taskname="Type a name for your new task, e.g. Scan hard drives"
startingdate="Write the date you wish F-Prot AntivirusÖ to start scanning. You can also use the black arrow to the right."
startingtime="Write the time you wish F-Prot AntivirusÖ to start scanning. You can also use the black arrow to the right."
frequency="Select how often you wish F-Prot AntivirusÖ to scan. Write the frequency in the box or use the arrow to the right to select"
wheretoscan="F-Prot AntivirusÖ needs to know exactly where to scan for viruses. This can be set according to user requirement by entering the disk, folder or file path into this edit box. You can also click on the Browse... button and select the path from there."
browse="Use this button to select a scan path"
byextension="Scanning depends on the files extensions selected (.exe, .doc etc). Extensions can be defined by clicking the Extension button."
contentextension="File scanning is based on extensions and context. All files are opened and checked for macros."
allfiles="All files are searched, regardless of extensions and context. Even files that can not possibly contain viruses are searched. This method of scanning is extremely time consuming."
compressedfiles="F-Prot AntivirusÖ will scan compressed executable files."
insidearchives="F-Prot AntivirusÖ will scan files that are compressed with Zip or ARJ compressions tools. Each file contained within the compressed archive is scanned."
inssubfolders="All subfolders in the selected locations are searched."
scanbootsect="Boot sectors on relevants drives are scanned. F-Prot AntivirusÖ only scans boot sectors on local drives, e.g. hard disks and floppy drives on your computer."
reportonly="Displays information about infected or suspicious files that F-Prot AntivirusÖ finds while scanning."
promptforact="A window will appear every time an infected file is found asking what to do with it."
disinfect="F-Prot AntivirusÖ will attempt to disinfect the infected file"
iffails="Click here to select an alternative action in case of unsuccessful disinfection."
reqconfirmation="If this box is checked, F-Prot AntivirusÖ will ask the user for confirmation before executing any of the selected options"
getdefaults="Get the default values, which are usually the most common values."
cancel="Closes this window without saving your changes (if any)"
calender="You can select from this calender the date you wish F-Prot AntivirusÖ to begin scan"
howoften="You can select from this list how often you wish F-Prot AntivirusÖ to scan"
listoftasks="Here is a list of the tasks in the selected profile"
profile="A profile is one or more tasks. You can select a profile by clicking on the black arrow to the right"
profilelist="This list displays the profiles you have stored in F-Prot AntivirusÖ"
notshowagain="If you check this box F-Prot AntivirusÖ will not ask for this extra confirmation again if you decide to delete a timetask"
ok="Confirms changes and closes window"
change="Make changes to an existing time task"
deletett="Delete the time task which is currently selected in the time task list"
disable="Disable or Enable the time task which is currently selected in the Time task list"
runonstartup="F-Prot AntivirusÖ will run the selected time task on the computer's startup"
showicon="An icon will appear in the taskbar"
runexpiredtt="F-Prot AntivirusÖ will run expired timetasks which have not been executed"
closes="Closes the Scheduler"
addbootsec="Add bootsectors into your database"
rarrow="Takes you into the selected folder"
larrow="Takes you out of the selected folder"
remdb="Click this button to remove a selected object"
clearsel="If you have already selected a particualar database, F-Prot AntivirusÖ will clear that selection if you click this button"
done="Saves your changes and closes the window"
check="Checks the database for mismatches"
fnfiles="Search for new files in the database"
exitic="Exit the Integrity Checker"
aboutic="About the Intergity Chekcer"
folder="Click here when you have selected the folder to add to your database"
file="Click here when you have selected the file to add to your database"
allsubf="If this box is checked all subfolders will be included in the database"
lang="Select a language by pressing the black arrow to the right"
makesound="If this box is checked, F-Prot AntivirusÖ will alert you with a sound when it detects a virus"
rfile="If this box is checked, F-Prot AntivirusÖ will issue a report file after every scan"
selrepfile="Select the file you wish the report to go into"
overwrite="F-Prot AntivirusÖ will write over old report files"
append="F-Prot AntivirusÖ will add new report files to the old ones"
repscanobj="If this box is checked, all scanned objects will be stated in the report file"
storeinfo="If this box is checked F-Check will only check for changes in files that are of a known type, otherwise it will check for changes in all files in the database."
