- dm4ish and q3dm6ish should have less zfighting and better texture alignment, thanks to div0
- some other things i forgot
Alpha 0.4.1 (6/6/2006)
- DM6ISH added, map by SavageX (adapted from Nexuiz map sources)
- New sound effects for the rocket launcher and shotgun
- New rocket launcher, with a quick skin and also a weapon hand! (So it doesn't look so big)
- New Gargoyle mapobject
- New door and menu sounds (lifted from openquartz)
- Fixed several decal shaders being overrided
- Sun flare shader fixed
- Reorganized files into seperate pk3 components
- InfoZIP is now used to pack the pk3s (slightly smaller now)
- Due to balance issues, oa_bases3 (CTF) is left out of the arenas.txt (it is still there, but play at your own risk!)
- "Tiny" build for slower and disk space deprived machines
- Windows installer now defaults its path to Program Files
Alpha 4 (5/7/2006)
- New shotgun skin and uvs from BlackThief.
- New railgun by leileilol. Crap skin unfortunately
- New gauntlet by leileilol. no skin yet
- New gargoyle player model by leileilol, however wings are broken so they are not exported.
- New flag by leileilol (very simple and small though)
- New remodeled low poly plasma gun by leileilol
- Chaingun muzzleflash by leileilol (made ahead of time for the future Team edition)
- New explosion sprites (sampled from a public domain "explosion" found on wikimedia commons)
- New CTF ditties by leileilol (corny and quickly tracked)
- New ambient sounds
- New "Sarge" sounds
- New banner5.md3 (The title logo)
- Fixed in some missing menu graphics
- Changed menu backgrounds to non-animated dark ones
- New oa_rpg3dm2 DM map by RPG, retextured for OA. (some bugs still remain, such as bright water, lack of flares, etc)
- flare shaders (not enabled in oa yet, you can use ioq3 though)
- added silly intro logo video
Alpha 3 DM Test (2-25-2006)
- internet play fixed! Thanks mewse for compiling the binaries too
- added announcer voices by Mancubus (http://mikelightner.org)
- Removed terrarena
- Removed tux as it's a small cheating model. Don't worry tux fans, he will be remodeled at proper size again surely :)
- DM4ish added, along with .MAP
- Q3DM6ish added, along with .MAP (Quick conversions of Aardappel's q1 maps of the same name)
- GRiSM player model animated, exported and available! Replaces the sarge gargoyle (there is no default "sarge" model yet) Model by Chris Holden, skins by Morphed, and rig/anims by leileilol.
- VMs seperated from content
- New machinegun, similar to the original (as it spins). UVW'd, but not skinned, so for now it is chromed.
- new temporary grenade launcher, with grenade model
- New machinegun and shotgun muzzleflashes
- crosshairs
- Some new textures from mewse
- fixed levelshot screen
- added levelshots :D
- a bunch of sounds are added from Nexuiz 1.5. props to alientrap
- vms are now recompiled from the gpl source.
- ui.qvm : alot of credits changes, cdkey screen has a notice, etc
- new plasma impact, pretty
- new railgun impact, just as pretty
- rocket and grenade explosions are tweaked to expand now. much better
- new bullet/shell impact, looks much better than the "firefly" sparks from before.