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* atanks - obliterate each other with oversize weapons
* Copyright (C) 2003 Thomas Hudson
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
* */
#include "environment.h"
#include "globaldata.h"
#include "virtobj.h"
#include "missile.h"
#include "tank.h"
#include "files.h"
ENVIRONMENT::ENVIRONMENT (GLOBALDATA *global):_global(global),done(NULL),fp(NULL),h(NULL),surface(NULL),dropTo(NULL),
gravity = 0.150;
viscosity = 0.5;
landSlideDelay = MAX_GRAVITY_DELAY;
windstrength = 8;
windvariation = 1;
weapontechLevel = itemtechLevel = 5;
meteors = 0;
lightning = 0;
satellite = 0.0;
falling_dirt_balls = 0.0;
fog = 0;
wallType = 0.0;
dBoxedMode = 0.0; // default is 0 = off
dFadingText = 0.0; // defaults to 0 for backwards compatibilities sake
dShadowedText = 0.0; // defaults to 0 for backwards compatibilities sake
current_wallType = 0;
custom_background = 0.0;
bitmap_filenames = NULL;
number_of_bitmaps = 0;
current_drawing_mode = DRAW_MODE_SOLID;
done = new char[global->screenWidth];
fp = new int[global->screenWidth];
h = new int[global->screenWidth];
surface = new int[global->screenWidth];
dropTo = new int[global->screenWidth];
velocity = new double[global->screenWidth];
dropIncr = new double[global->screenWidth];
height = new double[global->screenWidth];
db = create_bitmap (global->screenWidth, global->screenHeight);
if (!db)
cout << "Failed to create db bitmap: " << allegro_error;
terrain = create_bitmap (global->screenWidth, global->screenHeight);
if (!terrain)
cout << "Failed to create terrain bitmap: " << allegro_error;
sky = create_bitmap (global->screenWidth, global->screenHeight - MENUHEIGHT);
if (!sky)
cout << "Failed to create sky bitmap: " << allegro_error;
waiting_sky = NULL;
waiting_terrain = NULL;
_global = global;
global_tank_index = 0;
initialise ();
/** @brief ~ENVIRONMENT default dtor
* * *
* * * Cleanly remove created objects
* * */
int count;
if (db) destroy_bitmap(db); db = NULL;
if (sky) destroy_bitmap(sky); sky = NULL;
if (waiting_sky) destroy_bitmap(sky); waiting_sky = NULL;
if (terrain) destroy_bitmap(terrain); terrain = NULL;
_global = NULL;
if (done) delete [] (done); done = NULL;
if (fp) delete [] (fp); fp = NULL;
if (h) delete [] (h); h = NULL;
if (surface) delete [] (surface); surface = NULL;
if (dropTo) delete [] (dropTo); dropTo = NULL;
if (velocity) delete [] (velocity); velocity = NULL;
if (dropIncr) delete [] (dropIncr); dropIncr = NULL;
if (height) delete [] (height); height = NULL;
if (bitmap_filenames)
for (count = 0; count < number_of_bitmaps; count++)
if (bitmap_filenames[count])
This function saves the environment settings to a text
file. Each line has the format
The function returns TRUE on success and FALSE on failure.
-- Jesse
int ENVIRONMENT::saveToFile_Text (FILE *file)
if (! file) return FALSE;
fprintf (file, "*ENV*\n");
fprintf (file, "WINDSTRENGTH=%f\n", windstrength);
fprintf (file, "WINDVARIATION=%f\n", windvariation);
fprintf (file, "VISCOSITY=%f\n", viscosity);
fprintf (file, "GRAVITY=%f\n", gravity);
fprintf (file, "WEAPONTECHLEVEL=%f\n", weapontechLevel);
fprintf (file, "ITEMTECHLEVEL=%f\n", itemtechLevel);
fprintf (file, "METEORS=%f\n", meteors);
fprintf (file, "LIGHTNING=%f\n", lightning);
fprintf (file, "SATELLITE=%f\n", satellite);
fprintf (file, "FOG=%f\n", fog);
fprintf (file, "LANDTYPE=%f\n", landType);
fprintf (file, "LANDSLIDETYPE=%f\n", landSlideType);
fprintf (file, "WALLTYPE=%f\n", wallType);
fprintf (file, "BOXMODE=%f\n", dBoxedMode);
fprintf (file, "TEXTFADE=%f\n", dFadingText);
fprintf (file, "TEXTSHADOW=%f\n", dShadowedText);
fprintf (file, "LANDSLIDEDELAY=%f\n", landSlideDelay);
fprintf (file, "FALLINGDIRTBALLS=%f\n", falling_dirt_balls);
fprintf (file, "CUSTOMBACKGROUND=%f\n", custom_background);
fprintf (file, "***\n");
return TRUE;
This function loads environment settings from a text
file. The function returns TRUE on success and FALSE if
any erors are encountered.
