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- /*
- ===========================================================================
- Copyright (C) 2007 Open Arena Team
- This file is part of Open Arena.
- Open Arena is free software; you can redistribute it
- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
- or (at your option) any later version.
- Open Arena is distributed in the hope that it will be
- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with Open Arena; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- ===========================================================================
- */
- #include "ui/menudef.h"
- {
- MenuDef {
- name endOfGame
- visible 0
- fullscreen 1
- rect 0 0 640 480
- background MP_BACKGROUND
- focuscolor MP_FOCUSCOLOR
- onClose { uiScript updateSPMenu; }
- onEsc { close endOfGame; open skirmish; }
- onOpen { close ingame; }
- itemDef {
- name next
- text "Next"
- textstyle 6
- textscale .25
- rect 450 50 20 10
- textalign 0
- textaligny 10
- forecolor MP_TEXTCOLOR
- backcolor 0 0 0 0
- visible 1
- action { uiScript nextSkirmish; close endOfGame; close main }
- }
- itemDef {
- name tomain
- text "Back"
- textstyle 6
- textscale .25
- rect 295 50 20 10
- textalign 0
- textaligny 10
- forecolor MP_TEXTCOLOR
- backcolor 0 0 0 0
- visible 1
- action {
- close endofgame;
- open skirmish;
- }
- }
- itemDef {
- name playagain
- text "Replay"
- textstyle 6
- textscale .25
- rect 140 50 20 10
- textalign 0
- textaligny 10
- forecolor MP_TEXTCOLOR
- backcolor 0 0 0 0
- visible 1
- action {
- close endofgame;
- close skirmish;
- uiScript skirmishStart;
- }
- }
- itemDef {
- name title
- text "SCORES"
- rect 320 125 128 10
- textstyle 6
- textscale .5
- textalign 1
- textaligny 10
- forecolor 1 1 1 1
- backcolor 0 0 0 0
- decoration
- visible 1
- }
- itemDef {
- name mapshit
- type 4
- text "Map: "
- cvar "ui_scoremap"
- rect 270 160 128 10
- textscale .2
- textstyle 6
- textalign 0
- textaligny 10
- forecolor 1 1 1 1
- backcolor 0 0 0 0
- decoration
- visible 1
- }
- itemDef {
- name fraglimit
- type 4
- text "Frag limit: "
- cvar "ui_fraglimit"
- rect 270 180 128 10
- textscale .2
- textstyle 6
- textalign 0
- textaligny 10
- forecolor 1 1 1 1
- backcolor 0 0 0 0
- decoration
- visible 1
- }
- itemDef {
- name caplimit
- type 4
- text "Capture limit: "
- cvar "ui_capturelimit"
- ownerdrawflag UI_SHOW_ANYTEAMGAME
- rect 270 180 128 10
- textscale .2
- textstyle 6
- textalign 0
- textaligny 10
- forecolor 1 1 1 1
- backcolor 0 0 0 0
- decoration
- visible 1
- }
- itemDef {
- name time
- text "Time to Beat: "
- rect 270 200 128 10
- textscale .2
- textstyle 6
- textalign 0
- textaligny 10
- forecolor 1 1 1 1
- backcolor 0 0 0 0
- decoration
- visible 1
- }
- itemDef {
- name skill
- type 9
- text "Skill: "
- cvar "g_spSkill"
- rect 270 220 128 10
- textscale .2
- textstyle 6
- textalign 0
- textaligny 10
- forecolor 1 1 1 1
- backcolor 0 0 0 0
- decoration
- visible 1
- }
- itemDef {
- name gscore
- type 9
- text "Map Score: "
- cvar "ui_scoreTeam2"
- rect 270 260 128 10
- textscale .2
- textstyle 6
- textalign 0
- textaligny 10
