// ----------------------- General settings ------------------------------------
const CString szYourName = "TEST"; // Put your <szYourName> password here, or TEST if you are not registered
const CString szYourPassword = ""; // Put your <szPassword> here or nothing if you are not registered
const int iBackgroundPaper = BROSSE_3DCIRCLE; // Choose the brush to use as the background paper, ( BROSSE_* )
const BOOL bBeepMode = TRUE; // True if you want the BEEP mode, FALSE if not
const BOOL bVerifyMode = TRUE; // True if you want the VERIFY mode, FALSE if not
const CString szProductName = "Setup Studio"; // Name of your works
const CString szSetupBoxTitle = "Setup Studio 2.5 - Installation"; // Title of the Copy Dialog Box
// ----------------------- General interface settings ------------------------------------
const CString Dialog1Title = "Setup Studio 2.6"; // Dialog box title for the path and other dialog boxes
const CString Dialog3Title = "Setup Studio - Installation options"; // Dialog box title for the option dialog box
const CString Dialog2Title = "Setup Studio 2.6"; // Dialog box title for the copy dialog box
// ----------------------- Interface settings [PANEL1] ( first panel )------------------------------------
const int iPanel1Bitmap = 0; // Bitmap ID for Panel 1 or 0 to disable it
const CString szPanel1Title = "Setup Studio 2.6"; // Panel 1 title or a blank string to disable it
const CString szPanel1TitleFont = "Arial"; // Panel 1 title font to use
const int iPanel1TitleSize = 56; // Panel 1 title font size to use
const COLORREF lPanel1TitleColor = RGB(192,192,192); // Panel 1 title color to use
const BOOL bPanel1Title3D = TRUE; // Panel 1 title 3D or not
const BOOL bPanel1TitleBold = TRUE; // Panel 1 title bold or not
const CString szPanel1Detail = "The ultimate setup toolkit to\nbuild setup programs for Win16/Win32!"; // Panel 1 detail or a blank string to disable it
const CString szPanel1DetailFont = "Times New Roman"; // Panel 1 detail font to use
const int iPanel1DetailSize = 28; // Panel 1 detail font size to use
const COLORREF lPanel1DetailColor = RGB(0,0,138); // Panel 1 detail color to use
const BOOL bPanel1Detail3D = TRUE; // Panel 1 detail 3D or not
const BOOL bPanel1DetailBold = TRUE; // Panel 1 detail bold or not
// ----------------------- Interface settings [PANEL2] ( user selects files to install )------------------------------------
const int iPanel2Bitmap = 0; // Bitmap ID for Panel 2 or 0 to disable it
const CString szPanel2Title = "Setup Studio 2.6"; // Panel 2 title or a blank string to disable it
const CString szPanel2TitleFont = "Arial"; // Panel 2 title font to use
const int iPanel2TitleSize = 56; // Panel 2 title font size to use
const COLORREF lPanel2TitleColor = RGB(192,192,192); // Panel 2 title color to use
const BOOL bPanel2Title3D = TRUE; // Panel 2 title 3D or not
const BOOL bPanel2TitleBold = TRUE; // Panel 2 title bold or not
const CString szPanel2Detail = "The ultimate setup toolkit to\nbuild setup programs for Win16/Win32!"; // Panel 2 detail or a blank string to disable it
const CString szPanel2DetailFont = "Times New Roman"; // Panel 2 detail font to use
const int iPanel2DetailSize = 28; // Panel 2 detail font size to use
const COLORREF lPanel2DetailColor = RGB( 0,0,138); // Panel 2 detail color to use
const BOOL bPanel2Detail3D = TRUE; // Panel 2 detail 3D or not
const BOOL bPanel2DetailBold = TRUE; // Panel 2 detail bold or not
ProductName = ( iLanguage == LANGUAGE_FRENCH )? "Indiquer le rΘpertoire o∙ vous souhaitez installer ": "Please, give the directory in which you would like to install ";
ProductName += szProductName;
ProductName += ( iLanguage == LANGUAGE_FRENCH )?" et cliquer sur 'OK':":" and click on 'OK'";
Message = "Le gestionnaire de programmes n' est pas prΘsent!\nL' installation des ic⌠nes peut Θchouer et une installation manuelle\ndes ic⌠nes sera peut Ωtre nΘcessaire.";
Message = "ProgMan not detected!\nIcons setup can fail, maybe a manual icons installation will be required.";
ProductName = ( iLanguage == LANGUAGE_FRENCH )? "Indiquer le rΘpertoire o∙ vous souhaitez installer ": "Please, give the directory in which you would like to install ";
ProductName += szProductName;
ProductName += ( iLanguage == LANGUAGE_FRENCH )?" et cliquer sur' OK'":" and click on 'OK'";
ProductName = ( iLanguage == LANGUAGE_FRENCH )? "Indiquer le rΘpertoire o∙ vous souhaitez installer ": "Please, give the directory in which you would like to install ";
ProductName += szProductName;
ProductName += ( iLanguage == LANGUAGE_FRENCH )?" et cliquer sur 'OK'":" and click on 'OK'";
UserPath = TempDestName;
MessageBox( ( iLanguage == LANGUAGE_FRENCH )?"Le rΘpertoire mentionnΘ n' est pas valide.\nSi vous avez mentionnΘ des sous-rΘpertoires,\nceux-ci doivent exister.\n":
"Directory name is not valid.\nIf you want to use sub-directories\nthey must exist.\n", Dialog1Title, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION );
if ( UserConfigSize > AskForDriveSpace( GetDriveNumber( UserPath )) )
if ( iLanguage == LANGUAGE_FRENCH )
MessageBox("Il n' y a pas assez d' espace libre\nsur l' unitΘ de destination pour installer\nla sΘlection que vous avez choisie.\n\nVeuillez modifier votre sΘlection ou changer de rΘpertoire."
MessageBox("There is not enough free space\nto install the selected files.\n\nPlease, change your selection or the destination directory."