-- Jesse
int ENVIRONMENT::loadFromFile_Text (FILE *file)
char line[MAX_CONFIG_LINE];
int equal_position, line_length;
char field[MAX_CONFIG_LINE], value[MAX_CONFIG_LINE];
char *result = NULL;
bool done = false;
// read until we hit line (char *)"*ENV*" or "***" or EOF
result = fgets(line, MAX_CONFIG_LINE, file);
if (! result) // eof
return FALSE;
if (! strncmp(line, "***", 3) ) // end of record
return FALSE;
while ( strncmp(line, "*ENV*", 5) ); // read until we hit new record
while ( (result) && (!done) )
// read a line
memset(line, '\0', MAX_CONFIG_LINE);
result = fgets(line, MAX_CONFIG_LINE, file);
if (result)
// if we hit end of the record, stop
if (! strncmp(line, "***", 3) ) return TRUE;
// find equal sign
line_length = strlen(line);
// strip newline character
if ( line[line_length - 1] == '\n')
line[line_length - 1] = '\0';
equal_position = 1;
while ( ( equal_position < line_length) && (line[equal_position] != '=') )
// make sure we have valid equal sign
if ( equal_position <= line_length )
// seperate field from value
memset(field, '\0', MAX_CONFIG_LINE);
memset(value, '\0', MAX_CONFIG_LINE);
strncpy(field, line, equal_position);
strcpy(value, & (line[equal_position + 1]));
// check for fields and values
if (! strcasecmp(field, "windstrength") )
sscanf(value, "%lf", &windstrength);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "windvariation") )
sscanf(value, "%lf", &windvariation);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "viscosity") )
sscanf(value, "%lf", &viscosity);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "gravity") )
sscanf(value, "%lf", &gravity);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "techlevel"))
sscanf(value, "%lf", &weapontechLevel);
itemtechLevel = weapontechLevel; // for backward compatibility
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "weapontechlevel") )
sscanf(value, "%lf", &weapontechLevel);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "itemtechlevel") )
sscanf(value, "%lf", &itemtechLevel);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "meteors"))
sscanf(value, "%lf", &meteors);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "lightning") )
sscanf(value, "%lf", &lightning);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "satellite") )
sscanf(value, "%lf", &satellite);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "fog") )
sscanf(value, "%lf", &fog);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "landtype"))
sscanf(value, "%lf", &landType);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "landslidetype"))
sscanf(value, "%lf", &landSlideType);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "walltype"))
sscanf(value, "%lf", &wallType);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "boxmode"))
sscanf(value, "%lf", &dBoxedMode);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "textfade"))
sscanf(value, "%lf", &dFadingText);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "textshadow"))
sscanf(value, "%lf", &dShadowedText);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "landslidedelay"))
sscanf(value, "%lf", &landSlideDelay);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "fallingdirtballs") )
sscanf(value, "%lf", &falling_dirt_balls);
else if (! strcasecmp(field, "custombackground") )
sscanf(value, "%lf", &custom_background);
} // end of found field=value line
} // end of read a line properly
} // end of while not done
return TRUE;
void ENVIRONMENT::initialise ()
for (int count = 0; count < _global->screenWidth; count++)
h[count] = 0;
fp[count] = 0;
done[count] = 1;
dropTo[count] = _global->screenHeight - 1;
surface[count] = 0;
for (int count = 0; count < MAX_OBJECTS; count++)
objects[count] = NULL;
for (int count = 0; count < MAXPLAYERS; count++)
order[count] = NULL;
clear_to_color (sky, PINK);
clear_to_color (db, WHITE);
clear_to_color (terrain, PINK);
// oldFogX = 0;
// oldFogY = 0;
combineUpdates = TRUE;
