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* atanks - obliterate each other with oversize weapons
* Copyright (C) 2003 Thomas Hudson
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* */
#include <time.h>
#include "player.h"
#include "globaldata.h"
#include "files.h"
#include "network.h"
#include "team.h"
GLOBALDATA::GLOBALDATA ():dataDir(NULL),configDir(NULL),updates(NULL),lastUpdates(NULL),allPlayers(NULL),
tank_status = (char *)calloc(128, sizeof(char));
if (!tank_status)
perror ( "globaldata.cpp: Failed allocating memory for tank_status in GLOBALDATA::GLOBALDATA");
// exit (1);
initialise ();
sound = 1.0;
name_above_tank = TRUE;
colourDepth = 0;
client_player = NULL;
width_override = height_override = 0;
temp_screenWidth = screenWidth;
temp_screenHeight = screenHeight;
halfWidth = screenWidth / 2;
halfHeight = screenHeight / 2;
menuBeginY = (screenHeight - 400) / 2;
if (menuBeginY < 0) menuBeginY = 0;
menuEndY = screenHeight - menuBeginY;
frames_per_second = FRAMES_PER_SECOND;
numPermanentPlayers = 10;
violent_death = FALSE;
#ifndef DOS
cacheCirclesBG = 1;
#ifdef DOS
cacheCirclesBG = 0;
ditherGradients = 1;
detailedLandscape = 0;
detailedSky = 0;
colour_theme = COLOUR_THEME_CRISPY;
startmoney = 15000;
turntype = TURN_RANDOM;
skipComputerPlay = SKIP_HUMANS_DEAD;
// dataDir = DATA_DIR;
os_mouse = 1.0;
full_screen = FULL_SCREEN_FALSE;
interest = 1.25;
scoreHitUnit = 75;
scoreSelfHit = 0;
scoreUnitDestroyBonus = 5000;
scoreUnitSelfDestroy = 0;
scoreRoundWinBonus = 10000;
sellpercent = 0.80;
game_name[0] = '\0';
load_game = 0.0;
campaign_mode = 0.0;
saved_game_index = 0;
saved_game_list = NULL;
max_fire_time = 0.0;
close_button_pressed = false;
divide_money = 0.0;
sound_driver = SOUND_AUTODETECT;
update_string = NULL;
check_for_updates = 1.0;
demo_mode = false;
env = NULL;
war_quotes = instructions = ingame = NULL;
gloat = revenge = retaliation = kamikaze = suicide = NULL;
client_message= NULL;
updates = new BOX[MAXUPDATES];
if (!updates)
perror ( "globaldata.cc: Failed allocating memory for updates in GLOBALDATA::GLOBALDATA");
// exit (1);
lastUpdates = new BOX[MAXUPDATES];
if (!lastUpdates)
perror ( "globaldata.cc: Failed allocating memory for lastUpdates in GLOBALDATA::GLOBALDATA");
// exit (1);
updateCount = 0;
lastUpdatesCount = 0;
// players = new PLAYER*[MAXPLAYERS];
players = (PLAYER **) calloc( MAXPLAYERS, sizeof(PLAYER *) );
if (!players)
perror ( "globaldata.cc: Failed allocating memory for players in GLOBALDATA::GLOBALDATA");
// exit (1);
numPlayers = 0;
rounds = 5;
allPlayers = (PLAYER**) calloc (1, sizeof (PLAYER*));
if (!allPlayers)
fprintf (stderr, "Failed allocating memory for players in globaldata.cc\n");
// exit (1);
for (int count = 0; count < 360; count++)
slope[count][0] = sin (count / (180 / PI));
slope[count][1] = cos (count / (180 / PI));
slope[270][1] = 0;
configDir = NULL;
bIsGameLoaded = true;
bIsBoxed = false;
iHumanLessRounds = -1;
dMaxVelocity = 0.0; // Will be set in game()
bASD = false; // will be set to true after the first drawing of the map
enable_network = 0.0;
#ifdef NETWORK
listen_port = DEFAULT_LISTEN_PORT;
strcpy(server_name, "");
strcpy(server_port, "25645");
play_music = 1.0;
background_music = NULL;
music_dir = NULL;
unicode = NULL;
regular_font = font;
draw_background = TRUE;
int index;
if (tank_status)
tank_status[0] = 0;
index = 0;
while (sounds[index])
if (music_dir)
if (unicode)
if (war_quotes) delete war_quotes;
if (instructions) delete instructions;
if (ingame) delete ingame;
if (gloat) delete gloat;
if (revenge) delete revenge;
if (retaliation) delete retaliation;
if (kamikaze) delete kamikaze;
if (suicide) delete suicide;
This function saves the global data to a text file. If all goes
well, TRUE is returned, on error, FALSE is returned.
