home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // Windows Media Player - Copyright 2000 Microsoft Corporation.
- //<script>
- var g_tracktimeTextWidth=0;
- var g_kNonCaptionsHeight = 100;
- var g_kCaptionsHeight = g_kNonCaptionsHeight + mediacenter.captionsHeight;
- var g_SetPlayPauseFocus=false;
- function Init()
- {
- UpdateVizTitle();
- LayoutMarquee();
- OnOpenStateChange(player.openState);
- OnOpenStateChangeTransport(player.openState);
- OnPlayStateChangeTransport(player.playState);
- ShowStatus(player.status);
- if(player.dvd.isAvailable('dvd'))
- {
- UpdateDVDControls();
- }
- SyncFFWDButtonToRate(player.settings.rate);
- }
- function OnOpenStateChange(NewState)
- {
- if(NewState==osMediaOpen)
- {
- g_fCaptionsDetected=false;
- txtVizTitle.visible=player.currentMedia.imageSourceHeight==0;
- UpdateCaptions();
- UpdateDVDControls();
- }
- }
- function PreviousDisplay()
- {
- mediacenter.vizRequest = VR_PRESET_PREV;
- }
- function NextDisplay()
- {
- mediacenter.vizRequest = VR_PRESET_NEXT;
- }
- function LayoutMarquee()
- {
- g_tracktimeTextWidth = tracktime.textwidth;
- var margin=parseInt(theme.loadString("res://wmploc/RT_STRING/#1272"));
- tracktime.horizontalAlignment='left';
- tracktime.left = svMarquee.width - tracktime.textwidth;
- tracktime.horizontalAlignment='right';
- try
- {
- metadata.width = svMarquee.width - tracktime.textwidth - margin - metadata.left;
- }
- catch(err){}
- }
- function dummybutton()
- {
- this.down = false;
- }
- //main app and fullscreen have new super ffwd buttons (ffwd_multi), but they need
- //a dummy button to keep transport.js from freaking out
- var ffwd = new dummybutton();
- function UpdateVizTitle()
- {
- var viewName = helper.effectFriendlyName( mediacenter.effectType );
- var presetName = helper.effectPresetName( mediacenter.effectType, mediacenter.effectPreset );
- if (""!=presetName)
- {
- txtVizTitle.value = viewName + " : " + presetName;
- }
- else
- {
- txtVizTitle.value = viewName;
- }
- }
- //=====================================================
- // SAMI
- //=====================================================
- var g_fCaptionsDetected = mediacenter.showCaptions && helper.captionsAvailable;
- function handleScriptCommand(scType, Param)
- {
- scType = scType.toUpperCase();
- if(scType == "TEXT" || scType == "<SYNC" || scType == "CAPTION")
- {
- g_fCaptionsDetected = mediacenter.showCaptions;
- }
- }
- function UpdateCaptions()
- {
- g_fCaptionsDetected = (mediacenter.showCaptions && helper.captionsAvailable && !PlayingDVD());
- SetCaptions(g_fCaptionsDetected);
- }
- function SetCaptions(visible)
- {
- if (!visible) piCaptions.visible = false;
- view.height = visible ? g_kCaptionsHeight : g_kNonCaptionsHeight;
- if (visible) piCaptions.visible = true;
- }
- function GetViewHeight()
- {
- if (mediacenter.showCaptions && (g_fCaptionsDetected||helper.captionsAvailable) )
- {
- g_fCaptionsDetected=true;
- return g_kCaptionsHeight;
- }
- return g_kNonCaptionsHeight;
- }
- function PlayingDVD()
- {
- return ( (player.currentPlaylist.count>0) && (player.currentPlaylist.item(0).sourceURL.indexOf("wmpdvd:")==0));
- }
- function UpdateDVDControls()
- {
- if (PlayingDVD())
- {
- txtVizTitle.visible = false;
- btnDVDMenu.visible = ( ("videoManagerMenu" != player.dvd.domain) && ("videoTitleSetMenu" != player.dvd.domain) );
- btnDVDResume.visible = !btnDVDMenu.visible;
- }
- }