home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
INI File | 1994-11-21 | 26.5 KB | 613 lines |
- [Identification]
- OptionType = VIDEO
- [Identify]
- read-syms Identification
- set Identifier = $(OptionType)
- set Media = #("Source Media Descriptions", 1, 1)
- Return $(Status) $(Identifier) $(Media)
- [ServicesEntry]
- CurrentEntry = "" ? $(!LIBHANDLE) GetDevicemapValue Video \Device\Video0
- [SystemVariables]
- STF_WINDOWSPATH = "" ? $(!LIBHANDLE) GetWindowsNtDir
- [MiniportDrivers]
- ali35 = ali35 , !SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER, Video, !SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE, {vga,vga256,vga64k} , 1, "%SystemRoot%\System32\IoLogMsg.dll" , 7
- [OpenGLDrivers]
- [ExternalInstallOption]
- Set !G:DebugOutputControl = 0
- set Exit_Code = $(!SETUP_ERROR_GENERAL)
- install LoadSetupLibrary
- ifstr(i) $(STF_LANGUAGE) == ""
- goto end
- else-ifstr(i) $(OPTION) == ""
- goto end
- else-ifstr(i) $(INITSRC) == ""
- goto end
- else-ifstr(i) $(ADDCOPY) == ""
- goto end
- else-ifstr(i) $(DOCOPY) == ""
- goto end
- else-ifstr(i) $(DOCONFIG) == ""
- goto end
- else-ifstr(i) $(DOINSTALL) == ""
- goto end
- else-ifstr(i) $(INFFILE) == ""
- goto end
- endif
- LoadLibrary "x" $(!STF_CWDDIR)setupdll.dll !LIBHANDLE
- set STF_CONTROLSET = CurrentControlSet
- read-syms SystemVariables
- detect SystemVariables
- ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK)
- Debug-Output "Execing Configuring hardware failed"
- goto end
- endif
- ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_SUCCESSFUL
- set Exit_Code = $(!SETUP_ERROR_SUCCESS)
- else-ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_USERCANCEL
- set Exit_Code = $(!SETUP_ERROR_USERCANCEL)
- endif
- end =+
- install FreeSetupLibrary
- FreeLibrary $(!LIBHANDLE)
- exit
- [InstallOption]
- set Status = STATUS_FAILED
- set DrivesToFree = {}
- set Option = $($1)
- set SrcDir = $($2)
- set AddCopy = $($3)
- set DoCopy = $($4)
- set DoConfig = $($5)
- set DoInstall = $($6)
- set LanguageList = ^(LanguagesSupported, 1)
- Ifcontains(i) $($0) in $(LanguageList)
- else
- goto finish_InstallOption
- endif
- read-syms Strings$($0)
- ifstr(i) $(Option) != "DETECT"
- set OptionList = ^(Options, 0)
- ifcontains $(Option) in $(OptionList)
- else
- goto finish_InstallOption
- endif
- set OptionList = ""
- set DriverEntry = #(Options, $(Option), 1)
- set MiniportDriver = #(MiniportDrivers, $(DriverEntry), 1)
- set InstalledDisplays = #(MiniportDrivers, $(DriverEntry), 5)
- endif
- read-syms ServicesEntry
- detect ServicesEntry
- set DriversList = ^(MiniportDrivers, 0)
- set MiniportDriverList = ^(Files-DisplayMiniportDrivers, 0)
- set DisplayDriverList = ^(Files-DisplayDLLs, 0)
- set OpenGLDriverList = ^(OpenGLDrivers, 0)
- installtheoption = +
- ifstr(i) $(AddCopy) == "YES"
- ifstr(i) $(Option) == "DETECT"
- set DoActualCopy = YES
- else
- set DoActualCopy = NO
- set FileToCheck = #(Files-DisplayMiniportDrivers, $(MiniportDriver), 2)
- LibraryProcedure STATUS,$(!LIBHANDLE),CheckFileExistance $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)"\drivers\"$(FileToCheck)
- ifstr(i) $(STATUS) == NO
- set DoActualCopy = YES
- goto addfiles
- endif
- ForListDo $(InstalledDisplays)
- ifcontains $($) in $(DisplayDriverList)
- set FileToCheck = #(Files-DisplayDLLs, $($), 2)
- LibraryProcedure STATUS,$(!LIBHANDLE),CheckFileExistance $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)"\"$(FileToCheck)
- ifstr(i) $(STATUS) == NO
- set DoActualCopy = YES
- goto addfiles
- endif
- ifcontains $($) in $(OpenGLDriverList)
