (JG- or <noun-main-x>)) or YS+ or YP+)) or AN+ or G+); % capitalized words ending in s % -- hmm .. proper names not used anywhere right now, has slot for plural ... !!?? <proper-names>: ({G-} & {[MG+]} & (({DG- or [[GN-]] or [[{@A-} & {D-}]]} & (({@MX+} & (JG- or <noun-main-s>)) or (YS+ or YP+))) or AN+ or G+)); % "Tom" is a given name, but can also be a proper name, so e.g. % "The late Mr. Tom will be missed." which needs A-, D- links <given-names>: ({G-} & {[MG+]} & (({DG- or [[GN-]] or [[{@A-} & {D-}]]} & (({@MX+} & (JG- or <noun-main-s>)) or (YS+ or YP+))) or AN+ or G+)); % Whole, entire entities, cannot participate in G links % because the entire entity has already been identified. <entity-entire>: (({DG- or [[GN-]] or [[{@A-} & {D-}]]} & (({@MX+} & <noun-main-s>) or YS+)) or AN+); personID0 personID1 personID2 personID3 personID4 personID5 personID6 personID7 personID8 personID9 personID10 personID11 personID12 personID13 personID14 personID15 personID16 personID17 personID18 personID19 personID20 personID21 personID22 personID23 personID24 personID25 personID26 personID27 personID28 personID29 personID30 personID31 personID32 personID33 personID34 personID35 personID36 personID37 personID38 personID39 personID40 personID41 personID42 personID43 personID44 personID45 personID46 personID47 personID48 personID49 personID50 personID51 personID52 personID53 personID54 personID55 personID56 personID57 personID58 personID59 personID60: <marker-entity> or <entity-entire>; organizationID0 organizationID1 organizationID2 organizationID3 organizationID4 organizationID5 organizationID6 organizationID7 organizationID8 organizationID9 organizationID10 organizationID11 organizationID12 organizationID13 organizationID14 organizationID15 organizationID16 organizationID17 organizationID18 organizationID19 organizationID20 organizationID21 organizationID22 organizationID23 organizationID24 organizationID25 organizationID26 organizationID27 organizationID28 organizationID29 organizationID30 organizationID31 organizationID32 organizationID33 organizationID34 organizationID35 organizationID36 organizationID37 organizationID38 organizationID39 organizationID40 organizationID41 organizationID42 organizationID43 organizationID44 organizationID45 organizationID46 organizationID47 organizationID48 organizationID49 organizationID50 organizationID51 organizationID52 organizationID53 organizationID54 organizationID55 organizationID56 organizationID57 organizationID58 organizationID59 organizationID60: <marker-entity> or <entity-entire>; locationID0 locationID1 locationID2 locationID3 locationID4 locationID5 locationID6 locationID7 locationID8 locationID9 locationID10 locationID11 locationID12 locationID13 locationID14 locationID15 locationID16 locationID17 locationID18 locationID19 locationID20 locationID21 locationID22 locationID23 locationID24 locationID25 locationID26 locationID27 locationID28 locationID29 locationID30 locationID31 locationID32 locationID33 locationID34 locationID35 locationID36 locationID37 locationID38 locationID39 locationID40 locationID41 locationID42 locationID43 locationID44 locationID45 locationID46 locationID47 locationID48 locationID49 locationID50 locationID51 locationID52 locationID53 locationID54 locationID55 locationID56 locationID57 locationID58 locationID59 locationID60: <marker-entity> or <entity-entire>; <directive-opener>: {[[Wi-]]} & {{Xd-} & Xc+} & (Ic+ or COa+); % Words that are also given names % Cannot take A or D links. % Art Bell Bill Bob Buck Bud /en/words/entities.given-female.sing /en/words/entities.given-male.sing /en/words/entities.given-bisex.sing: <marker-entity> or <given-names> or <directive-opener>; % Special handling for certain given names. These are words that have a % lower-case analog in the dictionary, and are also used in upper-case % form in an "idiomatic name" e.g. Vatican_City. Without the below, % this use of "City" would prevent it from being recognized in other % (non-idiomatic) proper name constructions, e.g. New York City. /en/words/entities.organizations.sing: <marker-entity> or <entity-singular>; /en/words/entities.locations.sing: <marker-entity> or <entity-singular>; % % entity IDs (mirror Capitalized-words - a mix of plural and singular) <entity-id>: (({DG- or [[GN-]] or [[{@A-} & {D-}]]} & (({@MX+} & <noun-main-x>) or YS+ or YP+)) or AN+); entityID0 entityID1 entityID2 entityID3 entityID4 entityID5 entityID6 entityID7 entityID8 entityID9 entityID10 entityID11 entityID12 entityID13 entityID14 entityID15 entityID16 entityID17 entityID18 entityID19 entityID20 entityID21 entityID22 entityID23 entityID24 entityID25 entityID26 entityID27 entityID28 entityID29 entityID30 entityID31 entityID32 entityID33 entityID34 entityID35 entityID36 entityID37 entityID38 entityID39 entityID40 entityID41 entityID42 entityID43 entityID44 entityID45 entityID46 entityID47 entityID48 entityID49 entityID50 entityID51 entityID52 entityID53 entityID54 entityID55 entityID56 entityID57 entityID58 entityID59 entityID60: <marker-entity> or <entity-id>; % Same as pattern used in words.n.4 -- mass nouns or countable nouns <generic-singular-id>: ({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & (({D*u-} & <noun-sub-s> & (<noun-main-m> or (Rw+ & Bsm+))) or (YS+ & {D*u-}) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])) or Us-)) or AN+; % Same pattern used for words.n.2.s <generic-plural-id>: {NM+} & (({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & (({Dmc-} & <noun-sub-p> & (<noun-main-p> or (Rw+ & Bpm+))) or (YP+ & {Dmc-}) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])) or Up-)) or [[AN+]]); genericID0 genericID1 genericID2 genericID3 genericID4 genericID5 genericID6 genericID7 genericID8 genericID9 genericID10 genericID11 genericID12 genericID13 genericID14 genericID15 genericID16 genericID17 genericID18 genericID19 genericID20 genericID21 genericID22 genericID23 genericID24 genericID25 genericID26 genericID27 genericID28 genericID29 genericID30 genericID31 genericID32 genericID33 genericID34 genericID35 genericID36 genericID37 genericID38 genericID39 genericID40 genericID41 genericID42 genericID43 genericID44 genericID45 genericID46 genericID47 genericID48 genericID49 genericID50 genericID51 genericID52 genericID53 genericID54 genericID55 genericID56 genericID57 genericID58 genericID59 genericID60: <marker-entity> or <generic-singular-id> or <generic-plural-id>; %from words.y year numbers <date-id>: NM- or ({EN-} & (NIfn+ or NItn-)) or NN+ or AN+ or ((Xd- & TY- & Xc+) or TY-) or ({EN- or NIc-} & (ND+ or OD- or ({{@L+} & DD-} & ([[Dmcn+]] or ((<noun-sub-x> or TA-) & (JT- or IN- or [[<noun-main-x>]])))))); dateID0 dateID1 dateID2 dateID3 dateID4 dateID5 dateID6 dateID7 dateID8 dateID9 dateID10 dateID11 dateID12 dateID13 dateID14 dateID15 dateID16 dateID17 dateID18 dateID19 dateID20 dateID21 dateID22 dateID23 dateID24 dateID25 dateID26 dateID27 dateID28 dateID29 dateID30 dateID31 dateID32 dateID33 dateID34 dateID35 dateID36 dateID37 dateID38 dateID39 dateID40 dateID41 dateID42 dateID43 dateID44 dateID45 dateID46 dateID47 dateID48 dateID49 dateID50 dateID51 dateID52 dateID53 dateID54 dateID55 dateID56 dateID57 dateID58 dateID59 dateID60: <date-id>; I.n: [[{Xi+} & {G-} & G+]]; Ms.x Mrs.x Mr.x Messrs.x Rev.x Dr.x Prof.x Gov.x Sen.x Rep.x Gen.x Brig.x Col.x Capt.x Lieut.x Lt.x Sgt.x Pvt.x Cmdr.x Adm.x Corp.x St.x Mt.x Ft.x Cie.x HMS.x: (Xi+ or [[()]]) & G+; St.y Ave.y Av.y Pl.y Ct.y Dr.y Gr.y Rd.y Blvd.y Pkwy.y Hwy.y AG.y Assn.y Corp.y Co.y Esq.y Inc.y PLC.y Pty.y Ltd.y LTD.y Bldg.y and_Co GmBH.y: G- & {Xi+} & {[MG+]} & (({DG- or [[GN-]] or [[{@A-} & {D-}]]} & (({@MX+} & (JG- or <noun-main-s>)) or (YS+ or YP+))) or AN+ or G+); Jr.y Sr.y: {Xi+} & {Xd- & Xc+} & G- & {[MG+]} & (({DG- or [[GN-]] or [[{@A-} & {D-}]]} & (({@MX+} & (JG- or <noun-main-s>)) or (YS+ or YP+))) or AN+ or G+); HYPHENATED-WORDS.a: ({EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & Ah+) or (Pa- & {@MV+}))) or [[AN+]]; HYPHENATED-WORDS.n: {NM+} & [[({@AN-} & {@A-} & (({D-} & <noun-sub-x> & (<noun-main-x> or (Rw+ & B*m+))) or U-)) or ((YS+ or YP+) & {@AN-} & {@A-} & {D-})]]; % the generic category for strings containing a hyphen % activist.n actor.n actress.n actuary.n ad.n adage.n adagio.n adapter.n /en/words/words.n.1: <marker-common-entity> or ({NM+} & (({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & ((Ds- & <noun-sub-s> & (<noun-main-s> or (Rw+ & Bsm+))) or (YS+ & Ds-) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])) or Us-)) or AN+)); % plural nouns ending in "s" % allocations.n allotments.n allowances.n alloys.n allures.n allusions.n /en/words/words.n.2.s: <marker-common-entity> or <generic-plural-id>; /en/words/words.n.2.s.biolg: <generic-plural-id>; PL-GREEK-LETTER-AND-NUMBER: <generic-plural-id>; /en/words/words.n.2.x: % plural nouns not ending in "s" <marker-common-entity> or ({NM+} & (({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & (({Dmc-} & <noun-sub-p> & (<noun-main-p> or (Rw+ & Bpm+))) or (YS+ & {Dmc-}) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])) or Up-)) or [[AN+]])); % aircraft.p bacteria.p bellmen.n buffalo.p businessmen.n chairmen.n /en/words/words.n.3: % nouns that are mass only <marker-common-entity> or ({NM+} & (({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & (({Dmu-} & <noun-sub-s> & (<noun-main-m> or (Rw+ & Bsm+))) or (YS+ & {Dmu-}) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])) or Up-)) or AN+)); % absolutism.n absorption.n abstinence.n abundance.n academia.n % nouns that can be mass or countable % allocation.n allotment.n alloy.n allure.n alteration.n alternation.n <noun-mass-count>: {NM+} & (({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & (({D*u-} & <noun-sub-s> & (<noun-main-m> or (Rw+ & Bsm+))) or (YS+ & {D*u-}) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])) or Us-)) or AN+); /en/words/words.n.4: <noun-mass-count>; /en/words/words.n.4.biolg: <noun-mass-count>; GREEK-LETTER-AND-NUMBER pH.u x.n: <noun-mass-count>; % US state names and abbreviations % NM N.M. NY N.Y. NC N.C. ND N.D. Ohio Okla. /en/words/entities.us-states.sing: <marker-entity> or ({G-} & {DG- or [[GN-]] or [[{@A-} & {D-}]]} & (({MG+} & {@MX+} & (JG- or <noun-main-s>)) or G+ or ({[[MG+]]} & (AN+ or YS+ or YP+)))) or (Xc+ & Xd- & G- & AN+); % SINGULAR ENTITIES FOR ENTITY EXTRACTION % This must appear after other categories so it doesnt interfere with those. /en/words/entities.national.sing: <marker-entity> or <entity-singular>; % Enable parsing of "Mother likes her" aunt.f auntie.f brother.m dad.m daddy.m father.m grandmother.f granny.f granddad.m grandfather.m grandpa.f grandpop.m mom.f mommy.f mother.f pop.m papa.m poppy.m pops.m sis.f sister.f uncle.m: <entity-singular>; alter_ego au_pair mise_en_scene faux_pas non_sequitur fait_accompli modus_vivendi head_of_state tour_de_force: ({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & ((Ds- & <noun-sub-s> & (<noun-main-s> or (Rw+ & Bsm+))) or Us- or (YS+ & Ds-) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])))) or AN+; kung_fu joie_de_vivre op_art noblesse_oblige lese_majesty a_must time_of_day time_of_year force_majeure top_dollar year_end skim_milk breach_of_contract sleight_of_hand power_of_attorney word_of_mouth carte_blanche: ({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & (({Dmu-} & <noun-sub-s> & (<noun-main-m> or (Rw+ & Bsm+))) or Um- or (YS+ & {Dmu-}) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])))) or AN+; /en/words/words.n.t: % title nouns (president, chairman) {@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & {@M+} & (BIt- or (Xd- & (Xc+ or [[[()]]]) & MX-) or TI-); % auditor.t bailiff.t broker.t buyer.t candidate.t captain.t cardinal.t majority.n minority.n number.n bunch.n batch.n bulk.n handful.n group.n: ({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & ((Ds- & <noun-sub-x> & (<noun-main-x> or B*x+)) or Us- or (YS+ & Ds-) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])))) or AN+; % number appreviations: no.x No.x No.x no.x Num.x num.x: (Xi+ or [[()]]) & AN+; flight.i age.i: {@AN-} & NM+ & <noun-main-s>; kind_of: ({{@AN-} & @A-} & U+ & ((Ds- & <noun-sub-s> & (<noun-main-s> or (Rw+ & Bsm+))) or Us-)) or EA+ or EE+; type_of sort_of breed_of: {{@AN-} & @A-} & U+ & ((Ds- & <noun-sub-s> & (<noun-main-s> or (Rw+ & Bsm+))) or Us-); kinds_of types_of sorts_of breeds_of: {{@AN-} & @A-} & U+ & (({Dmc-} & <noun-sub-p> & (<noun-main-p> or (Rw+ & Bpm+))) or Up-); percent.u: ({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & ((ND- & {DD-} & <noun-sub-x> & (<noun-main-x> or B*x+)) or U-)) or (ND- & (OD- or AN+ or YS+)); % This set of disjuncts should probably be split up and refined. % "shame.n", "crux.n" are here because they need the Ss*t connector % to pick up "that" in "The crux of it is that we must act first." % However, report.n and sign.n and remark.n, etc. do not seem to % need this connector ... argument.n report.n sign.n impression.n conclusion.n complaint.n allegation.n announcement.n position.n restriction.n notion.n remark.n assertion.n proclamation.n reassurance.n saying.n accusation.n possibility.n idea.n problem.n claim.n result.n statement.n hunch.n assumption.n concept.n hypothesis.n implication.n message.n premonition.n prerequisite.n indication.n truism.n fallacy.n proposition.n prospect.n presupposition.n inkling.n supposition.n finding.n amount.n answer.n crux.n shame.n: ({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & ((Ds- & {@M+} & {(TH+ or (R+ & Bs+)) & {[[@M+]]}} & {@MXs+} & (<noun-main2-s> or (Ss*t+ & <CLAUSE>) or SIs*t- or (Rw+ & Bsm+))) or Us- or (YS+ & Ds-) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])))) or AN+; proof.n doubt.n suspicion.n hope.n knowledge.n relief.n disclosure.n fear.n acknowledgment.n acknowledgement.n principle.n concern.n philosophy.n risk.n threat.n understanding.n conviction.n theory.n assurance.n speculation.n awareness.n news.n opinion.n belief.n contention.n thought.n myth.n discovery.n rumor.n probability.n fact.n explanation.n feeling.n comment.n expectation.n perception.n sense.n realization.n view.n insistence.n consensus.n notification.n rule.n danger.n warning.n suggestion.n: ({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & (({D*u-} & {@M+} & {(TH+ or (R+ & Bs+)) & {[[@M+]]}} & {@MXs+} & (<noun-main2-m> or (Ss*t+ & <CLAUSE>) or SIs*t- or (Rw+ & Bsm+))) or Us- or (YS+ & {D*u-}) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])))) or AN+; evidence.n reasoning.n likelihood: ({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & (({Dmu-} & {@M+} & {(TH+ or (R+ & Bs+)) & {[[@M+]]}} & {@MXs+} & (<noun-main2-m> or (Ss*t+ & <CLAUSE>) or SIs*t- or (Rw+ & Bsm+))) or Up- or (YS+ & {Dmu-}) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])))) or AN+; ideas.n opinions.n statements.n beliefs.n facts.n arguments.n principles.n theories.n philosophies.n signs.n impressions.n conclusions.n contentions.n complaints.n proofs.n doubts.n suspicions.n allegations.n reports.n claims.n announcements.n positions.n risks.n hopes.n explanations.n restrictions.n threats.n thoughts.n myths.n feelings.n discoveries.n rumors.n comments.n realizations.n probabilities.n remarks.n notions.n convictions.n hunches.n assumptions.n concepts.n hypotheses.n assertions.n expectations.n implications.n perceptions.n proclamations.n reassurances.n fears.n sayings.n senses.n messages.n disclosures.n accusations.n views.n concerns.n understandings.n acknowledgments.n acknowledgements.n possibilities.n premonitions.n prerequisites.n provisos.n truisms.n fallacies.n assurances.n speculations.n propositions.n prospects.n presuppositions.n inklings.n suppositions.n findings.n amounts.n rules.n dangers.n warnings.n indications.n answers.n suggestions.n: ({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & (({Dmc-} & {@M+} & {(TH+ or (R+ & Bp+)) & {[[@M+]]}} & {@MXp+} & (<noun-main2-p> or (Sp*t+ & <CLAUSE>) or SIp*t- or (Rw+ & Bpm+))) or Up- or (YP+ & {Dmc-}) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])))) or [[AN+]]; request.n requirement.n condition.n recommendation.n provision.n stipulation.n: ({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & (({D*u-} & {@M+} & {(TH+ or TS+ or (R+ & Bs+)) & {[[@M+]]}} & {@MXs+} & (<noun-main2-m> or (Ss*t+ & <CLAUSE>) or SIs*t- or (Rw+ & Bsm+))) or Us- or (YS+ & {D*u-}) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])))) or AN+; requests.n requirements.n conditions.n recommendations.n provisions.n stipulations.n: ({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & (({Dmc-} & {@M+} & {(TH+ or TS+ or (R+ & Bp+)) & {[[@M+]]}} & {@MXp+} & (<noun-main2-p> or (Sp*t+ & <CLAUSE>) or SIp*t- or (Rw+ & Bpm+))) or Up- or (YP+ & {Dmc-}) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])))) or [[AN+]]; excuse.n decision.n proposal.n attempt.n plan.n plot.n pledge.n urge.n mission.n right.n desire.n mandate.n promise.n option.n campaign.n offer.n vow.n permit.n impetus.n proclivity.n propensity.n move.n vote.n bill.n: ({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & ((Ds- & {@M+} & {(TOn+ or (R+ & Bs+)) & {[[@M+]]}} & {@MXs+} & (<noun-main-s> or (Rw+ & Bsm+))) or Us- or (YS+ & Ds-) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])))) or AN+; failure.n haste.n refusal.n reluctance.n pressure.n willingness.n responsibility.n intent.n temptation.n readiness.n effort.n determination.n capacity.n unwillingness.n need.n will.n eagerness.n opportunity.n commitment.n ambition.n ability.n order.n obligation.n incentive.n: ({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & (({D*u-} & {@M+} & {(TOn+ or (R+ & Bs+)) & {[[@M+]]}} & {@MXs+} & (<noun-main-m> or (Rw+ & Bsm+))) or Us- or (YS+ & {D*u-}) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])))) or AN+; excuses.n decisions.n proposals.n failures.n efforts.n attempts.n refusals.n pledges.n urges.n missions.n rights.n desires.n needs.n ambitions.n capacities.n mandates.n promises.n abilities.n options.n commitments.n intents.n opportunities.n plans.n plots.n responsibilities.n chances.n campaigns.n offers.n pressures.n obligations orders.n temptations.n vows.n permits.n impetuses.n proclivities.n propensities.n moves.n votes.n bills.n incentives.n: ({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & (({Dmc-} & {@M+} & {(TOn+ or (R+ & Bp+)) & {[[@M+]]}} & {@MXp+} & (<noun-main-p> or (Rw+ & Bpm+))) or Up- or (YP+ & {Dmc-}) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])))) or [[AN+]]; chance.n: ({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & (({D*u-} & {@M+} & {(TOn+ or TH+ or (R+ & Bs+)) & {[[@M+]]}} & {@MXs+} & (<noun-main-m> or (Rw+ & Bsm+))) or Us- or (YS+ & {D*u-}) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])))) or AN+; question.n issue.n: ({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & ((Ds- & {@M+} & {R+ & Bs+ & {[[@M+]]}} & {@MXs+} & (<noun-main2-s> or (Ss*q+ & <CLAUSE>) or SIs*q- or (Rw+ & Bsm+))) or Us- or (YS+ & Ds-) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])))) or AN+; questions.n issues.n: ({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & (({Dmc-} & {@M+} & {R+ & Bp+ & {[[@M+]]}} & {@MXp+} & (<noun-main2-p> or (Sp*q+ & <CLAUSE>) or SIp*q- or (Rw+ & Bpm+))) or Up- or (YP+ & {Dmc-}) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])))) or AN+; reason.n: ({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & (({D*u-} & {@M+} & {TH+ or Ce+ or TOn+ or WY+ or (R+ & Bs+)} & {@MXs+} & (<noun-main2-s> or (Ss*t+ & <CLAUSE>) or SIs*t- or (Rw+ & Bsm+))) or Us- or (YS+ & {D*u-}) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])))) or AN+; reasons.n: ({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & (({Dmc-} & {@M+} & {TH+ or Ce+ or TOn+ or WY+ or (R+ & Bp+)} & {@MXp+} & (<noun-main-p> or (Rw+ & Bpm+))) or Up- or (YP+ & {Dmc-}) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])))) or [[AN+]]; way.n: ({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & ((Ds- & {@M+} & {TOn+ or TH+ or Ce+ or (R+ & Bs+)} & {@MXs+} & (MVa- or <noun-main-s> or (Rw+ & Bsm+))) or Us- or (YS+ & {D*u-}) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])))) or AN+; place.n: ({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & ((Ds- & {@M+} & {TOn+ or TH+ or Ce+ or (R+ & Bs+)} & {@MXs+} & (<noun-main-s> or (Rw+ & Bsm+))) or Us- or (YS+ & {D*u-}) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])))) or AN+; time.n: ({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & (({D*u-} & {@M+} & {TOn+ or WN+ or TH+ or Ce+ or (R+ & Bs+)} & {@MXs+} & (<noun-main-m> or (Rw+ & Bsm+))) or Us- or (YS+ & {D*u-}) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])))) or AN+; ways.n: ({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & (({Dmc-} & {@M+} & {TOn+ or TH+ or Ce+ or (R+ & Bp+)} & {@MXp+} & (MVa- or <noun-main-p> or (Rw+ & Bpm+))) or Up- or (YP+ & {Dmc-}) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])))) or [[AN+]]; places.n: ({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & (({Dmc-} & {@M+} & {TOn+ or TH+ or Ce+ or (R+ & Bp+)} & {@MXp+} & (<noun-main-p> or (Rw+ & Bpm+))) or Up- or (YP+ & {Dmc-}) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])))) or [[AN+]]; times.n: ({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & (({Dmc-} & {@M+} & {TOn+ or WN+ or TH+ or Ce+ or (R+ & Bp+)} & {@MXp+} & (<noun-main-p> or (Rw+ & Bpm+))) or Up- or (YP+ & {Dmc-}) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])))) or [[AN+]]; %PRONOUNS she he: ({[[R+ & Bs+]]} & ((Ss+ & <CLAUSE>) or SIs-)); me him them us: J- or Ox-; myself yourself himself herself itself themselves ourselves yourselves: J- or O- or E+ or MVa-; each_other: J- or O- or YS+; her.d: ({AL-} & {@L+} & (D+ or DD+)) or DP+; her.p: J- or Ox-; its my your their our: ({AL-} & {@L+} & (D+ or DD+)) or DP+; his: DP+ or ({AL-} & {@L+} & (D+ or DD+)) or [<noun-main-x>]; you: J- or Ox- or (Sp+ & <CLAUSE>) or SIp-; it: J- or Ox- or ((Ss+ or SFsi+) & <CLAUSE>) or SIs- or SFIsi- or OXi- or Vp-; they: {[[R+ & Bp+]]} & ((Sp+ & <CLAUSE>) or SIp-); we: (Sp+ & <CLAUSE>) or SIp-; % XXX why is "I" marked plural ?? a cheap hack to make I've work? I.p: ((Sp*i+ or SX+) & <CLAUSE>) or SIp*i- or SXI-; it_all them_all us_all you_all: Ox- or J-; %we're they're I'm you're: %(({@EBm+} & (((O*t+ or K+ or BI+ or OF+ or Pp+) & {@MV+}) or TO+ or Pa+)) or %({N+} & (Pg+ or Pv+))) & <CLAUSE>; ’m 'm: SX- & (({@EBm+} & (((O*t+ or K+ or BI+ or OF+ or Pp+) & {@MV+}) or TO+ or Pa+)) or ({N+} & (Pg+ or Pv+))); ’re 're: Spx- & (({@EBm+} & (((O*t+ or K+ or BI+ or OF+ or Pp+) & {@MV+}) or TO+ or Pa+)) or ({N+} & (Pg+ or Pv+))); %I've they've you've we've: PP+ & <CLAUSE>; ’ve 've: Sp- & PP+; %we'd they'd I'd he'd she'd you'd: (PP+ or ({Vw+} & I+)) & <CLAUSE>; %I'll he'll she'll we'll they'll you'll it'll: I+ & <CLAUSE>; ’d 'd: S- & (PP+ or I+); ’ll 'll: S- & I+; something someone somebody: {EL+} & (({Pa+} & <noun-sub-s> & {@MXs+} & <noun-main-s>) or YS+); nothing no_one nobody: {EN-} & {EL+} & (({Pa+} & <noun-sub-s> & {@MXs+} & <noun-main-s>) or YS+); everything everyone anyone everybody anybody anything: {EN-} & {EL+} & (((({Pa+} & <noun-sub-s>) or CX+) & {@MXs+} & <noun-main-s>) or YS+); else: EL-; others: {Dmc-} & <noun-sub-p> & <noun-main-p>; mine.p yours theirs hers ours: <noun-main-x>; % DETERMINERS the: (({AL-} & {@L+} & (D+ or DD+)) or DG+ or (TR- & U+)); those: ({AL-} & (Dmc+ or DD+)) or (<noun-sub-p> & <noun-main-p>); this.p: <noun-main-h>; this.d: ({AL-} & D*u+) or DTn+; these: <noun-main-p> or ({AL-} & (Dmc+ or DD+)); both.d: Dmc+ or E+ or ({M+ or (ALx+ & Jp+)} & <noun-main-p>); both.a: Paf-; half: {EN-} & (NJ+ or ((({DD-} & {@Mp+ or (R+ & B+)}) or (AL+ & J+)) & <noun-main-x>)); many: (H- & (Dmc+ or ND+ or NIn+ or TQ+)) or (AM- & (Dmcy+ or Oy- or Jy-)) or ({EE-} & (ND+ or NIn+)) or ({DD-} & {EAx-} & Dmc+) or ((({EAx-} & {DD-}) or H-) & <noun-sub-p> & (<noun-main-p> or (Rw+ & Bpm+))); all: ({EN-} & (E+ or Dm+ or NIc+ or ({@M+ or (ALx+ & Jp+) or (R+ & B+) or EL+} & (<noun-main2-x> or (S**t+ & <CLAUSE>) or SI**t-)))) or DTa+; all_that: EA+ or EE+ or (<noun-sub-s> & <noun-main-s>); all_this: <noun-sub-s> & <noun-main-s>; all_those all_these: <noun-sub-p> & <noun-main-p>; one: NM- or NN+ or ({EN-} & (({DD-} & Ds+) or ({{@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & Ds-} & (YS+ or (<noun-sub-s> & (<noun-main-s> or (Rw+ & Bsm+))))))) or NSn+ or DTi+; ones: {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & {Dmc-} & (YP+ or (<noun-sub-p> & <noun-main-p>)); any: ({EN-} & (D+ or DD+ or (<noun-sub-x> & <noun-main-x>))) or EC+; a an: ({(AA- & HA-) or ALa- or [[Lf+]]} & Ds+) or NN+ or NSa+ or NIm+; such: (ND- & Dmc+) or Dm*k+; such_a such_an: Ds*k+; a_lot: (<noun-sub-p> & <noun-main-p>) or EC+ or MVa-; few: {EA- or EF+ or ({EA-} & DD-)} & (Dmc+ or (<noun-sub-p> & <noun-main-p>)); a_couple: <noun-sub-p> & <noun-main-p>; a_couple_of: NN+ or ND+ or NIn+; a_few: NN+ or ND+ or NIn+ or ({EN-} & (Dmc+ or ND+ or NIn+ or (<noun-sub-p> & <noun-main-p>))); some: D+ or EN+ or MF+ or (<noun-sub-x> & <noun-main-x>); little.i: ({EE-} & (MVa- or Ca+ or Qe+)) or ({EEx- or H-} & (Dmu+ or (<noun-sub-s> & (<noun-main-s> or (Rw+ & Bsm+))))) or (AM- & (Dmuy+ or MVy- or Oy- or Jy-)); most: Dm+ or [EE+] or EA+ or MF+ or (<noun-sub-x> & <noun-main-x>); part.i: OF+ & <noun-main-s>; the_most: MVa- or EE+ or Dm+ or (<noun-sub-x> & <noun-main-x>); least: EA+; none: <noun-sub-x> & (<noun-main-x>); rest.i: (DG-) & <noun-sub-p> & <noun-main-p>; plenty: {@M+} & <noun-main-x>; other: Dmu+ or ({ND-} & {DD-} & Dmc+) or (DD- & (Ds+ or DD+ or <noun-main-s>)); one_other every_other: <noun-main-s> or Ds+; any_other no_other: <noun-main-s> or D+; all_other: Dm+; most_other: Dmc+; quite_a quite_an one_such not_every: Ds+; some_other no_such: D+; every.d: {EN-} & (Ds+ or DTn+ or [[NIc+]]); another: Ds+ or NIc+ or (<noun-sub-s> & <noun-main-s>) or YS+; one_another: (<noun-sub-s> & <noun-main-s>) or YS+; each: Ds+ or (<noun-sub-s> & <noun-main-s>) or DTn+ or E+ or MVa-; no.misc-d: ({EN-} & D+) or EC+; a_little: Dmu+ or (<noun-sub-s> & <noun-main-s>) or EA+ or EC+ or EE+ or MVa-; a_great_deal: EC+ or MVa- or (<noun-sub-s> & <noun-main-s>); many_more a_few_more a_couple_more plenty_more a_lot_more: Dmcc+ or (<noun-sub-p> & <noun-main-p>); some_more: MVa- or Dm+ or (<noun-sub-x> & <noun-main-x>); one_more: Ds+ or (<noun-sub-s> & <noun-main-s>); not_many: Dmc+ or (<noun-sub-p> & (Sp+ & <CLAUSE>)); not_all not_everything: Dm+ or (((ALx+ & Jp+) or <noun-sub-x>) & (S+ & <CLAUSE>)); not_one: Ds+ or (<noun-sub-s> & (Ss+ & <CLAUSE>)); enough: ({OF+} & <noun-main-s>) or Dm+ or EF- or MVa-; not_enough: ({OF+} & <noun-main-s>) or Dm+; % NUMERICAL EXPRESSIONS % Numeric ranges, e.g. "15 to 20". The "to" (or hyphen) acts as a % number in a range, and the requirements should match NUMBER. % The NIf connectors (second subscript position is "n" for number % and "u" for unit) allow "15 to 20", "15 to 20 kDa" and % "15 kDa to 20 kDa", but not "15 kDa to 20". % Allowing EC+ for "two to threefold more abundant". This allows also the % nonsense "two to three more abundant", but this is likely harmless. -.ru --.ru ---.ru to.ru: ((NIfn- & NItn+) & {NIb-} & (NM- or EC+ or (NN+ or [[NF+]] or ({EN- or NIc-} & (ND+ or OD- or ({{@L+} & DD-} & (Dmcn+ or (<noun-sub-p> & [<noun-main-p>])))))))) or ((NIfu- & NItu+) & {NIb-} & (((<noun-sub-x> & (<noun-main-x> or Bsm+)) or (Us- & {Mp+})) or AN+)) or ((NIfp- & NItp+) & {NIb-} & (NM- or AN+ or ({Xc+ & Xd-} & Ma-) or (Wq- & PF+) or MVp- or Pp- or FM- or (Xc+ & Xd- & (MVx- or MX-)))); and.ru: ((NIfn- & NItn+) & NId- & (NM- or (NN+ or [[NF+]] or ({EN- or NIc-} & (ND+ or OD- or ({{@L+} & DD-} & (Dmcn+ or (<noun-sub-p> & [<noun-main-p>])))))))) or ((NIfu- & NItu+) & NId- & (((<noun-sub-x> & (<noun-main-x> or Bsm+)) or (Us- & {Mp+})) or AN+)); % For number, cost is added to the <noun-main-*> roles to prioritize % postmodifier and numeric determiner roles. two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty thirty-one thirty-two thirty-three thirty-four thirty-five thirty-six thirty-seven thirty-eight thirty-nine forty forty-one forty-two forty-three forty-four forty-five forty-six forty-seven forty-eight forty-nine fifty fifty-one fifty-two fifty-three fifty-four fifty-five fifty-six fifty-seven fifty-eight fifty-nine sixty sixty-one sixty-two sixty-three sixty-four sixty-five sixty-six sixty-seven sixty-eight sixty-nine seventy seventy-one seventy-two seventy-three seventy-four seventy-five seventy-six seventy-seven seventy-eight seventy-nine eighty eighty-one eighty-two eighty-three eighty-four eighty-five eighty-six eighty-seven eighty-eight eighty-nine ninety ninety-one ninety-two ninety-three ninety-four ninety-five ninety-six ninety-seven ninety-eight ninety-nine several: NM- or ({EN-} & (NIfn+ or NItn-)) or (NN+ or NW+ or ({EN- or NIc-} & (ND+ or NIn+ or ({{@L+} & DD-} & (Dmc+ or (<noun-sub-p> & [<noun-main-p>])))))); % the generic "number" category % AN+ is needed for date-ranges NUMBERS: NM- or ({EN-} & (NIfn+ or NItn-)) or NN+ or [[NF+]] or [[AN+]] or ({EN- or NIc-} & (ND+ or NIn+ or OD- or ({{@L+} & DD-} & (Dmcn+ or (<noun-sub-p> & [<noun-main-p>]))))); % allowing postposed roman numerals only for now. ROMAN-NUMERAL-WORDS.rn: NM-; % nouns that look like roman numerals. Limited requirements to avoid % excessive ambiguity. ROMAN-NUMERAL-WORDS.n: {@MX+} & (<noun-main-s>); % Days of month % Note, however, this over-rides generic numbers in this range % and so is a superset of the generic numbers disjuncts % The following should match NUMBERS with the addition of "or TM-". 