disablelog="If this box is checked then no results will be written to the logfile"
nointcheck="If this box is checked then the ôCheck databaseö and ôFind new filesö operations will not display individual warnings for every change they encounter û instead they will only write them to the logfile. May be desireable if you are getting an excessive number of warnings and would rather output the results to a logfile rather then handle each warning individually."
checkmet="The ôFastö method only checks the parts of individual objects that are most likely to have been changed if a virus has infected them while ôSafeö checks the whole object."
langset="LetÆs you select the language of your choice provided you have the appropriate language files"
dbname="Name of the current database. Should ideally be one word without any special characters."
logname="Name of the logfile, relative to the main F-Check directory"
savecustnr="If you check this box, F-Prot AntivirusÖ will save your customer number"
custnr="The customer number you received in the e-mail from F-Prot AntivirusÖ"
proxy="If you use a dial-up connection, you can probably skip this option and just click ôokö. If your computer is a part of network you should consult your network administrator about the proxy settings"
exitupdt="Exit the Updater"
updtlan="If your computer is a part of a local network, you may be able to update from local network location. Please consult your local network administrator for further details."
updtint="Access the Internet to update the virus definition files."
errorinfo="Here a message will appear, explaining why the error occured."
solution="Here a message will appear offering a possible solution to the problem."
websupp="Click here to go directly to our support page on the web"
sendmail="Click here to send a formatted e-mail to FRISK concerning this error message"
notreport="If this box is checked, F-Check will not show this report again in this scan"
updtdb="Click here to update and thus exclude this missing file from your database"
ignore="F-Check will ignore this warning and continue checking your database"
pathofinf="The path and name of the infected file"
applyall="If this box is checked the choice you make here will apply to all items"
disinf="F-Prot AntivirusÖ will attempt to disinfect the file"
nodisinf="F-Prot AntivirusÖ will not attempt to disinfect the file"
exitscan="Exit the scan process"
inscomparch="F-Prot AntivirusÖ will scan inside compressed archives, e.g. everything inside a ZIP file."
rtp_enabledisable="Selecting Disable turns off the RealTime Protector monitoring. This button will then change into Enable."
rtp_settings="Select Settings... to view the window described below."
rtp_exit="Exits RealTime Protector. This is an alternate option to Disable, which only pauses the scanner. In this case, the scanner is unloaded from memory."
rtp_set1="Standard file extensions will be monitored and the scanner also scans the file's contents, ie. an EXE file renamed to something else should be scanned."
rtp_set2="RealTime Protector will ONLY monitor Office documents (.DOC, .XLS etc.)"
rtp_set3="RealTime Protector will monitor ALL files, including those who cannot possibly contain any malicious objects."
rtp_floppycheck="If a floppy is accessed via the floppy drive, RealTime Protector will check it's boot-sectors for infections."
rtp_floppyonexit="If there is a floppy inside your floppy drive(s) when RealTime Protector is being shut down (Exited) it will check the floppy's boot-sectors for infections."
rtp_suspicious="This option is on by default. If RealTime Protector detects a suspicious file but cannot identify it as an exact match of a virus or worm, it still denies access to it as if it were infected."
rtp_network="If a user on a local network attempts to access an infected file on your system, RealTime Protector will deny access to it."
rtp_trayicon="Uncheck this if you want to hide the RealTime Protector icon in your system tray. This will neither exit nor disable RealTime Protector's monitoring."
//////////////////////////////// Popup text - These are popup explanations of /////////////////////////////
poptask="A task is a part of a profile. It contains the configurations for a particular virus scan, such as where you which F-Prot AntivirusÖ to scan, what actions to take if a virus is found etc. You can create a new task by selecting the profile you wish to include it in and click the Add... button in the main window. Each profile contains one or more tasks."
popprofile="A profile is one or more tasks. A task is an individual configuration for a particular scan. When a scan is executed, F-Prot AntivirusÖ looks for viruses according to each task. Please note that if two tasks in one particular profile are identical F-Prot AntivirusÖ will repeat the same scan twice, which is very time consuming."
popdefault="If you do not require any specific values F-Prot AntivirusÖ will provide you with default values. Default values are usually the most common values."
popdisinfect="When F-Prot AntivirusÖ disinfects a file it fixes the infected file by removing the virus code. This makes the file as good as new."
