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- Changes in Version 1.01
- =======================
- User-Visible changes
- --------------------
- - 60++ new level
- - added easy mode to some existing levels
- - fixes of all levels with known shortcuts
- - Finnish translation
- - French and Russian 1.0 manuals
- - support of updatable cross internet level packs
- - return to last played level via F6
- - sound damping for noisy levels
- - level developer inspector with developer attributes
- - mouse wheel enabled for many buttons like user ratings, volume,...
- - logo cleaned
- - moved backup of score and state to backup subdirectory
- - level menu string display optimization of level title, wr-holders,...
- - visualize inherited user rating in level inspector
- - vista compatible marble icon
- - windows installer reengineering to modern NSI
- Internal changes
- ----------------
- - fix of various engine bugs that did not yet show up with bundled levels
- - fixed properties of various glass stones
- - sound handling reengineering
- - support of user sound sets
- - autorecovery from state / score mismatches
- - re-Id of Windows users
- Changes in Version 1.00
- =======================
- User-Visible changes
- --------------------
- - 200++ new levels, fixes to all broken levels
- - new levelpack sorting
- - grouping of levelpacks
- - level inspector for viewing ratings and statistic information about levels
- - screenshot viewer
- - personal annotations and rating of levels
- - score registration and download of world records and statistic information
- - PAR and handicap as messures for a player
- - drop & play of new levels and new levelpacks
- - history and search of levels
- - composer for own levelpacks and levelpack groups
- - instant language change
- - Translations of level titles and documents
- - Swedish, Russian, Hungarian, Portuguese translation
- - German and French manuals
- - 100++ pages Reference manual
- Internal changes
- ----------------
- - XMLification of all data files
- - reengineering of level and levelpack
- - catch many errors intenally, display messages, continue or clean shutdown
- - portability issues - Unix, Windows, MacOS as unified platform
- - switch from Lua 4.* to Lua 5.1.1, from tolua to tolua++
- - switch return value of messages from void/nil to Value
- - added sender object as second argument to callback function
- - common floor attributes (gradient, mouseforce, friction)
- - border stones are swappable
- - improved fire system: eternal, secure fire, heat transformation, ...
- - new stones: st-chess, st-lightpassenger, st-polarswitch, st-redrock,
- st-firebreak[_move], st-bigbluesand-<nesw>, st-camouflage
- - new floors: fl-thief, fl-nomouse, fl-woven_orange
- - new items: it-rubberband, it-booze-broken, it-death, it-drop
- - removed: fl-ice_001
- - it-pencil -> it-cross, it-crack
- - it-brush -> it-cross, it-squashed
- - st-scissor actions
- - bigbricks unswappable and unpullable
- - st-flash/actorimpulse*/spitter : distorted forces
- - small whiteballs can jump
- - new libraries: andreas_itemfreeze, andreas_ghosts, libpuzzle, libterrain
- - icons polish
- - sound additions, volume reduction on stone hit
- for details on the subjects read the reference manual, for a complete list
- of changes see svn commit messages at berlios.de:
- http://svn.berlios.de/wsvn/enigma-game/tags/1.00/?op=log&rev=0&sc=0&isdir=1)
- Changes in Version 0.92
- =======================
- Internal changes
- ----------------
- - fl-ice_001 is back, but by all means, use fl-ice if you can
- User-Visible changes
- --------------------
- - Ice is working again
- - Cannonballs are working again
- - Spanish translation (thanks to Samuel Elías Martínez �?lvarez)
- - New application icon on Windows (thanks to Tobias Schmidbauer)
- Changes in Version 0.91
- =======================
- Internal changes
- ----------------
- - removed fl-ice_001
- - new game variable enigma.IceFriction
- Changes in Version 0.90
- =======================
- User-Visible Changes
- --------------------
- * Support for internationalized text
- * Support for 800x600 and 1024x768 video modes
- * Many new levels
- * Tutorial levels for new players
- * Much improved support for loading Oxyd levels
- * New game mode: Time hunt
- * Can reorder inventory with TAB key
- * Support for gamma correction on some systems
- * New command line options: --dumpinfo, --lang, --data
- * Removed --8bpp command line option
- * Removed support for 8bit graphics
- Internal changes
- ----------------
- * New item types
- - it-bag
- - it-banana
- - it-blackbomb-burning
- - it-booze
- - it-changefloor
- - it-drop (not 100% finished)
- - it-easykeepstone
- - it-easykillstone
- - it-magnet-off
- - it-magnet-on
- - it-squashed
- - it-surprise
- * Other item changes
- - Renamed it-soother to it-ring
- * New stone types
- - st-spitter
- - st-flash
- - st-surprise
- - st-coffee
- - st-blackballs
- - st-whiteballs
- - st-bug
- - st-breaking
- - st-fakeoxyda
- - st-plain_cracked
- - st-plain_hole
- - st-plain_breaking
- - st-plain_break
- - st-plain_falling
- - st-plain_move
- - st-laserbreak
- - st-break_gray
- - st-yinyang3
- * New floor types
- fl-ice (fl-ice_001 still available)
- * Other changes
- - Two new scrolling modes: FOLLOW_SCREENSCROLLING (yes, ugly name,
- sorry) and FOLLOW_SMOOTH.