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31: NUMBERS or TM- or [[G+]]; % Years w/o apostrophe: e.g. 47 Ford Fairlane or 57 Chevy 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99: <date-id> or [[G+]]; % year numbers % 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 /en/words/words.y: <date-id> or [[G+]]; % Years: e.g. '47 Ford Fairlane or '57 Chevy '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 '18 '19 '20 '21 '22 '23 '24 '25 '26 '27 '28 '29 '30 '31 '32 '33 '34 '35 '36 '37 '38 '39 '40 '41 '42 '43 '44 '45 '46 '47 '48 '49 '50 '51 '52 '53 '54 '55 '56 '57 '58 '59 '60 '61 '62 '63 '64 '65 '66 '67 '68 '69 '70 '71 '72 '73 '74 '75 '76 '77 '78 '79 '80 '81 '82 '83 '84 '85 '86 '87 '88 '89 '90 '91 '92 '93 '94 '95 '96 '97 '98 '99: <date-id> or [[G+]]; 1: NM- or ({EN-} & (NIfn+ or NItn-)) or (NN+ or [[NF+]] or ({EN- or NIc-} & (ND+ or NIm+ or OD- or ({{@L+} & DD-} & (D**n+ or (<noun-sub-x> & [<noun-main-x>]))))) or TM- or NSn+); %%%%% or [[G- & (({MXs+} & <noun-main-s>) or G+ or AN+ or YS+)]] 0: NM- or ({EN-} & (NIfn+ or NItn-)) or (NN+ or [[NF+]] or ({EN- or NIc-} & (ND+ or NIn+ or OD- or ({{@L+} & DD-} & (Dmcn+ or [[Ds+]] or (<noun-sub-p> & [<noun-main-p>]))))) or NSn+); %%%%% or [[G- & (({MXs+} & <noun-main-s>) or G+ or AN+ or YS+)]] % TODO: no numers or related expressions below this point take the new NM % connector, although e.g. "point 1/2" would appear reasonable. Go through % these and add NM- analogously to other numbers as applicable. 1900s 1910s 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 1900's 1910's 1920's 1930's 1940's 1950's 1960's 1970's 1980's 1990's 1900’s 1910’s 1920’s 1930’s 1940’s 1950’s 1960’s 1970’s 1980’s 1990’s twenties thirties, forties fifties sixties seventies eighties nineties '20s '30s '40s '50s '60s '70s '80s '90s ‘20s ‘30s ‘40s ‘50s ‘60s ‘70s ‘80s ‘90s: {TA-} & DG- & (IN- or [[<noun-main-x>]]); % teens could be above or teenagers (words.n.2) teens: ({TA-} & DG- & (IN- or <noun-main-x>)) or <generic-plural-id>; hundred thousand half-thousand million half-million quarter-million billion half-billion quarter-billion trillion half-trillion quarter-trillion dozen half-dozen bajillion bazillion gadzillion gagillion gajillion gazillion godzillion jillion jizillion kabillion kajillion katrillion killion umptillion zillion: NN- & (NNy+ or NM- or ({EN- or NIc-} & (ND+ or NIn+ or OD- or ({{@L+} & DD-} & (Dmcn+ or (<noun-sub-p> & <noun-main-p>)))))); half_a_dozen half_a_million: ({EN- or NIc-} & (ND+ or NIn+ or OD- or ({{@L+} & DD-} & (Dmcn+ or (<noun-sub-p> & <noun-main-p>))))); hundreds thousands millions billions trillions dozens bajillions bazillions gadzillions gagillions gajillions gazillions godzillions jillions jizillions kabillions kajillions katrillions killions umptillions zillions: ({DD- or Dmc-} & <noun-sub-p> & <noun-main-p>); tens: {DD-} & OF+ & <noun-main-p>; dozens_of tens_of hundreds_of thousands_of millions_of billions_of trillions_of bajillions_of bazillions_of gadzillions_of gagillions_of gajillions_of gazillions_of godzillions_of jillions_of jizillions_of kabillions_of kajillions_of katrillions_of killions_of umptillions_of zillions_of: ND+ or NIn+; 1/2 3/4 2/3 1/3 1/4 1/8 3/8 5/8 7/8 ½ ⅓ ⅔ ¼ ¾ ⅛ ⅜ ⅝ ⅞: ({NNx-} & NNy+) or NF+ or NIe+ or ({NNx-} & {EN- or NIc-} & (ND+ or NIn+ or OD- or ({DD-} & ([[Ds+]] or Dmcn+ or (<noun-sub-x> & <noun-main-x>))))); and_a_half: (NW- or NSn-) & (NNy+ or ({EN- or NIc-} & (ND+ or NIn+ or ({DD-} & (Dmcn+ or (<noun-sub-p> & <noun-main-p>)))))); third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth: L- or Pa- or MVa- or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or (NS- & {EN-} & NF+) or (((NS- & <noun-sub-x> & {EN-}) or (DD- & <noun-sub-x> & {TOn+})) & <noun-main-x>) or NR+; second.a: L- or Pa- or MVa- or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or (DD- & <noun-sub-x> & {TOn+} & <noun-main-x>) or NR+; quarter.i: NS- & {EN-} & (NF+ or (<noun-sub-x> & <noun-main-x>)); thirds.m fourths.m quarters.m fifths.m sixths.m sevenths.m eighths.m ninths.m tenths.m: NW- & {EN-} & (NF+ or (<noun-sub-x> & <noun-main-x>)); first.a: L- or Pa- or E+ or MVa- or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or TT+ or ((DD- or [[NSa-]]) & <noun-sub-x> & {TOn+} & <noun-main-x>); last.a: L- or Pa- or MVa- or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or DTi+ or TT+ or (DD- & <noun-sub-x> & {TOn+} & <noun-main-x>); %EQUATIONS ETC. % "verb" use, e.g. "( p < 0.01 )" for "( p is less than 0.01 )" =.v <.v >.v *.v "/.v" +.v -.v x.v: (S- or EQ-) & O+ & (EQ+ or (Xd- & (Xc+ or [[[()]]]) & MX-)); % "adverb" use, e.g. "< 10" for "less than 10" =.e <.e >.e +.e -.e x.e: EN+; % TODO: un-parenthesized cases, e.g. % - preparations of 5 x 10(8) cfu/ml are made % - the strength was in the order of gerE > cotD > yfhP P2 > yfhP P1 % also remember "-->" fiscal.i: TY+ & <noun-main-s>; or_so: ND- & {{@L+} & DD-} & (Dmcn+ or (<noun-sub-p> & <noun-main-p>)); %VERBS % These are the verb-form expressions for ordinary verbs. % <marker-past> is a marker which should never be used in a link. % It is used to flag past-tense forms in the dictionary <marker-past>: XXXPAST+; <verb-pl,i>: {@E-} & (Sp- or (RS- & Bp-) or (I- & {@E-} & {Wi-}) or Wi-); <verb-pl>: {@E-} & (Sp- or (RS- & Bp-)); <verb-s>: {@E-} & (Ss- or (RS- & Bs-)); <verb-i>: {@E-} & I-; <verb-sp,pp>: <marker-past> or ({@E-} & (S- or (RS- & B-) or PP-)); <verb-sp>: <marker-past> or ({@E-} & (S- or (RS- & B-))); <verb-pp>: {@E-} & PP-; <verb-pg>: {@E-} & (Pg- or Mg-); <verb-pv>: {@E-} & (Pv- or Mv-) & {@MV+}; <verb-pv-b>: {@E-} & (Pv- or Mv-); <verb-ge>: {@E-} & ((Xd- & (Xc+ or [[[()]]]) & (MX*p- or MVg-)) or ({[DP-]} & ((Ss*g+ & <CLAUSE>) or SIs*g- or [[[()]]])) or [DP- & J-] or [[Wq- & PF+]] or ({Xd-} & Xc+ & COp+)); <verb-ge-d>: ({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & (Dmu- or [[()]]) & (OF+ or [[()]]) & <noun-sub-s> & {@MXs+} & ((Ss+ & <CLAUSE>) or SIs- or Os- or J-)) or [[AN+]]; <verb-pg,ge>: {@E-} & (({[DP-]} & ((Ss*g+ & <CLAUSE>) or SIs*g- or [[[()]]])) or Mg- or Pg- or (Xd- & (Xc+ or [[[()]]]) & (MX*p- or MVg-)) or [DP- & J-] or [[Wq- & PF+ & {@MV+}]] or ({Xd-} & Xc+ & COp+)); <verb-po>: {@E-} & {@MV+} & ((Xd- & (Xc+ or [[[()]]]) & (MX*p- or MVg-)) or [[Wq- & PF+ & {@MV+} & {CC+}]] or ({Xd-} & Xc+ & COp+)); % These are the verb-form expressions for special verbs that can take % filler-"it" as a subject. <verb-s-pl,i>: {@E-} & (Sp- or If- or (RS- & Bp-) or Wi-); <verb-s-s>: {@E-} & (Ss- or SFsi- or (RS- & Bs-)); <verb-s-sp,pp>: <marker-past> or ({@E-} & (S- or SFsi- or PPf- or (RS- & B-))); <verb-s-sp>: <marker-past> or ({@E-} & (S- or SFsi- or (RS- & B-))); <verb-s-pp>: {@E-} & PPf-; <verb-s-pg>: {@E-} & (Pgf- or Mg-); <verb-s-pv>: {@E-} & (Pvf- or Mv-) & {@MV+}; <verb-s-pv-b>: {@E-} & (Pvf- or Mv-); % These are the verb-form expressions for special verbs that can take % either filler-"it" or filler-"there" as a subject. <verb-x-pl,i>: {@E-} & (Sp- or SFp- or If- or (RS- & Bp-) or Wi-); <verb-x-s>: {@E-} & (Ss- or SFs- or (RS- & Bs-)); <verb-x-sp,pp>: <marker-past> or ({@E-} & (S- or SF- or (RS- & B-) or PPf-)); <verb-x-sp>: <marker-past> or ({@E-} & (S- or SF- or (RS- & B-))); <verb-x-pp>: {@E-} & PPf-; <verb-x-pg>: {@E-} & (Pgf- or Mg-); <verb-x-pg,ge>: {@E-} & (Pgf- or Mg- or ({[DP-]} & ((Ss*g+ & <CLAUSE>) or SIs*g- or [[[()]]])) or (Xd- & (Xc+ or [[[()]]]) & (MX*p- or MVg-)) or [DP- & J-] or [[Wq- & PF+ & {@MV+}]] or ({Xd-} & Xc+ & COp+)); % AUXILIARY VERBS %<vc-do>: (((B- or O+ or [[@MV+ & O*n+]] or Vd+ or ({N+} & (CX- or [[()]]))) & {@MV+}) %or ({N+} & I*d+)); %do.v: ({@E-} & (Sp- or SFp- or (RS- & Bp-) or Wi-) & <vc-do>) %or ((SIp+ or SFIp+) & (({Q-} & I*d+) or CQ-)) or %({@E-} & I- & ((B- or O+ or [[@MV+ & O*n+]] or CX-) & {@MV+})); %does.v: (<verb-x-s> & <vc-do>) or ((SIs+ or SFIs+) & (({Q-} & I*d+) or CQ-)); %did.v: (<verb-x-sp> & <vc-do>) or ((SI+ or SFI+) & (({Q-} & I*d+) or CQ-)); %done.v: (<verb-pp> & (B- or O+ or [[@MV+ & O*n+]] or Vd+)) or <verb-pv> or <verb-po>; %doing.v: <verb-pg> & (O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]] or Vd+) & {@MV+}; %doing.g: ((O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]] or Vd+) & {@MV+} & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; % %don't: (({Q-} & (SIp+ or SFIp+) & I*d+) or ({@E-} & (Sp- or SFp- or %(RS- & Bp-) or Wi-))) & (I*d+ or [[()]]); %doesn't: (({Q-} & (SIs+ or SFIs+) & I*d+) or <verb-x-s>) & %(I*d+ or [[()]]); %didn't: <marker-past> or ((({Q-} & (SI+ or SFI+)) or ({@E-} & (S- or SF- or %(RS- & B-)))) & (I*d+ or [[()]])); %Mike replaced "{Q-}" with "(Rw- or Q- or [()])" <vc-do>: (((B- or O+ or [[@MV+ & O*n+]] or Vd+ or ({N+} & (CX- or [[()]]))) & {@MV+}) or ({N+} & I*d+)); do.v: ({@E-} & (Sp- or SFp- or (RS- & Bp-) or ({Ic-} & Wi-)) & <vc-do>) or ((SIp+ or SFIp+) & (((Rw- or ({Ic-} & Q-) or [()]) & I*d+) or CQ-)) or ({@E-} & I- & ((B- or O+ or [[@MV+ & O*n+]] or CX-) & {@MV+})); does.v: (<verb-x-s> & <vc-do>) or ((SIs+ or SFIs+) & (((Rw- or ({Ic-} & Q-) or [()]) & I*d+) or CQ-)); did.v: (<verb-x-sp> & <vc-do>) or ((SI+ or SFI+) & (((Rw- or ({Ic-} & Q-) or [()]) & I*d+) or CQ-)); done.v: (<verb-pp> & (B- or O+ or [[@MV+ & O*n+]] or Vd+)) or <verb-po>; % adjectival modifier: "I am done working", "I am through being mad" done.a finished.a through.a: ({@E-} & Pa- & {Pg+ or Os+ or @MV+}); doing.v: <verb-pg> & (O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]] or Vd+) & {@MV+}; doing.g: ((O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]] or Vd+) & {@MV+} & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; better.i fine.i ok.i okay.i OK.i poorly.i well.i: Vd-; don't don’t: (((Rw- or ({Ic-} & Q-) or [()]) & (SIp+ or SFIp+) & I*d+) or ({@E-} & (Sp- or SFp- or (RS- & Bp-) or ({Ic-} & Wi-)))) & (I*d+ or [[()]]); doesn't doesn’t: (((Rw- or ({Ic-} & Q-) or [()]) & (SIs+ or SFIs+) & I*d+) or <verb-x-s>) & (I*d+ or [[()]]); didn't didn’t: <marker-past> or ((((Rw- or ({Ic-} & Q-) or [()]) & (SI+ or SFI+)) or ({@E-} & (S- or SF- or (RS- & B-)))) & (I*d+ or [[()]])); <vc-have>: ({@MV+} & TO+) or ((B- or O+) & {@MV+} & {[I*j+ or Pv+]}) or (([[@MV+ & O*n+]] or CX- or [[()]]) & {@MV+}) or ({N+} & PP+); have.v: ((SIp+ or SFIp+) & (((Rw- or ({Ic-} & Q-) or [()]) & PP+) or CQ-)) or (<verb-x-pl,i> & <vc-have>); has.v: ((SIs+ or SFIs+) & (((Rw- or ({Ic-} & Q-) or [()]) & PP+) or CQ-)) or (<verb-x-s> & <vc-have>); had.v: ((SI+ or SFI+) & (((Rw- or ({Ic-} & Q-) or [()]) & PP+) or CQ-)) or (<verb-x-sp> & <vc-have>) or (<verb-x-pp> & (TO+ or ((B- or O+) & {@MV+} & {[I*j+ or Pv+]}) or (([[@MV+ & O*n+]] or CX-) & {@MV+}))) or [[(SI*j+ or SFI**j+) & PP+ & ((Xd- & CCq- & Xc+) or CCq- or ({{Xd-} & Xc+} & COp+))]]; having.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-have>; having.g: (<vc-have> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; hasn't hasn’t: (((Rw- or ({Ic-} & Q-) or [()]) & (SIs+ or SFIs+)) or (<verb-x-s>)) & (PP+ or ([[O+]] & {@MV+}) or [[()]]); haven't haven’t: (((Rw- or ({Ic-} & Q-) or [()]) & (SIp+ or SFIp+)) or ({@E-} & (Sp- or SFp- or (RS- & Bp-)))) & (PP+ or ([[O+]] & {@MV+}) or [[()]]); hadn't hadn’t: <marker-past> or ((((Rw- or ({Ic-} & Q-) or [()]) & (SI+ or SFI+)) or ({@E-} & (S- or SFs- or SFp- or (RS- & B-)))) & (PP+ or ([[O+]] & {@MV+}) or [[()]])); <vc-be>: ({@EBm+} & (((O*t+ or [B**t-] or K+ or BI+ or OF+ or PF- or (Osi+ & R+ & Bs+) or (Opi+ & R+ & Bp+) or [[()]]) & {@MV+}) or (Pp+ & {THi+ or @MV+}) or THb+ or TO+ or Pa+)) or ({N+} & (AF- or Pg*b+ or Pv+ or I*v+)); is.v: ((<verb-x-s>) or ((Rw- or ({Ic-} & Q-) or [()]) & (SIs+ or SFIs+))) & <vc-be>; 's.v ’s.v: [[<verb-x-s> & (({@EBm+} & (((O*t+ or K+ or BI+ or OF+ or (Osi+ & R+ & Bs+) or (Opi+ & R+ & Bp+)) & {@MV+}) or (Pp+ & {THi+ or @MV+}) or THb+ or TO+ or Pa+)) or Pg+ or Pv+ or PP+)]]; was.v: <marker-past> or ((({@E-} & (Ss- or SX- or SFs- or (RS- & Bs-))) or ((Rw- or ({Ic-} & Q-) or [()]) & (SFIs+ or SIs+ or SXI+))) & <vc-be>); % MIKE ROSS added [[Ss-]] option to are.v: for "What are the aliases of Jim?" are.v: (({@E-} & (Spx- or SFp- or [[Ss-]] or (RS- & Bp-))) or ((Rw- or ({Ic-} & Q-) or [()]) & (SIpx+ or SFIp+))) & <vc-be>; were.v: <marker-past> or (((({@E-} & (Spx- or SFp- or [[Ss-]] or [[SX-]] or (RS- & Bp-))) or ((Rw- or ({Ic-} & Q-) or [()]) & (SIpx+ or SFIp+))) & <vc-be>) or [[(SI*j+ or SFI**j+) & <vc-be> & ((Xd- & CCq- & Xc+) or CCq- or ({{Xd-} & Xc+} & COp+))]]); am.v: (({@E-} & SX-) or ((Rw- or ({Ic-} & Q-) or [()]) & SXI+)) & <vc-be>; be.v: {@E-} & (Ix- or ({Ic-} & Wi-)) & <vc-be>; been.v: {@E-} & PPf- & <vc-be>; being.v: ((({@EBm+} & (((O*t+ or [B**t-] or Pp+ or K+ or OF+ or BI+ or TO+ or THb+) & {@MV+}) or Pa+)) or AF- or Pv+) & <verb-pg,ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; isn't isn’t: (<verb-x-s> or ((Rw- or ({Ic-} & Q-) or [()]) & (SIs+ or SFIs+))) & <vc-be>; wasn't wasn’t: <marker-past> or ((({@E-} & (Ss- or SX- or SFs- or (RS- & Bs-))) or ((Rw- or ({Ic-} & Q-) or [()]) & (SI*+ or SXI+ or SFIs+))) & <vc-be>); aren't aren’t: (({@E-} & (Spx- or SFp- or (RS- & Bp-))) or ((Rw- or ({Ic-} & Q-) or [()]) & (SIpx+ or SFIp+))) & <vc-be>; weren't weren’t: <marker-past> or ((({@E-} & (Spx- or SFp- or (RS- & Bp-))) or ((Rw- or ({Ic-} & Q-) or [()]) & (SIpx+ or SFIp+))) & <vc-be>); will.v can.v may.v must.v could.v might.v shall.v: ((SI+ or SFI+) & (((Rw- or ({Ic-} & Q-) or [()]) & I+) or CQ-)) or ({N+} & {@E-} & (S- or SF- or (RS- & B-)) & (I+ or (CX- & {@MV+}) or [[()]])); should.v: ((SI+ or SFI+) & (((Rw- or ({Ic-} & Q-) or [()]) & I+) or CQ-)) or ({N+} & {@E-} & (S- or SF- or (RS- & B-)) & (I+ or (CX- & {@MV+}) or [[()]])) or [[(SI*j+ or SFI**j+) & I+ & ((Xd- & CCq- & Xc+) or CCq- or ({{Xd-} & Xc+} & COp+))]]; would.v: ((SI+ or SFI+) & (((Rw- or ({Ic-} & Q-) or [()]) & {Vw+} & I+) or CQ-)) or ({N+} & {@E-} & (S- or SF- or (RS- & B-)) & (({RT+} & I+) or (CX- & {@MV+}) or [[()]])); ought.v: (((Rw- or ({Ic-} & Q-) or [()]) & (SI+ or SFI+)) or ({@E-} & (S- or SF- or (RS- & B-)))) & (TO+ or (N+ & I+)); won't can't mustn't couldn't shouldn't cannot needn't won’t can’t mustn’t couldn’t shouldn’t needn’t: ((Rw- or ({Ic-} & Q-) or [()]) & (SI+ or SFI+) & I+) or ({@E-} & (S- or SF- or (RS- & B-)) & (I+ or [[()]])); wouldn't wouldn’t: ((Rw- or ({Ic-} & Q-) or [()]) & (SI+ or SFI+) & {RT+} & I+) or ({@E-} & (S- or SF- or (RS- & B-)) & (({RT+} & I+) or [[()]])); % COMMON VERB CATEGORIES (The last number of the file name indicates % the verb form: 1=plural-infinitive, 2=singular, 3=past("ed"), % 4=progressive("-ing"), 5=gerund("-ing".) <vc-intrans>: {@MV+}; % common intransitive verbs /en/words/words.v.1.1: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-intrans>; % accrue.v ache.v acquiesce.v ad-lib.v adhere.v adjoin.v alight.v /en/words/words.v.1.2: <verb-s> & <vc-intrans>; % accounts.v accrues.v aches.v acquiesces.v ad-libs.v adheres.v /en/words/words.v.1.3: <verb-sp,pp> & <vc-intrans>; % accounted.v accrued.v ached.v acquiesced.v ad-libbed.v adhered.v /en/words/words.v.1.4: (<vc-intrans> & <verb-pg,ge>) or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-ge-d>; arisen.v: {@E-} & PP- & {@MV+}; % accruing.v aching.v acquiescing.v ad-libbing.v adhering.v adjoining.v <vc-walk>: {K+} & {@MV+}; % intransitive verbs that can take particles like "up" and "out" % barge.v booze.v bottom.v bow.v branch.v breeze.v brim.v bulge.v cave.v /en/words/words.v.5.1: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-walk>; /en/words/words.v.5.2: <verb-s> & <vc-walk>; /en/words/words.v.5.3: <verb-sp,pp> & <vc-walk>; swam.v lay.w: <verb-sp> & <vc-walk>; swum.v lain.v: <verb-pp> & <vc-walk>; /en/words/words.v.5.4: (<vc-walk> & <verb-pg,ge>) or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-come>: {K+ or [[Pg+]]} & {@MV+}; come.v: (<verb-pl,i> or <verb-pp>) & <vc-come>; comes.v: <verb-s> & <vc-come>; came.v: <verb-sp> & <vc-come>; <vc-tr,intr>: {O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & {@MV+}; % optionally transitive verbs % abdicate.v abide.v abort.v accelerate.v acclimate.v acclimatize.v /en/words/words.v.2.1: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-tr,intr>; /en/words/words.v.2.2: <verb-s> & <vc-tr,intr>; /en/words/words.v.2.3: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-tr,intr>) or <verb-pv> or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-po>; shrank.v withdrew.v sank.v forgave.v: <verb-sp> & <vc-tr,intr>; shrunk.v withdrawn.v sunk.v forgiven.v: (<verb-pp> & <vc-tr,intr>) or <verb-pv> or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-po>; bid.v hurt.v thrust.v broadcast.v: ((<verb-pl,i> or <verb-sp,pp>) & <vc-tr,intr>) or <verb-pv> or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-po>; /en/words/words.v.2.4: <verb-pg> & <vc-tr,intr>; /en/words/words.v.2.5: (<vc-tr,intr> & <verb-ge>) or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-rise>: {K+ or OD+} & {@MV+}; rise.v fall.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-rise>; rises.v falls.v: <verb-s> & <vc-rise>; rose.v fell.v: <verb-sp> & <vc-rise>; risen.v: <verb-pp> & <vc-rise>; fallen.v: (<verb-pp> & <vc-rise>) or ({@E-} & A+); rising.v falling.v: (<vc-rise> & <verb-pg,ge>) or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-ge-d>; % words.v.6: Optionally transitive verbs that can take particles % like "up" and "out" -- see also words.v.8 % average.v back.v bail.v bang.v beam.v beef.v bellow.v bend.v bind.v <vc-fill>: ((K+ & {[[@MV+]]} & O*n+) or ({O+ or B-} & {K+}) or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]) & {@MV+}; /en/words/words.v.6.1: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-fill>; /en/words/words.v.6.2: <verb-s> & <vc-fill>; /en/words/words.v.6.3: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-fill>) or (<verb-pv-b> & {K+} & {@MV+}) or ({@E-} & A+) or ({K+} & <verb-po>); split.v spread.v beat.v fit.v shut.v cast.v: ((<verb-pl,i> or <verb-sp,pp>) & <vc-fill>) or (<verb-pv> & {K+}) or ({@E-} & A+) or ({K+} & <verb-po>); ate.v broke.v flew.v drove.v woke.v ran.v rode.v rang.v hid.v froze.v sprang.v: <verb-sp> & <vc-fill>; eaten.v broken.v flown.v driven.v woken.v beaten.v ridden.v rung.v hidden.v stricken.v frozen.v sprung.v: (<verb-pp> & <vc-fill>) or (<verb-pv> & {K+}) or ({@E-} & A+) or ({K+} & <verb-po>); run.v: ((<verb-pl,i> or <verb-pp>) & <vc-fill>) or (<verb-pv> & {K+}) or ({@E-} & A+) or ({K+} & <verb-po>); /en/words/words.v.6.4: <verb-pg> & <vc-fill>; /en/words/words.v.6.5: (<vc-fill> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d> or ({@E-} & A+); <vc-trans>: (O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]) & {@MV+}; % common transitive verbs % abandon.v abase.v abbreviate.v abduct.v abet.v abhor.v abolish.v /en/words/words.v.4.1: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-trans>; /en/words/words-medical.v.4.1: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-trans>; /en/words/words.v.4.2: <verb-s> & <vc-trans>; /en/words/words-medical.v.4.2: <verb-s> & <vc-trans>; /en/words/words.v.4.3: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-trans>) or <verb-pv> or (({@E-} or {@EA-}) & A+) or <verb-po>; % !?XXX many of the new additions fail some common sentences, such as: % The candle guttered. It plummeted to the bottom. Prices plummeted! /en/words/words-medical.v.4.3: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-trans>) or <verb-pv> or (({@E-} or {@EA-}) & A+) or <verb-po>; forsook.v overrode.v overtook.v rewrote.v undid.v overran.v mistook.v underwrote.v: <verb-sp> & <vc-trans>; hit.v misread.v shed.v rid.v overcome.v offset.v overrun.v upset.v undercut.v: ((<verb-pl,i> or <verb-sp,pp>) & <vc-trans>) or <verb-pv> or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-po>; forsaken.v overridden.v overtaken.v rewritten.v undone.v beset.v mistaken.v underwritten.v: (<verb-pp> & <vc-trans>) or <verb-pv> or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-po>; /en/words/words.v.4.4: <verb-pg> & <vc-trans>; /en/words/words.v.4.5: (<vc-trans> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; /en/words/words-medical.v.4.5: (<vc-trans> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; % words.v.8: Transitive verbs that can take particles like "up" and "out" % auction.v bandy.v bar.v batten.v bite.v block.v blot.v blow.v blurt.v % See also words.v.6 for optionally transitive verbs. <vc-kick>: ((K+ & {[[@MV+]]} & O*n+) or ((O+ or B-) & {K+}) or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]) & {@MV+}; /en/words/words.v.8.1: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-kick>; /en/words/words.v.8.2: <verb-s> & <vc-kick>; bit.v threw.v stole.v drank.v wore.v blew.v tore.v: <verb-sp> & <vc-kick>; bitten.v thrown.v stolen.v shaken.v worn.v blown.v torn.v: (<verb-pp> & <vc-kick>) or (<verb-pv-b> & {K+} & {@MV+}) or ({@E-} & A+) or ({K+} & <verb-po>); /en/words/words.v.8.3: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-kick>) or (<verb-pv-b> & {K+} & {@MV+}) or ({@E-} & A+) or ({K+} & <verb-po>); cut.v: ((<verb-pl,i> or <verb-sp,pp>) & <vc-kick>) or (<verb-pv-b> & {K+} & {@MV+}) or ({@E-} & A+) or ({K+} & <verb-po>); /en/words/words.v.8.4: <verb-pg> & <vc-kick>; /en/words/words.v.8.5: (<vc-kick> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-raise>: (((O+ or B-) & {OD+}) or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]) & {@MV+}; raise.v lower.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-raise>; raises.v lowers.v: <verb-s> & <vc-raise>; raised.v lowered.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-raise>) or <verb-pv> or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-po>; raising.v lowering.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-raise>; raising.g lowering.g: (<vc-raise> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; % much like words.v.2.1, except can have "TO" link. % tending.g remains in words.v.2.5 % I tended for years to believe that shepherds tend sheep. tend.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-tr,intr> & ({@MV+} & {TO+}); tends.v: <verb-s> & <vc-tr,intr> & ({@MV+} & {TO+}); tended.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-tr,intr> & {@MV+} & {TO+}) or <verb-pv> or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-po>; tending.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-tr,intr> & ({@MV+} & {TO+}); % INTRANSITIVE COMPLEX VERBS (those that do not take O+) <vc-consent>: {@MV+} & {TO+}; consent.v hesitate.v proceed.v aspire.v purport.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-consent>; consents.v hesitates.v proceeds.v aspires.v purports.v: <verb-s> & <vc-consent>; consented.v hesitated.v proceeded.v aspired.v purported.v: <verb-sp,pp> & <vc-consent>; consenting.v hesitating.v proceeding.v aspiring.v purporting.v: (<vc-consent> & <verb-pg,ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-deign>: {@MV+} & TO+; endeavour.v condescend.v deign.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-deign>; endeavours.v condescends.v deigns.v: <verb-s> & <vc-deign>; endeavoured.v condescended.v deigned.v: <verb-sp,pp> & <vc-deign>; endeavouring.v condescending.v deigning.v: (<vc-deign> & <verb-pg,ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-happen>: {@MV+} & {TO+ or THi+}; happen.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-happen>; happens.v: <verb-s> & <vc-happen>; happened.v: <verb-sp,pp> & <vc-happen>; happening.v: (<vc-happen> & <verb-pg,ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-wish>: ({@MV+} & {TH+ or Ce+ or RSe+ or TO+}) or (O+ & {[[@MV+]]} & O*n+); wish.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-wish>; wished.v: <verb-sp,pp> & <vc-wish>; wishes.v: <verb-s> & <vc-wish>; wishing.v: (<vc-wish> & <verb-pg,ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-hope>: {@MV+} & {TH+ or Ce+ or RSe+ or TO+}; hope.v agree.v pretend.v swear.v pray.v vow.v vote.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-hope>; hopes.v agrees.v pretends.v swears.v prays.v vows.v votes.v: <verb-s> & <vc-hope>; pretended.v prayed.v vowed.v: <verb-sp,pp> & <vc-hope>; hoped.v voted.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-hope>) or (<verb-s-pv> & THi+); agreed.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-hope>) or (<verb-pv> & TH+); swore.v: <verb-sp> & <vc-hope>; sworn.v: (<verb-pp> & <vc-hope>) or ({@E-} & A+); hoping.v agreeing.v pretending.v swearing.v praying.v vowing.v voting.v: (<vc-hope> & <verb-pg,ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-appear>: {@MV+} & {Pa+ or TOf+ or THi+ or AF- or [[Pv+]]}; appear.v: <verb-x-pl,i> & <vc-appear>; appears.v: <verb-x-s> & <vc-appear>; appeared.v: <verb-x-sp,pp> & <vc-appear>; appearing.v: (<vc-appear> & <verb-x-pg,ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-seem>: {@MV+} & (Pa+ or TOf+ or LI+ or THi+ or AF- or [[Pv+]]); seem.v: <verb-x-pl,i> & <vc-seem>; seems.v: <verb-x-s> & <vc-seem>; seemed.v: <verb-x-sp,pp> & <vc-seem>; seeming.v: (<vc-seem> & <verb-x-pg,ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-care>: {@MV+} & {TO+ or QI+}; care.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-care>; cares.v: <verb-s> & <vc-care>; cared.v: <verb-sp,pp> & <vc-care>; caring.v: (<vc-care> & <verb-pg,ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-assert>: ({@MV+} & (TH+ or RSe+ or Z- or Ce+)); assert.v contend.v remark.v retort.v intimate.v exclaim.v conjecture.v allege.v surmise.v opine.v insinuate.v suppose.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-assert>; asserts.v contends.v remarks.v retorts.v intimates.v exclaims.v conjectures.v alleges.v surmises.v opines.v insinuates.v supposes.v: <verb-s> & <vc-assert>; retorted.v intimated.v exclaimed.v conjectured.v surmised.v opined.v insinuated.v: <verb-sp,pp> & <vc-assert>; asserted.v contended.v remarked.