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- =======================================================================
- Stealth 64 VRAM README.TXT
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- Release Notes
- -------------
- This is v1.33 of the Stealth 64 VRAM Windows v3.1 Driver disk.
- Changes in v1.33 from v1.30
- -----------------------------
- * See Section "Bugs Fixed" below.
- Windows Installation Notes
- --------------------------
- Use the INSTALL program to install the Windows 3.1 drivers from DOS
- or from the Windows Program Manager.
- * Suggestion: If you are upgrading from a previous version of the
- Diamond InControl Tools, you should install from DOS, not from
- within Windows. This will bypass errors regarding any files that
- may be in use and cause the installation to fail.
- * Suggestion: When running the Windows install use MS VGA
- to eliminate any OEM files that could create a conflict.
- * When running a windows install, if the install says
- "file in use, abort/continue" and the file in question is
- a font (*.FON) file, continue the install.
- * If strange errors occur and text is missing from dialogs,
- check for .VBX files in your \WINDOWS directory. .VBX files
- should only reside in the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM sub-directory.
- Once the driver launches Windows, you will be placed in 640x480
- 256-color mode and prompted to select your monitor type. Select
- the brand monitor you have, compatible type, or use the Custom
- Monitor Timings to create your own configuration and custom
- screen centering.
- * Icon fonts are controlled by InControl Tools. When changing
- modes back to VGA or a non-Diamond driver, these settings
- still remain. To change back to default icon font, search
- the WIN.INI file for the IconTypeFace, IconTypeStyle, and
- IconTypeSize lines. Place a semicolon (;) in front of these
- lines or remove the lines entirely.
- * Only resolutions that have been selected as supported in the
- Display module will be available in the Viewport choices. If
- your monitor can display a resolution provided by the card,
- go to Display and select a monitor that offers that mode and
- refresh, or select Custom Monitor Timings and Add the mode.
- * If Windows only displays a single alphabetic character for the
- icon font, select a different font from the list of InControl
- Tools. Windows may not support the font type/size requested
- in the resolution and resource size displayed.
- * If you had screen savers loaded previously, and they seem not
- to load on startup any longer, see the message at the top
- regarding backing up important files and the limitation down
- below of LOAD= line being replaced and not appended. This is
- a limitation of the Windows 3.xx SETUP program. This does not
- occur with the Diamond install.
- Trouble Shooting Suggestions
- ----------------------------
- All of the options listed below are to be added into a section called
- [STLTH64.DRV]. This section is not created during the installation
- of the Diamond drivers and InControl Tools. You must manually add this
- section. It should be added to the end of the SYSTEM.INI.
- * If you are experiencing random lock-ups in Windows you can add the
- following line to the [STLTH64.DRV] section of the SYSTEM.INI. This
- type of lock-up may occur with applications that interrogate the
- systems memory searching for virill.
- LEAVEMMIODISABLED=1 -- This is set to 0 by default.
- * If you are encountering some lock-ups during heavy DMA transfers or
- your motherboard supports bus time-outs then you may try setting
- the following option in the [STLTH64.DRV] section of your SYSTEM.INI
- BUSYCHECK=ON -- This is set to OFF by default.
- * If you are using Lenny Music Tunes, Microsoft Art Gallery, Small
- Blue Planet, Ocean Below, Vampire's Coffin, D-Day, all of the
- Brightstart education CD's, and other similar applications, you
- will want to add the following line to the [STLTH64.DRV] section
- of the SYSTEM.INI. This will correct the corrupted screens you
- may experience during animation sequences.
- DEVICEBITMAPS=1 -- This is set to 0 by default.
- With the fix enabled you may possibly experience compatibility issues
- with other programs; one confirmed problem is with Adobe Illustrator
- v4.01.
- * IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a problem with the way bitmaps are treated
- by the application. This is not a deficiency in the
- driver. We have provided a means to correct this
- issue, until the software vendor rectifies the problem.
- All Edutainment vendors have been made aware of the
- problem and are currently taking steps to correct the
- bitmap issue.
- * Important Note for VLB Card users. If you are experiencing problems
- entering Windows v3.1, in 640x480x8bpp, or greater you can relocate
- the Linear Address of the Stealth 64 Video VRAM. Add the following line
- into the [STLTH64.DRV] section of the SYSTEM.INI.
- MEMADDR=xxxx -- This is set to 7C00 by default.
- Where xxxx can be only ONE of the following options:
- 8000
- 0100
- 0200
- 0400
- Windows 3.1
- -----------
- The following Windows 3.1 drivers are included:
- Resolution Colors Displayed
- 640x480 256 65,536 16,777,216
- 800x600 256 65,536 16,777,216
- 1024x768 256 65,536 16,777,216*
- 1152x864 256 65,536 16,777,216*
- 1280x1024 256 65,536*
- *4 Megabytes of on-board memory required.
- Problems Addressed
- ------------------
- All Resolutions, 8-bit | Quicken 4.0 CD version | Quicken Finanical Suite |
- Ask the Experts | Click on either expert | Video will be played back dark
- or with inverted colors.
- Mixer settings are not saved when you have a Sound Blaster 16 or AWE installed.
- This can be avoided by disabling the Audio Mixer in InControl Tools.
- All Color Depths, All Resolutions | CIC Handwriter | Load Handwriter driver |
- load our windows driver | open notepad or any word processing app. |
- write anything and get a GPF in CICREC32.DLL @ 1:0A93.
- 8-bpp All Resolutions, using the UNIDRV.DLL (Epson and Cannon Printer) |
- Open Windows HELP | Search | select any topic | print topic |
- GPF in UNIDRV.DLL at C:1D04.