int ENVIRONMENT::isItemAvailable (int itemNum)
if (itemNum < WEAPONS)
if ((weapon[itemNum].warhead) ||
(weapon[itemNum].techLevel > weapontechLevel))
return (FALSE);
else if (item[itemNum - WEAPONS].techLevel > itemtechLevel)
return (FALSE);
return (TRUE);
void ENVIRONMENT::generateAvailableItemsList ()
int slot = 0;
for (int itemNum = 0; itemNum < THINGS; itemNum++)
if (!isItemAvailable (itemNum))
availableItems[slot] = itemNum;
numAvailable = slot;
int ENVIRONMENT::addObject (VIRTUAL_OBJECT *object)
int objCount = 0;
while ((objects[objCount] != NULL) && (objCount < MAX_OBJECTS))
if (objCount < MAX_OBJECTS)
objects[objCount] = object;
return (objCount);
int ENVIRONMENT::removeObject (VIRTUAL_OBJECT *object)
int objCount = object->getIndex();
int objClass = object->getClass();
if (objCount < MAX_OBJECTS)
objects[objCount] = NULL;
if (objClass == TANK_CLASS)
for (int ordCount = 0; ordCount < MAXPLAYERS; ordCount++)
if (order[ordCount] == object)
order[ordCount] = NULL;
return (objCount);
return (0);
VIRTUAL_OBJECT *ENVIRONMENT::getNextOfClass (int classNum, int *objCount)
for (;*objCount < MAX_OBJECTS; (*objCount)++)
if ((objects[*objCount] != NULL) &&
((classNum == ANY_CLASS) || (classNum == objects[*objCount]->getClass ())))
if (*objCount < MAX_OBJECTS)
return (objects[*objCount]);
return (NULL);
void ENVIRONMENT::newRound ()
for (int objCount = 0; objCount < MAX_OBJECTS; objCount++)
if (objects[objCount])
if ((!objects[objCount]->isSubClass (TANK_CLASS)) &&
(!objects[objCount]->isSubClass (FLOATTEXT_CLASS)))
delete objects[objCount];
objects[objCount] = NULL;
else if (objects[objCount]->isSubClass (TANK_CLASS))
((TANK *)objects[objCount])->newRound();
naturals_since_last_shot = 0;
// set wall type
if (wallType == WALL_RANDOM)
current_wallType = rand() % 4;
current_wallType = (int) wallType;
// time_to_fall = (rand() % MAX_GRAVITY_DELAY) + 1;
time_to_fall = (rand() & (int)landSlideDelay) + 1;
global_tank_index = 0;
int ENVIRONMENT::ingamemenu ()
int button[INGAMEBUTTONS];
int pressed = -1;
int updatew[INGAMEBUTTONS];
char *buttext[INGAMEBUTTONS];
buttext[0] = _global->ingame->complete_text[69];
buttext[1] = _global->ingame->complete_text[70];
buttext[2] = _global->ingame->complete_text[71];
buttext[3] = _global->ingame->complete_text[72];
// char buttext_de[INGAMEBUTTONS][32] = { "Zuruck", "Hauptmenu", "Verlassen", "Skip AI" };
int z, zz;
// Set/calcualte button size and positions
int button_width = 150;
int button_height = 20;
int button_space = 5;
int button_halfwidth = button_width / 2;
// int button_halfheight = button_height / 2;
int dialog_width = 200;
int dialog_height = ((INGAMEBUTTONS + 2) * button_height) + ((INGAMEBUTTONS + 1) * button_space);
int dialog_halfwidth = dialog_width / 2;
int dialog_halfheight = dialog_height / 2;
// Calculate button y values and set all button status to 0
int y = -dialog_halfheight + button_height + button_space;
for (z = 0; z < INGAMEBUTTONS; z++)
updatew[z] = 0;
button[z] = y;
y += button_height + button_space;
if (! _global->os_mouse) show_mouse (NULL);
make_update (_global->halfWidth - dialog_halfwidth, _global->halfHeight - dialog_halfheight, dialog_width, dialog_height);
rectfill (db, _global->halfWidth - dialog_halfwidth, _global->halfHeight - dialog_halfheight, _global->halfWidth + dialog_halfwidth - 1, _global->halfHeight + dialog_halfheight - 1, makecol (128, 128, 128));
rect (db, _global->halfWidth - dialog_halfwidth, _global->halfHeight - dialog_halfheight, _global->halfWidth + dialog_halfwidth - 1, _global->halfHeight + dialog_halfheight - 1, BLACK);
while (1)
if (keypressed ())
k = readkey ();
if ( (k >> 8 == KEY_ESC) || (k >> 8 == KEY_P) )
return (0);
if (mouse_b & 1)
zz = 0;
for (z = 0; z < INGAMEBUTTONS; z++)
if (mouse_x >= _global->halfWidth - button_halfwidth && mouse_x < _global->halfWidth + button_halfwidth && mouse_y >= button[z] + _global->halfHeight
&& mouse_y < button[z] + button_height + _global->halfHeight)
