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- ftape-HOWTO
- Kai Harrekilde-Petersen, khp@login.dknet.dk
- Last updated 29th july, 1994 for ftape-1.13b
- This HOWTO discuss the essentials of the do's and dont's for the ftape
- driver under Linux. The ftape driver interfaces to QIC-80 and QIC-40
- compatible drives only. These drives connects via the floppy con-
- troller. It does not cover SCSI or QIC-02 tape drives. DAT tape
- drives usually (always?) connect to a SCSI controller. This is but
- one of the Linux HOWTO documents. You can get the HOWTO's from the
- Linux Documentation home page (http://sunsite.unc.edu/mdw/linux.hmtl)
- 1. Legalese
- This is the `Frequently Asked Questions' (FAQ) / HOWTO document for
- the ftape driver (ftape-HOWTO), Copyright (C) 1993,1994 Kai
- Harrekilde-Petersen.
- Copyright statement:
- You may distribute this document freely as a whole in any form and
- free of charge. You may distribute parts of this document, provided
- this copyright message is included and you include a message stating
- that it is not the full HOWTO document and a pointer to where the full
- document can be obtained. Specifically, it may be included in
- commercial distributions, without my prior consent. However, I would
- like to be informed of such usage.
- You may translate this HOWTO into any language, whatsoever, provided
- that you leave this copyright statement and the disclaimer intact, and
- that you append a notice stating who translated the document.
- While I have tried to include the most correct and up-to-date
- information available to me, I cannot guarantee that usage of the
- information in this document does not result in loss of data. I
- provide NO WARRANTY about the information in the HOWTO and I cannot be
- made liable for any consequences for any damage resulting from using
- information in this HOWTO.
- 2. The preliminaries
- 2.1. What is ftape
- ftape is a driver program that controls various low-cost tape drives
- that connect to the floppy controller. Specifically, ftape supports
- drives that conform to the QIC-117 and QIC-80/QIC-40 standards. ftape
- does not support QIC-02 tape drives or drives that connect via a SCSI
- interface, e.g. a DAT drive. SCSI drives are accessed as /dev/st[0-7]
- and are supported by the kernel directly. See section ``Supported
- drives'' and ``Un-supported drives'' for a list of supported and
- unsupported drives.
- 2.2. The newest version of ftape - and where to get it
- The newest version of the ftape driver is ftape-1.13b, and can be
- fetched from the following sites:
- tsx-11.mit.edu []: /pub/linux/ALPHA/QIC-80/
- sunsite.unc.edu []: /pub/Linux/kernel/tapes/
- ftp.funet.fi []: /pub/OS/Linux/BETA/QIC-80/
- You should get the files: ftape-1.13b.tar.gz, ftape-1.13b.lsm and
- modules.tar.gz. The .tar.gz file is the ftape driver proper, while
- the .lsm file is a Linux Software Map (LSM) file for the LSM project,
- and the modules file is a set of utilities for manipulating loadable
- drivers (insertion and removal). Note: if you have an old version of
- the modules utilities, e.g. modutils-0.99.14.tar.gz or
- modutils-0.99.15.tar.gz, you will probably need to upgrade them).
- 2.3. Following the development of the ftape driver
- If you want to follow the development of the ftape driver, you should
- consider subscribing to the TAPE channel on Linux-activists. To
- subscribe, you send a mail to <linux-activists-
- request@niksula.hut.fi>, with the first line (or as a part of the
- header) saying `X-Mn-Admin: join tape'. If you send an empty mail (or
- the automagical mail-response system chokes on your mail), you are
- sent a HOWTO mail.
- To submit a real mail to the mailing lists, send a mail to <linux-
- activists@niksula.hut.fi>, and remember that the first line (or a
- header line) should read `X-Mn-Key: TAPE'.
- 2.4. Supported drives
- All drives that are both QIC-117 compatible and either QIC-40 or
- QIC-80 compatible should work. Currently, the list of drives that are
- known to work with ftape is:
- o Colorado DJ-10 / DJ-20 (aka: Jumbo 120 / Jumbo 250)
- o Archive 5580i / XL9250i
- o Insight 80Mb
- o Conner C250MQ
- o Wangtek 3080F
- o Iomega 250 (only one file per tape, though)
- o Escom / Archive (Hornet) 31250Q
- o Summit SE 150 / SE 250
- o Mountain FS8000
- o Colorado FC-10 High-Speed Controller (well, it's not a drive, but
- ...)
- Support for the FC-10 controller has been merged into the ftape driver
- in version 1.12. See the RELEASE-NOTES and the Makefile files in the
- ftape distribution.
- Some tape drives (Iomega) falsely set the `new-cartridge-loaded'
- status every time the driver is opened. These drives won't work
- together with file-marks as every file ends up at the beginning of the
- tape.