- 8bpp All Resolutions | Open Arthur's Teacher Trouble |
- Click on either LET ME PLAY or READ TO ME | on the 1st & 2nd screen,
- when the characters move across the room, part of the character's heads
- are left behind.
- 8/16-bpp All Resolutions | Open WinFax Pro 4.0 | open an existing fax from
- Send Log | select Show from Annotate | then open the Line menu | You will
- get missing lines and arrows shown in the pull down menus.
- 8-bpp All Resolutions | Open ADAM 2.2 | START | the image will be broken
- into several pieces when DEVICEBITMAPS set to 0. Tried w/ DEVICEBITMAPS=1
- will get GPF in STLTH64.DRV at 8:06CF when zooming into the image.
- 8/16-bpp All Resolutions | Open Word for Windows v6.0 | View | select
- HEADER & FOOTER | Type in a few lines of text | highlight a part of the line |
- change the point size of the font | then highlight another part of the line
- & change the font size again | GPF will occur in STLTH64.DRV at 1:4139
- or 1:21B9.
- 8-bpp All Resolutions| PowerPoint 4.0 | Blank Presentation | OK | use 1st
- layout | OK | type in some text | Select New Slide | use 1st layout | OK |
- Insert | Picture | pick any BMP comes w/ Windows | save it | open PP Viewer |
- open the saved file | SHOW | picture is blacked out.
- 8-bpp All Resolutions | Open Just Grandma & Me | click on Option button |
- select page 2 | part of image is left behind. Tried with DEVICEBITMAP=1 or 0,
- same problem.
- 8-bpp All Resolutions | Open Math Workshop | click on the door of the
- Math Workshop house | click on New Player and enter the player's name | OK |
- turn off the TV and Exit | you will get garbage and a blank screen.
- All Color Depths All Resolutions | Open Carmen SanDiego USA | the introduction screen is scrambled.
- 8 bpp All Resolutions | Open Ruff Bores (by Living Books) | click on the
- "Option" button | click on the right arrow until page 5 | OK | click on the
- bottom right cloud and part of the image will be left behind.
- 8 bpp All Resolutions | Open Word for Windows v6.0 | File | New | Normal |
- OK | Insert | Frame | drag & draw a box about 1 x 5 inches | type about 5
- lines of text | modify the text with a different font, size, Bold, Italic,
- etc... | a GPF occur in STLTH64.DRV at 1:4F54.
- All Color Depths All Resolutions | Open Microsoft Works for Windows v3.0 |
- click on START WORKS NOW button | pick WORD PROCESSOR options |
- press <ALT+Tab> to program manager | shell out to DOS full screen |
- exit DOS prompt | <ALT+Tab> to get back WORKS | the whole document will turn
- black.
- The following items require a SYSTEM.INI switch be changed:
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- 1024x768x8/16/32bpp, D-Day select Media Tour Menu and by
- Theme | select Army topics and choose
- "Artillery : Allied AntiTank Weapons" | No video displayed
- (or fragmented video displayed)
- All resolutions All Color depths, The Vampires's Coffin,
- At the intro screen, the screen will fade in and
- out very very slowly. PROJECTR caused a GPF in module
- GDI.EXE @ 0001:0F6A
- All resolutions, 8bpp, Lenny's Music Toons, Horizontal
- line appears and picture is corrupt.
- All resolutions, 8bpp, MS Art Gallery, picture appears
- corrupt.
- Known Restrictions:
- -------------------
- Dinosaur Safari from Creative Media. This product does not operate properly
- under Windows, the vendor can be contacted at 503-241-1530.
- You cannot select "User Defined..." as a monitor type until you restart
- Windows and are using the new driver. This will be fixed in the retail
- release of the driver.
- Desktop resolution switching while playing .AVI files will
- cause the .AVI display to become distorted.
- 800x600x32bpp, 1024x768x32bpp, Small Blue Planet, "Runtime
- Error : Stack Overflow" when the
- application is loaded. NOTE: This will occur with ALL
- 32bpp drivers.
- Any mode, Shell to DOS | Run S64MODE | CUSTOM | Select
- 1024x768x65k (or 16M) | Select a
- refresh rate | Kicks out of Windows to DOS. Cold boot
- required. However, choosing 1024x768x256 or
- 800x600x65k or 16M or 640x480x65k or 16M are OK.
- All resolutions, 16/24bpp, Paintbrush, Print to HP
- LaserJet 4 | Prints nothing.
- Run Landmark Speed - it will drop you to a dos prompt.
- This is a limitation of the application, if you
- run a DX2/66 in non-turbo mode, the program will work
- fine, in turbo mode the system hangs, this is a
- issue with the application itself, not the driver.
- Some monitors which do not support DPMS will start scrolling until
- entering into Sleep mode.
- Contacting DIAMOND
- ------------------
- Diamond can be reached through a number of ways:
- Postal Service : Diamond Multimedia Systems, Inc.
- 2880 Junction Avenue
- San Jose, CA 95134
- Voice (Main) : (408) 325-7000
- Voice (TechSppt): (408) 325-7100 [M-F 6-7; Sat 8-4 Pacific]
- [plus 24hr automated help]
- FAX (Main) : (408) 325-7070
- FAX (Support) : (408) 325-7171
- BBS (to 2400) : (408) 325-7080
- BBS (9600+) : (408) 325-7175
- CompuServe : GO DMNDONLINE
- America Online : GO DIAMOND
- All product names listed are trademarks or copyrights of their
- respective owners.
- =======================================================================
- Diamond Multimedia Systems, Inc. (c) 1993-95
- (408) 325-7000 All Rights Reserved
- =======================================================================
- $Id: readme.tx@ 1.9 1994/05/19 00:11:57 FFAZZIO Exp $
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