This is just a list of frequently asked questions.
> Hardware Problems
> Optical Jammer Functions
> Registration Questions
> Contacting Kempton Software
** Hardware Problems **
1> Optical Jammer keeps saying my MCI drivers are not loaded.
Many times the correct drivers are not loaded on the system. First check to see if the [MCI] CD-Audio driver is loaded. You can find this in the Control Panel of Program Manager. The icon called "Drivers" will display all current drivers installed. If [MCI] CD-Audio is not installed, Install it using the "Add" button. Secondly, if your running the CD-Audio through a sound board, make sure that the sound boards drivers are also installed.
2> Optical Jammer is running, but I can't hear any music.
1.) Make sure the cd in the player is a music cd, with different audio tracks.
2.) Some systems or CD-Rom players are not being run through a sound board. If thats your case, you have two options.
a.) Try plugging a pair of headphones or amplified speakers into the headphone jack on the CD-Rom player.
b.) Or, using an internal cable or external cable, plug your audio signal into your sound boards input jack. Many times you can come out of the two RCA jacks on the back of the CD-Rom interface card, then into the sound boards Line-in jack.
3> My volume button is not working...
1.) Try both settings on the Advanced Options for audio input.
2.) Some systems just don't work with a volume control.
4> Whats the difference between CD-Input and Line-Input
1.) CD-Input is usually a internal cable between a CD-Rom Drive and a sound board.
2.) If you're confused about what you have, contact the sound board company. Most can be used with CD-Rom Players.
** Optical Jammer Options **
1> When I run Optical Jammer, the right speaker is on top of some of my buttons.
The only time we have had this problem is when users are running Windows in High Resolution Large Font video mode. Try changing this setting to Normal.
2> Whats the deal with the Mini Optical Jammer?
Some people said they didn't want all the graphical flash of the speakers and eq, so we created Mini Optical Jammer. The reason Mini Optical Jammer is separate from Optical Jammer is resources. Both programs have the same functions and use the same data file.
At first, we had it all in one program. That made the program too big and it became a resource hog. You now have a choice of whichever player you would like to use.
3> What are all the options in the Advanced Options box?
The help file has an explanation of each function.
4> The eject button stays in when I click on it?
We put that in so that the user knows the status of your cd player. If "Eject" works on your system, and you want to use it, don't eject your player manually.
5> How many Cd's can the log hold?
998 (If anyone reaches that, I would love to see their Opticalj.ini file!)
6> I was changing video resolutions and I lost Optical Jammer?
This occurs when a user moves Optical Jammer into a area not shown in lower resolutions. Change back to the higher resolution and move Optical Jammer into the upper left corner of the screen. Then change back to the previous resolution.
** Registration Questions **
1> If I register, what happens when a new version comes out.
Registration of Optical Jammer is a "Lifetime" registration. Any new version will use the same password. Just download the new version and it will work off the same .ini file.
2> What do I get for my $12.00 Registration ?
1.) A password to disable the word "unregistered" in the Control Box Menu and on the About screen.
2.) The firm belief that you'er honest and the world is a great place to live in.
3.) A disk with the latest version of Optical Jammer (note: disk version may be the same depending on the version you're registering)
4.) BONUS cd-player called Optical Jammer 4 Kids. Using the same great engine, OJ4K adds big colorful buttons and great sounds.
3> What do I get for my $7.50 Registration ?
1.) A password to disable the word "unregistered" in the Control Box Menu and on the About screen.
2.) The firm belief that you're honest and the world is a great place to live in even though you didn't spring the extra few bucks for the disk.
* What to do if you have problems *
You can contact us in the following ways. We would love to have your comments
or suggestions. We will provide technical support via U.S. Mail or E-Mail only.