- set FileToCheck = #(Files-DisplayOpenGLDrivers, #(OpenGLDrivers, $($), 1), 2)
- LibraryProcedure STATUS,$(!LIBHANDLE),CheckFileExistance $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)"\"$(FileToCheck)
- ifstr(i) $(STATUS) == NO
- set DoActualCopy = YES
- goto addfiles
- endif
- endif
- endif
- EndForListDo
- endif
- addfiles = +
- ifstr(i) $(DoActualCopy) == NO
- shell "subroutn.inf" DriversExist $($0) $(String1)
- ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK)
- Debug-Output "VIDEO.INF: shelling DriversExist failed"
- goto finish_InstallOption
- endif
- ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_CURRENT
- else-ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_NEW
- set DoActualCopy = YES
- else-ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_USERCANCEL
- Debug-Output "VIDEO.INF: User cancelled video installation"
- goto finish_InstallOption
- else
- Debug-Output "VIDEO.INF: Error reported in DriversExist routine in SUBROUTN.INF"
- goto finish_InstallOption
- endif
- endif
- ifstr(i) $(DoActualCopy) == YES
- shell "subroutn.inf" DoAskSourceEx $(SrcDir) $(String2)
- ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK)
- Debug-Output "VIDEO.INF: shelling DoAskSourceEx failed"
- goto finish_InstallOption
- endif
- ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_SUCCESSFUL
- set SrcDir = $($R1)
- ifstr(i) $($R2) != ""
- set DrivesToFree = >($(DrivesToFree), $($R2))
- endif
- else
- Debug-Output "VIDEO.INF: User cancelled asking source."
- goto finish_InstallOption
- endif
- ifstr(i) $(Option) != "DETECT"
- install Install-AddCopyOption
- else
- install Install-AddAllCopy
- endif
- Debug-Output "VIDEO.INF: Adding video files to copy list failed"
- goto finish_InstallOption
- endif
- else
- set DoCopy = NO
- endif
- endif
- ifstr(i) $(DoCopy) == "YES"
- read-syms ProgressCopy$($0)
- install Install-DoCopyOption
- Debug-Output "Copying files failed"
- goto finish_InstallOption
- else-ifstr(i) $(STF_INSTALL_OUTCOME) == "STF_USERQUIT"
- goto finish_InstallOption
- endif
- endif
- ifstr(i) $(DoConfig) == "YES"
- shell "registry.inf" CheckSetupModify
- ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK)
- goto finish_InstallOption
- endif
- ifstr(i) $($R0) != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL
- goto finish_InstallOption
- endif
- ForListDo $(DriversList)
- ifstr(i) $(Option) == "DETECT"
- set DriverEntry = $($)
- set DeviceDescription = ""
- ifcontains #(MiniportDrivers, $(DriverEntry), 1) in $(MiniportDriverList)
- set configDriver = YES
- else
- set configDriver = NO
- endif
- else
- set DeviceDescription = $(Option)
- ifstr(i) $(DriverEntry) == $($)
- set configDriver = YES
- else
- set configDriver = NO
- endif
- endif
- ifstr(i) $(configDriver) == YES
- Debug-Output "configuring the miniport driver"
- set MiniportDriver = #(MiniportDrivers, $(DriverEntry), 1)
- set Type = $(#(MiniportDrivers, $(DriverEntry), 2))
- set Group = #(MiniportDrivers, $(DriverEntry), 3)
- set ErrorControl = $(#(MiniportDrivers, $(DriverEntry), 4))
- set InstalledDisplays = #(MiniportDrivers, $(DriverEntry), 5)
- set VgaCompatible = #(MiniportDrivers, $(DriverEntry), 6)
- set EventMessageFile = #(MiniportDrivers, $(DriverEntry), 7)
- set TypesSupported = #(MiniportDrivers, $(DriverEntry), 8)
- set ServiceNode = $(DriverEntry)
- set ServiceBinary = %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\#(Files-DisplayMiniportDrivers, $(MiniportDriver), 2)
- set ServicesValues = { +
- {Type, 0, $(!REG_VT_DWORD), $(Type) }, +
- {Group, 0, $(!REG_VT_SZ), $(Group) }, +