zz = 1;
if (pressed > -1)
updatew[pressed] = 1;
pressed = z;
updatew[z] = 1;
if (!zz)
if (pressed > -1)
updatew[pressed] = 1;
pressed = -1;
if (pressed > -1 && !mouse_b & 1)
return (pressed);
for (z = 0; z < INGAMEBUTTONS; z++)
if (updatew[z])
updatew[z] = 0;
make_update (_global->halfWidth - button_halfwidth, _global->halfHeight + button[z], button_width, button_height);
make_update (mouse_x, mouse_y, ((BITMAP *) (_global->misc[0]))->w, ((BITMAP *) (_global->misc[0]))->h);
make_update (lx, ly, ((BITMAP *) (_global->misc[0]))->w, ((BITMAP *) (_global->misc[0]))->h);
lx = mouse_x;
ly = mouse_y;
if (! _global->os_mouse) show_mouse (NULL);
for (z = 0; z < INGAMEBUTTONS; z++)
draw_sprite (db, (BITMAP *) _global->misc[(pressed == z) ? 8 : 7], _global->halfWidth - button_halfwidth, _global->halfHeight + button[z]);
textout_centre_ex (db, font, buttext[z], _global->halfWidth, _global->halfHeight + button[z] + 6, WHITE, -1);
if (! _global->os_mouse) show_mouse (db);
do_updates ();
void ENVIRONMENT::do_updates ()
int count;
bool bIsBgUpdNeeded = false;
if (_global->lastUpdatesCount)
bIsBgUpdNeeded = true;
if (_global->updateCount >= MAXUPDATES)
for (count = 0; count < _global->updateCount && count < MAXUPDATES; count++)
blit (db, screen, _global->updates[count].x, _global->updates[count].y, _global->updates[count].x, _global->updates[count].y, _global->updates[count].w, _global->updates[count].h);
// Debug rectangle
//rect (screen, _global->updates[count].x, _global->updates[count].y, _global->updates[count].x + _global->updates[count].w, _global->updates[count].y + _global->updates[count].h, WHITE);
if (bIsBgUpdNeeded)
make_bgupdate(_global->updates[count].x, _global->updates[count].y, _global->updates[count].w, _global->updates[count].h);
if (!bIsBgUpdNeeded)
_global->lastUpdatesCount = _global->updateCount;
memcpy (_global->lastUpdates, _global->updates, sizeof (BOX) * _global->updateCount);
_global->updateCount = 0;
void ENVIRONMENT::replaceCanvas ()
int count;
if (_global->lastUpdatesCount >= MAXUPDATES)
for (count = 0; count < _global->lastUpdatesCount && count < MAXUPDATES; count++)
blit (sky, db, _global->lastUpdates[count].x, _global->lastUpdates[count].y - MENUHEIGHT, _global->lastUpdates[count].x, _global->lastUpdates[count].y, _global->lastUpdates[count].w, _global->lastUpdates[count].h);
masked_blit (terrain, db, _global->lastUpdates[count].x, _global->lastUpdates[count].y, _global->lastUpdates[count].x, _global->lastUpdates[count].y, _global->lastUpdates[count].w, _global->lastUpdates[count].h);
int iLeft = 0;
int iRight = _global->screenWidth - 1;
int iTop = MENUHEIGHT;
int iBottom = _global->screenHeight - 1;
vline(db, iLeft, iTop, iBottom, wallColour); // Left edge
vline(db, iLeft + 1, iTop, iBottom, wallColour); // Left edge
vline(db, iRight, iTop, iBottom, wallColour); // right edge
vline(db, iRight - 1, iTop, iBottom, wallColour); // right edge
hline(db, iLeft, iBottom, iRight, wallColour);// bottom edge
if (_global->bIsBoxed)
hline(db, iLeft, iTop, iRight, wallColour);// top edge
_global->lastUpdatesCount = 0;
// The menu needs to be redrawn:
make_update(0, 0, _global->screenWidth - 1, MENUHEIGHT);
void ENVIRONMENT::make_update (int x, int y, int w, int h)
int combined = 0;
if (combineUpdates && _global->updateCount && _global->updateCount < MAXUPDATES)
BOX prev, next;
prev.x = _global->updates[_global->updateCount - 1].x;
prev.y = _global->updates[_global->updateCount - 1].y;
// .w = .x + .w = x2 (aka renamed to be the right x-position)
prev.w = _global->updates[_global->updateCount - 1].x + _global->updates[_global->updateCount - 1].w;
// .h = .y + .h = y2 (aka renamed to be the bottom y-position)
prev.h = _global->updates[_global->updateCount - 1].y + _global->updates[_global->updateCount - 1].h;
next.x = x;
next.y = y;
next.w = x + w; // same as above, becoming x2 and not the width!
next.h = y + h; // same as above, becoming y2 and not the height!