//------------------------ End ------------------------
//////////////////////////////// Other Image Popups ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
//------------------------ Begin Add Tasks Window -----------------------
addtask1="All folders within the selected path are searched."
addtask2="F-Prot AntivirusÖ needs to know exactly where to scan for viruses. This can be set according to user requirement by entering the disk, folder or file path into this edit box. You can also click on the Browse... button and select the path from there."
addtask3="Scanning depends on the file extensions selected ( .exe, .doc etc.). Extensions can be defined by clicking the Extensions button."
addtask4="File scanning is based on extensions and content. All files are opened and checked for macros. If they do contain macros these are scanned. The files with specified extensions are also scanned as above."
addtask5="All files are searched, regardless of extensions and content, even files that can not possibly contain viruses. This method of scanning is extremely time consuming."
addtask6="Scan with a set of special 'rules' that help locate possible infected or suspicious files."
addtask7="F-Prot AntivirusÖ will scan compressed executable files."
addtask8="Advanced methods for detecting variants and/or new viruses which have not yet been added to the virus definitions."
addtask9="Boot sectors on relevant drives are scanned. F-Prot AntivirusÖ only scans boot sectors on local drives, i.e. hard disks and floppy drives on your computer."
addtask10="Displays information about infected or suspicious files that F-Prot AntivirusÖ finds when scanning."
addtask11="Before executing any of the selected options F-Prot AntivirusÖ will ask the user for confirmation."
addtask12="The OnDemand Scanner will attempt to disinfect the infected file."
addtask13="If a virus is found F-Prot AntivirusÖ can send a notification by e-mail."
addtask14="A customizable message is displayed if a virus is found."
addtask15="The settings for this scan task will be used as default values for new future tasks."
addtask16="Opens this help system."
addtask17="Closes this window without saving your changes (if any)."
addtask18="Confirms the changes and closes this window."
addtask19="Displays a window for selecting the types of archive to be searched."
addtask20="During scan, a window appears every time an infected file is found asking what to do with it."
//------------------------- End ------------------------
//------------------------ Begin Advanced Scan Window -----------------------
advanscan1="Click here to select a profile which contains a number of tasks."
advanscan2="Use this button to save the current profile after you add or edit its tasks."
advanscan3="This button deletes a task in the current profile."
advanscan4="Starts the scanning process."
advanscan5="Opens this help system."
advanscan6="Exit F-Prot AntivirusÖ for Windows."
advanscan7="Displays a summary of the options chosen for scanning in the selected task."
advanscan8="This is a list of the tasks included in the current profile."
advanscan9="This can be double-clicked to enable/disable tasks."
advanscan10="Current number of processed files during scan."
advanscan11="Current number of infected files found during scan"
advanscan12="Current number of suspicious files found during scan."
advanscan13="Displays time of scanning process."
advanscan14="Disable the task which is currently selected in the Tasklist."
//------------------------- End ------------------------
//------------------------- Begin Browse Window ------------------------
browse1="Confirms the changes (if any) and closes this window."
browse2="Closes this window without saving your changes (if any)."
browse3="Opens this help system."
browse4="Here you can select a single drive or folder to scan."
//------------------------- End ------------------------
//------------------------- Begin If disinfection fails Window ------------------------
disinfection1="Displays information about infected or suspicious files that F-Prot AntivirusÖ finds when scanning."
disinfection2="If a virus is detected in a file the file is deleted."
disinfection3="Infected files are renamed, i.e. File.com would become File.vom. Executable files can not be launched after they have been renamed."
disinfection4="Infected files are moved to a folder of your choice. A path can be typed below or selected by clicking the button beside the field."
disinfection5="F-Prot AntivirusÖ will never remove a macro from a document or workbook."
disinfection6="F-Prot AntivirusÖ will only remove macros from documents when it is absolutely certain that it has identified a virus."
disinfection7="F-Prot AntivirusÖ will remove suspicious macros from documents."
disinfection8="The destination of infected files which are to be moved can be entered here. You can also select the destination path by clicking the button on the right."
disinfection9="Closes this window without saving your changes (if any)."
disinfection10="Opens this help system."
