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- *** Tessler's Nifty Tools (tm) ***
- "Tessler's Nifty Tools" is a collection of over 35 ultra low cost
- DOS and Windows (Win95, Win 3.1, and NT) programs for both the
- casual and power user who desires to increase his/her PC
- productivity and enjoyment. Many of the unique programs are so
- incredibly useful that you'll never understand how you lived
- without them.
- Many programs have been reviewed in InfoWorld, PC Computing,
- COMPUTE, Windows Sources, and PC Techniques magazines.
- Each program is available separately ($19, $29, or $39), as a
- complete collection, or TNT may be purchased in "mini" packages
- -each of which addresses the needs of a specific type of user. Each
- "mini" package offers significant savings over purchasing each
- program separately. The complete collection offers even more
- savings.
- Any one "mini" package: $69
- Any two "mini" packages: $119
- All three "mini" packages
- (the complete collection): $159
- Add an additional $5 for shipping. Outside of the U.S., add $10 for
- shipping. (California residents must include state taxes.)
- Each program has on-line documentation. "Mini" package and complete
- collection purchases include a printed manual. TNT is distributed
- only on 3.5" HD disks.
- U.S. checks, money orders, Visa, MasterCard, and purchase orders
- (NET 30) are accepted. Returned checks will be charged a $15
- processing fee. Corporate and institutional site licenses are
- available at substantial discounts.
- Technical support is provided through CompuServe, U.S. Mail, and
- return telephone calls.
- Designed and developed by:
- Gary S. Tessler, P.E.
- Copyright (c) 1986-1995 by GST at TNT
- All Rights Reserved.
- Tessler's Nifty Tools (TNT)
- 430 Canyon Woods Place Suite A
- San Ramon, Ca. 94583
- CompuServe: 71044,542
- Internet: 71044.542@compuserve.com
- Tessler's Nifty Tools is the utility package that's different from
- all the rest. Instead of supplying yet another version of the same
- familiar programs, TNT gives you unique utilities that let you
- maintain, fine-tune, and control your system in ways you can't do
- with anything else. If you want to control your serial port's UART,
- or modify Windows INI files through a batch file, edit a Windows
- group file, or check on various Netware operations, TNT is the one
- package you need. This is one of the most useful and original sets
- of utilities on the market."
- -Edward Mendelson Contributing Editor
- PC Magazine
- "Change your .INI settings before Windows starts: ...Combining this
- shutdown program (WrapUp) with two other TNT utilities (CfgCntrl
- and Grp2Ini) can give you even greater control over your Windows
- configuration. Gary Tessler ...has cracked the .GRP code and made
- it accessible to ordinary mortals. He has invented a Group-to-Ini
- (Grp2Ini) utility, which converts .GRP files into text files,
- like .INI files. A separate utility converts them back. This is not
- an easy feat, because the .GRP format contains binary data, which
- is poorly documented at best."
- -Infoworld 1/16/95
- "TNT's new edition of some much needed tools provides a powerful
- way to maintain alternate Windows configurations... I especially
- like DIR2BAT, which writes batch files to carry out commands on any
- file specification..."
- -Brian Livingston Infoworld 8/30/93 and 4/11/94
- "Now, run any command right before Windows exits -An enterprising
- developer creates WrapUp for us readers..."
- -Infoworld 1/9/95
- "If you need to configure Windows on the fly, I think you'll find
- that these programs give you a degree of control that has
- previously been very difficult to achieve."
- -PC Computing 11/94
- "Vdel - the command that Microsoft forgot."
- -PC Computing "DOS Application of the Month" 3/94
- Power User, Multiple Configuration & Control Pkg.
- Cfgcntrl* -Intelligent text file controller for Windows INI,
- LanManager, Autoexec and Config.sys files.
- Grp2ini* -Convert a Windows GRP (group) formatted file into a text
- file for editing.
- Ifonscrn* -Check if specific characters appear on your screen and
- act on them by stuffing keystrokes into your application.
- Ifwait -Beep or buzz your PC's speaker or any LPT port device.
- Ini2grp* -Convert a Grp2ini text file back into a Windows GRP
- (group) formatted file.
