EC"("|EC"[", NETNAME, EC")"|EC"]", PLACE, EC": I want to ", "be "|"", "on "|"", "defense"|"defend" = (MSG_TASKPREFERENCE, ST_DEFENDER);
EC"("|EC"[", NETNAME, EC")"|EC"]", PLACE, EC": I do not want to capture ", "the "|"their ", "Red Flag"|"Blue Flag"|"flag" = (MSG_TASKPREFERENCE, ST_DEFENDER);
EC"("|EC"[", NETNAME, EC")"|EC"]", PLACE, EC": I do not want to ", "get "|"capture ", "the "|"their ", "Red Flag"|"Blue Flag"|"flag" = (MSG_TASKPREFERENCE, ST_DEFENDER);
EC"("|EC"[", NETNAME, EC")"|EC"]", PLACE, EC": I do not want to ", "attack"|"assault" = (MSG_TASKPREFERENCE, ST_DEFENDER);
EC"("|EC"[", NETNAME, EC")"|EC"]", PLACE, EC": I do not want to harvest", " skulls"|" cubes"|"" = (MSG_TASKPREFERENCE, ST_DEFENDER);
EC"("|EC"[", NETNAME, EC")"|EC"]", PLACE, EC": I do not want to be ", "on "|"", "offense" = (MSG_TASKPREFERENCE, ST_DEFENDER);
EC"("|EC"[", NETNAME, EC")"|EC"]", PLACE, EC": I will defend", ""|"the base"|"the flag"|"the obelisk" = (MSG_TASKPREFERENCE, ST_DEFENDER);
EC"("|EC"[", NETNAME, EC")"|EC"]", PLACE, EC": I will not harvest", " skulls"|" cubes"|"" = (MSG_TASKPREFERENCE, ST_DEFENDER);
EC"("|EC"[", NETNAME, EC")"|EC"]", PLACE, EC": I am ", "on "|"", "defense" = (MSG_TASKPREFERENCE, ST_DEFENDER);
EC"("|EC"[", NETNAME, EC")"|EC"]", PLACE, EC": I will not defend", ""|"the flag"|"the base"|"the obelisk" = (MSG_TASKPREFERENCE, ST_ATTACKER);
EC"("|EC"[", NETNAME, EC")"|EC"]", PLACE, EC": I do not want to be ", "on "|"", "defense" = (MSG_TASKPREFERENCE, ST_ATTACKER);
EC"("|EC"[", NETNAME, EC")"|EC"]", PLACE, EC": I want to get ", "the "|"their", "Red Flag"|"Blue Flag"|"flag" = (MSG_TASKPREFERENCE, ST_ATTACKER);
EC"("|EC"[", NETNAME, EC")"|EC"]", PLACE, EC": I want to ", "attack"|"assault", ""|" the "|"their ", "Red Flag"|"Blue Flag"|"Red Obelisk"|"Blue Obelisk"|"base"|"" = (MSG_TASKPREFERENCE, ST_ATTACKER);
EC"("|EC"[", NETNAME, EC")"|EC"]", PLACE, EC": I want to harvest", " skulls"|" cubes"|"" = (MSG_TASKPREFERENCE, ST_ATTACKER);
EC"("|EC"[", NETNAME, EC")"|EC"]", PLACE, EC": I want to be ", "on "|"", "offense" = (MSG_TASKPREFERENCE, ST_ATTACKER);
EC"("|EC"[", NETNAME, EC")"|EC"]", PLACE, EC": I will ", "attack"|"assault", ""|" the "|" their ", "Red Obelisk"|"Blue Obelisk"|"base"|"" = (MSG_TASKPREFERENCE, ST_ATTACKER);
EC"("|EC"[", NETNAME, EC")"|EC"]", PLACE, EC": I will be ", "on "|"", "offense" = (MSG_TASKPREFERENCE, ST_ATTACKER);
EC"("|EC"[", NETNAME, EC")"|EC"]", PLACE, EC": I will harvest", " skulls"|" cubes"|"" = (MSG_TASKPREFERENCE, ST_ATTACKER);
EC"("|EC"[", NETNAME, EC")"|EC"]", PLACE, EC": I am ", "on "|"", "offense" = (MSG_TASKPREFERENCE, ST_ATTACKER);
EC"("|EC"[", NETNAME, EC")"|EC"]", PLACE, EC": I want to roam" = (MSG_TASKPREFERENCE, ST_ROAMER);
//get the flag
EC"("|EC"[", NETNAME, EC")"|EC"]", PLACE, EC": capture ", "the blue "|"the enemy "|"the red "|"their "|"the "|"enemy ", "flag" = (MSG_GETFLAG, 0);
EC"("|EC"[", NETNAME, EC")"|EC"]", PLACE, EC": get ", "the blue "|"the red "|"the enemy "|"their "|"the "|"enemy ", "flag" = (MSG_GETFLAG, 0);
EC"("|EC"[", NETNAME, EC")"|EC"]", PLACE, EC": ", ADDRESSEE, " capture ", "the blue "|"the enemy"|"the red "|"their "|"the "|"enemy ", "flag" = (MSG_GETFLAG, ST_ADDRESSED);
EC"("|EC"[", NETNAME, EC")"|EC"]", PLACE, EC": ", ADDRESSEE, " get ", "the blue "|"the enemy"|"the red "|"their "|"the "|"enemy ", "flag" = (MSG_GETFLAG, ST_ADDRESSED);
EC"("|EC"[", NETNAME, EC")"|EC"]", PLACE, EC": get ", PURE_CRAP, " flag ", MORE_CRAP = (MSG_GETFLAG, 0);
EC"("|EC"[", NETNAME, EC")"|EC"]", PLACE, EC": kill the flag carrier" = (MSG_GETFLAG, 0);