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- S P L O T - The Pen Plotter Simulator V2.3 for Windows
- --------------------------------------------------------
- Copyright (C) 1991-95 by Alexandr NOVY
- All rights reserved.
- This file contains important licensing, registration and
- evaluation information about the SPLOT for Windows program.
- SPLOT is distributed as "Shareware" or "User Supported
- Software" and is fully copyrighted. If you register the
- program you will receive these benefits:
- 1) The latest version of SPLOT.
- 2) A printed user's manual.
- 3) A printed technical reference which describes
- all plotter instructions supported by SPLOT.
- 4) An end to the nag screens and opening banners.
- 5) Deep discounts on the next major versions.
- These are three type of license:
- 1) A single user license permits a single user to use SPLOT
- only on a single computer at a time.
- 2) A multi user license permits to simultaneously use more
- SPLOT copies on more computers at a time according to
- the licensed number of users. The unlimited license
- (with no limitation on simultaneous use) is also
- available and it is equal to the licensing of 50 users.
- 3) A multisystem site license is designated especially for
- use on computer networks with a dedicated server from
- which the network users can run SPLOT on workstations
- and so it permits simultaneous use on one network. Only
- one copy of the SPLOT executable file can exist in whole
- network and must be situated on the dedicated server.
- Generally the multisystem site license can be used on
- any multiuser environment as long as only one copy of
- the SPLOT executable file exists in that environment.
- However note that this license cannot be used on
- peer-to-peer networks (use multi user license for that
- purpose). You can also order a mutisystem license for
- more sites (servers). The unlimited multisystem site
- license (with no limitation to number of sites) is also
- available and it is equal to the licensing of 20 sites.
- The single user registration fee for SPLOT for Windows is
- $65.00 (US funds). The multisystem site fee for SPLOT is
- $140.00. Users outside of Europe should include an additional
- $5.00 for international airmail.
- Since the SPLOT program is always distributed with a DLL
- library (libraries) adapted for a certain plotter type, do
- not forget to mention the plotter type with which you want to
- use the SPLOT program. A list of plotters you can choose
- from is given in the PLOTTERS.TXT file. In this file there
- are also given the parameters of these plotters together with
- a list of supported instructions. It makes possible to choose
- a suitable plotter type even if your plotter is not listed
- (most plotters are compatible with some plotter from the
- list). Of course, you can order SPLOT program with more DLL
- libraries for different plotter types. In this case the
- single user registration fee for any further version is
- $20.00 (+ $5.00 outside Europe) and the multisystem site fee
- is $40.00 (+ $5.00 outside Europe). This principle is also
- valid for an upgrade. If you have registered at least one
- SPLOT program version at the full price of $65.00 ($140.00),
- now and in the future only $20.00 ($40.00) is to be paid for
- all other versions.
- Special offer:
- Registered users of the MS-DOS version of the SPLOT program
- can order the MS-Windows version for $45.00 only ( $95.00 for
- the multisystem site licence ) (+ $5.00 outside Europe).
- In this case fill out your serial number in order form and
- mark it as `upgrade from DOS version'.
- Note: The latest MS-DOS version of the SPLOT program is
- available on all SIMTEL20 archives in <MSDOS.GRAPHICS>
- directory as SPLTXXX.ZIP file (recently SPLT250.ZIP).
- The price for multi user license is a corresponding multiple
- of the single user registration fee reduced by a graduated
- discount. The discount is graduated according to the number
- of users:
- Number of users Discount [percent]
- 2 - 10 20 %
- 11 - 20 25 %
- 21 - 30 30 %
- 31 - 40 35 %
- 41 - 50 40 %
- The number of 50 or more users equals to the unlimited
- license.
- The price for more multisystem sites is a corresponding
- multiple of one multisystem site license price reduced by a
- graduated discount. The discount is graduated according to
- the number of sites:
- Number of users Discount [percent]
- 2 - 10 20 %
- 11 - 20 25 %
- The number of 20 or more sites equals to the unlimited
- license.