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-assert>) or (<verb-pv> & THi+); alleged.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-assert>) or (<verb-pv> & THi+) or ({@E-} & A+); supposed.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-assert>) or (<verb-s-pv> & {TOf+ or THi+ or Z-}) or ({@E-} & A+); asserting.v contending.v remarking.v retorting.v intimating.v exclaiming.v conjecturing.v alleging.v surmising.v opining.v insinuating.v supposing.v: (<vc-assert> & <verb-pg,ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; %%%% XXX should be merged into vc-reply <vc-muse>: {@MV+} & {TH+}; theorize.v attest.v fantasize.v muse.v speculate.v concur.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-muse>; theorizes.v attests.v fantasizes.v muses.v speculates.v concurs.v: <verb-s> & <vc-muse>; attested.v fantasized.v mused.v speculated.v concurred.v: <verb-sp,pp> & <vc-muse>; theorized.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-muse>) or (<verb-pv> & THi+); theorizing.v attesting.v fantasizing.v musing.v speculating.v concurring.v: (<vc-muse> & <verb-pg,ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-reply>: ({@MV+} & {TH+ or Ce+}); reply.v shout.v whisper.v argue.v sigh.v mutter.v testify.v comment.v respond.v hint.v reason.v brag.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-reply>; replies.v shouts.v whispers.v argues.v sighs.v mutters.v testifies.v comments.v responds.v hints.v reasons.v brags.v: <verb-s> & <vc-reply>; replied.v shouted.v whispered.v argued.v sighed.v muttered.v testified.v commented.v responded.v hinted.v reasoned.v bragged.v: <verb-sp,pp> & <vc-reply>; replying.v shouting.v whispering.v arguing.v sighing.v muttering.v testifying.v commenting.v responding.v hinting.v reasoning.v bragging.v: (<vc-reply> & <verb-pg,ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-dream>: {@MV+} & {Ce+ or TH+ or RSe+ or (OF+ & {@MV+}) or BW-}; dream.v complain.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-dream>; dreams.v complains.v: <verb-s> & <vc-dream>; dreamt dreamed complained.v: <verb-sp,pp> & <vc-dream>; dreaming.g complaining.g: (<vc-dream> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; dreaming.v complaining.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-dream>; <vc-think>: {@MV+} & {Ce+ or TH+ or RSe+ or Z- or (OF+ & {@MV+}) or BW-}; think.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-think>; thinks.v: <verb-s> & <vc-think>; thought.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-think>) or (<verb-s-pv> & {THi+ or Z-}); thinking.g: (<vc-think> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; thinking.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-think>; <vc-matter>: {@MV+} & {THi+ or QIi+}; matter.v: <verb-s-pl,i> & <vc-matter>; matters.v: <verb-s-s> & <vc-matter>; mattered.v: <verb-sp,pp> & <vc-matter>; mattering.v: (<vc-matter> & <verb-pg,ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-suffice>: {@MV+} & {THi+}; suffice.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-suffice>; suffices.v: <verb-s> & <vc-suffice>; sufficed.v: <verb-sp,pp> & <vc-suffice>; sufficing.v: (<vc-suffice> & <verb-pg,ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-insist>: ({@MV+} & {TH+ or Zs- or TS+ or Ce+}) or (SI*j+ & I*j+); insist.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-insist>; insists.v: <verb-s> & <vc-insist>; insisted.v: <verb-sp,pp> & <vc-insist>; insisting.v: (<vc-insist> & <verb-pg,ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-wonder>: {@MV+} & {QI+}; wonder.v inquire.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-wonder>; wonders.v inquires.v: <verb-s> & <vc-wonder>; wondered.v inquired.v: <verb-sp,pp> & <vc-wonder>; wondering.v inquiring.v: (<vc-wonder> & <verb-pg,ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; % Imperative go: "go play ball", "go take a walk", "go swimming" % Similar pattern to "please.r" -- "please play ball" etc. % "You and Rover go play with the ball." requires an S- link. % ??? changes to go.v have obsoleted this ?? go.w: {E-} & (Wi- or S-) & I+; <vc-go>: {K+ or [[Pa+]] or [[Pg+]] or I*g+} & {@MV+}; go.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-go>; goes.v: <verb-s> & (<vc-go> or [O+]); went.v: <verb-sp> & (<vc-go> or [O+]); gone.v: <verb-pp> & <vc-go>; % The keys are gone. The popcorn is all gone. gone.a: {@E-} & Pa-; going.v: ((TOf+ or ({K+ or [[Pa+]]} & {@MV+})) & <verb-x-pg,ge>) or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-stay>: {({@MV+} & (Pa+ or AF-)) or ({K+} & {@MV+})}; stay.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-stay>; stays.v: <verb-s> & <vc-stay>; stayed.v: <verb-sp,pp> & <vc-stay>; staying.v: (<vc-stay> & <verb-pg,ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-sound>: {@MV+} & {LI+ or Pa+ or AF-}; sound.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-sound>; sounds.v: <verb-s> & <vc-sound>; sounded.v: <verb-sp,pp> & <vc-sound>; sounding.v: (<vc-sound> & <verb-pg,ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-look>: {({@MV+} & (LI+ or Pa+)) or ({K+ or AF-} & {@MV+})}; look.v act.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-look>; looks.v acts.v: <verb-s> & <vc-look>; looked.v acted.v: <verb-sp,pp> & <vc-look>; looking.v acting.v: (<vc-look> & <verb-pg,ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-repent>: {{@MV+ or ({Xc+} & @EB+)} & OF+}; repent.v disapprove.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-repent>; repents.v disapproves.v: <verb-s> & <vc-repent>; repented.v disapproved.v: <verb-sp,pp> & <vc-repent>; repenting.v disapproving.v: (<vc-repent> & <verb-pg,ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; talk.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-repent> & <vc-fill>; talks.v: <verb-s> & <vc-repent> & <vc-fill>; talked.v: <verb-sp,pp> & <vc-repent> & <vc-fill>; talking.v: (<vc-repent> & <verb-pg,ge> & <vc-fill>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-consist>: {@MV+ or @EB+} & OF+; consist.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-consist>; consists.v: <verb-s> & <vc-consist>; consisted.v: <verb-sp,pp> & <vc-consist>; consisting.v: (<vc-consist> & <verb-pg,ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-die>: {K+ or OF+} & {@MV+}; die.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-die>; dies.v: <verb-s> & <vc-die>; died.v: <verb-sp,pp> & <vc-die>; dying.v: (<vc-die> & <verb-pg,ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-last>: {({[[@MV+]]} & OT+) or BT-} & {@MV+}; last.v wait.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-last>; lasts.v waits.v: <verb-s> & <vc-last>; lasted.v waited.v: <verb-sp,pp> & <vc-last>; lasting.v waiting.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-last>; lasting.g waiting.g: (<vc-last> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; % TRANSITIVE COMPLEX VERBS (Those that take O+) <vc-attempt>: ({@MV+} & TO+) or ((O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]) & {@MV+}); attempt.v undertake.v deserve.v manage.v plot.v prefer.v neglect.v afford.v commit.v profess.v desire.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-attempt>; attempts.v undertakes.v deserves.v manages.v plots.v prefers.v neglects.v affords.v commits.v professes.v desires.v: <verb-s> & <vc-attempt>; attempted.v deserved.v managed.v plotted.v preferred.v neglected.v afforded.v committed.v professed.v desired.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-attempt>) or <verb-pv> or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-po>; undertook.v: <verb-sp> & <vc-attempt>; undertaken.v: (<verb-pp> & <vc-attempt>) or <verb-pv>; attempting.g undertaking.g deserving.g plotting.g preferring.g neglecting.g affording.g committing.g professing.g desiring.g: (<vc-attempt> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; managing.g: (<vc-attempt> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d> or ({@E-} & A+); attempting.v undertaking.v deserving.v managing.v plotting.v preferring.v neglecting.v affording.v committing.v professing.v desiring.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-attempt>; <vc-seek>: ({@MV+} & TO+) or ((((O+ or B-) & {K+}) or (K+ & {[[@MV+]]} & O*n+) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]])) & {@MV+}); seek.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-seek>; seeks.v: <verb-s> & <vc-seek>; sought.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-seek>) or <verb-pv> or <verb-po>; seeking.g: (<vc-seek> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; seeking.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-seek>; <vc-decline>: ({@MV+} & TO+) or ({O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & {@MV+}); decline.v fail.v hasten.v volunteer.v aim.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-decline>; declines.v fails.v hastens.v volunteers.v aims.v: <verb-s> & <vc-decline>; declined.v hastened.v volunteered.v aimed.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-decline>) or <verb-pv> or <verb-po>; failed.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-decline>) or <verb-pv> or ({@E-} & A+); declining.g failing.g hastening.g volunteering.g: (<vc-decline> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d> or ({@E-} & A+); declining.v failing.v hastening.v volunteering.v aiming.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-decline>; <vc-fight>: ({@MV+} & TO+) or ({({O+ or B-} & {K+}) or (K+ & {[[@MV+]]} & O*n+) or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & {@MV+}); fight.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-fight>; fights.v: <verb-s> & <vc-fight>; fought.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-fight>) or (<verb-pv-b> & {K+} & {@MV+}) or ({K+} & <verb-po>); fighting.g: (<vc-fight> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; fighting.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-fight>; <vc-threaten>: ({@MV+} & (TO+ or TH+ or Zs- or Ce+)) or ((O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]) & {@MV+}); threaten.v mean.v arrange.v resolve.v pledge.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-threaten>; threatens.v means.v arranges.v resolves.v pledges.v: <verb-s> & <vc-threaten>; threatened.v meant.v arranged.v resolved.v pledged.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-threaten>) or <verb-pv> or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-po>; meaning.g arranging.g resolving.g threatening.g pledging.g: (<vc-threaten> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; meaning.v arranging.v resolving.v threatening.v pledging.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-threaten>; <vc-plan>: ({@MV+} & {TO+ or TH+ or Zs- or Ce+}) or ((O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]) & {@MV+}); plan.v confess.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-plan>; plans.v confesses.v: <verb-s> & <vc-plan>; planned.v confessed.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-plan>) or <verb-pv> or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-po>; planning.g confessing.g: (<vc-plan> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; planning.v confessing.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-plan>; <vc-decide>: ((O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]) & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & {QI+ or TO+ or Ce+ or TH+ or RSe+ or Zs-}); decide.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-decide>; decides.v: <verb-s> & <vc-decide>; decided.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-decide>) or (<verb-s-pv> & {THi+}) or <verb-po>; deciding.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-decide>; deciding.g: (<vc-decide> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-forget>: ({O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & (TH+ or TO+ or Ce+ or RSe+ or Zs- or QI+ or Pg+)); remember.v forget.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-forget>; remembers.v forgets.v: <verb-s> & <vc-forget>; remembered.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-forget>) or <verb-pv> or <verb-po>; forgot.v: <verb-sp> & <vc-forget>; forgotten.v: (<verb-pp> & <vc-forget>) or <verb-pv> or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-po>; remembering.g forgetting.g: (<vc-forget> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; remembering.v forgetting.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-forget>; <vc-learn>: ({O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & (TH+ or TO+ or Ce+ or RSe+ or Zs- or QI+ or (OF+ & {@MV+}))); learn.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-learn>; learns.v: <verb-s> & <vc-learn>; learned.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-learn>) or (<verb-pv> & {THi+}) or <verb-po>; learning.g: (<vc-learn> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; learning.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-learn>; <vc-propose>: ((O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]) & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & (TO+ or TH+ or Ce+ or RSe+ or Z- or Pg+ or TS+ or (SI*j+ & I*j+))); propose.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-propose>; proposes.v: <verb-s> & <vc-propose>; proposed.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-propose>) or (<verb-s-pv> & {THi+ or TSi+ or Z-}) or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-po>; proposing.g: (<vc-propose> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; proposing.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-propose>; <vc-demand>: ((O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]) & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & ((TO+ or TH+ or Z- or TS+ or ((SI*j+ or SFI**j+) & I*j+)))); demand.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-demand>; demands.v: <verb-s> & <vc-demand>; demanded.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-demand>) or <verb-pv> or <verb-po>; demanding.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-demand>; demanding.g: (<vc-demand> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-beg>: ({O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & ((TO+ or TH+ or Z- or TS+ or ((SI*j+ or SFI**j+) & I*j+)))); beg.v plead.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-beg>; begs.v pleads.v: <verb-s> & <vc-beg>; begged.v pleaded.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-beg>) or <verb-pv> or <verb-po>; begging.v pleading.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-beg>; begging.g pleading.g: (<vc-beg> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-bear>: (O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]) & {@MV+}; bear.v: (<verb-i> & (<vc-bear> or ({@MV+} & (Pg+ or TH+ or TO+)))) or (<verb-pl> & <vc-bear>); bears.v: <verb-s> & <vc-bear>; bore.p: <verb-sp,pp> & <vc-bear>; born.v: (<verb-pp> & <vc-bear>) or <verb-pv> or <verb-po>; bearing.g: (<vc-bear> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; bearing.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-bear>; <vc-love>: ((O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]) & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & (TO+ or Pg+)); love.v dislike.v hate.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-love>; loves dislikes.v hates.v: <verb-s> & <vc-love>; loved disliked.v hated.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-love>) or <verb-pv> or <verb-po>; loving.g disliking.g hating.g: (<vc-love> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; loving.v disliking.v hating.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-love>; <vc-begin>: ({O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & (TO+ or Pg+)); begin.v continue.v cease.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-begin>; begins.v continues.v ceases.v: <verb-s> & <vc-begin>; ceased.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-begin>) or <verb-pv> or <verb-po>; continued.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-begin>) or <verb-pv> or <verb-po> or ({@E-} & A+); began.v: <verb-sp> & <vc-begin>; begun.v: (<verb-pp> & <vc-begin>) or <verb-pv> or <verb-po>; beginning.g ceasing.g: (<vc-begin> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; continuing.g: (<vc-begin> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d> or ({@E-} & A+); beginning.v continuing.v ceasing.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-begin>; <vc-start>: ((({O+ or B-} & {K+}) or (K+ & {[[@MV+]]} & O*n+) or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]) & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & (TO+ or Pg+)); start.v stop.v try.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-start>; starts.v stops.v tries.v: <verb-s> & <vc-start>; started.v stopped.v tried.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-start>) or (<verb-pv-b> & {K+} & {@MV+}) or ({K+} & <verb-po>); starting.g stopping.g trying.g: (<vc-start> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; starting.v stopping.v trying.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-start>; <vc-dispute>: ({@MV+} & (TH+ or Zs-)) or ((O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]) & {@MV+}); recognize.v dispute.v accept.v calculate.v record.v deduce.v envision.v recount.v signify.v clarify.v disclose.v recollect.v adduce.v posit.v reiterate.v infer.v presuppose.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-dispute>; recognizes.v disputes.v calculates.v records.v deduces.v accepts.v envisions.v recounts.v signifies.v clarifies.v discloses.v recollects.v adduces.v posits.v reiterates.v infers.v presupposes.v: <verb-s> & <vc-dispute>; recognized.v disputed.v accepted.v calculated.v recorded.v deduced.v envisioned.v recounted.v signified.v clarified.v disclosed.v recollected.v adduced.v posited.v reiterated.v inferred.v presupposed.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-dispute>) or (<verb-s-pv> & {THi+}) or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-po>; recognizing.g disputing.g accepting.g calculating.g deducing.g recording.g envisioning.g recounting.g signifying.g clarifying.g disclosing.g recollecting.g adducing.g positing.g reiterating.g inferring.g presupposing.g: (<vc-dispute> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; recognizing.v disputing.v accepting.v calculating.v deducing.v recording.v envisioning.v recounting.v signifying.v clarifying.v disclosing.v recollecting.v adducing.v positing.v reiterating.v inferring.v presupposing.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-dispute>; undisputed.v: (<verb-s-pv> & {THi+}); <vc-repeat>: ({@MV+} & TH+) or ({O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & {@MV+}); repeat.v reflect.v provide.v counter.v signal.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-repeat>; repeats.v reflects.v provides.v counters.v signals.v: <verb-s> & <vc-repeat>; repeated.v reflected.v countered.v signaled.v signalled.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-repeat>) or <verb-pv> or <verb-po> or ({@E-} & A+); provided.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-repeat>) or <verb-pv> or <verb-po> or ({@E-} & A+) or ((TH+ or Ce+) & (({{Xd-} & Xc+} & CO+) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVs-))); repeating.v reflecting.v providing.v countering.v signaling.v signalling.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-repeat>; repeating.g reflecting.g countering.g signaling.g signalling.g: (<vc-repeat> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; providing.g: (<vc-repeat> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d> or ((TH+ or Ce+) & (({{Xd-} & Xc+} & CO+) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVs-))); <vc-sense>: ({@MV+} & (Ce+ or TH+ or RSe+)) or ((O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]) & {@MV+}); sense.v doubt.v reaffirm.v reckon.v regret.v proclaim.v ascertain.v discern.v stipulate.v affirm.v certify.v trust.v postulate.v ensure.v imply.v verify.v boast.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-sense>; senses.v reaffirms.v doubts.v reckons.v regrets.v proclaims.v stipulates.v ascertains.v discerns.v affirms.v certifies.v trusts.v postulates.v ensures.v implies.v verifies.v boasts.v: <verb-s> & <vc-sense>; doubted.v reaffirmed.v sensed.v reckoned.v regretted.v stipulated.v proclaimed.v ascertained.v discerned.v affirmed.v certified.v trusted.v postulated.v ensured.v implied.v verified.v boasted.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-sense>) or (<verb-s-pv> & {THi+}) or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-po>; reaffirming.g sensing.g doubting.g stipulating.g reckoning.g regretting.g proclaiming.g ascertaining.g discerning.g affirming.g certifying.g trusting.g postulating.g ensuring.g implying.g verifying.g boasting.g: (<vc-sense> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; sensing.v doubting.v reckoning.v reaffirming.v stipulating.v regretting.v proclaiming.v ascertaining.v discerning.v affirming.v certifying.v trusting.v postulating.v ensuring.v implying.v verifying.v boasting.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-sense>; <vc-declare>: ({@MV+} & (Ce+ or TH+ or RSe+ or Z-)) or ((O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]) & {@MV+}); declare.v imagine.v fear.v conclude.v suspect.v concede.v presume.v foresee.v emphasize.v maintain.v acknowledge.v note.v confirm.v stress.v assume.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-declare>; declares.v imagines.v fears.v concludes.v suspects.v concedes.v presumes.v foresees.v emphasizes.v maintains.v acknowledges.v notes.v confirms.v stresses.v assumes.v: <verb-s> & <vc-declare>; declared.v imagined.v feared.v concluded.v suspected.v conceded.v presumed.v emphasized.v maintained.v acknowledged.v noted.v confirmed.v stressed.v assumed.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-declare>) or (<verb-s-pv> & {THi+}) or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-po>; foresaw.v: <verb-sp> & <vc-declare>; foreseen.v: (<verb-pp> & <vc-declare>) or (<verb-s-pv> & {@MV+ or THi+}) or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-po>; declaring.g imagining.g fearing.g concluding.g suspecting.g conceding.g presuming.g foreseeing.g emphasizing.g maintaining.g acknowledging.g noting.g confirming.g stressing.g assuming.g: (<vc-declare> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; declaring.v imagining.v fearing.v concluding.v suspecting.v conceding.v presuming.v foreseeing.v emphasizing.v maintaining.v acknowledging.v noting.v confirming.v stressing.v assuming.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-declare>; <vc-believe>: ({@MV+} & (Ce+ or TH+ or RSe+)) or ({O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & {@MV+}); believe.v answer.v worry.v protest.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-believe>; believes.v answers.v worries.v protests.v: <verb-s> & <vc-believe>; believed.v answered.v worried.v protested.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-believe>) or (<verb-s-pv> & {THi+ or TOf+}) or <verb-po>; believing.g answering.g worrying.g protesting.g: (<vc-believe> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; believing.v answering.v worrying.v protesting.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-believe>; <vc-rule>: ({@MV+} & (Ce+ or TH+ or RSe+)) or ((({O+ or B-} & {K+}) or (K+ & {[[@MV+]]} & O*n+) or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]) & {@MV+}); rule.v add.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-rule>; rules.v adds.v: <verb-s> & <vc-rule>; ruled.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-rule>) or (<verb-s-pv-b> & {({@MV+} & (THi+ or TOf+)) or ({K+} & {@MV+})}) or ({K+} & <verb-po>); added.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-rule>) or (<verb-s-pv-b> & {({@MV+} & (THi+ or TOf+)) or ({K+} & {@MV+})}) or ({K+} & <verb-po>) or ({@E-} & A+); ruling.g adding.g: (<vc-rule> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; ruling.v adding.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-rule>; <vc-figure>: ({@MV+} & (TH+ or Zs- or Ce+)) or ((((O+ or B-) & {K+}) or (K+ & {[[@MV+]]} & O*n+)) & {@MV+}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]]); figure.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-figure>; figures.v: <verb-s> & <vc-figure>; figured.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-figure>) or (<verb-pv-b> & {K+} & {@MV+}) or ({K+} & <verb-po>); figuring.g: (<vc-figure> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; figuring.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-figure>; <vc-predict>: ((O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]) & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & (QI+ or Ce+ or TH+ or RSe+ or Zs-)); predict.v realize.v discover.v determine.v announce.v say.v mention.v admit.v recall.v reveal.v state.v observe.v indicate.v analyse.v analyze.v assess.v establish.v evaluate.v examine.v question.v test.v hypothesize.v hypothesise.v document.v envisage.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-predict>; predicts.v realizes.v discovers.v determines.v announces.v says.v mentions.v admits.v recalls.v reveals.v states.v observes.v indicates.v analyses.v analyzes.v assesses.v establishes.v evaluates.v examines.v questions.v tests.v hypothesizes.v hypothesises.v envisages.v documents.v: <verb-s> & <vc-predict>; predicted.v realized.v discovered.v determined.v announced.v mentioned.v admitted.v recalled.v revealed.v stated.v observed.v indicated.v analysed.v analyzed.v assessed.v established.v evaluated.v examined.v questioned.v tested.v hypothesized.v hypothesised.v well-established.v documented.v envisaged.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-predict>) or (<verb-s-pv> & {THi+}) or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-po>; said.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-predict>) or ({@E-} & (Pvf- or [[Mv-]]) & {@MV+} & {THi+}) or [[{@E-} & A+]] or [[<verb-po>]]; predicting.g realizing.g discovering.g determining.g announcing.g saying.g mentioning.g admitting.g recalling.g revealing.g stating.g observing.g indicating.g analysing.g analyzing.g assessing.g establishing.g evaluating.g examining.g questioning.g testing.g hypothesizing.g hypothesising.g documenting.g envisaging.g: (<vc-predict> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; predicting.v realizing.v discovering.v determining.v announcing.v saying.v mentioning.v admitting.v recalling.v revealing.v stating.v observing.v indicating.v analysing.v analyzing.v assessing.v establishing.v evaluating.v examining.v questioning.v testing.v hypothesizing.v hypothesising.v documenting.v envisaging.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-predict>; <vc-guess>: ({O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & (TH+ or QI+ or Ce+ or RSe+ or Zs-)); guess.v estimate.v understand.v notice.v explain.v demonstrate.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-guess>; guesses.v estimates.v understands.v notices.v explains.v demonstrates.v: <verb-s> & <vc-guess>; guessed.v understood.v noticed.v explained.v demonstrated.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-guess>) or (<verb-s-pv> & {THi+}) or <verb-po>; estimated.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-guess>) or (<verb-s-pv> & {THi+}) or <verb-po> or ({@E-} & A+); guessing.g estimating.g understanding.g noticing.g explaining.g demonstrating.g: (<vc-guess> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; guessing.v estimating.v understanding.v noticing.v explaining.v demonstrating.