-- Jesse
int GLOBALDATA::saveToFile_Text( FILE *file)
if (! file) return FALSE;
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
screenWidth = (int) temp_screenWidth;
screenHeight = (int) temp_screenHeight;
fprintf (file, "*GLOBAL*\n");
fprintf (file, "NUMPLAYERS=%d\n", numPlayers);
fprintf (file, "ROUNDS=%f\n", rounds);
fprintf (file, "DITHER=%f\n", ditherGradients);
fprintf (file, "DETAILEDSKY=%f\n", detailedSky);
fprintf (file, "DETAILEDLAND=%f\n", detailedLandscape);
fprintf (file, "STARTMONEY=%f\n", startmoney);
fprintf (file, "TURNTYPE=%f\n", turntype);
fprintf (file, "INTEREST=%f\n", interest);
fprintf (file, "SCOREROUNDWINBONUS=%f\n", scoreRoundWinBonus);
fprintf (file, "SCOREHITUNIT=%f\n", scoreHitUnit);
fprintf (file, "SCOREUNITDESTROYBONUS=%f\n", scoreUnitDestroyBonus);
fprintf (file, "SCOREUNITSELFDESTROY=%f\n", scoreUnitSelfDestroy);
fprintf (file, "ACCELERATEDAI=%f\n", skipComputerPlay);
fprintf (file, "SELLPERCENT=%f\n", sellpercent);
fprintf (file, "ENABLESOUND=%f\n", sound);
fprintf (file, "SCREENWIDTH=%d\n", screenWidth);
fprintf (file, "SCREENHEIGHT=%d\n", screenHeight);
fprintf (file, "OSMOUSE=%f\n", os_mouse);
fprintf (file, "NUMPERMANENTPLAYERS=%d\n", numPermanentPlayers);
fprintf (file, "LANGUAGE=%f\n", language);
fprintf (file, "COLOURTHEME=%f\n", colour_theme);
fprintf (file, "FRAMES=%f\n", frames_per_second);
fprintf (file, "VIOLENTDEATH=%f\n", violent_death);
fprintf (file, "MAXFIRETIME=%f\n", max_fire_time);
fprintf (file, "DIVIDEMONEY=%f\n", divide_money);
fprintf (file, "CHECKUPDATES=%f\n", check_for_updates);
fprintf (file, "NETWORKING=%f\n", enable_network);
fprintf (file, "LISTENPORT=%f\n", listen_port);
fprintf (file, "SOUNDDRIVER=%f\n", sound_driver);
fprintf (file, "PLAYMUSIC=%f\n", play_music);
fprintf (file, "FULLSCREEN=%f\n", full_screen);
fprintf (file, "***\n");
return TRUE;
This function loads global settings from a text
file. The function returns TRUE on success and FALSE if
any erors are encountered.