- NOTE: If you have a drive that works fine, but it is not listed here,
- please send a mail to the HOWTO maintainer (khp@login.dknet.dk).
- 2.5. Un-supported drives
- o All drives that connect to the parallel port (eg: Colorado Trakker)
- o High-Speed controller's. (eg: Colorado TC-15 & FC-20)
- o Irwin AX250L / Accutrak 250. (not a QIC-80 drive)
- o IBM Internal Tape Backup Unit (identical to the Irwin AX250L drive)
- o COREtape light
- Generally, ALL drives that connect to the parallel port are NOT
- supported. This is because these drives uses (different) proprietary
- interfaces, that are very much different from the QIC-117 standard.
- The Colorado TC-15 controller (and it's like) are not supported
- directly by the ftape driver. The only `special' controller that can
- be used with ftape is the Colorado FC-10. Support for the FC-10 was
- integrated in version 1.12.
- The Irwin AX250L (and the IBM Internal Tape Backup Unit) does not work
- the ftape. This is because they only support QIC-117, but not the
- QIC-80 standard (they use Irwin's proprietary servoe (Rhomat) format).
- I know nothing about the Rhomat format, nor where to get any info on
- it. Sorry.
- The COREtape light does not work (yet). We have some info on it, but
- we have not got it to accept the initialisation data. As the user who
- had the COREtape drive swapped it for another tape drive in
- frustration, we may never get it to work with ftape (no test drive).
- 2.6. Compiling and installing the ftape driver
- There is included an installation guide (the file Install-guide) in
- the ftape distribution; please read that.
- 2.7. Where to get the kernel sources
- You can get the kernel sources from the same place as you got the
- ftape sources. The sources are kept at the following sites (and many
- mirror-sites)
- tsx-11.mit.edu []: /pub/linux/sources/system/
- sunsite.unc.edu []: /pub/Linux/kernel/
- ftp.funet.fi []: /pub/OS/Linux/PEOPLE/Linus
- You will find a number of subdirectories, including two named v1.0 and
- v1.1. These contain (you guessed it!) v1.0 and v1.1 of the kernel. I
- suggest that you get version 1.1.<something>.
- 2.8. Can I format my tapes under Linux?
- At the moment, no! We have looked at how to do it under Linux, but
- don't hang around waiting for it. Until it's finished, you'll have to
- use MessyDOS (arghhh!) instead or buy preformatted tapes. However,
- some of the preformatted tapes are not checked for bad sectors!. If
- the ftape driver enocunters a tape with no bad blocks, it will issue a
- warning.
- 2.9. Which formatting programs can I use under DOS?
- These are known to work:
- o Colorado Memory System's software (tape.exe)
- o Connor Backup Basics v1.1 and all Windows versions
- o Norton Backup
- o QICstream version 2
- o Tallgrass FileSecure v1.52
- These programs are known to be more or less buggy:
- o Conner Backup Basics 1.0
- o CP Backup (wastes tape space, but is OK apart from that)
- In fact, most software under DOS should work. The Conner Backup
- Basics v1.0 has a parameter off-by-one (someone could not read the
- QIC-80 specs right!), which is corrected in version 1.1. Dennis T.
- Flaherty (dennisf@denix.elk.miles.com) report that Conner C250MQ
- owners can obtain the new v1.1, by calling 1-800-230-5638 (in the US)
- and ask for an upgrade (for a nominal fee for the floppy). The
- Windows versions works fine.
- Central Point Backup can be used, but it wastes precious tape space
- when it encounters a bad spot on the tape.
- NOTE: If you are running a formatting software under DOS, which is not
- mentioned here, please mail the maintainer (khp@login.dknet.dk) the
- relevant info, so I can update the HOWTO.
- 3. Backing up and restoring data
- 3.1. Writing an archive to a tape
- You can use `tar', `dd' and `cpio'. You will need to use `mt' to get
- the full potential of your tapes and the ftape driver. For a start
- I'd recommend using `tar', as it can archive lots of directories and
- let you pick out seperate files from an archive. I have been told
- that cpio creates smaller archives and is more flexible than tar, but
- I haven't tried it myself. To make a backup of your kernel source
- tree using tar, do this (assuming you have the sources in
- /usr/src/linux):
- cd /usr/src
- tar cf /dev/ftape linux
- This will not compress the files, but gives you a smoother tape run.
- If you want the compression (and you've got tar 1.11.2), you just
- include the -z flag(*), eg: `tar czf /dev/ftape linux'
- For further instructions on how to use tar, dd and mt look at the man
- pages and the texinfo files that comes with the respective
- distributions.