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-guess>; <vc-know>: ({O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & ((OF+ & {@MV+}) or QI+ or Ce+ or TH+ or RSe+ or Zs-)); know.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-know>; knows.v: <verb-s> & <vc-know>; knew.v: <verb-sp> & <vc-know>; known.v: (<verb-pp> & <vc-know>) or (<verb-s-pv> & {THi+ or TOf+ or QIi+}) or <verb-po> or ({@E-} & A+); knowing.g: (<vc-know> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; knowing.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-know>; <vc-request>: ((O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]) & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & (TH+ or Ce+ or RSe+ or Zs- or TS+ or ((SI*j+ or SFI**j+) & I*j+))); request.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-request>; requests.v: <verb-s> & <vc-request>; requested.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-request>) or (<verb-s-pv> & {THi+ or TSi+}) or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-po>; requesting.g: (<vc-request> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; requesting.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-request>; <vc-feel>: ((O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]) & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & (Pa+ or TH+ or Ce+ or RSe+ or AF- or Vf+ or (LI+ or {@MV+}) or [[Pv+]])); feel.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-feel>; feels.v: <verb-s> & <vc-feel>; felt.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-feel>) or (<verb-s-pv> & {THi+}) or <verb-po>; feeling.g: (<vc-feel> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; feeling.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-feel>; <vc-mind>: ({O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & (QI+ or TH+ or Pg+)); mind.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-mind>; minds.v: <verb-s> & <vc-mind>; minded.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-mind>) or <verb-pv> or <verb-po>; minding.g: (<vc-mind> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; minding.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-mind>; <vc-study>: ({O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & QI+); study.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-study>; studies.v: <verb-s> & <vc-study>; studied.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-study>) or <verb-pv> or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-po>; studying.g: (<vc-study> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; studying.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-study>; <vc-discuss>: ((O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]) & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & Pg+); discuss.v oppose.v enjoy.v advocate.v contemplate.v entail.v necessitate.v justify.v risk.v avoid.v involve.v favor.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-discuss>; discusses.v opposes.v enjoys.v advocates.v contemplates.v entails.v necessitates.v justifies.v risks.v avoids.v involves.v favors.v: <verb-s> & <vc-discuss>; discussed.v opposed.v enjoyed.v advocated.v contemplated.v entailed.v necessitated.v justified.v risked.v avoided.v involved.v favored.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-discuss>) or <verb-pv> or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-po>; discussing.g opposing.g enjoying.g advocating.g contemplating.g entailing.g necessitating.g justifying.g risking.g avoiding.g favoring.g involving.g: (<vc-discuss> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; discussing.v opposing.v enjoying.v advocating.v contemplating.v entailing.v necessitating.v justifying.v risking.v avoiding.v involving.v favoring.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-discuss>; <vc-finish>: ({O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & Pg+); finish.v practice.v resist.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-finish>; finishes.v practices.v resists.v quits.v: <verb-s> & <vc-finish>; % no <verb-pv> for "finished", since its not passive, is adjectival. finished.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-finish>) or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-po>; practiced.v resisted.v quitted.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-finish>) or <verb-pv> or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-po>; quit.v: ((<verb-sp,pp> or <verb-pl,i>) & <vc-finish>) or <verb-pv> or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-po>; finishing.g practicing.g resisting.g quitting.g: (<vc-finish> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; finishing.v practicing.v resisting.v quitting.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-finish>; <vc-turn>: ((O+ or (K+ & {[[@MV+]]} & O*n+) or ({O+ or B-} & {K+}) or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]) & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & (Pa+ or AF-)); turn.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-turn>; turns.v: <verb-s> & <vc-turn>; turned.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-turn>) or (<verb-pv-b> & {K+} & {@MV+}) or ({K+} & <verb-po>); turning.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-turn>; turning.g: (<vc-turn> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-become>: ((O+ or B- or TI+ or [[@MV+ & (O*n+ or TI+)]] or [[Pv+]]) & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & (AF- or Pa+)); become.v: ((<verb-s-pl,i> or <verb-s-pp>) & <vc-become>) or <verb-pv>; becomes.v: <verb-s-s> & <vc-become>; became.v: <verb-s-sp> & <vc-become>; becoming.g: (<vc-become> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; becoming.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-become>; <vc-remain>: ({@MV+} & (AF- or Pa+)) or ({O+ or B- or TI+ or [[@MV+ & (O*n+ or TI+)]] or [[Pv+]]} & {@MV+}); remain.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-remain>; remains.v: <verb-s> & <vc-remain>; remained.v: <verb-sp,pp> & <vc-remain>; remaining.g: (<vc-remain> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d> or ({@E-} & A+); remaining.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-remain>; <vc-grow>: ({@MV+} & (AF- or Pa+)) or ((({O+ or B-} & {K+}) or (K+ & {[[@MV+]]} & O*n+) or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]) & {@MV+}); grow.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-grow>; grows.v: <verb-s> & <vc-grow>; grew.v: <verb-sp> & <vc-grow>; grown.v: (<verb-pp> & <vc-grow>) or (<verb-pv-b> & {K+} & {@MV+}) or ({K+} & <verb-po>); growing.g: (<vc-grow> & <verb-pg,ge>) or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-ge-d>; growing.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-grow>; <vc-approve>: {O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]] or ({@MV+} & OF+)} & {@MV+}; approve.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-approve>; approves.v: <verb-s> & <vc-approve>; approved.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-approve>) or <verb-pv> or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-po>; approving.g: (<vc-approve> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; approving.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-approve>; <vc-dispose>: (O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]] or ({@MV+} & OF+)) & {@MV+}; dispose.v conceive.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-dispose>; disposes.v conceives.v: <verb-s> & <vc-dispose>; disposed.v conceived.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-dispose>) or <verb-pv> or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-po>; disposing.g conceiving.g: (<vc-dispose> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; disposing.v conceiving.v: <verb-ge> & <vc-dispose>; <vc-speak>: ((K+ & {[[@MV+]]} & O*n+) or ({O+ or B-} & {K+}) or [[@MV+ & O*n+]] or OF+) & {@MV+}; speak.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-speak>; speaks.v: <verb-s> & <vc-speak>; spoke.v: <verb-sp> & <vc-speak>; spoken.v: (<verb-pp> & <vc-speak>) or (<verb-pv-b> & {K+} & {@MV+}) or ({K+} & <verb-po>) or ({@E-} & A+); speaking.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-speak>; speaking.g: (<vc-speak> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d> or ({@E-} & A+); <vc-taste>: ({@MV+} & ((LI+ & {@MV+}) or AF- or Pa+ or OF+)) or ((O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]) & {@MV+}); taste.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-taste>; tastes.v: <verb-s> & <vc-taste>; tasted.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-taste>) or <verb-pv> or <verb-po>; tasting.g: (<vc-taste> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; tasting.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-taste>; <vc-smell>: ({@MV+} & ((LI+ & {@MV+}) or AF- or Pa+ or OF+)) or ({O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & {@MV+}); reek.v smell.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-smell>; reeks.v smells.v: <verb-s> & <vc-smell>; reeked.v smelled.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-smell>) or <verb-pv> or <verb-po>; reeking.g smelling.g: (<vc-smell> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; reeking.v smelling.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-smell>; <vc-take>: (((K+ & {[[@MV+]]} & O*n+) or ((O+ or B-) & {K+ or Vt+}) or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]) & {@MV+}) or ({O+} & (OT+ or BT-) & {@MV+} & {(TOt+ & B+) or TOi+}) or (OXii+ & Vtg+ & {@MV+} & TH+); take.v: <verb-s-pl,i> & <vc-take>; takes.v: <verb-s-s> & <vc-take>; took.v: <verb-s-sp> & <vc-take>; taken.v: (<verb-s-pp> & <vc-take>) or (<verb-pv-b> & {K+} & {@MV+}) or ({@E-} & A+) or ({K+} & <verb-po>) or (Pvf- & Vtg+ & THi+); taking.v: <verb-s-pg> & <vc-take>; taking.g: (<vc-take> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; for_granted: Vtg-; % VERBS TAKING [OBJ] + [OTHER COMPLEMENT] <vc-put>: ((K+ & {[[@MV+]]} & O*n+) or ((O+ or B-) & (K+ or Pp+ or WR-)) or (Vp+ & (Zs- or MVa+))) & {@MV+}; put.v: ((<verb-pl,i> or <verb-sp,pp>) & <vc-put>) or (<verb-pv-b> & (K+ or Pp+ or WR-) & {@MV+}) or ((K+ or Pp+) & <verb-po>); puts.v: <verb-s> & <vc-put>; putting.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-put>; putting.g: (<vc-put> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-cost>: (((O+ & {{[[@MV+]]} & O*n+}) or (B- & {O+})) & {@MV+} & {TOi+}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]]); cost.v: (<verb-s-pl,i> or <verb-s-sp,pp>) & <vc-cost>; costs.v: <verb-s-s> & <vc-cost>; costing.v: <verb-s-pg> & <vc-cost>; costing.g: (<vc-cost> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-find>: ((K+ or O+) & {[[@MV+]]} & O*n+) or (B- & O+) or ((O+ or B-) & (({@MV+} & (Pa+ or AF- or Pg+)) or ({K+} & {@MV+}))) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]]) or ({@MV+} & (TH+ or Ce+ or RSe+)); find.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-find>; finds.v: <verb-s> & <vc-find>; found.p: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-find>) or (<verb-pv-b> & (({K+ or AF-} & {@MV+}) or Pa+ or Pg+)) or ({K+ or Pa+ or Pg+} & <verb-po>); finding.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-find>; finding.g: (<vc-find> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-get>: ((O+ or B-) & (({K+} & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & (Pa+ or AF- or Pv+)))) or (((K+ & {[[@MV+]]} & O*n+) or K+ or (B- & O+) or (O+ & {[[@MV+]]} & O*n+)) & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & (Pa+ or AF- or Pv+ or Pp+ or TO+)); get.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-get>; gets.v: <verb-s> & <vc-get>; got.v: <verb-sp,pp> & <vc-get>; gotten.v: (<verb-pp> & <vc-get>) or (<verb-pv-b> & {K+ or Pp+} & {@MV+}) or ({K+ or Pp+} & <verb-po>); getting.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-get>; getting.g: (<vc-get> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-leave>: ((O+ or B-) & (({K+} & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & {Pa+ or AF- or Pv+ or Pg+}))) or ({(K+ & {[[@MV+]]} & O*n+) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]])} & {@MV+}); leave.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-leave>; leaves.v: <verb-s> & <vc-leave>; left.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-leave>) or (<verb-pv-b> & (({K+ or AF-} & {@MV+}) or Pv+ or Pa+ or Pg+)) or ({K+ or ({@MV+} & (Pv+ or Pa+ or Pg+))} & <verb-po>); leaving.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-leave>; leaving.g: (<vc-leave> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-keep>: ((O+ or (K+ & {[[@MV+]]} & O*n+) or [[@MV+ & O*n+]] or Vk+) & {@MV+}) or ({O+ or B-} & ((K+ & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & (Pa+ or AF- or Pg+ or Pv+)))); keep.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-keep>; keeps.v: <verb-s> & <vc-keep>; kept.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-keep>) or (<verb-pv-b> & (({K+ or AF-} & {@MV+}) or Pa+ or Pg+ or Pv+)) or ({K+ or ({@MV+} & (Pa+ or Pg+ or Pv+))} & <verb-po>); keeping.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-keep>; keeping.g: (<vc-keep> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; watch.i vigil.i pace.i: Vk-; track.i: Vk- & {OF+}; <vc-set>: ((K+ & {[[@MV+]]} & O*n+) or ({O+ or B-} & {K+ or Vs+}) or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]) & {@MV+}; set.v: ((<verb-pl,i> or <verb-sp,pp>) & <vc-set>) or (<verb-pv> & {K+ or Vs+} & {@MV+}) or ({@E-} & A+) or ({K+ or Vs+} & <verb-po>); sets.v: <verb-s> & <vc-set>; setting.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-set>; setting.g: (<vc-set> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d> or ({@E-} & A+); free.i straight.i loose.i: Vs- & {MV+}; <vc-hold>: ((K+ & {[[@MV+]]} & O*n+) or ({O+ or B-} & {K+ or Vh+}) or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]) & {@MV+}; hold.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-hold>; holds.v: <verb-s> & <vc-hold>; held.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-hold>) or (<verb-pv-b> & {K+ or Vh+} & {@MV+}) or ({@E-} & A+) or ({K+ or Vh+} & <verb-po>); holding.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-hold>; holding.g: (<vc-hold> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; hostage.i captive.i: Vh- or Vth-; <vc-expect>: ({@MV+} & (Ce+ or TH+ or RSe+ or Z- or TO+)) or ((O+ or OX+ or B-) & {@MV+} & {TOo+}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]]); expect.v claim.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-expect>; expects.v claims.v: <verb-s> & <vc-expect>; expected.v claimed.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-expect>) or (<verb-s-pv> & {TOf+ or THi+ or Z-}) or ({@E-} & A+) or ({@MV+} & {TO+} & <verb-po>); expecting.g claiming.g: (<vc-expect> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; expecting.v claiming.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-expect>; <vc-intend>: ({@MV+} & (TH+ or Z- or TO+)) or ((O+ or OX+ or B-) & {@MV+} & TOo+); intend.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-intend>; intends.v: <verb-s> & <vc-intend>; intended.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-intend>) or (<verb-pv> & {TO+ or Z- or @MV+}) or ({@E-} & A+) or ({@MV+} & {TO+} & <verb-po>); intending.g: (<vc-intend> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; intending.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-intend>; <vc-dare>: (N+ & I+) or ({@MV+} & TO+) or ((O+ or B-) & {@MV+} & TOo+); dare.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-dare>; dares.v: <verb-s> & <vc-dare>; dared: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-dare>) or (<verb-pv> & TO+) or ({@MV+} & TO+ & <verb-po>); daring.g: (<vc-dare> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; daring.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-dare>; <vc-like>: ({@MV+} & (TO+ or Pg+)) or ((O+ or B- or OX+) & {@MV+} & {TOo+}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]]); like.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-like>; likes.v: <verb-s> & <vc-like>; liked.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-like>) or <verb-pv> or <verb-po>; liking.g: (<vc-like> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; liking.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-like>; <vc-offer>: (((O+ & {{[[@MV+]]} & O*n+}) or (B- & {O+})) & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & TO+) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]]); offer.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-offer>; offers.v: <verb-s> & <vc-offer>; offered.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-offer>) or (<verb-pv-b> & {O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & {@MV+}) or ({O+ or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} or <verb-po>); offering.g: (<vc-offer> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; offering.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-offer>; <vc-refuse>: (((O+ & {{[[@MV+]]} & O*n+}) or (B- & {O+})) & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & {TO+}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]]); refuse.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-refuse>; refuses.v: <verb-s> & <vc-refuse>; refused.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-refuse>) or (<verb-pv-b> & {O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & {@MV+}) or ({O+ or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & <verb-po>); refusing.g: (<vc-refuse> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; refusing.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-refuse>; <vc-want>: ({@MV+} & TO+) or ((O+ or OX+ or B-) & {@MV+} & {TOo+ or Pv+}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]]) or [[CX- & {@MV+}]]; want.v need.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-want>; need.i: {@E-} & (S- or (RS- & B-)) & (N+ & I+); wants.v needs.v: <verb-s> & <vc-want>; wanted.v needed.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-want>) or <verb-pv> or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-po>; wanting.g needing.g: (<vc-want> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; wanting.v needing.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-want>; <vc-choose>: ({@MV+} & {TO+}) or ((O+ or B-) & {@MV+} & {TOo+}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]]); choose.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-choose>; chooses.v: <verb-s> & <vc-choose>; chose.v: <verb-sp> & <vc-choose>; chosen.v: (<verb-pp> & <vc-choose>) or (<verb-pv> & {TO+}) or ({@E-} & A+) or ({@MV+} & {TO+} & <verb-po>); choosing.g: (<vc-choose> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; choosing.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-choose>; % <vc-prepare> is identical to <vc-choose> <vc-prepare>: ({@MV+} & {TO+}) or ((O+ or B-) & {@MV+} & {TOo+}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]]); prepare.v press.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-prepare>; prepares.v presses.v: <verb-s> & <vc-prepare>; prepared.v pressed.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-prepare>) or <verb-pv> or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-po>; preparing.g pressing.g: (<vc-prepare> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; preparing.v pressing.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-prepare>; <vc-require>: ((O+ or B-) & {@MV+} & {TOo+}) or ({@MV+} & (TH+ or Ce+ or TS+ or (SI*j+ & I*j+))) or Zs- or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]]); require.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-require>; requires.v: <verb-s> & <vc-require>; required.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-require>) or (<verb-pv> & {TO+ or TSi+}) or ({@E-} & A+) or ({@MV+} & {TO+} & <verb-po>); requiring.g: (<vc-require> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; requiring.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-require>; <vc-command>: ({@MV+} & (TH+ or Zs- or TS+)) or ((O+ or B-) & {@MV+} & {TOo+}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]]); command.v order.v urge.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-command>; commands.v orders.v urges.v: <verb-s> & <vc-command>; commanded.v ordered.v urged.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-command>) or (<verb-pv> & {TO+ or TH+ or TS+}) or ({@MV+} & {TH+ or TO+ or TS+} & <verb-po>); commanding.g ordering.g urging.g: (<vc-command> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; commanding.v ordering.v urging.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-command>; <vc-consider>: ({@MV+} & (TH+ or Pg+)) or ((O+ or OX+ or B-) & {@MV+} & {TOo+ or Pa+}) or (((O+ & (B- or ({[[@MV+]]} & O*n+))) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]])) & {@MV+}); consider.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-consider>; considers.v: <verb-s> & <vc-consider>; considered.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-consider>) or (<verb-s-pv-b> & (({@MV+} & (TOf+ or Pa+)) or ({O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & {@MV+}))) or ((({@MV+} & (TOf+ or Pa+)) or ({O+ or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]})) & <verb-po>); considering.g: (<vc-consider> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; considering.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-consider>; <vc-perceive>: ({@MV+} & (TH+ or Ce+)) or ((O+ or OX+ or B-) & {@MV+} & {TOo+}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]]); perceive.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-perceive>; perceives.v: <verb-s> & <vc-perceive>; perceived.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-perceive>) or (<verb-pv> & {TO+}) or ({@E-} & A+) or ({@MV+} & {TO+} & <verb-po>); perceiving.g: (<vc-perceive> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; perceiving.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-perceive>; <vc-report>: ({@MV+} & {TH+ or Z- or Ce+}) or ((O+ or B-) & {@MV+} & {TOo+}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]]); report.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-report>; reports.v: <verb-s> & <vc-report>; reported.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-report>) or (<verb-s-pv> & {TOf+ or Z-}) or ({@E-} & A+) or ({@MV+} & {TO+} & <verb-po>); reporting.g: (<vc-report> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; reporting.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-report>; <vc-caution>: ((O+ or B-) & {@MV+} & {TH+ or Ce+ or TOo+}) or ({@MV+} & {TH+ or Zs-}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]]); caution.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-caution>; cautions.v: <verb-s> & <vc-caution>; cautioned.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-caution>) or (<verb-pv> & ((O+ or B-) & {@MV+} & {TH+ or Ce+ or Zs- or TO+})) or ({@MV+} & {TH+ or Ce+ or TO+} & <verb-po>); cautioning.g: (<vc-caution> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; cautioning.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-caution>; <vc-warn>: ((O+ or B-) & {@MV+} & {TH+ or Ce+ or TOo+ or (OF+ & {@MV+})}) or ({@MV+} & {TH+ or Zs- or (OF+ & {@MV+})}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]]); warn.v advise.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-warn>; warns.v advises.v: <verb-s> & <vc-warn>; warned.v advised.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-warn>) or (<verb-pv> & {TH+ or Ce+ or Zs- or TO+ or (OF+ & {@MV+})}) or ({@MV+} & {TH+ or Ce+ or TO+ or OF+} & <verb-po>); warning.g advising.g: (<vc-warn> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; warning.v advising.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-warn>; <vc-hear>: ((B- or O+) & {@MV+} & {I*j+ or Pg+}) or ({@MV+} & {TH+ or Zs- or Ce+ or (OF+ & {@MV+})}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]]); hear.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-hear>; hears.v: <verb-s> & <vc-hear>; heard.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-hear>) or (<verb-pv> & {Pg+}) or ({@MV+} & {Pg+} & <verb-po>); hearing.g: (<vc-hear> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; hearing.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-hear>; <vc-see>: ((B- or O+) & {@MV+} & {I*j+ or Pg+ or AZ+ or Pv+}) or ({@MV+} & {TH+ or Zs- or QI+ or Ce+}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]]); see.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-see>; sees.v: <verb-s> & <vc-see>; saw.v: <verb-sp> & <vc-see>; seen.v: (<verb-pp> & <vc-see>) or (<verb-pv> & {Pg+ or AZ+}) or ({@MV+} & {Pg+ or AZ+} & <verb-po>); seeing.g: (<vc-see> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; seeing.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-see>; <vc-owe>: ((O+ & {{[[@MV+]]} & O*n+}) or (B- & {O+}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]])) & {@MV+}; owe.v deliver.v accord.v award.v term.v grant.v begrudge.v assign.v rename.v repay.v dub.v entitle.v fine.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-owe>; owes.v delivers.v accords.v awards.v terms.v grants.v begrudges.v assigns.v renames.v repays.v dubs.v entitles.v fines.v: <verb-s> & <vc-owe>; owed.v delivered.v accorded.v awarded.v granted.v begrudged.v assigned.v repaid.v fined.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-owe>) or (<verb-pv-b> & {O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & {@MV+}) or ({O+ or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & <verb-po>); owing.v delivering.v according.v awarding.v terming.v granting.v begrudging.v assigning.v renaming.v repaying.v dubbing.v entitling.v fining.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-owe>; owing.g delivering.g according.g awarding.g terming.g granting.g begrudging.g assigning.g renaming.g repaying.g dubbing.g entitling.g fining.g: (<vc-owe> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; % extended linking requirements based on the above termed.v dubbed.v entitled.v renamed.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-owe>) or (<verb-pv-b> & {O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & {@MV+}) or ({O+ or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & <verb-po>) or ({@E-} & A+); % 'Give' requires both direct *and* indirect object: X gave Y a Z. % 'sent', 'poured': optional indirect object. <vc-give>: ((B- & {O+ or K+}) or (O+ & {({[[@MV+]]} & [O*n+]) or K+}) or (K+ & ({[[@MV+]]} & O*n+)) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]])) & {@MV+}; give.v send.v buy.v bring.v lend.v issue.v hand.v pour.v telegraph.v wire.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-give>; gives.v sends.v buys.v brings.v lends.v issues.v hands.v pours.v telegraphs.v wires.v: <verb-s> & <vc-give>; sent.v bought.v brought.v lent.v handed.v poured.v telegraphed.v wired.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-give>) or (<verb-pv-b> & {O+ or B- or K+ or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & {@MV+}) or ({O+ or K+ or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & <verb-po>); issued.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-give>) or (<verb-pv-b> & {O+ or B- or K+ or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & {@MV+}) or ({O+ or K+ or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & <verb-po>) or ({@E-} & A+); gave.v: <verb-sp> & <vc-give>; given.v: (<verb-pp> & <vc-give>) or (<verb-pv-b> & {O+ or B- or K+ or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & {@MV+}) or ({O+ or K+ or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & <verb-po>); giving.g sending.g buying.g bringing.g lending.g issuing.g handing.g pouring.g telegraphing.g wiring.g: (<vc-give> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; giving.v sending.v buying.v bringing.v lending.v issuing.v handing.v pouring.v telegraphing.v wiring.