-- Jesse
int GLOBALDATA::loadFromFile_Text (FILE *file)
char line[MAX_CONFIG_LINE];
int equal_position, line_length;
char field[MAX_CONFIG_LINE], value[MAX_CONFIG_LINE];
char *result = NULL;
bool done = false;
double sound_bookmark = 1.0;
setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");
if (! sound)
sound_bookmark = sound;
// read until we hit line "*ENV*" or "***" or EOF
result = fgets(line, MAX_CONFIG_LINE, file);
if (! result) // eof
return FALSE;
if (! strncmp(line, (char *)"***", 3) ) // end of record
return FALSE;
while ( strncmp(line, (char *)"*GLOBAL*", 5) ); // read until we hit new record
while ( (result) && (!done) )
// read a line
memset(line, '\0', MAX_CONFIG_LINE);
result = fgets(line, MAX_CONFIG_LINE, file);
if (result)
// if we hit end of the record, stop
if (! strncmp(line, (char *)"***", 3) )
return TRUE;
// find equal sign
line_length = strlen(line);
// strip newline character
if ( line[line_length - 1] == '\n')
line[line_length - 1] = '\0';
equal_position = 1;
while ( ( equal_position < line_length) && (line[equal_position] != '=') )
// make sure we have valid equal sign
if ( equal_position <= line_length )
// seperate field from value
memset(field, '\0', MAX_CONFIG_LINE);
memset(value, '\0', MAX_CONFIG_LINE);
strncpy(field, line, equal_position);
strcpy(value, & (line[equal_position + 1]));
if (! strcasecmp(field, "numplayers") )
sscanf(value, "%d", &numPlayers);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "rounds") )
sscanf(value, "%lf", &rounds);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "dither"))
sscanf(value, "%lf", &ditherGradients);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "detailedsky"))
sscanf(value, "%lf", &detailedSky);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "detailedland"))
sscanf(value, "%lf", &detailedLandscape);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "startmoney"))
sscanf(value, "%lf", &startmoney);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "turntype"))
sscanf(value, "%lf", &turntype);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "interest"))
sscanf(value, "%lf", &interest);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "scoreroundwinbonus"))
sscanf(value, "%lf", &scoreRoundWinBonus);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "scorehitunit"))
sscanf(value, "%lf", &scoreHitUnit);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "scoreunitdestroybonus"))
sscanf(value, "%lf", &scoreUnitDestroyBonus);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "scoreunitselfdestroy"))
sscanf(value, "%lf", &scoreUnitSelfDestroy);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "acceleratedai"))
sscanf(value, "%lf", &skipComputerPlay);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "sellpercent"))
sscanf(value, "%lf", &sellpercent);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "enablesound"))
sscanf(value, "%lf", &sound);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "screenwidth"))
sscanf(value, "%d", &screenWidth);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "screenheight"))
sscanf(value, "%d", &screenHeight);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "OSMOUSE"))
sscanf(value, "%lf", &os_mouse);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "numpermanentplayers"))
sscanf(value, "%d", &numPermanentPlayers);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "language") )
sscanf(value, "%lf", &language);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "colourtheme") )
sscanf(value, "%lf", &colour_theme);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "frames") )
sscanf(value, "%lf", &frames_per_second);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "violentdeath") )
sscanf(value, "%lf", &violent_death);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "maxfiretime") )
sscanf(value, "%lf", &max_fire_time);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "dividemoney") )
sscanf(value, "%lf", ÷_money);
else if (!strcasecmp(field, "checkupdates"))
sscanf(value, "%lf", &check_for_updates);
else if (!strcasecmp(field, "networking"))
sscanf(value, "%lf", &enable_network);
else if (!strcasecmp(field, "listenport"))
sscanf(value, "%lf", &listen_port);
else if (!strcasecmp(field, "sounddriver"))
sscanf(value, "%lf", &sound_driver);
else if (!strcasecmp(field, "playmusic"))
sscanf(value, "%lf", &play_music);
else if (!strcasecmp(field, "fullscreen"))
sscanf(value, "%lf", &full_screen);
} // end of found field=value line
} // end of read a line properly
} // end of while not done
if (! sound_bookmark)
sound = sound_bookmark;
if (width_override)
screenWidth = width_override;
if (height_override)
screenHeight = height_override;
halfWidth = screenWidth / 2;
halfHeight = screenHeight / 2;
menuBeginY = (screenHeight - 400) / 2;
if (menuBeginY < 0) menuBeginY = 0;
menuEndY = screenHeight - menuBeginY;
if (skipComputerPlay > SKIP_HUMANS_DEAD)
skipComputerPlay = SKIP_HUMANS_DEAD;
return TRUE;
void GLOBALDATA::initialise ()
numTanks = 0;
void GLOBALDATA::addPlayer (PLAYER *player)
if (numPlayers < MAXPLAYERS)
players[numPlayers] = player;
if ((int)player->type == HUMAN_PLAYER)
computerPlayersOnly = FALSE;
void GLOBALDATA::removePlayer (PLAYER *player)
int fromCount = 0;
int toCount = -1;
if ((int)player->type == HUMAN_PLAYER)
if (numHumanPlayers == 0)
computerPlayersOnly = TRUE;
while (fromCount < numPlayers)
if (player != players[fromCount])
if ((toCount >= 0) && (fromCount > toCount))
players[toCount] = players[fromCount];
players[fromCount] = NULL;
// Position found,1G now move the remaining players down!