- (*) tar assumes that the first argument is options, so the `-' is not
- necessary, i.e. these two commands are the same: `tar xzf /dev/ftape'
- and `tar -xzf /dev/ftape'
- 3.2. Restoring an archive
- OK, let us restore the backup of the kernel source you made in section
- ``'' above. To do this you simply say
- tar xf /dev/ftape
- If you used compression, you will have to say
- tar xzf /dev/ftape
- When you use compression, gzip will complain about trailing garbage
- after the very end of the archive (and this will lead to a `broken
- pipe' message). This can be safely ignored.
- For the other utilities, please read the man page.
- 3.3. Testing the archive
- tar has an option (-d) for detecting differences between two archives.
- To test your backup of the kernel source say
- tar df /dev/ftape
- If you do not have the man page for tar, you are not lost (yet); tar
- has a builtin option list: try `tar --help 2>&1 | more'
- 3.4. Putting more than one tar file on a tape
- To put more than one tar file on a tape you must have the mt utility.
- You will probably have it already, if you got one of the mainline
- distributions, e.g. Slackware or Debian.
- tar generates a single Tape ARchive (that's why it is called `tar')
- and knows nothing about multiple files or positioning of a tape, it
- just reads or writes from/to a device. mt knows everyting about moving
- the tape back and forth, but nothing about reading the data off the
- tape. As you might have guessed, tar and mt in conjunction, does the
- trick.
- By using the nrft[0-3] (nftape) device, you can use `mt' to position
- the tape the correct place (`mt -f /dev/nftape fsf 2' means step over
- two ``file marks'', i.e. tar files) and then use tar to read or write
- the relevant data.
- 3.5. Appending files to an archive
- "Is there a way to extend an archive -- put a file on the tape, then
- later, add more to the tape?"
- No. The tar documentation will tell you to use `tar -Ar', but it does
- not work. This is a limitation of the current ftape driver. (I
- haven't tried it myself, so it might work with ftape-1.13b).
- 3.6. Mount/unmounting tapes
- Since a tape does not have a ``filesystem'' on it, you do not mount /
- unmount the tape. To backup, you just insert the tape and run your
- `tar' command (or whatever you use to access the tape with).
- "Is there an explicit (un)mount command for the tape?"
- Nope. The ftape device is a `character device', and they can not be
- [u]mount'ed. It is only block devices that gets mounted.
- 4. Frequently Asked Questions
- 4.1. Can I exchange tapes with someone using DOS?
- You cannot do this yet. This is being worked on, however. The DOS
- software conforms to the QIC-80 specs about the layout of the DOS
- filesystem, and it should(?) be a small problem to write a program
- that can read/write the DOS format. In fact, I'd bet that creating a
- nice user interface would be a bigger problem.
- 4.2. How do I `....' with tar?
- These are really tar questions: Please read the man page and the info
- page. If you have not got it either, try `tar --help 2>&1 | more'.
- If your version of tar is v1.11.1 or earlier, consider upgrading to
- v1.11.2 - This version can call GNU zip directly (i.e.: it supports
- the -z option) and has an elaborate help included. Also, it compiles
- right out of the box on Linux.
- 4.3. ftape DMA transfers gives ECC errors
- Sadly to say there are some SVGA cards and ethernet cards that do not
- decode their addresses correct. This typically happens when the ftape
- buffers are in the range 0x1a0000 to 0x1c0000. Somehow, the DMA write
- cycles get clobbered and every other byte written gets a bad value
- (0xff). These problems are reported to happen with both SVGA and
- ethernet cards. We know of at least one (bad?) ATI 16bit VGA card
- that caused this.
- The easiest solution is to put the card in an 8bit slot (it is often
- not enough to reconfigure the card to 8bit transfers). Moving the
- ftape buffer away from the VGA range is only a partial solution; All
- DMA buffers used in Linux can have this problem! Let us make this one
- clear: This has nothing to do with the ftape software.
- 4.4. insmod says the kernel version is wrong
- The insmod program checks the kernel version against the version
- recorded in the ftape driver. This is a string in kernel-version.h,
- (e.g.: char kernel_version[] = "1.0.4";) which is extracted from the
- kernel you are running when you run `make dep'. If you got the error
- when you tried to insert the ftape driver, remove the file `kernel-
- version.h', type `make dep ; make' again and the kernel-version.h file
- should be updated. Remember that you will have to do this every time
- you change to another kernel version.
- 4.5. is added The v1.1.0 kernel wont compile when ftape support
- (Although I haven't heard a lot of complains, I include it here, just
- to be sure)
- This was due to a typo (and a hacker who didn't use ftape himself, so
- he never got around to actually test the code he wrote). This is
- corrected by patch1.gz, which can be found from the usual ftp sites.