- Power User & Programmer's Pkg.
- Capstat -Determine if your printer is being Netware captured.
- Chek4dup -Check for duplicate EXE & COM programs.
- Chkparm -Determine if pathname is drive, directory, filename; new
- or existing; local or Lan reference.
- Comspeed -Determine actual modem DTE line speed during a call.
- Controlp -Control printer echoing ^P within batch files.
- Dir2bat -Perform a series of commands on a series of files.
- Dvcpu -Set Desqview's Share-CPU option from the command line.
- Dvprompt -Embed a Desqview window's switch number in the DOS
- prompt.
- Dvrun -Determine if Desqview is running.
- Feefifo -Enable and control 16550a UART serial chip's FIFOs.
- Growp -Grow and change your DOS prompt each time you shell to
- DOS.
- Rlist -Display or print a portion of a text file.
- Setbeep -Control the duration of your PC's beep sound or silence
- your PC.
- SuperMon* -Track your Windows, Win95, WFW, & NT User, GDI, RAM, &
- Virtual (Swap) resource usage. Only program of kind in
- industry. Determine how much memory you should purchase
- and much much more...
- Vers* -Set DOS' version better than Setver does.
- WinRun -Determine if Windows 3.n Enhanced mode is running.
- Safer & Easier Computing & Multimedia Pkg.
- Chk4root -Check for a root directory reference & protect DELTREE
- from deleting every file from your disk!
- Copywa -Copy files along with their attribute bit.
- Crtdump -Copy your monitor's text screen to a disk file for
- editing.
- Expndtab -Convert tab characters to spaces with document alignment
- preserved.
- Parkhead -Park your hard disk(s) before turning off your PC.
- Pdel -Permanently delete a file so that it can't be recovered.
- Player -Play a wav or voc format sound file.
- Prtscrff -Send a formfeed (paper eject) command to your printer
- whenever you press the Printscreen key.
- Rwdir -Display files that are read/writable (not read-only).
- Thot4day -Display a random humorous thought of the day on your
- monitor.
- Tune4day -Play a different sound file every time you turn on your
- PC.
- Vdel* -Delete files (including read-only files) with
- verification.
- WrapUp* -Just as Windows executes your StartUp group's programs,
- WrapUp allows Windows to execute any programs in your
- "ShutDown" group right before it exits.
- Zdir -Determines the size of sub-directories nicer than DIR
- does.
- Note: * indicates that this program was reviewed by a major
- magazine. Ask us for a reprint!
- CapStat ($19) (CaptureStatus) determines if your local printer is
- being Netware captured.
- Chek4Dup ($19) (CheckForDuplicates) generates a list of files that
- exist in both .EXE and .COM form. This usually occurs
- when software is upgraded from a COM format to an EXE
- format and the old COM version is accidentally left on
- the system when the new EXE program is put onto the
- system. DOS will always invoke the COM program before the
- EXE program so you should delete the older COM program.
- CfgCntrl ($29) (ConfigController) is an intelligent text (ASCII)
- file controller. Just what does this mean? Well a bit of
- history is required to explain this new type of software
- utility... We created ConfigController to solve common
- office and home Windows computing problems.
- Before ConfigController, the typical office had MS-DOS
- laptop PCs running Windows software and LanManager LAN
- software that had to have specific LAN device drivers and
- video drivers installed and activated when the laptop was
- plugged into its desktop docking station with a LAN card
- and external video monitor, and a different set of device
- drivers installed and activated when the laptop was out
- in the field running remote LAN access software with its
- internal LCD display which required custom video drivers.
- The PC "techies" were managing this mess by keeping two
- copies of Window's configuration files -WIN.INI and
- SYSTEM.INI files and LanManager PROTOCOL.INI files
- present on each PC -one set for the docking station mode
- and one set for remote access mode. This didn't work
- well, for every time the user added/deleted or moved a
- group on his/her desktop, these changes were never saved
- to the other set of configuration files. Installing
- software that modified these configuration files had to
- manually be added to the other set of configuration
- files. Maintenance became a total nightmare. Similarly
- having two separate LanManager PROTOCOL.INI files was
- just as difficult to maintain.
