Error_auth_required_Message=To perform this action you have to be logged in. Please, log in and try again. If the error persists, contact support service.
Error_reg_required_Title=Not registered
Error_reg_required_Message=To perform this action you have to be registered on Favourites service.<html:br/><html:br/>Please, visit <html:a href=""></html:a> to register and try again.<html:br/><html:br/>If the error persists, contact <html:a href="">support service</html:a>.
Error_lost_connection_Title=Error %S
Error_lost_connection_Message=Network connectivity failure. Please, check your connection, network settings and try again. If the error persists, contact our support service.
Error_spam_Title=Error %S
Error_spam_Message=You have just added some bookmarks. Please, wait a while before adding another one.
Error_service_Title=Error %S
Error_service_Message=Sorry, internal service error occurred. Please, try %S again. If the error persists, contact our support service.
Error_input_Title=Error %S
Error_input_Message=Sorry, error %S occurred. Please, try updating bookmark list and %S try again. If the error persists, contact our support service.
Error_bgfailed_Title=Adding bookmark failed
Error_bgfailed_Message=Bookmarks could not be added for the following pages:\n%S\n%S.
ConfirmDeletefolderMsg=Do you really want to delete "%S" and all of its contents?
ConfirmDeletelinkTitle=Delete bookmark
ConfirmDeletelinkMsg=Do you really want to delete bookmark "%S"?
MaxLengthTooltipText=Maximum tag length - %S characters service is temporarily unavailable service is currently unavailable.\n\nYou can only add the link to Yandex.Favourites or go back and try to publish the link on once again.\n\nDo you want to add the link to Favourites only?