toCount = fromCount;
PLAYER *GLOBALDATA::getNextPlayer (int *playerCount)
if (*playerCount >= numPlayers)
*playerCount = 0;
return (players[*playerCount]);
PLAYER **reallocatedPlayers;
PLAYER *player;
reallocatedPlayers = (PLAYER**)realloc (allPlayers, sizeof (PLAYER*) * (numPermanentPlayers + 1));
if (reallocatedPlayers != NULL)
allPlayers = reallocatedPlayers;
perror ( (char *)"atanks.cc: Failed allocating memory for reallocatedPlayers in GLOBALDATA::createNewPlayer");
// exit (1);
player = new PLAYER (this, env);
if (!player)
perror ( (char *)"globaldata.cc: Failed allocating memory for player in GLOBALDATA::createNewPlayer");
// exit (1);
allPlayers[numPermanentPlayers] = player;
return (player);
void GLOBALDATA::destroyPlayer (PLAYER *player)
int fromCount = 0;
int toCount = 0;
for (; fromCount < numPermanentPlayers; fromCount++)
if (allPlayers[fromCount] != player)
allPlayers[toCount] = allPlayers[fromCount];
// This function returns the path to the
// config directory used by Atanks
char *GLOBALDATA::Get_Config_Path()
char *my_config_dir;
char *homedir;
// figure out file name
homedir = getenv(HOME_DIR);
if (! homedir)
homedir = (char *)".";
my_config_dir = (char *) calloc( strlen(homedir) + 24,
sizeof(char) );
if (! my_config_dir)
return NULL;
sprintf (my_config_dir, "%s/.atanks", homedir);
return my_config_dir;
// This function checks to see if one full second has passed since the
// last time the function was called.
// The function returns true if time has passed. The function
// returns false if time hasn't passed or it was unable to tell
// how much time has passed.
bool GLOBALDATA::Check_Time_Changed()
static time_t last_second = 0;
time_t current_second;
current_second = time(NULL);
if ( current_second == last_second )
return false;
// time has changed
last_second = current_second;
return true;
* This function Loads a music file (if there is one available.
* A pointer to the music file is returned. If no music can
* be found, then NULL is returned.
SAMPLE *GLOBALDATA::Load_Background_Music()
SAMPLE *my_sample = NULL;;
struct dirent *folder_entry;
// see if we should bother
if (! play_music)
return NULL;
// see if we have the music folder open
if (! music_dir)
char *buffer = (char *) calloc( strlen(configDir) + 32, sizeof(char) );
if (! buffer)
return NULL;
sprintf(buffer, "%s/music", configDir);
music_dir = opendir(buffer);
if (! music_dir)
return NULL;
// at this point we should have an open music folder
// the music folder is closed by global's deconstructor
// search for files ending in .wav
folder_entry = readdir(music_dir);
while ( (folder_entry) && (! my_sample) )
// we have something, see if it is a wav file
if ( strstr(folder_entry->d_name, ".wav") )
char *filename = (char *) calloc( strlen(configDir) + strlen(folder_entry->d_name) + 64, sizeof(char));
if (filename)
sprintf(filename, "%s/music/%s", configDir, folder_entry->d_name);
my_sample = load_sample(filename);
if (! my_sample)
folder_entry = readdir(music_dir);
if (! folder_entry) // hit end of folder
music_dir = NULL;
return my_sample;
* This function sets all variables, which get written to the
* config file, back to their defaults.