if (((next.w > prev.x - 3) && (prev.w > next.x - 3)) &&
((next.h > prev.y - 3) && (prev.h > next.y - 3)))
next.x = (next.x < prev.x)?next.x:prev.x;
next.y = (next.y < prev.y)?next.y:prev.y;
next.w = (next.w > prev.w)?next.w:prev.w;
next.h = (next.h > prev.h)?next.h:prev.h;
_global->updates[_global->updateCount - 1].x = next.x;
_global->updates[_global->updateCount - 1].y = next.y;
_global->updates[_global->updateCount - 1].w = next.w - next.x;
_global->updates[_global->updateCount - 1].h = next.h - next.y;
combined = 1;
if (!combined)
_global->updates[_global->updateCount].x = x;
_global->updates[_global->updateCount].y = y;
_global->updates[_global->updateCount].w = w;
_global->updates[_global->updateCount].h = h;
if (_global->updateCount < MAXUPDATES)
if (_global->updateCount >= MAXUPDATES)
else if (!_global->stopwindow)
if (x < _global->window.x)
_global->window.x = x;
if (y < _global->window.y)
_global->window.y = y;
if (x + w > _global->window.w)
_global->window.w = (x + w) - 1;
if (y + h > _global->window.h)
_global->window.h = (y + h) - 1;
if (_global->window.x < 0)
_global->window.x = 0;
if (_global->window.y < MENUHEIGHT)
_global->window.y = MENUHEIGHT;
if (_global->window.w > (_global->screenWidth-1))
_global->window.w = (_global->screenWidth-1);
if (_global->window.h > (_global->screenHeight-1))
_global->window.h = (_global->screenHeight-1);
void ENVIRONMENT::make_bgupdate (int x, int y, int w, int h)
int combined = 0;
if (_global && combineUpdates && _global->lastUpdatesCount && (_global->lastUpdatesCount < MAXUPDATES))
BOX prev, next;
prev.x = _global->lastUpdates[_global->lastUpdatesCount - 1].x;
prev.y = _global->lastUpdates[_global->lastUpdatesCount - 1].y;
prev.w = _global->lastUpdates[_global->lastUpdatesCount - 1].x + _global->lastUpdates[_global->lastUpdatesCount - 1].w;
prev.h = _global->lastUpdates[_global->lastUpdatesCount - 1].y + _global->lastUpdates[_global->lastUpdatesCount - 1].h;
next.x = x;
next.y = y;
next.w = x + w;
next.h = y + h;
if (((next.w > prev.x - 3) && (prev.w > next.x - 3)) &&
((next.h > prev.y - 3) && (prev.h > next.y - 3)))
next.x = (next.x < prev.x)?next.x:prev.x;
next.y = (next.y < prev.y)?next.y:prev.y;
next.w = (next.w > prev.w)?next.w:prev.w;
next.h = (next.h > prev.h)?next.h:prev.h;
_global->lastUpdates[_global->lastUpdatesCount - 1].x = next.x;
_global->lastUpdates[_global->lastUpdatesCount - 1].y = next.y;
_global->lastUpdates[_global->lastUpdatesCount - 1].w = next.w - next.x;
_global->lastUpdates[_global->lastUpdatesCount - 1].h = next.h - next.y;
combined = 1;
if (_global && !combined)
_global->lastUpdates[_global->lastUpdatesCount].x = x;
_global->lastUpdates[_global->lastUpdatesCount].y = y;
_global->lastUpdates[_global->lastUpdatesCount].w = w;
_global->lastUpdates[_global->lastUpdatesCount].h = h;
if (_global->lastUpdatesCount < MAXUPDATES)
if (_global && _global->lastUpdatesCount >= MAXUPDATES)
void ENVIRONMENT::make_fullUpdate()
// Replace Updates with a full screen update:
int iOldCombUpd = combineUpdates;
combineUpdates = 0;
// They are splitted into 4 x 2 updates:
int iQuartWidth = _global->halfWidth / 2;
int iHalfHeight = _global->halfHeight;
_global->updateCount = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < 2; y++)
make_update(iQuartWidth * x , iHalfHeight * y,
iQuartWidth * (x+1) , iHalfHeight * (y+1));
_global->lastUpdatesCount = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < 2; y++)
make_bgupdate(iQuartWidth * x , iHalfHeight * y,
iQuartWidth * (x+1) , iHalfHeight * (y+1));
combineUpdates = iOldCombUpd;
int ENVIRONMENT::getAvgBgColor(int aTopLeftX, int aTopLeftY, int aBotRightX, int aBotRightY, double aVelX, double aVelY)
// Coordinate sets:
int iLeftX = aTopLeftX;
int iRightX = aBotRightX;
int iCentX; // Will be calculated later
int iTopY = aTopLeftY;
int iBottomY= aBotRightY;
int iCentY; // Will be calculated later!
// Colors:
int iColorToLe, iColorToCe, iColorToRi; // top row
int iColorCeLe, iColorCeCe, iColorCeRi; // center row
int iColorBoLe, iColorBoCe, iColorBoRi; // bottom row
int iRed = 0;
int iGreen = 0;
int iBlue = 0;
// Get the coordinates into range:
if (aTopLeftX < 1) iLeftX = 1;
if (aTopLeftX > (_global->screenWidth - 2)) iLeftX = _global->screenWidth - 2;
if (aBotRightX < 1) iRightX= 1;
if (aBotRightX > (_global->screenWidth - 2)) iRightX= _global->screenWidth - 2;
iCentX = (iLeftX + iRightX) / 2;
if (aTopLeftY < (MENUHEIGHT + 1)) iTopY = MENUHEIGHT + 1;
if (aTopLeftY > (_global->screenHeight - 2)) iTopY = _global->screenHeight - 2;
if (aBotRightY < (MENUHEIGHT + 1)) iBottomY = MENUHEIGHT + 1;
if (aBotRightY > (_global->screenHeight - 2)) iBottomY = _global->screenHeight - 2;
iCentY = (iTopY + iBottomY) / 2;
// Get Sky color or bg color, whatever fits:
--- Left side ---
if (surface[iLeftX] <= iTopY)
// All infront of the surface:
iColorBoLe = getpixel(terrain, iLeftX, iBottomY);
iColorCeLe = getpixel(terrain, iLeftX, iCentY);
iColorToLe = getpixel(terrain, iLeftX, iTopY);
// look where we are going...