//------------------------- End ------------------------
//------------------------- Begin Display a message Window ------------------------
displaymessage1="If a virus is found F-Prot AntivirusÖ can send a customised message. The message text can be entered into this edit box."
displaymessage2="By clicking this button the word [VIRUS] appears in the edit box. When the message is sent the word [VIRUS] changes to the name of the last virus detected by F-Prot AntivirusÖ."
displaymessage3="By clicking this button the word [FILE] appears in the edit box. When the message is sent the word [FILE] changes to the name of the last infected file detected by F-Prot AntivirusÖ."
displaymessage4="By clicking this button the word [DRIVE] appears in the edit box. When the message is sent the word [DRIVE] changes to the name of the last infected drive detected by F-Prot AntivirusÖ."
displaymessage5="By clicking this button the word [FOLDER] appears in the edit box. When the message is sent the word [FOLDER] changes to the name of the last infected folder detected by F-Prot AntivirusÖ."
displaymessage6="By clicking this button the word [HOST] appears in the edit box. When the message is sent the word [HOST] changes to the name of the host where F-Prot AntivirusÖ detected a virus."
displaymessage7="Opens this help system."
displaymessage8="Closes this window without saving your changes (if any)."
displaymessage9="Confirms all changes and closes this window."
//------------------------- End ------------------------
//------------------------- Begin Browse drives Window ------------------------
drives1="You can select more than one drive in this list. You can also use the buttons to the right to select specifice types of drives."
drives2="The hard disk drives inside your computer."
drives3="Devices to access data on floppy diskettes. Usually located on the front of the computer. These should only be scanned if a floppy diskette is in the drive."
drives4="A device to access data on CD-ROM disks. Not all computers are equipped with a CD-ROM drive."
drives5="A drive that can be accessed via a network connection, usually located on another computer."
drives6="If you have already selected a particular option F-Prot AntivirusÖ will clear that selection if you click this button. All related configurations will automatically be given default values."
drives7="Confirms all changes and closes this window."
drives8="Closes this window without saving your changes (if any)."
drives9="Opens this help system."
//------------------------- End ------------------------
//----------------------- Begin Edit Task Window ------------------------
edittask1="All folders within the selected path are searched."
edittask2="F-Prot AntivirusÖ needs to know exactly where to scan for viruses. This can be set according to user requirement by entering the disk, folder or file path into this edit box. You can also click on the Browse... button and select the path from there."
edittask3="Scanning depends on the file extensions selected ( .exe, .doc etc.). Extensions can be defined by clicking the Extensions button."
edittask4="File scanning is based on extensions and content. All files are opened and checked for macros. If they do contain macros these are scanned. The files with specified extensions are also scanned as above."
edittask5="All files are searched, regardless of extensions and content, even files that can not possibly contain viruses. This method of scanning is extremely time consuming."
edittask6="Scan with a set of special 'rules' that help locate possible infected or suspicious files."
edittask7="F-Prot AntivirusÖ will scan compressed executable files."
edittask8="Boot sectors on relevant drives are scanned. F-Prot AntivirusÖ only scans boot sectors on local drives, i.e. hard disks and floppy drives on your computer."
edittask9="Displays information about infected or suspicious files that F-Prot AntivirusÖ finds when scanning."
edittask10="Before executing any of the selected options F-Prot AntivirusÖ will ask the user for confirmation."
edittask11="If a virus is detected in a file the file is deleted."
edittask12="Infected files are renamed, for example. File.com will become File.vom. Executable files can not be launched after they have been renamed."
edittask13="The destination of infected files which are to be moved can be entered here. You can also select the destination path by clicking the button on the right."
edittask14="The settings for this scan task will be used as default values for new future tasks."
edittask15="Opens this help system."
edittask16="Closes this window without saving your changes (if any)."
edittask17="Confirms the changes and closes this window."
//------------------------- End ------------------------
//----------------------- Begin Extensions Window ------------------------
extensions1="Confirms the changes and closes this window."
extensions2="Closes this window without saving your changes (if any)."
extensions3="Opens this help system."
extensions4="Removes the selected extension from the list."
extensions5="If you do not require any specific values F-Prot AntivirusÖ will provide you with default values. Default values are usually the most common values."
extensions6="To add an extension to the list you must type its name here (For example the .EXT extension is already entered here)."
extensions7="This is the list of file extensions to search during scan. Selecting an extensions enables the option of deleting it from the list."
extensions8="Adds the extension defined in the edit box into the list."