* -- Jesse
* */
void GLOBALDATA::Reset_Options()
ditherGradients = 1;
detailedLandscape = 0;
detailedSky = 0;
interest = 1.25;
scoreRoundWinBonus = 10000;
scoreHitUnit = 75;
scoreUnitDestroyBonus = 5000;
scoreUnitSelfDestroy = 0;
sellpercent = 0.80;
startmoney = 15000;
turntype = TURN_RANDOM;
skipComputerPlay = SKIP_HUMANS_DEAD;
sound = 1.0;
os_mouse = 1.0;
colour_theme = COLOUR_THEME_CRISPY;
frames_per_second = FRAMES_PER_SECOND;
violent_death = FALSE;
max_fire_time = 0.0;
divide_money = 0.0;
check_for_updates = 1.0;
enable_network = 0.0;
#ifdef NETWORK
listen_port = DEFAULT_LISTEN_PORT;
play_music = 1.0;
* This function loads all sounds from the data folder and saves them
* in an array.
* The function returns TRUE on success or FALSE if an error happens.
int GLOBALDATA::Load_Sounds()
int file_count = 0, array_size = 10;
char *file_name;
FILE *my_file;
SAMPLE *temp_sample;
file_name = (char *) calloc( strlen(dataDir) + 128, sizeof(char) );
if (! file_name)
return FALSE;
// allocate space for sound samples
sounds = (SAMPLE **) calloc(10, sizeof(SAMPLE *) );
if (! sounds)
printf("Unable to create sound array.\n");
return FALSE;
// read from directory
sprintf(file_name, "%s/sound/%d.wav", dataDir, file_count);
my_file = fopen(file_name, "r");
while ( (my_file) && (sounds) )
temp_sample = load_sample(file_name);
if (! temp_sample )
printf("An error occured loading sound file %s\n", file_name);
sounds[file_count] = temp_sample;
// make sure we have enough memory for more samples
if (file_count >= array_size)
array_size += 10;
sounds = (SAMPLE**) realloc(sounds, sizeof(SAMPLE*) * (array_size + 1));
if (! sounds)
printf("We just ran out of memory loading sound files.\n");
// zero out new memory pointers
int counter;
for (counter = file_count; counter <= array_size; counter++)
sounds[counter] = NULL;
sprintf(file_name, "%s/sound/%d.wav", dataDir, file_count);
my_file = fopen(file_name, "r");
return TRUE;
* This function loads all the bitmaps needed by th game.
* Bitmaps are found in a series of sub-folders under the
* dataDir. The function returns TRUE on success and FALSE
* if an error occures.
int GLOBALDATA::Load_Bitmaps()
int file_group = 0;
int array_size, file_count;
char *file_name;
char sub_folder[64];
FILE *my_file;
BITMAP *new_bitmap, **bitmap_array;
file_name = (char *) calloc( strlen(dataDir) + 128, sizeof(char) );
if (!file_name)
return FALSE;
while (file_group < 7)
// set the folder we're looking at
switch (file_group)
case 0: strcpy(sub_folder, "title"); break;
case 1: strcpy(sub_folder, "button"); break;
case 2: strcpy(sub_folder, "misc"); break;
case 3: strcpy(sub_folder, "missile"); break;
case 4: strcpy(sub_folder, "stock"); break;
case 5: strcpy(sub_folder, "tank"); break;
case 6: strcpy(sub_folder, "tankgun"); break;
// set up empty array
array_size = 10;
bitmap_array = (BITMAP **) calloc(10, sizeof(BITMAP *) );
if (! bitmap_array)
printf("Ran out of memory, loading bitmaps.\n");
return FALSE;
// search for files
file_count = 0;
sprintf(file_name, "%s/%s/%d.bmp", dataDir, sub_folder, file_count);
my_file = fopen(file_name, "r");
while ( (my_file) && (bitmap_array) )
new_bitmap = load_bitmap(file_name, NULL);
if (! new_bitmap)
printf("An error occured loading bitmap %s\n", file_name);
bitmap_array[file_count] = new_bitmap;
// make sure array is large enough
if ( file_count >= array_size)
array_size += 10;
bitmap_array = (BITMAP **) realloc(bitmap_array, sizeof(BITMAP *) * (array_size + 1) );
if (! bitmap_array)
printf("Unable to increase array size while loading bitmaps.\n");
// clear memory
int count;
for (count = file_count; count <= array_size; count++)
bitmap_array[count] = NULL;
// get next file
sprintf(file_name, "%s/%s/%d.bmp", dataDir, sub_folder, file_count);
my_file = fopen(file_name, "r");
// save the new array
switch (file_group)
case 0: title = bitmap_array; break;
case 1: button = bitmap_array; break;
case 2: misc = bitmap_array; break;
case 3: missile = bitmap_array; break;
case 4: stock = bitmap_array; break;
case 5: tank = bitmap_array; break;
case 6: tankgun = bitmap_array; break;
return TRUE;
// This file loads in extra fonts the game requires.