- In the home, our users wanted a way to configure Windows
- in a 'minimal' mode so that their kids would not have
- access to certain programs on their PC, and then have
- their 'normal' mode with full program/group access for
- themselves.
- Out of these needs was born ConfigController...
- ConfigController does away with multiple configuration
- file sets. You only have your single set of standard
- Window's configuration files and LanManager files to deal
- with. ConfigController and DOS' batch file capabilities
- allow you to control all aspects of your configuration
- files including adding or deleting complete groups of
- programs to or from your desktop.
- ChkParm ($19) (CheckParameters) analyzes the file specification
- and returns via DOS' ERRORLEVEL whether the specification
- is a drive letter, file or sub-directory, whether it
- exists or not, and if it is a local reference or a
- network (remote) reference. Great for use in batch files.
- ComSpeed ($19) (Com Port Speed) determines the actual baud rate
- that a COM (serial) port is set to. With today's high
- speed modems that can adjust their phone line and data
- rate (speed) automatically, it is often very difficult to
- determine if your line is operating at the proper rate.
- Use COMSPEED to check your COM port's data rate after
- establishing a data connection.
- ControlP ($19) allows you to turn on screen to printer echoing as
- if you had pressed Ctrl-P or Ctrl-PrtScr. Read your DOS
- manual for more information on printer echoing.
- CopyWA ($19) (Copy with Attributes) will copy files with the
- source file's attribute copied into the destination file
- too. Great for preserving your read-only file's
- attribute when copying them.
- CrtDump ($19) copies the contents of a text mode video screen to
- a disk file. Great for preserving screen messages for
- later review or printing.
- DelTree-Chk4Root ($19) uses CHK4ROOT to determine if a file
- specification refers to the root directory. DOS'
- DELTREE.EXE can easily delete every file on your hard
- disk. Now use CHK4ROOT to protect yourself...
- Dir2Bat ($19) (Directory to Batch File) performs a series of
- commands on a series of files: Will write a listing of
- files that match your file specification to the file
- DIR2.BAT. Each file found may be prefixed and suffixed
- by user provided strings. This batch file will then be
- able to perform actions to the files. For example, if
- your C:\ disk contains the following files:
- list.doc printer.doc readme.doc
- then the command:
- DIR2BAT c:\*.doc "attrib -r ! /s" "del !" /f
- will create a DIR2.BAT file with the following contents:
- attrib -r c:\list.doc /s
- del c:\list.doc
- attrib -r c:\readme.doc /s
- del c:\readme.doc
- attrib -r c:\printer.doc /s
- del c:\printer.doc
- DvCPU ($19) is a DesqView utility program that is meant to be
- run right before running a program that requires full
- usage of the CPU's computing power. It pops up the
- DesqView window and sets 'Share CPU when in Foreground'
- to Yes or No depending on the parameter entered. Useful
- for programs that insist on running in a non-multitasking
- environment such as voice sampling and digitization
- programs.
- DvPrompt ($19) is a DesqView utility program that facilitates easy
- recalling of your current DOS window's switch number by
- retrieving and embedding its switch number in its DOS
- prompt. For example, upon opening and using several DOS
- windows with command line programs, the user often finds
- it difficult to remember which window he/she was doing
- what task in. Since each window has the same DOS prompt,
- DOS gives him/her no visual clue to the identification of
- the current window. Will change each DOS window's DOS
- prompt into the typical form of:
- 1 C:\> for DesqView switch window #1
- 2 C:\> for DesqView switch window #2
- 3 C:\> for DesqView switch window #3
- DvRun ($19) is a DesqView utility program that determines if
- DesqView is running. Useful within batch files.
- ExpndTab ($19) (Expand Tabs) copies a source file to a destination
- file with any embedded tabs converted into spaces in the
- destination file. Document tab alignment is preserved.
- Great for printers that don't expand tabs correctly or
- word processors that don't expand tabs into the proper
- number of on-screen spaces.
- FeeFifo ($19) enables the FIFO of a 16550A high speed UART chip
- at the serial COM port specified by you. This allows
- many non-FIFO aware programs to use and benefit from FIFO
- serial ports.