//------------------------- End ------------------------
//----------------------- Begin Browse files Window ------------------------
files1="Displays all available files in the current path."
files2="Displays all available drives and folders."
files3="Click this button to move up one level (out of the current folder)."
files4="Confirms all changes and closes this window."
files5="Closes this window without saving your changes (if any)."
files6="Opens this help system."
files7="F-Prot AntivirusÖ will only scan files of the selected type in this list. "
//------------------------- End ------------------------
//----------------------- Begin Information Window ------------------------
information1="Opens this help system."
information2="Exit F-Prot AntivirusÖ for Windows."
information3="Current number of processed files during scan."
information4="Current number of infected files found during scan."
information5="Current number of suspicious files found during scan."
information6="Displays time of scanning process."
information7="This link takes you to our website where you can view details about our latest virus definition files."
information8="This link takes you to our website where you can view details about our latest virus definition files."
information9="This link opens up an Internet browser window and takes you to our website, www.frisk.is"
//------------------------- End ------------------------
//----------------------- Begin Move file if infected Window ------------------------
movefile1="Displays all available folders. Select the folder you to which you want to move the infected file(s)."
movefile2="Confirms the changes (if any) and closes this window."
movefile3="Closes this window without saving your changes (if any)."
movefile4="Opens this help system."
//------------------------- End ------------------------
//----------------------- Begin Normal Scan Window ------------------------
normscan1="Opens this help system."
normscan2="Exit F-Prot AntivirusÖ."
normscan3="Current number of processed files during scan."
normscan4="Current number of infected files found during scan."
normscan5="Current number of suspicious files found during scan."
normscan6="Displays time of scanning process."
normscan7="Starts the scanning process."
normscan8="Displays a summary of the options chosen for scanning."
normscan9="Type the search path here or click the Browse... button."
//------------------------- End ------------------------
//----------------------- Begin Options, Action to take Window ------------------------
optionsaction1="A window appears every time an infected file is found asking what to do with it."
optionsaction2="Displays information about infected or suspicious files that F-Prot AntivirusÖ finds when scanning."
optionsaction3="The OnDemand Scanner will attempt to disinfect the infected file."
optionsaction4="Before executing any of the selected options F-Prot AntivirusÖ will ask the user for confirmation."
optionsaction5="Infected files are renamed, i.e File.com will become File.vom. Executable files can not be launched after they have been renamed."
optionsaction6="The settings for this scan task will be used as default values for new future tasks."
optionsaction7="Opens this help system."
optionsaction8="Closes this window without saving your changes (if any)."
optionsaction9="Confirms all changes and closes this window."
optionsaction10="The destination of infected files which are to be moved can be entered here. You can also select the destination path by pressing the button above."
//------------------------- End ------------------------
//----------------------- Begin Options, What to scan Window ------------------------
optionswhat1="Scanning depends on the files extensions selected (. exe, .doc etc.). Extensions can be defined by clicking the Extensions button."
optionswhat2="File scanning is based on extensions and content. All files are opened and checked for macros. If they do contain macros these are scanned. The files with specified extensions are also scanned as above."
optionswhat3="All files are searched, regardless of extensions and content, even files that can not possibly contain viruses. This method of scanning is extremely time consuming."
optionswhat4="F-Prot AntivirusÖ will scan compressed executable files."
optionswhat5="F-Prot AntivirusÖ will scan files that are compressed with ZIP or ARJ compression tools. Each file contained within the compressed archive is scanned."
optionswhat6="All subfolders in the selected location are searched."
optionswhat7="Boot sectors on relevant drives are scanned. F-Prot AntivirusÖ only scans boot sectors on local drives, i.e. hard disks and floppy drives on your computer."
optionswhat8="If you do not require any specific values F-Prot AntivirusÖ will provide you with default values. Default values are usually the most common values."
optionswhat9="Opens this help system."
optionswhat10="Closes this window without saving your changes (if any)."
optionswhat11="Confirms all changes and closes this window."
//------------------------- End ------------------------
//----------------------- Begin Profiles Window ------------------------
profiles1="This is where you write the name of the profile when you create a new one or copy an older one."
profiles2="Displays a list of all available profiles."
profiles3="To create a new profile you must first enter its name in the field to the left (see below for more information)."
profiles4="To make a copy of an older profile you must first select the profile from the list. Then enter the new profile's name in the field to the left (see below for more information)."
profiles5="If you want to delete a profile, you mark it and click the Remove profile button. You can not delete the Default profile."
profiles6="You can rename a profile by selecting it, enter the new name into the edit box and click the Rename profile button."
profiles7="The Manage profiles window closes and the profile that was selected appears in the profiles drop-down box in the main window."
profiles8="Closes the Manage profiles window."
profiles9="Opens this help system."