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-give>; <vc-pass>: {(B- & {O+ or K+}) or (O+ & {({[[@MV+]]} & O*n+) or K+}) or (K+ & {{[[@MV+]]} & O*n+}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]])} & {@MV+}; pass.v pay.v sell.v deal.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-pass>; passes.v pays.v sells.v deals.v: <verb-s> & <vc-pass>; passed.v paid.v sold.v dealt.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-pass>) or (<verb-pv-b> & {O+ or B- or K+ or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & {@MV+}) or ({O+ or K+ or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & <verb-po>); passing.g paying.g selling.g dealing.g: (<vc-pass> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; passing.v paying.v selling.v dealing.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-pass>; <vc-call>: {(B- & {O+ or Pa+ or K+}) or (O+ & {({[[@MV+]]} & O*n+) or Pa+ or K+}) or (K+ & {{[[@MV+]]} & O*n+}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]])} & {@MV+}; call.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-call>; calls.v: <verb-s> & <vc-call>; called.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-call>) or (<verb-pv-b> & {O+ or B- or K+ or Pa+ or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & {@MV+}) or ({O+ or K+ or Pa+ or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & <verb-po>); calling.g: (<vc-call> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; calling.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-call>; % Writing -- direct and indirect object are optional: % 'he wrote' 'he wrote a letter' 'he wrote me a letter' 'he wrote me' % 'he wrote me that S' but '*he drew me that S' <vc-write>: ({(B- & {O+ or K+}) or (O+ & {({[[@MV+]]} & O*n+) or K+}) or (K+ & {{[[@MV+]]} & O*n+}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]])} & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & (TH+ or Ce+)); write.v charge.v draw.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-write>; writes.v reads.v charges.v draws.v: <verb-s> & <vc-write>; wrote.v drew.v: <verb-sp> & <vc-write>; read.v: ((<verb-pl,i> or <verb-sp,pp>) & <vc-write>) or (<verb-pv-b> & {O+ or B- or K+ or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & {@MV+}) or ({O+ or K+ or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & <verb-po>); charged.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-write>) or (<verb-pv-b> & {O+ or B- or K+ or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & {@MV+}) or ({O+ or K+ or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & <verb-po>); written.v drawn.v: (<verb-pp> & <vc-write>) or (<verb-pv-b> & {O+ or B- or K+ or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & {@MV+}) or ({O+ or K+ or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & <verb-po>) or ({@E-} & A+); writing.g reading.g charging.g drawing.g: (<vc-write> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; writing.v reading.v charging.v drawing.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-write>; % Singing: if there's an indirect object, then a direct object is % mandatory: '*she sang me' <vc-sing>: ({(B- & {O+ or K+}) or (O+ & {({[[@MV+]]} & O*n+) or K+}) or (K+ & {{[[@MV+]]} & O*n+}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]])} & {@MV+}); sing.v dance.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-sing>; sings.v dances.v: <verb-s> & <vc-sing>; sang.v danced.v: <verb-sp> & <vc-sing>; sung.v: (<verb-pp> or <verb-sp>) & <vc-sing> ; singing.g dancing.g: (<vc-sing> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; singing.v dancing.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-sing>; <vc-allow>: (((O+ & {[[@MV+]]} & O*n+) or ([[@MV+]] & O*n+)) & {@MV+}) or ((O+ or B-) & {@MV+} & {B- or TOo+}); allow.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-allow>; allows.v: <verb-s> & <vc-allow>; allowed.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-allow>) or (<verb-pv-b> & (({O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & TO+))) or ({O+ or [[@MV+ & O*n+]] or ({@MV+} & TO+)} & <verb-po>); allowing.g: (<vc-allow> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; allowing.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-allow>; <vc-promise>: ({O+ or B-} & {@MV+} & {B- or TO+ or Ce+ or TH+ or RSe+ or Zs-}) or (((O+ & {[[@MV+]]} & O*n+) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]])) & {@MV+}); promise.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-promise>; promises.v: <verb-s> & <vc-promise>; promised.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-promise>) or (<verb-pv-b> & (({O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & (TO+ or Ce+ or TH+ or RSe+ or Zs-)))) or ({@E-} & A+) or ({O+ or [[@MV+ & O*n+]] or ({{@MV+} & (TO+ or Ce+ or TH+)})} & <verb-po>); promising.g: (<vc-promise> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; promising.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-promise>; <vc-show>: ({O+ or B-} & ({@MV+} & (QI+ or Ce+ or TH+ or RSe+ or Zs- or B-))) or (((O+ & {K+ or ({[[@MV+]]} & O*n+)}) or (K+ & (B- or ({[[@MV+]]} & O*n+))) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]]) or [[()]]) & {@MV+}); show.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-show>; shows.v: <verb-s> & <vc-show>; showed.v: <verb-sp> & <vc-show>; shown.v: (<verb-pp> & <vc-show>) or (<verb-s-pv-b> & (({O+ or K+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & (QI+ or Ce+ or TH+ or RSe+ or Zs-)))) or ({O+ or K+ or [[@MV+ & O*n+]] or ({@MV+} & (QI+ or Ce+ or TH+))} & <verb-po>); showing.g: (<vc-show> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; showing.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-show>; <vc-teach>: ((O+ or B-) & ({@MV+} & (QI+ or Ce+ or TH+ or RSe+ or Zs- or B- or TOo+))) or ({((O+ or B-) & ({[[@MV+]]} & O*n+)) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]])} & {@MV+}); teach.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-teach>; teaches.v: <verb-s> & <vc-teach>; taught.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-teach>) or (<verb-pv-b> & (({O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & (QI+ or Ce+ or TH+ or RSe+ or Zs- or TO+)))) or ({O+ or [[@MV+ & O*n+]] or ({@MV+} & (QI+ or Ce+ or TH+))} & <verb-po>); teaching.g: (<vc-teach> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; teaching.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-teach>; <vc-compel>: ((O+ or B-) & {@MV+} & TOo+); compel.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-compel>; compels.v: <verb-s> & <vc-compel>; compelled.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-compel>) or (<verb-pv> & TO+) or ({@MV+} & TO+ & <verb-po>); compelling.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-compel>; compelling.g: (<vc-compel> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-force>: (((O+ or B-) & (({@MV+} & TOo+) or K+ or [()])) or (K+ & O*n+) or ([[{K+} & @MV+ & O*n+]])) & {@MV+}; force.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-force>; forces.v: <verb-s> & <vc-force>; forced.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-force>) or (<verb-pv-b> & ((K+ & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & TO+))) or ((K+ or ({@MV+} & TO+)) & <verb-po>) or ({@E-} & A+); forcing.g: (<vc-force> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; forcing.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-force>; <vc-design>: ((O+ or B-) & {@MV+} & {TOo+}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+ & {@MV+}]]); design.v permit.v authorize.v use.v cause.v enable.v pressure.v train.v sentence.v prompt.v spur.v invite.v reelect.v encourage.v draft.v hire.v entice.v inspire.v aid.v forbid.v employ.v educate.v tempt.v condemn.v commission.v counsel.v induce.v instruct.v license.v incite.v nominate.v destine.v provoke.v challenge.v exhort.v implore.v motivate.v impel.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-design>; designs.v permits.v pressures.v trains.v sentences.v causes.v enables.v authorizes.v uses.v prompts.v spurs.v invites.v reelects.v encourages.v drafts.v hires.v entices.v inspires.v aids.v forbids.v employs.v educates.v tempts.v condemns.v commissions.v counsels.v induces.v instructs.v licenses.v incites.v nominates.v destines.v provokes.v challenges.v exhorts.v implores.v motivates.v impels.v: <verb-s> & <vc-design>; designed.v permitted.v pressured.v trained.v sentenced.v caused.v enabled.v authorized.v prompted.v spurred.v invited.v reelected.v encouraged.v drafted.v hired.v enticed.v inspired.v aided.v employed.v educated.v tempted.v condemned.v commissioned.v counseled.v induced.v instructed.v licensed.v incited.v nominated.v destined.v provoked.v challenged.v exhorted.v implored.v motivated.v impelled.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-design>) or (<verb-pv> & {TO+}) or ({@E-} & A+) or ({{@MV+} & TO+} & <verb-po>); forbade.v: <verb-sp> & <vc-design>; forbidden.v: (<verb-pp> & <vc-design>) or (<verb-pv> & {TO+}) or ({@E-} & A+) or ({{@MV+} & TO+} & <verb-po>); designing.g permitting.g pressuring.g causing.g enabling.g training.g sentencing.g authorizing.g prompting.g spurring.g inviting.g reelecting.g encouraging.g drafting.g hiring.g enticing.g inspiring.g aiding.g employing.g educating.g tempting.g condemning.g commissioning.g counseling.g inducing.g instructing.g licensing.g inciting.g nominating.g destining.g provoking.g challenging.g exhorting.g imploring.g motivating.g impelling.g: (<vc-design> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; designing.v permitting.v pressuring.v causing.v enabling.v training.v sentencing.v authorizing.v using.v prompting.v spurring.v inviting.v reelecting.v encouraging.v drafting.v hiring.v enticing.v inspiring.v aiding.v employing.v educating.v tempting.v condemning.v commissioning.v counseling.v inducing.v instructing.v licensing.v inciting.v nominating.v destining.v provoking.v challenging.v exhorting.v imploring.v motivating.v impelling.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-design>; used.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-design>) or (<verb-pv> & {TOo+}) or (<verb-sp> & TO+) or ({@MV+} & {TOo+} & <verb-po>) or ({@E-} & A+); using.g: (<vc-design> & (<verb-ge> or MVs-)) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-elect>: ((O+ or B-) & (({@MV+} & {TOo+}) or ({[[@MV+]]} & (O*n+ or TI+)))) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+ & {@MV+}]]); elect.v appoint.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-elect>; elects.v appoints.v: <verb-s> & <vc-elect>; elected.v appointed.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-elect>) or (<verb-pv-b> & (({B- or (O+ or TI+ or [[@MV+ & (O*n+ or TI+)]])} & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & TO+))) or (({O+ or TI+ or [[@MV+ & (O*n+ or TI+)]]} or ({@MV+} & TO+)) & <verb-po>) or ({@E-} & A+); electing.g appointing.g: (<vc-elect> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; electing.v appointing.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-elect>; % vc-name is a ditransitive extension of vc-trans (with an extra TI+) <vc-name>: ((O+ & {{[[@MV+]]} & (O*n+ or TI+)}) or (B- & {O+ or TI+}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]])) & {@MV+}; name.v designate.v label.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-name>; names.v designates.v labels.v: <verb-s> & <vc-elect>; named.v designated.v labelled.v labeled.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-name>) or (<verb-pv-b> & ({B- or (O+ or TI+ or [[@MV+ & (O*n+ or TI+)]])}) & {@MV+}) or ({O+ or TI+ or [[@MV+ & (O*n+ or TI+)]]} & <verb-po>) or ({@E-} & A+); naming.g designating.g labelling.g labeling.g: (<vc-name> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; naming.v designating.v labelling.v labeling.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-name>; % optionally ditransitive, modeled on "name.v" tag.v: <verb-pl,i> & (<vc-name> or <vc-intrans>); tags.v: <verb-s> & (<vc-name> or <vc-intrans>); tagged: (<verb-sp,pp> & (<vc-name> or <vc-intrans>)) or ((<verb-pv-b> & ({B- or (O+ or TI+ or [[@MV+ & (O*n+ or TI+)]])}) & {@MV+}) or <verb-pv>) or ({O+ or TI+ or [[@MV+ & (O*n+ or TI+)]]} & <verb-po>) or ({@E-} & ({CH-} & CH+)); tagging.g: ((<vc-name> or <vc-intrans>) & <verb-ge>) or ({@E-} & ({CH-} & CH+)) or <verb-ge-d>; tagging.v: <verb-pg> & (<vc-name> or <vc-intrans>); <vc-program>: {((O+ or B-) & {@MV+} & {TOo+}) or @MV+ or ([[@MV+ & O*n+ & {@MV+}]])}; program.v oblige.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-program>; programs.v obliges.v: <verb-s> & <vc-program>; programmed obliged.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-program>) or (<verb-pv> & {TO+}) or ({@E-} & A+) or ({{@MV+} & TO+} & <verb-po>); programming.g obliging.g: (<vc-program> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; programming.v obliging.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-program>; <vc-convince>: ((O+ or B-) & {@MV+} & {TOo+ or TH+ or Ce+}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+ & {@MV+}]]); convince.v persuade.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-convince>; convinces.v persuades.v: <verb-s> & <vc-convince>; convinced.v persuaded.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-convince>) or (<verb-pv> & {TO+ or TH+ or Ce+}) or ({{@MV+} & (TO+ or TH+ or Ce+)} & <verb-po>); convincing.g persuading.g: (<vc-convince> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; convincing.v persuading.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-convince>; % K+ is for "tell him off" <vc-tell>: (((O+ & {O*n+ or K+}) or B-) & {@MV+} & {TH+ or Ce+ or RSe+ or Zs- or TOo+ or QI+ or BW-}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+ & {@MV+}]]); tell.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-tell>; tell.w: {@E-} & I- & {@MV+} & (QI+ or TH+ or Ce+ or RSe+ or Zs-); tells.v: <verb-s> & <vc-tell>; told.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-tell>) or (<verb-pv> & {TH+ or Ce+ or RSe+ or Zs- or TO+ or QI+ or BW-}) or (<verb-pv-b> & O+ & {@MV+}) or ({{@MV+} & (Ce+ or TO+ or QI+ or TH+)} & <verb-po>); telling.g: (<vc-tell> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; telling.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-tell>; <vc-ask>: ({(O+ & {O*n+}) or B-} & {@MV+} & {TS+ or TOo+ or QI+ or BW-}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+ & {@MV+}]]); ask.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-ask>; asks.v: <verb-s> & <vc-ask>; asked.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-ask>) or (<verb-pv> & {TO+ or QI+ or BW- or TH+ or TS+}) or (<verb-pv-b> & O+ & {@MV+}) or ({{@MV+} & (TO+ or QI+ or TH+ or TS+)} & <verb-po>); asking.g: (<vc-ask> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; asking.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-ask>; <vc-help>: ({O+ or B-} & {@MV+} & {TO+ or I+}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+ & {@MV+}]]); help.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-help>; helps.v: <verb-s> & <vc-help>; helped.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-help>) or (<verb-pv> & {TO+}) or ({{@MV+} & TO+} & <verb-po>); helping.g: (<vc-help> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; helping.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-help>; <vc-remind>: ((O+ or B-) & {@MV+} & (TOo+ or TH+ or Ce+ or (OF+ & {@MV+}))) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+ & {@MV+}]]); remind.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-remind>; reminds.v: <verb-s> & <vc-remind>; reminded.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-remind>) or (<verb-pv> & {TO+ or TH+ or Ce+ or (OF+ & {@MV+})}) or ({{@MV+} & (Ce+ or TO+ or TH+ or (OF+ & {@MV+}))} & <verb-po>); reminding.g: (<vc-remind> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; reminding.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-remind>; <vc-inform>: ((O+ or B-) & {@MV+} & {(OF+ & {@MV+}) or TH+ or Zs- or Ce+}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+ & {@MV+}]]); inform.v reassure.v alert.v guarantee.v notify.v forewarn.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-inform>; informs.v reassures.v alerts.v guarantees.v notifies.v forewarns.v: <verb-s> & <vc-inform>; informed.v reassured.v alerted.v guaranteed.v notified.v forewarned.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-inform>) or (<verb-pv> & {Ce+ or TH+ or Zs- or (OF+ & {@MV+})}) or ({{@MV+} & (Ce+ or TH+ or OF+)} & <verb-po>) or ({@E-} & A+); informing.g reassuring.g alerting.g guaranteeing.g notifying.g forewarning.g: (<vc-inform> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; informing.v reassuring.v alerting.v guaranteeing.v notifying.v forewarning.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-inform>; <vc-assure>: ((O+ or B-) & {@MV+} & {(OF+ & {@MV+}) or TH+ or Zs- or Ce+}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+ & {@MV+}]]) or ({@MV+} & (TH+ or Ce+)); assure.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-assure>; assures.v: <verb-s> & <vc-assure>; assured.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-assure>) or (<verb-pv> & {(OF+ & {@MV+}) or Ce+ or TH+ or Zs-}) or ({{@MV+} & (Ce+ or TH+ or OF+)} & <verb-po>); assuring.g: (<vc-assure> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; assuring.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-assure>; <vc-let>: ((B- or O+) & {@MV+} & {I+ or ((K+ or Pp+) & {@MV+})}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+ & {@MV+}]]); let.v: ((<verb-pl,i> or <verb-sp,pp>) & <vc-let>) or (<verb-pv-b> & ((K+ or Pp+) & {@MV+})) or ((K+ or Pp+) & <verb-po>); lets.v: <verb-s> & <vc-let>; letting.g: (<vc-let> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; letting.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-let>; let's let’s: ({Ic-} & Wi- & {N+} & I+) or ({Ic-} & Wi- & N+); <vc-watch>: ((B- or O+) & {@MV+} & {I*j+ or Pg+}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+ & {@MV+}]]) or {@MV+}; watch.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-watch>; watches.v: <verb-s> & <vc-watch>; watched.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-watch>) or <verb-pv> or <verb-po>; watching.g: (<vc-watch> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; watching.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-watch>; <vc-appreciate>: ((B- or O+) & {@MV+} & {Pg+}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+ & {@MV+}]]); appreciate.v spend.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-appreciate>; appreciates.v spends.v: <verb-s> & <vc-appreciate>; appreciated.v spent.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-appreciate>) or (<verb-pv> & {Pg+}) or ({{@MV+} & Pg+} & <verb-po>); appreciating.g spending.g: (<vc-appreciate> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; appreciating.v spending.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-appreciate>; <vc-make>: ((B- or O+ or OX+) & {({@MV+} & {I*j+ or Pa**j+ or B-}) or ((K+ or AF-) & {@MV+})}) or ((((O+ or K+) & {[[@MV+]]} & O*n+) or K+ or Vm+ or ([[{K+} & @MV+ & O*n+]])) & {@MV+}); make.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-make>; makes.v: <verb-s> & <vc-make>; made.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-make>) or (<verb-s-pv-b> & (({@MV+} & Pa+) or ({K+} & {@MV+}))) or ({({@MV+} & Pa+) or K+} & <verb-po>); built_of built_up_of composed_of constructed_of formed_of made_of made_up_of: (<verb-pv-b> & (B- or O+) & {@MV+}) or (O+ & <verb-po>); making.g: (<vc-make> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; making.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-make>; <vc-render>: (((B- or O+) & {({@MV+} & Pa+) or AF-}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]])) & {@MV+}; render.v deem.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-render>; renders.v deems.v: <verb-s> & <vc-render>; rendered.v deemed.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-render>) or (<verb-pv> & {Pa+ or AF-}) or ({{@MV+} & Pa+} & <verb-po>); rendering.g deeming.g: (<vc-render> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; rendering.v deeming.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-render>; <vc-deprive>: (((O+ or B-) & {{@MV+} & OF+}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]])) & {@MV+}; deprive.v accuse.v acquit.v purge.v disabuse.v exonerate.v absolve.v rob.v convict.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-deprive>; deprives.v accuses.v acquits.v purges.v disabuses.v exonerates.v absolves.v robs.v convicts.v: <verb-s> & <vc-deprive>; deprived.v accused.v acquitted.v purged.v disabused.v exonerated.v absolved.v robbed.v convicted.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-deprive>) or (<verb-pv> & {OF+} & {@MV+}) or ({@E-} & A+) or ({{@MV+} & OF+} & <verb-po>); depriving.g accusing.g acquitting.g purging.g disabusing.g exonerating.g absolving.g robbing.g convicting.g: (<vc-deprive> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; depriving.v accusing.v acquitting.v purging.v disabusing.v exonerating.v absolving.v robbing.v convicting.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-deprive>; <vc-clear>: (((O+ or B-) & {({@MV+} & OF+) or K+}) or ({K+} & O*n+) or K+ or ([[{K+} & @MV+ & O*n+]])) & {@MV+}; clear.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-clear>; clears.v: <verb-s> & <vc-clear>; cleared.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-clear>) or (<verb-pv-b> & {({@MV+} & OF+) or K+} & {@MV+}) or ({K+ or ({@MV+} & OF+)} & <verb-po>); clearing.g: (<vc-clear> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; clearing.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-clear>; <vc-bet>: ({(O+ & {O*n+}) or (B- & {O+})} & {@MV+} & {TH+ or Ce+ or RSe+}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+ & {@MV+}]]); bet.v: ((<verb-pl,i> or <verb-sp,pp>) & <vc-bet>) or (<verb-pv> & {O+ or B-} & {@MV+} & {TH+ or Ce+ or RSe+ or @MV+}); bets.v: <verb-s> & <vc-bet>; betted.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-bet>) or (<verb-pv-b> & {O+ or B-} & {@MV+} & {TH+ or Ce+ or RSe+ or @MV+}) or ({O- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]] or TH+ or Ce+} & <verb-po>); betting.g: (<vc-bet> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; betting.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-bet>; <vc-bother>: ({@MV+} & TO+) or ((O+ or B-) & {@MV+} & {THi+}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+ & {@MV+}]]); bother.v: <verb-s-pl,i> & <vc-bother>; bothers.v: <verb-s-s> & <vc-bother>; bothered.v: (<verb-s-sp,pp> & <vc-bother>) or <verb-pv> or <verb-po>; bothering.v: <verb-s-pg> & <vc-bother>; bothering.g: (<vc-bother> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-surprise>: ((O+ or B-) & {@MV+} & {THi+}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]]); surprise.v alarm.v amaze.v amuse.v astonish.v astound.v excite.v depress.v disgust.v distress.v dismay.v irritate.v embarrass.v annoy.v: <verb-s-pl,i> & <vc-surprise>; surprises.v alarms.v amazes.v amuses.v astonishes.v astounds.v excites.v depresses.v disgusts.v distresses.v dismays.v irritates.v embarrasses.v annoys.v: <verb-s-s> & <vc-surprise>; surprised.v alarmed.v amazed.v amused.v astonished.v astounded.v excited.v depressed.v disgusted.v distressed.v dismayed.v irritated.v embarrassed.v annoyed.v: (<verb-s-sp,pp> & <vc-surprise>) or <verb-pv> or <verb-po>; surprising.v alarming.v amazing.v amusing.v astonishing.v astounding.v exciting.v depressing.v disgusting.v distressing.v dismaying.v embarrassing.v annoying.v: <verb-s-pg> & <vc-surprise>; surprising.g alarming.g amazing.g amusing.g astonishing.g astounding.g exciting.g depressing.g disgusting.g distressing.g dismaying.g embarrassing.g annoying.g: (<vc-surprise> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-prove>: ((O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]) & {@MV+}) or ((O+ or OX+ or B-) & {@MV+} & (TOo+ or [[Pa+]])) or ({@MV+} & (TOf+ or TH+ or Ce+ or RSe+ or Zs- or Pa+)); prove.v: <verb-x-pl,i> & <vc-prove>; proves.v: <verb-x-s> & <vc-prove>; proved.v: (<verb-x-sp,pp> & <vc-prove>) or (<verb-s-pv> & {THi+ or TOf+}) or ({@E-} & A+) or ({{@MV+} & Pa+} & <verb-po>); proven.v: (<verb-x-pp> & <vc-prove>) or (<verb-s-pv> & {THi+ or TOf+ or Pa+}) or ({@E-} & A+) or ({{@MV+} & Pa+} & <verb-po>); proving.g: (<vc-prove> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; proving.v: <verb-x-pg> & <vc-prove>; <vc-suggest>: ((O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]) & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & (Pg+ or TH+ or Ce+ or RSe+ or Zs- or TS+ or ((SI*j+ or SFI**j+) & I*j+))); suggest.v anticipate.v recommend.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-suggest>; suggests.v anticipates.v recommends.v: <verb-s> & <vc-suggest>; suggested.v recommended.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-suggest>) or (<verb-s-pv> & {THi+ or TSi+}) or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-po>; suggesting.g anticipating.g recommending.g: (<vc-suggest> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; suggesting.v anticipating.v recommending.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-suggest>; <vc-deny>: (((O+ & {{[[@MV+]]} & O*n+}) or (B- & {O+}) or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]) & {@MV+}) or ({@MV+} & (Pg+ or TH+ or Ce+ or RSe+)); deny.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-deny>; denies.v: <verb-s> & <vc-deny>; denied.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-deny>) or (<verb-pv-b> & {O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]} & {@MV+}) or ({O+ or ([[@MV+ & O*n+]])} & <verb-po>); denying.g: (<vc-deny> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; denying.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-deny>; <vc-describe>: ((O+ or B-) & {@MV+} & {AZ+}) or ({@MV+} & (QI+ or Z-)) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+ & {@MV+}]]); describe.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-describe>; describes.v: <verb-s> & <vc-describe>; described.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-describe>) or (<verb-pv> & {AZ+ or Z-}) or ({@E-} & A+) or ({@MV+} & {AZ+} & <verb-po>); describing.g: (<vc-describe> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; describing.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-describe>; <vc-portray>: ((O+ or B-) & {@MV+} & {AZ+}) or ([[@MV+ & O*n+ & {@MV+}]]); portray.v depict.v regard.v view.v characterize.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-portray>; portrays.v depicts.v regards.v views.v characterizes.v: <verb-s> & <vc-portray>; portrayed.v depicted.v regarded.v viewed.v characterized.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-portray>) or (<verb-pv> & {AZ+}) or ({@E-} & A+) or ({@MV+} & {AZ+} & <verb-po>); portraying.g depicting.g regarding.g viewing.g characterizing.g: (<vc-portray> & <verb-ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; portraying.v depicting.v regarding.v viewing.v characterizing.