- forecolor 1 1 1 1
- backcolor 0 0 0 0
- decoration
- visible 1
- }
- itemDef {
- name gtime
- type 9
- text "Time: "
- cvar "ui_scoreTime2"
- rect 270 280 128 10
- textscale .2
- textstyle 6
- textalign 0
- textaligny 10
- forecolor 1 1 1 1
- backcolor 0 0 0 0
- decoration
- visible 1
- }
- itemDef {
- name bscore
- type 9
- text "Score: "
- cvar "ui_scoreBase2"
- rect 270 300 128 10
- textscale .2
- textstyle 6
- textalign 0
- textaligny 10
- forecolor 1 1 1 1
- backcolor 0 0 0 0
- decoration
- visible 1
- }
- itemDef {
- name tbonus
- type 9
- text "Time Bonus: "
- cvar "ui_scoreTimeBonus2"
- rect 270 320 128 10
- textscale .2
- textstyle 6
- textalign 0
- textaligny 10
- forecolor 1 1 1 1
- backcolor 0 0 0 0
- decoration
- visible 1
- }
- itemDef {
- name sobonus
- type 9
- text "Shutout Bonus: "
- cvar "ui_scoreShutoutBonus2"
- rect 270 340 128 10
- textscale .2
- textstyle 6
- textalign 0
- textaligny 10
- forecolor 1 1 1 1
- backcolor 0 0 0 0
- decoration
- visible 1
- }
- itemDef {
- name skbonus
- type 9
- text "Skill Bonus"
- cvar "ui_scoreSkillBonus2"
- rect 270 360 128 10
- textscale .2
- textstyle 6
- textalign 0
- textaligny 10
- forecolor 1 1 1 1
- backcolor 0 0 0 0
- decoration
- visible 1
- }
- itemDef {
- name ascore
- type 9
- text "Total Score: "
- cvar "ui_scoreScore2"
- rect 270 380 128 10
- textscale .2
- textstyle 6
- textalign 0
- textaligny 10
- forecolor 1 1 1 1
- backcolor 0 0 0 0
- decoration
- visible 1
- }
- itemDef {
- name newhighscoreshit
- text "New High Score"
- ownerdrawflag UI_SHOW_NEWHIGHSCORE
- rect 320 80 128 10
- textscale .3
- textstyle 1
- textalign 1
- textaligny 10
- forecolor 1 0.847 0 0.7
- decoration
- visible 1
- }
- itemDef {
- name assist
- style 3
- background "ui/assets/medal_assist.tga"
- ownerdrawflag UI_SHOW_ANYTEAMGAME
- rect 150 130 25 25
- type 1
- border 1
- bordercolor MP_BOX_BORDER
- visible 1
- mouseenter { setcolor forecolor 1 1 1 1; }
- mouseexit { setcolor forecolor 1 1 1 0; }
- action {
- exec "play sound/feedback/assist.wav"
- }
- }
- itemDef {
- name perfect
- style 3
- background "ui/assets/medal_perfect.tga"
- rect 150 130 25 25
- type 1
- border 1
- bordercolor MP_BOX_BORDER
- visible 1
- action {
- exec "play sound/feedback/perfect.wav"
- }
- }
- itemDef {
- name tsissa
- type 4
- style 3
- background "ui/assets/medal_assist.tga"
- ownerdrawflag UI_SHOW_ANYTEAMGAME
- cvar "ui_scoreAssists2"
- text ""
- textscale .2
- forecolor 1 1 1 1
- textalign 1
- textalignx 13
- textaligny 35
- rect 150 130 25 25
- border 1
- bordercolor MP_BOX_BORDER
- visible 1
- action {
- exec "play sound/feedback/assist.wav"
- }
- }
- itemDef {
- name tcefrep
- type 4
- style 3
- background "ui/assets/medal_perfect.tga"
- cvar "ui_scorePerfect2"
- text ""
- textscale .2
- forecolor 1 1 1 1
- textalign 1
- textalignx 13
- textaligny 35
- rect 150 130 25 25
- border 1
- bordercolor MP_BOX_BORDER
- visible 1
- action {
- exec "play sound/feedback/perfect.wav"
- }
- }
- itemDef {
- name accuracy
- style 3
- background "ui/assets/medal_accuracy.tga"
- rect 150 170 25 25
- type 1
- border 1
- bordercolor MP_BOX_BORDER
- visible 1