- Growp ($19) (Grow Prompt) grows your DOS prompt each time you
- shell to DOS. It adds a user specified growth character
- to the environment's 'PROMPT' string each time another
- copy of COMMAND.COM is invoked, and removes the growth
- character when the copy of COMMAND.COM is terminated.
- Each growth character represents a suspended program in
- RAM and gives you a visual warning that you should not
- turn-off your PC before returning to the suspended
- program and gracefully exiting it. This program is meant
- to be useful in situations where you invoke COMMAND.COM
- from within Windows, DesqView, a word-processor or from
- within a spreadsheet. In this typical scenario, GROWP
- gives you a visual reminder that you have suspended -not
- terminated a critical program. This program will also
- help avoid SMARTDRV write-ahead cache data losses.
- Grp2Ini-Ini2Grp ($29) (Group file to INI file converter and back)
- converts encoded (non-text/non-ASCII) Windows 3.0 and 3.1
- GRP (group) files into a plain text (ASCII) INI format
- file for your review and editing. It is considered a pre-
- processor to the ConfigController program. After Grp2Ini
- creates the textual INI formatted output file, you can
- edit it with your word processor or use ConfigController
- to act on it. Then the companion post-processor Ini2Grp
- (INI file to group file converter) must be used to
- reconvert the INI file back into the encoded GRP file
- format that Windows requires. Grp2Ini-Ini2Grp puts a
- powerful dimension of Windows configuration control into
- your hands with or without the use of ConfigController.
- A 'group' in Windows is a collection of icons (programs).
- Example Windows groups are: Main, Accessories, Games, and
- Startup. Example items in a typical 'Main' group are:
- File-Manager, Control-Panel, Clipboard, and PaintBrush.
- Grp2Ini reads the encoded GRP file and constructs an INI
- formatted text file that has a section of information
- associated with each item in the group. Each section's
- entries are explained in plain English. You can control
- every aspect of the complete group's window including its
- size, location, and name. You can control every aspect of
- your group's items including each item's name, program
- name, program location, working directory, short-cut-key,
- run-minimized state, icon picture (bitmap), icon size,
- icon colors, and location of the item's icon within the
- group's window, etc..
- Tired of waiting for Windows to start up? Grp2Ini can
- help. As you add and delete more and more items from a
- Windows group, your GRP files grows in size. Windows does
- a poor job of recovering wasted space in your group's GRP
- file. In fact, Windows does no wasted space recovery.
- Grp2Ini will automatically remove all wasted space in
- your GRP files. Just run your GRP file through Grp2Ini-
- Ini2Grp and notice the file size and speed improvements.
- This wasted space recovery is similar to disk
- defragmentation processes.
- Have you ever wanted to force Windows to load certain
- programs in your Startup group in a certain order? Before
- Grp2Ini-Ini2Grp you couldn't. Now you can! Windows loads
- items in the order that they appear in the GRP file.
- However, when adding a new item into your group, Windows
- simply finds puts the item into the first hole it finds.
- Simply generate the INI output file and move the sections
- around to suit your needs...
- If you've ever wanted to 'move' an application from a
- disk drive to another disk drive (perhaps because your
- hard disk was filling up and you wanted to rearrange your
- data), or even to another sub-directory, you were forced
- to uninstall the application (losing all of your
- application's settings) and reinstall it in the proper
- new location all because of Windows' encoded GRP
- formatted files. With Grp2Ini and Ini2Grp, you simply
- generate and edit the text INI file replacing the
- application's paths, locations, and working directories
- with whatever you want.
- IfOnScrn ($29) (If On Screen) will examine the video screen for
- the appearance of up to three case sensitive trigger
- (search) character strings. Once found, a message box
- may pop up, and/or user keystrokes may be stuffed into
- the keyboard buffer including rebooting the PC. IFONSCRN
- may be run as a TSR (RAM-resident) or as a non-TSR
- program. Great for detecting how a program terminated if
- it does not set DOS' ERRORLEVEL. Great for detecting
- modem, gateway, mail router, and print server failures
- and then automatically reboot them.
- IfWait ($19) will beep the screen or the IFBUZZ device either
- once or will wait until you press any key. It can run in
- a WAIT mode where the device beeps cyclically until a key
- is pressed, or in a BEEP mode where it beeps the device
- once and terminates without a key needing to be pressed.
