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- //12-12-06 removed redundant nodrop
- //12-23-06 fixed the b0rked invisible shader
- //01-25-07 removed redundant clip + added nodrawnonsolid, clusterportal
- //01-27-07 moved portal from clown.shader to here
- //01-31-07 added mirror shader doesnt work, gave other shaders transparency in map editor.-kit89
- //02-14-07 added timportal + mirror1, mirror 2, terrain, terrain 2, metalclip
- //02-27-07 added botclip, missleclip, remapped certain mirrors to point to invisible.tga
- //need this or maps FTBFS
- //for the idiot bots out there use instead of botclip!!!!
- textures/common/donotenter
- {
- surfaceparm nodraw
- surfaceparm nonsolid
- surfaceparm trans
- surfaceparm nomarks
- surfaceparm donotenter
- }
- textures/common/clip
- {
- surfaceparm nolightmap
- surfaceparm nomarks
- surfaceparm nodraw
- surfaceparm nonsolid
- surfaceparm playerclip
- surfaceparm noimpact
- }
- textures/common/caulk
- {
- surfaceparm nodraw
- surfaceparm nomarks
- surfaceparm nolightmap
- }
- textures/common/invisible
- {
- surfaceparm nolightmap
- {
- map textures/common/invisible.tga
- alphaFunc GE128
- depthWrite
- rgbGen vertex
- }
- }
- //use this near the trigger hurts, lava, death fogs, etc.
- // to keep weapons and powerups from piling up...
- textures/common/nodrop
- {
- surfaceparm trans
- surfaceparm nonsolid
- surfaceparm nomarks
- surfaceparm nodrop
- surfaceparm nolightmap
- surfaceparm nodraw
- cull none
- }
- //need this for the teleporters in cbctf1
- textures/common/trigger
- {
- surfaceparm nodraw
- }
- //also needed for for cbctf1
- textures/common/origin
- {
- surfaceparm nodraw
- surfaceparm nonsolid
- surfaceparm origin
- }
- //aids in VIS compiles
- textures/common/hint
- {
- surfaceparm hint
- surfaceparm nodraw
- surfaceparm nonsolid
- surfaceparm structural
- surfaceparm trans
- surfaceparm noimpact
- }
- textures/common/nodraw
- {
- surfaceparm nodraw
- surfaceparm nonsolid
- surfaceparm nomarks
- surfaceparm trans
- }
- //for an icy effect
- textures/common/slick
- {
- surfaceparm nodraw
- surfaceparm nomarks
- surfaceparm trans
- surfaceparm slick
- }
- textures/common/cushion
- {
- surfaceparm nodraw
- surfaceparm nomarks
- surfaceparm nodamage
- surfaceparm trans
- }
- //to keep certain textures from being shot up
- textures/common/weapclip
- {
- surfaceparm nodraw
- surfaceparm trans
- surfaceparm nomarks
- }
- //for every stupid q3dm17 remake
- textures/common/nodrawnonsolid
- {
- surfaceparm nonsolid
- surfaceparm nodraw
- }
- //hint for the bots
- textures/common/clusterportal
- {
- qer_nocarve
- surfaceparm nodraw
- surfaceparm nonsolid
- surfaceparm trans
- surfaceparm nomarks
- surfaceparm clusterportal
- }
- //can also be used as a mirror
- textures/common/portal
- {
- qer_editorimage textures/common/invisible.tga
- surfaceparm nolightmap
- portal
- {
- map textures/common/invisible.tga
- depthWrite
- }
- }
- //Added for Mirrors
- textures/common/mirror
- {
- portal
- q3map_nolightmap
- {
- map textures/common/invisible.tga
- depthWrite
- }
- }
- textures/common/timportal
- {
- qer_editorimage textures/common/invisible.tga
- surfaceparm nolightmap
- portal
- {
- map textures/common/invisible.tga
- depthWrite
- }
- {
- map textures/oa_fogs/kc_fogcloud3.jpg
- blendfunc gl_src_alpha gl_one_minus_src_alpha
- alphagen portal 512
- rgbGen identity
- tcmod rotate .1
- tcmod scroll .04 .01
- }
- }
- //nicked from nexuiz for backwards compat
- textures/common/mirror1
- {
- qer_editorimage textures/common/invisible.tga
- surfaceparm nolightmap
- portal
- {
- map textures/common/invisible.tga
- depthWrite
- }
- }
- //nicked from nexuiz w/added turb. for backwards compat
- textures/common/mirror2
- {
- qer_editorimage textures/common/invisible.tga
- surfaceparm nolightmap
- portal
- {
- map textures/common/invisible.tga
- depthWrite
- }
- {
- map textures/sfx/mirror.tga
- tcMod turb 0 0.25 0 0.05
- }
- }
- //nicked from nexuiz
- textures/common/terrain
- {
- q3map_terrain
- surfaceparm nodraw
- surfaceparm nolightmap
- surfaceparm nomarks
- }
- //nicked from nexuiz
- textures/common/terrain2
- {
- q3map_terrain
- qer_editorimage textures/common/common.tga
- surfaceparm dust
- surfaceparm nodraw
- surfaceparm nomarks
- surfaceparm nolightmap
- }
- //nicked from nexuiz
- textures/common/metalclip
- {
- surfaceparm nodraw
- surfaceparm nolightmap
- surfaceparm nonsolid
- surfaceparm trans
- surfaceparm nomarks
- surfaceparm noimpact
- surfaceparm playerclip
- surfaceparm metalsteps
- }
- // acts as player clip only for the bots
- // can keep them from being pushed into voids
- // do not use, use donotenter instead :-P
- textures/common/botclip
- {
- surfaceparm nodraw
- surfaceparm nolightmap
- surfaceparm nonsolid
- surfaceparm trans
- surfaceparm nomarks
- surfaceparm noimpact
- surfaceparm botclip
- }
- textures/common/missileclip
- {
- surfaceparm nodamage
- surfaceparm nomarks
- surfaceparm nodraw
- surfaceparm playerclip
- surfaceparm trans
- }
- textures/common/full_clip
- {
- surfaceparm nodraw
- surfaceparm playerclip
- }
- textures/common/antiportal
- {
- qer_nocarve
- surfaceparm nodraw
- surfaceparm nonsolid
- surfaceparm structural
- surfaceparm trans
- surfaceparm antiportal
- }
- textures/common/areaportal
- {
- surfaceparm nodraw
- surfaceparm nolightmap
- surfaceparm nonsolid
- surfaceparm structural
- surfaceparm trans
- surfaceparm nomarks
- surfaceparm areaportal
- }
- textures/common/lightgrid
- {
- surfaceparm nodraw
- surfaceparm nolightmap
- surfaceparm nonsolid
- surfaceparm detail
- surfaceparm nomarks
- surfaceparm trans
- surfaceparm lightgrid
- }