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-portray>; %IDIOMATIC VERBS do_so take_place show_up take_office do_battle give_way make_way take_part catch_up catch_on file_suit pick_up take_off break_free take_over jump_ship see_fit take_note: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-intrans>; does_so takes_place shows_up pleads_guilty pleads_innocent takes_office does_battle gives_way makes_way takes_part catches_up catches_on files_suit picks_up takes_off breaks_free takes_over jumps_ship sees_fit lets_go takes_note comes_true comes_clean comes_of_age: <verb-s> & <vc-intrans>; showed_up pleaded_guilty pleaded_innocent made_way caught_up caught_on filed_suit picked_up jumped_ship: <verb-sp,pp> & <vc-intrans>; plead_guilty plead_innocent: (<verb-pl,i> or <verb-sp,pp>) & <vc-intrans>; let_go: ((<verb-pl,i> or <verb-sp,pp>) & <vc-intrans>) or <verb-pv>; did_so took_place took_office did_battle gave_way took_part took_off broke_free took_over saw_fit took_note came_true came_clean came_of_age: <verb-sp> & <vc-intrans>; done_so taken_place shown_up taken_office done_battle given_way taken_part taken_off broken_free taken_over seen_fit taken_note: <verb-pp> & <vc-intrans>; come_true come_clean come_of_age: (<verb-pl,i> or <verb-pp>) & <vc-intrans>; doing_so taking_place showing_up pleading_guilty pleading_innocent taking_office doing_battle giving_way making_way taking_part catching_up catching_on filing_suit picking_up taking_off breaking_free taking_over jumping_ship seeing_fit letting_go taking_note coming_true coming_clean coming_of_age: (<vc-intrans> & <verb-pg,ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-put-up-with>: (O+ or B- or [[@MV+ & O*n+]]) & {@MV+}; allow_for bring_about get_rid_of let_go_of take_note_of: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-trans>; puts_up_with allows_for brings_about gets_rid_of lets_go_of takes_note_of: <verb-s> & <vc-trans>; put_up_with let_go_of: (<verb-pl,i> or <verb-sp,pp>) & <vc-trans>; allowed_for brought_about got_rid_of took_note_of: <verb-sp,pp> & <vc-trans>; gotten_rid_of taken_note_of: <verb-pp> & <vc-trans>; putting_up_with allowing_for bringing_about getting_rid_of letting_go_of taking_note_of: (<vc-trans> & (<verb-ge> or <verb-pg>)) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-take-it>: {[@MV+]} & TH+; take_it make_out point_out give_notice serve_notice: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-take-it>; takes_it makes_out points_out gives_notice serves_notice: <verb-s> & <vc-take-it>; made_out pointed_out served_notice: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-take-it>) or <verb-pv> or <verb-po>; took_it gave_notice: <verb-sp> & <vc-take-it>; taken_it given_notice: <verb-pp> & <vc-take-it>; taking_it making_out pointing_out giving_notice serving_notice: (<vc-take-it> & <verb-pg,ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-turn-out>: {[@MV+]} & THi+; turn_out: <verb-s-pl,i> & <vc-turn-out>; turns_out: <verb-s-s> & <vc-turn-out>; turned_out: <verb-s-sp,pp> & <vc-turn-out>; turning_out: <verb-s-pg> & <vc-turn-out>; <vc-find-out>: {[@MV+]} & (TH+ or QI+ or Ce+); find_out figure_out: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-find-out>; finds_out figures_out: <verb-s> & <vc-find-out>; found_out figured_out: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-find-out>) or <verb-pv> or <verb-po>; finding_out figuring_out: (<vc-find-out> & <verb-pg,ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-keep-on>: {Pg+ or @MV+}; keep_on give_up go_around: <verb-s-pl,i> & <vc-keep-on>; keeps_on gives_up goes_around: <verb-s-s> & <vc-keep-on>; kept_on: <verb-s-sp,pp> & <vc-keep-on>; gave_up went_around: <verb-s-sp> & <vc-keep-on>; given_up gone_around: <verb-s-pp> & <vc-keep-on>; keeping_on giving_up going_around: (<vc-keep-on> & <verb-pg,ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; <vc-end-up>: Pg+ or Pa+ or ({AF-} & {@MV+}); end_up: <verb-s-pl,i> & <vc-end-up>; ends_up: <verb-s-s> & <vc-end-up>; ended_up: <verb-s-sp,pp> & <vc-end-up>; ending_up: (<vc-end-up> & <verb-pg,ge>) or <verb-ge-d>; /en/words/words.v.1.p: <verb-pv> or <verb-po>; % two-word passives % done_for accounted_for adhered_to arrived_at barked_at belched_at catered_to <vc-paraph>: {@MV+} & (((Xd- or Xq-) & (Xc+ or [[[()]]]) & (COq+ or (CP- & {CC+}) or Eq+)) or [(Xc+ or Xe+) & Ce+]); <vc-paraph-inv>: {@MV+} & (((Xd- or Xq-) & (Xc+ or [[[()]]]) & (COq+ or (CPx- & {CC+}) or Eq+)) or [(Xc+ or Xe+) & Ce+]); <vc-it-paraph>: {@MV+} & (Xd- or Xq-) & (Xc+ or [[[()]]]) & (COqi+ or (CPi- & {CC+}) or Eqi+); % paraphrasing verbs like "say", "reply" % acknowledge.q add.q admit.q affirm.q agree.q announce.q argue.q /en/words/words.v.10.1: [[{@E-} & (((Sp- or I-) & <vc-paraph>) or (SIpj+ & <vc-paraph-inv>))]]; /en/words/words.v.10.2: [[{@E-} & ((Ss- & <vc-paraph>) or (SIsj+ & <vc-paraph-inv>))]]; /en/words/words.v.10.3: <marker-past> or ({@E-} & (((S- or PP-) & <vc-paraph>) or (SI*j+ & <vc-paraph-inv>) or [[Pvf- & <vc-it-paraph>]])); read.q: <marker-past> or ({@E-} & (((S- or I- or PP-) & <vc-paraph>) or (SI*j+ & <vc-paraph-inv>))); wrote.q: <marker-past> or ({@E-} & ((S- & <vc-paraph>) or (SI*j+ & <vc-paraph-inv>))); written.q: {@E-} & PP- & <vc-paraph>; /en/words/words.v.10.4: [[{@E-} & Pg- & <vc-paraph>]]; seem.i appear.i: [[{@E-} & (SFp- or If-) & <vc-it-paraph>]]; seems.i appears.i: [[{@E-} & SFs- & <vc-it-paraph>]]; seemed.i appeared.i: <marker-past> or ({@E-} & (SF- or PPf-) & <vc-it-paraph>); seeming.i appearing.i: [[{@E-} & Pgf- & <vc-it-paraph>]]; say.q: {@E-} & (((Sp- or I-) & <vc-paraph>) or (SIpj+ & <vc-paraph-inv>)); says.q: {@E-} & ((Ss- & <vc-paraph>) or (SIsj+ & <vc-paraph-inv>)); said.q: <marker-past> or ({@E-} & (((S- or PP-) & <vc-paraph>) or (SI*j+ & <vc-paraph-inv>))); saying.q: {@E-} & Pg- & <vc-paraph>; tell.q: [[{@E-} & (Sp- or I- or SIpj+) & O+ & <vc-paraph>]]; tells.q: [[{@E-} & (Ss- or SIsj+) & O+ & <vc-paraph>]]; told.q: <marker-past> or ({@E-} & (((S- or PP- or SI*j+) & O+) or Pv-) & <vc-paraph>); telling.q: [[{@E-} & Pg- & O+ & <vc-paraph>]]; ask.q: [[{@E-} & (((Sp- or I-) & {O+}) or SIpj+) & <vc-paraph>]]; asks.q: [[{@E-} & ((Ss- & {O+}) or SIsj+) & <vc-paraph>]]; asked.q: <marker-past> or ({@E-} & (((S- or PP-) & {O+}) or Pv- or SI*j+) & <vc-paraph>); asking.q: [[{@E-} & Pg- & {O+} & <vc-paraph>]]; <vc-vote>: Vv+ & {@MV+}; say.i vote.i: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-vote>; says.i votes.i: <verb-s> & <vc-vote>; said.i voted.i: <verb-sp,pp> & <vc-vote>; saying.i voting.i: (<vc-vote> & <verb-pg,ge>); yes.misc-vote no.misc-vote: Vv-; double.v triple.v quadruple.v quintuple.v: {EN-} & <verb-pl,i> & <vc-fill>; doubles.v triples.v quadruples.v quintuples.v: {EN-} & <verb-s> & <vc-fill>; doubled.v tripled.v quadrupled.v quintupled.v: {EN-} & ((<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-fill>) or <verb-pv> or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-po>); doubling.v tripling.v quadrupling.v quintupling.v: {EN-} & (<verb-pg> & <vc-fill>); doubling.g tripling.g quadrupling.g quintupling.g: {EN-} & ((<vc-fill> & <verb-ge>) or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-ge-d>); %PREPOSITIONS <prep-main-a>: [Mp-] or MVp- or [({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+)] or Pp- or (Xd- & Xc+ & (MX*x- or MVx-)) or (Cs+ & (Mj- or (Xd- & Xc+ & MX*j-))) or (Wj- & Qd+) or [Wq- & PF+]; <prep-main-b>: [Mp-] or Pp- or MVp- or [({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+)] or (Xd- & Xc+ & (MX*x- or MVx-)); <prep-main-t>: [Mpn-] or Pp- or MVpn- or [({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO*n+)] or (Xd- & Xc+ & (MX- or MVx-)); <prep-main-e>: [Mp-] or Pp- or MVa- or [({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+)] or (Xd- & Xc+ & (MX*x- or MVx-)); under beneath: ({Yd-} & {JQ+} & J+ & (<prep-main-a> or FM-)) or (MVp- & B-); below above behind.p: ({Yd-} & {{JQ+} & J+} & (<prep-main-a> or FM-)) or (MVp- & B-); within: ({JQ+} & J+ & <prep-main-a>) or (MVp- & B-); during: ({JQ+} & J+ & (<prep-main-a> or UN-)) or (MVp- & B-); from: ({Yd-} & {JQ+} & (FM+ or J+ or Mgp+) & <prep-main-a>) or (MVp- & B-) or MVp- or (NIb+ & NIc+); at toward towards without upon: ({JQ+} & (J+ or Mgp+) & <prep-main-a>) or (MVp- & B-); except but.misc-ex: ({JQ+} & (J+ or Mgp+) & <prep-main-a>) or (MVp- & B-) or ((MVp+ or TO+) & <prep-main-a>); against beyond beside: ({JQ+} & (J+ or Mgp+) & <prep-main-a>) or (MVp- & B-); between: ({JQ+} & (J+ or Mgp+) & <prep-main-a>) or (MVp- & B-) or (NId+ & NIc+); with: ({JQ+} & (J+ or Mgp+) & <prep-main-a>) or (J+ & {EBm+} & ([P+] or [[O*n+]]) & ([({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+)] or MVp- or (Xd- & Xc+ & (MX*x- or MVx-)))) or (MVp- & B-); among: ({JQ+} & (J+ or Mgp+) & (<prep-main-a> or FM-)) or (MVp- & B-); for.p: ({JQ+} & (J+ or Mgp+ or TI+) & <prep-main-a>) or (MVp- & B-) or (MG- & JG+) or (MVp- & FL+); into: ({JQ+} & (J+ or Mgp+ or QI+) & <prep-main-a>) or (MVp- & B-); about: ({JQ+} & (J+ or Mgp+ or QI+) & <prep-main-a>) or EN+ or EZ+ or (MVp- & B-) or (TOf+ & (Mp- or MVp- or Pp-)); through.r: ({JQ+} & J+ & (<prep-main-a> or FM-)) or (MVp- & B-); off across along: ({JQ+} & J+ & (<prep-main-a> or FM-)) or K- or (MVp- & B-); past.p: ({Yd-} & {JQ+} & J+ & (<prep-main-a> or FM-)) or K- or (MVp- & B-); around: ({JQ+} & (J+ or Mgp+) & (<prep-main-a> or FM-)) or K- or (MVp- & B-) or [EN+]; out up down.r: ({Yd-} & {JQ+} & ([J+] or [[MVp+]]) & (({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-) or FM-)) or K- or (MVp- & B-); by: ({JQ+} & (J+ or Mgp+ or JT+) & (<prep-main-a> or FM-)) or K- or (MVp- & B-); in: ({JQ+} & (J+ or Mgp+ or IN+) & (<prep-main-a> or FM-)) or K- or (MVp- & B-) or (MG- & JG+); on: ({JQ+} & (J+ or Mgp+ or ON+ or [QI+]) & <prep-main-a>) or K- or (MVp- & B-); over: ({Yd-} & {JQ+} & (J+ or Mgp+ or QI+ or [[MVp+]]) & (<prep-main-a> or FM-)) or K- or EN+ or (MVp- & B-); just_over just_under well_over: EN+; like.p: ({[EA-]} & (((J+ or Mgp+ or [[Mp+ or MVs+]]) & <prep-main-b>) or (Vf- & Mgp+) or (LI- & (J+ or Cs+)))) or (MVp- & B-); unlike: J+ & (MVp- or Pp- or [({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+)] or (Xd- & Xc+ & (E+ or MVx-))); of: ({JQ+} & (J+ or Mgp+ or QI+) & (Mp- or OF- or (Xd- & Xc+ & MX*x-) or (Cs+ & (Mj- or (Xd- & Xc+ & MX*j-))) or [[({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+)]])) or ((OF- or Mp-) & B-) or (MG- & JG+) or (NF- & NJ+) or (Mp- & TI+); of_them: (ND- or MF-) & (J+ or Pa+) & Xd- & (MX*x- or MVx-) & Xc+; to.r: ({@E-} & {NT-} & I+ & (TO- or [{Xd- & Xc+} & MVi-] or [[R-]] or (SFsx+ & <S-CLAUSE>) or [Xc+ & {Xd-} & CO+])) or I*a+ or ({JQ+} & (J+ or Mgp+) & <prep-main-a>) or [MVp- & B-] or [MVp-] or NIb-; so_as_to: I+ & {Xd- & Xc+} & MVi-; besides: {J+ or Mgp+} & ([({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+)] or MVp- or [Wq- & PF+]); throughout: {J+} & ([({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+)] or MVp- or [Wq- & PF+]); inside.r outside.r underneath alongside: {J+} & (<prep-main-b> or FM-); amid plus.p minus.p via onto: J+ & (<prep-main-b> or [Wq- & PF+]); versus: (J+ & Mp-) or (G- & G+); vs: {Xi+} & G- & G+; worth.p: (Mp- & (J+ or OF+)) or (Paf- & Mgp+) or (Pa- & (J+ or B-)); opposite.p: J+ & <prep-main-b>; better_off worse_off: {EC-} & Pa- & {Pg+}; off_of out_of: ({JQ+} & J+ & <prep-main-b>) or (MVp- & B-); despite notwithstanding other_than apart_from aside_from: (J+ or Mgp+) & (MVp- or (Xd- & Xc+ & (MVx- or E+)) or [({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+)]); rather_than: (J+ or Mgp+ or Mp+ or I+) & ((Xd- & Xc+ & (E+ or MVx-)) or MVp- or [({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+)]); instead_of because_of prior_to: (J+ or Mgp+) & (MVp- or Pp- or [({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+)] or (Xd- & Xc+ & (E+ or MVx-))); as_well_as: (J+ or Mgp+) & (MG- or Mp- or MVp- or [({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+)] or (Xd- & Xc+ & (MX*x- or MVx-))); according_to as_of in_case_of in_response_to unbeknownst_to thanks_to: J+ & (MVp- or Pp- or [({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+)] or (Xd- & Xc+ & (E+ or MVx-))); due_to along_with en_route_to in_connection_with: J+ & <prep-main-b>; regardless_of as_to irrespective_of: (J+ or QI+) & (MVp- or [({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+)] or (Xd- & Xc+ & (E+ or MVx-))); overhead.r midway in_public in_private en_route a_la_mode a_la_carte side_by_side from_coast_to_coast: <prep-main-b>; abroad upstairs.r downstairs.r overseas.r next_door: <prep-main-b> or FM-; elsewhere: <prep-main-b> or FM- or [[J-]]; ahead at_hand in_store in_reverse in_place in_town under_way in_office out_of_office out_of_reach in_reach within_reach on_guard at_large in_hand on_hand for_free on_file in_line on_line in_loco_parentis on_board en_route in_bed out_of_bed on_strike on_top from_afar at_stake in_question at_issue on_lease on_trial in_league in_cahoots in_front in_back on_break on_camera in_command in_concert by_association in_association on_deck on_disk on_file on_foot on_location on_line online.r: MVp- or Mp- or Pp- or (Xc+ & Xd- & (MX*x- or MVx-)); uptown downtown.r offshore.r underground.r out_of_town: MVp- or Mp- or Pp- or FM- or (Xc+ & Xd- & MVx-); <common-prep>: MVp- or Pp- or (Xc+ & Xd- & MVx-); forward.r backward forwards.r backwards sideways ashore abreast aft half-way two-fold downhill southward underfoot westward eastward northward overnight.r on_hold on_track in_situ in_toto off_balance in_check on_course off_course under_oath at_end by_example on_holiday by_invitation on_patrol on_stage in_step in_tempo on_schedule behind_schedule ahead_of_schedule for_good for_keeps in_phase out_of_step out_of_phase in_tune out_of_tune in_session out_of_session in_phase neck_and_neck under_contract: <common-prep>; /en/words/words-medical.prep.1: <common-prep>; % 5' 3' are DNA ends upstream downstream 5' 3': ({CH-} & CH+) or NIfp+ or NItp- or ({Yd- or EZ- or EE- or EI-} & {MVp+ or OF+} & (({Xc+ & Xd-} & Ma-) or (Wq- & PF+) or MVp- or Pp- or FM- or (Xc+ & Xd- & (MVx- or MX-)))); %upstream downstream 3' 5': %A+ or %((EZ- or Y-) & (MVp+ or OF+) & (MV- or MV+)) or %(EI- or EZ- or Y- & Ma- & (MVp+ or OF+)) or %(EE- or Y- & (FM- or TO-) & MVp+ or OF+); indoors outdoors underwater.r: MVp- or Pp- or FM- or (Xc+ & Xd- & MVx-); everywhere anywhere: {EL+} & ((Cs+ & (({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVs-))) or (MVp- or Pp- or FM- or (Xc+ & Xd- & MVx-))); somewhere someplace: {EL+} & (MVp- or Pp- or FM- or [({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+)] or (Xc+ & Xd- & MVx-)) & Mp+; nowhere: {EL+} & (MVp- or Pp- or FM- or (Xc+ & Xd- & MVx-)); as_usual to_date on_average in_turn so_far in_particular in_response in_general thus_far in_reply: MVp- or Mp- or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or (Xc+ & Xd- & (MVx- or MX*x-)); recently: {EE- or EF+} & (({Xd- & Xc+} & MVp-) or Pp- or E+ or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or EB- or JT- or Ca+ or Qe+ or [[Mp-]]); now.r: ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVp-) or Pp- or E+ or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or EB- or [[Mp-]]; then.r: ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVp-) or Pp- or E+ or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or EB- or (S+ & Xd- & Xc+ & MVs-) or [[Mp-]]; later earlier: ({ECa- or Yt-} & (E+ or Mp- or Pp- or MVb- or [({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+)] or (Xd- & Xc+ & (MX*x- or MVx-)) or ({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+))) or (Yt- & (Ca+ or Qe+)); away: ({Yd-} & (MVp- or Pp- or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+))) or K-; aboard: ((MVp- or Mp- or Pp-) & {J+}) or K-; apart: {Yd-} & K-; home.i: K-; back.k: ({Yd-} & K-) or (MVp+ & (MVp- or FM-)); forth aside.p: K- or MVa-; nearby: A+ or MVp- or Pp- or FM-; next_to in_back_of in_front_of close_to on_top_of outside_of inside_of atop: J+ & (<prep-main-b> or FM- or [Wq- & PF+]); ahead_of by_way_of akin_to betwixt vis-a-vis in_lieu_of on_account_of in_place_of in_search_of: J+ & (<prep-main-b> or [Wq- & PF+]); near.p: {EE- or EF+} & J+ & (<prep-main-b> or FM- or [Wq- & PF+]); all_over all_around: {J+} & (Pp- or MVp- or [({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+)] or FM- or Mp-); per: Us+ & Mp-; such_as: J+ & (MVa- or Mp- or (Xc+ & Xd- & (MVx- or MX*x-))); here: J- or <prep-main-b> or [Wq- & PF+]; there: J- or <prep-main-b> or ((SFst+ or SFp+) & <CLAUSE>) or SFIst- or SFIp- or OXt-; de de_la du des del von: {G-} & G+; y: G- & G+; % TIME AND PLACE EXPRESSIONS this_time that_time these_days: <prep-main-t> or [[E+]]; last_time next_time: <prep-main-t> or JT- or YS+ or [[<noun-main-s>]]; day.r week.r month.r year.r weekend.r morning.r afternoon.r evening.r night.r semester.r term.r season.r session.r: ((DTn- or DTi-) & (<prep-main-t> or [[E+]])) or (DTi- & (JT- or [[<noun-main-s>]] or YS+)) or (DTa- & <prep-main-t>); the_next the_previous the_following this_past: DTn+; today tonight: <prep-main-t> or JT- or [[E+]] or YS+ or [[<noun-main-s>]]; yesterday: {TD+} & (<prep-main-t> or JT- or [[E+]] or YS+ or [[<noun-main-s>]]); tomorrow: {TD+} & (<prep-main-t> or JT- or YS+ or [[<noun-main-s>]]); Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday.i: ((DTn- or DTie- or [()]) & {G-} & {TD+ or TW+} & (YS+ or <prep-main-t> or JT- or ON- or [[<noun-main-s>]])) or [[AN+]]; morning.i afternoon.i night.i evening.i: TD-; January.i February March April.i May.i June.i July August.i September.i October November December: ((DTn- or DTie- or ({TA-} & {TY+})) & (JT- or IN- or [[<noun-main-s>]] or YS+)) or ((DTn- or DTie-) & <prep-main-t>) or (TM+ & {TY+} & ((Xd- & Xc+ & TW-) or ON- or JT- or [[<noun-main-s> or MVp- or Mp- or AN+]])) or AN+; AM.ti PM.ti a.m. p.m.: ND- & {@MX+} & <noun-main-s> & {TZ+} ; % Time-zone names A.tz ACDT.tz ACST.tz ADT.tz AEDT.tz AEST.tz AKDT.tz AKST.tz AST.tz AWDT.tz AWST.tz B.tz BST.tz C.tz CDT.tz CEDT.tz CEST.tz CET.tz CST.tz CXT.tz D.tz E.tz EDT.tz EEDT.tz EEST.tz EET.tz EST.tz F.tz G.tz GMT.tz H.tz HAA.tz HAC.tz HADT.tz HAE.tz HAP.tz HAR.tz HAST.tz HAT HAY.tz HNA.tz HNC.tz HNE.tz HNP.tz HNR.tz HNT.tz HNY.tz I.tz IST.tz K.tz L.tz M.tz MDT.tz MESZ.tz MEZ.tz MSD MSK.tz MST.tz N.tz NDT.tz NFT.tz NST.tz O.tz P.tz PDT.tz PST.tz Q.tz R.tz S.tz T.tz U.tz UTC.tz V.tz W.tz WDT.tz WEDT WEST.tz WET.tz WST.tz X.tz Y.tz Z.tz: {Xd-} & TZ-; Jan.x Feb.x Aug.x Sept.x Oct.x Nov.x Dec.x: {Xi+} & TM+ & {TY+} & ((Xd- & Xc+ & TW-) or ON- or JT- or [[<noun-main-s> or MVpn- or Mp- or AN+]]); fall.i spring.i winter.i summer.i: ((DTn- or DTi-) & <prep-main-t>) or (DTi- & (JT- or YS+ or [[<noun-main-s>]])); weeks.i days.i hours.i minutes.i seconds.i months.i years.i decades.i centuries.i semesters.i terms.i nights.i: ((ND- or [[EN-]] or [()]) & (Yt+ or (OT- & {Mp+}))) or (ND- & Ye-) or (TQ- & BT+); week.i day.i hour.i minute.i second.i month.i year.i decade.i century.i semester.i term.i night.u: (NS- & (({NJ-} & {EN-} & (Yt+ or OT-)) or (EN- & J-))) or (NSa- & [[Mp- or Ys-]]) or ({NR- or TT-} & DG- & ((Cs+ & (({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or MVp- or (Xd- & Xc+ & MVx-))) or Yt+)); year_and_a_half: NSa- & {EN-} & (Yt+ or OT-); moment.u: (NS- & (({EN-} & (Yt+ or OT-)) or (EN- & J-))) or ({NR- or TT-} & DG- & ((Cs+ & (({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or MVp- or (Xd- & Xc+ & MVx-))) or Yt+)); a_while: J- or Yt+ or OT-; now.i then.i: JT- or FM-; now_on then_on: FM-; from_now: Yt- & <prep-main-t>; a_long_time some_time a_few_moments moments.u: Yt+ or OT-; ago: Yt- & (<prep-main-e> or Ca+ or Qe+ or JT-); every.i: {EN-} & Ye+ & <prep-main-t>; times.i: (ND- & (({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or MVp- or EC+ or EZ+ or Ca+ or Qe+)) or (((({ND-} & DG-) & {Cs+}) or (ND- & Ys+)) & (({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or MVp- or (Xd- & Xc+ & MVx-))); time.i: {TT- or NR-} & DG- & {Cs+} & (({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or MVp- or (Xd- & Xc+ & MVx-)); the_year: TY+ & <noun-main-s>; every_time: {EN-} & (Cs+ & (({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or MVp- or (Xd- & Xc+ & MVx-))); week.n moment.n hour.n minute.n year.n instant.n period.n month.n second.n decade.n century.n: {NM+} & (({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & ((Ds- & {@M+} & {WN+ or TH+ or [[Ce+]] or (R+ & Bs+)} & {@MXs+} & (<noun-main-s> or (Rw+ & Bsm+))) or Us- or (YS+ & Ds-) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])))) or AN+); day.n night.n: {NM+} & (({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & (({D*u-} & {@M+} & {WN+ or TH+ or [[Ce+]] or (R+ & Bs+)} & {@MXs+} & (<noun-main-m> or (Rw+ & Bsm+))) or Us- or (YS+ & {D*u-}) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])))) or AN+); days.n weeks.n moments.n hours.n minutes.n years.n instants.n periods.n months.n nights.n seconds.n decades.n centuries.n: {NM+} & (({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & (({Dmc-} & {@M+} & {WN+ or TH+ or Ce+ or (R+ & Bp+)} & {@MXp+} & (<noun-main-p> or (Rw+ & Bpm+))) or Up- or (YP+ & {Dmc-}) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])))) or [[AN+]]); % This need to be re-examined ... <units-funky-plural>: (ND- or [()] or [[EN-]]) & (Yd+ or EC+ or [[MVp-]] or Ya+ or OD-); % AU is abbreviation for "astronomical units" blocks.i feet.i miles.i yards.i inches.i meters.i millimeters.i centimeters.i micrometers.i kilometers.i microns.i Angstroms.i wavelengths.i AU.i au.i astronomical_units light-years.i: <units-funky-plural>; block.i foot.i mile.i yard.i inch.i meter.i millimeter.i centimeter.i micrometer.i kilometer.i micron.i Angstrom.i wavelength.i astronomical_unit light-year.i: NS- & {NJ-} & {EN-} & (Yd+ or EC+ or [[MVp-]] or Ya+ or OD-); a_long_way: Yd+; point.i percentage_point: (NS- or NIe-) & {NJ-} & (Yd+ or OD-); points.u percentage_points: ND- & (Yd+ or MVp-); dollars.i cents.i: NIn- & (EC+ or Yd+ or OD-); 1_dollar one_dollar a_dollar 1_cent one_cent a_cent: {NJ-} & (EC+ or Yd+ or OD-); share.i pound.i ounce.i gallon.i barrel.i head.x: NSa- & Mp-; dollar.i cent.i: ((NIm- or NIn- or NIe-) & AN+) or (NS- & {NJ-} & (EC+ or Yd+ or OD-)); twofold threefold fourfold fivefold sixfold sevenfold eightfold ninefold tenfold a_hundredfold a_thousandfold: MVp- or A+; % For units, maybe should use % <units-alt>: % ((ND- or (NS- & {NJ-} & {EN-})) or [()] or [[EN-]]) & (Yd+ or EC+ or % [[MVp-]] or Ya+ or OD-); <units-suffix>: ((ND- or NS- or NIe-) & (NIfu+ or NItu-)) or ((ND- or NS- or NIe-) & AN+) or ((ND- or NS- or NIe-) & (Op- or Jp-) & {Mp+}) or ((ND- or NS-) & {NJ-} & (EC+ or Yd+ or OD-)) or Us-; % Abbreviations of scientific units that follow numbers % km².u mi².u in².u ft².u m².u cm².u /en/words/units.1: <units-suffix>; UNITS: <units-suffix>; % Units abbreviations that can be followed by a period: % ft. tbsp. yds. /en/words/units.2: {Xi+} & <units-suffix>; % Abbreviations that form noun-like things. /en/words/units.3: ND- & <noun-main-s>; % money, similar to units, above. /en/words/currency: ((NIm- or NIn- or NIe-) & AN+) or ((NIm- or NIn- or NIe-) & (Op- or Jp-) & {Mp+}) or ((NIm- or NIn-) & {NJ-} & (EC+ or Yd+ or OD-)) or Us-; /en/words/currency.p: ((NIn- or NIe-) & AN+) or ((NIn- or NIe-) & (Op- or Jp-) & {Mp+}) or ((NIn-) & {NJ-} & (EC+ or Yd+ or OD-)) or Us-; % number-and-unit combinations, such as "50-kDa". The linking requirements % should largely follow those for units except not allowing a numeric % determiner. % TODO: the <noun-main-x> linking requirements are likely rarely used, and % it might be beneficial to cost them. If this is done, make the same % modification for unit ranges also. NUMBER-AND-UNIT: ((({D*u-} or {Dmc-}) & <noun-sub-x> & (<noun-main-x> or Bsm+)) or (({D*u-} or {Dmc-}) & Us- & {Mp+})) or A+; %QUESTION WORDS & CONJUNCTIONS %who: (R- & (({MVp+ or MVx+} & RS+) or Cr+)) %or ({EL+} & (S**w+ or B*w+) & (Ws- or Wq- or QI*d- or BIqd-)) or %({MVp+ or MVx+} & (S**w+ or B*w+) & (Xd- & (Xc+ or [[[()]]]) & MX*r-)); who: (R- & (({MVp+ or MVx+} & RS+) or Cr+)) or ({EL+} & (S**w+ or (R+ & B*w+)) & (Ws- or Wq- or QI*d- or BIqd-)) or ({MVp+ or MVx+} & (S**w+ or (R+ & B*w+)) & (Xd- & (Xc+ or [[[()]]]) & MX*r-)); what: ({EL+} & (D**w+ or Ss*w+ or (R+ & (Bsw+ or BW+))) & (Wq- or Ws- or QI*d- or BIqd-)) or ((Ss*d+ or (R+ & (Bsd+ or BW+))) & (<noun-main2-s-no-punc> or (Ss*t+ & <CLAUSE>) or SIs*t-)) or (D+ & JQ-); which: ((Jr- or R-) & (({MVp+ or MVx+} & RS+) or Cr+)) or ((D**w+ or ({OF+} & (S**w+ or (R+ & B*w+)))) & (Wq- or Ws- or QI*d- or BIqd-)) or Jw- or (JQ- & D+) or ({MVp+ or MVx+} & (S**w+ or B*w+) & ((Xc+ or [[[()]]]) & Xd- & MX*r-)); whom: (R- & Cr+) or (R+ & B*w+ & (Wq- or QI*d- or BIqd- or ((Xc+ or [[[()]]]) & Xd- & MX*r-))) or (Jr- & (RS+ or Cr+)) or Jw-; whose: (D**w+ & (Mr- or Wq- or Ws- or QI*d- or BIqd- or ((Xc+ or [[[()]]]) & Xd- & MX*d-))) or (JQ- & D+) or (U+ & Jr- & (RS+ or Cr+)); whoever: {EL+} & (((Ss*d+ or Bsd+ or [[CX+]]) & (<noun-main-s> or (Xc+ & {Xd-} & CO+) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVs-))) or [[(O- or J-) & CX+]]); whatever.c: ({EL+} & (((Ss*d+ or Bsd+ or BW+ or D**w+) & (<noun-main-s> or (Xc+ & {Xd-} & CO+) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVs-))) or [[(O- or J-) & CX+]])) or ((ALx+ & J+) & (({Xd-} & Xc+ & CO+) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVs-))); whenever wherever however.c: {EL+} & (Cs+ & (({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVs-))); no_matter: QI+ & ((Xc+ & {Xd-} & CO+) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVs-)); that.misc-c: (Cet+ & ([SFsx+ & <S-CLAUSE>] or TH- or [[MVh-]])) or (TS- & (SI*j+ or SFI**j+) & I*j+); that.misc-d: [{AL-} & D*u+]; that.misc-r: (R- & (({MVp+ or MVx+} & RS+) or Cr+)) or EE+ or (EA+ & {HA+}) or DTn+; that.misc-p: {[[M+]]} & <noun-main-h>; because: (Cs+ & (({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO*s+) or BIh- or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVs-))) or (OF+ & (({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or BIh- or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-))); now_that just_as if_only in_case whereby whereupon insofar_as inasmuch_as ere on_the_grounds_that on_grounds_that in_that in_the_event_that in_the_event: Cs+ & (({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO*s+) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVs-)); on_condition: (TH+ or TS+) & (({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO*s+) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVs-)); unless though.c even_though: (Cs+ or Mgp+ or Mv+) & (({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO*s+) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVs-) or (Xd- & Xc+ & E+)); as_if as_though: ((Cs+ or Mgp+ or Mv+ or Mp+) & (({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO*s+) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVs-) or (Xd- & Xc+ & E+))) or ((BIh- or LI-) & Cs+); as_soon_as: Cs+ & {Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO*s+; until 'til ’til ‘til `til til: ((Mgp+ or J+ or JT+ or UN+) & (({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVp-) or [Mp-])) or (Cs+ & (({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO*s+) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVs-))); since: ((Mgp+ or J+ or JT+ or UN+) & (({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVp-) or [Mp-])) or (Cs+ & (({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO*s+) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVs-))) or [[MVa-]] or [[E+]]; ever_since: (J+ or Mgp+ or Cs+) & (({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO*s+) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVs-)); after: {EI- or Yt-} & (((Mgp+ or J+ or JT+) & (<prep-main-b> or UN- or Ca+ or Qe+)) or (Cs+ & (({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO*s+) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVs-)))); before: ({EI- or Yt-} & (({Mgp+ or J+ or JT+} & (<prep-main-b> or UN-)) or (Cs+ & (({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO*s+) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVs-))))) or (Yt- & (Ca+ or Qe+)); if: (Cs+ & {Xc+ & {Xd-}} & (Wd- & (Qd+ or Ws+ or Wq+))) or ((Cs+ or [Mgp+] or [Mv+]) & (({Xd- & Xc+} & MVs-) or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO*s+))) or (QI- & Cs+); if_possible if_necessary: MVp- or (Xd- & Xc+ & (MVx- or E+)) or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+); if_so: ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+); if_only: ((MVp+ or MVa+ or MVs+) & ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVp-)) or (Wd+ & Wc-); no_wonder: Wd+ & Wc-; although: (Cs+ & {Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO*s+) or ({Xd-} & CC- & Wd+); while: ((Cs+ or Mgp+ or Mp+) & (({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO*s+) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVs-) or (Xd- & Xc+ & E+))); once: ({Cs+ or Mp+} & (({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO*s+) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVs-) or (Xd- & Xc+ & E+))) or E+ or EB-; or: NO+; but.misc-cnj: [(({Xd-} & CC-) or Wc-) & (Wdc+ or Qd+ or Ws+ or Wq+)]; and.r and/or: [(({Xd-} & CC-) or Wc-) & (Wdc+ or Qd+ or Ws+ or Wq+)] or NId-; either: (Ds+ or E+ or ({OF+} & <noun-main-x>)) or ({Xd+ & Xc-} & MVa-); neither: Ds+ or E+ or ({OF+} & <noun-main-x>); nor: ((Xd- & CC-) or Wd-) & Qd+; for.r: [[(({Xd-} & CC-) or Wc-) & (Wd+ or Qd+ or Ws+ or Wq+)]]; yet.r: ((({Xd-} & CC-) or Wc-) & Wd+) or E+ or MVa- or ({Xd-} & Xc+ & CO+); thus therefore: ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or ({Xd-} & CC- & Wd+) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & E+) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & EB-); when: ((WN- or BIh-) & Cs+) or ((PF+ or TOn+ or Cs+) & (BIq- or QI- or (SFsx+ & <S-CLAUSE>))) or (Wq- & (Q+ or PF+)) or ((Cs+ or Mp+ or Mgp+ or Mv+) & (({Xd- & Xc+} & MVs-) or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO*s+) or (Xd- & Xc+ & E+))); why: ({EL+} & ((Wq- & Q+) or (QI- & (Cs+ or TOn+)) or (Cs+ & ((SFsx+ & <S-CLAUSE>) or WY- or BIq-)))) or [[{@CO-} & Wc- & Wi+]]; why_not: [[{@CO-} & Wc- & Wi+]]; where: {EL+} & ((Wq- & ((Rw+ & WR+) or Q+ or ({Rw+} & PF+))) or ((WR+ or Cs+ or TOn+ or PF+) & (BIq- or QI- or (SFsx+ & <S-CLAUSE>))) or ((Cs+ or PF+ or WR+) & <prep-main-b>)); whether: (((QI- or BIq-) & (Cs+ or TOn+)) or (Cs+ & SFsx+ & <S-CLAUSE>)) or [[(Cs+ or MV+) & (({Xd- & Xc+} & MVs-) or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO*s+))]]; whether_or_not: ((QI- or BIq-) & (Cs+ or TOn+)) or (Cs+ & (({Xd- & Xc+} & MVs-) or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO*s+))); how: ((((EAh+ or EEh+) & {HA+}) or H+ or AFh+) & (BIqd- or QI*d- or Wq- or Ws-)) or (Wq- & (Q+ or AF+)) or ((Cs+ or TOn+) & (QI- or BIq- or (SFsx+ & <S-CLAUSE>))); not: EB- or ({@E-} & N-) or NT+ or [[((Ma+ or Mg+ or Mv+ or Mp+) & CO+) or (Mg- & Mgn+) or (Mv- & Mvn+) or (Mp- & Mp+) or (Ma- & Ma*n+)]]; % We include this, though it's not one of the strippable strings n't n’t: N- or EB-; %ADJECTIVES <adj-op>: [[{@E-} & Wq- & {@MV+} & PF+ & {@MV+} & {CC+}]] or ({@E-} & {@MV+} & ([[{Xd-} & Xc+ & COp+]] or (Xd- & Xc+ & MX*a-))); /en/words/words.adj.1: % ordinary adjectives <marker-common-entity> or ({EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Pa- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or <adj-op>)); % abject.a abnormal.a abominable.a abortive.a abrasive.a abrupt.a % "We caught a through flight", "its a done job" - adjective -- !? probably over-broad. <adj-stuff>: {EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]]); done.c gone.c through.c: <adj-stuff>; responsible.a accountable.a: {EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Pa- or AF+ or Ma- or Vh-) & {@MV+}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or <adj-op>); long.a: ({EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Pa- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or <adj-op>)) or ((Ya- or Yt-) & (Pa- or Ma-)) or (H- & (BT+ or Yt+)); wide.a tall.a deep.a: ({EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Pa- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or <adj-op>)) or (Ya- & (Pa- or Ma- or <adj-op>)); old.a: ({EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Pa- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or <adj-op>)) or (Ytm- & (Pa- or Ma- or <adj-op>)); aged.i: NM+ & (Pa- or Max- or <adj-op>); easy.a hard.a simple.a difficult.a fun.a expensive.a: {EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Paf- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+} & {((TOt+ & B+) or TOi+) & {LE+}}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or ({TOt+ & B+} & <adj-op>)); ready.a: {EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Pa- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+} & {((TOt+ & B+) or TO+) & {LE+}}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or ({TO+ or (TOt+ & B+)} & <adj-op>)); silly.a nasty.a pleasant.a unpleasant.a dangerous.a cruel.a standard.a safe.a legal.a illegal.a: {EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Paf- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+} & {((TOt+ & B+) or TOi+) & {LE+}}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or ({TOt+ & B+} & <adj-op>)); <adj-good>: {EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Paf- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+} & {((TOt+ & B+) or THi+ or TOi+) & {LE+}}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or ({TOt+ & B+} & <adj-op>)); good.a bad.a unusual.a useful.a a_bitch nice.a strange.a wonderful.a terrible.a possible.a impossible.a annoying.a fair.a unfair.a tough.a: <adj-good>; great.a: <marker-common-entity> or <adj-good>; important.a essential.a crucial.a necessary.a imperative.a vital.a: <marker-common-entity> or ({EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Paf- or AF+ or Ma-) & (({@MV+} & {(THi+ or TOi+ or TSi+) & {LE+}}) or (TOt+ & B+))) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or ({TOt+ & B+} & <adj-op>))); common.a practical.a original.a normal.a helpful.a striking.a confusing.a frustrating.a disturbing.a logical.a illogical.a elegant.a efficient.a awful.a just.a unjust.a absurd.a natural.a alarming.a acceptable.a unacceptable.a deplorable.a detestable.a scary.a shocking.a: <marker-common-entity> or ({EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Paf- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+} & {(THi+ or TOi+) & {LE+}}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or <adj-op>)); surprising.a interesting.a odd.a remarkable.a amazing.a exciting.a depressing.a rare.a embarrassing.a: {EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Paf- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+} & {(THi+ or Ci+ or TOi+) & {LE+}}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or <adj-op>); crazy.a sane.a insane.a stupid.a ridiculous.a wrong.a curious.a: {EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Paf- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+} & {(TO+ or TOi+ or THi+) & {LE+}}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or ({TO+} & <adj-op>)); wise.a unwise.a smart.a intelligent.a: {EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Paf- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+} & {(TO+ or TOi+) & {LE+}}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or ({TO+} & <adj-op>)); unlikely.a: {EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Paf- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+} & {(TOf+ or THi+ or Ci+) & {LE+}}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or ({TO+} & <adj-op>)); likely.a: {EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Paf- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+} & {(TOf+ or THi+ or Ci+) & {LE+}}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or ({TO+} & <adj-op>) or [E+]); apparent.a false.a official.a strict.a significant.a funny.a notable.a untrue.a tragic.a plain.a urgent.a a_drag a_bummer definite.a evident.a impressive.a incredible.a inevitable.a mysterious.a pathetic.a probable.a admirable.a commendable.a conceivable.a insignificant.a miraculous.a self-evident.a undeniable.a plausible.a understandable.a demonstrable.a hilarious.a improbable.a inexcusable.a outrageous.a paradoxical.a shameful.a inconceivable.a unbelievable.a astonishing.a disgraceful.a debatable.a arguable.a lamentable.a regrettable.a: {EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Paf- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+} & {(THi+ or Ci+) & {LE+}}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or <adj-op>); clear.a unclear.a relevant.a irrelevant.a obvious.a immaterial.a: {EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Paf- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+} & {(THi+ or QIi+) & {LE+}}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or <adj-op>); clear.i: {EA- or EF+} & Vm- & TH+; sure.i certain.i: {EA- or EF+} & Vm- & (TH+ or TO+ or (OF+ & {@MV+})); tactful.a conventional.a advisable.a prudent.a sensible.a tactless.a polite.a impolite.a arrogant.a conceited.a obnoxious.a valuable.a reasonable.a unreasonable.a traditional.a unnecessary.a tempting.a usual.a inadvisable.a lovely.a a_mistake ethical.a unethical.a immoral.a childish.a awkward.a appropriate.a costly.a customary.a desirable.a dumb.a effective.a fashionable.a foolish.a healthy.a hip.a okay.a OK.a ok.a painful.a selfish.a sufficient.a advantageous.a boring.a inappropriate.a insufficient.a irrational.a irresponsible.a mandatory.a meaningless.a preferable.a senseless.a trivial.a wrongheaded.a premature.a risky.a dishonest.a hypocritical.a enjoyable.a idiotic.a inconvenient.a unkind.a pointless.a: {EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Paf- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+} & {TOi+ & {LE+}}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or <adj-op>); glad.a fortunate.a unfortunate.a lucky.a unlucky.a happy.a sad.a surprised.a delighted.a overjoyed.a: {EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Pa- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+} & {(Ce+ or TO+ or TH+) & {LE+}}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or ({Ce+ or TO+ or TH+} & <adj-op>)); certain.a: {EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Paf- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+} & {(Ce+ or TOf+ or TH+ or QI+ or (OF+ & {@MV+})) & {LE+}}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or ({Ce+ or TO+ or TH+ or QI+ or OF+} & <adj-op>)); unknown.a questionable.a: {EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Paf- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+} & {QIi+}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or <adj-op>); sure.a unsure.a uncertain.a careful.a: {EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Pa- or AF+ or Ma- ) & {@MV+} & {(Ce+ or TO+ or TH+ or QI+ or (OF+ & {@MV+})) & {LE+}}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or ({Ce+ or TO+ or TH+ or QI+ or OF+} & <adj-op>)); correct.a incorrect.a right.a excited.a disappointed.a upset.a sorry.a content.a determined.a amused.a amazed.a astonished.a astounded.a pleased.a disgusted.a distressed.a dismayed.a irritated.a embarrassed.a alarmed.a: {EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Pa- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+} & {(TO+ or TH+) & {LE+}}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or ({TO+ or TH+} & <adj-op>)); proud.a scared.a: {EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Pa- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+} & {(TO+ or TH+ or (OF+ & {@MV+})) & {LE+}}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or ({TO+ or TH+ or OF+} & <adj-op>)); tired.a pooped.a full.a sick.a critical.a guilty.a typical.a capable.a contemptuous.a incapable.a reminiscent.a scornful.a mindful.a short.a appreciative.a complimentary.a born.a worthy.a free.a terrified.a unworthy.a: {EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Pa- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+} & {OF+ & {@MV+}}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or ({OF+ & {@MV+}} & <adj-op>)); fond.a: {EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Pa- or AF+ or Ma-) & OF+ & {@MV+}) or (OF+ & <adj-op>)); afraid.a ashamed.a unafraid.a unashamed.a: {EA- or EF+} & (((Pa- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+} & {((OF+ & {@MV+}) or Ce+ or TH+ or TO+) & {LE+}}) or ({OF+ or Ce+ or TH+ or TO+} & <adj-op>)); apprehensive.a secure.a optimistic.a pessimistic.a annoyed.a confused.a offended.a insulted.a concerned.a depressed.a doubtful.a grateful.a mad.a mistaken.a hopeful.a unhappy.a: {EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Pa- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+} & {TH+ & {LE+}}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or ({TH+} & <adj-op>)); aware.a unaware.a: {EA- or EF+} & (((Pa- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+} & {(TH+ or (OF+ & {@MV+})) & {LE+}}) or ({TH+ or OF+} & <adj-op>) or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]]); true.a conscious.a confident.a skeptical.a jealous.a suspicious.a envious.a desirous.a convinced.a unconvinced.a: {EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Pa- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+} & {(TH+ or (OF+ & {@MV+})) & {LE+}}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or ({TH+ or OF+} & <adj-op>)); eager.a reluctant.a able.a unable.a impatient.a eligible.a brave.a anxious.a apt.a desperate keen.a prepared.a willing.a hesitant.a: {EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Pa- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+} & {TO+ & {LE+}}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or ({TO+} & <adj-op>)); former.a: A+ or G+ or (DG- & <noun-main-x>); latter.a: DG- & <noun-main-x>; overall.a onetime.a outboard.a pinstripe.a goddam.a de_facto de_jure erstwhile.a foster.a outright.a online.a: A+; pro_forma ad_hoc bona_fide: A+ or Pa-; a_priori a_posteriori: A+ or MVa- or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+); asleep.a awake.a alike.a alive.a ablaze.a adrift.a afire.a aflame.a afloat.a afoot.a aghast.a aglow.a agog.a ajar.a amiss.a askew.a astir.a awash.a awry.a de_rigeur rife.a fraught.a lacking.a: ((Ma- or Pa-) & {@MV+}) or <adj-op>; alone.a: ((Ma- or Pa-) & {@MV+}) or <adj-op> or MVp- or E+; outstanding.a available.a: {EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Pa- or AF+ or Max-) & {@MV+}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or <adj-op>); due.i effective.i: (TY+ or JT+) & <prep-main-b>; north.a south.a east.a west.a northeast.a northwest.a southeast.a southwest.a: <marker-common-entity> or A+ or ({Yd-} & {OF+} & (Pp- or MVp- or Mp- or (Xc+ & Xd- & (MVx- or MX*x-)))) or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]]; northern.a southern.a eastern.a western.a northeastern.a northwestern.a southeastern.a southwestern.a: <marker-common-entity> or A+ or G+; %COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES more: ({ECa-} & (EAm+ or EEm+ or [MVm-] or [EB*m-] or Qe+ or Ca+)) or ({OF+} & (({ECn-} & (Dmum+ or (Ss+ & <CLAUSE>) or Bsm+)) or ({ECx- or ND-} & (Dmcm+ or (Sp+ & <CLAUSE>) or Bpm+)) or ({ECn- or ECx- or ND-} & (Om- or Jm- or (Xd- & MVt+ & Xc+ & MX*m-))))) or (DG- & (({MVa+} & Cs+) or B+ or Dm*w+ or EA+) & (ER- or (Wd- & Xc+ & ER+))); more_of_a more_of_an: Ds*m+; less: ({ECn-} & (Dmum+ or Om- or Jm- or (Ss+ & <CLAUSE>) or Bsm+)) or ({ECa-} & (EAm+ or EEm+ or [MVm-] or [EB*m-])) or (DG- & (({MVa+} & Cs+) or B+ or Dm*w+ or EA+) & (ER- or (Wd- & Xc+ & ER+))); fewer: ({ECn-} & (Dmcm+ or Om- or Jm- or (Sp+ & <CLAUSE>))) or (DG- & Dm*w+ & (ER- or (Wd- & Xc+ & ER+))); farther: ({ECa-} & {K+} & (MVb- or Qe+ or Ca+)) or A+; further.r: ({ECa-} & {K+} & (MVb- or Qe+ or Ca+)) or A+ or E+ or ({Xd-} & Xc+ & CO+); as.y: {EZ-} & ((EAy+ & {HA+}) or EEy+ or AM+); as.z: (MVz- & (((O*c+ or S**c+ or ({SFsic+} & Zc+)) & {Mp+}) or Mpc+ or Cc+)) or (MVzo- & Ct+ & Bc+ & {U+}) or (MVzp- & (CX+ or CQ+)) or (MVza- & Cta+ & ((AFd+ & {Pa+}) or PFc+)); as.p: ((J+ or Mp+ or TI+ or ({SFsic+} & Zs+)) & (({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVp-))) or (Cs+ & (({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVs-))) or ((J+ or Mp+ or BIt+) & ([Mp-] or (Xd- & Xc+ & MX*x-))) or (AZ- & Pa+) or [[(PFc+ or CQ+) & ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVs-)]]; as_possible: MVz-; as_expected as_reported as_imagined as_suspected as_anticipated as_predicted as_realized as_proposed as_intended as_supposed as_hypothesized as_hypothesised as_discussed as_established as_compared as_determined as_measured as_assessed as_demonstrated as_evidenced as_indicated as_revealed as_judged as_detected as_opposed as_observed as_defined as_reflected as_evaluated as_suggested as_monitored as_described as_confirmed as_assayed as_estimated as_analyzed as_identified as_deduced as_documented as_related as_studied as_inferred as_exemplified as_used as_expressed as_visualized as_tested as_manifested as_illustrated as_applied as_mediated as_characterized as_affected as_examined as_ascertained as_quantified as_influenced as_represented as_marked as_induced as_concluded as_calculated as_verified as_required as_recognized as_probed as_presented as_obtained as_needed as_indexed as_derived as_based as_analysed as_supported as_restricted as_recorded as_recommended as_quantitated as_produced as_postulated as_noted as_caused as_summarized as_prepared as_outlined as_occurred as_modified as_localized as_involved as_implied as_gauged as_exhibited as_encountered as_displayed as_contained as_catalyzed as_advocated as_achieved: MVz- or (({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVs-)); % MODIFIED 'THAN' so that it links to the clause following it % using 'C' links -- like a relative clause than: (MVt- & (((O*c+ or ({SFsic+} & Zc+) or U*c+) & {Mp+}) or Mpc+ or S**c+ or MVat+ or MVpt+ or Cc+ or Pafc+)) or ((MVta- or LE-) & Cta+ & ((AFd+ & {Pa+}) or PFc+)) or ((MVti- or LEi-) & AFdi+ & {Pa+}) or (((LE- & {AFd+}) or (LEi- & {AFdi+})) & (THc+ or TOic+ or TOfc+ or (TOtc+ & B+))) or (((MVto- & Ct+ & Bc+ & {U+}) or (MVtp- & (CX+ or CQ+))) & {Mp+}); much: ({EE-} & (MVa- or ECa+ or Ca+ or Qe+)) or ({EEx- or H-} & (ECn+ or Dmu+ or (<noun-sub-s> & (<noun-main-s> or Bsm+)))) or (AM- & (Dmuy+ or MVy- or Oy- or Jy- or EB*y-)); slightly somewhat: EC+ or EA+ or MVa- or Em+; far.c infinitely: EC+; significantly substantially: ({EE- or EF+} & (EC+ or E+ or MVa- or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+))) or ({EE-} & EB-); % comparative adjectives % angrier.a balder.a balmier.a baser.a bawdier.a bigger.a blacker.a <comp-adj>: ({ECa-} & (((Pam- or Mam- or AFm+) & {@MV+}) or ({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & Am+))) or (DG- & (TR+ or AF+) & {@MV+} & (ER- or (Wd- & Xc+ & ER+))); /en/words/words.adj.2: <comp-adj>; easier.a: ({ECa-} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & Am+) or ((Pafm- or AFm+ or Mam-) & {@MV+} & {((TOt+ & B+) or TOi+) & {LE+}}))) or (DG- & (TR+ or AF+) & {@MV+} & {(TOt+ & B+) or TOi+} & (ER- or (Wd- & Xc+ & ER+))); harder.a: ({ECa-} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & Am+) or ((Pafm- or AFm+ or Mam-) & {@MV+} & {((TOt+ & B+) or TOi+) & {LE+}}) or MVb-)) or (DG- & (TR+ or AF+) & {@MV+} & {(TOt+ & B+) or TOi+} & (ER- or (Wd- & Xc+ & ER+))); higher.a deeper.a lower.a faster.a: ({ECa-} & (((Pam- or AFm+ or Mam-) & {@MV+}) or ({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & Am+) or MVb- or Qe+ or Ca+)) or (DG- & (TR+ or AF+ or Cs+) & {@MV+} & (ER- or (Wd- & Xc+ & ER+))); sooner.a: ({ECa- or Yt-} & (((Pam- or AFm+ or Mam-) & {@MV+}) or ({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & Am+) or MVb- or Qe+ or Ca+)) or (DG- & (TR+ or AF+ or Cs+) & {@MV+} & (ER- or (Wd- & Xc+ & ER+))); longer.a: ({ECa- or Yt-} & (((Pam- or AFm+ or Mam-) & {@MV+}) or ({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & Am+) or MVb- or Qe+ or Ca+ or OT- or FL-)) or (DG- & (TR+ or AF+ or Cs+) & {@MV+} & (ER- or (Wd- & Xc+ & ER+))); smarter.a nicer.a worse.a: ({ECa-} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & Am+) or ((Pafm- or AFm+ or Mam-) & {@MV+} & {(TOi+ or THi+) & {LE+}}))) or (DG- & (TR+ or AF+) & {@MV+} & {TOi+ or THi+} & (ER- or (Wd- & Xc+ & ER+))); better.a: ({ECa-} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & Am+) or ((Pafm- or AFm+ or Mam-) & {@MV+} & {(TOi+ or THi+) & {LE+}}) or MVb- or E+ or Qe+ or Ca+)) or (DG- & (TR+ or AF+) & {@MV+} & {TOi+ or THi+} & (ER- or (Wd- & Xc+ & ER+))); different.a: {ECa- or EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & Am+) or ((Pafm- or AFm+ or Mam-) & {@MV+}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or <adj-op>); than_expected than_imagined than_proposed than_suspected than_realized than_intended than_supposed than_reported than_ever than_usual: MVt-; more_than no_more_than fewer_than less_than as_many_as an_estimated an_additional up_to as_much_as no_fewer_than no_less_than greater_than: EN+; at_least: EN+ or CO+ or [[{Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-]] or EB-; % This is not quite right, since there may be other words in between % "all ... but": "All was lost but for one tree." % "Everything but one tree remained." % nothing_but all_but: EN+ or E+; all_but: EN+ or E+; nothing_but: Vd- & I+; % superlative adjectives % angriest.a baldest.a balmiest.a basest.a bawdiest.a biggest.a <superlatives>: ({Xc+} & {NR-} & {[[@Ec-]]} & La-) or ({NR- or ND-} & DD- & <noun-sub-x> & {TOn+} & <noun-main-x>); /en/words/words.adj.3: <superlatives>; sole.a main.a: {Xc+} & {NR-} & {[[@Ec-]]} & L-; same.a own.a: ({Xc+} & {NR-} & {[[@Ec-]]} & La-) or (DD- & <noun-sub-x> & {TOn+} & <noun-main-x>); the_same: {EZ-} & (D**y+ or Oy- or Jy- or MVy-); next.a: ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or MVp- or DTi+ or NR+ or ({Xc+} & {[[@Ec-]]} & L-) or (DD- & <noun-sub-x> & {TOn+} & <noun-main-x>); past.a previous.a: ({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or L- or (Pa- & {@MV+}); following.a remaining.a top.i: L-; hardest.a easiest.a: ({Xc+} & {NR-} & {[[@Ec-]]} & La-) or ({NR- or ND-} & DD- & <noun-sub-x> & {TOt+ & B+} & <noun-main-x>); worst.a longest.a fastest.a furthest.a farthest.a: ({Xc+} & {NR-} & {[[@Ec-]]} & La-) or ({NR- or ND-} & DD- & ((<noun-sub-x> & {TOn+} & <noun-main-x>) or MVa-)); best.a: (({Xc+} & {NR-} & {[[@Ec-]]} & La-) or ({NR- or ND-} & DD- & ((<noun-sub-x> & {TOn+} & <noun-main-x>) or MVa-)) or [[E+]]); %ADVERBS %ADVERBS WHOSE MAIN USE IS ADJECTIVAL far_from: {EE-} & EA+; a_bit a_little_bit: ({EE-} & EA+) or EC+ or EE+ or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-); % pretty.e extremely very_very very_very_very exceptionally unbelievably incurably extraordinarily jolly.e mighty.e damn.e exceedingly overly downright plumb vitally abundantly chronically frightfully genuinely humanly patently singularly supremely unbearably unmistakably unspeakably awfully decidedly demonstrably fashionably frighteningly horrifyingly indescribably intolerably laughably predominantly unalterably undisputedly unpardonably unreasonably unusually hugely infernally: ({EE-} & EA+) or EE+; notoriously.e: ({EE-} & EA+) or EE+ or Em+; % Adverbs whose main use is adjectiveal, but can be used with % adverbs such as "faster", "dumber", etc. % "That one is marginally better". (thus EBm+) % "It's an inherently better method" thus E+ link fabulously incomparably inherently marginally moderately relatively ridiculously unacceptably unarguably undeniably unimaginably: ({EE-} & EA+) or EE+ or ({EE-} & EBm-) or E+; wide.e: EE+; very.e way.e: ({EE-} & EA+) or EE+ or [[La-]]; real.e: [[EA+ or EE+]]; quite: ({EE-} & EA+) or EE+ or EZ+ or [[Em+]]; amazingly strangely incredibly: ({EE-} & EA+) or EE+ or ({Xd- & Xc+} & Em+) or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or EBm- or (Xd- & Xc+ & MVa-); rather: EA+ or EE+ or Vw- or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+); particularly: EA+ or EE+ or Em+ or EB- or (MVl- & (MVp+ or MVa+ or MVs+)) or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+); notably: EB- or EA+ or EE+ or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+); almost nearly: EA+ or EE+ or EN+ or EZ+ or Em+ or EBm-; just_about: Em+ or EN+ or EZ+ or EA+; entirely reasonably absolutely highly fairly totally completely terribly: EA+ or EE+ or ({EE- or EF+} & (({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-) or Em+ or Qe+ or Ca+)); % allowing as opener also altogether equally: EA+ or EE+ or ({EE- or EF+} & (({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-) or Em+ or Qe+ or Ca+)) or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+); really: EA+ or EE+ or Em+ or EBm-; surprisingly: EA+ or EE+ or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & E+) or (Xd- & Xc+ & MVa-); especially: EA+ or EE+ or EB- or Em+ or (MVl- & (MVp+ or MVa+ or MVs+)) or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+); virtually: EA+ or EE+ or EN+ or EZ+ or Em+; wholly fully critically greatly grossly duly unduly: EA+ or ({EE- or EF+} & (({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-) or Em+ or Qe+ or Ca+)); seemingly utterly: EA+ or Em+; barely scarcely hardly merely truly practically: Em+ or EBm- or EA+; partly.e largely.e mostly.e chiefly.e simply.e1 purely.e solely.e: Em+ or EA+ or EB- or (MVl- & (MVp+ or MVa+ or MVs+)); /en/words/words.adv.3: % adverbs like "biochemically" EA+ or ({Xd- & Xc+} & (E+ or MVa-)) or EBm- or ({{Xd-} & Xc+} & CO+); in_part: EB- or (MVl- & (MVp+ or MVa+ or MVs+)); % academically administratively aesthetically %ADVERBS WHOSE ONLY (MAIN) USE IS POST_VERBAL far.e: {EE- or EF+} & (({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-) or Ca+ or Qe+ or Yd+); barefoot.e willy-nilly quarterly.e madly.e outright.e properly.e staccato.e legato.e all_the_way all_the_time anymore.e aloud.e upwards.e downwards.e upward.e downward.e inward.e outward.e inwards.e outwards.e anytime.e live.e wholesale.e anew.e forever.e awhile.e aback.e afoul.e afresh.e aloft.e amok.e amuck.e onstage.e apiece.e askance.e astern.e asunder.e inter_alia mutatis_mutandis par_excellence upside-down.e ab_initio ad_infinitum ad_lib ad_libitum ad_nauseum en_masse aground.e astray.e into_account into_effect to_market to_bid from_scratch to_office for_office for_good at_once to_normal to_bed to_town into_office in_advance to_trial by_lot in_stride by_credit_card by_ear by_foot in_kind en_masse to_mind in_mind in_pencil in_pen to_scale for_trial all_right full_time part_time by_proxy: ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-); wild.e rampant.e shut.e tight.e open.e loud.e hot.e cold.e free.e: {EE- or EF+} & (({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-) or Ca+); hard.e wrong.e: {EE- or EF+} & (({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-) or Qe+ or Ca+); early.e late.e: {EE- or EF+} & (({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-) or TA+ or Qe+ or Ca+); yet.e: ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-) or EBm-; % Adjectives that appear post-verbally e.g. "she wiped the table dry" % These are more or less adverbs ... dry.e flat.e blind.e: {EE- or EF+ } & MVa-; %ADVERBS USABLE POST-VERBALLY OR PRE-VERBALLY finely specially literally heavily alternately severely dearly voluntarily dramatically flatly purposely jointly narrowly universally thickly widely: {EE- or