- {ErrorControl, 0, $(!REG_VT_DWORD), $(ErrorControl) }, +
- {BinaryPathName, 0, $(!REG_VT_EXPAND_SZ), $(ServiceBinary) } +
- }
- ifstr(i) $(DoInstall) == "YES"
- set ServicesValues = >($(ServicesValues), +
- {Start, 0, $(!REG_VT_DWORD), $(!SERVICE_SYSTEM_START) })
- else
- set ServicesValues = >($(ServicesValues), +
- {Start, 0, $(!REG_VT_DWORD), $(!SERVICE_DISABLED) })
- endif
- set ParametersValues = { +
- {"Device Description", 0, $(!REG_VT_SZ), $(DeviceDescription) }, +
- {InstalledDisplayDrivers, 0, $(!REG_VT_MULTI_SZ), $(InstalledDisplays) }, +
- {VgaCompatible, 0, $(!REG_VT_DWORD), $(VgaCompatible) } +
- }
- ifstr(i) $(Option) == "ATI AST"
- set ParametersValues = >($(ParametersValues), +
- {"ATIOEM", 0, $(!REG_VT_SZ), "AST" })
- endif
- set DeviceValues = {}
- set EventLogValues = { +
- {EventMessageFile, 0, $(!REG_VT_EXPAND_SZ), $(EventMessageFile) }, +
- {TypesSupported, 0, $(!REG_VT_DWORD), $(TypesSupported) } +
- }
- shell "registry.inf" MakeServicesEntry $(ServiceNode) +
- $(ServicesValues) +
- $(ParametersValues) +
- $(DeviceValues) +
- $(EventLogValues) +
- Device0
- ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK)
- Debug-Output "Couldn't execute MakeServicesEntry in registry.inf"
- goto finish_InstallOption
- endif
- ifstr(i) $($R0) != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL
- Debug-Output "MakeServicesEntry failed for video"
- goto finish_InstallOption
- endif
- ForListDo $(InstalledDisplays)
- ifcontains $($) in $(OpenGLDriverList)
- set KeyPath = { +
- {SOFTWARE, 0, $(MaskAllAccess)}, +
- {Microsoft, 0, $(MaskAllAccess)}, +
- {"Windows NT", 0, $(MaskAllAccess)}, +
- {CurrentVersion, 0, $(MaskAllAccess)}, +
- {OpenGLDrivers, 0, $(MaskAllAccess)} +
- }
- set KeyValue = { +
- {$($), 0, $(!REG_VT_SZ), #(OpenGLDrivers, $($), 1) } +
- }
- shell "registry.inf" CreateKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) $(KeyPath) $(KeyValue)
- Debug-Output "just did an OGL section"
- ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK)
- Debug-Output "Couldn't execute CreateKey in registry.inf"
- goto endInstallOpenGLDriver
- endif
- ifstr(i) $($R0) != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL
- Debug-Output "CreateKey failed for OGLDrivers"
- goto endInstallOpenGLDriver
- endif
- Debug-Output "VIDEO.INF: success installing an ogl entry"
- endif
- EndForListDo
- endif
- EndForListDo
- endif
- finish_InstallOption = +
- ForListDo $(DrivesToFree)
- LibraryProcedure STATUS,$(!LIBHANDLE), DeleteNetConnection $($) "TRUE"
- EndForListDo
- Return $(Status)
- [Install-AddCopyOption]
- Debug-Output "adding to copy list"
- set STF_VITAL = ""
- AddSectionKeyFileToCopyList Files-DisplayMiniportDrivers +
- $(MiniportDriver) +
- $(SrcDir) +
- ForListDo $(InstalledDisplays)
- ifcontains $($) in $(DisplayDriverList)
- Debug-Output "adding display driver to copy list"
- AddSectionKeyFileToCopyList Files-DisplayDLLs +
- $($) +
- $(SrcDir) +
- ifcontains $($) in $(OpenGLDriverList)
- Debug-Output "adding opengl driver to copy list"
- AddSectionKeyFileToCopyList Files-DisplayOpenGLDrivers +
- #(OpenGLDrivers, $($), 1) +
- $(SrcDir) +
- endif
- endif
- EndForListDo
- exit
- [Install-AddAllCopy]
- Debug-Output "adding all drivers to copy list"
- set STF_VITAL = ""
- AddSectionFilesToCopyList Files-DisplayMiniportDrivers +
- $(SrcDir) +
- AddSectionFilesToCopyList Files-DisplayDLLs +
- $(SrcDir) +
- exit
- [Install-DoCopyOption]
- CopyFilesInCopyList
- exit
- [FontResources]
- font96dpi = 96, {vgasys.fon, vgafix.fon, vgaoem.fon, SSERIFE.FON, COURE.FON, SERIFE.FON, SYMBOLE.FON, SMALLE.FON}, vgasys.fon, vgafix.fon, vgaoem.fon, SSERIFE.FON, COURE.FON, SERIFE.FON, SYMBOLE.FON, SMALLE.FON