//------------------------- End ------------------------
//----------------------- Begin Send Email Window ------------------------
sendemail1="The e-mail address of the recipient is entered into this box. (Example: someone@mailserver.com)"
sendemail2="You can type a short text that describes the content of this particular e-mail."
sendemail3="If a virus is found F-Prot AntivirusÖ can send a customised message. The message text can be entered into this edit box."
sendemail4="Confirms all changes and closes this window."
sendemail5="Closes this window without saving your changes (if any)."
sendemail6="Opens this help system."
sendemail7="By clicking this button the word [VIRUS] appears in the edit box. When the message is sent the word [VIRUS] changes to the name of the last virus detected by F-Prot AntivirusÖ."
sendemail8="By clicking this button the word [FILE] appears in the edit box. When the message is sent the word [FILE] changes to the name of the last infected file detected by F-Prot AntivirusÖ."
sendemail9="By clicking this button the word [DRIVE] appears in the edit box. When the message is sent the word [DRIVE] changes to the name of the last infected drive detected by F-Prot AntivirusÖ."
sendemail10="By clicking this button the word [FOLDER] appears in the edit box. When the message is sent the word [FOLDER] changes to the name of the last infected folder detected by F-Prot AntivirusÖ."
sendemail11="By clicking this button the word [HOST] appears in the edit box. When the message is sent the word [HOST] changes to the name of the host where F-Prot AntivirusÖ detected a virus."
sendemail12="By clicking this button the word [REPORT] appears in the edit box. When the message is sent the word [REPORT] changes to the brief scanning result report F-Prot AntivirusÖ displays after each scan."
sendemail13="Sends the report as an e-mail attachment with the filename stated in the Settings tab."
//------------------------- End ------------------------
//----------------------- Begin Settings Window ------------------------
settings1="F-Prot AntivirusÖ will generate a beep in the computer's speaker when a virus is found."
settings3="Type the name of the mail server here, i.e. mail.myserver.com"
settings4="Type the e-mail address where you want to receive the virus report, i.e. user@myserver.com"
settings5="This button opens the current report file using your default text editor."
settings6="Displays a window where you can select a destination for the Report file created after each scan."
settings7="The path and name of the report file is specified here."
settings8="Overwrites older scanning results reports with the new report."
settings9="Adds the results of the latest scan to the end of the Report file."
settings10="F-Prot AntivirusÖ will list all scanned files, regardless of whether they are infected by a virus or not."
settings11="Changes all English text in the program text to another language. Clicking the black arrow displays a list of languages available."
settings11="Opens this help system."
settings12="Exit F-Prot AntivirusÖ."
settings13="Current number of processed files during scan."
settings14="Current number of infected files found during scan."
settings15="Current number of suspicious files found during scan."
settings16="Displays time of scanning process."
//------------------------- End ------------------------
//----------------------- Begin Normal Scan Wizard's FIRST Window ------------------------
normwiz1_1="The hard disk drives inside your computer."
normwiz1_2="Displays a window where you can select the drive(s) to scan."
normwiz1_3="Displays a window for selecting the folder to scan."
normwiz1_4="Displays a window to browse your system and select the files to scan."
normwiz1_5="You cannot go back at this time because you are already at the beginning of the ScanWizard."
normwiz1_6="Closes the ScanWizard without saving any changes."
normwiz1a_1="Displays all available drives."
normwiz1a_2="The hard disk drives inside your computer."
normwiz1a_3="Devices to access data on floppy diskettes. Usually located on the front of the computer. These should only be scanned if a floppy diskette is in the drive."
normwiz1a_4="A device to access data on CD-ROM disks. Not all computers are equipped with a CD-ROM drive."
normwiz1a_5="A drive that can be accessed via a network connection, usually located on another computer."
normwiz1a_6="If you have already selected a particular option F-Prot AntivirusÖ will clear that selection if you click this button. All related configurations will automatically be given default values."
normwiz1a_7="Closes the ScanWizard without saving any changes."
normwiz1a_8="Displays a list of currently selected drives."
normwiz1b_1="Displays all available folders."
normwiz1b_2="Closes the ScanWizard without saving any changes."
normwiz1b_3="Displays the name of the currently selected folder."
normwiz1c_1="Displays all available files."
normwiz1c_2="Displays all available folders."
normwiz1c_3="Displays a list of file types when you click on the black arrow. F-Prot AntivirusÖ only scans the type of file or files that are selected."
normwiz1c_4="Closes the ScanWizard without saving any changes."
normwiz1c_5="Displays the name(s) of the currently selected file(s)."
normwiz1c_6="Click this button to move up one level (out of the current folder)."