if (surface[iLeftX] > iBottomY)
// Left part is guaranteed to be in front of the sky, get all three colors at once:
iColorBoLe = getpixel(sky, iLeftX, iBottomY - MENUHEIGHT);
iColorCeLe = getpixel(sky, iLeftX, iCentY - MENUHEIGHT);
iColorToLe = getpixel(sky, iLeftX, iTopY - MENUHEIGHT);
// At least the bottom color is infront of the terrain
iColorBoLe = getpixel(terrain, iLeftX, iBottomY);
if (surface[iLeftX] > iCentY)
// ...but the other two are in front of the sky:
iColorCeLe = getpixel(sky, iLeftX, iCentY - MENUHEIGHT);
iColorToLe = getpixel(sky, iLeftX, iTopY - MENUHEIGHT);
// Nope, they are in front of the terrain
iColorCeLe = getpixel(terrain, iLeftX, iCentY);
iColorToLe = getpixel(terrain, iLeftX, iTopY);
--- The Center ---
if (surface[iCentX] <= iTopY)
// All infront of the surface:
iColorBoCe = getpixel(terrain, iCentX, iBottomY);
iColorCeCe = getpixel(terrain, iCentX, iCentY);
iColorToCe = getpixel(terrain, iCentX, iTopY);
// look where we are going...
if (surface[iCentX] > iBottomY)
// Left part is guaranteed to be in front of the sky, get all three colors at once:
iColorBoCe = getpixel(sky, iCentX, iBottomY - MENUHEIGHT);
iColorCeCe = getpixel(sky, iCentX, iCentY - MENUHEIGHT);
iColorToCe = getpixel(sky, iCentX, iTopY - MENUHEIGHT);
// At least the bottom color is infront of the terrain
iColorBoCe = getpixel(terrain, iCentX, iBottomY);
if (surface[iCentX] > iCentY)
// ...but the other two are in front of the sky:
iColorCeCe = getpixel(sky, iCentX, iCentY - MENUHEIGHT);
iColorToCe = getpixel(sky, iCentX, iTopY - MENUHEIGHT);
// Nope, they are in front of the terrain
iColorCeCe = getpixel(terrain, iCentX, iCentY);
iColorToCe = getpixel(terrain, iCentX, iTopY);
--- Right side ---
if (surface[iRightX] <= iTopY)
// All infront of the surface:
iColorBoRi = getpixel(terrain, iRightX, iBottomY);
iColorCeRi = getpixel(terrain, iRightX, iCentY);
iColorToRi = getpixel(terrain, iRightX, iTopY);
// look where we are going...
if (surface[iRightX] > iBottomY)
// Left part is guaranteed to be in front of the sky, get all three colors at once:
iColorBoRi = getpixel(sky, iRightX, iBottomY - MENUHEIGHT);
iColorCeRi = getpixel(sky, iRightX, iCentY - MENUHEIGHT);
iColorToRi = getpixel(sky, iRightX, iTopY - MENUHEIGHT);
// At least the bottom color is infront of the terrain
iColorBoRi = getpixel(terrain, iRightX, iBottomY);
if (surface[iRightX] > iCentY)
// ...but the other two are in front of the sky:
iColorCeRi = getpixel(sky, iRightX, iCentY - MENUHEIGHT);
iColorToRi = getpixel(sky, iRightX, iTopY - MENUHEIGHT);
// Nope, they are in front of the terrain
iColorCeRi = getpixel(terrain, iRightX, iCentY);
iColorToRi = getpixel(terrain, iRightX, iTopY);
// Fetch the rgb parts, according to movement:
/* --- X-Movement --- */
if (aVelX < 0.0)
// Movement to the left, weight left side color twice
iRed += (_GET_R(iColorBoLe) * 2) + (_GET_R(iColorCeLe) * 2) + (_GET_R(iColorToLe) * 2);
iGreen += (_GET_G(iColorBoLe) * 2) + (_GET_G(iColorCeLe) * 2) + (_GET_G(iColorToLe) * 2);
iBlue += (_GET_B(iColorBoLe) * 2) + (_GET_B(iColorCeLe) * 2) + (_GET_B(iColorToLe) * 2);
// The others are counted once