- ParkHead ($19) parks an IBM PC 286, 386, 486, Pentium and most
- compatible PC's hard disks.
- PDel ($19) permanently deletes a file so that it can't ever be
- recovered.
- Player ($19) plays a wave or voc formatted sound file on a Sound
- Blaster or compatible audio. card.
- PrtScrFF ($19) (Print Screen with Form Feed) automatically appends
- a form-feed (paper eject) command to your printer
- whenever you press the PrintScreen key. Very useful to
- keep your printer always at its top-of-form position.
- For laser printers, this saves you from taking the
- printer off-line, and pressing the PageEject button.
- RList ($19) (Range List) prints a range of lines from a text
- (ASCII) file to the screen or printer.
- RwDir ($19) (Read/Writable Directory Listing) generates a list
- of non read-only files. Useful to see which files would
- be deleted when issuing a DEL *.* command. It is
- recommended to make most of your application programs
- (programs ending with com, exe, and bat) read-only to
- minimize the risk of accidental erasure. RWDIR will help
- you identify the files that might need to be made read-
- only.
- SetBeep ($19) is a memory resident program that will set the beep
- character's (ASCII decimal 7 or control-G) duration to a
- user specified value or disable it leaving you with a
- silent PC. The PC's default beep tone duration is 1
- second which is too long and annoying for many people.
- SuperMonitor
- ($39) Some day, real soon, something terrible is going to
- happen... Many of your Windows 3.1, WFW, and yes -even
- your new Windows-95 programs are all going to stop
- running! Your multiple Windows programs are rapidly
- eating away at your precious Windows resources -your
- User, GDI, RAM and Virtual (Swap) resources to be
- precise...
- You know this, yet there's nothing you can do! You drop
- your head and feel a tear trickle down your cheek.
- Suddenly you hear a roar from above! Look! Up in the sky!
- Its a bird! No, its a plane! No, its SuperMon-itor to
- your aid. You're saved!
- SuperMonitor accurately tracks the following Windows
- resources:
- User resource
- GDI resource
- Memory (RAM + virtual memory that SysMeter reports)
- resource
- RAM (physical memory) resource
- Virtual Memory resource
- SuperMonitor is the only program in the industry to tell
- you what amounts of RAM (physical memory) are being
- utilized by Windows in general or by a specific program,
- and what amounts of Virtual memory (swap file) are being
- utilized!
- But you say that you already use the Microsoft SDK
- provided SysMeter program with great success? Well you'll
- be amazed to hear what's "wrong" with SysMeter...
- SysMeter has a few fatal flaws that make it a useless
- program:
- 1. SysMeter only reports instantaneous snapshots of
- your systems resource utilizations. Since programs
- often "grab" many resources for very short moments
- in time, Windows must be able to provide resources
- for these peak periods. If it can't do so, your
- program (or even all of Windows), crashes! If this
- resource "spike" is very quick (as most are), you
- may not even be able to notice it flash on
- SysMeter's screen before it is replaced with the
- next instantaneous "normal" resource snapshot. Or if
- you're like us, you've turned your head away to
- record the past snapshot on a piece of paper while
- this "spike" snapshot appeared and then disappeared
- -without you noticing it...
- 2. SysMeter only reports instantaneous snapshots of
- your systems resource utilizations during "idle"
- periods of your system. Think about the implication
- of this statement! When Windows isn't idle - its
- busy running your programs which means your precious
- resources are being allocated and deallocated. This
- is exactly when you'd want a resource monitor to be
- tracking your system so that you could catch those
- potentially fatal or "near death" allocation spikes.
- During this busy time, SysMeter isn't monitoring
- your resources. Only during infrequent idle periods
- (when virtually no resource spikes occur), can
- SysMeter do its thing... Very scary! Now that you
- know about the limitations of SysMeter, will you
- ever use it again?
- We specifically designed SuperMonitor to catch these
- resource "spikes". You control SuperMonitor's
- "sampling" rate. You can dictate that SuperMonitor
- watch your system as fast as every one millisecond (
- 1/1000 of a second) to catch even the shortest lived
- resource spike!