- font120dpi = 120, {8514sys.fon, 8514fix.fon, 8514oem.fon, SSERIFF.FON, COURF.FON, SERIFF.FON, SYMBOLF.FON, SMALLF.FON}, 8514sys.fon, 8514fix.fon, 8514oem.fon, SSERIFF.FON, COURF.FON, SERIFF.FON, SYMBOLF.FON, SMALLF.FON
- [ExternalFontInstallOption]
- Set !G:DebugOutputControl = 1
- set Exit_Code = $(!SETUP_ERROR_GENERAL)
- install LoadSetupLibrary
- ifstr(i) $(STF_LANGUAGE) == ""
- goto end
- else-ifstr(i) $(OPTION) == ""
- goto end
- else-ifstr(i) $(INITSRC) == ""
- goto end
- else-ifstr(i) $(ADDCOPY) == ""
- goto end
- else-ifstr(i) $(DOCOPY) == ""
- goto end
- else-ifstr(i) $(DOCONFIG) == ""
- goto end
- else-ifstr(i) $(INFFILE) == ""
- goto end
- endif
- LoadLibrary "x" $(!STF_CWDDIR)setupdll.dll !LIBHANDLE
- set STF_CONTROLSET = CurrentControlSet
- read-syms SystemVariables
- detect SystemVariables
- ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK)
- Debug-Output "Execing Configuring hardware failed"
- goto end
- endif
- ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_SUCCESSFUL
- set Exit_Code = $(!SETUP_ERROR_SUCCESS)
- else-ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_USERCANCEL
- set Exit_Code = $(!SETUP_ERROR_USERCANCEL)
- endif
- end =+
- install FreeSetupLibrary
- FreeLibrary $(!LIBHANDLE)
- exit
- [FontInstallOption]
- set Status = STATUS_FAILED
- set DrivesToFree = {}
- set Option = $($1)
- set SrcDir = $($2)
- set AddCopy = $($3)
- set DoCopy = $($4)
- set DoConfig = $($5)
- set LanguageList = ^(LanguagesSupported, 1)
- Ifcontains(i) $($0) in $(LanguageList)
- else
- goto endFontInstallOption
- endif
- read-syms Strings$($0)
- set OptionList = ^(FontOptions, 0)
- ifcontains $(Option) in $(OptionList)
- else
- goto endFontInstallation
- endif
- Debug-Output "about to install the font option"
- set OptionList = ""
- read-syms SystemVariables
- detect SystemVariables
- set FontSelection = #(FontOptions, $(Option), 1)
- set LogPixels = #(FontResources, $(FontSelection), 1)
- set FontFileList = #(FontResources, $(FontSelection), 2)
- installthefontoption = +
- ifstr(i) $(AddCopy) == "YES"
- set DoActualCopy = NO
- ForListDo $(FontFileList)
- set FileToCheck = $($)
- LibraryProcedure STATUS,$(!LIBHANDLE),CheckFileExistance $(!STF_WINDOWSPATH)"\system\"$(FileToCheck)
- ifstr(i) $(STATUS) == NO
- set DoActualCopy = YES
- endif
- EndForListDo
- addfontfiles = +
- ifstr(i) $(DoActualCopy) == NO
- shell "subroutn.inf" DriversExist $($0) $(String1)
- ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK)
- Debug-Output "VIDEO.INF: shelling DriversExist failed"
- goto endFontInstallOption
- endif
- ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_CURRENT
- else-ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_NEW
- set DoActualCopy = YES
- else-ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_USERCANCEL
- Debug-Output "VIDEO.INF: User cancelled font installation"
- goto endFontInstallOption
- else
- Debug-Output "VIDEO.INF: Error reported in DriversExist routine in SUBROUTN.INF"
- goto endFontInstallOption
- endif
- endif
- ifstr(i) $(DoActualCopy) == YES
- shell "subroutn.inf" DoAskSourceEx $(SrcDir) $(String2)
- ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK)
- Debug-Output "VIDEO.INF: shelling DoAskSourceEx failed"
- goto endFontInstallOption
- endif
- ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_SUCCESSFUL
- set SrcDir = $($R1)
- ifstr(i) $($R2) != ""
- set DrivesToFree = >($(DrivesToFree), $($R2))
- endif
- else
- Debug-Output "VIDEO.INF: User cancelled asking source."