//------------------------- End ------------------------
//----------------------- Begin Normal Scan Wizard's SECOND Window ------------------------
normwiz2_1="Scanning depends on the files extensions selected (. exe, .doc etc.). Extensions can be defined by clicking the Extensions button."
normwiz2_2="File scanning is based on extensions and content. All files are opened and checked for macros. If they do contain macros these are scanned. The files with specified extensions are also scanned as above."
normwiz2_3="All files are searched, regardless of extensions and content, even files that can not possibly contain viruses. This method of scanning is extremely time consuming."
normwiz2_4="F-Prot AntivirusÖ will scan files that have been compressed or archieved with Zip or ARJ. This goes for compressed executable files also."
normwiz2_5="F-Prot AntivirusÖ will scan files that are compressed with ZIP or ARJ compression tools. Each file contained within the compressed archive is scanned."
normwiz2_6="Boot sectors on relevant drives are scanned. F-Prot AntivirusÖ only scans boot sectors on local drives, i.e. hard disks and floppy drives on your computer."
normwiz2_7="All subfolders in the selected location are searched."
normwiz2_8="Closes the ScanWizard without saving any changes."
//------------------------- End ------------------------
//----------------------- Begin Normal Scan Wizard's THIRD Window ------------------------
normwiz3_1="Only displays information about infected or suspicious files that F-Prot AntivirusÖ finds when scanning."
normwiz3_2="Displays a window with options for the user to deal with infected files."
normwiz3_3="Attempt to disinfect the infected file. If it fails, you can choose an alternative option by clicking on the (if fails)... button."
normwiz3_4="Displays the task, drive, folder or file(s) currently selected for scanning."
normwiz3_5="Closes the ScanWizard without saving any changes."
normwiz3_6="Before executing any of the selected options F-Prot AntivirusÖ will ask the user for confirmation."
//------------------------- End ------------------------
//----------------------- Begin Normal Scan Wizard's FOURTH Window ------------------------
normwiz4_1="If the Scan now box is checked when you click the Finished button, F-Prot AntivirusÖ will immediately begin scanning for viruses."
normwiz4_2="If the Scan later box is checked when you click the Finished button, the wizard will shut down but F-Prot AntivirusÖ will not begin scanning immediately. The new profile configurations are saved and can be selected later."
normwiz4_3="Closes the ScanWizard without saving any changes."
//------------------------- End ------------------------
//----------------------- Begin Advanced Scan Wizard's FIRST Window ------------------------
advanwiz1_1="The hard disk drives inside your computer."
advanwiz1_2="Displays a window where you can select the drive(s) to scan."
advanwiz1_3="Displays a window for selecting the folder to scan."
advanwiz1_4="Displays a window to browse your system and select the files to scan."
advanwiz1_5="Displays a special window where you can create scan tasks within ScanWizard."
advanwiz1_6="You cannot go back at this time because you are already at the beginning of the ScanWizard."
advanwiz1_7="Closes the ScanWizard without saving any changes."
advanwiz1a_1="Displays all available drives."
advanwiz1a_2="The hard disk drives inside your computer."
advanwiz1a_3="Devices to access data on floppy diskettes. Usually located on the front of the computer. These should only be scanned if a floppy diskette is in the drive."
advanwiz1a_4="A device to access data on CD-ROM disks. Not all computers are equipped with a CD-ROM drive."
advanwiz1a_5="A drive that can be accessed via a network connection, usually located on another computer."
advanwiz1a_6="If you have already selected a particular option F-Prot AntivirusÖ will clear that selection if you click this button. All related configurations will automatically be given default values."
advanwiz1a_7="Closes the ScanWizard without saving any changes."
advanwiz1a_8="Displays a list of currently selected drives."
advanwiz1b_1="Displays all available folders."
advanwiz1b_2="Closes the ScanWizard without saving any changes."
advanwiz1b_3="Displays the name of the currently selected folder."
advanwiz1c_1="Displays all available files."
advanwiz1c_2="Displays all available folders."
advanwiz1c_3="Displays a list of file types when you click on the black arrow. F-Prot AntivirusÖ only scans the type of file or files that are selected."
advanwiz1c_4="Closes the ScanWizard without saving any changes."
advanwiz1c_5="Displays the name(s) of the currently selected file(s)."
advanwiz1c_6="Click this button to move up one level (out of the current folder)."
advanwiz1d_1="If you have created any tasks using the 'Add...' button it will appear in this list."
advanwiz1d_2="Click this button to remove a selected scan task from the list ."
advanwiz1d_3="Closes the ScanWizard without saving any changes."