- action {
- exec "play sound/feedback/accuracy.wav"
- }
- }
- itemDef {
- name ycarucca
- type 4
- style 3
- background "ui/assets/medal_accuracy.tga"
- rect 150 170 25 25
- cvar "ui_scoreAccuracy2"
- text ""
- forecolor 1 1 1 1
- textscale .2
- textalign 1
- textalignx 13
- textaligny 35
- border 1
- bordercolor MP_BOX_BORDER
- visible 1
- action {
- exec "play sound/feedback/accuracy.wav"
- }
- }
- itemDef {
- name ehxcsellent
- style 3
- background "ui/assets/medal_excellent.tga"
- rect 150 210 25 25
- type 1
- border 1
- bordercolor MP_BOX_BORDER
- visible 1
- mouseenter { setcolor forecolor 1 1 1 1; }
- action {
- exec "play sound/feedback/excellent.wav"
- }
- }
- itemDef {
- name tnellescxhe
- type 4
- style 3
- background "ui/assets/medal_excellent.tga"
- rect 150 210 25 25
- cvar "ui_scoreExcellents2"
- text ""
- forecolor 1 1 1 1
- textscale .2
- textalign 1
- textalignx 13
- textaligny 35
- border 1
- bordercolor MP_BOX_BORDER
- visible 1
- action {
- exec "play sound/feedback/excellent.wav"
- }
- }
- itemDef {
- name gauntlet
- style 3
- background "ui/assets/medal_gauntlet.tga"
- rect 150 250 25 25
- type 1
- border 1
- bordercolor MP_BOX_BORDER
- visible 1
- action {
- exec "play sound/feedback/gauntlet.wav"
- }
- }
- itemDef {
- name teltnuag
- type 4
- style 3
- background "ui/assets/medal_gauntlet.tga"
- rect 150 250 25 25
- cvar "ui_scoreGauntlets2"
- text ""
- forecolor 1 1 1 1
- textscale .2
- textalign 1
- textalignx 13
- textaligny 35
- border 1
- bordercolor MP_BOX_BORDER
- visible 1
- action {
- exec "play sound/feedback/gauntlet.wav"
- }
- }
- itemDef {
- name impressive
- style 3
- background "ui/assets/medal_impressive.tga"
- rect 150 290 25 25
- type 1
- border 1
- bordercolor MP_BOX_BORDER
- visible 1
- action {
- exec "play sound/feedback/impressive.wav"
- }
- }
- itemDef {
- name evisserpmi
- type 4
- style 3
- background "ui/assets/medal_impressive.tga"
- rect 150 290 25 25
- cvar "ui_scoreImpressives2"
- text ""
- textscale .2
- forecolor 1 1 1 1
- textalign 1
- textalignx 13
- textaligny 35
- border 1
- bordercolor MP_BOX_BORDER
- visible 1
- action {
- exec "play sound/feedback/impressive.wav"
- }
- }
- itemDef {
- name defense
- style 3
- background "ui/assets/medal_defend.tga"
- ownerdrawflag UI_SHOW_ANYTEAMGAME
- rect 150 330 25 25
- type 1
- border 1
- bordercolor MP_BOX_BORDER
- visible 1
- action {
- exec "play sound/feedback/defense.wav"
- }
- }
- itemDef {
- name esnefed
- type 4
- style 3
- background "ui/assets/medal_defend.tga"
- ownerdrawflag UI_SHOW_ANYTEAMGAME
- rect 150 330 25 25
- cvar "ui_scoreDefends2"
- text ""
- forecolor 1 1 1 1
- textscale .2
- textalign 1
- textalignx 13
- textaligny 35
- border 1
- bordercolor MP_BOX_BORDER
- visible 1
- action {
- exec "play sound/feedback/defense.wav"
- }
- }
- itemDef {
- name capture
- type 4
- style 3
- background "ui/assets/medal_capture.tga"
- ownerdrawflag UI_SHOW_ANYTEAMGAME
- rect 150 370 25 25
- cvar "ui_scoreCaptures2"
- text ""
- textscale .2
- forecolor 1 1 1 1
- textalign 1
- textalignx 13
- textaligny 35
- border 1
- bordercolor MP_BOX_BORDER
- visible 1
- }
- }
- }