- - Elastic bands also have a minimum length, see daniel6.lua.
- - An XML-based level format. Please refer to the reference manual
- for details.
- Changes in Version 0.81
- =======================
- User-Visible Changes
- --------------------
- * Fixed bug which caused all levels to be restarted when the
- marble died.
- Internal Changes
- ----------------
- * Changed a few object names
- it-seed_vulcano -> it-seed_volcano
- st-vulcano -> st-volcano
- st-vulcano-growing -> st-volcano-growing
- Changes in Version 0.80
- =======================
- User-Visible Changes
- --------------------
- * Time game
- * Easy / difficult game mode
- * Sokoban mode
- * Game manual
- * More than 300 new levels (now more than 550 in total)
- * (partially working) Oxyd level importer
- * Better soft scrolling
- * Countless new game elements: turnstiles, volcanos, warp tunnels,
- land-mines, jump pads, rotors, ...
- * Reduced memory footprint
- Internal Changes
- ----------------
- * New Lua Variables
- enigma.AllowTogglePlayer = TRUE | FALSE
- enigma.ShowMoves = TRUE | FALSE
- enigma.Brittleness = 0 .. 1
- enigma.SlopeForce
- enigma.SlopeForce2
- enigma.FrictionFactor
- enigma.ElectricForce
- enigma.BumperForce
- * New Actor Types
- ac-bug
- ac-killerball
- ac-rotator
- ac-top
- * New Stone Types
- st-actorimpulse_invisible
- st-beads
- st-block
- st-blocker
- st-blue-sand
- st-bolder-[nesw]
- st-brake
- st-break_bolder
- st-break_invisible
- st-chargeminus
- st-chargeplus
- st-chargezero
- st-death_invisible
- st-disco-dark
- st-disco-light
- st-disco-medium
- st-door-h
- st-door-h-open
- st-door-v
- st-door-v-open
- st-easymode
- st-fourswitch
- st-glass_hole
- st-glass_move
- st-knight
- st-laserswitch
- st-likeoxyd[abcd]
- st-mail
- st-oneway-[nesw]
- st-oneway_black-[nesw]
- st-oneway_white-[nesw]
- st-plain
- st-pull
- st-puzzle-[nesw]
- st-puzzle-{ne, ns, nw, es, ew, sw}
- st-puzzle-{nes, new, nsw, esw, nesw}
- st-puzzle2-[nesw]
- st-puzzle2-{ne, ns, nw, es, ew, sw}
- st-puzzle2-{nes, new, nsw, esw, nesw}
- st-rock3_movebreak
- st-rotator-left
- st-rotator-right
- st-rotator_move-left
- st-rotator_move-right
- st-shogun-{s, m, l, sm, sl, ml, sml}
- st-stoneimpulse_movable
- st-switch_black
- st-switch_white
- st-timeswitch
- st-turnstile
- st-turnstile-[nesw]
- st-turnstile-green
- st-volcano
- st-volcano_active
- st-volcano_inactive
- st-window
- st-wood1
- st-wood2
- st-yellow
- * New Item Types
- it-abyss
- it-blocker
- it-brake
- it-burnable
- it-burnable-ash
- it-burnable-fireproof
- it-burnable-ignited
- it-cherry
- it-coffee
- it-easymode
- it-extinguisher
- it-extinguisher-empty
- it-extinguisher-full
- it-flagblack
- it-flagwhite
- it-glasses
- it-glasses-broken
- it-hstrip
- it-inversesensor
- it-landmine
- it-odometer
- it-pin
- it-puller-[nesw]
- it-seed
- it-seed_nowood
- it-seed_volcano
- it-seed_wood
- it-sensor
- it-soother
- it-springboard
- it-vortex-closed
- it-vortex-open
- it-vstrip
- it-weight
- it-whitebomb
- it-wrench
- * New Floor Types
- fl-abyss_fake
- fl-acwhite
- fl-acblack
- fl-black
- fl-bumps
- fl-concrete
- fl-gravel
- fl-light
- fl-mortar
- fl-red
- fl-rock
- fl-rough-blue
- fl-rough-red
- fl-rough_medium
- fl-rough_slow
- fl-springboard
- fl-stwood
- fl-stwood1
- fl-stwood1
- fl-stwood2
- fl-stwood2
- fl-white