- 3. SysMeter can't tell you the resource utilization of
- a specific Windows program. It only tells you the
- state of your overall Windows environment. This is
- good information, but not good enough for
- SuperMonitor!
- SuperMonitor is a MDI (multiple document interface)
- program. Each document is a resource sampling
- session. By running multiple document sampling
- sessions and comparing the session results before
- and after running a specific Windows or DOS "box"
- program, you can precisely determine the resource
- utilizations of that specific program... Cool!
- Not only does SuperMonitor track instantaneous resources
- usages, but it also automatically records "average" and
- "maximum/minimum" (worst-case) usages! You can "log" or
- save these snapshots to a disk file and then import them
- into your spreadsheet for further analysis or even graph
- them. Of course, you control precisely what data to log
- to disk and how frequently to save it to disk. You can
- even print your screen's data!
- SuperMonitor was written for:
- The individual Windows user that wants to keep
- Windows running smoothly.
- The computer programmer that wants to easily
- determine the resource requirements of his/her
- program under development.
- The software development company that produces many
- Windows programs and are concerned that they might
- produce one more program that when added to the
- user's Windows desktop of concurrently executing
- programs, will cause a resource to be depleted,
- possibly crashing the program or even all of
- Windows.
- The corporate desktop hardware standardization
- engineers that can use SuperMonitor to determine
- exactly how much physical memory is required to
- execute their programs before the virtual memory
- swap file is accessed. This is important for optimal
- Windows performance. Then they can purchase exactly
- the optimal amount of RAM memory for their PCs.
- SuperMonitor is compatible with Windows-95, Windows
- 3.1 (enhanced mode), Windows-For-WorkGroups, and
- Windows NT (WOW compatible).
- Thot4Day ($19) (Thought for a Day) is a unique program that will
- display varying personalized messages on your PC's
- computer screen. You, the user can create a list of
- messages (THOTs) to be displayed by the program. Many
- Murphy's Law-like thoughts are included.
- Tune4Day ($19) (Tune for a Day) plays a different sound file from
- a directory of files every time you run the program.
- Useful in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to play a new sound
- every time you turn on your PC. Uses PLAYER. May also be
- used to run any program with a different filename as its
- argument from a directory of files.
- Vdel ($19) (Verify DELetion) asks you if you want to delete
- file(s) matching your filename. It can delete read-only
- files too. For each file that VDEL finds, you can
- configure it to or not to ask you if you want to delete
- it.
- Vers ($19) installs itself as a memory-resident program that
- will set the DOS version(s) to user specified value(s).
- This is useful when running programs that require a
- specific DOS version for no useful reason. (Many DOS
- supplemental programs require specific versions for no
- legitimate reason). VERS works better than SETVER does.
- VERS can set both the TRUE and FAKE (SETVER) versions
- that DOS provides to programs.
- WinRun ($19) is a DOS utility program that determines if Windows
- 3.n Enhanced mode is running. Useful within batch files
- in a DOS box.
- WrapUp ($29) Windows users have long enjoyed the fact that when
- you start Windows, you could have Windows automatically
- start any programs simply by putting the program's icon
- into the 'StartUp' group.
- Wouldn't it be great to have a similar 'ShutDown' group
- that right before Windows exited, it would run these
- 'WrapUp' type programs automatically for you? Imagine the
- uses for such a program...
- You could automatically:
- - Backup your PC's hard disk(s).
- - Log out of your PC network (LAN).
- - Synchronize your laptop PC's hard disk with your
- desktop PC's hard disk or visa versa.
- - Access your favorite online stock-quote system and
- retrieve your latest stock prices.
- - Send an email message.
- - Run your communications program and have it
- autodial your significant other, so you could pick up
- the telephone and tell him/her that you're on
- your way home.
- - Or any DOS program or batch file that can be run
- from within Windows.
- - Or anything else for that matter...
- WrapUp requires Windows 3.0-3.11, Windows-for-Workgroups
- 3.11, or Win-NT.
- ZDir ($19) (Size Directory Listing) determines the size of
- sub-directories nicer than DIR does.
- <eof>