iRed += _GET_R(iColorBoCe) + _GET_R(iColorCeCe) + _GET_R(iColorToCe) + _GET_R(iColorBoRi) + _GET_R(iColorCeRi) + _GET_R(iColorToRi);
iGreen += _GET_G(iColorBoCe) + _GET_G(iColorCeCe) + _GET_G(iColorToCe) + _GET_G(iColorBoRi) + _GET_G(iColorCeRi) + _GET_G(iColorToRi);
iBlue += _GET_B(iColorBoCe) + _GET_B(iColorCeCe) + _GET_B(iColorToCe) + _GET_B(iColorBoRi) + _GET_B(iColorCeRi) + _GET_B(iColorToRi);
if (aVelX == 0.0)
// No X-Movement, weight center twice
iRed += (_GET_R(iColorBoCe) * 2) + (_GET_R(iColorCeCe) * 2) + (_GET_R(iColorToCe) * 2);
iGreen += (_GET_G(iColorBoCe) * 2) + (_GET_G(iColorCeCe) * 2) + (_GET_G(iColorToCe) * 2);
iBlue += (_GET_B(iColorBoCe) * 2) + (_GET_B(iColorCeCe) * 2) + (_GET_B(iColorToCe) * 2);
// The others are counted once
iRed += _GET_R(iColorBoLe) + _GET_R(iColorCeLe) + _GET_R(iColorToLe) + _GET_R(iColorBoRi) + _GET_R(iColorCeRi) + _GET_R(iColorToRi);
iGreen += _GET_G(iColorBoLe) + _GET_G(iColorCeLe) + _GET_G(iColorToLe) + _GET_G(iColorBoRi) + _GET_G(iColorCeRi) + _GET_G(iColorToRi);
iBlue += _GET_B(iColorBoLe) + _GET_B(iColorCeLe) + _GET_B(iColorToLe) + _GET_B(iColorBoRi) + _GET_B(iColorCeRi) + _GET_B(iColorToRi);
if (aVelX > 0.0)
// Movement to the right, weight right side color twice
iRed += (_GET_R(iColorBoRi) * 2) + (_GET_R(iColorCeRi) * 2) + (_GET_R(iColorToRi) * 2);
iGreen += (_GET_G(iColorBoRi) * 2) + (_GET_G(iColorCeRi) * 2) + (_GET_G(iColorToRi) * 2);
iBlue += (_GET_B(iColorBoRi) * 2) + (_GET_B(iColorCeRi) * 2) + (_GET_B(iColorToRi) * 2);
// The others are counted once
iRed += _GET_R(iColorBoCe) + _GET_R(iColorCeCe) + _GET_R(iColorToCe) + _GET_R(iColorBoLe) + _GET_R(iColorCeLe) + _GET_R(iColorToLe);
iGreen += _GET_G(iColorBoCe) + _GET_G(iColorCeCe) + _GET_G(iColorToCe) + _GET_G(iColorBoLe) + _GET_G(iColorCeLe) + _GET_G(iColorToLe);
iBlue += _GET_B(iColorBoCe) + _GET_B(iColorCeCe) + _GET_B(iColorToCe) + _GET_B(iColorBoLe) + _GET_B(iColorCeLe) + _GET_B(iColorToLe);
/* --- Y-Movement --- */
if (aVelY < 0.0)
// Movement upwards, weight upper side color twice
iRed += (_GET_R(iColorToLe) * 2) + (_GET_R(iColorToCe) * 2) + (_GET_R(iColorToRi) * 2);
iGreen += (_GET_G(iColorToLe) * 2) + (_GET_G(iColorToCe) * 2) + (_GET_G(iColorToRi) * 2);
iBlue += (_GET_B(iColorToLe) * 2) + (_GET_B(iColorToCe) * 2) + (_GET_B(iColorToRi) * 2);
// The others are counted once
iRed += _GET_R(iColorBoLe) + _GET_R(iColorCeLe) + _GET_R(iColorBoCe) + _GET_R(iColorCeCe) + _GET_R(iColorBoRi) + _GET_R(iColorCeRi);
iGreen += _GET_G(iColorBoLe) + _GET_G(iColorCeLe) + _GET_G(iColorBoCe) + _GET_G(iColorCeCe) + _GET_G(iColorBoRi) + _GET_G(iColorCeRi);
iBlue += _GET_B(iColorBoLe) + _GET_B(iColorCeLe) + _GET_B(iColorBoCe) + _GET_B(iColorCeCe) + _GET_B(iColorBoRi) + _GET_B(iColorCeRi);
if (aVelY == 0.0)
// No Y-Movement, weight center twice
iRed += (_GET_R(iColorCeLe) * 2) + (_GET_R(iColorCeCe) * 2) + (_GET_R(iColorCeRi) * 2);
iGreen += (_GET_G(iColorCeLe) * 2) + (_GET_G(iColorCeCe) * 2) + (_GET_G(iColorCeRi) * 2);
iBlue += (_GET_B(iColorCeLe) * 2) + (_GET_B(iColorCeCe) * 2) + (_GET_B(iColorCeRi) * 2);
// The others are counted once
iRed += _GET_R(iColorBoLe) + _GET_R(iColorToLe) + _GET_R(iColorBoCe) + _GET_R(iColorToCe) + _GET_R(iColorBoRi) + _GET_R(iColorToRi);