EF+} & (({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-) or Em+ or Qe+ or Ca+ or [[EA+]]); respectively: ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & E+) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & EB-); long.e: E+ or ({EE- or EF+} & (({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-) or OT- or FL- or Yt+)); daily.e nightly.e weekly.e monthly.e yearly.e hourly.e partially: ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-) or E+ or EB-; exactly.e: E+ or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-) or EB- or EN+ or EZ+; well.e: ({EE- or EF+} & (({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-) or Qe+ or Ca+ or [E+])) or [{EA- or EF+} & (Pa- or AF+)] or Yd+; roughly approximately: EA+ or ({EE- or EF+} & (EN+ or EZ+ or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-) or E+)) or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+); together: ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-) or E+ or K- or [Mp-] or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+); definitely: {EE-} & (E+ or EB- or (Xd- & Xc+ & MVa-)); by_far: EB- or E+ or MVa-; hereby thereby reputedly: E+ or ({Xd- & Xc+} & EB-) or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+); %ADVERBS USABLE POST-VERBALLY, PRE-VERBALLY, OR AS OPENERS initially already somehow again once_again nowadays sometimes nevertheless nonetheless at_first at_best at_present of_late indeed: ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-) or E+ or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or EBm-; twice: ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-) or E+ or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or EBm- or ({EN-} & EZ+); hence: (Yt- & ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-)) or E+ or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or EBm-; otherwise formerly lately: ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-) or E+ or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or EB-; also: ({Xd- & Xc+} & (E+ or MVa-)) or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or EB-; gradually.e sadly.e broadly.e clearly.e annually.e characteristically.e comparatively.e confidentially.e currently.e fundamentally.e hypothetically.e ironically.e justifiably.e momentarily.e mercifully.e nominally.e ominously.e periodically.e precisely.e realistically.e simultaneously.e subsequently.e superficially.e thankfully.e unofficially.e effectively.e traditionally.e briefly.e eventually.e ultimately.e mysteriously.e naturally.e oddly.e plainly.e truthfully.e appropriately.e simply.e2: {EE- or EF+} & (({Xd- & Xc+} & (MVa- or E+)) or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or EB- or Qe+ or Ca+ or [[EA+]]); occasionally.e often.e specifically.e generally.e originally.e: {EE- or EF+} & (({Xd- & Xc+} & (MVa- or E+)) or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or EB- or Qe+ or Ca+); % ordinary manner adverbs % abjectly ably abnormally abortively abruptly absent-mindedly absently <ordinary-adv>: {EE- or EF+} & (({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-) or Em+ or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or Qe+ or Ca+ or [[EA+]]); /en/words/words.adv.1: <ordinary-adv>; /en/words/words-medical.adv.1: <ordinary-adv>; differently: {EE- or EF+} & (({MVp+} & {Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-) or Em+ or ({MVp+} & {Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or Qe+ or Ca+ or [[EA+]]); independently: {EE- or EF+} & (({(MVp+ or OF+)} & {Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-) or Em+ or ({(MVp+ or OF+)} & {Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or Qe+ or Ca+ or [[EA+]]); shortly: {EE- or EF+} & (({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-) or E+ or EI+ or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or Qe+ or Ca+); immediately stat.e: ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-) or E+ or EI+ or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or EB-; soon: ({EE- or EF+} & (({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-) or E+ or EI+ or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or EB- or Qe+ or Ca+)) or ({EA- or EF+} & (Pa- or AF+)); certainly possibly probably importantly remarkably interestingly: {EE-} & (E+ or (Xd- & Xc+ & (E+ or MVa-)) or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & EB-)); /en/words/words.adv.2: % ordinary clausal adverbs E+ or (Xd- & Xc+ & (E+ or MVa-)) or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or EBm-; % absurdly actually additionally admittedly allegedly alternatively % These are taken from words.adv.2 and allowed EB- when separated by % commas. however.e consequently.e moreover.e potentially.e conversely.e finally.e actually.e: E+ or (Xd- & Xc+ & (E+ or MVa-)) or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & EBm-); % TODO: "similarly" and "differently" get very different linking requirements. % see if these should be made the same. similarly.e: ({MVp+} & {Xd- & Xc+} & (E+ or MVa-)) or ({MVp+} & {Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & EBm-); not_suprisingly: E+ or (Xd- & Xc+ & (E+ or MVa-)) or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or EBm-; though.e: (Xd- & Xc+ & (E+ or MVa-)) or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+); still.e presumably undoubtedly evidently apparently usually typically perhaps: E+ or (Xd- & Xc+ & (E+ or MVa-)) or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or EB-; in_fact of_course in_effect for_example for_instance e.g. i.e. : E+ or (Xd- & Xc+ & (E+ or MVa-)) or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or (EB- & {Xc+}) or ({Xd-} & CC- & Wd+); % ADVERBS USABLE POST_VERBALLY OR AS OPENERS % Note that similar interjective openers will be given COp+ links % by the UNKNOWN-WORD.a rule -- "Umm, I think he did it." no.e nope.e nah.e no_way yes.e yeah.e yep.e yup.e ok.e okay.e OK.e fine.e sure.e whatever.e someday.e sometime.e thereafter.e anyhow.e anyway.e overall.e afterwards.e afterward.e lengthwise.e worldwide.e nationwide.e statewide.e world-wide.e nation-wide.e state-wide.e industrywide.e instead.e prima_facie before_long by_hand by_car by_plane by_boat by_bus by_train by_phone by_telephone in_person at_long_last on_cue on_arrival by_request in_total in_turn over_and_over later_on for_now day_by_day day_after_day step_by_step one_by_one for_sure for_certain even_so more_often_than_not all_of_a_sudden: ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-) or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+); % Openers to directives, commands (Ic+ connection to infinitives) % These are semantically important interjections ... no.misc-interj nope.misc-interj nah.misc-interj no_way yes.misc-interj yeah.misc-interj yep.misc-interj yup.misc-interj ok.misc-interj okay.misc-interj OK.misc-interj fine.misc-interj sure.misc-interj whatever.misc-interj anyhow.misc-interj anyway.misc-interj afterwards.misc-interj afterward.misc-interj instead.misc-interj exactly.misc-interj by_hand by_car by_plane by_boat by_bus by_train by_phone by_telephone in_person at_long_last on_cue on_arrival by_request in_total in_turn over_and_over later_on for_now day_by_day day_after_day step_by_step one_by_one for_sure for_certain even_so more_often_than_not all_of_a_sudden: <directive-opener>; % sort-of-like given names ... stop.misc-inf sir.misc-inf madam.misc-inf ma'am: <directive-opener>; high.e deep.e low.e: {EE- or EF+} & (({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-) or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or Ca+ or Qe+); left.e right.e straight.e: ({EE- or EF+} & (({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-) or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or Qe+ or Ca+)) or (Kx- & Ky+) or (Pp- & Pp+); short.e: {Yd- or EE- or EF+} & {OF+} & ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-); %ADVERBS USABLE ONLY PRE-VERBALLY (OR PRE-/OPENER) newly: E+; rightly: {EE-} & E+; necessarily no_longer: E+ or EBm-; ever: E+ or EBm- or EC+ or MVa-; never.e always: {EN-} & (E+ or EB-); seldom rarely.e: {EE-} & (E+ or EB-); just.e: E+ or EB- or (MVl- & (MVa+ or MVp+ or MVs+)) or EN+ or EZ+; maybe: CO+; meantime.e secondly thirdly in_brief in_short in_sum in_essence: ({Xd- & Xc+} & E+) or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+); furthermore: ({Xd- & Xc+} & E+) or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or EB-; mainly primarily: E+ or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or EB- or (MVl- & (MVa+ or MVp+ or MVs+)); only: La- or E+ or EN+ or EB- or (MVl- & (MVp+ or MVa+ or MVs+)) or MVa- or (Rnx+ & <CLAUSE-E>) or (MVp+ & Wq- & Q+); never.i at_no_time not_once rarely.i since_when: {MVp+} & Wq- & Q+ & {CC+}; not_since: (J+ or Cs+) & Wq- & Q+ & {CC+}; even.e: E+ or EC+ or EB- or ((MVp+ or MVa+ or MVs+) & (MVl- or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+))) or (Rnx+ & <CLAUSE-E>); not_even: Rnx+ & <CLAUSE-E>; too: {ECa-} & (EA+ or EE+ or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-) or (Xd- & Xc+ & E+)); so: (EAxk+ & {HA+}) or ({EZ-} & EExk+) or ((({Xd-} & CC-) or ({Xc+} & Wc-)) & (Wd+ or Qd+ or Ws+ or Wq+)) or (Wq- & (PF+ or CQ+)) or O-; % original % sufficiently: {EE-} & (EAxk+ or EExk+ or MVak-); % modified sufficiently: {EE-} & (EAxk+ or EExk+ or ({Xd- & Xc+} &MVa-) or E+); so_that: Cs+ & {Xd- & Xc+} & MVs-; % much like an ordinary adverb, except even more commas allowed % please.e: <ordinary-adv>; please.e: {EE- or EF+} & (({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-) or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & (Em+ or CO+)) or Qe+ or Ca+ or [[EA+]]); % polite command verb please.w thank_you: {Ic-} & Wi- & {{Xc+} & Vv+}; % MISCELLANEOUS WORDS AND PUNCTUATION etc: {Xi-} & Xd- & Xc+ & (MX- or MVa-); so_on the_like: (<noun-sub-x> & <noun-main-x>) or ((<verb-i> or <verb-sp,pp> or <verb-pg,ge> or <verb-pv>) & {@MV+}) or M- or MV-; % Assorted interjections, treat at unknown adjectives. er err.j errr um.j umm uh uhh oh ohh ooo woo_hoo gee gosh wow ah ahh eh ehh hmm hmmm hoo zowie emoticonID0 emoticonID1 emoticonID2 emoticonID3 emoticonID4 emoticonID5 emoticonID6 emoticonID7 emoticonID8 emoticonID9 emoticonID10 emoticonID11 emoticonID12 emoticonID13 emoticonID14 emoticonID15 emoticonID16 emoticonID17 emoticonID18 emoticonID19 emoticonID20 emoticonID21 emoticonID22 emoticonID23 emoticonID24 emoticonID25 emoticonID26 emoticonID27 emoticonID28 emoticonID29 emoticonID30 emoticonID31 emoticonID32 emoticonID33 emoticonID34 emoticonID35 emoticonID36 emoticonID37 emoticonID38 emoticonID39 emoticonID40 emoticonID41 emoticonID42 emoticonID43 emoticonID44 emoticonID45 emoticonID46 emoticonID47 emoticonID48 emoticonID49 emoticonID50 emoticonID51 emoticonID52 emoticonID53 emoticonID54 emoticonID55 emoticonID56 emoticonID57 emoticonID58 emoticonID59: ({EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Pa- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+}) or AA+ or <adj-op>)) or ({{Ic-} & [[Wi-]]} & {{Xd-} & Xc+} & Ic+); ".": ((Xp- or ({@Xca-} & Xc-)) & RW+) or Xi-; "!" "?": ((Xp- or ({@Xca-} & Xc-)) & RW+) or ({@Xca-} & Xq+); ",": ({@Xca- or [[[@Xc-]]]} & (({EBx+} & Xd+) or Xc-)); ";": {@Xca-} & Xx- & (W+ or Qd+) & {Xx+}; "…" ":" "•": ({@Xca-} & ((Xx- & (W+ or J+ or Qd+ or TH+ or TOn+) & {Xx+}) or Xe-)); % The percent sign following a number % Also -- see above, for handling of 12ft. 12in. not just 12% "%": (ND- & {DD-} & <noun-sub-x> & (<noun-main-x>)) or (ND- & (OD- or AN+)); % See also /en/words/currency for curency names that follow a number. $ USD.c US$.c C$.c AUD.c AUD$.c HK.c HK$.c £ ₤ € ₳ ฿ ¢ ₵ ₡ ₢ ₫ ₣ ₴ ₭ ℳ ₥ ₦ ₧ ₰ ₨ ₪ ৳ ₮ ₩ ¥ 호점 † †† ‡ § ¶ © № "#": NMx+ & (AN+ or NMy- or [[G+]] or (NIfu+ or NItu-) or ({EN- or NIc- or [[A- & NSa-]]} & {@MX+} & (OD- or ({DD-} & {[[@M+]]} & (<noun-main-p> or [[(Ss+ & <CLAUSE>) or SIs-]]))))); "&": G- & {Xd- & G-} & G+; "’" "'": YP- & (({AL-} & {@L+} & (D+ or DD+)) or [[<noun-main-x>]] or DP+); "'s.p" "’s.p": YS- & (({AL-} & {@L+} & (D+ or DD+)) or [[<noun-main-x>]] or DP+); % lparen, rparen, etc. is to be generated by the entity detector, and % substituted, at will. This helps avoid screw-ups in the constituent % tree, and in other places where things can get wrecked by raw % punctuation. % lparenID0 lparenID1 lparenID2 lparenID3 lparenID4 lparenID5 lparenID6 lparenID7 lparenID8 lparenID9 lparenID10 lparenID11 lparenID12 lparenID13 lparenID14 lparenID15 lparenID16 lparenID17 lparenID18 lparenID19 lparenID20 lparenID21 lparenID22 lparenID23 lparenID24 lparenID25 lparenID26 lparenID27 lparenID28 lparenID29 lparenID30 lparenID31 lparenID32 lparenID33 lparenID34 lparenID35 lparenID36 lparenID37 lparenID38 lparenID39 lparenID40 lparenID41 lparenID42 lparenID43 lparenID44 lparenID45 lparenID46 lparenID47 lparenID48 lparenID49 lparenID50 lparenID51 lparenID52 lparenID53 lparenID54 lparenID55 lparenID56 lparenID57 lparenID58 lparenID59 lbracketID0 lbracketID1 lbracketID2 lbracketID3 lbracketID4 lbracketID5 lbracketID6 lbracketID7 lbracketID8 lbracketID9 lbracketID10 lbracketID11 lbracketID12 lbracketID13 lbracketID14 lbracketID15 lbracketID16 lbracketID17 lbracketID18 lbracketID19 lbracketID20 lbracketID21 lbracketID22 lbracketID23 lbracketID24 lbracketID25 lbracketID26 lbracketID27 lbracketID28 lbracketID29 lbracketID30 lbracketID31 lbracketID32 lbracketID33 lbracketID34 lbracketID35 lbracketID36 lbracketID37 lbracketID38 lbracketID39 lbracketID40 lbracketID41 lbracketID42 lbracketID43 lbracketID44 lbracketID45 lbracketID46 lbracketID47 lbracketID48 lbracketID49 lbracketID50 lbracketID51 lbracketID52 lbracketID53 lbracketID54 lbracketID55 lbracketID56 lbracketID57 lbracketID58 lbracketID59 "(" "[": {EBx+} & Xd+; rparenID0 rparenID1 rparenID2 rparenID3 rparenID4 rparenID5 rparenID6 rparenID7 rparenID8 rparenID9 rparenID10 rparenID11 rparenID12 rparenID13 rparenID14 rparenID15 rparenID16 rparenID17 rparenID18 rparenID19 rparenID20 rparenID21 rparenID22 rparenID23 rparenID24 rparenID25 rparenID26 rparenID27 rparenID28 rparenID29 rparenID30 rparenID31 rparenID32 rparenID33 rparenID34 rparenID35 rparenID36 rparenID37 rparenID38 rparenID39 rparenID40 rparenID41 rparenID42 rparenID43 rparenID44 rparenID45 rparenID46 rparenID47 rparenID48 rparenID49 rparenID50 rparenID51 rparenID52 rparenID53 rparenID54 rparenID55 rparenID56 rparenID57 rparenID58 rparenID59 rbracketID0 rbracketID1 rbracketID2 rbracketID3 rbracketID4 rbracketID5 rbracketID6 rbracketID7 rbracketID8 rbracketID9 rbracketID10 rbracketID11 rbracketID12 rbracketID13 rbracketID14 rbracketID15 rbracketID16 rbracketID17 rbracketID18 rbracketID19 rbracketID20 rbracketID21 rbracketID22 rbracketID23 rbracketID24 rbracketID25 rbracketID26 rbracketID27 rbracketID28 rbracketID29 rbracketID30 rbracketID31 rbracketID32 rbracketID33 rbracketID34 rbracketID35 rbracketID36 rbracketID37 rbracketID38 rbracketID39 rbracketID40 rbracketID41 rbracketID42 rbracketID43 rbracketID44 rbracketID45 rbracketID46 rbracketID47 rbracketID48 rbracketID49 rbracketID50 rbracketID51 rbracketID52 rbracketID53 rbracketID54 rbracketID55 rbracketID56 rbracketID57 rbracketID58 rbracketID59 ")" "]": {@Xca-} & Xc-; – --.r -.r: [[{@Xca-} & Xx- & (W+ or J+ or Qd+ or TH+ or TO+) & {Xx+}]] or ({@Xca-} & (({EBx+} & Xd+) or Xc-)); foo: F+; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Morphology guessing for unknown words. % Given a particular kind of ending to a word, try to guess % its part-of-speech. % ING-WORDS.g: (<verb-pg> & <vc-tr,intr>) or (<vc-tr,intr> & <verb-ge>) % or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-ge>; ING-WORDS.g: [((<verb-pg> & <vc-tr,intr>) or (<vc-tr,intr> & <verb-ge>) or ({@E- or EA-} & A+) or <verb-ge>)] or (((( {@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}}) ) & (({D*u-} & <noun-sub-s> & (<noun-main-m> or Bsm+)) or (YS+ & {D*u-}) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])) or Us-)) or AN+ or {AN-}); ED-WORDS.v: (<verb-sp,pp> & <vc-tr,intr>) or <verb-pv> or ({@E-} & A+); S-WORDS.v: <verb-s> & <vc-tr,intr>; S-WORDS.n: {NM+} & (({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & (({Dmc-} & <noun-sub-p> & (<noun-main-p> or Bpm+)) or (YP+ & {Dmc-}) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])) or Up-)) or [[AN+]]); LY-WORDS.e: {EE- or EF+} & (({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-) or Em+ or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or Qe+ or Ca+ or [[EA+]]); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Morphology guessing extension rules from BioLG-1.1.12 % Words guessed based on morphology. % These occur primarily in biomedical and chemistry texts. % These are processed via regular-expression matching, in 4.0.regex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MC-NOUN-WORDS.n: % guessed nouns that can be mass or countable (-in, -ine, -ion, -yl, -ose, -ol, -ide, -ity) {NM+} & (({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & (({D*u-} & <noun-sub-s> & (<noun-main-m> or Bsm+)) or (YS+ & {D*u-}) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])) or Us-)) or AN+); C-NOUN-WORDS.n: % guessed nouns that are countable (-on, -or) {NM+} & (({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & ((Ds- & <noun-sub-s> & (<noun-main-s> or Bsm+)) or (YS+ & Ds-) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])) or Us-)) or AN+); ADJ-WORDS.a: % guessed adjectives (-ous, -ar, -ic) {EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Pa- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or <adj-op>); % guessed adjectives/adverbs suffixed by "fold" with or without hyphen FOLD-WORDS: ({EN-} & (MVp- or EC+ or A+)) or Em+; % latin (postposed) adjectives considered as singular nouns % in the current version LATIN-ADJ-WORDS.a: {NM+} & (({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & (({D*u-} & <noun-sub-s> & (<noun-main-m> or Bsm+)) or (YS+ & {D*u-}) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])) or Us-)) or AN+); % latin (postposed) adjectives or latin plural noun always considered % as nouns in the current version LATIN-ADJ-P-NOUN-WORDS: {NM+} & (({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & (({Dmc-} & <noun-sub-p> & (<noun-main-p> or Bpm+)) or (YS+ & {Dmc-}) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])) or Up-)) or AN+); % latin (postposed) adjectives or latin singular noun always % considered as nouns in the current version LATIN-ADJ-S-NOUN-WORDS: {NM+} & (({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & (({D*u-} & <noun-sub-s> & (<noun-main-m> or Bsm+)) or (YS+ & {D*u-}) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])) or Us-)) or AN+); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Guessing of unknown words, if none of the above rules applied. UNKNOWN-WORD.n: {NM+} & ({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & (({D*u-} & <noun-sub-s> & (<noun-main-m> or Bsm+)) or (YS+ & {D*u-}) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])) or U-)); UNKNOWN-WORD.v: {@E-} & (Sp- or (RS- & Bp-) or I- or ({Ic-} & Wi-)) & {B- or O+} & {@MV+}; UNKNOWN-WORD.a: {EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Pa- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+}) or AA+ or <adj-op>); LEFT-WALL: (Wd+ or Wq+ or Ws+ or Wj+ or Wc+ or Wi+ or Qd+) & {CP+} & {Xx+} & {RW+ or Xp+}; RIGHT-WALL: RW- or ({@Xca-} & Xc-); ANDABLE-CONNECTORS: % these are the connectors that can be combined by % conjunctions. They are listed alphabetically. A+ & A- & AF- & AN+ & B+ & B- & BI- & C+ & C- & CC+ & CO+ & CO- & D+ & D- & DD- & DT- & E+ & E- & EA- & G+ & GN+ & GN- & I+ & I- & IN- & J+ & J- & JT- & K- & L- & M+ & M- & MV- & MV+ & MX- & ND+ & NM+ & NIn+ & O+ & O- & ON- & QI+ & QI- & P- & PP- & Q- & R+ & RS- & S+ & S- & SI- & TA- & TD+ & TD- & TH+ & TH- & TI- & TM- & TO- & TS- & U- & Wd- & Wi- & Wq- & Ws- & Xc+ & Xd- & YP+ & YS+ & Z-; UNLIMITED-CONNECTORS: % These are the link-types that are not subject % to the length limit. Always use "+" for these. S+ & CO+ & C+ & Xc+ & MV+ & CC+ & TH+ & W+ & RW+ & Xp+ & Xx+ & CP+ & SFsx+; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Extensions by Peter Szolovits, psz@mit.edu, as a part of the work for % "Adding a Medical Lexicon to an English Parser. Proc. AMIA 2003 Annual % Symposium, xx-yy. % Visit http://www.medg.lcs.mit.edu/projects/text/ for more information. % % Copyright (c) 2003, Peter Szolovits and MIT. disincline.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-design>; % whereas: % (Cs+ & {Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO*s+) or ({Xd-} & CC- & Wd+); % ??? should "although" (listed above) be listed here instead? in_as_much_as whilst whereas whereof wherein: Cs+ & (({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO*s+) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVs-)); endeavor.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-consent>; benumbed.a bespattered.a non_compos_mentis dead_on_arrival bedimmed.a null_and_void bedewed.a au_fait dead_of_other_causes right_sacrotransverse above_board K/O.a SGA.a TBA.a DOA.a asialo.a syntonic.a loco.a haywire.a: ((Ma- or Pa-) & {@MV+}) or <adj-op>; anally intra-arterially incisionally intravascularly intramuscularly intraperitoneally endotracheally up_and_down dermally intrathecally ventrally: {Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-; subject_to status_post in_conjunction_with sensu in_relation_to neath amidst across_from circa astride previous_to together_with as_regards s/p aka amongst unto apropos_of w.i W.i: ({JQ+} & (J+ or Mgp+) & <prep-main-a>) or (MVp- & B-); agriculturally histochemically generically behaviorally putatively ethnoculturally syllabically societally archeologically actuarially gynaecologically aetiopathogenetically assumedly biotically atypically cognitively prognostically synoptically pathogenetically esthetically heretofore: EA+ or ({Xd- & Xc+} & (E+ or MVa-)) or EBm- or ({{Xd-} & Xc+} & CO+); questionably neonatally axially ante_meridiem revolutionally nonspecifically cardiovascularly cytochemically maddeningly interictally overridingly neurally thereto morbidly neuroectodermally therapeutically lastingly immunophenotypically: EA+ or EE+; drowse.v riffle.v caw.v ruck.v agonize.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-walk>; oftenest correctliest soonest disquietingliest: EA+; proof-reads.v proof_reads gells.v O.K.'s.v OK's.v O.K.’s OK’s: <verb-s> & <vc-intrans>; propension.n: ({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & ((Ds- & {@M+} & {(TOn+ or (R+ & Bs+)) & {[[@M+]]}} & {@MXs+} & (<noun-main-s> or Bsm+)) or Us- or (YS+ & Ds-) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])))) or AN+; avow.q: [[{@E-} & (((Sp- or I-) & <vc-paraph>) or (SIpj+ & <vc-paraph-inv>))]]; test-drove.v forbore.v oversaw.v strove.v throve.v shrove.v countersank.v outgrew.v strode.v offsetted.v overthrew.v partook.v begot.v overdid.v smote.v stank.v quick-froze.v backbit.v awoke.v redid.v chidded.v reran.v rived.v befell.v outrode.v betrode.v outdid.v ridded.v deep-froze.v forbad.v deep-freezed.v retook.v interwove.v bespoke.v underwent.v slew.v overdrew.v overcame.v outwore.v foreknew.v wove.v trod.v outwent.v: <verb-sp> & <vc-fill>; longest-term.a: ({Xc+} & {NR-} & {[[@Ec-]]} & La-) or ({NR- or ND-} & DD- & ((<noun-sub-x> & {TOn+} & <noun-main-x>) or MVa-)); daren't mayn't shan't oughtn't mightn't daren’t mayn’t shan’t oughtn’t mightn’t: ({{Ic-} & Q-} & (SI+ or SFI+) & I+) or ({@E-} & (S- or SF- or (RS- & B-)) & (I+ or [[()]])); longer-term.a: ({ECa-} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & Am+) or ((Pafm- or AFm+ or Mam-) & {@MV+} & {(TOi+ or THi+) & {LE+}}))) or (DG- & (TR+ or AF+) & {@MV+} & {TOi+ or THi+} & (ER- or (Wd- & Xc+ & ER+))); prognostic.a: {EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Pa- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+} & {OF+ & {@MV+}}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or ({OF+ & {@MV+}} & <adj-op>)); attestation.n: ({@AN-} & {@A- & {[[@AN-]]}} & (({D*u-} & {@M+} & {(TH+ or (R+ & Bs+)) & {[[@M+]]}} & {@MXs+} & (<noun-main2-m> or (Ss*t+ & <CLAUSE>) or SIs*t- or Bsm+)) or Us- or (YS+ & {D*u-}) or (GN+ & (DD- or [()])))) or AN+; O.K.'d.v OK'd.v O.K.’d.v OK’d.v: <verb-sp,pp> & <vc-intrans>; whence whither: {EL+} & (Cs+ & (({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVs-))); articulo_mortis intra_vitam in_articulo_mortis in_extremis post_cibum post_coitum: <prep-main-t> or JT- or [[E+]] or YS+ or [[<noun-main-s>]]; befallen.v interwoven.v overborne.v outgone.v outgrown.v test-driven.v outdone.v shrunken.v countersunk.v bespoken.v underlain.v partaken.v redone.v overdone.v outridden.v deep-frozen.v bestrid.v undergone.v outbidden.v shorn.v outworn.v bestridden.v stunk.v borne.v slain.v woven.v riven.v backbitten.v overlain.v bestrewn.v forborne.v quick-frozen.v browbeaten.v aquitted.v overseen.v smitten.v overdrawn.v striven.v thriven.v shriven.v backslidden.v retaken.v trodden.v chidden.v begotten.v sown.v sewn.v sawn.v hewn.v cloven.v foreknown.v overthrown.v strewn.v awoken.v bidden.v stridden.v: (<verb-pp> & <vc-fill>) or (<verb-pv> & {K+}) or ({@E-} & A+) or ({K+} & <verb-po>); epidurally.e: {EE- or EF+} & (({Xd- & Xc+} & MVa-) or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or Ca+ or Qe+); forgone.v curretted.v forsworn.v oversewn.v over-eaten.v foresworn.v overeaten.v: (<verb-pp> & <vc-kick>) or (<verb-pv-b> & {K+} & {@MV+}) or ({@E-} & A+) or ({K+} & <verb-po>); lest: (Cs+ or Mgp+ or Mv+) & (({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO*s+) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVs-) or (Xd- & Xc+ & E+)); disbelieve.v frizz.v frizzle.v prink.v slough.v scuff.v tog.v swot.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-fill>; whyever: ({EL+} & ((Wq- & Q+) or (QI- & (Cs+ or TOn+)) or (Cs+ & ((SFsx+ & <S-CLAUSE>) or WY- or BIq-)))) or [[{@CO-} & Wc- & Wi+]]; well-known.a: {EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Paf- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+} & {(THi+ or Ci+) & {LE+}}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or <adj-op>); poetical.a: {EA- or EF+} & (({[[@Ec-]]} & {Xc+} & A+) or ((Paf- or AF+ or Ma-) & {@MV+} & {(THi+ or TOi+) & {LE+}}) or AA+ or [[DD- & <noun-main-p>]] or <adj-op>); contrarily namely neurologically coincidentally reversibly viz: E+ or (Xd- & Xc+ & (E+ or MVa-)) or ({Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO+) or EBm-; albeit: (Cs+ & {Xc+ & {Xd-}} & CO*s+) or ({Xd-} & CC- & Wd+); whichever: ({EL+} & (((Ss*d+ or Bsd+ or BW+ or D**w+) & (<noun-main-s> or (Xc+ & {Xd-} & CO+) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVs-))) or [[(O- or J-) & CX+]])) or ((ALx+ & J+) & (({Xd-} & Xc+ & CO+) or ({Xd- & Xc+} & MVs-))); skittle.v: <verb-pl,i> & <vc-kick>; proof-reading.v proof_reading O.K.'ing.v OK'ing.v O.K.’ing.v OK’ing.v: (<vc-intrans> & <verb-pg,ge>) or ({@E-} & A+) or <verb-ge-d>; overate.v over-ate.v forewent.v oversewed.v forswore.v foreswore.v forwent.v: <verb-sp> & <vc-kick>; whomever: (R- & Cr+) or (B*w+ & (Wq- or QI*d- or BIqd- or ((Xc+ or [[[()]]]) & Xd- & MX*r-))) or (Jr- & (RS+ or Cr+)) or Jw-; thyself oneself one's one’s: J- or O- or E+ or MVa-; ensheathing.v roughcasting.v chemosensitizing.v over-feeding.v stabilising.v over-hanging.v overstaging.v curetting.v overhanging.v poleaxing.v whizzing.v re-equilibrating.v crossmatching.v oversewing.v lassooing.v over-eating.v breast-feeding.v chemosensitising.v pre-setting.v psyching.v taring.v KO'ing.v KO’ing.v pole-axing.v rough-casting.v premiering.v under-feeding.v presetting.v tinging.v underfeeding.v: <verb-pg> & <vc-trans>;