- goto endFontInstallOption
- endif
- install InstallFont-AddCopyOption
- Debug-Output "VIDEO.INF: Adding video files to copy list failed"
- goto endFontInstallOption
- endif
- else
- set DoCopy = NO
- endif
- endif
- ifstr(i) $(DoCopy) == "YES"
- read-syms ProgressCopy$($0)
- install InstallFont-DoCopyOption
- Debug-Output "Copying files failed"
- goto endFontInstallOption
- else-ifstr(i) $(STF_INSTALL_OUTCOME) == "STF_USERQUIT"
- goto endFontInstallOption
- endif
- endif
- ifstr(i) $(DoConfig) == "YES"
- shell "registry.inf" CheckSetupModify
- ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK)
- goto endFontInstallOption
- endif
- ifstr(i) $($R0) != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL
- goto endFontInstallOption
- endif
- set KeyPath = { +
- {SOFTWARE, 0, $(MaskAllAccess)}, +
- {Microsoft, 0, $(MaskAllAccess)}, +
- {"Windows NT", 0, $(MaskAllAccess)}, +
- {CurrentVersion, 0, $(MaskAllAccess)}, +
- {GRE_Initialize, 0, $(MaskAllAccess)} +
- }
- set KeyValues = { +
- {FONTS.FON, 0, $(!REG_VT_SZ), #(FontResources, $(FontSelection), 3) }, +
- {FIXEDFON.FON, 0, $(!REG_VT_SZ), #(FontResources, $(FontSelection), 4) }, +
- {OEMFONT.FON, 0, $(!REG_VT_SZ), #(FontResources, $(FontSelection), 5) } +
- }
- shell "registry.inf" CreateKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) $(KeyPath) $(KeyValues)
- Debug-Output "just did the GRE_Ini font section"
- ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK)
- Debug-Output "Couldn't execute CreateKey in registry.inf"
- goto endFontInstallOption
- endif
- ifstr(i) $($R0) != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL
- Debug-Output "CreateKey failed for GRE_Iinitialize"
- goto endFontInstallOption
- endif
- set KeyPath = { +
- {SOFTWARE, 0, $(MaskAllAccess)}, +
- {Microsoft, 0, $(MaskAllAccess)}, +
- {"Windows NT", 0, $(MaskAllAccess)}, +
- {CurrentVersion, 0, $(MaskAllAccess)}, +
- {Fonts, 0, $(MaskAllAccess)} +
- }
- set KeyValues = { +
- {"MS Sans Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 (VGA res)", 0, $(!REG_VT_SZ), #(FontResources, $(FontSelection), 6 ) }, +
- {"Courier 10,12,15 (VGA res)", 0, $(!REG_VT_SZ), #(FontResources, $(FontSelection), 7 ) }, +
- {"MS Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 (VGA res)", 0, $(!REG_VT_SZ), #(FontResources, $(FontSelection), 8 ) }, +
- {"Symbol 8,10,12,14,18,24 (VGA res)", 0, $(!REG_VT_SZ), #(FontResources, $(FontSelection), 9 ) }, +
- {"Small Fonts (VGA res)", 0, $(!REG_VT_SZ), #(FontResources, $(FontSelection), 10) } +
- }
- shell "registry.inf" CreateKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) $(KeyPath) $(KeyValues)
- Debug-Output "just did the second font section"
- ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK)
- Debug-Output "Couldn't execute CreateKey in registry.inf"
- goto endFontInstallOption
- endif
- ifstr(i) $($R0) != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL
- Debug-Output "CreateKey failed for Fonts"