iGreen += _GET_G(iColorBoLe) + _GET_G(iColorToLe) + _GET_G(iColorBoCe) + _GET_G(iColorToCe) + _GET_G(iColorBoRi) + _GET_G(iColorToRi);
iBlue += _GET_B(iColorBoLe) + _GET_B(iColorToLe) + _GET_B(iColorBoCe) + _GET_B(iColorToCe) + _GET_B(iColorBoRi) + _GET_B(iColorToRi);
if (aVelY > 0.0)
// Movement downwards, weight lower side color twice
iRed += (_GET_R(iColorBoRi) * 2) + (_GET_R(iColorBoCe) * 2) + (_GET_R(iColorBoLe) * 2);
iGreen += (_GET_G(iColorBoRi) * 2) + (_GET_G(iColorBoCe) * 2) + (_GET_G(iColorBoLe) * 2);
iBlue += (_GET_B(iColorBoRi) * 2) + (_GET_B(iColorBoCe) * 2) + (_GET_B(iColorBoLe) * 2);
// The others are counted once
iRed += _GET_R(iColorToLe) + _GET_R(iColorCeLe) + _GET_R(iColorToCe) + _GET_R(iColorCeCe) + _GET_R(iColorToRi) + _GET_R(iColorCeRi);
iGreen += _GET_G(iColorToLe) + _GET_G(iColorCeLe) + _GET_G(iColorToCe) + _GET_G(iColorCeCe) + _GET_G(iColorToRi) + _GET_G(iColorCeRi);
iBlue += _GET_B(iColorToLe) + _GET_B(iColorCeLe) + _GET_B(iColorToCe) + _GET_B(iColorCeCe) + _GET_B(iColorToRi) + _GET_B(iColorCeRi);
/* I know this looks weird, but what we now have is some kind of summed matrix, which is always the same:
* Let's assume that dVelX and dVelY are both 0.0, so no movement is happening. The result is: (In counted times)
* 2|3|2 ( = 7)
* -+-+-
* 3|4|3 ( = 10)
* -+-+-
* 2|3|2 ( = 7)
* = 24
* And it is always 24, no matter which movement combination you try. */
iRed /= 24;
if (iRed > 0xff) iRed = 0xff;
iGreen/= 24;
if (iGreen> 0xff) iGreen= 0xff;
iBlue /= 24;
if (iBlue > 0xff) iBlue = 0xff;
return(makecol(iRed, iGreen, iBlue));
* This function puts all the of the environment settings back
* to their default values. These are settings which get written
* to the config file.
* -- Jesse
* */
void ENVIRONMENT::Reset_Options()
windstrength = 8;
windvariation = 1;
viscosity = 0.5;
gravity = 0.150;
weapontechLevel = 5;
itemtechLevel = 5;
meteors = 0;
lightning = 0;
satellite = 0.0;
fog = 0;
landSlideDelay = MAX_GRAVITY_DELAY;
falling_dirt_balls = 0.0;
wallType = 0.0;
dBoxedMode = 0.0;
dFadingText = 0.0;
dShadowedText = 0.0;
custom_background = 0.0;
This function checks to see which wall type we are using
and sets the appropriate colour.
void ENVIRONMENT::Set_Wall_Colour()
switch (current_wallType)
wallColour = makecol(0, 255, 0); break;
wallColour = makecol(255, 0, 0); break;
wallColour = makecol(0, 0, 255); break;
wallColour = makecol(255, 255, 0); break;
bool ENVIRONMENT::Get_Boxed_Mode(GLOBALDATA *global)
if (dBoxedMode == 2.0)
if (rand() % 2)
global->bIsBoxed = true;
global->bIsBoxed = false;
else if (dBoxedMode == 1.0)
global->bIsBoxed = true;
else if (dBoxedMode == 0.0)
global->bIsBoxed = false;
return global->bIsBoxed;
TANK *ENVIRONMENT::Get_Next_Tank(int *wrapped_around)
int index;
int found = FALSE;
int old_index;
int wrapped = 0;
index = global_tank_index;
old_index = index;
while (!found)
if (index >= MAXPLAYERS)
index = 0;
*wrapped_around = TRUE;
if ( (order[index]) && (index != old_index) )
found = TRUE;
if (wrapped > 1)
if (! found)
*wrapped_around = TRUE;
*wrapped_around = FALSE;
global_tank_index = index;
return order[index];