// Fonts should be stored in the datafolder. On
// success the function returns TRUE. When an
// error occures, it returns FALSE.
int GLOBALDATA::Load_Fonts()
char *filename;
filename = (char *) calloc( strlen(dataDir) + 32, sizeof(char));
if (!filename)
return FALSE;
sprintf(filename, "%s/unicode.dat", dataDir);
unicode = load_font(filename, NULL, NULL);
if (! unicode)
printf("Unable to load font %s\n", filename);
if (unicode)
return TRUE;
else return FALSE;
// This function selects the font to use. This should be called
// right after a language change.
void GLOBALDATA::Change_Font()
// FONT *temp_font = font;
if ( (language == LANGUAGE_RUSSIAN) || (language == LANGUAGE_GERMAN) )
font = unicode;
font = regular_font;
// if (temp_font != font) // font has changed
// {
// }
void GLOBALDATA::Update_Player_Menu()
int index;
for (index = 0; index < numPermanentPlayers; index++)
if (allPlayers[index])
// This function loads all needed text files, based on
// language, into memory. If a previous text was loaded, it is
// removed from memory first.
int GLOBALDATA::Load_Text_Files()
char *filename;
char suffix[32];
filename = (char *) calloc( strlen(dataDir) + 64, sizeof(char) );
if (! filename)
return FALSE;
if (war_quotes) delete war_quotes;
if (instructions) delete instructions;
if (gloat) delete gloat;
if (revenge) delete revenge;
if (retaliation) delete retaliation;
if (suicide) delete suicide;
if (kamikaze) delete kamikaze;
if (ingame) delete ingame;
if (language == LANGUAGE_RUSSIAN)
sprintf(filename, "%s/text/war_quotes_ru.txt", dataDir);
else if (language == LANGUAGE_SPANISH)
sprintf(filename, "%s/text/war_quotes_ES.txt", dataDir);
sprintf(filename, "%s/text/war_quotes.txt", dataDir);
war_quotes = new TEXTBLOCK(filename);
if (language == LANGUAGE_PORTUGUESE)
strcpy(suffix, ".pt_BR.txt");
else if (language == LANGUAGE_FRENCH)
strcpy(suffix, "_fr.txt");
else if (language == LANGUAGE_GERMAN)
strcpy(suffix, "_de.txt");
else if (language == LANGUAGE_SLOVAK)
strcpy(suffix, "_sk.txt");
else if (language == LANGUAGE_RUSSIAN)
strcpy(suffix, "_ru.txt");
else if (language == LANGUAGE_SPANISH)
strcpy(suffix, "_ES.txt");
else if (language == LANGUAGE_ITALIAN)
strcpy(suffix, "_it.txt");
strcpy(suffix, ".txt"); // default to english
sprintf(filename, "%s/text/instr%s", dataDir, suffix);
instructions = new TEXTBLOCK(filename);
sprintf(filename, "%s/text/gloat%s", dataDir, suffix);
gloat = new TEXTBLOCK(filename);
sprintf(filename, "%s/text/revenge%s", dataDir, suffix);
revenge = new TEXTBLOCK(filename);
sprintf(filename, "%s/text/retaliation%s", dataDir, suffix);
retaliation = new TEXTBLOCK(filename);
sprintf(filename, "%s/text/suicide%s", dataDir, suffix);
suicide = new TEXTBLOCK(filename);
sprintf(filename, "%s/text/kamikaze%s", dataDir, suffix);
kamikaze = new TEXTBLOCK(filename);
sprintf(filename, "%s/text/ingame%s", dataDir, suffix);
ingame = new TEXTBLOCK(filename);
return TRUE;
#ifdef NETWORK
// This function sends a message to all connected game clients.