//------------------------- End ------------------------
//----------------------- Begin Advanced Scan Wizard's SECOND Window ------------------------
advanwiz2_1="Scanning depends on the files extensions selected (. exe, .doc etc.). Extensions can be defined by clicking the Extensions button."
advanwiz2_2="File scanning is based on extensions and content. All files are opened and checked for macros. If they do contain macros these are scanned. The files with specified extensions are also scanned as above."
advanwiz2_3="All files are searched, regardless of extensions and content, even files that can not possibly contain viruses. This method of scanning is extremely time consuming."
advanwiz2_4="F-Prot AntivirusÖ will scan compressed executable files."
advanwiz2_5="Boot sectors on relevant drives are scanned. F-Prot AntivirusÖ only scans boot sectors on local drives, i.e. hard disks and floppy drives on your computer."
advanwiz2_6="All subfolders in the selected location are searched."
advanwiz2_7="Closes the ScanWizard without saving any changes."
advanwiz2_8="Displays the task, drive, folder or file(s) currently selected for scanning."
advanwiz2_9="F-Prot AntivirusÖ will scan files that are compressed with ZIP or ARJ compression tools. Each file contained within the compressed archive is scanned."
//------------------------- End ------------------------
//----------------------- Begin Advanced Scan Wizard's THIRD Window ------------------------
advanwiz3_1="Scan with a set of special 'rules' that help locate possible infected or suspicious files."
advanwiz3_2="Advanced methods for detecting variants and/or new viruses which have not yet been added to the virus definitions."
advanwiz3_3="Displays the task, drive, folder or file(s) currently selected for scanning."
advanwiz3_4="Closes the ScanWizard without saving any changes."
//------------------------ End ------------------------
//----------------------- Begin Advanced Scan Wizard's FOURTH Window ------------------------
advanwiz4_1="Only displays information about infected or suspicious files that F-Prot AntivirusÖ finds when scanning."
advanwiz4_2="Displays a window with options for the user to deal with infected files."
advanwiz4_3="Attempt to disinfect the infected file. If it fails, you can choose an alternative option by clicking on the (if fails)... button."
advanwiz4_4="Displays the task, drive, folder or file(s) currently selected for scanning."
advanwiz4_5="Closes the ScanWizard without saving any changes."
advanwiz4_6="Before executing any of the selected options F-Prot AntivirusÖ will ask the user for confirmation."
//------------------------ End ------------------------
//----------------------- Begin Advanced Scan Wizard's FIFTH Window ------------------------
advanwiz5_1="Closes the ScanWizard without saving any changes."
advanwiz5_2="Displays the task, drive, folder or file(s) currently selected for scanning."
advanwiz5_3="If a virus is found the Scanner can display a customised message with detailed information about the infection."
advanwiz5_4="If a virus is found the Scanner can send a notification by e-mail."
//------------------------ End ------------------------
//----------------------- Begin Advanced Scan Wizard's SIXTH Window ------------------------
advanwiz6_1="Closes the ScanWizard without saving any changes."
advanwiz6_2="Displays the task, drive, folder or file(s) currently selected for scanning."
advanwiz6_3="If you mark this box, F-Prot AntivirusÖ will set the same scanning options for all selected tasks. If you do not mark the box, ScanWizard will repeat the scanning option setup procedure for each task you selected."
advanwiz6_4="Type a profile name in this box before saving."
//------------------------ End ------------------------
//----------------------- Begin Advanced Scan Wizard's SEVENTH Window ------------------------
advanwiz7_1="If the Scan now box is checked when you click the Finished button, F-Prot AntivirusÖ will immediately begin scanning for viruses using this profile."
advanwiz7_2="If the Scan later box is checked when you click the Finished button, the wizard will shut down but F-Prot AntivirusÖ will not begin scanning immediately. The new profile configurations are saved and can be selected later."
advanwiz7_3="If the box is checked the new profile will be saved under the name you type in the edit box."
advanwiz7_4="Type a profile name in this box before saving."
advanwiz7_5="Closes the ScanWizard without saving any changes."
//------------------------ End ------------------------