- If you will order a multi license, you will normally receive
- only one master copy of the SPLOT files on diskette and only
- one printed manual for each ordered plotter type along with
- permission to make its own copies of diskettes and manual.
- The number of these copies is limited by the number of
- licensed users/sites. If you want to receive a diskette or
- manual with each ordered copy, you should pay additional
- $1.00 ($2.00 outside Europe) per diskette or $3.00 ($5.00
- outside Europe) per manual (includes diskette already). The
- number of diskettes/manuals for which you should pay is
- determined by the following expression:
- n = (nu-1)*np
- where nu is number of users/sites and np is number of ordered
- plotter types.
- To calculate correct registration price, please use the
- Calculate SPLOT registration fee dialog (invoked from the
- menu bar Help item), which will help you namely for multi
- license order.
- Author can accept payment in these three ways:
- 1) In cash (money enclosed) - this is the most quick method,
- but at your risk.
- 2) Credit card - MasterCard, VISA and American Express are
- accepted. Please, fill out carefully the credit card
- information in order form.
- 3) Bank or travelers cheque enclosed - please make a cheque
- payable in US funds.
- 4) Author can send to you first an invoice with an account
- number. Then you will receive the SPLOT program as soon
- as your payment will be done to this account number.
- To register, please use the registration/order form supplied
- with this package (as provided in the file ORDER.TXT or in
- the help file).
- Please send the completed form along with a payment to:
- Alexandr Novy
- Havlickova 2209
- 390 01 TABOR
- Czech Republic
- NOTE: Czech users of SPLOT should contact Czech distributor:
- PESKA & BRTNA Computer Service
- Krakovska 2805
- 390 05 Tabor
- Czech Republic
- Tel./Fax 0042-361-262138
- or
- P.O.B. 69
- 323 00 Plzen 23
- Czech Republic
- Tel./Fax 0042-19-7226294
- A special Czech language version of the package is
- available from them as well.
- SPLOT is not and has never been public domain software,
- nor is it free software.
- Non-licensed users are granted a limited license to use SPLOT
- on a 14-day trial basis for the purpose of determining
- whether SPLOT is suitable for their needs. The use of SPLOT,
- except for the initial 14-day trial, requires registration.
- The use of unlicensed copies of SPLOT by any person,business,
- corporation or any other entity is strictly prohibited.
- No one may modify or patch the SPLOT executable file in any
- way, including but not limited to decompiling, disassembling,
- or otherwise reverse engineering the program.
- A limited license is granted to copy and distribute SPLOT
- only for the trial use of others, subject to the above
- limitations, and also the following:
- 1) SPLOT must be copied in unmodified form, complete
- with the file containing this license information.
- 2) The full machine-readable SPLOT documentation must
- be included with each copy.
- 3) SPLOT may not be distributed in conjunction with
- any other product without a specific license to do
- so from author.
- 4) No fee, charge, or other compensation may be
- requested or accepted, except as authorized below:
- a) Operators of electronic bulletin board systems
- (sysops) may make SPLOT available for
- downloading as long as the above conditions are
- met. An overall or time-dependent charge for
- the use of the bulletin board system is
- permitted as long as there is not a specific
- charge for the download of SPLOT.
- b) Vendors of user-supported or shareware software
- may distribute SPLOT after obtaining written
- permission from author. Such permission is
- usually granted. Vendors may charge a reasonable
- disk duplication and handling fee.
- Licensed user are bound to the following licensing agreement.
- You may not transfer your license without written permission
- from author. A single user license permits a user to use
- SPLOT only on a single computer at a time.
- This product is distributed AS IS. The author specifically
- disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including,
- but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and
- fitness for a particular purpose with respect to defects in
- the diskette and documentation, and program license granted
- herein, in particular, without limiting operation of the
- program license with respect to any use or purpose. In no
- event shall the author be liable for any loss of profit or
- damage including but not limited to special, incidental,
- consequential or other damages.
- By licensing SPLOT you agree to the above licensing agreement.