- goto endFontInstallOption
- endif
- set KeyPath = { +
- {SOFTWARE, 0, $(MaskAllAccess)}, +
- {Microsoft, 0, $(MaskAllAccess)}, +
- {"Windows NT", 0, $(MaskAllAccess)}, +
- {CurrentVersion, 0, $(MaskAllAccess)}, +
- {FontDPI, 0, $(MaskAllAccess)} +
- }
- set KeyValues = { +
- {"LogPixels", 0, $(!REG_VT_DWORD), $(LogPixels) } +
- }
- shell "registry.inf" CreateKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) $(KeyPath) $(KeyValues)
- Debug-Output "just did the second font section"
- ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK)
- Debug-Output "Couldn't execute CreateKey in registry.inf"
- goto endFontInstallOption
- endif
- ifstr(i) $($R0) != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL
- Debug-Output "CreateKey failed for FontSize"
- goto endFontInstallOption
- endif
- goto configfontdone
- errorfontconfig = +
- goto endFontInstallOption
- configfontdone = +
- endif
- endFontInstallOption = +
- ForListDo $(DrivesToFree)
- LibraryProcedure STATUS,$(!LIBHANDLE), DeleteNetConnection $($) "TRUE"
- EndForListDo
- Return $(Status)
- [InstallFont-AddCopyOption]
- set STF_VITAL = ""
- AddSectionFilesToCopyList Files-DisplayFonts$(LogPixels) +
- $(SrcDir) +
- $(!STF_WINDOWSPATH)\system
- exit
- [InstallFont-DoCopyOption]
- CopyFilesInCopyList
- exit
- [Source Media Descriptions]
- 1 = "OEM DISK (VIDEO)" , TAGFILE = disk1
- [Signature]
- [ProductType]
- [Files-DisplayDLLs]
- vga = 1,VGA.DLL , SIZE=194560
- vga256 = 1,VGA256.DLL , SIZE=143872
- vga64k = 1,VGA64K.DLL , SIZE=604162
- [Files-DisplayFonts120]
- 2,8514FIX.FON , SIZE=11264
- 2,8514OEM.FON , SIZE=12288
- 2,8514SYS.FON , SIZE=9728
- 2,COURF.FON , SIZE=31744
- 2,SERIFF.FON , SIZE=81920
- 2,SMALLF.FON , SIZE=21504
- 2,SSERIFF.FON , SIZE=90112
- 2,SYMBOLF.FON , SIZE=81408
- [Files-DisplayFonts96]
- 2,COURE.FON , SIZE=23552
- 2,SERIFE.FON , SIZE=58368
- 2,SMALLE.FON , SIZE=26112
- 2,SSERIFE.FON , SIZE=65024
- 2,SYMBOLE.FON , SIZE=56832
- 2,VGAFIX.FON , SIZE=5632
- 2,VGAOEM.FON , SIZE=5632
- 2,VGASYS.FON , SIZE=7680
- [Files-DisplayMiniportDrivers]
- vga = 2,VGA.SYS , SIZE=33280
- ali35 = 1,ali35.sys , SIZE=44128
- [LanguagesSupported]
- [Options]
- "Avance 2301/2228" = ali35
- [FontOptions]
- "Small" = font96dpi
- "Large" = font120dpi
- [OptionsTextENG]
- "Avance 2301/2228" = "miroCRYSTAL 10AD"
- [FontOptionsTextENG]
- "Small" = "Small Fonts"
- "Large" = "Large Fonts"
- [ProgressCopyENG]
- ProCaption = "Windows NT Setup"
- ProCancel = "Cancel"
- ProCancelMsg = "Windows NT is not correcly installed. Are you sure you want "+
- "to cancel copying files?"
- ProCancelCap = "Setup Message"
- ProText1 = "Copying:"
- ProText2 = "To:"
- [StringsENG]
- String1 = "Display"
- String2 = "Please enter the full path to the Windows NT Display "+
- "driver files. If you want to install files from the "+
- "original Setup floppy disks, type a drive letter (such "+
- "as A:) and Setup will prompt you for the correct disk. "+
- "Then choose Continue."