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- male
- getflag
- {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\getthatflag.ogg "Get that flag!"
- }
- offense
- {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\youronoffense.ogg "You are on offense."
- }
- defend
- {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\defendthebase.ogg "Defend the base."
- }
- defendflag
- {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\defendourflag.ogg "Defend our flag."
- }
- patrol
- {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\gopatrolthearea.ogg "Go patrol the area"
- }
- followme
- {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\followme.ogg "Follow me."
- sound\voices\kyonshi\coverme.ogg "Cover me."
- }
- yes
- {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\yes.ogg "Yes."
- sound\voices\kyonshi\affirmative.ogg "Affirmative."
- sound\voices\kyonshi\okay.ogg "Okay"
- }
- no
- {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\no.ogg "No."
- sound\voices\kyonshi\negative.ogg "Negative."
- }
- ihaveflag
- {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\ihavetheflag.ogg "I have the flag!"
- }
- baseattack
- {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\ourbaseisunderattack.ogg "Our base is under attack!"
- }
- enemyhasflag
- {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\theyhaveourflag.ogg "They have our flag!"
- }
- ongetflag
- {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\gettingourflag.ogg "Getting our flag" // oops, this was supposed to be for one flag ctf but we didn't have a getting the flag...
- }
- onoffense
- {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\iwanttoattack.ogg "I want to attack!"
- sound\voices\kyonshi\imgoingin.ogg "I'm goin' in"
- }
- ondefense
- {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\illcoverourbase.ogg "I'll cover our base"
- }
- onpatrol
- {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\justroamingaround.ogg "Just roaming around"
- }
- startleader
- {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\imtheleader.ogg "I'm the leader"
- }
- stopleader
- {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\idontwanttobeleaderanymo.ogg "I don't want to be the leader anymore."
- }
- kill_insult
- {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\loser.ogg "Loser."
- sound\voices\kyonshi\heh.ogg "Heh"
- sound\voices\kyonshi\hadtohurt.ogg "That had to hurt."
- sound\voices\kyonshi\eatthat.ogg "Eat that!"
- sound\voices\kyonshi\die.ogg "Die"
- sound\voices\kyonshi\boom.ogg "Boom!"
- sound\voices\kyonshi\yousuck.ogg "You suck"
- sound\voices\kyonshi\suckitdown.ogg "Suck it down"
- sound\voices\kyonshi\youlikethat.ogg "You like that?"
- }
- taunt {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\whereareyou.ogg "Where are you?"
- sound\voices\kyonshi\guesswhatihave.ogg "Guess what I have!"
- sound\voices\kyonshi\whowantstodie.ogg "Hehehe, who wants to die?"
- }
- death_insult {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\ugh.ogg "Ugh"
- sound\voices\kyonshi\jerk.ogg "Jerk"
- sound\voices\kyonshi\heh.ogg "Heh"
- sound\voices\kyonshi\waiter.ogg "Waiter."
- }
- kill_gauntlet {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\yoursource.ogg "Your source has been opened"
- }
- praise {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\idontwanttobeleaderanymo.ogg "I don't want to be the leader anymore."
- }
- camp
- {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\camphere.ogg "Camp here."
- }
- returnflag
- {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\getourflag.ogg "Get our flag!"
- }
- whoisleader
- {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\whoisourleader.ogg "Who is our leader?"
- }
- followflagcarrier
- {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\keepupwiththecarrier.ogg "Keep up with the carrier."
- }
- inposition
- {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\iminposition.ogg "I'm in position."
- }
- wantondefense
- {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\iwanttodefend.ogg "I want to defend."
- }
- wantonoffense
- {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\iwanttoattack.ogg "I want to attack."
- }
- wantonpatrol
- {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\iwannaroamaround.ogg "I want to roam around."
- }
- oncamp
- {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\imcampinhere.ogg "I'm campin here"
- }
- onfollow
- {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\imfollowing.ogg "I'm following"
- }
- onfollowcarrier
- {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\followingthecarrier.ogg "Following the carrier."
- }
- onreturnflag
- {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\gettingourflag.ogg "Getting our flag!"
- }
- harvest
- {
- sound\voices\kyonshi\getsomeskulls.ogg "Get some skulls"
- }