var L_ArtistInfoTitle_Text = 'Artist Information';
var L_BiographyTitle_Text = 'Biography';
var L_AlbumsTitle_Text = 'Albums';
var L_LatestReleasesTitle_Text = 'Latest Releases';
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var L_EPsAndSinglesTitle_Text = 'EPs & Singles';
var L_BootlegsAndVideosTitle_Text = 'Bootlegs & Videos';
var L_LyricsTitle_Text = 'Lyrics';
var L_RelatedAlbumsTitle_Text = 'Related Albums';
var L_RelatedArtistsTitle_Text = 'Related Artists';
var L_RelatedRadioTitle_Text = 'Related Radio';
var L_FileInfoTitle_Text = 'Tag Information';
var L_PhotographyTitle_Text = 'Track Pictures';
var L_MoreMediaTitle_Text = 'Videos and Downloads';
var L_HeadlinesTitle_Text = 'Music News';
var L_MoreHeadlinesTitle_Text = 'Additional Headlines';
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var L_FileInfoMenu_Text = 'Tag Info';
var L_RateThisSongLabel_Text = 'Rate This Song:';
var L_AverageRating_Text = 'Average Rating';
var L_MoreMediaHeader_Text = 'Videos and Downloads';
var L_HeadlinesHeader_Text = 'Music News';
var L_OfficialWebsiteHeader_Text = 'Official Artist Website';
var L_TopRockAlbumsHeader_Text = 'TOP ROCK ALBUMS';
var L_MoreDownloadsLink_Text = 'More from this artist';
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var L_NoLyrics_Text = 'There are no lyrics associated with this track. To add lyrics to this track, click the Add Lyrics button.';
var L_NoPhotos_Text = 'There are no pictures associated with this track.';
var L_AddPhotos_Text = ' To add pictures to this track, click the Edit Pictures button.';
var L_TrackInfoLabel_Text = 'Track Information';
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var L_DRMPropertiesLabel_Text = 'DRM Properties';
var L_SongNameLabel_Text = 'Song Name';
var L_SubtitleLabel_Text = 'Subtitle';
var L_GenreLabel_Text = 'Genre';
var L_MoodLabel_Text = 'Mood';
var L_TrackNumberLabel_Text = 'Track Number';
var L_BeatsPerMinuteLabel_Text = 'Beats per Minute';
var L_InitialKeyLabel_Text = 'Initial Key';
var L_AlbumLabel_Text = 'Album';
var L_OriginalAlbumLabel_Text = 'Original Album';
var L_PartOfSetLabel_Text = 'Part of Set';
var L_MusicCategoryLabel_Text = 'Music category description';
var L_LanguageLabel_Text = 'Language';
var L_PrimaryMediaLabel_Text = 'Primary Media Type';
var L_SecondaryMediaLabel_Text = 'Secondary Media Type';
var L_LeadArtistLabel_Text = 'Lead Artist';
var L_BandLabel_Text = 'Band or Orchestra';
var L_ConductorLabel_Text = 'Conductor';
var L_LyricistLabel_Text = 'Lyricist';
var L_OriginalLyricistLabel_Text = 'Original Lyricist';
var L_ComposerLabel_Text = 'Composer';
var L_ModifiedByLabel_Text = 'Modified by';
var L_OriginalArtistLabel_Text = 'Original Artist';
var L_ProtectedLabel_Text = 'Protected';
var L_HasLicenseLabel_Text = 'Has License';
var L_PlayRightsLabel_Text = 'Play Rights';
var L_CopyRightsLabel_Text = 'Copy';
var L_DeviceCopyRightsLabel_Text = 'Device Copy';
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var L_EditPhotosButton_Text = 'EDIT PICTURES';
var L_SimilarArtistsListHeader_Text = 'Similar Artists';
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var L_FindMoreRadio_Text = 'Find Additional Stations';
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var L_VisitStationWebsiteToPlay_Text = 'Visit Website to Play';
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var L_BuyThisCDLabel_Text = 'Buy This CD from:';
var L_MusicDownloadsTitle_Text = 'MUSIC DOWNLOADS';
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var L_UnknownAlbum_Text = 'Unknown Album';
var L_UnknownArtist_Text = 'Unknown Artist';
var L_UnknownTrack_Text = 'Unknown Track';
var L_NoMediaSelected_Text = 'Use the Info Center View to get the latest artist and album information while playing a track. Play a track to experience it!';
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var L_Offline_Text = 'Use the Info Center View to get the latest artist and album information while playing a track. Connect to the internet to experience it!';
var L_NoDataAvailable_Text = 'The currently playing item cannot be automatically recognized. To search for information about this item, click Find Album Information.';
var L_CantFindAlbumError_Text = 'We are unable to identify this Album';
var L_CantFindArtistError_Text = 'We are unable to identify this Artist';
var L_NoReviewForAlbumError_Text = 'We currently do not have an Album Review for this Album';
var L_NoBioForArtistError_Text = 'We currently do not have a Biography for this Artist';
var L_NoLatestAlbumsError_Text = 'There are no Latest Albums for this artist.';
var L_NoAlbumListError_Text = 'There are no Albums for this artist.';
var L_NoCompilationsError_Text = 'There are no Compilations or Boxed Sets for this artist.';
var L_NoSinglesError_Text = 'There are no EPs or Singles for this artist.';
var L_NoVideosError_Text = 'There are no Bootlegs or Videos for this artist.';
var L_NoRelatedAlbumsError_Text = 'There are no Related Albums for this artist.';
var L_NoRelatedRadioError_Text = 'There are no Related Radio stations for this artist.';
var L_NoRelatedArtistsError_Text = 'There are no Related Artists for this artist.';
var L_NoLyricsForCDError_Text = 'Lyrics cannot be added to tracks played from a CD, To add lyrics, you must first copy the tracks from your CD to your computer.';
var L_NoLyricsForReadOnlyError_Text = 'Lyrics cannot be added to this track.';
var L_NoHeadlinesError_Text = 'There are no news articles.';
var L_CantFindAlbumInfoError_Text = 'There is no additional information available for this album.';
var L_ServerError_Text = 'We are currently unable to retrieve album information, please try again later.';
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