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- /*
- ===========================================================================
- Copyright (C) 2008 Open Arena Team
- This file is part of Open Arena.
- Open Arena is free software; you can redistribute it
- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
- or (at your option) any later version.
- Open Arena is distributed in the hope that it will be
- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with Open Arena; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- ===========================================================================
- */
- gametypes {
- { "Deathmatch" 0 }
- { "Tournament" 1 }
- { "Team Deathmatch" 3 } //any and all maps marked for ffa will be team
- { "Capture the flag" 4 }
- { "One flag" 5 }
- { "Overload" 6 }
- { "Harvester" 7 }
- { "Elimination" 8 }
- { "CTF Elimination" 9 }
- { "Last Man Standing" 10 }
- { "Double Domination" 11 }
- { "Domination" 12 }
- }
- joingametypes {
- { "Don't care" -1 }
- { "Deathmatch" 0 }
- { "Tournament" 1 }
- { "Team DM" 3 } //any and all maps marked for ffa will be team
- { "CTF" 4 }
- { "One flag" 5 }
- { "Overload" 6 }
- { "Harvester" 7 }
- { "Elim" 8 }
- { "CTF Elim" 9 }
- { "LMS" 10 }
- { "Double D" 11 }
- { "Dom" 12 }
- }
- // english name, map name, vs count, par times per gametype
- maps {
- //team maps
- { "Some Bases" "oa_bases3" "3" "sergei" 2 "0" 4 "110" 5 "110" 6 "120" 7 "110" 8 "110" 9 "110" 11 "110" }
- { "Free Space" "oa_ctf4ish" "3" "sergei" 2 "0" 4 "110" 5 "120" 6 "180" 7 "110" 8 "110" 9 "110" 11 "110" }
- { "Some Better Bases" "oa_bases5" "4" "sergei" 2 "0" 4 "110" 8 "110" 9 "110" 11 "110" }
- { "Sago's Castle 2" "oasago2f2" "3" "sergei" 2 "0" 4 "110" 5 "110" 6 "110" 7 "110" 8 "110" 9 "110" 11 "110" }
- { "The Bridge of Despair" "czest2ctf" "4" "sergei" 2 "0" 4 "110" 5 "180" 6 "180" 7 "180" 8 "110" 9 "110" 11 "110" }
- { "Holy Wars" "czest3ctf" "5" "sergei" 2 "0" 4 "180" 5 "180" 6 "180" 7 "180" 8 "110" 9 "110" 11 "110" }
- { "Where Fears Collide" "oa_spirit3ctfduel1" "3" "sergei" 2 "0" 4 "180" 5 "180" 6 "180" 7 "180" 8 "110" 9 "110" 11 "110" }
- { "Hydrocapture" "hydronex" "5" "sergei" 2 "0" 4 "110" 5 "180" 6 "180" 7 "180" 8 "110" 9 "110" 11 "110" }
- //tournament + elimination + lms
- { "Trial by Error" "oa_rpg3dm2" "2" "Grunt" 0 "200" 2 "0"8 "110" 10 "110" }
- { "Aggressor" "aggressor" "1" "Major" 2 "0" 1 "240" }
- { "Place of Two Deaths" "oa_dm1" "2" "kyonshi" 0 "200" 2 "0" 8 "110" 10 "110" }
- { "Claustrophobopolis" "oa_dm2" "3" "Angelyss" 0 "200" 2 "0" 8 "110" 10 "110" }
- { "The Abandoned Base" "oa_dm3" "3" "Jenna" 0 "200" 2 "0" 8 "110" 10 "110" }
- { "The Bad Place" "oa_dm4" "2" "merman" 0 "200" 2 "0" 8 "110" 10 "110" }
- { "The Cistern" "oa_dm5" "3" "grism" 0 "200" 2 "0" 8 "110" 10 "110" }
- { "The Dark Zone" "oa_dm6" "1" "sergei" 2 "0" 1 "180" }
- { "nameless" "oa_dm7" "3" "beret" 0 "200" 2 "0" 8 "110" 10 "110" }
- { "Fan" "fan" "1" "Tanisha" 2 "0" 1 "180" }
- { "The Space Spire" "czest1tourney" "1" "skelebot" 2 "0" 1 "180" }
- { "Kaooos" "kaos2" "3" "Sergei" 0" 160" 2 "200" 8 "240" 10 "110" }
- { "DM6ish" "dm6ish" "3" "Sergei" 0 "200" 2 "200" 8 "240" 10 "110" }
- { "Monastery" "czest1dm" "3" "Sergei" 0 "200" 2 "0" 8 "240" 10 "110" }
- { "DM4ISHish" "dm4ish" "2" "Merman" 0 "200" 2 "0" 8 "240" 10 "110" }
- { "House of Pancakes" "ce1m7" "1" "Beret" 2 "0" 1 "180" }
- { "Projectile Vomit" "oa_pvomit" "3" "Kyonshi" 0 "200" 2 "0" 8 "240" 10 "110" }
- { "Shine" "oa_shine" "3" "Tony" 0 "200" 2 "0" 8 "240" 10 "110" }
- { "Suspended" "suspended" "3" "Gargoyle" 0 "200" 2 "0" 8 "240" 10 "110" }
- { "Strange House" "oa_shouse" "3" "Grism" 0 "200" 2 "0" 8 "240" 10 "110" }
- { "IslandDM" "islanddm" "4" "Angelyss" 0 "200" 2 "0" 9 "180" 12" 180" }
- }