// Returns TRUE on success or FALSE if the message could not be sent
int GLOBALDATA::Send_To_Clients(char *message)
int index;
int message_length;
if (! message) return FALSE;
message_length = strlen(message);
for (index = 0; index < numPlayers; index++)
if ( (players[index]) && (players[index]->type == NETWORK_CLIENT) )
write(players[index]->server_socket, message, message_length);
} // done all players
return TRUE;
// This function tries to figure out where the dataDir is. It
// first checks the current working directory, ".". If the
// proper files are not found, then we try the defined value of
// On success, TRUE is returned. If no usable directory is
// found, then FALSE is returned.
int GLOBALDATA::Find_Data_Dir()
char *current_dir = NULL;
FILE *my_phile;
current_dir = (char *) calloc( strlen(DATA_DIR) + 32, sizeof(char));
if (! current_dir)
return FALSE;
// try current dir
strcpy(current_dir, "./unicode.dat"); // local dir
my_phile = fopen(current_dir, "r");
if (my_phile)
dataDir = ".";
return TRUE;
// try system dir
sprintf(current_dir, "%s/unicode.dat", DATA_DIR);
my_phile = fopen(current_dir, "r");
if (my_phile)
dataDir = DATA_DIR;
return TRUE;
dataDir = DATA_DIR; // fall back
return FALSE;
Find the max velocity of a missile
double GLOBALDATA::Calc_Max_Velocity()
dMaxVelocity = (double) MAX_POWER * (100.0 / (double) frames_per_second) / 100.0;
return dMaxVelocity;
/* See how many humans and networked players we have */
int GLOBALDATA::Count_Humans()
int count;
int humans = 0;
for (count = 0; count < numPlayers; count++)
if (players[count]->type == HUMAN_PLAYER)
else if (players[count]->type == NETWORK_CLIENT)
return humans;
This function checks to see if there is a single player left standing.
If there is, that player's index is returned. If there is no winner, then
-1 is returned. If all tanks have been destroyed, then -2 is returned.
int GLOBALDATA::Check_For_Winner()
int index = 0, tank_count = 0;
int last_alive = -1;
while ( (index < numPlayers) && (tank_count < 2) )
if (players[index]->tank)
last_alive = index;
if ( (last_alive >= 0) && (tank_count == 1) )
return last_alive;
else if (tank_count > 1)
return -1;
else // all dead
return -2;
This function gives credits, score and money to the winner(s).
void GLOBALDATA::Credit_Winners(int winner)
int team_members = 0;
int index;
if (winner < 0) // no winner
if (winner == JEDI_WIN)
for (index = 0; index < numPlayers; index++)
if (players[index]->team == TEAM_JEDI)
else if (winner == SITH_WIN)
for (index = 0; index < numPlayers; index++)
if (players[index]->team == TEAM_SITH)
else // credit single winner
players[winner]->money += (int) scoreRoundWinBonus;
// team gets their money too
if (team_members)
int team_bonus = (int) scoreRoundWinBonus / team_members;
for (index = 0; index < numPlayers; index++)
if ( ((winner == JEDI_WIN) && (players[index]->team == TEAM_JEDI) ) ||
((winner == SITH_WIN) && (players[index]->team == TEAM_SITH) ) )
players[index]->money += team_bonus;