- 4.6. binaries/sources/manpages? Where can I find the tar/mt/cpio/dd
- All of these tools have been developed by the GNU project, and the
- source (and man page) can be fetched from just-about any ftp site in
- the world (including ftp.funet.fi, tsx-11.mit.edu, and
- sunsite.unc.edu). In any case they can be fetched from the official
- GNU home site: prep.ai.mit.edu []:/pub/gnu. The latest
- versions (by 26. march 94) are:
- cpio: 2.3 (cpio-2.3.tar.gz)
- dd: 3.9 (fileutils-3.9.tar.gz)
- mt: 2.3 (cpio-2.3.tar.gz)
- tar: 1.11.2 (tar-1.11.2.tar.gz)
- gzip: 1.2.4 (gzip-1.2.4.tar.gz)
- They all compile out of the box on Linux v1.0.4 / libc v4.5.19 / gcc
- v2.5.8 (The rmt program does not compile out of the box, but it is not
- needed as it is only used for accessing the tape drive remotely).
- 5. Debugging the ftape driver
- 5.1. bug? The kernel/ftape crashes on me when I do `...' - is that a
- No, that is a feature ;-)
- Seriously, reliable software do not crash. Especially kernels do not
- or rather should not crash. If the kernel crashes upon you when you
- are running ftape, and you can show that it is ftape that is messing
- things up, regard it as a Bug that Should Be Fixed. Mail the details
- to the developers (see section ``'' below).
- 5.2. ftape keep saying `... new tape', what do I do?
- [You cannot do this anymore; I do not know a way of fixing it yet]
- To get rid of this, do this (blindfold): login as root and say `rmmod
- ftape'. ftape should choke a few times, give three segmentation
- violations (or so), and give up life.
- Check the activity LED on your floppy drive (you do have one, don't
- you?). If it is constantly lit, you have turned the floppy cable
- upside down somewhere. Check your cable between controller, tape
- drive and floppy drive. Usually, one (or more) of the connectors have
- been turned upside down, such that pin 1 in one end connects to pin 34
- in the other end. (All the even-numbered pins are grounded, so you
- wont be able to use your floppy either). Don't worry; this cannot
- damage your hardware.
- 5.3. OK, it's a bug ...ehhh... feature - How do I submit a report?
- First, make sure you can reproduce the problem. Spurious errors are a
- pain in the ass, since they are just about impossible to hunt down :-/
- This is a quick check list:
- o Kernel version, and patches applied (even ftape patches)
- o ftape version
- o tape drive model / manufacturer
- o What you did to expose the problem
- o A log of the run with tracing level set to 7
- o What went wrong on your system.
- o Do not delete the kernel and the ftape.o file. We may want you run
- try some patches out or run a different test on your system.
- Increase the tracing level to 7 (just below maximum tracing) and run
- the offending command again. Get the tracing data from the kernel log
- or /proc/kmsg, depending on where you harvest your error messages. Do
- not try to `trim' the kernel log. You might consider something
- irrelevant, which is essential to the investigator of the bug. State
- exactly what you did, and what happened on your system. We might not
- see the error because we use a different tape drive or another version
- of the kernel!
- Send your bug report to <:linux-activists@niksula.hut.fi> (and
- remember to add a `X-Mn-Key: TAPE' line in the header). You might
- also want to mail the bug to <bas@vimec.nl>.
- 5.4. How do I change the trace-level?
- You can do this two ways: either change the default trace-level (the
- var `tracing' in file `ftape-rw.c') and recompile or say
- mt -f /dev/ftape fsr <tracing-level>
- The use of the fsr command in mt is a hack, and will disappear with
- time.
- 5.5. When I use /dev/nftape, I get garbage ... why?
- This was a problem in `the old days', before version 0.9.10.
- Nowadays, the non-rewinding devices are working. If you have anything
- earlier, I strongly recommend you to update to the 1.13b version.
- 6. Supporting the development of ftape
- 6.1. the developers? I just LOVE this ftape driver, how can I sup-
- port
- You can support us by answering other users questions on the
- newsgroups. There are many new users (newbies), that just need a
- simple answer to their question, e.g. `where can I get the ftape-
- HOWTO'. Please post your answer directly on the newsgroup, such that
- other users many learn from your answer.
- This is about the best support you can give us besides testing the
- driver and writing good error-reports.
- 6.2. I contact? I wanna help developing a `....' Who should
- Below is a list of the developers. If there is already someone
- working on a similar / identical project, contact that person
- directly. If you have an program / feature that no-one is working on,
- contact me <khp@login.dknet.dk> (not Bas, he is already over-burdened
- by work and has little time to reply to questions).
- Formatting program: (not started yet)
- Kai Harrekilde-Petersen, khp@login.dknet.dk
- Cesare Mastroianni, cece@dist.dist.unige.it
- ftape driver proper:
- Bas Laarhoven, bas@vimec.nl
- QIC-80 logical format (r/w of DOS compatible backups):
- Guido Muench, odiug@pool.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.de
- Kai Harrekilde-Petersen, khp@login.dknet.dk